Roll 1868-1892

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LONDON: B I L 1\1 NT A T U P I Ie E R I ... G, 196, PIce D IL L Y. 1 6 .





F :. tT F JER IN


TIlE T n orOLIEH. 1\ fa of the Vacant during the abeyance of the rder.


(11, \ - n Pnl It 01 D. II is Grace the DUKE OF 1\L\.xCIIE TER,G. tT.J.

(in PldOlt OF IIU:L L - D. The T DE SA.LI, G.C.J.J., r. '.11., K.P.E., &c.

ItULiPl' OF E<..LE. The right IIonourahlc the LOlm LEIGH, G. .J.J. OFFI ER

Prcl'cpto}'(?lTo}'phichclt ill cutlmul. The right Hunourable the LOUD Tnltl'lIlClll ,U. ..

Prf'sidcnt (!f'the (,IUli'l{ r. 'olon] BL"HLT T 1'. .J.J., .B.

C/Z ((p/(lill-Gf?Il('J'ul. Th Re\. 'Y· BElTnNeK L. II A. WKL - S, I\::. ..J.J., L\" F.r. \

ClwllC'cllor ([lid AJ'(·/iivist. 1\Iajor- en ral '1'. GEORGE Roy. Art .• K .. J.J., .n.

ccr p tul'y-Gcllc]'ul. ir ED)Ir TD A. II. LE II IERE, Bart., F.J.J., 1\1.1 ., Phyl1l1 ourt near U pton-on- ey rn.

RecclI'cr-Gelleral. Licntcnant- "Ioloncl ,VIIITWORTH P I TER, Roy. Eng., K.C.J.J.

Re!Jil;ill'al',('cretal'!!,((nd JUd!J£,-fj-Anlls. JULI A. PE R x, K.J.J., :B. S. A., 26, Great George 'Y.

Ge71calo!JistandLibrarian. The Pc,. l1'Coo, 1\IA., 1 •• .A., Chaplain.

Almol/er. II \HLE J. n K. of Ora c The hauccry, ", l\Iartin's Place 'I'ra falgar arc ., \\Y. C.



The Grand-Prior, with the Bailiff: holl1inO' ffice the fficcr'"' of the Langue, and the followiner lcetcd :-Colonel'YILLIAl\l

B HLTOX, C. B. (Pre ' idcnt) ir EDW IIoA Rart. CARTEn, FCHLEY, thc Rey. ,r. I3E .- TIX K L. nl.A., F.n. '., and H. B. Ill: ltI D \... T )l.P.

Chance7'YoftheEnglishLangue, , "' PIne ,Trafalgar quare) London, ,V..

Bankers. Thc London and "\'" c ' tmin. tcr Bank, 1 •. J quare, S." . 5

1\IE R F TIlE L X G DE OF EXG LAXD , L-<lDteat QI:tOzzez. (G.C.S.J.)


El ect d

1 G. :\L-L.- TIE TER, Hi Grace William Drogo, Duke of,-KimboltonCastle,IIullts; 1, Gt.tanltopeC'ftreet, TV. 50. DE ALI., P tel' John 10unt (Uoly Roman Empire) K. C. H., ILH..E. Prlls ' ia, IL ... , ILL. H., &c.-S.John's rilla, Actun, TV. eceived into the Order, in the Anglo-Ba,arian Langue, 1 4-t.

1 63. LEIGTI The Right Hon. ,Villiam Henry, Lorc1,- 'tnneleigh Abbey,]{enilu:orthJVarwicnhire; 37, Portmanq.,lV.


PIIILIPPART, ir John, K. Gu Vasa and Polar Star, 'weden, l\I.R.I.A.,-CollpgeHouseChurchLane,Hammersmith Jr.

PEItH Tr, Sir Edward George Lambert, Bart., late Captain Ea - t Kent ]ient,S.E.

l\lA PIIER · T , E,,-en, hicf of the :\lacphercon and Clan huttan - IUIlY Cast/f',Killgllssie,lm;erness-sllire;Jun. Cnitedcr-ice(lub, 'D 'eneral ' il' R. Colonel of the 1 th Trugh,Lillltrick;enitederviceClub . Jr.

BI .SBY, Rob rt L L. D. K. t;.J. of the ...., ,, orL1, Portugal, &c.,l{ftullresewt,Peckham,.E.

11U wFonD, ,Yillium, \.. bief trate of Bombay.

E TILl, II nry Baron (Portugal ) F.R. S.L.,-Berkeley IIoll f' ((lll'JJ'idgetreetJr. ; BrandonParR,uifolk; lec/daleFunt. Il eal' ]{cJl{Zal. eneral 'il' John Ly .. aght, K n. ILC .. urdinia, Gr. OfF. Leer. Hon. France, olonel of the 22nt1 Reeriment, 6, Ii lowCrescent,andCnifed 'erviceClub,

R \,\r: \.Y, )1aj.- eneral Jumc lute cneral, Bengal Al'my,-46, BryanstoneSquare,Jr.

1861. 1 62. " 1864.

ARB TIl OTT, Admiral ir Alcxantlcr Dundas Yonnp:, G ntlcman of the Privy Chamb r to Hcr 1\1ajc ty, ICC. Chad ' 111., and S. Fernando, pain, K.C.::;t.G., H.u"ia, anel 1\Iecljidie, Turkey,- ConscrvativeClllb,TV.

TORPIII liEN Thc hight lIon. Ilobert, Lonl,- CalderI}ouse EdiJ/burgh;Brook'Clllb, . IT:

Ben TOA, Coloncl ,Villiam, . D., late Commi eary-Gencral, Bengal Army,- Oaldollds'hc}Jhcrrl'.BlishTV.

HOARE, ir Edward, Bart. -Littlelfotltjic-ldnearAliford, ]{ellt.

Il.-J1)onoratp (I"". .,f.rT.)

1 .J: l. 1 -12.

POTT, Joseph Compion, Jun. -IIardrll,](l'71t.

ALEXA:KDEH, olonel Sir Jamcs Etlwanl, r.C.L. ' S., Persia, K. l\Icdjil1ie Turl ey,- Trest,/'ton /lollSf', Bridfr of Allan, l{B.· United A elTiteand 1thcl/((,lI1n (,I/{llsS.lV.

1 .J:7. " 1 57. " " 1858. " 1 59. " " 1861. "

VA VA 'C R, ir }Ienry .1 I rV;'l1 , B.lrt.,- })([/dillgttJll 1l((l/, Tadcastc7';Traveller"Cluu 't TV.

J\IAA ',_E L, ir John 13 11 \\"'illiam Bart. -1'r·hoed,Llu/ldilo, Caennm·thells!Lire;C((rltollClub, .5'. Tr.

SPUYE, Captain H.ichan1, latc Dvp.-.T raj, l\Ia.c1ra. Army,-1H, '. Gr·or.r;e's Terr((('f' l{fllsil/fltoll,IT:

"\VOLL,L_TO T , J\Iajor Fr '<-krick, late illcll I hagoon'1 G, Grafton'trcetTIhelltunlfallN/lJ/crtfoJl, hire.

BROWNE, :Major-Gcl1crul 'Valtcr .Tohn . B. ,-1.J: A '. Jamc ': quarc 8. Jr.

LE CO"CTEUR, Coloncl John Vi count uf J'l"CY, A.D. C. to the Queen.

IIUCKUrRGll, Sir Franei , Ba.rt., F.R.S.,- Iwellburgh PUJ'/t. 7lcarDave/dry.

Pow T LL, Henry, Chairman of the J\1illL1le ex e'sions,63,RussellSqua1'e, If: C. P 1 TEU, Lieut.-Culonel 'Vhitworth R.E., K. l Icdjillie, Turk y,-16, Roy.JJIil.Coll.Taracf,Farl/borollghtalioJl llallts.

RYLA D, Lieut.-Coloncl Georgc IIermon,- GOVC1'JtnU J/t !lollSf', JJlontreal.

RAd,'AY, I car-Admiral GeorO'c, C. B.

ST. GEORGE, l\Tajor- cncrnl .Tohn, H..A., C.B., Oif. Leg. lIon. }1 rance, aull K. Turk y, Dil' ctor- 1 cneral of the Orc1nanec.-l 7, Rutlal/dCutr',}lydePurR,S.IV. 18()3. 186.3.

A.i.. DEB.S01 , Licut.-Colonel Thomas, C.B.,-IIawtlwrnIfill, neal'Fredericton,NewBrunswick.

IIAwICL Ts , The It e v. "\Vm. Bentinek Letham, 1.A., F.R.S., -100,Ifarle!JSt.,IV.;Athe71({!umClub,S. 'fv. of


DE PEAIt 'ALL, Robert Lucas, late 4th (Emperor's Own) Reg. Uhlan:::, Austrian Army.

TIl., RGL , , Captain Somcrville \raldemar, late Grenadier Guards (brothcr to the late. il.' C. ill. Lamb, Bart.) , l\Iajor-General John, \U., K. Turkey,14, i't. James'sSquaTe,S.If'.

Bun CEo , Licut. Fitzjame Holmes.

LEITH, .Tohn Earley, late Profe ' or of Civil ILE.I.C. Collegc, IIaileybury, - 79, GloucesterTerrace,Hyde Pw·k., IT.

BLIL EL, Aust1'alia.

B uU':., Licut.-Colonel lIarry James, 11.1\1. Inc1ian Staff. FIFE, • ' ir J uhn, Dep.-Lieut.,-iYewcastle-on-Tyne.

HOLLA D, l\Iajor Trevenen J ame

SUElnD L , II nry Brin ley, IrestbourneTerrace, JT:;Ou/dallds,t.Peter' , IsleofThanet.

RUlL ES, Lieut. idney Holmes. Hugh, late urgeon-General, Dornbay,-GroveEnd I lOlle,t.JohnsIVood.

B c.TET T, John Robert late Bcngal,-U, CvmbridgeTurace,IIastings.

IIO.AUE, J 0' ph "\,-r all it! O'Bryen, 5th l\Iiddlesex l\lilitia, -Littlellotlificld,Ashford,]{erzt.

LOCH, lIenry Brougham C.B., Lieut.-Governor of the Isle of lan,-Dvllgla , 1: leof!l-Iall.

CAUTEI:' harled Pembcrton, - KcnningtonHall,A,hford, Keld.

, Captain William, II.l\I. 7 th IIighlanuer .

F ULEY, JOIIN,-A 'liford,I{ent.

LE lUIEHE, ir EllmunLl Anthony Harley, Bart., l\1.P.,R!t!JddCO/l1'l,Uptoll-on-evern;CarltonClub, S. IV. 'YALFOHD, The rev. Ed ward, 1\1. A., - 17, ChurchRow, ]lampstead, lV.

PE \It - 0 , Julius Alexander, LL.D., F. --< ••.\•• ,-46, IIyrlePark Sqllarc,IV. . JuniorCarltonClub,S.TV.

rV·-Qtbaplain $.

1 65.

1 5 67. " -' ,

1 6 " J, "

1 59.

1 6l.

1 65.

1 67 " " 186 "

IIAWKIN , The Rev. 'Vm. Bentinck Letham LA., F.R . .,100,IIarle!!Street,IV.;Athel/((!UmClub (ChaplainGenera l).

lEI , The Rev. ' Villiam D., l\LA. (careojAIldnEsq.,TrimMedonRoad,lrallds1Oorth).

HCGo, The Rev. Thoma, l\I.A. F.S..A.,- TheRecto?'YlVi!.t


'V ALFORD, The Rev Edward, 1. A., - 17 (,lllll'rh ROlil Ilampstend,

llADWELL, The Rev. Arthur T. 'V ., 1.A., - LangtoJl Vicarage,nearlila/ton Y (} rll hire

'VOOD, The Rev . Albert \.,- Castle1I10rtol1,lU'arTt!ullf.bur.lJ·

O AKLEY, TheRev .•Tohn .- .11!ar!!'.Road,('aJloJlbllry,.LY.

H OLDEN, The Rev. 0 walll 1\1., l\I.A. E.C.L ,-I{ingswil!forrl , 'Ilea?'Dudley,

)IALET, The Rev. " T '" YI1(lham,-Anlclt'!J riCftrage, lleUl BUlitingjurdIIerts.

'YOODWAJlD, The Rey. .1olm, - S. JI(lr!!' Pal' U7Wf/f ' , 111ontrose,N.B.

1 62 .

IIENDElt. ON, J. ANDER:--oN, AI-"xanc1er 1\I.

DOD W )RTII, Frederick ' hnr]e ,'toJohn'rdla,Acton,IV.

PEAR ON, A l bert Harford l\LA , D. .L. -l(lIebzl'orthRl'ctol'!I nearStevenage,IIerts;.JuniorC((r/touC/ulJ, IiYTE, II. Churchill .ThIa w 11,-55, CU7'zontreet,lJ1flyjllirIV. ON, Edw. 'cott, - Fea1'lwli J leath,C/aills,lIear lForcf'ster.

BURGE,' , John, n. R N.-II.111.S. " PUlIdora,' Ed win, Lieut. xfonl ·hire Iilitia,- R,jorlJlClub,

BURGE s, II. l\liles, Lieut. R. A.

RAJJ. AY, Harrlctt Charlutte, wife of Ramsay, G.C . .J •.T.,-46, BryaJlstone lajor- neral James qUOTe 1862. " " ] 6:3 18 65. 1 67. " " 1 -18 " 1 57. " " " " " " 1858. 1859. ,. 9

PORTER, Annie Shirley, wife of Lieut -Culonel Porte r, R E ., K.C J.J., - 1o, Roy.Mil.Coll.Terrace,Farnborough 4 'tallo/l,IIullts.

ST. G E OlWg, Eliz a. heth 1-1arianne, wife of St. G e orge, R A., K C.J J., C.B ,-17, RutlandGate,Ilyde Parll,IV.

DE LA . TIC St. JAL, Agne:3, Viculllt e . e . BUl! E , Ether Sarah, widow of Jam es, Baron Burne, (German)), G . C.J.J . , K.II.-40, LadbrokeSq.,Notting IIill,IV

IIo \ IIarriet, Lady -LittleIIuthjield,Ashford,lient

L EC IDIE ll E, L oui a RO Salll Oll (1, L a dy, - Rhydd Court,near [Z;fUll-Vll-':,'evern,lVorcestershire

II A"KL , Elizabeth: wife of the R e v. 'Y. B. L. Ilawkins, K.C.J.,J., - 100, Harlf'YStrret, LEIGH, P ight lIon ' aroline Am e lia, Lady,- v'tuneleigh Abbey](ulilworth,Jrarwic/{sitil'e; 3-, PurtmallSq., C "ltharin e , da.ughter of Li e u t. -Cul unel Porter, R . E., r.c J.J.,-16, Roy.lJlil.Coil.Terrace,FUJ'JLborolLJhStation, llants. of

A L ES TER, Li ut.- olonel Charles A.rchibald, K.II.,-Loup rilla Axmi71tel',Del.'V7l.

SJIA W olonel Cbudiu ', r. ' . Fernando, Spain; F.R .. Edin.; late R oyal Art.,-lYOl'to/l-le-..:..lloors,Burlem,Stokeon-Trent.

BEATTIE, 'Yilliam, UpperBer'keleyStrtCt, IV 13 H NE '· , Dalhou:sie Holme late Lieut . R.E.

LAt lUE, 'Villiam Alexander, F. L Edin.,-Rosse71dCastle, Fifcshire N. B.

Pnl. 'Villiam, -Edinburgh. , Licut.- oloneI George \Yat:hin g toI1 : -21 Blomjield Terrace11a1'1'01ORoad,IV.

)PL \ rT D, 1\I.D. F.R.S. -5, OldBurlington"treet, H. V E LLA Sir Lui g i, & G., LL.D., nuent of the P (' co nI ffi ce , l' bItn..

E o ll .l E8, Lieut. Hamilt on Far q uhar H olmcs.

CLAY, \Villiam Nichols -IIzll1Iouse,Babbic()17lbe,nearTvrq7Jay.

DLLL, Al x nnder - Canada.

RYLA:\ D, \Vanen HastiDg8.-Canada

A 2

1860. " 1864. 1867. " 1868. 1867. 1855. 1858. 1865. 1847. " " 1858. " " 1864. 1861. 1864.

CLAY, Richard, late Li eut. 78th Highlanders. ERMATINGER, Lieut.-Colonel 'Villiam, IC . Fernando, Spain, -jJIontreal,Canada.

Charles, F.S.A.,-1TYrlrlri77.gton,Edgonston,Birmmgha.m;AthenceumandConservativeClubs,S. TV.

WOOF, RlChard, F . A.,-lVorceste1"

WREN-HOSKYNS, Chamlos,-IIm'ewoodnearRossIIerefordshire. "

BURGE ,Charles J. (late 46th Regt.),-llavalandjJlilita1"!J Club,Piccadilly, TV.


HILTON, Charles, 8, S.}'IartiJl"Placr,Trafalgarquare Jr. c.


STAGG, General, Qw·to.

SALIS-SOGLIO, Ie Gen -;ral Ulrich, Baron de.

CA TEL BROLO, Federico Lancia c Grassellini, Duca di.

HOl\IPE crr YON ",YI BECQ, Theophilc Anton ",Yilhelm Count von, nephew and hcir of the tcr BurichCastle,nearAi:t-la-Chapclle; alld Cldit{'(lude becq,nearBrussels. (Received into the Order in the AnrrloBavarian Langue, 1 25.) b

BULOW, Carl Georg Alexander, Bnron von. METTERNICH, Baron von.

WINTIIROP, ""Yilliam, Con ul U.S.A.

HEARD, Colonel John T.,-Boston,N.Amf'rif' (7.

WINTHROP, Colonel John,-Louisiana,U.'

BUSTELLI-FosCOLO, Giovanni, Conte di.



1 32.

1 34. 11

LASTIC ST. JAL, Loujs, Vicornte de. DELEPIERRE, Octave, LL.D., F.S.A., Belgian Consul-General and Sec. of Legation,-35, IfowleyPlace,lrIaidaIfill,W. 1868. 1862. 1790. 1799. 179 . 1 30.

TENNE EE, The Right Rev. Charles Todd Quiotard, LL.D., Lord Bishop of,-JYIemphis,Tenn.,U.S.


PIIILLIPS, Robert,-23, CockspllrStreet,S. W. ®emberz.

LAWRENCE, ir James, I\:.J.J. (receivedalJroad).

P PIIAM, Admiral ir Home Riggs, K.C.B., HOPE, Vice-Admiral the Right lIon. ir ",Yilliam Johnstone, G.C.B., :M.P., Governor of Greenwich Ho pital. ir Joshua Colles, Bart., Captain 9th Foot, K. t. Louis, France, and K. Ord. Loui of Hesse Darmstadt (receivedi1ltotheOrder by the69thGrand-l11aster,theBa'ron FerdinandvonIIompesch).

Admiral ir SV"illiam Sidney, Count Palatine of the Lateran, rince ftlagitral and Regent of the Order of the Temple, G B., .C.T , Portugal, G.C.S., Sweden, ' .C.. Fcrd. and G.C. Ord. Naple , K.G.S., Rome, K. Cre c., Turkey, D L., F.R.S., etc. (Teceived ill theAllfJlo-BavaTianLangue).

Lieut.-Col. Sir ,Yarwick Rele, K. Leg. Hon. France, Vice-Admiral of Devon (receivedintheAnglo-Bavarian Langill').

PEAT, The Rev. ir Robert, D D., G.C. Stani -laus, Poland, haplain to IGng Georo'e IV.

DesTIoy The Right 1100. James, Lord. Doyle, Iajo1'- eneral i1'John nElley, K.C.B., K.S. Fernando, pain, and R.T. e S., Portugal, K. re c. Turkey, LA ' ,FORD, The Bight I-Ion. IIercules Langford Lord. tretch owley.

CLAN.l. TY, "" illiam Reid, 1\I.D., F.R , Edin., 1\I.R.I.A. BROW T Lieut.-Colonel William Henry, late Captain 23rd

WeI h Fu iliers.

1\lAG1.1. N, William, LL.D.


GIU.NT, Captain Thomas, Vice-Admiral of Devon.

DE TocQ EYILLE, Peter Victor, Comte.

BARTOr, ir Freeman, late aptain 2nd Foot.

R TIERT 0 T , General George Duncan, of truan, Chief of the Clan Donnochie, C.B., K. Imp. Ord. Leopold, Au tria.

BHOUN, Sir R. Bt.

1835. " " " 1837. " " " 1838. " " 39. " 1840. " 1842. 1 44. " 1846. 1847. " 184 " " " " " 1849. 1855. " 12

BEETHAM, 'Yilliam, F.R. PLUNKETT, The lIon. Ranuall, l\IACKENZTE, Charle Fitzgerald. SIIADWELL, The Right lIon. ir Laucelot, Vice-Chancellor of England.

BURNES, James, Baron (Germany), IC.n., LL.D. F.R DE PEARSALL, Robert Lucas, lVillcsbridg(!1107(Sr,Glollcestel'shire;JrartensecCastle,Lalle of Constallce.

BELL, William, nl. D.

HILLARY, i1' 'Yilliam, Bart., Equerry to n.R. II. the Dll ke of ussex.

HILLARY, Sir Augu tus 'Villiam, Bart., late 6th Drngo o ll Guards.

Dl"MOKE, The lIon. ir Henry, Bart., 17th Hereditary Champion of England. , .Tames.

PEARL, Commander ir R.::;., K II.

TEll, Captaill Richard Thoma., Jr e nadicr (;'nards.

]\1 TRRAY, Captain .A rthllr f'tormont HiRe Brigade.

Sir Rob l't Ale amIcI', r.C.IT., K.R.b., Pru ia, K.L.H., France, Phy ician to the Briti h Ellloa: y at Paris. .

1\LicNAB, Colonel Sir Alan Napier, Dart. Primc 1\fioi tel' r Canada.

PERROTT, Sir Eclwarc1 Bindlo s Bart.

Cu YN rTIA:\I, ir Robcrt 1"'" cith Dick, Dart. the Hon. Franci Henry.

LAMB, Licut.- Colonel Sir Charles IIontolieu, Bart., Baron c1 , St. Hypolite, Francc, D.C.L. Kllight- or the IIoll eholu.

LABANOFF, Ilis IIighne s the Princc Alexander.

A TTRIM, The Right IIOll. Hugh Seymour, Earl of. LAMB, 'harles Jamcs 'ayille l\fontgomery.

GRIFFITH " l\Iajor ,Villiam Stuart, 23n1 Foot.

GLOVER, l\Iortimer, l\1.D., WILKIE, Licut.-Colonel Da.vid.

BROUN, Lieut.-Colonel \Villiam James, Government Secr 'tary, Guernsey.

B CKLEY, nInjor 'Villiam, Bengal Cavalry. ,,\VILLIAlH, Thomas Troughear, 1\1. D., K. G. S., Rome, Physician to the pani ' h y.

G NNING,John, . , K. Vilhclm of the Tetl! lr}alH.]s, In spcctor General of Army 1855.

FLORES, General, G.C.C. 111., Spain, Gr. Off. Leg. Hon., France, Presiden t of the Ecuador.

RU,RIO-SFORZA, It Generali It Duca Luc1ovico di.

BUHNE , Lieutcnant George .JO .' E"-, Vicc-AcImiral the lIon. Alcxander :Montgomery.

LE GEYT, Philip ,\YiIJiam, l\lemb. Legi lative Council of Indin.

DltETT, -;\Iajor Reginald Best.

GJLL ' T, John, Bcngal Army.

00 Lieut.-General 'ir J ame Dart., G. C.B., K. " S.l. 'YIIrTeflR\.D, John, Superior of the Barony of Drem, 'cotland. PI 1' IlBY, the lIon. lIamnett, l\Iember of the Legi lative Council of ianada.

FREE , TUN, olond Sir" illiam Lockyer, K. ' .C.IIL, f ' . Fernanuo, and I ' abella the Catholic, Spain, and Knight of the Holy 'cpulchre.

Licut-General 'Yilliam, K. ere c. Turkey.

Admiral ir Jame Hanway, K.C.B.

AGAR, Lieut.-Colonel 'i1' Emmanuel Felix, Knight. 'VATT , Vice-Admiral George Edwanl, .B., ICH., K R.E., K. lIenri the Lion of Brul1"wick, etc.

DI nop, Cecil, .B, .1\01 LIFFE l\Injor-General Norcliffe, K.11. 'olonel Sir Etienne Pa - chat Knio ht. Prime ter of nnnc1a.

Bl.. IL L , Holland 'Y nrd Holme, Licut. Indian .L - avy. "\Ym. Barclay, D.D. Barri , ter-at-Law, alendarer of State Pap l't:.

HOBErT 00 " Gcorgc Duncan of truan. Chief of the Clan Donnochie, late Lieut. 42mI Highlander.

1\IELANO, Antoine Laurent, Comtc de.

R.DI...; AY Charle 'Ym. Ramsay -Bandonand {[UChie,lVB.



THE 1hapter beg leave to submit the fnlIowil1o' a COllnt of their n ince the last Chapter General, fur the information of the members of the Order .•Tohn or .Tel'll "alem in

A l//lilal Rf port.

It ha fOfmerly been 'at the annual 1l1cetinO' or thc 'hapter (-fcneral for the whole of thc milltl te - of the OI11mis ion for the year preceding to bc read by the 'ecretar),. Thi., it will be allowed by all who have be 11 present at former CiHlpter' Ueneral, was a somewhat tedious proce.8, invul"lllg, a it did the introdu ,t ion uf a great deal of formal and llIlintere tiug matter for thc contant repetition of name"; and it \Va' deeided by a l' of the Capitular ommi. ion that in future a full r port, all matt '1' of intere t and importance eOlllle ted with the proce <1iI1O''- of the Cuumi ion during thc year, should bc preparecl by thc Secretary-General., and read at the Chapter General in lieu of thc "holc of the llJinute". It wa al 0 decidecl that report ' from the Hecei yer-Gencrnl and 4\ Imoner should be at the ame time laid LcCure the Chapter Icnera!.

One O'reat advantage of the plan will be that in case the Chapter General decille upon printing the::e rcports, our, eatt Ted member will be kept con tantly informed of our operation,..., and it i. hopc(l that their intere t in the progre of the Langue will be hy tlli mean 11 tained. The report may also bc of use in conveying to the O'cneral public, and espccially to who may be de irollS or ciceking athlli sio11 to our ranks, orne idea of our principles and obj ct.


The CapitUlar Commi ion have to report that during the pa"t ),ear they have held nine chapter, namely, in the month of J lily, A ugu t, 15

and December, 1867, and in the months of January, February, :\Iarch, April, and June, 186


By a decision of the Capitular Commi sion at their Ia ·t meeting, their 10nO' and somewhat indefinite title has been altered to the 'horter anll ll10;e reO'uJar name of Chapter. The Capitular Commi sion was formed orne ago fur the purpo e of carrying on negotiations the authoriti of the Italian Langue of the Order, and the term contmued to be nppliell to the body to whom the Chapter General the munarrcment of the affair::; of the Engli..:h Langue. In returning to the name Ch:'lpter, we "hall be taking a.nother tep towa.rd u5::iimilating our con titution to the principles of the Ancient Statute and the of' other branches of the Order.


The fullowing gentlemen have been admitted and of the Onl'l ill the Engli:::h Langueince '. John Bapti t's Day, 1 67.


uliu A. Pearson, E q., LL. D., F. Chapluzns.

He\ Arthur T. "T. :JI..,:\... " ... ilbert A. 'Y ood.

" J 01111 Oakley, :J1. \. " O,yuld)1. Holden, B.C.L. " ,\,r. ,\\Tyndham l\Ialet. John 'Y uod ward.


II. hurchhill Lyte, Esq., eh. Ch., xford. Edward cott 'ander:son E'q.

Commander John Burge'::;, R . .!.. I.


Edwin Frend, E q., Lieut. Oxford.shire :JliIitia. IIoJ/oraryChaplain.

Right Rev. the Lord Bi hop of Tenne' ee, U. .A.


During the year everal changes have taken place alllong the officer

16 of the Langue, and for temporary purpose new officers have been created.

The Rev. Chaplain Thomas II ugo lIn been appointed Librarian, and also holds the office of Genealogist. The Chancellor 1\faj.-General the St. G:eorge undertaken the charge or our record" a ArchIVIst, the Chevaher J uhus A. Pearson has been appointed Deputy Secretary General, and ilIr. C. J. Burges, Assistant Almoner, These two latter office, which were created to meet a temporary emergency and pressure of work, !lre now no longer necessary.

!he Rev. Chaplain Edward 'ValConl having signifietl his wi ·'h to reSIgn the Registrar and Seeretary, the h,lpler propo.::e that the ChevalIer JullU A. Pearson lIould be appointell to the vacant office. Lieut.-Colonel the Commander Porter wishc:-> to re:::;irrIl the office of the duties of which arc increa ing anli requireO Illllch personal attentIOn. 1\11'. Charle" J. Burges, who from the £11"t ha given active assi,tance in the ho pitaller work of the Langue, ha" becn nominated for appointment to the vacated by the ummam]er Porter.


The principal subject for conrrratulatiull is the C:l"C:1t succe:::' which has attended the plan adopted by the Chapter G II ral la"t year for tb admini of the charitable oblation' of the Languc. 'The of the a ....l tance afforded to out-patient ... of Charinrr ro Hospital will be given in the Almuner's rcport, ancI it 1-. ary to enter into the vcry intcresting particular' of' thi ' re:dly hospitaller work, but the Chaptcr ha eyery reU"OIl to be at i fi d wi tit the re ult, and it i difficult to imagine how all\' other methud cluld have been devised by which so much · ubstantial could have IJecn effected with the small means at pre ent at the of the Langue.


The same plan adopted at Charing Cro s IIo"'pital been commenced at King's College lIo pital-the authoritie' of' ,yhich have themselve as bei?g most de irous to make u e of the proffered aId of the Order. There WIll, therefore, for the future be "ix conva1e::;cents from each hospital, who will receive such nouri::;hiIlrr ancI stimulants as the medical officer may prescribe. The istel"s S. John' N Street, Strand, have very kindly offeret1 to prepare and dIspense the dlOts for the King's College Ilospital patients, and the Chapter has gratefully accepted the !n acknowledgment of the services rendered by that institution durmg the management of the former and present 8i tcI1lOod-services

which have contriblltefl very consi(lcrably to the successful working of our charity scheme-the Chapter at their la t meeting resoh'ed upon ofl"erin rr a donation of £5 to the funds of '. J ohn'::\ Hou e, which i" maintained lJY unnual and at present in want of support. This offer has been thankfully accepted and warmly acknowledged on behalf of the institution by 1\11'. Bowman, the eminent surgeon and oculist, one of the council.


The Si terhoou of SS. 1\lary and John, who were formerly OCCllpants of S. John's IIouse, and who the of the nul' ing at King' Colle rr e and Charmg Cross HospItal, have offered their services to the ruer of S. John with a view to aiu it ho pitalier work in any way in their power. In return for these service, which will extenu to vi iting any objects of the charitable care of the Y night a well a to the preparation and dispen ing of food, &c., the have a ked the Oruer to be re ponsible for a portion of the rent of their pre cnt hou e. *

The hapter, after uue con ideration, thought it right to accept thi' offer, and to make themselves respon'ible to the extent named for one year, it being deemed by them ue irable to extend the ho pitaller work of the rder 0 far as the funds at their command would permit.

It is proposed to rai 'e the urn required annually, without trenching on the regular income of the Langue, by pecial contribution to a . i 'terhood fund, which will be kept from the ordin::u y receipts and expenditure.

'oIne annual ub crivtions have already been recei,ed, and a rno t liberal donation of £15 from the Chevalier Fnrley.

The Si::;terhood ha ye taken a hou e, 1 o. 2. 7, Percy Circn , Clerkenwell which though <.1istant from Charing and King'" ollege IIo pital', is l1l0 ' t conveniently ituated a' regard' two other great ho pita1s-.the Great.!. orthern IIo pital, anc1 the Royal Free II06pital, , ray" Inn Road.

The real "ant of -nch aid a' that given by the Order, and the impEcity and efficacy of the 1110de employed by the hapter in supplying

'" Thc above arranCT mcnt was mauc with tbe iLlen. that the sisters would have to take a hOll C for thc c of the On1er near to King' ollege at a rent than they would otherwi ' C be giving, and it wa felt to be only right under uell circum'tancc that the Order should bear the extra co -t. A', however, by the arrangement' ubse(l'lCntly m:ule, the jsters werc aLle to take a hou:e in a lc ' exp n ive locality, they declined to accept any llb:,;illy from the Onler; and the money lcft by this geucrou act at the disposal of the Chapter has been added to tLc Almoncr's runu.

that want, will, it is hoped, be acknowledged by the members of the Langue generally, and induce them to give liberally to an object 80 dear to the of John in times present as well a pa t-the relief of the ick and destitute.


If an effort be made, and if many of our members who have not yet contributed to our funds for 110 pitaHer purposes will now com forward and aid the Chapter, there i no doubt that "e might at onc commence carrying out in the north of Lonuon the ame good work which has hitherto been so succe ful in the outh-west.


The visiting of the conyalescents at their own hou es ha been carried out regularly by the erving-Brother hade IIilton, by the Assi tant Almoner, 1\11'. C. J. Burge s, and by some of the r'"nio-ht::l and one of the Ladies of the Order. 0

The erving -Brother Hilton ha proved him elf to be a rno t fittinO' per on for the duties required; and, thullO'h him"'el1' all iIl\ulill, devoted him elf to the work of visitincr and rel)ortino' about the cono 0 vale cent, with a heartine s and kindly £ cling which arc much appreciated by the poor recipients of the aIm of the Oru r. In ackn wledgment of the senices which he and his wife 1'enuer to the rc1er in various way, the Chapter haye made an ac1uition to hi tipend, It i much to be wi ' hed that the number of member' uf the reler who are willinO', at certain period, to undertake to yiit the poor convalescent , coulu be increa eu, 0 that a r crubr rotation of duty lllicrht b • b be The work of viiting the poor in Lonuon is a must intere ting one, and there can be no doubt that the occa ionai in t rcour 'e of the upper with the humbler cIa c in our gr at towns must be productive of the be t re ults. The gratitude with which many of the convale cent have exrre ed them elve fur the per onal att ention or members of the Langue who haye vi ' ited them pro'i'e how warmly thl part of our work is appreciated. The Almoner will yery gLHlly r ceivc the names of tho e a1 0 wlIo are de irou of aiding personally in visiting the convalescents during the en uing year.


In the northern ho pitals of the metropulis, their di , tance from the west end will most likely preclude the po ' ibility of the Knicrhts anu other members of the Order visiting the con vale cent ; and here it is that the aid of a i terhood working for the rder will be IDO t beneficially felt, as the sisterhood will visit the convalescents regularly, and from 19

time to time report through the Almoner to the It must, be b · to all that the uttendance of a body of expenenced nurSIng o VIOUS 'bl 'fl Sisters on the wants of the sick mu t have the be t pos 1 e In uence in securing their proper management, and promoting their ultimate recovery.


Before quitting the subject of our work: it is right to mention that the question of the expedIency settIng ,on foot an ambulance ervice, for the conveyance to the ho pltals of SIck and injured person, introduced at the la t Chapter General, has been di cu cd by the Chapter, the Almoner the Commander Porter haVIng drawn up a carefully prepared scheme. ,

The opin10n of 1\11'. F. C. Skey, the of . Bartholomew' IIospital, and that of other surgIcal authontIes, wa consulted, and the difficulties in the way of an adequate and ucces ,ful adoption of the cherne appeared so great that, ,on the recommendatIOn of the Almoner, the Chapter General abandon It for the pre ent, BranchoftheSocietedeSeco'llrsau:cBlesses.

Another project has been under the con ideration of the, which is that of endeavourin lY either collectively, by the Order, or lilb " , , dividually, by the efforts of orne of its achnO' 111 conjUnctIOn with military officers of experience, to e tabhsh ll1 Ellgland a branch of the great European a sociation of the" ociete de ecours aux 1\lilitaires." It is somewhat singular that England tand" almo"t alone among t the other great power', in having no representation of this admirable society; and it is to be hoped. the efforts of member of the Order or othenn 'e, Its claIm' to the mtere t and sympathy of Engli hmen may not be much longer 0 erlooked.


N ext in importance to the progre s of our chari,table operations comes the very O'ratifyinO' announcement of the estabh hment of mo"t b 0 1 P , friendly relations between the Engli ,Langue and t 1e ru 'lun ICnicrhts of the Bailiwick of Brandenburg, lil the German Langue. In of the very interesting particulars connected with the good works of the Prussian Knights, during the recent German war, by the Rev. Francis Cannon, one of the military chaplains at Aldershot, the Secretary General was induced to obtain an introduction, through Count von Bernstorff, the Pru ian and North German amba ador to the Count Eberhard zu Stolberg- 'Yernigcrod , the Chancellor of the Bailiwick of Brandenburg, In reply to the application made for in fo1'-


mation as to the statutes and organiza.tion of the Bra.ndenburO' branch the ount zu Stolberg most kindly sent a voluminous a the pa t hi of the Bailiwick and the pre ent worl-inO' of it, exIve and adnnrable charitable organization, with detail ' of' its e n ices In the cause of humanity during the late German war. The tat e lllcnt was by t!le .statnte ,and OlUe copies of a Ydry r e.:: ting 1 sued perIOdIcally by the Bailiwick. The evaluable contnbutIons havc, by the kind pel'lni of the ount zu " tolberO' been tran hted, printed,. and publi ' hed under the llirection and <.lito; hip oi' the Chev.aher JulIus A. Pe:u"on, for the u ' e oC it member', by the In the form of a ':Memoir of the Bailiwick of Bralll1cnburrr," to wluch ha' beel! prefixed an Introduction, givin o an account of the Ortler of . John in England, [rom the able pen of the Hev. haplain Thomas our t Librarian, to whom the Chapt e r are grcatly mdebted for Ius rcady a istance.

The wa printed for the Lal1 rt lle by th e D o yal Artillery In titution at 'Yoolwich, at a very muderate co ' t.

In return for the infurmatiou thus l'l..il1l1ly sen t, the hapter aulhoriz J the. Secretary-General to write to the 'uunt zu Stolberg c. -pr s theIr warmest and sending him a copy of tho tatute oC the Langue. after this we received a opy of the weekly pe1'1odlcal of the BallI wick, ontaining the \V hole of the E1JfTli h statutes, together with the li,t of our 111embe1" into ho.wing the interest which our Prusi:m C01{{rcre' took in our " : wI11ch apparently had not been previou'ly known to them. in e thi ,ye have received further comnnmi('ation and information from ount .Stolberg, very friendly feelin<r towan]s the Engli h h_l11ght , and a Sllleere WIsh for more intimate relation .

One Cop? of 1\1emoir will be ent to eycry m mber of the Order applymg for It, and additional copie:; may be obtained if required at Is. each.

Ono of the members of the Chaptcr, the Chevalier J u1iu " ....\. I arson, proposes vi iting Berlin t.hi autumn, and it is "\ cry desirable that he ' houhl oe the means of ootainincr further in {'urmation a to the organization and u ages of the Bailiwick of BramlenburO', antI of till further e tabE bing the friendly relations which havc prung up between ourselves and that branch of the Order which in its principle ' and objects, mo ' t closely resemble' our own. '

Under Chapter XI. of the Statute::> of the Langll e , t he ladics of the Order (Dame s Chcvalicre ) been regularly con s tituted s a Chapter, have hel(l two meetmg s The Lally Lei g h I as been ele c ted Pre Ident, the Lady Vice - Prcsident, and l\I r. C. J. Burg ct5s has undertaken the dutles of Secretary.


It i only right to mention that 1\lr. IIaw kins, the wife of our Chaplain-Geneml, very kindly offered her ervices a Secretary to tbe Ladies' hapter, for \V hich the thank of the Chapter rdinary have been duly rendered to her' but it wa thought that, independently of the duties of the office bring likely to 1e of an onerous nature, inasmuch as the function of the Laelic ' Chapter will be mainly connected with the IIospitaller work of the Langue, it would be if not neces"ary, tbat the dutie of ecretary should be performed, if po sible, by the pre ent i tant Almoner who e experience on all matters connect d with the COlw:11escents would ue of e ential value.

The Ladie " haptcr propo e to hold meetings in the months of 1\1arch, April, 1\lay .T nne and December.

The following may be briefly tated a tbe principal dutie which the Ladie' ihapt r hope to be aLle to perform:-

1. To as i t in vi iting the 'onyale .. cent, and to give pecial aid in certain ca es.

2. To collect ticket of aelmi .]ion to variou Ho pitals, e peeially tho e for "recial eli ' ca ueh a the Brompton Con urnption Ho " pital, ' c.

3. To collect clothin rr , old or new for di (Parcel may he ent to the hancery directed t the Almoner.)

4. To ail1 in providing fund ' -for the, ' iterhood work.

.j. To make known the principle and objects of the Engli h Langue [ the n]cr.

The Ladie will be :1 in their connected with the onvale cent by the Almoner, and the uperior of the i terhood of ','. :l\Iary ant1 John al 0 will have a eat, but without a vote, at the Ladies hapt r.

It i' hoped that tho e ladies of the Order, who from their di tance Crom London or other cau e arc unable to vi it, may give their aiel in the other way specified.


Last year it wa <.le it1ed that the membcr of the Langue bonld c lebrate the :E of the Patron aint f the Order by elining together; uch a me ting pm·taking more of the nature of a ocial reunion for the purpose of bringing our cnttered members together, than of that of the ha kneyed typ of public dinner.

So succe ful \Va the c .' perimont, that it has been con idered dsirable by the Chapter to repeat it. An additional feature thi y ar i the ervice, taken by two of our Chaplain', in hurch, which been kil1l11y placed at our dispo.;:al by the Rev. the Vicar. It was e er th practice of our ancient brethrcn of the Ordcr t com-

menee their Chapter- by a. solcmn service and thi ex 11 n t principle is carried out to tllis <.lay by the Pru" ian branch of the Order.


During the pa't year the archivc" amI papers of the Langue, many of which are of much value and intercst, have becn carefully arrang d and eatalogucd by one of our Knight::; of Grace, the Chevalier Richanl ,Voof, F.S.A. The thanks of the Chapter h:we bcen given to 1Ir. ,yoor for the very careful alH1 elaborate manncr in which he ha pcrformed thc task which he voluntarily al1l1 ]-imlly undertook.

The archives are now under the charge or .J. Iajor-Oencral the mmander eorge, who ha addcd the autie of Archivist to those which he already fulfils as Chancellor.


The small Library of the Langue, for many year ' inacce sible to thl! members from the fact of it being kcpt in a chc , t whi eh r Illaincd under the charge of the Secretary-General for thc time bein o " been al'ran(T <1 and catalogued by the Chevalier ,YooC, who as in the ca.;e of the Archiycs, has most bndly off red c rvices. ,rhcn xamincl1 by him with the li.:.t given by the lat Secretary-licn raJ it \Va fOlllld that some of the 1110 t valuable hoo] .' wcre mi.:::-illg and thullgh c\"cry cfl()rt has been made by the present Secretary-Gcneral Hnd other of the Chapter to trace them, they have not yet Lecn rcceiv ' <'1. lJlissiJlgBook').

The mi ing Looks are a follow :-

" J\Jartyrologe des Chevalicr. de . J can de tT,' par ou Pari, 1743.

" IIistoire de tous Ie On1res J\jjlitaircs," J c., par Adricn 'choonebeak.

" Brown's IIospitallaria ct ynop iq." 2 \,o]s.

" Jerusalcm et 1\Ialte," par \ on Oterhau en.

" New Genealogical IIandbook of the 1. T oLlc of thc lIol Roman Empire."

" Statute della Religione di Cavaliere . J ohan."


The books, which are now kept in a Lo okcu::sc at the 'ha!l Ce ry, may be had out by members of the Langue, by applying to the LilJrnrian, the Rev. Thomas Hugo, The Rectory, ,Vest IIacl-ney, ., and cn.llill(T at the Chancery on any subsequent Tuest1ay afternoon, that being thc da.y in each week on which one of the officers of the Langue is almost in-

variahly present. The books so taken out are entered in a book kept for thc purpo. c, and to bcilitate the recovery of any book which may for the future bc they are all marked with the stamp of the Lm)gue.

The following pre ' ent:l of booJc- have Leen received during the past year: -

" History of the Knights Templars." By Col. the Bailli Burlton, C.B.


•' loane Evan' British Heraldry. ' By]\1 Genl. the Commander St. George, .D.

" Statuta. lIo';p. IIiero." Ed. 15 8-1. Folio. By the Chev. E. A. 11. Lcchmerc, Bart., LP.

c Statuta IIiero.' .L 1 : 'So Folio. 1603. By the Rev. the haplain- General.

"Guillim" Di ' play of IIeraldry." Ed. 1G3

"Kottenkulllp' History of Chivalry.)) Ed. 1587 ; and "De V crtot ' IIi -tory of of l\lalta.' Engl. ed. 2 Folio. 1728. All thrce by J. Burges, E q., O.S.J.J.

Further donations of book, e"pecially county and town hi,torie", and gencaloni al and heraldic works, well as of enO'rayinO" drawinO' '-' b b 0"'" and photograph " i1lu tratiye of the Order of, '. J olm, are solicited and may be ' ent directcd to the and Secretary, Jnliu A. Pear : on, Esq., F. S. A., 26, Great George ' treet, 'Yestmin tel', S. ,V., or to the Chancery.


A t the meeting of the Chaptcr in Decem.ber last, a te timonial, for by everal of the Langue, wa pre ented to Dr. Bio'shy on hi:; ion of the offices of H.egi an<1 ccretary, in acknowledgm nt of the valuabl e ervice which be had rC11l1ered to the LanO'ne for a period of thirty-two ycal" a great portion of which he had held important oinces. The te timonial which con i ted of a handsome ilver va ' c , bcaring a suitable in ' cription in Latin from the pen of our c \)llli· ' I' C, the Hev. Chaplain Ed \Yard ,Yulforc1 wa by oloncl the Railli \Yillium Durlton, as President of the Chapter and acknowledgcd by Dr. Big by.


During the J car the tep ha been taken to develop the organization of the Englich branch of the rcler in the province by the e tabli -hmcnt of n. Provincial Chaptcr or 0ll1111anc1ery, consi of the member " of the Order re iding in the countie of ,Yorce tel' and Hereford, the chef-licu of which wil1 be for the present at RhydJ ourt, ncar 1\lalvern, thc ret3iuencc of the Secretary-Genera1.

A. code of regulations for the guidance of the Commandery has been submItted to and approved by the Chapter, and a copy of tllC ame has been placed the Library. of the Langue. It i hoped that by this mcan t!le eXI tence and object of the EngE h Langue may be maLIe known the countie , that eventually ommanderies may be establI hed, a.ccorLIance wIth ancient precedent and the pre ent u age of the BaIlIwIck of Brandenburg, in other part of England.


. During the pa t year the Inner Chamber of the Chancery whioh hItherto had not been required for the purpo e of the Lancrue, het bcen lent on two ocea ions to in titution of a national and philanthropic natnre. In the fir t in tan e it wa plac ed at thc di po "al of the members of the Belgian Rccepti n ommittee who mo t crencrou ly acknowledged the compliment by a uonation of £15 to thc bcharitaLle objects of the Langue. In the "econd ca"c the I< a ' t of London Emigration and Relief ociety have been accommodated with the loan of the room for ten mon th *

In accordance with the dcci ion of the haptcr, the Inner Chamber ha fitted up as a chaptcr room for the me ting of the ' haptcr Ordmary, a well as of the Annual Chapter General, and will bc re erved exclu ively for the purpo c of the Languc.


In conclu ion, the Chapter v e n ture to expre a hope that their labour during the pa t year 'will me e t with the approval of the hapt r Gencral. There no doubt that thc Lancruc bas made sati factory progre ,althoucrh It has not added largely to it numbcr. It i mo t de irable that we hould cndeavour to s ccurc a gradual accc " ion of gentlemen. of position, ready to aid in the int r e ting work of our gr at confraterl1lty. The Chapter carnc tly h ope that before the next hapter General they may be aLle to r port a lar cr e acc ion of m e mb l' aUll a corre ponding exten ion of charitablc wod- ; Lut in the mcantime we must look to our present member for increa ed nnd more hearty support, in order that no effort may be spared to trengthcll the foun-

* Since this r eport wa writt en a ch erl u e for £10 ) Os. h as b ee n l' ece iv e( l fl'om the Secretary of the oeiety, a dOllat.ion from th e omruitt ee to th e c harity of the Langue, accompamed by th eJr hearty tha.nks for tbe a.ccommodation gIven.


dations and extend thc organization of the Engli sh Langue, 0 that it may, under GOD' .- ble ing, continue, however humbly, to carry out the object and principles of our profes ion, and to BU tain the credit of an Order renowned not more for its indomitable courage an 1 devotion to the Faith than for it ever ready ympathy with the oppre ed, and its heartfelt desire to relieve the burdens and to ameliorate the troubles of the sick, the Buffering, and the poor.

(igned) A. l-I. LECH1\IERE,


hancery of th e Engli sh Lan g ue, S.JohnBaptist'sDay, 1 G .




• JOII TB PTI T, 16 .

IT is with much ati -faction that the Almoncr of the Lana-ue i en- o abled to report the ucce ful c tablishrnent of the cherne for citating the charitable functions of our ancient Order, and which ha been for ,,0 long a timc uuder con -ideratioll.

At the haptcr Gencral held at the Chancery of the Langue, on S. John Bapti t ay, 1 67, Hi race the Duke of Grand Prior of England, pre illing, it wa unanimou ly decreed that assi tance should be afforued to the convale ' cent out-patients of the principal London lIo 'pitals by the upply of nutritiou diet when precribed by the Phy ician of the re "pective IIo "pital , to be provided and i sued at the co t of the rder. The lIo l ital of Charing ross was selected as the first upon which the experiment was to be tried, and the Nursing isters of the lIo pital, at . John s Torfolk Street, trand, undertook the cooking and i ue of the provi ,ion gratnitou 1y.

The following scale of diets was determined on after due consultation with the medical authoritie ;-


Beef- Tea or l\Iuttoll Broth or Fi h, or Chicken, or l\Ieat, with Vegetable or l\lutton- hop, or Steak.



Arrow-Root or Rice l\1ilk, or ' ao'o, or Light PmIding.

3. 'Vine, or Drandy, or Bottled Porter.

NB. -Each pint of Deef-T a repre ellts 1--1 oz. of 13 f· illHl any one article in column No.1 i' (leemed an equi\' al nt. 2 of 'Yin :, 1 oz . Brandy, If pint Porter, arc con.j(ler tl a ' qui\'alent:;.

The fir t i un<1er thi . ystem took place on 31.t .l l Soi, and from that time to the PI' the out-pati 'l1ts 0(' the been uninterruptedly in the enjO.'ll1ent of its adyantage It i propo 'ed to inciLlcl 1'"ino' Cullege IIo pital und'l' n l5imilar scheme in tbe course of the present month; amI it i al so propo :, '(1 to e. 't end still further the object' of the Charity b) til addition .:;oon a po ible of IIuspital an<l the Hoyal Fr c e IIn pital, Gray' Inn Road. The llpply of food to two latter lIu , "pital ' will be undertaken by the Si t rhood of 'S. ::\Iar :l1H1 ,J ohn at 'I rk 11 well , who will a l 0 undertake to "\-lit all the case Oil Ill:!JnIC of the Onl'l'.

The following table huw. the amount of which hay' be II is ued, properly cookec1, amI in a palatable form to the recipi nt ' of tl\( , Charity up to the 1;3th June, the late t tlate to which dctailetl r ha ve been received.


l\lutton Broth

, Vine

Bottled Porter

Chop or Stcaks

Light Pudtlil1gs

Portions of Chicken




Pint · , :W7

" 6-l

Oz. 149-1:

Pints, 500

No. 10.J.O


Pint ' , 210 No. 642

The number of cases that have been relieved is 110, and the periods for which the diet have been di pewed, ha varied from scven to fifty days

The following report from Dr. Headland, will provc the sense entertained by the authoritie of Charing Cro..;s lIo pital of this Charity:-

" Ch:l.ring Cros s IIo. pitn,l, April9th, 1 G . TotheBoardofGOVe7'nors, Charin!)GrosIIospital,

" Gentlemen, - The letter of Sir Edmund Lechmere, 'ec r e tary t the EngE h branch of thc rd r of t. John of .J bavin rr been referred to me hy your '0l1lmittce, I have the honour to ::-tate that haying been in attendance on the out-patient f thi Ro .. pital during nearly the whole of the time the first di pen ing of the ve grant of food, wine, &c , placed at our di ' pobal by the Order, I have forme d 11 very high opinion of the value of the Charity, and hould be plea e d u11l1 grateful at any exten ion of its benefit. It upplies u with a efficient means of promoting the recovery of c1e erving but needy patient at their own home '.

"I haye rerlue ted my colleague, Dr. Pollock, to favour me with his and I fiDel that he entirely coincide s with me in this opinion.I am, &c. F. 'V. IIE \.DL.\...-D, l\l.D , F.R.C,P."

I may adu in cOllnection with the ubject, that the per'onal tion of the recipient of the Order" bounty i - sy tematically carried on by the erving Brother, harl Hilton and that se'\eral of our Order ha"e al 0 giy n mo't yaluable in the manner. Dc "el'yin rr cases have in many in tance by thi mean receiyed relief from private om'ces, beyontl that afforded by the rder .

The formation of a Ladie' hapter, which ha ju t been effected, wi ll , it i hoped lead to COD iderable increa e in the benefits to be derived from thi ource.

The Visitors' book, containing a c1 tail of all the ca e relieved by the Order, tog ther with th remark of the "i-it r thereon, may at any time be in pect'd at thehancery of the Orcl 1', and will fully bear ont tbe foren'oing remark, I t may be further adued that the II perior of S. tTohn's lIou e tate, that to her certain know le<b:e in foul' ca"e " positivcly and most PI' bably in two addit;onal ca:;es, the relief afforded ?y t!1e Ord r ha "aye 1 the liye of the which would otherwi"e mevltably have been lost from want of prop r nouri hmcnt.

The sy,tem is now fairly in a tion, and require- only a due e ten"lon of support in the wa of incrcased funds to ensure re ults of a p er mi1Ilent and mo t valuable character.



ON the morning of the 25th J nne, 1 6 111 accordance with arrangements made at the meetincr of the hapter twenty-one or the convale cent, out-patient of the huring 'ro's IIo pital, who hud received relief from the n1er of . John of J ru ' al 111 in Ano'liu. during the past year, made an excurt:!ion into the country. Th y weI' met at the Chancery, at .30 a.m., by the late and pr ent who uperintended the placing of them in the plea ur -vans whi h the rder had provided; and, accompanied by ix of the i,t r of , 1\fary and John, and by the erving Brother Hilton and hi" wiC they proceeded to Bushey Park, being plentifully uppli d with provi ion.

The following were their names and it hould be remembered that their number was limited only by the tate of health and trength f th con valcscen ts :-

1\1:r . Burrill, 11rs. Baleombe, Ellen Bull, George Cu th bert, John Dwyer, Jame Gray, Ellen Gray,

1\11' Garrett, :1\lr. {ould, Eliza Hillman, Ir Howard, Ir. lurphy, Elizab th :l\Iurray

J\t!rtS. Nunn Ellen 'Yi c,

In the cour e of the day the 'ecretary-' en ral and th 1 lmoll r viuited them at Bu hey Park during their dinn r which con i·t II of cold beef, ham, bread, alael, fruit pie, chee butl r plum cak , fruit, and a pint of tout each; and at which th were wait d upon b tIl Sisters, under the uperintcndencc of the nloth r up'riur. ft r dinner, tobacco was served ou t to the In n' and \\' h n the party had roamed about the park atHl visited the gardens f Hamplon lourt Palace, they lutd tea; and started about 'ix 0' 'lock for the Ihan cry. They all expressed til greate t delight at the tr at wili h had h 11 provided for them, some of them not having b Cll out of Londun {'or rnany (in one ca e, fifteen) yeurs. "hat remained of the proviion ' over and above the day con umption \Va taken charge of by the Si ters to be equally distributed by them on the following day, among all the convalescents on the Almoner's list.


EDl\1U r D A. H. LECIIMERE, ecretal'Y-Gel/eral.

C. J. \ " Almoner.




, VEnElO.l, flLIT llY, .AND nELl u OTIDElt OF


I T Ll1i;



( llI S W(CI 1'1lESS :-Pl{( 1'l 1J g y A:-;1) W11, I\I. " 'I'U01, ,, v U lt T, C l1 I.Al\





THE TeIlCOPOLIER. Vacant eluring the abeyance of the Granel Master -hip of the Order.


GUA D PI lOR OJ? E IIis Grace the DUKE OF ::\IANG.C J.J.

GRA D PRIOR OF IUELA J. D. The COUl: T DE G J.J., K.C.P., r.B.E., &c.

BAILIFF OP EGLE. The Right IIonourable the L RD LEIGn, G. C.J,J.


P?'('sidentoftheChapte1'. Colonel B G. ,J.J., C.B, ChanNZZorandAl'rhivist, l\Iajor- eneral 11' John 'T, GEORGE, Roy, Art. r K. .J.J. K. .n., &c.

Sec1·etrl1'y-GelleJ'ul. ir ED:)! D A. II. LECIDIERE, Bart., K.C.J.J., Rhydd ollrt, ncar U pton-on- eyern.

Receicer-Gellcral. Lielltenant- olonel ,VnIT" ' oI TH PORTER, Roy. Eng., K.C,J.J., &c. Almoller. IL\ULE ,' J. n ' R .ES r.J.J. (of Grace), The Chancery, 8, '. l\Iartin' Pln.c , Trafa]n'al' ,,-' quare, 'Y. , Preceptor(!f'T01'l'hiclU'1lincot/Will. The I'lght Ilonourable the LOHD TourulcIIE ,G. .J .J. Chaplain-Gf71cl'al. The I'ev, 'Y. BE TIN r L. ILl \\TL TS, I\:.C.J.J. LA., F.R.S, • Registrar,('crctu.J'Y,lilld J CLIU .:\.. I\:.J,J" ]. .A.) 26, Great George Stl'e t ,y ,t l', • ,Yo Gel/calo.fJi.tandLibrariaJl. The Rc T Trro)u, Ih: uo, l\I.A., Ji ..,; •\.., If.B..S.L., Chaplain,


The ll"aud - Prior with the Daili!f h oh1in g O Ale c. the Officer: of thc LanfTllc :md the following clcctu1 -;\Icn her:, :-Coluncl 1LL1.\:\1

C B (l")rc,..;id'l1t ) ir ElnL\Un IlOAl! E I),ut.

T cl IL T 11' ItLEY the ltcY. \\r. K

L. H A1YKL, 1\1. A . , F .r . ... and Lord Euor.

ChallceryoftheEtlglihL((lIg1le, L on d on 'Y" .. :J Ial'lin' Place, rr

Bun/urs Th e L 01ll1011 an d ,y cstmin ·tcl' Dank J qu. re

nIB}! D E R I.-1B aiI itfs. (G

. . ,J . ,] . )


1 60 l\LL- IIi Grace ,Yilliarn Drocro, Duke of,-I{imboltoJ1.Crlt/P.,lIlll/ts; 1 Ct.tanlwpe-'treet,TV.

1 5D DE, 'ALI, 0 TLIO Peter .r ohn. Count ( H oly Roman Empire), r .. P lIohenlohe, K.H E Pru sia, Pome, K L II ., r.H.,-'. 'C' - " John'Villa,.dctoll, JY. Hecei,ec1 into the On1 e r in the Anglo - Bayarian Langue, 1 -J- L

1 ' 63. LET .II , The Rirrht lIon ,Villiam Henry, Lorc1,-Stoneleigh lube!!,I{enihcortlL,lVurwichshire' 37, PortmanSq


1 47 PIIILIPPATIT., ir .T o 1 1: r. Gustayu Vasa and Polar Star, 1 31.

.:\Vc(1cn. .r. \.. -CollegeIIollse,Chu.rchLaneHam'mermith, Jr.

TT, Ec1war 1 Geol'1re Lam! crt, Bart . late"- Iajo r E;l..;t K e nt lilitia,-Brookhillilousr:,Plllm:teflil,]{ent,S.E. L\('PIIEn 'o F CLc.-Y .,Ew(,ll, Chiefot the .... Inqhcr::,oD' and Jan battall.- Clu)/flCo,tle,]{i"gllssie,Im;enzess-shire; Jun.United'1'/Tir.e(,lub ,..... TJ:

, -ELL General Sir R . Colonel of t he 1 t h Tru,r;hLimerich·CnitodClub S. Jr.

TIrr.SDY, I obert, LL .. , K . S.J . ofthc -\vo1'l1 P or hlgal,&c . ,1 ElmVillas,ElmGrm:rrecltlurm,'.E

"'FORD ,Yilliam, ..1. I. A\.. , Chief ::\Iarristrate of B ombay .

DE Henry, Bar o n (P ortugal) Ii . R . "'.L . -Berlleley llo7fse,u1/ll;ridgeStreet Jr ; BrandonPurk,Suffolk' ledduleForest.Ileur


·_TEF .\THER, General 8ir John Ly aght K. C . B . R. C .. & . Laz .• an1inia : r .c. III. pain, Gr . fr. L eg . H on . France, K . Ttlrkey , Co lone l of the 22nd Reg im c n t ,- '3 01/'lowCresceNt,andUnitedServiceClllb

.AnB t' TIL-OTT, lllUiral " ir Ale . ander Dumb Young Gentleman of the 1)1'iv1' ' kunb er to Her Alajesty r .c. Charles IlL, and R. 11'Cl'nHml0, pain, K .. ,,' t.G .. Russia, and K. TUl+cy,- CVllservutiveClub, S . TV.

ApP(llntl!d 1 '62. " 1864. 1869. 1841. 1842. 1 47. " 1857. " " 1858. 1 59. " " 1861. " 6

TORP1IICIIEN, The Right lIon. robert, Lord - CaldaIlo1tsc, Edinbll1'gh;Broohs'Clllb,S.

B olonel 'Villiam, B. la.te ComIlli "ary-General, Bcngal Army,- Oah1uJI(ls,Shepherd's BliSh, IV. IIoAI' ir Edwnnl, I3art.,-Little110thfidd,near ](ent.

II.-QL:olnnlanDcr. (K. .J .,T.)

LECTIMERE, Sir Edmund Anthony Harlcy, Bart., r of Hanley Ca tlc, 'Vorce tcr ' hirc. - Hh!JrlrI CII II l't, ncur Upto7l-on-Severn;Cm'ltollClllb,S.II'.


POTT, Joseph Compton, ,T ul1.,-IJard( II, I(C71t. Colonel ir James Edwanl K.C.L. l' R, Per in, K. l\Iedjidie, Tnr} ey,- JI·estcdllll 1I0IlSf', flrirl,'ll; AllanN.B.;UniterlServi('eaJl(1 ltlu II({, IOIl CI,,!Js, 1 t. JV.

VA VA Ot: R, Sir lIcnry .! Ien-yn, Dart.,-Sj)((lrlillgt(}ltIJull Tadcastel';Travel/a " Club . Jv.

J\IA EL, Sir John Dell \ Tilliam, I3art.,-lschocti,LI{/Jldilo CaermartltellsTlire'CUJ'ltollClub, ' '.11:

SPPYE, 1aptnin Hiehnnl, late Dep.-.J wIg '- chocate-Gcll ral l\Iadras Army,-1 1 '. G(,(Jr!le's TaNH'( ' , ICel/si'lf)ttlll, Ir.

,VOLLA, ] rCllcrick, late 6th (Inni , killing) Dragoon , -16, Grafton " trf'ct, /tClltOIl11al/]l,T/lI/f'(ifOI/11"((l'lcicilshire.

DROWNE, Lieut.-General 'Yaltcr .101m, C. D.,-1-1, I"'. James's SquareS. fI'.

SIT CKnCRGII, Sir Francis, Dart., F.n .. ,- lwclibllf'f)h 1 (lr/t, nearDavel/try.

POW lT ALL, Henry, Chairman of the l\Iilldlc C,' cs 63,Russellquw'(',TI:C.

POltTElt, Licut.- o}onel 'Vhitworth, P. E., r. l\ledji(lie, Turkey,-Br()lIIptol/J1al'raclisChatham.

RYLA D, Licut.-Colonel Georgc Ilel'lnon,-Gol'crll1}u!Jd l/UIlSf, lU07Gtreul.

RA.;\!. AY, Vice-Admiral Gcorgc, C.n.

ST. GEOIWE, Iajor-G neral Sir Oh11, H.A., K.C.D., Off. Lcg. Hon., France, :ll1cl r. l\luljidic, Turk 7, latc irc torGcneral of' tllC Onln:llic .-17, Hllt/wuf Gul( ' , 11ydeParh, al/dUnitedServiceCluu,S.11:

1-:1. KJ

Appointe!\. 18G3.


A NlJEHSON, Coloncl Thomas,- U7ll()"(lab,Trr!fal!JQ7'Squm'p, IV. C.; IIowthornIIill,nearFrerlericton, Nf"w Bnmswiclt. Thc Hey. "rill. D c ntinck Letham, ':'I.A., F.R. '., -100,J1arleySt., Jr.; Athel/(('umClub,S.TV.

of ]uztice. (K.J.,J.)

eded. 1857.

1IOL)1E.', :Major-Gencrnl .Tohn , C.B., K. 1\fcc1jidie, Turkcy,1.J:, St.Jarnes's,'fjua7'eS. Jr.

Belt .. E " Lieut. l''''itzjame Holmes.

LEITH, .John .Barley, latc Profc ,' or of Civil Law, H.E.I.C. Collegc, Hail }:bury, - 79, GloucesterTerrace,IIyde PUJ'lt, Jf:

13l.. Adam,- Australia.

B U{H" Colonel Harry James, II. Bombay • taff Corps,14, SJamf's'Square, '. TV.

FIFE J (JIm, D. Dep.-Lieut.,-.iYew(·astle-oll-Tyne.

HOL LA V, ::\Iajol' 'Trcvcn en .Tam es C.B. II.::\1. Bombay 'taff Corps.

• lIElUD L Hcnry Drin I y, :\LP.,-17, Jre.r;tbo1lrneTerrace, Jr.; Oaldallds,St.Peter's,IsleofTTwllet.

13 U E.', Lieut . Sidney Holmc .

GI13B, Hugh latc Bombay Presidency,GroveEltdl/ollseSt.John's!Vood.

Dc HLTO .l. --DE · ETT, .T ohn Robcrt, latc Po troa tcr-Gcneral Bcngal -I ..!, 1[(fI'e/m'kRoad,Jiatiugs.

IIO \l.m, .T02Cph ,\\'"allis 0 hryen, l\Iajor 3th (Royal Elthornc ) l\hc1clle ex ::\Iilitia,- IIousenear J.. lIut/za11lpton.

L IT, Hcnry Brougham, C.B., Licut.-Governor of the Ilc of Isle(!lflJan.

CAHTEH, Charles Pemberton, - Iiemzington flail, A.liford, I(cllt.

TIIO-:\L ON, Cnptnin ,\Yilliam, latc Highlandcr

FL HLEY, J orL T, Capt. 29th Kcnt HiRc Volunteer, -Asldord, } TC71t.

'VALFOHD, The Rey. Edward, l\I.A 17 ChurchRow, IluJIlpstead,IT:

PEAR, O iT , Juliu Alc .' allllcr, LL.D., Fd ..:1.,-46 fJlJdePark Squore, Jr.; Junior Carlton Club,S. Jr.

ELIOT, \Vm. Gordon Cornwalli ' , LorJ,-36 DoverStreet, Jr.; PurtEliut, S. Germa/ls,Cornwall.

EJel"tecl 1857.

I V.-QI:baplalnz.

Blected. 1 '65. 1 67. " " 68. ., " " 18h!). " " J8.57. " " " "

HAWKINS, The Rev. 'Ym. Dentinck Letham, lVLA., F.R.. , 100,lIm'leytreet,lV.Athell{(!1l1nClub, • '.TT: (ChaplaillGeneral, 1866).

IKIN, The Hev. "\Villiam D., !\J.A. (careofA.1khz,Esq.,lrhnbledonRoad,TrandS1V07'th ).

IIuGo, The Rev. Thoma, F.S.A. :F.B.. '.L.,-Thc Rectm'y,lVestflaelmey,N

WALFOl'D, The Pev. Edward, !\LA.,-17, C'lwJ'chRow, IIlI1Jlpstead, TJ:

ITADWELL, The Rev. Arthur Thoma "\Vhitmore, 1. ., LangtonVicarage,nearilIa/ton,Y()7'lishiJ'('.

1VOOD, The Rev. Albort 1. thelstanc,- Catleillo7'[on,Ilcar Tewll(,sbw·y·

OAKLEY, The Rev. John, l\1.A.-1, ilIar!!,sRoad, Cal/ol/bury, .Lv.

HOLDE The Rev. "wahl .1 LA., n. .L -llings'loin/ord,nearDw/lry.

:l\L\LET, The Rev. "Tm. 1Vymlham,-Ar"elr yTTicaragenear


1YOODWAUD, The Pev. John, - S.J.1I((ry s Purso7lo!/r, .Lli071tTose,NB.

Co.", The Rev. James Dell, LA.,- '{etCI'll Elld, Ileal' on- evel'n.

Rl The Rev. Sydenham Francis, .,- TnZZesburoll!Jh Vicarage,ncarAsh/urd,]{elit.

V.-lL\nig-btz of Qi)tacc.

l\IcALE TER, Lieut.-Colonel Charles Archibalu, K.II.,-Lo7lp J rilla,A:nn£Jlster,De1'OIl.

SHAW, olonel Claudin' Y.'. Fcrnam1 , ,,'pain; ] .R. R. Edin.; late royal Artillery, 7, ElrlerPlace, ( b,·id!/e,.s[ufleOll-Trent.

BEATTIE, " illiam, l\1.D.,-13, UpperBerllelc!}treet,TV.

13 un. E , Dalhousie HolmeR, 1n.le Lieut. Hoyal Engineers. LA laE, -VYilliam Alexander, F. '.A. Bdin.,-RossendCastle, Fifeshi1'c,N.B.

PRI TGLE, vVilliam,-EdinbuTgh. Lieut.-Colonel Gorge vVashington,-21, BlomjieLd Terrace,1farrowRuad, IF.

1 59. 1860,



lc'59. 1861. 1867. " 68. " " L )6D. 1862.

CorLA OldBurlingtontreet, n. VELLA, 'iI' Luigi, ICC. 1. & G., LL.D., 'uperintendent of 1I.1\1. Record ffice, l\ialta,-Llfalta.

Brn. E " Lieut. IIamilton Farquhar Holmes.

CLA Y, ",Villiam Tichol ,-lIill Iiouse,Babbicombe,neaTTorquay. RYLAND, 1Yarwick IIa ting ,-GOI ernmeJltlIouse,]}[ontreal.

CLA Y, Richard, late Lieut. 78th Highlanders.

En. fATINGEH, Lieut.-Colonel Willia.m, Ie S. Fernando and I abella the Catholic, pain,-illoJltTeal,Canada.

RAT LIFF, Charles, F. .' \.., Lieut.-Colonel 1 - t "\ Varwickhire Rifle Volunteers,- Tlydrlri7lgtoll,Edgbastun,Binninglul171; .Llthfll«'71nlalldCOllseTl'utiveClubs, k

'YOOF. Richartl, F.b.A., F.R. :'.L., Lieut. 13th

I iRe Volunteer ,- Tro}'ccster.

"\V nE N8, Chando, - I1are1Vood,nearRoss, J Ierefnrrlshirc;O)/orr! caul Cambrirlge Chd) , I I. JV.

13 - HGE " Charles .John (late 46th Regt.),-.LYavaZalld 1I1ilitarylao,Pi('Nldilly, Ir. or QEsquirc5.

lIE Dl:n 'ON, J Place,Etelynt.,Deptford, S.E.

A A. !\I. DOl) .' IVln:rn, J:. l'etlericl- Charle - OlfordrillaTllrnham Green,lV.

P EAUSO .l. ...:llbert Harford 1\1. B. . L. ,-Junio)'Carltoll

Clllb, "",y. I{llclncorthR'ctul'Y, I/(!{lr • 'tl'L'elluge,rIats. LYTE, lIenry Churchill nIaxwcll -55, CUJ'::ontreet,ilIayjoir, IV.

L TnEIL ON, Ellw. cott, -FearTlalllIeath,lailles,Ileal' l{'"orater.

Ben E:-:. , tT 1m, Commr. R.N.-ILi.1I. . ' Pant/ora.'

Flm,n, Edwin: Lient. O ." fonlshire liIilitia -Rl'foJ'})I(lub


Bl H ,ES , Harry )Iilc , Lieut. Royal Artillery. "\Yn,'\lOT, Chal'lc !\Iontague,-1{(.JI71iJl!Jton,nearI{e71t. Sa w, Alexander ....:"Enea.', - Cobridge,/::)tulle-on-Tn Id.

YII. - JLanicz.

H \ Harriett Charlotte widow of :.Jlajor-Gcnel'al Jam Pamsay, G .C.J tT - W. lJr!Jall:;toJl(, \ :!

Eleded , 1l162. ., " lR63. 1865. 1 " " UH>9. 18:55. Ib65. 1.47. " "

POH.'l'ER, Annie hidey, wife of Lien t.-Colonel Porter, n. E. K.C.J J.,-Rroml)!'})/norTf1rlu;.Chatham.

ST. GEOIWE, Elizabeth l\lari.l.lllle, La(ly,-17, RutlaudGate, Pal'li, IV

DE LA:-;TIC JAL, Agne , Vieomtc e,- Clultea7.tdeJJlo7lt{{"ban,Dep.deTarn-et-()aronJle,Frallce.

Esther Sarah, widow of .Tame., Baron Burnes, (Saxe-Coburg-Gotha), G.C.tT.J., K.II.-40, Ladbrulie ''''''1', lJill,

IIOAltJ:, Harriet, LUlly,-Litt1elIotlljield,J\(')1t.

LECILIEHE, LOlli 'n, POStllllOllll, Lady,-Rh!)dd Court,nem UptoJl-on-Scce7'll,IroJ'cC':tcr,/tire.

1L\\\'1\.L.' , Elizabeth. wife of the Hc\,. \V. n. L. Hawl-ins, K.C J.J.,-lOO, [Jurl('!)"tJ'eet,Ir.

LEIGIf, The Hight lIoll. Caroline Latly,-I '[rillr/eiflh ..<lbbt!),J(cnilw(}l'th,IrulIl'ic/;shirc' 37, I)ortllwll ''1'' II:

POHTElt, Catharine, daughter of Lieut.- ioloncl Porter, ILK, r.C ..T.J.,-lJr }]Jlptoll ]]ul'ruclls (,"'/lllf/ltIlIl.

TORPIIT lIEN, The Hight lIun. Helen, Calrler IJo/lsc • Erlinburgh.

YI11.-@'crbing- 16totbcr.

8, .)'. ll!([J'til/'sPlact',Trafal!}ar • ''llwre TVC.

I.LT .-iDonOratp ®cll1bcrz.

l.-B \'ILIFE '.

n eneral, Quito,J,,'('uado)'.

'ALI. ' -80'1 LIO J ohunn 1 lrieh, Daro11 (Ie, K. S. \Vlallilllir, Flidcrico Lancia. e Gras llilli, Duca (Ii, K. '. }l. & L., r. \'OW11 of Italy.


vo.. \VI. nccQ, Theophile Allton \yjlhelm, Count Y011, nephew and h 'ir of the sixty-ninth Gr::I.llc1-l\In tCl', RllJ'ich Castle,n('ar.£1i.l:-l([-ClwjJclle;andClultc(llldelrisl){'N/, UN£}' J]rlls:;e/s. (Hceei\ cd into the Order in the Ancrloo Ih, aI'jan Langue, 1

BULOW, Carl Geol'cJ' Alexamler, Baron \'011. :\1 g'l"l' 1C L1, BUl'OIl 'Ull ,- Potsdam.

EI{,(,tcd 1858. " 1864. 1861. 1864. 1868. 11

IIEAnD, Colonel tTolm T.,-JJostofl, Amf'J'lcu. 'VI TIIROP, Colonel .T ohn,-LmtisiallfL, U.S. BtJ TELLI-Fo, COLO, Giovanni, Conte eli


LASTIC ST .•TAL, Louis, Vicomte de,- ChuteCtlldeJJlolltaubof/, Dep.deTrzrn-et-Garmllle,France.

DELbPJEI HE, Octave, K.C.C.11I., Spain, 1eS. LL.D., F.S.A., Belgian Con ul-General and tion,-35, Howle!}Place,llIuidaIfill,TV.

4.-CIIAPLA1N. 8y1., Rome, ee. of Lega-

TEN E •• EE, The Right Rev. Charles Todd Quintard, LL.D. , Lord Bishop of,-JJI{,JlIphis,Tenn., U. S. .< .-Donat.

PnILLIl't', Robert.


179 1799. " 1 30. " , ] 832. " " " " " " 183-1. 1835. " "


L WRE.. - E, ir.T ames, K .•T.•T. (,'erei/"cd (("roff(l).

l\IEUEDYTII, Sir Jo'hn:1. Colic" Bart., C,lplnil1 89th Foot, r. St. Louis, Francc, amI r. OrL1. Louis of" Danncitnd (1'e('('h'edintotheOrder hy the69th (}J"((Jul-J/rlS{f'r, the nw Oil FerdinandVOlt 1 [OJJlj}(!sch).

Popnu[, .Admiral Sir Home BimTS r.C.B., l\I.P. (]'('{'(il"f!rl abro({d) rccciycd thc Ho) al Liccnc to \Vcar the at Court 20th cpt., 1799.

Vice - Admiral thc Right lIon. i1' John ·tonc G.C B., nI.P., Govcrnor of (h'ecmvich Hospital.

S)rTTU, Admiral 'il' \ Yilliam Sitlney COllnt IJalatine of the L ateran, Prince l\Iagi tral antI Hegcnt of' til \ hllcr 0(' th Temple, G.C.B ., G .. 'I.S., PUl'tugal, U.C.:-; .. :-;\\' ,dcll, G S Ferc1. and n. 1 On1. I\Icl'it, J. apl ;"r.U.i\L, HOlll', K. 1 re :::-. Turkcy, }\f..\.) D.C. L., F. H. :-;., et c (/'f ' ('I ' iNc! ill the AII.f/lo-naval'iall La JI.fl III' ).

To h lX, Lieut -Col. \\rarwi<;k IIel', 1 fOil. Frallce, \Tice - .Admiral of Dcyon (r('ceived ill tht' I ".'//{/-f}flrorifl/l L((J///uc ).

,PEAT, The Hev. ,'ir Huh 'rt , D.D., (i. 1.8. :I:ltl:" Puland, ' h aplain to ring U 'orgc IV.

D c E Thc lIoIl •Jam s, 1 Lord naron .

DOYLE, 1 fajor-(icn. .John I".C.n., Fernando, Spain,anll 1\:.'1'. l: Portugal, '}'lIrh,y, 'rjeanln.t - .Al'lll to (lue 'II Y]t,to)'i;] , ?\I.P. (Ill' 'D. (':n'!Il\L

L \. Tl; FOHl>, Thc Hight lIon. II 1 " Lall,d'ord, L(lnl Baron.

HWnILEY, Stretdl 'uwl('y.

C'L \ 'l" ,'Yilliam H 'id. i\I.D., } .R :--;. ElliJl., J. H.I.A. Liellt.- 'ol()ne1 \rillialll 1 lell!')" bic Captain :?:1l'!1 ,y cl h Fu:-;ilier"

r \(, I'\ "Yilliam, LL. n.

Ult \NT, Captain TItOlIl:ls, Vicr-A(11l1iral or Dcvun hirc.

T()C(JI E\TILLE, Peter Victol', 'Oln(c dl'.

B \ I:TO Sir Ii l'('('(IHln, late (':I]>tain Foot. OF STUI L T U('nrg DUllcan, C'hil'f' o[ tll ('Ian DOl1l1()('llie, C. B., K. I !lIp. On1. Leupold, A u::-;(ria.

Dl l :-.A ') Thc Hight IIoll. Hambl Etlwanl l.ith LOl'll13aroIJ.

l\ f AC'K 1, 1 Zl Charle:-; itzg 'raId . Elc(,t!'d u..::n.

,'TTADWELL , The Right Hon. Sir Lancr;lot , Vice-Chancellor of Englam1.

.Tamc , Baron (, 'axe-Coburg-Gotha), K.II., LL D., F.n.S.

DE PEAltSALL, RoLert Luca , lrille:-JuridgeIIouse,Glulfrestersltire;Trw,tellfeCastle,LakeofCOllstam·e. ,Villium, 1\1.D.

HILLARY, i1' \Villiam, Bart., Equerry to II.R.lI. the Dukc of Sus"ex.

HILL \ nT, Sir Augu tus 'Villiam, Bart., late 6th Dragoon Guan1ci.

DY :\IOKE, The lIon. Sir lIellry, Bart., 17th Hereditary Champion of England.

NEWTON, .Jamcf;, Dcp. Lieut. of Chc:hire, Derby hire and Lancashire.

PEAUL, Commancler Sir .Tame ,R.N. IeII.

Capt. Hiehanl Thoma, late II.nI. Grenadier Guard-. 1\1 R1L\Y, Captaill 1 rthur Stormont hte 1I.l\1. Hifle Brjrr[llle.

Dg PEAH , Hubert Luca', latc 4th (Emperor' Own) Uhlan Au:::;triall \rmy.

II Elt;\C YDE, 'ir Hobert Al ,andcr 1\1.n. K.C.H , K. R.E., Pru K.L. H., Iq'anee, Phy ician to the British at Paris. .

1f \C' . \D, Coloncl tbc lIon. Sir Napicr: Dart.. Prime tcr or Canada.

1H-1 l, 18-16 . 1817.

PEIUlOTT, Edward Dilldlos:3, Bart. el ,-'ir Hobert Keith Dart.

N EEDlIA1[, the lIon . lIenr T.

L ul D, Lieut.-Colonel, 'il' Bart Baron t1.., St. Hypolite (Fmncc), D. 1.L., Ynight- M:tl'shal of the Qucen" lIol\::icllOld, Dcputy Lieutcnant of and .

L P, IIi IIin illles' the Prince \Iexander. •

A The Pight lIOll. Hugh Earl of.

Hl' lWE:4, 'olllcnille \\Taldclllar, late Captain 11.1\1. JrcnaL1i r Guanl' (brother to thc latc ir C. 1\1. Lamb Bart., Bnron ue t. Hypolite, G C.•J.J.)

LA LB, Charlc l\Ionto·olllcry

G IU 'Yillinm tnart, late 23n1 (Royal "rclsh Fusilien;) Hegt.

GLovEn l\iol'timer,::\1. D., F.R EJin. ,y

I LKJ E Li ut.-Colonel Dn vid.

BlWlTN, Lieut.-Colollcl \Yilliam GOYCrllIl1Cnt Secretary, Gucrn C).

1849. BeCKLEY, l\1ajor 'Villinm, Bengal Cavalry. 1-'55. 'VILLI \\1t4, Thomas Tronghear Conntof the Lateran, r.n.l\J., Rome, l\I.D., to the Emha. sy, Lomlon.

Elected " Ge '.I.. L:fG, John,, Y. \Yilhellll of the 1: etherlalllls, Il1 ' pector-

General of Army Ho pital'.

General, G.C. III., Spain, Gr. Off. Leg. lIon., France, President of the Ecuador.

" 1857.

RIAUIO-SFOItZA, Il Generalissimo II Duca Lmloyi ° (li. Lieutenant George J aIne lIolmeH, Dam ha ' FlI..;ilicr5. l\Iaj. General .J ame1!, late COllllni::-sary General ur the Bengal Army.

J ONE , thc lIon. Ale. ' amI r l\lOlltrrom '1')'.

LE GEYT, Philip 'Villi'un, :i\Iemb. Lcgi'lative 'oullcil or Il1l1i,.

BRETT, l\Iajor Hegillalll He ' t, Bombay Artillery. T, John, Bengal Army.

OFTH. nr, Lieut.-General :::;i1' .Tamcs, 1 art., G. '.n., r.Cd '.1.

"\YIIl'l'EIIEAD, John, of the Barony of Drem, S otlalld.

PI.!: ITEY, the lIon. lIalllnett, l\lcmbcr of the LcgiJativ· Council of Ca.naua.

l!-'UEE 'T Colonel ir "\Yilliam Lockycr, r. '. '.rrr.. Fernando, and Isahella the Catholic, 'pain antI or the Holy Sepulchre, Dep. Lieut. of Dorset..:hire.

FElWU, SON, Lieut.-General \Villiam, K. Cre c. 'l'm+ 'Y) lnl' Royal :Marines.

PL Admiral Sir .fames IIanway, Y.C.B.

AGAH Licut.-Colonel Emmanuel Eli. ' , r night.


"\VATT., Vicc-Admirnl George Edwald, '.13., K.C.Il., K.R.E., P1'usuia, Y. HCllri the .Lion of BruJ1 ' wi 'k, dc. Dr. "'1101', l\Iajor-General Cecil, C.H., Co\. or t11 loth Hegt.

NOR ' L1FI< E, :Major-Gellcral Norcliife, }'-.Il.

" " " l858. 1 59. " " 186<1. 1865.

TACITE, Colonel Sir Etienne Paschal, night, Prime of Canada.

DUR TE,', Holland 'Yard Holmes, Lieut. 11lllian avy. \YINTIIlWP, ,Villiam, Can ul U '.A., l\Ialta.

TUltNRULL, 'Ym. Barclay Daviu Dundas, Barrister-at-Law , Calendarer of ,'tatc Papers.

Ol! S'l'ltUAN, George Duncan, Chief of thc hUl Donnochie, late Lieut. 42nu Ilighlander>4.

BELL, Alexan<ler, QucLcc.

DE CALCINA, Laurent, Comte dc.

RA 1. AY OF BARNTON & SAU TUE, Charles \Ylll. Pamsa '.




TIlE, hapter Ordinai'Y has to report, that since the Ia t Chapter l\leetinu ' of General, tl:ey have met on nine occa ions for the di patch of the ,hal'ter. bUSllle'Sj namcl!, 111 the month, of .July, Augn..;t and December in the P'lst year, and the month, of J anna1'Y, February, March, April, l\Iay, and .J HIlC 111 thc year.

The following have been adlllitted of the English branch Memhers uclof the Ordcr since the 1a ' t Ch:IlJtcr General. mitteu.


Thc 'V1\{. COUA·WALLI.= ELIOT, Baron ELIOT of St. German".


H V. J .\ DELL CO. " , l\1.A., of Chri.:::t' allege, Cambridge, Chaplain of Phydd Court, near U evern, "\Vorec.:::tcr.:hir . Rev.• " ILDI FI:A' ' IS He E1 L I'r \ t J I ' C II .. , , .I. . .. ., .• 0 1n S 0 cere Call1iJritlg3, Vicar of 'Ville 'borough, ncar I\::ent. v' Esquires.

ElnyL. TD, Lieut. O.'fol'll :Militia.

BUltcm Lieut. Hoyal Artillen'.

CIL\ULE ' TTAG g 'YIL roT, E: ennington, rcnt.

Lady DA:\lb CIIEYAL EilE).


Thc followin rr promotions lw.yc taken plaee tlurin rr the year.

Sir ED:\I T Tl) A II LE ' II l).t b v fl' ." _C JIEHE, ,a1., to e a ommalldcl' Ylrtute

lCll as Prc lLlel1t of the Provincial Chapter, and foundel' of thc ?mmandery of Hanley Castle. C. J. B E8q . to be a Ynirrht of Gr;tec. ' v Promotions.

Sisterhood of l\laryanll John.

Proposell Branch of the Societe de aux Ble 6. If)

It will be in the remembrance of the of th Chapter, that at the Ia t Chapter General it wa announced that the l\lembers of the Sisterhood of ' and J olm, who lately formed part of the community of t. J olm' Hou e, orfolk. treet, 'trand, had undertaken to yi it the cOl1vale cent reli ved by the Engli h branch of th Order, and to discharge other dutie connected with our IIo pitaller work. In con equence of their having been obliged to change their house and move to another part of London they have been compelled to withdraw the services which they had 0 kindly plac d at our disposal.

Deprived by thi unfortunate circum tance of the mean of providing for the cooking and di of diet for a certain number of convalescents from the Royal Free Tray" Inn Hoad, the Chapter were obliged to abandon their intention of e 'tending th charitable work of the Order to one of the hospitals in the IT orth of London.

The subscriptions paid to the terhoocl Fuml have been mId d to the current income of the year, and ,,·ill appear in the Heceiver General' account. 'Ve have to acknowledge af!, with 'incere tude, the great attention paid to our eOllvale'cent' by the Sic::.t r o[ St. J olm's IIou"e, who continue to prepare amI di"pen ..e the tliet ' . In the ab'ence of any isterhood connected with the n1er, we "hould have had great difficulty in carrying out onr work, hatI it not been for the ready aid and ,-,ympathy which we have xp riell e(l from both the Council ancl the community of t .•John's Hou..:c. In addition to tll preparation and di",pen'ing of the diet to the conval cent.::, thc Si tcl" have in many ca es undertaken to vi::.-it tho",e patient who e ca required more particular care and attention.

The Chapter ha" under con iueration the formation of an Engli 'h branch of the "Societe Internationale de Secours au. et Ble es.·' A corre ponc1cnce with the "ar ffic, the Admiralty, and thc Army l\Ietlical D partll1ent, can'i t1 011 by the Almoner, elicited tbe fact, that the ecretary of 'tatc for ,\rar r cognise the great advantage which uch a Soei ty might prove to this country in time of war.

The following members of our Order therefore, formed them clvcs into a preliminary Committee for the purpo e of determining how uch a society could be t be formcd, and how it could be most serviceable to the coun try in peace as in war.

:l\Iajor General it' JOHN T. GEORGE, K.C.D.

Sir ED 1l D A. II. Dart.

Lord ELIOT. 17

Hev. W. B. L. IL WTeL

1\1r .•1. A. PEAlt.'OX.

Mr.•1. .F 'IlLI y.

1\1r. ..J. DUJWEs., who undertook the office of Hon. tec.

The Chapter having been invited to .. el1cl delcO'ates to the Internationa.l Conference then about to be held at Berlin, it was thought advisable to take no further action until the return of the delegates, the Chevalj rs Burges and Fllrley.

It is contemplated to cllll together shortly a meeting of naval and military officers and with the object of forming a trong central committee, on which to found a National Society for the organization of a tafT' of trainell nul' e , who by gaining experience in the tending of case' of di 'ea e or accident in time of peace, may be employed in assi::;ting the army llleaical staff in time of war.

This Committee shoulJ al '0 collect funds for the purcha e of the neces ary ho 'pital material, and have ready for immelliate ervice in cal-'CS o{' public calamity at home or abroad, an ofr:?:llnized 'Ystem of help for the ick and wounded, .. omewhat to that which was improyiscll by l\[i::"s l ightingale dnring the Crimean 'Yal'.

The llcce::3::3ity [or uch voluntary help to the state is everywhere recogni 'ed, hut EnO'1aml remains the only country in l.urope in which n sueh society cxi.::t.;;. It is obvious, that owing to tl c rapidity with which modern wars arc conductcd any organization for the relief of suffcrer hy war, must be perfectly really to take the fielll with the army, or it will filiI in i purpose.

Our two delegate" propose to rubli h an acc unt of their visit to the Conference of Derlin, and of other matters ref l'ring to the subject, in the hope of awakening a more general interest in our work.

1t is hoped that at the next Chapter-Gcneral, we may be enabled to report the foundation, upon n, onnd and practical footing, of an Engli h branch of th International Bncicty of Help.

During the pa t year the Chaplain' have bcen requcsted by the Chapter, through the Almoner, to bring the ebaritable objects of the Order before their parishioner' 0 as to make our organization bettcr known, and to obtain ome aiLl from church offertories and from the donations of imliviJual " Up to the tillle little has been done in this re",pect; it is, however, hoped, that nt the mectin cr of the Chaplains heltI ye'tenhy, ome plan may have been deyisec1 by ,vhich they may more clo,ely identify them elve with our work, and promote it, maintenance anLl e."tension.

Sincc the fornl<ltion of the ommal1l1ery of Hanley Ca tle, in 'Vorc tershire, two mcetillgs of the Provincial Chapter attached to the

aTIll h:tritnhlc oljcetS.
nmmUlltlcn" lit' lIanle

• . .John' House, .\.:-::hfi.))'{l.

Honorary As:'5ociates.

COl11manclery have bccn helll at thc Rhytl(l Court, the u e or which has bcen to the l\Icmbc1" of the Chaptcr by i he Commandcr. - on both occa ions wa' l'recc(lc(l by the cut5tol11ary officc of the Order, ...,ai(l by one of the Chaplains in the Dumc tie Chapel.

The spccial work of thi:; Commamlcl'Y ha by a vote of the ProTincial hapter, been tlecitletl to be, the Stl pply or (liet to convalesccnt patients of the ,Vorce tel'

The Lady Ruperintenclent of' the S. Alban':; Industrial 'chool, "T orce tcl' ha kindly undertaken to op n a IIo"pice fur the uppl)' of the diets upon the samc plan a' that adopted I»), the of ' J olm" IIou "e, fur the relief of our London con vale

The limit of the province as..:igncd to the COlllmandery of IIanl y Ca tIe bcen extended to Staff'onlshirc, in consequcnce 0(' an 111'gent recrllest made by our COllfi'l'l' , Col. th' hcyalier Claudius Shaw, that we would, if pos ' ible, c tabli :-:: h a bran ,11 of Ollr charitahle work amonO'st the ne n'lcctetl 1)001', an(l yictim ' uf scn'l' accident ' ill o 0 the mining and pottery (Ii 'tri

It gives great plea ure to thc Chaptcr ordinary to be ablc to reI ort that n. ncw and intcrcsting worl- has bccn t on loot in Kent, by some of the mcmber ' of the Onl '1' re ' i(li11 O' in tlwt cOlin ty. It con i ts of a rural callcd ,' .•Tohl1', IIollsc (1 ::;igncd ('01' thc aCC01l111lOclation of the poor who arc from 01' The establi -hment func1 at the l11'c.-;ent time :\Il\O\1n( ' to ahout £330, and the promiscd annual income to ,-,140. A nry in cOlll1cetion with S. John's IIollse, Ashford, fur which on of Olll 111 Illbcr ' i solely re ponsible, wa open d 011 the 1.. t of' April b::;t, with 5.) mcm bel's; on the la Btl lrcriptioll night the}' \\' l'C ,) mCIl1

The Chapter have had ulHlcr their con id cration thc of connecting with the OreIeI' the namcs of mc(lical mcn (li s tillf,(lIi , hcd in their prof'c or \\"ho have rCl1(lered spc>ial t'cl'vices to the Ordcr, or in the cause of philanthropy generally. It ha ' heen felt t ltat a' the cha.ritable work of the nler increases, :l1ll1 as it become more extellsivcly known as a. great " oei (Ie Dienfai.. an 'e," who"c objcct, arc mainly dirccted to the relief of' ickne s and p:1in :1I1Hl11g:-;t i hc poorer cbs cs, it will bc mo st dc sirable that W f-:houl(1 ll:tye the ath' ic and sympathy of membcrs of the lllc(lienl prorc (li s tinguiJlcd for tll'ir phihmthropy, as well as [or their prof'cq f; ional kill.

The followillg gentlcmen havc accordingly bcen elected Honorary Associate, anu have c.'prc. scd their\,; to aitl ill promoting th objects of thc order:

H. SIEVErt E ;:, q. l\I.D.

A .T l ' LIU ;-; POLL UC I , E ":( h 1\1. D.

A LBEHT APPElt, E (1-> of Cranleigh, Surrey. FltEl>ETI.rCK ,V, IlJ..ADLA .l.. -D, E (1-> :M.D. hrollO'h the of thc Rev. Henry ,Yhite, the Chaplain, pcrmi" ha' becn obtained tl:e of Du:hy of Lauca tel', to hold an annual erVlCe 111 celebratIOn of St. John::l Day in the ueautifully re ·tored Chapel Royal, , ervice on '. John's Day.

Its proximity to the Chancery, and to the hosp.itals with nre connected, render' it a convcnient amI appropnate place, wlnl t 1tS historical ac:: ociation a royal cha.pel give it an additional intere t.

It ha been thought ycry de ' imble to appoint a publisher to tl:e Order and l\1r. B. Pickering, of Piccadilly, has exprc cd Ins willin(rness to undertake this office. The Ia t report was accordingly printc'c1 and publi heel by him, and it i hoped that publication will bc ntl'll teel to him 0 a to sccure umformlty.

The folluwiucr at1dition ' havc been made during the pa t year to the b library:

Hall of Caerlaverock, by the hev. C. J. Burges.

L' :\In.rtyrologe des Chevaliers de 't. J e.U1 par 1G-!3. Ditto.

(2 Vol:4., with condition thatit i, to be returned if the copy now mi:::i,ing from the library is found.)

fonacholof,.it't. Ditto.

L 'wi .' hIe uf Tenet, 17:3G. Ditto.

Favcr ·h::miense 1671. Ditto.

Drcve particolare In ael . l\1. c1egli O.::pitalari 1724. Ditto.

Die Dichilfe (1 '1' Voll-er zur pflegc, del' in Kriegen ycrwund ten, \ Ditto.

de In. onf'ercncc Internationale, de Berlin, 1 c G9, Ditto. .TmI()ci Ammani. Pont. Ord. 0111n. H. 1GGl. Ditto. Darke's orc1ers of rllighthoo(1. Chc\. C. P. arter. ,Monumcnti e Lapidi tlei 1 filiti nella Chiesa eli >,;an Giovtlnire in l\Ialta. ehey. H. \\ oof.

The Chaptcr of Ladies (Damcs ChcY:lliercs) ha mct 011 two Lallie' hnptIm'inn' ill yenr. tel'.

Ticket' for metropolitall uml other charities, ancl clothing for llistriblltion to the more of the COIl \ alcscent' rcIicycll by the Onlel', havc been scnt in by the Lmlies for (Ii -tribution under the (lircction of the \lmoncl'.

It has also bcen that neh L.tt1:, houhl be requc tcLl to naU1C a month during \\ hich wouItl vi ' it at their home the convalescents l'clic"ell by the Onlcl', aUlI that in the C\ lut of hcr not being

Pul)\iher Library.


Mr. rear on's "i;-;it to Berlin. of Serving Brother.

able to tlo so, he shoulll provi(le some one to vi it in her Rteau. IIiltoll, the widow of our late serving brother, was nameu as a suitable person for this duty.

\Yith a view to secure uniformity, and to reconcile some apparent inconsi ... tencies anll variation' frolD the u age of the Pru ' sian and other branches of the Order, a Committee, appointe(1 hy the Chapter ha carefully considered and reported on the whole <]u t'tion of the Insignia. It has been thought de ' iralJle to postpone the final can iLleration and adoption of this report, a copy of which has Leen sent to each l\IClllber, until the Committce has been able to ta1-e into it con ideration the mlllitional ubjccts of a form of reception, ancl a declaration to b lllac1e by KniO'ht8 of Justice and other l\Iclllbert:! on their :'HImi::; 'ion to thc <::> Orller.

Since the la t Chapter-General our Regi,trar and Secretary the Chevalier J u1ins A. Pearson has "i::.ite(l Bcrlin, \\' jth a "iew to mak himsclf more familiar with the orO'unization of the Daili" ick of Brandcnburrr antl it::; various charitahle in titutions. lIe wn very conlially b reeeivcd by Count Ebcrhart! zu Stolherg-"'\V ernigerOtle Cuunt ,Adalbert and Constantin von der r ecke- Volmerstein, and other influential members of the Prussian branch of the Order and LrouO'ht hack with him a store of information which will be of great en'ice to the Chapter.

Funeral exIH!I1"it'S paid by Oruel'. Appeal for :till.

A great loss has been su taincd by the dccea " e of our .'crving Brother IIilto 1, who, since hi appointment, in of hi ' o,,-n incapacity for any great exertion " di. hi, c1utie , antI c pecially those in relation to the conva1escen ts whom he hall to vi it and report upon, with a hearty feeling and tender which cbpecially fitt Ll him for hi particular work. Our brother's funeral wa comluct tl hy the Guild of S. Alban, all the expences being def'r;1,yetl by the Chapter and it is O'ratifyinrr to know that throuU'h the fi'orts of .. OIllC of our b 0 members two of his children arc likely to be ellucatell and put out to service.

The Chapter de. ire again to rcmind the members of the special charitable work which their branch of the OHler is actively carrying on.

",\Vhilst other eharitics are annually expending large ums on salarie and other official charges, the whole of the placed at our di po a1 may be said to find their way to the ohj cts for which they wcrc intended, and are dispenseu. under the direction of unpaid officer', through the agency of those devoted ladies who have so readily aided us.

After the successful experience of two years, in proof of' which we have the teotimony of high 1l1ellical authority, the Chapter [cclthat they may with confidencc appeal for increascll aid, null tha.t they lllay cspc-

cially call upon those of our Henior membcrs who having compounded for their fees are no longer ouligec1 to make annual paymcnts, to come forward am} as. i,t them. The Chapter al:-,o feel that they may now claim the sympathy and 'upport of those 'who arc not members of our Order, but m'lny of whom, werc the implicity and efficiency of our charitablc work known, would doubtless contribute to our fund;:; as donations.

So long as that work was experimental, it was our aim to proceed as quietly and a uno tentatiou 1y as po ible, but now that its ucce 8 ha been e tabli hed amI it, exten'ion only delayed for want of mean, it appear to the Chapter 110 longer to defer making our more CTenerally known.

In conclusion, the Chapter would call upon all our member', of whatevcr degree, to aid them in their difficult task of conducting the affairs of this branch of the Order by co-operating with them in their efforts to make its organization more efficient, its objects more real and more u eful.

TIy uch ullited effort we may hope, if GOD" ble sing be upon u , year by y ar to ee our branch gaining fre h trength, ecuring among t its member men of high position and of philantl1ropic view ; ri ing in public cstimation, antI mukin CJ each and every individual amonO"t b 0 us more proud of the holy badge which we wear, amI more ready to make ii'e 'h ' acrifices in the cause of humanity, 01' ill the word of our glorious motto, '1'1'0 TILITATE nO::\IL




TO 'I'lIE THE FE -' TI\AL OF S. .rOIL 'T, 1 no.

IN pre enting to the Chapter- reneral n. Report of tll charitable work of the i.. ,th LanO'ue for the pat year, I have the ati::;(;l tion of stating that the chell1e adopte(l on ' .•J olin Bnpti t" Day, I 67, continued in active operation from the <.late of the la.:t Annual P cport up to the pre ent timc.

The number of convalc cent to whom diet ·· have be n is ... ue<.l during the ycar cnclc(l y :t relay :303; f thc!::'c i4G wcrc outpatient of the Charing lIo . pital and 157 of' the ColI gc no pital; the tot,tl number of eli tB i neel wa 3G94, 01 an ay rage of twelve clays' rations to each p rson; the quantilie beinO' a follow : haring 'ro:;s IIospi lal. King's 011. I Becf-tea, pint 45 6U

Beef- teak. , 1b 70 999 1712 '27

Rolls of hread . 1799 I 95

Light pudtlings IGUl 1 ' GO

Bottled tout, pints 1258 13UH

Wine,ozs .. 1970 1653

Spirits, ozs. 1 104

These rations wcre aU cookcc1 and i · uctl by th :--;i ter at S. J olm '::; IIouse, to whom our best thanks are tlu for th ir hearty co-operation with our scheme, and for the trouble which they from the first taken to insure its sucees [nl working.

Our sy tem seems to be a good one, amI it is att nded with fail results, in proportion to the outlay. The following extract from the Report of '. John' IIou 'e (dated 31st 1 'G ' ) explains the manner in which it is earricd out.

" At the instanee of the rder of S. J Oh11 of J crual m, or of th' Knights IIospitallers, repr sellted by the Srcrrtary-Uencrnl, Sir E. A. II. Lechmere, Bart., P., the Sisterhood of S J ohn'8 HOli e 11l1(lertook, in August last, to dit3triuutc daily at the llOHlC in Norfoll - Street ,

to six out-patient s of Ch:uing ero s Ho s pital, th e (lietnry which mi.O'ht be on]cred for th III by the medical men, and an arrangement ha s Just been .anctiollcd by Council, hy wllich the ,;;am c useful :-;crvice i: to be rendered to six out-patIent of ring'::; College The cooking of thebe diet is con(lucted in tlle kitchen of .the Home, and the eli tributinn snperint n<1ed, at a fixed hOl1r dUlly, 1>y one of the Sister. The pn,lients tlnJ. _f;llpplictl are yi. ' ite(l at their dwellings by the memhel" 0(' the Order' but, that their ,tate may be more regularly a certainrd at all ea, on - of the ycar, and their exigencic provided for ., the have l1lHlertaken to perform thi. lluty al the ' i tel's' Fund affording them the mean of making at (Ii, cretion some a(ldition to the bounty or which they are the <li..;pen er::-, a ' agents of the Order of John.

"Th Coullcil have only to adcl that they very willingly seconc1 the effort of the Lady 'uperior and, i tel' thus to promote an excellent ohject, so eongenial with their own, in connection with the e two Lonuon hospitals. '

The opinion of the medical officer of these two hospital" is aho expressed in letter adLlre sed to me, from which the following are extracts:

"I cannot the present opportunity of c. pres ing to you, on behal[ of my and my 'elf, how grateful we are for the mean of relief which the rder of'S .Tohn place at onr ,Yith duc care in its di,tl'il.mtion I can hardly imao'ine any charity ,, 0 free from the u nal drawbacks. In many the food and wine 'We are enabled to order for our poorer patient are the chicf agent" in their re tol'ation to health and without which all thc tonics in the 'Worlll would be of little It i a mockery to create an appetite in a poor creature who has not thc mean of satisfying it, &e.


" Chal'ing eros ' UospitaL 8th 111(/1'1 h, 1 GD."

"The ystell1 of serving out at onr lIo pital i evidently of the greate -t valne, and is r gn.rtled a of the utmo ' t u 'e to the poor; we are all much oblin'ed to the Chapter for their kil1l1nes' in placing ", ueh an auvantage at our disposal, coc.

"King's ()lh' g' II ospi t al, 5th A/Ii'll , 1St)!)."

The ' e opinions are fully borne out by the gratitmle e-xprc by the recipicnt of the ration ' to the crying Brother, aIlll to tho e of ur III mbel' who have p C1"onally visit \1 them.

Vi iting the The necessity for an organized system oC vi ' iting the pe1'80n thu onvalc cents· relieved is a suhject which con ideration; even with fre(lllellt vi its made at different time by different people it js sometimes difficult to discover whether the recipient ' of our charity are not well able to support themselves, or in receipt of a sistance from various sourced.

A t present the Serving Brother i our only regular vi the i tel'S of St. John's flouse are quite unable from their mal.y ngagement, to promi e any regularity in helpino' u in thi particular; nor do tho member of the Order reo-ularly visit them' it i to be hoped h wever that all our members who arc re ident in London will occa -ionall r takc their turn at this duty, and I think that a 'i tcrhood permanently attached to the Order woultl be of the gr ate t po value in thi

IlotlpitaL ancl in other matter relating to our charitable work.


I would sugge t that, before we ex tem! to other ho. pital the 1 nefi ( of the sy tem which work, so well with harino- 1'0 s an(l rin g'College, we honlJ connect onr elve with 0111e convalescent ment, and 0 endeavour, by a. cour e of fre 'h air anu chang of c ne, to complete the restoration to health begun ill ho pita] anu furth rClI by the nOUl'i hing





Rcgi try for In COUl' e of time, a our inerea e am! our orgallizat ion cmploymcnt. becomes more complete, a regi -tel' might be kept of all olllill g under our notice w 110 may be out of employment, with tll vi w 0(' endeavouring to find th III uitable occupation by pIa ing ill communication with employer:, of labour. 'ervingBrother. London Charities.



HAPTIc T': D \ Y, 1870

By the deeea e of Charle Hilton, the Order has Io.-to a )aithful amI '\ good ervant; the office of erving Brother \\ hich tIm b calll '".lcallt is filled, a a temporary mea ' ur , by .J ame Baleolllbc, late uf the P o)'a[ Dragoons, one of the earliest on our list of r cipicnts oC di t .

In concluding my Report, I would remark that froll! my lilllilcu exp '. rience a your Almoner I am induceu to beli vc that a centralizatioll or the uifferent London charities would be of advantag ; at pre .... ent many of them are supporting the same per OllS, each not kllowinO' thai tho se persons receive relief from any oth r ource. entrulization 11 cd not destroy the identity of the difFerent charities in any way, but it would ensure their large funus being di tributed to de erving persons only, and would admit of a large reduction in their working expences.

CIIARLEf.. JOliN Bu lWES, , Almoner. London, 24thJune, 18li!)

LO T )0 T

BASIL ,r TAll! I KER 1. G,

HW, P] (' ( , A J) 1 L L 1StU.

cnl W:C1. l RE : 1 111 " 1 f n 111 Wl1J l"f] 01lA :l1 \!\l) "ILKJ "

'J OO]{ 0 WI, C llA ' (;1 1:1 NE




m:be Q[onbentual 1l3ailitf.

TUE 'l'l'!:COP(lLl BH. Vacant tluring the abeyance of the Granu .Ma t rhip of the n1er.

m:be Qrapitulat 113ailitf.s.

PuroH. OF E:\GL \ \, D. IIis Grace the DUKE OF ?ILL' IIE,'TER. 13AILIPF ()F The I iO'ht Honourable the L HD LEIGH.


Cltanf'l'llor. 'Major- :ren raj ' ir.J ohn ST. EnE, .n. l:'·c. Secrptal'Y· ir hD)Il ND A 1 THON)' 1I AHLEY LEC']DIEHE, Dart. R('('(.Ji"er. JOHN FGPLEY hforel, Kent. Almuller. ell \HLE: Jou ' B The Chancery, " ' t. Place, LOl1l1on, ,\y. C.

FFI 1ER "' ,

Registrar. h LI LE "lI.l TDEI{ PE , F. S. A.) 26 Great G orge 't, 'Vet"tmin ' tel', ,V. Assistant-ecretary. 1I Oll r D I{ 1'E i:"i Th Chancery, t. I\Iartin ' s Place, 'Y. C. Chaplain. The Rev. 'YILLL\. I DE TIN r LETILDI tA., F.R.'.

Gellealogit. The Rev. Tno,\I \. III uo l\I.A , F :V.I.S.L. Assistant-Almoller. The P v. ,y ILLL\ '\l PEl' J.T ER CO 10, Bes borough Gardens, S. ,y.

4 m::be <[baptet.

Thc Grand-Prior, ,,·ith thc TIniliff· hohling Ofti the ' tel' or the Lano'ue, and the following electctl

Colon 1 'YILLI.U[ C.D. lIt ED'L\'HD II n \ln: , Ihrt. ClTARLE. PE'I[llERfO.l. ARTlm. LonD ELIOl'.

The Rey. TlTo:\IA. II - GO. The Rev. 'YILLLU{ TIEY 'ER

Thc Rev. 'JEon('E R \,1

The E.U'L oC :\10 T 'II

Challcery , t. :\Iartin' P]nC'c. Trafalrrar ,'quare, Lonclon, ,Yo Ban/lets. The London and ,r (; tmin'ter Dank, 1, 'to ;--;qunre, .'Y.

Grand Prior.

Bailiff of Eglc.





1 60. TcrrE TEn IIi Grace ,Yilliam Drogo Duke of,-1(imbolto/l ({ tlr,fill/it,; 1 Ct.tallhope.'treet,JV.

1863. LEI<; II The Right lIon. ,rillium Henry, Baron,- tonelpigh Abbey,1ienilwortlt, Jr{f]'U;i(.Jl /urf'; 37, PurtmanSq., U:


LECfDmn.c, 11' Etlmul1(l Anthony Harley Dart. Commander of Hanley ':t tIc, V/nrec::itcr ' bire. - RhyddCourt,neal' ' CptOIl-OIl- 'tVNII; CarltollClub, .11'. of ]u$tice.

PIIILIPP.\RT, J uhn, Knight of & Polar 'tar 1\1. I .1. A. Collr.fJeIJOll.r,C/w.rellLaJ/e,IJaJJlmers1Jlith JJ: PErwor!', Sir Ed \\ anI :; orge Lntn bert. Bart bte Captain East rent :\lilitia,-/J((){)/dlillIJo71se PlullI, ter((l,Arent, '. E.

• OF LL "Y, E\\'cn, hief of the :JIacphel" on ' UJ1l1 Clan Chattall, CbmyCo,'tle , llill!Jllssie,1ll1.:erlle· - hire' .1/(/1.Cllited.I...,'ercic(' rlllu, '. O'Do. '. LL1., Jcneral bir Charlc' Routlc(kc, olonel 1 til II Trl/!Jh,LilllCrirh;Cllitld'crviceClub. '.

TIL BY, H.obert, LL.D. K.:.J., &c.,-1 ElmVillas,Elm OrO/'e,PeclduO/z, 8. E.

H \ WFOl D, ,Yilliam, BAPln:rTo. IIenry )a1'011 de of Portugal, :E .R. .L.,Bcr/lCley J lOlle..Cmllhridgf'treet lr· BrandullParR, ; 'fer/daleFore't,neal'A-('IIdaI.

PEX EF \'TIIElt, G 'l1eral -'ir .Tohn K .. D., K .. -:\I.L. & '., Culonel 2.2ntl Foot -G 011lowCre.cent,alldUllited 'erricl' Cllfb, '. IV

DE S OGLIO, Peter John, (lIo1y l\.oman Empire), K.II.S l)' '. T ./oh,,"rilla,ActoJ/, Pc ei\'cu into the Orcl 1', in the ...:\..Ilglo-Banll'ian Langue 1v±-!.

AnE TIl OTT Admi.ral 8ir Ale_'antler DlllHla YOUl1 rr en tleman of the Pri\') Chall1bcr to 1Iel' l\bje ty, F.C. III. K.k.F., &c. - COJI erl'utiveClubTT:

11(>11II\'a1') C"lllmunJe1'.

of ]u%tice (continued).

ApPOIlltl"!. • I 1 B'GRLTO}l oIone! ,YilIiam, . B. latc 'o num "Ul'y- Cll ra, 186-1.

Bengal Army ,- Oaldal!(l,hepli(')'dsBlish, IIOAHE ir Edward, Bart. -Little11tJtlyi,lr/,ncal'A'liford, ](ent.

POTT, J 0 eph Comptun, J ull.,-llardu/]({'ld. TDEn" oIoncl ir J amCd Ed ward K. 1 L. ., IretedonlIou f' Bl'i(l,r/coflllal/n.;Unitederviceand .Atliell(('umClubs

VAY \. rR .... ir Henry :\Iervyn Bart.,-'--lwldiJlgtullIIall TadcastC7';Travellers'Club, ".

EL, ir John Bell ,Yilliam, Bart.,- The llf'(dh JrJ'otlwm, l(fnt·llIaestilo,C{lfnnartheJlsfu'rr';CorltollClub, :Yo I r.

PH. YE, Captain richard, la.t Dep.-J nt1gc- ....\th 0 ate-tien ra1. l\1adra ..: \ rmy '. Ct07·fjf'. Ten'ac(',liellsillflto/l II.

YOLLA , TO Fred rick lat l'iajor Gth (Inni"l...illincl') Dra cr oo1l8, -k hflltOll flull, NlllU'at(mIrarwickhire.

13l'O'Y.l'E, Lieut.-General \Valter .Tohn 1.13.,-14, '. James's q"are, . TV.

ILL' IUH'I GIl, ir Francis, Bart., .E.1 .S. -.lwc/d)/lf'!lhParh, nearDavel/try.

PO\V T_\.LL, Hcnry 63, EllS ellq7lare, C. H.YLAiTD Lieut.-Colon I Georgc IIermon,-Gul'Cl'lI7lU'Jlt l!Oll. f, illontreal.

RA'I. 'xy, Vice-Admiral George, C.B.

ST. EORGE, Iajor- cn raj Sir.r 01111 K. 13., Royal Artillery, late Director- Teneral of rdnan ,-17, RIItlUlld Gatf',llydeParlt;UnitedC7'viceClub . II'.

A NDEURO.l, olonel Thoma ,- Uuiol/ G/ub, TI'({[a/yarquare, IV.C.;liawthorlll1i/lnearFrederictoN,lV(,w [hun wicli.

HAWKI T" Thc ,Ym. 13 ntin k L tham, M.A. F.l , -33,Br./jallst()Jle'quare;Athell({'wltCluo, • '.IV.

HOLME R, l\lajol'-G neral John, . B.,-l..J., 'tJamessquare S./V.

TE,', Lieut. Fitzjame Holme.

LEITH, John Farley, latc Profe or of ivil Law, II.E.I.e. College, IIaileybury, - 79, GloucesterTerrace,llyde Pa1-lt, fV.

B R TE , Adam -filelbourne.,Australia.

BARR, l\.fajor General IIcnry J ames,-14, James'Square, S. TY.

Elt,C Ch,·,

of (continued).

FIFE ir John n1.D., D. L., J\Tewrastle-on-Tyne.

HOLLAND, l\lajor Trevenen J ame , C.B., A i tant Quarter-l\laster 1eneral,-Bombay; 14, '. Jamessquare,S. IV.

SIIE1UDA , Henry Drin y, .Th-LP.,-17, Tre.tbourneTerrace,IV.; Oaldallds,'t.Peter's,hIeofTlwnet.

Bplt E., iuney Holme .• Li utenant Bombay! 'taft' 'orp.

GInn, Hugh, late 'urgeon - •eneral, Bombay Pre idency,- Grove Elld ]limse,t.John's

B RLTO -BE ' ETT, John P obert, late Po tmn ter-General, Bengal, -14,liatelo(·/tRoad,lIastings.

HOARE, J ph ,Valli 'Bryen, l\Iajor 5th (Royal Elthorne) l\liddleex l Iilitia, - yrluey11m/se,nem'outhamptoll.

Lo H, Henry Brougham 1.B., Lieut.-Governor of the I Ie of :Jlan,Dougla , [; Ieofillan.

CARTER, 1harl s Pemberton -](r'7millgtoniIall,Ashford,Kent. , ,Villimn late apt, in 7 th Highlander.

F l{LEY, J obn, apt. 29th Kent (A hfoI'd) Rifle Volunteer ,A.-liford,Kent.

,yALFORD, TI;e Hey. Edward, l\I.A. -17, Chll7'chRow,ilampstead, Junior Athf'71((,1l1ll Cluo

PE R 0 ,t.T ulius Ale:xamler, LL.D., F. ' .,-46 IIydeParkquare, TI'.;Junior(altonClub, Jr.

ELIOT, 'Y111. Gon10n orl1wnllis, Baron,-36 DoverStreet,IV.;Port Eliot . German , Cur7111:all.

TEMPLET The RiO'ht lIon. 1eorge Freuerick, Vi count, K. Lieutenant-G neral, oIonel ommandant 60th Royal RiB 2, -Unitedervi('eClub, . Guverllmentllolle,Portmouth.

J\lou T II \.PLE8, G o],Cl'e Henry, Earl of 01. h. p. 1 t Life uard Lt.- 101. Commanding Ro. 'al En t Kent l\Iountcd HiRe .-Godinton,nearAshford,I(elZt· 60, RutlandGate 11ydeParli,

Elel·ted 1 65. 1867. " " 1868. " " " 1 69. J) " " uno. 1848. 1857. 8

IL\..wKL Ts, The Rev. ,\,r m Bentinck Letham, LA., F.R. '.,100,IIal'ley-:Y/reet,,,/ltlle}/(l'IlJJlClub, '. Jr. ( hnplain to the Chapter- cneral, 1 GG).

IIuGo, The Rev. Thomaf', 1\I.A., F A., F.R.S.L.,-Tllt> Rectory,TrestIIac!OIcy,\Z

",YALFORD, The Hc\. Ellward, A.,- 17, Church Rull', ]lmnp,tfad, N. Jr.

IL\'D WELL, The H v. Arthur Thoma' ,Yhitmorc, BritishChaplainROll/f.

\VUOD, The Hev. Alb rt .\ thel tan ,- astle..1101'/01/, lltar T(,wkeslmry.

OAKLEY The Rev. ,Tohn, ::\I.A. Vicar of t. f-;,\'\ lUlIr\-;, IIo.-toll. -1 '. JIa]'y'sRoadr({1UJ7lbllf'Y, IIOLDE.T, The Hev. Owalcl .. Iangil1, :\1..\., B.C.L.,-A-jll!lsuilljord,nearDudley.

l\IALET, The Rey. '\Tm. \Vyndham,-Arddcy Vim I'U!}(] , 7U 'W' Bwzti71gfoJ"d,fierts.

'YOODWAHD, The H.ev. ,J olIn, - s '. J/al"!}[)urso}/{/!I", Jllrmtrosc, l\'.D.

Co. , The Rev. ,Tame ' n ,11. l\I. A.,-< 't. JIlIJ"!/{[J'd'Parsonage, PriJII'esRoad,]"iI·erpool.

H T,' ELL, The Rev. yd \1)h:1m Francis, ,-lrllles/;o),ol1gh riNll" CI!} (> neal'...Jshf(}rd, j{ClIt.

O,E The Rev. \\rillimn Heyner, A. Vicar o[ thc Holy Trinity burcb, \\r e tUlin ter - 10, jJ( 's:I)()I"(}If!lh CardeJl., S. JV.

PORTAL, The Hev. Ueorrrc Raymond, 1\1.1\., Chaplain to the Earl of Carnarvon,-AllJll7'.'1 Rector/I,71('(11"Gllil(Urn·d.

BE K, The Rev. Edward J 0::3 elyn, 1\I. \.., RedorojRotherhithe,urn'y.

"\Y IT HTO , The P v. J 0 eph Crall " 1\1. A., Trica)'ojInll('sdl.Jl, JJIiddlese:c. of ®tace.

SIT w, Claudiu:3, K .. '. F., F. H ... Edin.; late olonel Royal Artillery, 7, EM,,},PlaceCobri(ZfJe, ltoHe-Olt- T7'f'Jlt. BEATTIE, ,\Yilliam, l\I.D.,-13, UpperBerlwleyStreet,IV.

Elected 1H57. "


L60. 1 64. 1 67. 1868. 9

B RNE., Dalhou. ie IIolmc , late Lieut. Royal Engineer. LAUltIE, William Alexander, F. .A.Eclin.,-Rossellr!Castle, F!fpsltire, lVE.

PRC';GLE, 1Villiam,-Erlilluurgh.

GIn. ON, Lieut.-Colonel George -"Ta bington)-21, Blon!fiflr! Ter'race,1larrowRoad, TJ :

VgLLA, Luigi, LL.D., 'uperintenc1ent of the Record Offiee,J.l/(fltu.

II It Lieut. ILunilton Farg uhar Holme ' .

CLAY, ,Yil1iam 1\ icholIs,-1 tJI(lTYClw 7' ('h , nearTorquay.

P 1L,.\ "D, 'Var\\ ieI-.. IIa - ting ,- Governmentllouse,Jlollt7'eal.

P()lt'l'EH, Lieut.-Colonel ,\Yhitworth, Royal Engineer M ,llialta.

CLAY, Hiehard, late Li ut. 7 th Iljghlander

HAT LIFF, Charles, F. .il., Lieut.- 'olonel 1st ".,..arwiek hire I iHe Volunteers,-TVyddrington,Edgbast() II Birmingham; At1i('Jl{('um {( ndCI}Il.'erl;fltil'e(,lubsS.

Hicharcl, F. '.A.,F.R. S.L., Lieut. 13th ",Yorce ter hire HiRe Y Tror(·ester.

,VRE AT -lIusKYx "" - IIarewood,Ileal'Ross, IIC'J'f;f'urd,hire;O.1/IJrcZ(fndCambridgeluhS. JV Cha.rles J o11n (late Captain and Adjutant 9th Lanea hire VoluIlteer ' ),-BelgrCll:e llIallsioll,l{ llJilitaryC'lllh,Piccadilly,

lIE DElt -' () ,Jo eph,-Bro()!IIjieldPlace,Evelyn't.,Dt.!ptf01'f1.E. A DEm,o ' , A. l\[

DOD:-'WOlt fU, red e rick Chal'le ,-o.7/ordVilla,TurnliamGreen.Tr

PEAR 0 , Albert lIarford, 1\1. A., n.C.I.J.,-Jullio}'CaTitoJlClttll. 8 I(lIcblcorthRectory, Ilwr ttlenuye,Ilert..

LrfE, Itcnry Churchill i\In -well,- -5, C7lrzoJl -"trt ' et. 1111l1;f'air

SAl.rDEHSO ,Raw. Scott,-FeaJ'JwllJ[udh,C!([ines, IIca)' ;Vo1'cetel'.

BUIwm;s, ,Jolm, Commandcr 1 .N. II.J£. ." jJando)'ll,:'-....1Ialta.

PIa, JD, Edwin, LiCHt. O. -[onl , hire l\Iilitia,-RefoJ'lllClub,TV.

BllWESS, IIany LiCHt. Royal

",YII., ;nOT, Charle' 1\1 mtagn ,--!(;'IlJ1illgt071 ,Ash/i)J'd,I{(.'71t.

STU,w, Ale. "nllc1er ..LEnen ',- Cub)'id(le, StoRe-OJl- 1')'(;ll·t. IIyla,-J.a),/lllill, 12m)' iro]'ce,{(.r.

BUIn, Phillca , late Captain 15th Hussars Little 1 land,co.Cork; JuniorL Ilited Se7'viceClub,IT: 2

1859. 1 61. 1 6.5 . 1867. " ,. 1 "69. L770. "

Elected. 1 62" " 1863. 1 65. 1867. " 18G9. 10

PORTER, Annie hidey -.J.lJalta.

ST. GEOH(iE, Elizabeth nfarianne, Lady,-17, Rutlwlt! Gaff', Jlyde Pw·H., Tr.

DE L St. J ,\.1., Agnes, Vicomte ,e - Clultcaude J.ljolltaubu71, Tarn-d-Garunllc, Fl'aJl('c. BeTt TE , --10, Lwlhl'o/ie lY()ttiJl,r; Ifill,TV.

II 'ARB, Harriet Lady,-Little1Iothjif'hl,J.ls1!/l)J·d,1{elLt.

LECIDIERE, Latl) ,-Hh!Jrld COllrt, /Il'({/'

7rOI'Cl. t('r:hire.

IIA WI I BrYUllstOJlC ,"jlUlrC, I r.

LEIGH, The Right lIon. Caroline Amelia, Lady,-, tOlll'ic:ig" Jlbbey,1{elliZwoJ'tli,lI"arwicltsltirc; :n, Po/'tJlWII 'l]., TV.

PORTEH: Catharine,-llIaltn.

TORPIIICHE... The Right lIon. Helen Dowager La<l • - Caltll'r JluZlse, Etlinbul'!jh. fl)onorarp

Et1\Yard II., :l\I.D., Phy. in Or 1. to II.H.II. tll Princ) of ,Vales,-17, lIJallchcster SqUCl1'f', NAPPEH, Albert, C)'{fllll":(jh, Sutrey.

L 0, Frederick 'Y., .1.n.,· 37, .liar.flare( 'm'e/ltti:" 'qlfare, Tr. POLLOCK, A .• Tnliu , M. D.,-21, J.lfollt((!J1IPlace. Rlls:cll ''jlfflre, IV. ( "

LfL-C:'IWRE, Thomas, C.B., lIon. SUl'<l'eOll to tIl Qll 'ell,-HI/!J{{t Vitto]'iuIlo:''jJit,t/,Netley. J-IuD.'oN, Elizabeth, or St. John" :..,'tl'({ t, Strand,TV. C.

STILLLTGPLEET, Cordelia, tillinO'fleet, Superintentlellt of .'t. .Alhan Illllu trial School, '\Yorcestr.r. :fiIAllTf);, Emma Teresa, uperintcl1l1ent of St. tJ uhn': Hou eKent.


18G2. PlilLLIPS, Robert.

1869. L lULEY, Su an, " BEA CIIA;\IP, Catherine, Counte s of'.

1869. :Mns. GIn o ,fordutyatSt.Joh,,'::;llousf',LOlldon.

\ppol!1tl'd 1855. 185 1865. 18-17.

Jl)onotarp (For'eign.)


STAGe-, General, Quito,Ecuador.

S \.LL.·-SOGLIO, :Major-General ,Johann Ulrich, Baron de, K. " Tladim ir.

CA. TEL-DHOL(), Federico Lancia '.. Gras ellini, Duea di, K. S. '. 1\1. & L., K. Crown of Italy.

, tlInIANDER '. v 0 - 'Y J DECQ, Theophile Anton ,,\Vilhelm, Count Yon, nephew anu heir of the sixty-ninth Grand-nIu 'ter, Ruri('hCastle, lIear Ai.v-la-Chapelle;andChateaudeJFi'bctq, near Bl'lfssels. (Receiyed into the Order in the ngloBavarian Langue, 1'"'25 )

BULO", Carl Georg Alexander, Baron von. :Mg'j It II Baron von -Potsda.m.

Colonel .Tohn T.,-Bo tOil Amcrica.

'Y IXTUllOP, Colonel .J ohn,-Luui jalla, U.S. 'OLO, GioYanni, Conte di.


DE LA '1'1 tL\L, Yicomte - Clultea.ude

D(p. tie TUl'Il-et- Ga1'ollJzc, Frant'f'.

DELEPIEIn!E, OctaYe, r.c .. 111., K.S. 'yl.. LL.D., F A.: Belgian 'ul-General and ec. of Legation -35, 11(JU'le.ll Pla(',', lllaitla l1ill, TV.


TE );E .... :-;EE The Hey. Todd Quintarcl, LL.D., Lord Hi 'hop Of,-llJ,'lJIphi , Tenn.:U. l..,;.

1798. 1799. " 30. " " 32. " " " " " 1 33. " " 1 34. 1835. " " 1837.

LAWRE CE, ir (reali-cdabroad).

1\IEREDYTll, ir Jo lma Colles, Bart., Captain nth Foot, Knight of the of St. Louis of France, and of' Loui ' of Hesse Darm tac1t Cr('( ('ir('r/ iI/totile Order /)/1tlte WJlh Gl'and-JJlaster,tlte Eal'oll FeJ'r/inmul 1'011 I [()lJIl'csrh).

POI'IL\. I, Admiral Bir Home r. I.B., l\I.P. (]'('('{'ic((l abroad) received the Hoyal Liccn<.: to wear the ill'igni,\. at Court 20th cpt., li09.

HOPE, Vice-Admiral the Right lIon. Sir \Yilliam G.c.n., l\I.P., Governor of ({reenwi·h IIot-pital.

Admiral Sir \\Tilliam 'idney, Count Palatine of the Lateran, Prince l\lagi:::;tral amI Regellt of the Order of the Temple, G.C.D., G.C.T.S., G. rnl"'ht of th Gohlen :Jlilitia, ]\1. .\. D. '.L ·tc. rc('C'irr'r/ ill the AJI,qlo-Bav(ll'i([JI L(fIl!llU'),

TOL 1\:1 ,Lieut.-Col. i1' IIclc K. Leg. lInn. France Vice-Admiral of Devun (received ill theAlIfjlo-B(/cari{/J/ LaJlgu(').

PEAT, The Rev. Sir Hubert, D.D., O. '. of' Poland, Chaplain to ring Georn'c IV. DGNBOYXE, The Hight lIoll. James, 13th Baron.

DOYLE, '11. Sir .Tohn l\Iillc) , 1\:.c.13., r. '.F., Seljeant-at-Arlll to Qucen Victoria; l\I. P. for C(l. ':u·luw. LANGFORD, The Itight lIon. IIerculc' L·tIl,d·ortl 2nd Baron. Stretch owl 'y.

CL.\N Y, \Villiam Reid, l\I. D. F.Rd. Ii.Jtlin., l\I.P. 1.

DHOW J,'O , Lieut.- 'oloncl 1Villial1l Henry, late '.lptain (Royal \Vel 'h Hegt. , ,Villiam, LL.D.

GRAXT, Captain Vice-Admiral of Devon hire.

To 'Ql EVILLB, Peter Victor, Olntc dc.

BAItTOX, Sir Freeman late Captain 211(1 110ot. 01" 'TltUA General George DUllcan, Chief of the Clan DOllnochic C. n., Knight or Lcopold of Au tria.

DEETTIk\I, • 'it' \Yill ialll, F.IL S.

Du \ Y, The Right lIon. Handal Edward, 15th Daron.

MACKENZIE, Charle Fitzgerald.

SIIADWELL, The 1 ight lIon .• 'ir Lancelot, Vice-Chanccllor of England.

Elected. lR37. IH3 '.

BUHNE.', James, (Baron of 'axe-Coburrr-Gotha), K.II., LL.D.

DE PEAH 'ALL, Robert Luca·.

BLLL, "\Villiam, :\I.D.

HILL \.TtY, • 'ir \Villiam, Dart., Equerry to II.H, . II. the Duke of 1-'11::' ex.

IIILTJAltY, ir Augn tus \Villiam, Bart., late 6th Dragoon Guards.

DY\fOKh, The lIon. Sa' lIenry, Bart" 17th IIereditnry Challlpion of England.


., 1 )42.

NEWT(),\, .T Dcp. Lieut. of 'he, hire, Derby hire and Lanca hire.

I>EAuL, ommander .Tame, r,II.

J\IA -''I'Ll:, Captain Hicharu Thomas, late (hcn,u1ier Guard. l\InmAY, 'uptain Arthur. 'tormont, late Rifle Brigade.

Db P E \.It'- iLL, Hobert Luc,l', late 4th CEmperor" O',n) Regt. hlans, Austrian Army.

1IIEH\L IDE, Houert Alexander, l\I.D., K. H., K.R.E , r-. L. II., Phy::,ician to the Briti h Embas y at Paris.

H T_\B, Colonel th lIon. 'ir Alan ..L apier, Bart., Prime ter f 'anada.

PEHH 1".r, E<1ward Bindlo s, Dart.

CrYl xc;n D1, Robert Keith Dicl-, Bart.

N EEDILur the lIon. Franci' lIcnry., Licut.- Colonel harle .:\iontolieu art. Daron de 't. IIypolite (Franc ). D. . L., Knight-:JInrshal of the Que n" lIou eholll, Deputy Lieutenant of 'u sex and ....

L \B \ ()FF, IIi IIir,.jmc.;;' the Prine Alcxandcr.

A v.rHor, Thc Right lIon. IIllO'h 2nu Earl of.

Bt.1WE, \Yah1emar late aptain Grenadier uard-. LAMB harle.} Saville

Gn TII'-, :;Uajor \Yilliam Stuart late 231'd (Royal ,Yelah Fusiliers)

GLO\ En, lOt·tim r, F.R.k Ellin.

Lieut.-Colonel David.

BH )('1 Lieut.-Colonel ,Yillium J ume Government 'ecretary, Gu rn cr.

1\1 'AL E.·TE·!', Lieut-Colon 1 ha1'1' rchibald, K. H. BUCKLEY, l\Injor \Yilliam DeDO'al Cayalry.

IJ:-\ ;, John, C.B. Knight of ,Yilhclm (of the Netherlanus) In,p2ctor-Gclleral of eneral 'i.e. ILL, Gr. ft. Lcrrion of lIonour Pre ic1ellt of th Ecuauor. 0

}<;lected. 1855.

57. " " " " " " " " " " " 1 5 . " " " " "

59. " " 1860. 1 62. 1864. 1865. 14

RIARIO- FORZA, II renerali imo II Duca Ludovico di.

13 R E , Lieutenant George James Holme, Bombay Fu ilier

RA)l " AY, l\1aj. General J arne late C01111ni ' ary General of the Bengal Army.

J 01 ER, Vice-Admiral the 110n. Alexander l\10ntgomery.

LE GEYT Philip 'Villia01, l\1emb. LetTi ' lativ Council of India.

BRETT, l\lajor Reginald B st, Bombay Artillery.

GRA T, John, Bengal Army.

o TRAM, Lieut.- eneral ' ir J arne, Bart., .B., K. .1.,

'VHITEIIEAD, John uperior of the Barony of Drem, 'cotL lH1.

PI TIrEY the Hon. IIamnett, i\lember of the Legilative Council of Canada.

FREE T 1 Colonel i1' 'Villiam

Ie S.F.1. and Knight of the Holy Dol' etshire.

Lockyer, Y. . .111.: cpulchre, Del>. Lieut. of

FEHGC . ON, Lieut.- eneral 'YiIEam, late Royal .Marine .

PLU IRIDGE, Admiral ' ir Jame Hanway, K.C.B.

AG R, Lieut.- olonel Emmanuel Feli ' Knight.

COPLA TD, Jame, LD., F.R.S.

'VATT, Vice-Admiral George l .. dwarc1 c.n., K. '.11.,

ILR.E., K. Henri the Lion (of Rrnn ' wick,) etc.

EI nop, ral Cecil, C.B., 101. 16th Foot.

NOR LIFFE, l\lajor-Gene1'al Norcliffc, K.II. olond Etienne Pa 'ehal, Y night, Prim 1\Iini tel' of Canada.

B R E Holland \Vard Holme, Lieut. Indian T ayy.

'YI .l.T Tllnop, 'Villiam, on ul A.,

T HNBCLL, 'Ym. Barclay David Dllnda, Barri ter-at-Law Calendare1' of " tate Paper.

ROBERT ON OF TUtTAN, George DUllcan, hief of the 11an Donnochie, late Li ut. 42nd Highlander.,.

BELL, Alexander, Quebec.

ER IATINGER, Lieut.- 'olonel \Yilliam, K. .F.1.

T RPIflCIIEN, the Right Hon. Robert, 11 th Baron. DE CAL I \., Autoine Laurent, COlnte de.

RA)! ' A Y OF BAR ' TO & 1.T ' HIE, Charle 'V m. Ramsay.

annuallReport of toe Qroapter, to toe

Qroapter on §t. loon

IDa!?, 1870.

TIlE hapter Ordinary have to report that during the pa t year they have held nine meeting, namely, in the month of July, AutTu t, December, 1 69, J annary, February, l\Iarch) April, l\lay, and June, 1 70.

The following gentlemen have been admitted l\Icmber and sociatcs of the nler ill the hngli h Langue ince t. John the Baptl t' Day, 1 69.


Lieut. Gen. the Ol;! T TC '\lPLETOW T , K. B. 01. the EARL of l\l()l J.' l'CllAHLE".


Rev. 'YILLIA:\I REYNER 0 , E ',,' , 1: 1..A. I{ v. GE RGE D PORTAL, 1\I. A.



Hev. ED'\ Al D (J ELY BECK, 1\1. A.

Hev. J 0 Erll RA TE 'YII \.RT h T 1\1.




IIELE :r Lady TORPIn liE T Douaf'.


Re ignation, and change ' in admini tra· tion.

ecretary and Regi trar.

A si tanto Almoner.

Annual Festival.

Form of Prayer. Help for the Sick and Wounded.


'rnO)lA C. B., lIon. urO'con to the Queen, Dcputy In . pector Gencral of lIo pitab.


Lieut. Col. An HIB \'LD nrc \Lg TEU, Y. II.

ROBERT, 11 th TOHrHlclIE .

Lieut. Col. 'YILLI \,:\1 EIDIA'l'L T(;Llt, r.:--,. Ii. L

The Count Petcr Jolin Fane tI) Sali ' t11e ofllce of Grand Prior of Irehnd. Li ut. 01. " Thitworth Porter, n. E. I'e ' i!rn (1 the office of Receivcr-General on being onlcrccl on ' n ic to l\Dl tn, and l\lr. John Fndey has been appointcd in hi!:! place. 1\I1'. .Tuliu ' Alexantler Pear on has been unflll'tullately ' d by ill he:dth from continuing to pcrform the dutie: of .As.;;i tant-Secretary, which have been undertakcn by .1. II'. (harlc ' .T ohn Burge,s. Durin(l' the tcmporary ab ence of the Almoncr hi dutie ' were performell by the Rev. ,Yo H. 'osens, who \\'a ' appointcd i tantAlmoncr, with a 'eat in the ' ilapter.

By permi sion of the Chane 1101' of the Duchy oC thc lbe of the Chapcl Royal 'a\oy 11a Geell gI:ant >d for the AnJ)ual Fe tival crvic on St. John Baptist':-, Day. TIlc thank of'tll hapter are due to the Rev. Henry '''hit the Chaplain of th :--;:l\O" for tll kindncs with which he ha afi'onled c\cry to tho:-e of thc Order upon whom the 11e 'es sar)" arrang lllCllt · dep c J)tlctl.

In compliance with a reolution pa sed at tll la ·t Chapt 'r-G ncmI a Form of Prayer, compilcd from ancient sources, for ll::::e by or the rder at opening and 'hapters, and on other t;C ha bccn prepared by the Rev. T. Hugo, a sit'tcLl by thc Hev. "T. B. L. Hawkins.

In compliance with their prom is to the hapt 1'-G enernl on t. John' Day Ia t, our Confreres, 111'.•J 01111 J:i lIrI Y ant1 1\11'. Charles John Burgcss, have prepared anel pllbli ' hed a " ' ork ntitlcd," II 1]1 Cor the ick and "\Voundcd;' which it i hope(l may ha \" some If' ct in arou ing public interc t in a suhject which 0 much 'onc rn " the natiollal honour. The preliminary ' ommittce, n!lmeLl in thc In" t Annual Report, has bcen unable to makc much proi2:I'C" S in furth rinO" the {ormation of an branch of the" Soci(.t -: de SrcotlJ's 1\1ilitaires B1esse ," the naval an(l military authoritie ' of thi ' country having apparently not yet recogni ed the nccc ity of ' Hch help, or the expediency of its being upplied by private individuals UlHler proper organisation.


Suggestions have bccn made by thc Secretary relative to the e tabli ' hmcnt of mcans for rcndering the reler of t. John u "eful in cascs of accident in the milling and pottery eli trict , and generally for granting a medal for act of gallantry in saving lifc on land, is done by the Royal Humane Soci e ty in of elisa ter on water.

The rent of the pre ent 1'00111 occupied as the Chancery, being con idered exce '- iYe, notice ha been givcn to thc landlord of the intention of thc rder to vacatc them in 1\Iareh ncxt. In the meantime the hapter are looking out for uitable quarter amI when found the chann-e "ill be duly notificd to cach member of the Order.

The que tion of the e pediency of the revi ion and partial reconstruction of the ' tatute - of the Engli h Langue ha " been under the con ideration of the Chapt cr. In th eir form they do not sufficicntly convey a corrcct impre a to the principles and object of the Ordcr, and the c "pecial work of the English branch of it. The tatute of th Bailiwick r Brandenburg "ould furnish material.: from which many vnluaJ Ie hint might be taken. It i that a rc olution hould be pa " ell by the hapter-Gencral the hapter- rdinary to prepare an a.mended code of 'tatute<:, and to ubmit the ult of th eir labollr " to a special hapter-Gen e ral to he convcncd.

The 1hapter ha occa 'ionally cxperienced some difficulty, from the fact of it limited number " , in ecurinQ' the due and di cu , ion of important ubject cominn- before tIlem. They woulJ that in fLlture the number of lccted .1. Iember n in addition to the }\[ini tel':; be eight, ill tcad of fh ' e a ' at pre ent, and that :--;tatutp be altered accol'llingly.

The charitabl e work, continued on the \ tClll adopt e J at the Chapter- ieneral of St. J ohu's Day, l L67, ha>:: been uninterruptedly carried on during the 'ear ended ye tcrday. The number of "ick poor thus up plied with nouri::3hing food wa - 2:50; 106 from haring ro lIo pita1, and 144 from ring ::- olleg. The number of meal" issned wa 3174, at a total cost of 1.:1.30.

Thc -' i tcr ' of St. John " IIou ,- c requirin o a in alTyin o out the y ... tem of r lief morc thoroughlv than afforded bv a . Brothcr, the haptcr, on the 3nl '- l L) 69, "an the blishmcnt or a Scrving- iter re ident at t. HOll e, and doing duty thcre under the La.lly 'uperior in all matter. connecictl with o.ur confraternity. ollle of thc Dame " heyalipre promi ed ub criptlOns toward, the increa ed c.- pen e thu thrown upon our funds. and ib on (who wa ' appoint d tel') since that date at t. J olm" lIoll 'e, a.;;sistinn- in the pl'ep :u:lt.i on and i.:;.:;ue of the dIets to those persons duly r ommentled by the 11 n. pital medical officer,

Increase of the 'hapter·Ordi. nary Almollcr',.; dcpartment. Tn IJondoll . • t. .I. nrfolk t.

Rewarrls for services in tho cause of hu· manity. Chancery.
Revision of the ", tatutes.


Visiting Hepmt.

visiting them frequently, making full report of their ca es to the Almoner every week, and, when eli nga o' tl, helping the ' i ' tel" of ' .•Tohn' Hou 'C in matters unconnected with our Order. 'ub equcntly COlllmunication " were opened with the ociety for organizing charitable relief in the metropoli ... , and it i hoped that by the ' e means, in audition to the visiting of the convale ' ccllts by yarion members of our On]cr at irregular time, the fear of our fnnds being expellucd upon unworthy objects may be reduced to a minimum.

The Visiting report reveal cn. e of misery whieh cannot fail to excite your ympathy· at the ame time th gratitude expre "s ed by many who feel that your timely aid ha ' umler Pro\ itlenc e r storctl them to health, and in some ca e ayed Efe, cannot fail t o be (q'atiCying to you. Unhappily the e rcport al 0 r veal how mnch uickn " and poverty exist clo ' e around lP, which the :lntin oC our charity-flllHl compels u to leave untouched, antI it i thcreCore hoped that by th \ exertions of our nIember thi fund may be c on ill rabl. increa ' d.

Opinions of .Medical Officer.

Necessity of extending the system

Dr. Lionel Beale tate ' that 'the 'Ystem 11a ' workctl well, and ha been of great service to the poor." Dr .T lIliu I oHo ck writ to the Almoner, " I am able to t 11 you , and with increa , II emphai ' that the as istance afforded to u ( haring ero.:' Hospital ) by the Order of John is most valuable, and imlecd I scar ely kn o w h o w we coulJ now get on without it, 0 e sentially ha it become a part and parc e l of th Out-Patient relief. The whole thing is 0 well arranged that I ha v little or nothin rr to 'ugge t except perhap " that while we keep within our proper number of I think the nature of the case r li e v II may be well left to the medical officer and that 0- nll e tl ·hronie ca es are often a ' much relieved a ", other by an oeca ' ional (nlcr fol' relief." It appears, th refore that we hay r to be thankful f or tll success of our ystem a far a ' it g all<l it houl(l b Ollr aim to extend it to other part oC the m e tropolis; but tili , can only be done by increa ing our charity fund.

In Worcester.

The progress of the lIanley Ca tIc ommandery in the IIo"'pitaller work of the Order is sati -factory. The ytem adopted i · found cl upon that practi ed in London. ince J unc, 1869, 44 per ' on ' in ""Vorce ter have been suppli d with nOUl'i hing diet ' Cor perious vary ing from one to seven weeks, the total number of meal ' i ued being 1,150, at an average cost of gr!. The e are cooked antI i , Hed un(ler the superintendence ofl\Iiss Stillingfleet, " uperintenclent of ' t. lban's Indu trial School, vVorce ter. The patients are visited weekly by member oC the Order, and the Commandery believe , the re ' ult of the visiting i beneficial. The Committee of the W Ol'cester Dispen ary pa sed the following re olution at a meeting held on the Hth eptember la t. "Thi Committee de ' ire to reconl their high sense of the benevolence


of the Hanley Ca tIe Commandery of the Order of t. John of J erusalem in the npply of diet for convale cent patient of thi In titution, which from their ob -ervation they are already able to pronounce of the utmo t value, and to be fully appreciated by the patient them elve n ." 'to John" lIou e, A ' hford, which wa mentioned in our la t Annual Report a then lately opened, is now in complete working order, with a re ' ielent taff con 'i ting of the Lady uperintendent, two nur anel a cook, besi(le uch temporary attenuance as from time to time become nece sary. Since the 1 t January in the pre ent year, 22 patient have been admitted, who r'mained for p e riod ' varying from 10 to 163 days. An extra nlll" e i kept in training, and at the present time he is engarred in a private family; the £x e d income amounts to '£ 170, exclusive of other variable OUl'ce "

It i hoped that by next t. tTohn' Day, we may be able to report the foundation of a ent Home on the coast.

In can 'lmlin rr til ir Report of the progre rna Ie by the Lancrue in practical good work clurin rr the t year, the hapter would ur rr upon all the :\Iemb e r ' of the Lanrrue the nece " ity of holding the rrround thu gaill ed by working, tog e ther and "eparately, in every matt r tending to further the cau e of humani ty, WtO utili tate bOlnintun.

( Sirrned)


®rber of of IN EGLAND.



R LL 013 0 FlOER

t!:fJc Q!onucntual 13ailtff.

TUE TURcoP LIER. Vacant during the abeyal1ce of the Gnmtl 'tel' 11ip of th Orcler.


PRIOR OF E. 'GLA. 'D. IIi Grace tIl UKE OF IIE ·TER. BAILIFF OF E \.GLE. The Right IIonouruLle the L RD LEI(;JI.



Cha71cello?'. ir J OIl T. EOROE, K. .B. (actin '). ec?'etaJ'Y' iiI' A"\THO;-'ry IIARLEY LECH:)IERE Bart.. Rhytld ourt, pton-on- 1 eyern.

Receiver. Sir E. A. H. LE II MERE, art. Almone?'. HARLE:' Jom ' BunGE '''' , aval and Iilitary ]ub Pic adilly, ,V.

Regis t1'a 7'. RICHARD ,V OOF, F \.., F.R L ., ,Vorce tel' ./ 1. sitant eC]'elm'y . IIARLES J OlI... B ROE ' ' .

Genealogist({lidLilJ1'aJ'ian. 'rhe Rey. TIIO:)L\. " lIeu 0, -'I \.., F. '1 ••\.. Th ' H ·ctory, 'V st TIackIl l' Y, N"



Con i ·ts of the npitular BailiflH ill Ex. m, l' " the ihaplain:r011 ")ral, and the follmying (,lL' 'ted Imber

J 'fEORUE, IT. .B.

ir E. G. L. PEnnoTT, Dart.

ir IIO.\J1E Part.

rII.\.RLE:' PK\mEHT()X .\ 1 TER. .1ilL F'C'RLEY.

Li ut . - olond 1 )eLD ['O'\'.

11' BROOK K.\.Y, HHrt.

BanA'e1'S. rrh LOllllon and \Y l'l"il1linHl('l' Bank 1,. 't. Jam .'\V.

Corre ponc1ence may be a<.1tlr '," d to, S Tllf','1ecl'et((7'Y0/tlieOrdeJ'0/ ,'t. JUlill, 5 >, BrooA: • l},Nt, (J)'o Tf'/lOr 'jum'e, nan.'!, f..-Olldo II rr.



1 60. PRIOR. Ilis Grace William Drogo uke of 1('i711vollonCasar', Ill/Ilt. ; 1, Gt. tanllOpe freet, rv 1 G3. B.\'lLIFF OF EAGLE. The ight lIon. '\\ ilE am Henry Baron LEWII,-) tonelei[Jh J obey, Ii enilwo1'thHCll'wickshil'e;37 POl'tlJlan''lU(lJ'e, If '.

BW ,'BY Rohert, LL. K.' .J. , c .,-4, BeallfortTerrClce Pec!.:lWJ/lRye,l{ellt.

CR \.WFOHD, ,Yilliam, LA.

BARRETTO Hcnry " Baroll llc of r l'tngal D.L. F.R. .L., -IJcl'A'cll'Y[lollse((IJI{J)'id[letl'eelTV.;BJ'CmdonParA', ll.ti'olk·leddal'Fo/'(.t,neaJ·1\Tell d({l

1 47. PUILIPP \.RT, ir.J ohn, Knight f Gu ta\Ll Va u, Polar tal', LR.1.1\.,-Colil?[Ie1Iuu.'e,('ll1ll'cltLane,llammel'smilh TV " PERllOTT, • 'il' Edward' eOl'9; Lamb ' 1'L art., late Captain Eu t Kent lilitia -J]rooA·!ti1lIioll.'ePlwnsteacl, I(ellf, .E. 1 35. F LID"'Y, EWC'll, ./hicf' of the on and 1837. " 1 04. Jan hat.tan,-- lun!!(t.tlc,IGnfJllsie,lnvernes-sltiJ'e; Junio)'CnltedI!J'viceCl/lv,

li OAHE, 'ir Ed'iva1'd, BHrt.,-Littlenear 1ShfOl'd }j enl.

OTIl.- U /!der- the preSt'llt of the O,.d,,·, no (lci efltion lcill be to this

<10 III mani)'el.'.

1869. LEOInrnRE, lr Edmund nthony Harlc Bart., ommand l' 1 65. of Hanl y a tJe, ,\V or -' tel' ' hi1' ,-RhyddCourt,neal' ['lil0I1-01l-eVel'lLCarlton (Illb, II

AppointPd. 1841.

1 42.

1 47. " 1 57. "

1 52. 1 59. " 1 61. "

1 1 G:1. 1 8G5 . G


POTT, J 0 er h Compton, Jun. -.J[((]'den,IoCenl. ALEXA),"'])ER o] on 1 • il' Jmnc' hyanl, K.. .,lr(', tatonflollse,Bl'icl,fJCof..JUan,}{B.;Uniteden'lceand

A th('J/m()n , ..:\.Y.\.SOUR, ir II nr Iel'vYll, Bart. -I Ilall, Tudcaster;TI'arelleJ's' r/Ilh T

J ohn Bcll ,Y illiam Bart.,-The Iff'(ffli, llj'otlw]}1, l{(,lIt; .111a('.tilo, aeJ'/17({J'thellshil'e' '(I/·/tOll /II/i, 1 SPR1E, nptnin Ri ·hard, lnte Dcp.-Judg , - A(lvo 'ate- '11 'ral, Ma l nt, \.rmy,-i f) , J fu"COIIJ'l TI'I'I'({('f', /...r....,.11 'Y OLL"\. 'TOX, Frcdcrick, lat l5th (IuniRkillil1 n.) DragoonK, A. he71tonIIull, .1.Yulleu{oll, BRO\'\XE, Lil'ut.- ncral \\Tnlt ' l' John, .,-1 '1,. t.Towes 'fll({J'c, ,1 r.

• IIUOK.B1.,""[WII, • 'i r FnmcIR, Bart. , ,-' lillt"!.·{i/fI·!/h J)(/J h', ?Ie(()' D({C(,71fJ'Y' Pow -_\'LL, Ih'nr)! , G:1, Rllssell .. 'j/I((]'(', r.

PORTER Li cut. -C olon·l ,rbitw orth, Exeeuti\T. 01<.' '1' , Engincer. ,-J[alta.

Rth\.),"']), Li eut .-C olonel \.:org II 1'1110n - G01'('}'JI/J/(JII{ I fUII.'e, JlolliJ'l'al.

Y, Vic -Ad miral 'orge', 1. B. iT GEORGE, IajUf- 1 eneral • ir.J ohn, K.(i.n., Ro) a] .Art illL'1')-, -17, RlltluJ/d G(lie,II!JrleJ>(lJ'i.; Clliled < Ncice('l"li, .". ll'.

AXDERSO .·, Colonel Thoma ,-lrft/t/Jillil' f[,,11 "II.·/,·k HAIIKL-.', The Hey. " '111 . 13 'nlinck Ldham, M.A., F.R. '., -33, fJl'yc(71stone S'jlW}'(" J theJ/ouJ71. ll/o, .1 V: NOTE.-U,ldtl' tlt e jil'CRCllt • 'Ialltif' OJ tt.,· On/tt. 110 ndditlOl! leill Q, ulO,1c to tillS

IIOLillE .' , Gcncr'1,l John, C.D.,-14, t.James's qllaJ'e, S. n. lL57. L EITH, J ohn Farley, late Pl'ofe,'sor f Civil Law, H.E.I.C. " ILtil(·ylmry,-7D, U{ollceste1' Ten 'Clcf, Ifyde Park, 1r. 7 of

BARR, Major-G eneral Henry J ames,-14, S.James'sSqua1re,S.lV. Lt.- '01. 1'revenen Jamcs, C.B.,-1}'emayne,Thicl..etRoad, Upper ]V orwood,.E.

SHERIDAX, H cnry Brin ley, M.P.,-17, TVestbourneTerrace, W:; Oaklands,t.Pete1"s,IsleofTltanet.

BURLTOX-BEX)'""ETT, John Robert, latc Postmaster-General, Bengal, -14,1lm'elockRoad,Hastings.

IIOARE, J oseph " allif:l 'Bryen, Major late 5th :JIidcllesex Militia,)ydney,Ilea)'outhampton;JWliol' [; lIited eJ'l'ice Club, ' TV.

L ocu, II nry Brougham .B. , Licut.- lovernor of the Isle of Man,])ol/gla, , Isleof .i.lft.m.

CARTER, hnrlc .' Pemhcrton,-I(el/l/ington flall, Ash/oNl,l{ellt.

TumL ·OX, " rillimn, lntc ,apta iu 7 :"Ith Rio'hlandcr .

FURLEY, .I olm, apt 20th Y cnt (\. hford) Rifle Volunteers,AshfordlCent

,yALFORD, The CY. Edward, ::0I.A. -17, Clu{J'cllRon',IIampstead, !{, JUllior I thCllfl 11m Cillb TV.

ELIOT, 'V m. Gordou 'orllwalliR, Baron,-3G Dovel'treet,JV.;Port J'.Jliot,t.Gel'll/(lll.,oJ'Jll('all.

TmIPLETO\Y.-, Th Right. II n G orgc Frcderick, Yi'count R.C.B. Lieutcnant- c ncral OllllUawlin o' thc ' outhern Di&trict,- Cnited

Sel'dCR lltb . ()ovfJ'llmcJit Ilo/{, e, PortsJJlouth.

Mou. -T II.\.HLE·, eorge IIem'. T, Earl f Col. h. - p 1 "t Life Guard ; Lt.-C ol. ommullding Royal Ea t Kent illountec1 Rific ... ,-Dl/I'ons, ICent; 23, RlltlamZ Gate IIydePark,S. ,VEl TO:\f, Lt.-C ol. oulcl-Ilwlierston,TrestI{z'ZbJ'ideAyrshire,i\".B.; Unitedel'vicelub,PullJ.1IaU, GORDON, the IIonble. n' rthur IInmilton, Go,crnor of Mauritius.

DAVIE, Franei Robert Blac!..·}'ocJ..·. co. Dublin. KAY, ir Br ook, Bart.,- tUllleyLodge.Datth70u.:n, heltel1ham. Sir George IIowland Bart. -ColeOrton Ifall .Ashby-dela-Zouch.

W OOF, Ri.chard, F. ' .A. , .L., - Tr-ol'C('stc}\hire tub, Tf'"01'cester. (Esqnil'e, 1 G4; Ch valier of Gl'<le , 1 G7.)

BURGE,., harl .T hn,-.LYa1.'CtlandJ.1!ilita}'I/Club,Piccadilly, TF. (E.·quire. H\()7 j ht v<11ie1' (If (h<lCL" 1i' (V.) ,

HAWRIN , The Rev ' Vm B 'utiu k L tham, LA., F.R. 33,B7'yan, tone qUa7'e;.AtlU!I7CU1l7nlllb, Tr. WALFORD, The R v. Edwarc1, LA.,-J1tlliol'.it thel/(('wil ('Zllh)

HUGo, The Rev . Thoma" F. '..L\.. F ... L.,- The Recto)'y.lrec·tIIacbzey, -,-Y

SILillIlELL, Th Rev l'thur Thoma 'Vhitmor, 1\L'\.)Bl'itihhaplui1l,Rome.

\ VOOD, The R v. Alb rt th 1'tano,- (l"tleJ[u)'t071near Tewkesblll'y,Glollcetel'hire.

OAKLEY, Tho B.ev. J ohn, Vicar of avionr'.', IIoxton, - 1, JIClJ'y'sRoad,UIlOI1{Jlll'!I,.1.\,'.

HOLDEX, Th ev 0 w<lld Llngill L \. B. 1.L.,-A-illgSU infoI'd nan' Dudley.

Tho R,v ' Vm. \YYllllham,-AJ'{Zeley r ic({,'ug',Hear


' Vo D\\ARD, The Rov. J o11u,- 111m'y'sParsorwue,,J[ontJ'ose ]\TB

Ru "'ELL, Th Rev. 'yclcnham Franci, 0/ Ucl..:field,USce,v.

00 'K ',', The Rev. \Villiltm Royu r L \.)- 1 ofThull('y, n"'ol'cesfel'shi l'e.

PORT.\L, Th R v . 'oorg Rnymond) 1\1.A.) haplnin- 'rill (1 72),-RectoJ'ofBw'uhcll'l'e, nea)' (ewbu!'yjJ(lI'A-.'

BECK) The R v. JOR,' 'lyll) LA .) Rectol' N(}III( J'hithe,w'1'ey.

'\ T, rrho R v. J 0 'cph '\ano) :M.A ) of 11 Tille'dcll, fi1iddlesex.

The Rev. J Brooke 1\In,hcr) 1.A ,- f"'icw'of.i.l[onlLton lUL'l'Hwuth,DO'l's'i8ltire. aEvYELL, rj he It v. Arthur) M.A.-Southlea,Ol'eat111alve?'n) TVorcestershire.


L G7. " "

PORTER, Anuie 'hirley,-Malta. '1' GEORGE, EIizaLeth Iarianno Lady -17, RutlandGate,IIyde rarA',

DE L.\.,'TIO, JAL, Agn Vicomte "e,- h,lteaudelIIontanuanDep. deTarn-et-G(lI'OlLne,FI'Clt/ce. Bmc,"E,', E ther 'arah,-40, harllJl'oke;,...;fj/(((i'e..LYottiJ1[J Ifill, H': Harriet, Lacly,-LittleI1otlvield, .A }{ent.

LECIDIERE Loui,'a I 0,'cul10nc1, Lac1y,-Rltydd Court,?learLjJtoll-oneve),rl. I JToJ'ce.'tcJ's/tiJ'e

IL\.w1\l\"s, EEzal) Ith,- 33, B",1lanstone '- 'lll(lJ'e,

LEIGII, 1'h, Right lIon, \ll'olino Amelia, Lacly,-, tOlieleivIL..Ll'Ubey lieniheorth, JI 'UJ'WiCA'slti,'e; in, pOJ'tman 'j/((I/'e, PORTER, atharin' -Jl1alta.

TORPIIICIIE" '1 hl 1 ight lIon. Ill,} '11, ownger Lady --,-YineTrelL·, ChiJ'lI,'ir/r', .. \ . n. Moe\,f II Thc Right lIon. J allC 'i t. Blau·11 , COUllte of,-lJljJ'Un8,


IIE>''DER. , OX, J 0 'cph,-Broo17VleldPlace,Erelynt., ' .E. AXDER 'OX, .l\.ilI.

DOD, WORTIl, Fr '<1 rid\: har1c ,- o.l'fOl'dll'lla,TurnhamGreen p , , EAR.'O>,T Alhert Harford, M...A., ] .C.L.,-JuniorCarltonClub, . f(nebworthRector.lf, IICllr teuellClye, llfJ'L lIeury lnu' ·hilll\Ia_ "welL-,),) freet J[av/ail' n: AXDER,'OX, Etl\\'. 'cott,-Feu)'nalL11euth,''''lainec,near

BURGESS, John, otnmantler H.l. .11...11. 'Pandora,'-.i.llaltu.

FHEXD, Etlwin Lieut. _-ford ,hire :JIilitia,-Re/orm(ilib, A.:..

BURGE 'S, IIn ny IiI., a1 taul Hoyal Artiller;-,-Bombay; J.Yat'aland l.filitary CLub, \ VILMOT, hades Montngu -I{enningtoJ/, nem' Alifm,aKent. HAW, Al xandcr JEneas,- obridge,toke-on-Trent.

HOLDE:t\, IT. 'la,- fJa7'k llill. neul' IT''oreesler.

10 (cantintied). . 1 II L'ttle 1.' land,co.COl'k; BURY. Phin a late aptmn Du U sa1'8,JuniorCnitederl'icelllb, . T1'.

LLUELLYX, Hichard lat \lptain 4Gih Regiment, - ...1 1'my andTa/· y Club, . 1V: "\'" Edward Franei , Car tain Royal ..:\rtill ry,-DeplltY-11sslstanlQllal'terJ1laster-GeneralClH!JOJ'Dist )'iet, India. of (5rrlCC.

IL\.W '11au diu, Y. .F., . Ellin.; lat Colonel Royal \1'til1 l'Y,7 ElderPLaceCobrid!Je,tOh-e-oll-'["mt. ,Villiam M.D.,-13 CppCI'JJCI'kehy '-..U'eet,

PRIX GLE \' illiam,-Edillll1l1,[/h.

CLAY, ,Yilliam Nicholl ,,- t. J[(()'y C11IL1'cli,11('((1' TV/'Ijlllly.

RYL _L\D, ,Ya1'wic1 IIa, VOrNl/li/CntIlullse,J{UlltN'((I. LAY, RiehnI'd, hlt -' Lieut. 7l'th II ighlan(lC'l'

RATCLIFF, 1har1 ,', F. .A.,- 1fyddl'iJl!lton,Ed!JuastoJl,TJil'lllillU1w /II; Athencl'umandConsen'atirel/lus, .1 V.

'YREX-Ilo .·1\:YX., ·hanc1oR "JJI.P.,-Jlw'w·ood,neal'Ross,1I O,1/o?'cland amul'id[fe Clllb, ,'. .

J;J.(G., MA -LEy, ,Yil1ium Georg .l. Ticho1a, 'on, TIt» al Artll1 '1')" If''oolwich, I .E.

ItO 11 A oelATE

SIEYEKIX G, Edward IIcllry,:JI. ., Phy. in Ord. to ILR.II. the Prince of 'Yale,- t.J[uJ'!lsfJospital;and 17, Jl[Cl}lcltesterqua''l'e, TV.

"TAPPER, Albel't,-Cl'((lIlci[fhurrey.

HE.\.DL L\l), Fr 'c.1 rick 'Y., M.D.,-37, ll!argaretStreet,Cm:endish q1lare lr.

P OLLOCK, :JI.D.,- luo·iJ1[J[Iospital; alld 5 IIm'ley lreet,('({!:pl/dislt 'jlf(fl'e, Tr. C. Loxmrorm, Th llHV, i.B., lIun. nrg on to the Qucen,-Royal IlosjJI{al.

IIoDso.', Elizabdh, 'l1perior of 't John', lIoll c,-tl'eet, • {mild, e.

'TILLIX(;FLEFT, 10rd -lin 'tillingileet, nperintenc1ent of t llban's Inc1n trial '<:lwol, I rUJ·a.·ter.

Emma 'l'ere.'a, 'npc:rintend 'nt of 't. John' llou. e Kelit.

FIL\XK, Philip 1\I.D.,-CWIliPS,FJ'({Jlce. M.\.CCOlDL\C, 'YiJli ,nl1, :JL.\., :JI.n.,- t.Thoma'sIIospital'aneZ13, 11((1'1£'.'1 A II' ft, RE.\LE, Lionel I 'lllith, M.D., Coltt'!JeIIoL'pital;and61, O/'08e(>1I0)' , I I'let, PRATT, Thol1llU; Tilde :\I .D. 47, F({llbo/{j';/t.IIoJloJ'e,PW'is.

Hohcrt, '.,-The (/)'('('71, tOA'e ,V .\.LL.\.CE, ,'i1' H ivharcl RaI't.,-llc)'Z/oJ'dIioll. (' JI(lllclie. tBl' Quare. The La.dy upcrior uf 'i.. J ohn's lIou" c,-treet,London.


PHILLIPS, Rob crt,- ock'1.mrtreet LU)1LEY, JUI'. llRrlTI,-llallfo1'd,/ieppeJ'ton.

Cnt.herin , Count 2, ...lddisonRoad,I{ensington, GOLDINGIIA)I, Ml' Katc,-BJ'itaIlJliaquare,lJToJ'cesteJ' HOARE, Mrs. C 'cilia Eleanor linu,- .'Jdney near coutllClmplon. Eom r, tl . , 1R. a 1 1'111e,- ,IIdney,near A. "fhampton.


1') .)

110 oIt AIl Y E 1\1 BEl

1 AILIF'F '.

STAGG, Gener[\,l, Qnito,Ecu,aclo1'. .UX'- OGLIO, Major- ene1'al Johann Tl r i·ll Baron de Kd '. ' Yladimir .

A TEL- BROLO F6deric ffi l' 1 1 "JI. L ., c -c;. Lan cia. ha:-vellini In ca <1i.

HO:\IPE 'on 'Y1 'BEOQ Th(!ophil Anton \>llllt yon, RW'ich({8tle,near.Ai.t,-{u-C'hupelll"and('Illite/litde nTi becq,nen]' BJ'Il. sels. (R 'c ·ived int th' nIer ill the Anglo-Btl. arinn Luno'u e 1 <.:25)

BULOW, Uarl org LU 'xand l' Daroll Yon.

IETTER.TI II, Baron von,-Potsda17l.

HEARD olonel J( hn T.,- Ru.·Lon .J.Y. t mel'ica. B TELLI-Fo,'COLO Gionllllli, 1011t \ (Ii.

LA TIC 1 T JAL, Loui,', , i 'omt' t1 ',- hClterl1LdeJfontallban'I'w'n-et-Gw'o71ne, F'}'ul1(,(). DELEPIElmE, Octay e, LL.D., .L\' Belgian 10!vll1-( (ell('ral alHl 'ec. of L eg, tiOll -3 -, IIowle!Jl.Jlace,JIllidalIill, IIAPLAIN.

The Right Hey. C. T. uintaI'd) LL. ., jsho of,-flIernphis,Tenn.,U Eleded. 1 1 j . 1t{.)<.'.

LAWREX CR, 'il' Jam es (1'eceil'edabroad).

• 'ir J o,'hua ollus, Bart Captain 9th Foot, Knight of th e Ordor.' of. It. Loui.' of }'ran ,aHd of Loui ' of lIeH. Darmstadt (receil'ed£ntotlteOJ'de]'bytlle69th (Jmnd-J/asteJ',"onIJompe.·tlt)

POPII_Dr, AcImil'al • fir IIome B 'I P ( 7 199., \.. 'J 1. • J'ecezveu abl'oad).

HOPE, Vie -.Admiral the Hight II Oll. fir 'Yil1ialll J oIm.ton G. .B., M. P., 1'1101' of 'r -'('11 widl TIo. pital.

• 1"JIITII t11l1irnl 'jl' \\ TiJlium ,'ic1ney County PnIatin of the Lat eran, ·Le.B.. '., '., O ' '.F. Knight of the Golll'll :JL\', D. .L., F.IL '., ·, tc. (7'eceiL'edinFrance).

TOXK1X, Lil'nt. - •'ir 'Yar,,,icl - IIel!', K . L g. lIon. France, Vic -Al1ll1iral of Deyon (receit'edinthe41lZf)lo-i3uvaJ'ian Langue,andinPru.·ia).

PEAT, TIll' H ,y. ,'iI' Rohert, D.D., i .• of PolalHl 'haplain tn King GL'nrge IV. DeXBOYXE, Thl' Pight lIoll. l:Hh Baron. l\lnjf.r-U('ll. ,til' John K .. H., .F. r.T .. '., l:Jcant-ni-Arm ' to n']) Yidoria; :JI.P. for co. Carlow .

LAXGFORD, Th., Hight II (In. IIl'rcnll't:; Langford, 2nd Baron.

BRO)ILEY, tell "O\Y] y.

CLAXXY, ",, 'i Il1al11 R eill, M.D., 1. Ec1in' J ..L'\'

BROW),' 0 1\1' \\ " ]]' ., " aJor I lam II nry, latc apta.jn 23rcl (Royal \V el h Fusi Iit'r ') 1 egt. . " \Y illinlll. LL.D.

O'DONNELL, (l ('11 1' 11 ,'il' Hussar. hark, R out] <lg , u]()Jwl

GRA.TT Captain '1'] \T' A J • 1 . D ' , lOmas, ll' - CtD)lra ot cyon ' hir

To CQUEVILLE, P t r Victor, omte cl . BAHTON ir Fre ] t c . , . eman, a aptnlll 2nd Foot.

HOBERT. 0l1' TRt:\ r (1 1 ( , C' . -" T l1era I.Jcorg" Ullcan 'hiL'f of th l Inn Donuochi R 1" 1 f L ' • lllg It l) eopoll lIt'


Bli:ETHA'JI, ,,'il' \ ill i<.tlll , F.H '.

Dux AXY The Right lIon. Pandal E(lwHt'(l, 1.")111 Ba!'()Il.

MACKEXZIE, Charles Fit.lgcr[ll(l. SIIAD\YELL, The Ribht lIon. 'ir Lan "lnt, Vie -Ch:\11 diu!' or Enghl,nd.

BURl ES, James, ( <11' n of ,'<1'('- ohul'g-Ouilw), 1'.11.. LL.D., F.R


BELL, 'Villiam M.D.

HILLARY, '-Jir 'Villiam, Bart. Equerry to II.R.lI. th uk of us ex.

HILLARY, iiI' Augu tu \\ ilEam Bart., late hh Dragooll Guards.

DYlIIOKE, The lIon. 'ir lIenry Bart., 17th II 'l'eclital'Y Champion of Englanll.

James, D p. Li 'ut. of Che.·hire, r1)", 'hir an Lan a8hi1'c.

PEARL, Commander 1ir Jam', 'TE R, Captain Richarcl Thoma" bte renacli hun-Is.

Cal tain Arthur tonnont btc Riil ' Brigade.

DE PEAR. ALL, Rob rt Lueas, bt \ 4th (Emp Tor'/:) OWll) R 'gt. Uhlans AUI::itrian Army.

CIIEK\LIDE, ' ir Rul ert Al .'an(l r, 1. D. K. ('1. II., Ir. R.

K.L.H., Phy.-iciall to the Briti ,11 Elllba, , y at PnriH.

AU, iolonel th lIon. >' ir .Al<1n X api '1', Bart. Prim' lini ·ter of Canada.

PERROTT, ir Edwarcl Bind1oss, art.

CW-YNGIIA:.\l, Sir Robert Keith Dick, Bart.

NEEDILDf, the Hon. Francis II 'nry.

LA:'\1B, Lieut.- olond 'i1' 'harles },10ntolicu, Bart., Baron d.,. 't. llypolitc (France), D.C.L., of tll' ( necn'/:)

lIou chold, Deputy Lieutenant of lh S • and \.yrHhire.

LABA"'\OFF, ilis ilighness the Prince lexandel'.

ANTRIM, The Right Hon. Hugh Seymour, 2nd Earl of. BURGES, omervillc Waldcmar, late Captain Grenaelier uards. harles James aville Montgomcry.

GRIFFITHS, Major 'Villiam tuart bte 23rd (Royal \ 018h Fu ' ilier.) R gt.

GLOVER, Mortimer, F.R.S., Edill. \YILlUE, Li 'ut.- Davic1.

BROillJ, Lieut.- olond ,\Tilliam J ames, ovcrnmcnt ecr tary, Gu rns y.

MCALE 'TEH, Li ut.- 1010n 1 har1 s \rehibalc1, K.II.

TORPIDCllE ." Thc Right lIon. Rol rt, lIth C1.ron.

BUCKLEY Major' illia.m, Bengal 1ava lry.

GUX"XIXG, John .B., Ynight of 'Yilhelm (of the J.. T ethcrlancls),

In pector-G ilcra] of IIo pitnlH. en 1'al, G. 1. lIT., Off. L egion of Honour, Pre id 'lIt of the Ecuador.

ARBUTlIXOT, (lmiral 'iI' .AI .-a11 (1 '1' Dundas YOUl1g Gentleman of the Privy Chamber to Her Maj 'sty.

RURIO- II uca Luclovico eli.

Lieut llant George James Hulme, Bombay Fn iIi rR.

R.DlS \.Y, :JIuj.- cncral J amc " latc ommi. ary General of the Bengal Army.

Jo:X'E,', Vice-Admiral the lIoil. Alexanc1er :Jlontgom ery.

LE EYl', Philip \\ illiam, :JI 'mb. L cgil:)lat iv c 10lUlcil of India.

BRETT, 'JInjor R n'inalcl Be. t, Bombay \.rtillery.

GRoL,\T, J 01111, I eng-al Army.

OUTR DI, Lieut.- reneral ir Jam "', Bnrt. T •. 13. K. 1. .r.

WIIITEIiKill, J oIm up 'rial' of tll Bar 11)' of Drelll. c:otL.1.ncl.

PIXIIEY, the lIon. IIallln ·tt :JI 'mbc r of th L gi -lative Council of ana(la.

FREE C lou 1 \1' \YilJiam LO"]-,\T I'T' III v'l...; r, \...., .,

K F.I. aUll Knight of th lIoly 'cpulchre D "p. Lieut. of Dol' et ,hirc.

FERGU ' 'ox , Lieut.- neral 'Villi'uil, !at oynl :JIarin

dmiral i1' Jame IIlUl\yay, K. .13

AGAR, Lieut.- olon ,, 1 'ir Emmanuel Knight.

OPLAND, J ame " 1. F .R. '.

VELLA, Luigi, LL. ., nperlut nclellt of the Record Office, Malta.

01. 'Vil11nm Bengal Army. .13., late Commi ary G neral)

DB OOLIO) p ... t r J ohn Fi.\.lw) of tll(' n n1y Homan Empire. K.R.E.) K.ll. ., hey. L g. lIon. (J'e '("LI'ed by the Lieutenant-.Jlasterdea1lClida), FIFE} ir J olm) LA.} Dep. Lieut., \Yea ·tl -Oll- Tyn . \Yilli nm Ale:s:nnll'l'} F. \ E(lin. Grn, Lieut.-Colon I G "'o rg \Y a ,hino·ton \VATT } Vice-Admiral 1" rg Edwttnl) .B.) 1\:.U.11., K. .E .) K. Henri the Lion (of Brunswick») tc.

BI ,II p} lHajo1'- x neral ceil} .R.) 01. IGth Foot.

NORCLIFFE, jlaj r-G'11 'ral Nor -liil'e, K.ll. TA CIIE, 010n 1 Sir Eti 'lUll' Pa ' 'hal Y nioht, Prim' IinlHt·], of Canada.

B R::-.m.') IIolland \Y ard Holm ) Lieut. Indian a 'y \VIX TIIROP, \Villi am, on.'ul .. . Malt<1. \\ :c\TTIROP olon ·1 J oIln Loui. 'inll<1, T .8. 1\.

BURXE.·, Captain ' idn"y Holm R, Bombay 'taIT !nrp.·.

PEX)'"EFATIIER, i 11cral 1 'i1' J o11u Ly 'ao,ht . K.C.n., r. 1.:M.L., :tovernor of 11 1 · .n, T URXBULL} "m. Barclay D<1.Yid I Ulula ) Burril" er-ut-Law

Calondnrer f 'ta to Pap -rHo

OF kTRlJ GeOl'he uncan} 'hi f of the (1<111 D onuocDi ,lut Lieut. 42n 1 Highlander

BELL, Alexander) Qu b c. Lieut.- 01011 ,1 \Y illiHlll) K.I '.F

}'fELAJ.- DE .\.L IN.\.., Antoin ' Laur '11 t 10mk t1 OF BAR -TON C 1 ACCIIIE, hn1'] ".' \Vill inm I lUllsay. Juliu s Alexancl r! LL.l F.I' \





nIl 1111: @rbrr of 3)Obll of I ENGL N

PriJl/t'd /7)1 0, derof tilt: Clwptt'r. I )75.


lIARRL. 0 T AN'D ,'o x _', '1'. :\fARTIN' LA_ TE, Prilllt'TSillOrc/lllar},10lferJla/uly.

'(!rutcopoIi er.

T his Office i' at pre ' cnt vacant.


J3ailtff of lEagIc.

The Right Honble. \ JILU,\I Ifl.. I'Y, B\w, 5th Janu a r)" 1:-'(;3.

l\ecetb rr, anb

Q!onunanbel' of

Sir YD '\ \' 11\,1' L1 :V LE 'IDIEI'1'" Bart., T.A. F. A.

2nd February, 1869.

Wbe Qround!'

PREs/flEJ\7-Lieut-General ir JOIL ST. GEORGE, K.C.B. Consi ts of the e_ 'ccutivc Officers, the Chaplain-General, and the following elected (1875) Members;-

The Right lIon ble. the Earl of GL.\. ·GO\\.

Thc Right Honble. the Earl of DUDLEY. ir EOW_\.PTJ G. L. PLI'I'OTT, Bart ir Bpoor KAY, Bart.

Lieut-ColoneI GUULD TO.T, F .. A U. Q". \V. G. i-J. l\L\.TLEY

.Major Du. ·C.L T R.A., M. "LL.D.


CHAXCEI/OR-Lieut-Gcllcral ,'ir T. GLORGJ:, K.C.B., 22,Corll''h'all (;ardt-'Ils, Qllt'CI/S Gatl', S. TJT. " UlIl'tcdSc/""icc Club.TV

SfCRf<../:lJn .'ir hD\IC' - J) AXlllO.-\' II \.RLl.Y Bart., F \., Rh..1'ddCOli1'1,CjtO/l-OIl- / 13, BoltoJ! ROLLi, n", / Carltoll CillO, ,')'. TJr.

RFCE/VER- 'ir E. A. II. Ll:. CIDII RE, Bart., F ..... \.

ALll/OXJ.:. R-Capt. ElL V:;-OTTE 'FORD-F()RTE (2UE, TValldC/'cr'sClub, ,')'. TT.

RECJ.sTR IR-P 101L\.]'!) \\'OOF, F. F.R, .L., l{cddlcstOI/C, 11/((1 '0'11.

To whom any correction for thl? Poll may be at1(lre - ,;ed. GE.\'E.-ll.OC/S7C-.TheRev. \. . II -co, F. . ., F.R .. L., Tile Redol]', nrcs! lfadmq, 1V. L/BR_lIUAX- C.\.PT.\.!.· 13L\.l1', "'8, Cllioll GrO'I'c, .1 J'.

ASS/ST.1X?,_J.:.CRE7:/NF-IIET'Bl'PT C. PI- RROTT, Lieut. Kent l\lilitia, Plumstcad,A"clI!.

AJlfBC/.·IXCF DI:.P.1RTJ/L\7- uperilltendcnt; 'lA;\'I 1'.\', U. (" ,1/, Clmtltalll1lace, TfTooheidl COIIII/IOII,

BANA-EN -The London and \ Ve tmin ter Bank, I, t. qu({re, .TV

J EWELLER- l-.1. R. CocksjJllr tred, TV

Communications may he atldrcss(;(l to the Secrdary of the Order of St John, Sl. John's C;ate, Clerkenwell, London, F.e.


ALEXANDER, l\1ajor-General ir J ame Edward, K.C.B., K.C.L.S,,- TTester/oilHOIISC,Bridge(JfAllall, Ullilt'd er7.,icealld .1 tllclla'llJllCillbs,,TTT,

Honorary Commander, 24th June I 4 2

AXDER.'OX, Colonel Thomas,-.rlsltto/tI-fOllS{" n l'sl"it'ardIr(J, .t.VortltDC7.'oll,'UJlionClub,Trafalgarquare, rrT.c.

Honorary OlJ1111ancler, :qth June, 1 63·

BARRETT ,IIenry an-ctto. Baron de, of Portugal, F.R L.,BralldoJl ParI,." l(floIA' J' IcdalcForL'st, IImr ](CJlt/cz/ Bcrkde),ffollSC,Call/bridge'treel.TTT.

IIOllomr), Bmlli 21"t Decenll)t!r, r 57·

B .\RR, 1ajor-General Ilcnry Jamc . ,-14, 51.James's'qllarc, S. nT.

Sir George HCJwland, 1 art.,-Cdc 11(Jrlollflail. Asld7Jl-dc-fa-ZolfdIC"CarllollClub ')'. fT,

BRO\VXE Lieut-General \V,11ter John, ·. B. - 14. S. JaJ/lfS'S quare, TV.

Honorary Commander, 16th July, I 57·


:JIEVALlI':I'S OF JL'" 'T IC' 1':

D_\ ,-rE'), I'rancis P obert, ;U]) I \ [- T - ..J .• - .f atvtitorn,Rlm-l.'J'od.:, D1Iblill.

Drcl'-L \L 1>1 I', Sir Thomas 1 rorth Pal-t J' I' j·T1.1 " h ., - 'OltJl alll .fa IladdlllJ.;lollsltin'.. 45. UpperlJrook.')/rce/, ''>'QIlt7 J J :

DlTDLI', \', The }' IIonourable the Earl of.-IT'illt]' COllrt, lIT(Jr(cslcrsitire " Dlldk)1 110 IIS£',j>arl.:Lalit', Il', / Carltoll Cll/b,S.II'

DG\ l' \ , Francis, l\I .1\" 1 D IIll110il, 1/ ). C. L., LL.D.. ajur P .A.,--Tlle 23

ELI()T '1 he.: J> itTh 1I ) 1 "11 \' , tIUUI,lJe.: 111, JonJ"n CornwaJI,'s 1'''1-0 I) j' - kl n. - l)rl .:.I!OI, S Ccrlll (l liS , COrJl'Z'all,' 36, DO'l'e)'')·Irec/. J1-,

F()/'TL" L'I., Edward F. l'n ott" ( 1 . .... orl, Captain late 111 hn \rm),. 1st \\ ' arwich;hirc .Jli1itia, lI-lliu/erc!"s(.Jilt', S.Il",

F ]'U,\ ' , Juhn. Capt. 2:Jth l-cnt ( \:shfon.l) PiRe 'oluntccI" ,

GL \SC()\\, 'hl P jo-ilt f[ ., I 1 I}'b onoul Ll t.:: t 1e.: ',ad of.-A dtm!'lI£' J/Ol!SC rsitlJ'c:Clltar,Priol:l'.Fifi' " I I, I"''''(,ford(I'ardcllsIf- : Gel riloll III!; , S. I V. ' . ,

G(lJ'I)() The IlollHlrabl CO\ erIl!>!' or Fiji 1slands, lr "\.rthur 1Iami1ton.

BURGE,'S, Charles J 01111, iajor, Honourable Artillery ompany- 7th :'lIn)" Nm..'aland111ilitaryClub.Pi({'adil(ll,HT

John Robert, late Postmaster-General, Stll reb,. Bengal,-J4 HavelockRoad,J-Iastlllgs.

CARTER, Charles Pemberton,-LutoltHouse,Sdlillg,Ileal' Kent J' UnitedUlll7.ersityClub,Suffolk'trec/, 5, TV.

CRA WFORD, \Nilliam, M.A" late Chief Magistrate of Bombay.

Honorary Bailli, 1 St July, 18 57, 22nd JUII

II_\\\ I 1,\" T1 . P \\" ' . , ', 1c C\', 111. hcntlllcl" Lctham. F.P.S.,J J' j) '')'lUlsloll l 1'< , Il ' ,.. 1tllL','I(L'/I/I/ (,,/11/),

IIOI,01'ln lOl I I '. 11111.1Il( er 911 I ) eCl.:lllhcr,

IIo \I'F S' - ]' \., , It :...dward, Bart.,-Litlk Ilolitfidd, }ellt.'J'

Ilullonr I' 'll' • ) ,al I, 241h J litle, 1 u+ 1/".

Ilea I' lslljidd, u .., .)

I _ la l:h. 69, qth July. 1 75.

211(1 :'I i:tI cll , J 6+

5 h - ('\., 1 i2. hI Jul. I 5i.

10 OF

JI (l! GCl1er,11 John, C.B,,-q, ,')'1, Jmllcs's,\'tJ"an', ,'.lI', Slh July, 15;,

IIOLl \ 'n, Lieut,-Col. Trevenell l'.B" !at, l:!th Dc ';. 'tcr-Gcneral,,-TllicldRoad,Tiff('/' \'( ,'7l'OOr!, ,

I.Iu")ll'I':"L'11 \'(). \YI:--Ia:cc), Thcophilc \nton \\'ilhcll1l, ('\)unt I tll ()ct., I 42 , \'on, nephew an I heir or the si. 'ty-ninth Granc1-i\b"itcr. R/I",dl Drslle, ural' 1ix-/a-cllapcl/t,' ami CII(tl 'all (it' II'i.l(Jdq, 'IcarBn(ssds, (1' ccci\'cc1 into thc Order in th \ngl<>Btl\'arian l.angllc, 3:25,)

lIonorar:: t 'Olll1l18.nrlcr. Jl11W, IS..J.7,

L,\:\ll:, Sir ... \rchibald, Ibrt., Captain :2nd Lik j II' "':'1'5 IT)' 'udlwlIl CillO, ,')1, J''''all/t's's Sf/llan', S,II Y >(7 (c, ,)' ,I , •

L LL'II II EI'I:, Sir Edmund Anthony J [arley, Bart., 'oll1!11:t11lIcr u'- I lan!c\' Castle, \\·()rce.... tcr hire, -R.Iz)'lid LOllrl, IImr (jtO/l-OIl-;'C'i'tTJI,' J')' ClaJ"(TCS Sired,S, II',: ell rllOll(/"b. 11',

6th I ;

(th I) \.'" J

LLIClI, Thc P is-ht lIon, \\'illial1l I [e11r) , Baron,-- 'l(mc/o:!:!.11 ./1 !JOt,)', A"cltilzL'orlll, II 'a r'ZLIiCA-sllirt , " 37, J)orlllltrll ,I.;(jIta rc, I!",: }]rool:s'alldTra'Z'clltrsCII/us, rr", 11:1IiIlr!lf E.Igle, 5t1 J:1J1\l:1ry, 1'63,

LEITlI, John Farley, late Professor of Ci\'il La\\', lI.E,I. College, Ilailcy1.)UrY,-79, ('/OIf(Cst( r Terrmc,IIp/cJ>ark, II',

L()CI [, J I enr)' I Irout;ham, C, B" Licut.-C ()\'crnor or the Jsic of Man,-J)ollglas,Irk(IfJlall.

5th JaIl., J (, ,-lh July, J 5'

ISl Fd", J •

OJ' Ewen, ChiLf of the i\IacphcrsQl1s and T3 th J:II1., J Clan Chattan, CllLIIYCastle,A'illgl/ssil', ];I'i'( rllcss-s!lirc,' JI/ilior ell/I{(I.)'('!'vicc CillO, ,)' , II ,

CIIE\'.\r.rEI'l.., OF JUSTrCI':, [ I

IJis Grace \\,illiam IJro,t!o, IJul"c of, - I(illZ"oltOll I OJ u 29t 1 • cpt.. [S60 Castle, 1IIIIIIs,' I, GreatStallliopeStrce/,ITCarlloll CillO, S l

Lord Prior, 24lh June, 6 r.

J01111 Bell "'illiam, Bart.,-TILe Healll, If'rot/talll, 30th June, r:43, A-mt,' Jlacs/i/o,Cat.:rJllarlllcllsllirc,' Car/toil CillO, .)', Tr',

l\1()t:"' I-CII.\J' LES, Thc P ight IIonourablc George lIenn:, Eall 7th June. I ',0. of, 01. h -p, Tst Life Guard.:;' Lt.- '01. ')mmanciing- Poyal East Kent P if1c'i,-fJijro/ls, IImr C(l/IIcr/1lll] , ,.

:2 3, Rlltlalld Cate, f(J'dc Pad', 5. I I".

PI:I'I'( )TT, Sir George Lambert, Bart., Captain, late Ea t 2211 July. I 37. 1- ent i\I iIit ia,-fJrookllill J /ullse. PIItJllI'/{'ad. A-{'III.

I IOllorary H8.illi, 20th .\ugthl, I 55.

POWI'Ll', Col. \ \,hitworth, 1) oyal June. I 5Q, Jlollor:1ry COIllIll:11Hkr. :!4th JUIlC. ISGr,

p() ["[', ] oseph Compton, JUl1,,-llfartic/l, A-('Ilt.

IIoll,)r:1ry 'Ollllll.ll1c1er. 24th IS..J. 1 24th June. I:..J.J.

POW.';\!.L, JIenry, - 63, RIIssdl Sf/llan', l/-.c. 22m1July. 1'7, lTonor:lry 'Olll Il 1:1 Iltlt: r, ,-Ih JUlle, 1 '51),

R, L \.\' 1), Lieut.-Colonel G eorcrc I rel'J1l011,-C(Ji't rlm/cll! I jOIlSt , J{o/ltn:al. b 9th Junl.:. I - ,

Ilnnornry 'oll1ll1:1ncl,,:r, 24th JUIlL', I 61.

ST, (',Enl'cl', Lieut.-General ,'ir John, ]-,l'.B,. 'olonel C0111mtlll<.hnt P - 1 \ 'II( 0) a 1 rtl cry,-:2_, Conlil'all G'an!t-lIs, QlIce/l'S Gall' I V,, Cllil('d SCI;'l{'C CII/b. ',f{', hl JUlie, I 'or fTollorary COlllmander, 24th June. 't>1,

SII\\\ CbllCl' l"Sr' 1 ( , IllS, ',; <ttc P oral \rtillery, ,lllc1 btc Cl)lonel yd m 1 ',..J., of .\rtdlcr)' of tIl' 1) t' 1 L ' . , , , e )1'11Sl cg'lOll 111 1:.:1£10/)I(h'(, Cobndgc, tOI.:C-OII- Trcl!t.

J2 (l]o' JVSTICI·:.

HERIlL\ , lI enry Brillsky, \1.11.,-Oal:lallds,';1.j)c/o)s,lsI£'oj :!oth ;\1:\). 5. Tlllllld.

. , . '). -l 1"1' S -Slmd..'!JllrffIL Park, 'Jll'n m:';Pl,lI, ::'11' l <ranCls, J (ll ". ; , <':> lI(a1' Dtri'oll/j' " Cllioll (1IIb, S. 11

I J ()\cn,l>er, Ilnllnrary t \l1l1malH er, lot 1 oJ

, ' 1) ') 'd late Dcp,- Jud(l'c- \lh 'ocalc- .Jcncra), '11'\"[':, aptaJ11 lC lal , ( " :-',. ),Iach'as .\1'111),,-7:, lfarco/frl ferrarL', J [Imomr), CumllwlHkr, 'th .lui) 1SS7.

, , J "'1 \ - I lirl'allSIO/l( ,')'qllarc, ] t ',,' Ca riloll CI/fb. T(l}'\, , .J S.IV

' -. I 1') , I) i"'!1t 11011. Georgc Frcdl!ricl-, TE'd I' l\V" CrU1CI.1 1C :-, ') ,. , n .. \ _. , t rep Colond 'ommandalll 60th I o).ll 1 I '\.. )., .' -CastleU'/,/')'crr-,itc

UptuII , 1/carH{'(/trst,Co,11l1/'ZlI/"111 ( £llldGuards'GI/lbs, .')'.11 T.

" \Villialll, 'aptain !atL 78lh II ighlanders.

-.\\',\Sf)l'j', Sir IIellry 11" I,brl., - .')!HlldiJ/glo/l Tadcastcr; Tra't'cllcrsGll/b, ) 11.

I fOllomry Cummander, ::!4th June, I n 47 · j lall, \V.\J H)}' 1), Edward, l\I.A., 17, Cil/Ird, R07.C Ilmll/stem!, _·r.ll . ,. 71Lllior -I titCII{(;lIl1l C11Ib, 11 '. 1 ' 1 1 "7 Tim .",'qlfir re,S.1/ T. \VI:. T(L', Lieut.-Colone l.lOll l,---, Ullited Ser7.l i({; Club, S I V I · 1 t ()ll ( ll1l1i'ihllinc r) Dragoons, VULL.\STOi\, Frcderick, N aJor a e ) 1 . " -SllClltOIl JJail, lVlI7Im/oll, II'ar7.Uid.:slllrc.

I TOllorary ('u11ll11an ckr, 8th July, ,857·

'1 cJ J'S A I;}> (: I -A"('ddkslu/lc, J ftr/Z'tI'll. WOOl', RIC1Llr, ) 0.--J

BECK, The 1 ev. Ed\\'arcl ] osselyn, ::\L\., P ector of Rolllcriti/itc, 1st :.\Tarch, I870 SlIrrq.

C\ 'nr, The P ev. J. Brooke :\Iaher, .i\I.A., Vicar of lJ[OllktOll IT:dd, CltarllLolllll,DorsetslLire,

CO 'E 1\", Thc Pe\,. \\'jlliam feyner, D.D., )'1.A., Vicar of DlIdley, 1Vu}'ccslcrsitirc.

11.\\\,K1"\,-;, Thc Pc". \\ m. Bentincl- Letham, 1\1 .. , F.R.S.,33. Br)'(7I/sIOII Sqllarc, IV. ,. A tltOla!lllJl Club. S. ITT.

IIoLDE ', The Re\'. Oswald :;\Tangin, ;\1 A., B.C.L.,-Vicar o f Cail,'), OIlIL I [atILt rtoll, PClLkriri.fl'.

II CGo, The P c\'. Thomas, 1. .J F. .A., F.R.S.L.,-Rector of 11'cs/JJackll{,)'.N,

M \LET, The P cv. \Vm. \Vyndham,- \ icar of Arddt')', ncar BlIlltill.r:jord, ! lertJ.

OAKLE\', The P c.\'. John, :\1 A., \ ricar of 't. aviotlr's, IIoxton, - r, SI. 1)(m)/s Road,CmwllblllJI, j \-.

PORT \T, The Pev. George Raymond. L\., Rector of Burglle/erc, 7Itar llc'Zl'bllJ:)" Berks.

Chaplain'(;l·nt.:ral, appointed 2 j.lh June. I ]2, rnr fi\'e ye:u ".

LL, The P ev. Sydenharn ], ranci " tA .. R ector of Ud.fidd, SI/ssex.

SEWELL, The P ev. Arthl1r, l\t -Litcltjord Jlal!, JJlar/.'lq 11fallc!lestcr.

SIL\DWELL, The Pc\,. rthur Thomas \V hitmorc. :\'I.A.,P ector of LaNgtoll,17Jaltu/l, J Torksllirc,

2nd Aug., 1870,

3rd Aug., 18u9.

uth June. 1865. 7th April IS68.

4th JUlle, I u/.

12th :-fay, I S6

3rt! :'Iarch. I 6 "'n1 \ug., 1 69. :!n<l Feh I '6q. r 5th Dec I 7 I.

3rt1 Dec J (j-

14 IL\ PLAI S.

E'-SEE T h e P igh t P ev ChJ.rles Todd QuintJ.rcl, LL.D.; 6th Feb., rSG B is h op of ,-Jllt'JIlpllis, Tell 1/. U.S.

L l I 70

VV Il. \ RTO T Th e R ev Joseph, 1. '[\., Vicar of 1Villu;dul, lIlz"ddlcscx.

\NOOD, Th e P ev. lbert AthclstJ.I1e, P ector of OiltitPestoll, yd ;\brch, ,863. Loutk

VV OOD, Th e P e\'. Thomas \ illiJ.l11 , ChJ.plain to the I bnley 5th , by, r C as t le Commandery,-Rit),dd COlfrt,/lear UptOll-Oll- (('U II

\V OODW.\ RD, The Rev. J ohn,- I ncumbent of St.JIll':v's,.llolltrose, 2nd Jun e, rSG N.B


ST. G EOI'(;E, Elizab(;Lh l\larianne, Lacly,-22, Conl'i.IJalt Gardcns 8th Jan , r862. Q1!em'sCatc)1V.

Snu '(;1'01' l>, The P ight lIon. Emily A 1111(;, Viscountess and 8Lh Aug., 18 73. BaroI1(;ss Pcnshurst,-Io, CILllPe! Street,Par!':Lane,IV

T OIUIlICJIC\, The P igIlt lI on. II elen, D owage r L a d y, - LVille 1s t June, 1869 Hells, Cltirllsidc, .YlJ.

Es t he r arah (:\1r Ladbro!.:cSqltarl'. A"(II- :2 Jun e, , S£llgtOJLPark, TV.

C a t herine (l\Irs.) 1le/ Porter,-ll),titc, ]{cllf, 4 t h Jline , I '6 7·

D E L ASTIC ST. J \L, Agnes, icomtesse,-Clul/eall de1!olltmtlml/, r l J\p li l, I D rIp dc Tarll-et-Garollllc, Frallce.

IL\WKI TS, Elizabeth (11rs.),-33, lJr)'allstollSquare, 11.

lI O.\RE, H arr iet, Laciy,-Little ! lotltjicld,./lsltjurd, A"ult. 5th J::m., I '6}

L ECIDrEI' E, L ouisa Katharine, Lady, - RIl)'dd COlfrt,Ileal' 9 th De c., I 65. Upton-oll-SeVerJl,1[Ton:estershirc,' 38, L.[{u:.;es ..., ' IV.

L EI GIl, T h e P ight I Ion. Carol ine Amelia, Lady,-StoJlclcigit .AbbC)',l(clli/wortlt, 1Varwicksltirc; 37, PortmallSquare,11T

MOUNT - C If \PLE.', The Right. lIon. Jane St. Maul' Blanche, Cou nt ess of,-Bifrolls,!(C/ltJ• 23, Rutla/ldCatc,llydc Park, S. vv.

P OPTER, An ni e Shirley (Mrs.),-/Jarbatiocs 8th Jan., I 62

BE.\ TTIl, \Villiam, i\I.D ,-13, U/'perllcr!..>elC)'Strcet, TV I.t July, 57.

BL \ I!', lI arry, Captain late yel Pegiment, - 38, Ullion Gro'i.'c, I th -0 \"" 173. ,)' II

BUT,o\\" Carl Georg A lc "ander, Baron von. :ql h June, 47. ) 10nol',11'Y ollll1l an der. d a l e.

BCSTELLI-F( Giovanni, Conte eli. 2+ h Jun e , I 64. IIOI1Ol:lry Comm a lll1er. d at e.

C.\"TEL-BpOLO, Federico Lancia c Grassellini, Duca eli, V. and L., Y. Crown of I taly, Palo'lII o :'II. \p ri l. IS6 5. IIonorary Hailli. dale.

CL.\ Y, \ Villiam icholl ,-SI. .YaIJI Citllr("1t, Ileal' Torql!a),.

CL,\Y, Pic h ard, late Lieutenant, 78t h IIighianders.

D ELEPIEI')' I': , Octave, V.C.C.IIl., K.S. Syl., L. L.D., ". ., Belgian Consul-Genera l anu 'ec. of Legation,-35, lfoculq Placc,J!aida Hill,

D E LASTI C J L ' \ , . ...J 1'. , \L , OlllS, lcomtc,-C!urtCtlll del1iulltal!ball D/p.deTarll-et-Garollllc,Fnlllc('.

:-farc h. I 60. T3 th Oct. I 5 . ::!nd Dec r Gr.



IIK\RD, Colonel The Honorable John T.,-4, LOlfisbl(J:![)q 11 a 1"(', 13 th Ocl., [3SK Bostoll, iV. Amrrim. Honorary 'ommal1lll'r. Same d.llt'.

KETTLE, Rl1pert Alfred, F.P .S.L., Judge of the County ourt of "\Vorcestershire,-Jlcyidak,n"oic'cr/W711Jtoll;alldGlall-ydOli,T07.L'J'",J1IeJ'iollctll

1\1 \ "LlS, "\Villiam George Nicholas, Surgeon-:\Iajor P \ 7th 'cw., IS 71. -I 7, ClwtltalllPlace J J'ooli.L'idlCOlllJlWll,S.1:'.

METTER _ leT!, Baron von,-Potsdam :qlh JUll e', I .};, IIonorary ommandcr. :-;amc dall'.

PR1XGLE, \Villiam,-rR, .)'rotirmdStreN.EdiuiJ1lJ'rr/t. Sth July. 1 5i·

R ATCLIFF, Charles, F.S.A. - lV)'ddrill,o·t(ll/,Edgimstou,Iiir- 5th ncc I 64· m£llglw71l / ./1 tlLcllrelf7llalldCOllscJ''l'atiz'cCl1Ibs,S. 11

RVLAXD, \Varwick Hastings,-GO'i'CrJl71IClI! fJoltsc,J1/011trtaI. Slh .r une. I 59·

S.\LI. - SOGLIO, 1\1ajor- General Johal1 11 Ulrich, Baron cle, K.. 9th JUllC. ISS· \Vladimir, - auSalldt,COiYI,Calltolloftil(Gri.WllS, 7.vil:::c rland.

Honorary Bailli. Same date.

STAGG, General,-Qmto, EC1lador.

ITonorary Bailli. Same clale.

20th Aug I 5i

\N ALDTE-GRIFFrTTI, George P ichard,-flC'lldC1'.Ij,dc />((1'/.', A-"/s{J, 15th Ikc., I N.B. / Cariton,Club,S.TV

WALKER, John, M.A.,- rV;'stboltrJle11011.1(',Piltz'zilt',Clte/telllta1ll Gth \by, ISi3-

WRE T- IIosrv Tc.; , Chandos, ;"1.P.,-llarc7Uood,7lenrRoss,llcrc- 4th June, [Sui· lordsltire / OxfordandCambridgeClllb,S. 11

ALCUCI -ST J\ Jona'.) \Villiam, - J(z'lbritlaillCast/e,co. Cork/l'lc7.vCIl'i'l'crsz'1yCll/b,St.James's Slrcf.:I, S.TV,

BURGL. ", Joh11, Captain R.N.,-Solltila1llploll. 3rd .\Ianh, 1868

BUPCLc.,c." II arry Caplain P oyal Arlillery,, -ttll .\uf;'., 1868 Sil/{l/ (l1/{IJlilz'tarj'Cli/b, 11"

DUjlY, Phineas, Captain late 15th Ilussars, CapL.1in East Kcnt 2-tth june, 18 70 l\Iilitia,-LittleIslalld,CO.Cork,.Jztl/£orUllitt,'d Scri.:t'L ·c Club,S, 11:

Edward Franci::" CalJtain l' .A., Del)uly Assistant 8 IIU!ia. lh Feu., IS71.

DOD,"\ 01' i'll, Frederick Charles, - O-tlord [-dla, TlInd/mlL I l April, IS05. Grem, II

I'R1:)\"1>, Ed" in, Captain Oxrord:-:.hire :\Iilitia;-Rlj?l'lIl Club, 7lh Jul), 6S. S.

LLVLLL\ , P icharc.1, Captain, lcllc +6th r eg-iment,- 11'111)'alld lVtl'i')1 CllIb, S.ll'.

LrTE, lIenry Churchill 1\Iax\\ ell,- I S, UbollarlcStrL'l.:t, J1

MURRAY, James \Volfe -CriJlo-/,'/I'{ 0 ( ,.L\ ••

Ec.1ward ronr/, {' ,h' }' J '-' (.,1 ('/111 It', !.L- " lI11iorCarl/oilCillO,S. II

'td JUIlC. Ii'.

PI' \ IJ':-'U l" Albert Ilarford. l\I.A., ChcJ'lL'rj la(( lJ: / 4th JUIll:. IOi. 1I1lior Car/tOllCillb, '. II

Ed\\,. Scott,-FUlnlclllJ-fl'atit,Claillcs,lFol'ccsta. yd j)ec., I SG9.

SII . \ \\", Alexander IEneas,- Cobrill,,'c,SIO/.:C-Oll-[nllt. l!->l JUlle, ISGi.

B.\KEl', "'ir Samuel \Vhite, J""t., M.A., F.P .S., 1'. P .G.S.,-Sallti- 9lh 1'1..\,., 1S75· fordOrleigll, lVc'L,)tOlt Abbott,J)elloll J' £1 tILl'I/(['1/1Il CII/b, S.

B.L\Ll'.., Lionel Smith, 1\I.D., F.P .S.,-I{illg'sCollege I !ospila/, ::q.lh JUlle, IS71. alld 6r, Grosvcllo'j'Strcet,

13EX:\ ETT, Charles II enry, 1\I.D., Collegc 1fuIls(, lallLlIlcrslIlilit. 2Jrd JUlle, ISi5,

131' .\CKT· lIenry, "\Iajor P oyal r\rtillery,- JUlliorL'lIitld .:!otlt i\pril, luij. S er'Z'ice C11Ib, S. TT T.

FR.L-K, Philip, 'VI.D.,-Cmlllcs, Frallce. -tit lll:C., 1 70.

FR Keith, Lieut.-Col. 1st Lifc Guarcls,-3 r, R IIllalld Calt', 20th .\pri:, 1 ?, H)ldePar!,.', S.

FREI' 1:, Pight IIonble. Sir lIenry Bartle Ed\\arc.l, K.c.n., G. .S.1., &c.,- UTnssdLcd.;-c,U"illlbkdoll " FastIlldia U.S.andAtllCll{{!lllll CI1fbs, S.TV.

Gl'.L T\-ILLE, Paulina pri ,- I 6:2, Fillboro1lg1tRoad,RatddfL' 5th May, , 74Gardclls, S. TV.

IIE.\J)L.\:'\l>, Frederick \V., M.D., - 37, 11!arg(lrd .Itll l'IT:\), Ca71 cIldisil Sq1lare, rr

Elizabeth (:\1rs.), formerly of John's House, Norfolk treet, London, - 5, Charlotlc Bel-kcley Square, llristol.

KENXETT-It\RRL -GTO'\, Vincent, Lieut. 5th Iiddlcse." Militia, -45a,ChesterSqllarc, S. TV.

LOi\GMOR}., Thomas, C.B., Surgeon-General,-R(ryal VictoJia 24lh June, 1<;0. IJospital,Netle)"SoutILampt07l.

vVilliam, M.A., 1\1.13.,- -St.Thomas'sflospital)' 8th Feb., [Silo and 13, 11m/ley

M.\l":'TL T , I'..J1lma Thercsa (1\1 iss), oj ,)'1 .Jolm's 2.)l'd Jl.tlt, ,S73· J101lsc,Aslifo/(/, A' CIlI. , '·Jlc.:n 'l lIeIlospila/, RI!gdl'Jl. 24th June, IS70. Jamcs BlU)" 1\I'Leod, Lieut.-Colonel, - Lapra'ire, 5lh :\Iny, 18 74. Fro 'L illClof(]1ICVCC,Cal/ada.

l\IUL TIEI', (;ustave, President dll COl11itc International de 20th .\pril, 18i5. SLcours au." Blc scs, i\Tilitaircs,-GllIC'Z'tl.

T.\l'l'EI', AlbcrL, Su rr() '. 6th .\pri!, IS69.

PULL()( I , j\, Juliu::>, l\I.D.,-Cital'il1g C, (JS lh spital, 11".C. " alld 4th.\L y, 69. 85, j lark)! .)'trL'(!, I

P01'1 1:1', Surgcon-M ajor ] 0 hua r I cnry,-l it/orialJosjital, 2.) n1 June, IS75. lYetlt')'.

Pl'.\TT, TII();\I \: T.\PTJ:, .M. U., Chc\,. Leg. HOIl.,-I:2, Place 24 th Junc, 1 70 Vel/duII/c, j)17rl·s.

POllEI'TS, l\Iary Ann iJritallllia qllare lr'(Jrc{'stcr. 15th Dec 74.

P U'I1l I'F, Fraiilcin Clemen ti na Louis;l,--J!issioll llol/s{,Lailglq, 6th i-by. 1873. Oldb1ll:)'.

p IICl1r) ,,-) ldcborc, M.D.. F.P. '., - 1{/l011 1ft'll, 5lh "0\., lSi::. Prestb1lr)', Ilcar CIldtud,am.

ST. ](lll,\'S JlUl: ' I:, Thc Lady Superior of for thL time being, ::4lh]ul1L', 170. -1\'( ;foll.: Sired, Stnlll I, I J C

STLV] , n c, l dward lIenry, i\LD., Phy"ician iJ rdinary to I.:!th J:m., Iu69· II.P.II. the Princc of \\T<l1c", - 'to 11(al )"s Jlospital, Paddil/l: 1011) 1[1 ,. ami 17, .Jl/alldlutl'l· S qllare, ) I

STILL! C I LE1'.T) Cordelia ( lis ), Founder and Lady :: ph JUIll, 1 il'. Superintendent of St..Iilbalt's} /terllslria! Sdlool,- l' ·Ol'(('sfcr. .:!oth 1 75.

VVAl LAC] '. , Sir richard, lbrt.,-J/o"tjlld i/, 7/ewtilL'Slo' 13lh Feb., ISi-. Sqllare,

.L\TL.\Y, Sarah (Miss) -ClJlkgcPJ'(ci/l(:ts,lIiJrccst('r. 231"<1 1-:73·

BE.\VCl L.\1\lP, Cathcrinc DO\\'flgcr 'ountc' ',- I 61l, GrOStl(/lOr l:)th Ike., 18(1). Square, TV.

GOLDINGIL\.:\l, atherine C0.1rs.),-Britailllia ,\ql/(lrc, II Torcdtcr.

HILL, Thomas Powley, Catllcrillt'sTfill,Ilorccs!tr; ReformClub,S. Tr

Susan ("f..Irs.),-SILl,}pcrt(Jll, j j '1lIq-olL- 'jjLtlIllt'S.

l\L\cLL\:\, P obert 1\IacLean,-B),{lIllaCII/b,Bomba)'.

PHILLIP'-, R obcrt,-Cockspllr'!rc{!,S.

1\lary Ann (Miss),-13. Britmllli(tSq/lare,11<')r((s!£'I'.

\ \"L "l,FIELlJ-DIl,JIY, Gcorge Uighy,-SI/crborJ/c'Cas!lc,Dorset. -"-I-tl! J UllC, 1 ::>71. -3nl JUIlC, IS75·

DIRLJI, Thoma!:>, latc crg-cant 7th lIussars, .')·/lltioIlCd at tl/e 20th .\]1111, Guildltall, 1I Torastl:r.

Hiram, laLc CorporLtI 57th Pcgimcnt,-- '::ilaliull(dtil 3nl u\.,I'7+ cltargcofAmbulw{ccat TU"iL'll flail,Bllrs/elll. 21

AC.\.R, Lieut.-Colonel Sir Emmanuel Felix, Knight, 1st Life Guards, 1\ I. 1>. for udbury.

ANTRHT, Thc Right I I 011. I-I ugh eymour, 2nd Earl of.

ARBUTI r UT, Pear-Admiral K. Chas. III; Mejidie nand, &c.; Gent lcman

Lord Priur 16th July, 1860. 'ir Alexander Dundas Young, t. George of Russia; t. Ferdiof thc Privy Chamber to Her

BARTO), Sir Frecman, late Captain _ncl Foot.

BE/\ 1'TIE, \Villiam, 1. O.

BE,\UClLDIP, Catherinc DowaITcr Countc

BEREi\CLP, Baron cle.

BEETIL\'M, William, F.1 .S.

BEETIIA:-'I, Albert \\rilliam, F.P.

BELl, \Villiam, l.D.

BELL, Alexander, Quebec.

BIGSBY, Robert, 1\I.A., LL.D. r.J. '.

BI 'HOP, Major-General Cecil, C.B., Col. 16th Foot.

BRl:. TT, Major Reginald Be t, Bombay Artillery.

BRETT, I obcrt, M.P.C.

BROMLEY, Stretch Cowley.

BROUN, 'ir I ichard, 8th rt.

BROUX, Lieut.- olond \Villiam James, Govcrnmcnt Secretary Guern ey.

22 DE E 'ED )!E)fBEH.' i \ND A,. OClATE '.

BROWX Licul.-Colonel \Villiam Henry, late Captain 23 rd (Royal \Velsh Fusilier ' ) P cgt.

BUCK, Thc P evd. John Parmenter, 1\1.A., F.R. .S.

BUCKLEY, Major vVilliam, Bengal Cavalry.

BURGES, ::5omerville \Valdemar, latc Captain Grenadier Guards.

BURL'lOX, Colonel \ illiam, C.B.

BURKE ', Jame , (Baron of 1 .IL, LL.D., F.R.S.

BURl\ES, Lieutenant George J amc' I Iulrncs, Bombay Fusiliers.

BURXE " Da1hou ie Holmes, P oyal

BUR:\E<"', idney Holmes, Captain Bombay 'tarr Corps

BUR TE , Holland \\Tard Holmes, Lieut. Indian 1r avy.

CHA 'TELAIl\, Philippe, Counl dc. P eceived in France in 18 I 3. ::5ometi mc Secretary to the Frcnch and one of the Delegate ' to England <It the revIval of the Engli'h Langue.

CllER;.r. IDE, Sir Robert le:-.:ander, M.D., K.C'.l K.1) .E., K.L.H ., Physician Lo the Embassy at Pan

CL,\NNV, William Reid, !\I.D., F.P .S. Edin., l\I.R.I.

COPLAi\D, James, 1.D., F.R.S.

CRAWFORD, \Villiam, M.A., Chief Magistrate of Bombay

Cu TYI TGIL\ilI, Sir Robert Keith Dick, 6th Bart.

DE PEARSALL, Robert Lucas.

DE PEARSALL, Robert Lucas, late 4th (Emperor's Own) I egt. Uh1ans, Austrian Army.

DOYLE, Major-Gen. Sir J 01111 Mi.1le)". K.::5.F." I .T. Serjeant-at-Arms to Quecn Victona ; M.1. [or co. Carlow.

Daft oJ ElectilJlI. 1 5th 1832

2 th Dec., 1860. 19 th July, 1849. 24th june, 184 th July, 1 57, 2.2I1d July, 1 3). 1 tJuly, I 57. ht Jul). 57. I th] an., 1 5 . J th Jail 1 5 · 1 th Ov., 1 IJ. 5th .\pnl, 1 32 16th july, 18Si· 22ncl july, 1 3i' 31 l july, 44 22ncl July, 1 31· 17th July, 14°' 11 th 1\1 arch, 1 3:

IJECb\. El) AND .\

D L The Right IIon. ] amcs Butlcr, 13th Baron, \ -, The Right lIon. 1) ancIcll Edward Plunkett, 15 th Baron.

DYfI[UKE, The lIon. ir IIenry, Bart., 17th II creclitary Champion of England.

Lord Prior, 15th July, J -GEP, Lieut.-Colonel \Villiam, K .. F.

FARE:'L\::\, Colonel \Villiam B. 23

iJalt!oj l:.:!.'dioll I IlIt ':\0\., I 30 28th July, 1835. 15 th July, 103 10th l'eb., 1 60. loth :'Iay, 1--33,

FERc.a;..,!-.o:\ Lieut.-Gcncral \\ 'illiam, K. I t Clas Royal Iarines. late 12th ucc., I 57,

FIn., 'ir ] ohl1, 1\L:\., Dep. Licut.. co. 4' orlhum bcrland. 12th Dec., I 57.

FLORE'>, Gencral, G.c. ha ' III.; Gr. Off. Legion o[ Honour' 2 I \ ot 1 • lIti., 1 55. Pre ident of the Ecuador.

-, Colonel Sir \\'illiam Lockyer, K.C. Chas. III. 2 th Aug., I 57. K .. F.1. and Knight of the Holy Sepulchre, Dep. Lieut. of Dorsdshire, 1.1'. for \\\:ymoL1th.

GIIm, II ugh, urgcon-GellL'ral 130mbay 20th :'Iay, I 5

Gms ox, Liclll.-Coiond George \\"l'ihington. th July, 1 57.

Robert J\Iortimcr, 1\I.] ., '. Edin. :qthjul1l:, 1'4

Captain Thoma ', Vicc-. \dmiral of DC\'Oll!:>hlfL. 19 h Jan., I '3.

GR L'1', John, Bcngal rmy.

Iajor \VilJial11 tuart, late 23fd (Royai \\ 'elsh Fusilier) Regt.

v, John, C.B., l night of \ ilhe1l11 (of the 1 cthcrland ,), Inspector-Gencral o[ IIo 'pitals.

HEAJ{D, Colonel Jame s.

HILLARY, \Villial11, Bart., Equerry to 11.R.I1. the Duke of USsex; 'olonel of the I t E' ex Legion [(<1\'a1r), and In[antry, Founder of the P o),al IT alional Lifcboat Institutioll. 8th July, 57. June, 1 4- • 20th .Llg., I '55. 8th July, I 57. 7th July. 1'3 '.


HILLARY, Sir Guards.

DEC EA. ED A. -D A.'. CL\ TE

ugu tus \Villiam, Bart., late 6lh Dragoon

HILTO 1, Charles, a serving Brother.

HOLDE T, Hyla.

HOPE, Vice-Admiral the Right lIon. ir \ illiam Johnstone, G.C.B ., l\I.P., Governor of Greenwich lIo pital (rccci7'cd abroad).

JOE, Vice-Admiral the lIon. Alexander 10ntgolllcry.

LABANOFF, His Highness the Prince lexander.

DatL'0./Electioll. 7th July, 183

2nd July, 67. I 70. 30th Aplll, I 31. l .t July, 1 57 2+lh June, (S47.

LA m, Lieut.-Colonel Sir Charles l\Iontolieu, Bart., Baron de June, ( 47· Hypolite (France) D.C.L., Knight- Iarshal of the _uee.n\ Household, Deputy-Lieutenant of us ex Illld AyrshIre. Lord Prior, 24th June, 18+7·

L.\.:'IB, Charles James Saville l\Iontgomery.

LA GFORD, The Right Hon. Hercules Langford, 2nd Baron.

LAURIE, vVilliam lexander, F.S.A. Edin. til .lui), ( 57·

L.\ WI' El\'CE, Sir James (recei'L,{'dabroad), IClnber of French 30th .\.[1nl, , 31 Chapter in 1789.

LE GEYT, Philip William, Memb. Legislative Councilor India. gth July, I 57·

LE IARCIL\ NT, Sir John Gaspard, K.C.B., K.C.l\I.G. 2ulh ;\1a), 1 5·

TcALE 'TER, Lieut.-Colonel Charles Archibald, K.H. 24th June, ( 4

MACKE 'ZIE, Charles Fitzgerald. 28th July, 3;

MACN AB, Colonel the Hon. Sir Alan Napier, Bart., Prime 14lh Oct., 141 Minister of Canada.

MAGINN, \Nilliam, LD.D.

MASTER, Captain Richard Thoma s, late Grenadier Guards.

MELA TO DE CALCIi A, Antoine Laurent, Comle de.

19 lh Oel., (831

MEREDVTII, ir Joshua Colles, Bart., Captain 89th Foot, Knight of the Orders of t. Louis of France, and of Louie; of IIesseDarmstad t. (J-fe'WastltelastEnglisltmanreceivedintothe Orderb)1tlte69 til.Grand-lJlaster,tlteBaronFerdinandvon ffomjJcscll,illtiLeerrrlypartoftlteyear 179 8 .) Date of .E1/'CtitJll. 9 t h .'ept., 1837.

l\1URR \ Y, Captain Arthur Stormont, late Rifle Brigade.

NEEDIL\'M, The Hon. Francis.

NE\YTO:\, James, Dep. Liellt. of Cheshire, Derbyshire and Lanca hire.

NOR CLlFFI"., Major-General orcliffe, K. H.

6lh Jan., (864 fl' ·E \c;!o.D lr':\fBKR :'\ I) \ son \TE". 25

8th Dec., 1840. 17th Jan., 1839.

O'Do'\.\ I:f L, General Sir Chark.:; ROlltleJge, Colonel 18th 20th :\Iay, 18 5 Hussar.

OUTR \ \1, Lieut.-General 'ir] ames Bart. G .. B., K.C. .r. lIth ?-.brch. 183 2

PE.\RI, Commander ir James, P.r ., K.H. th July, 1857.

PEAR'O.\T, Julius lexander, LL.D., F A. 4th :\fay, 1839.

PEAT, The Rev. ir I obert, D.D., G. C. t. Stanislall of 5th June, 65. Poland, hapbin to ling Georo-e IV. Lord Pnor, 29th January, 31.

PEN TEF.\TlIEP, General ir John Lyaght, G.C.B., K .C.:\I.L., Governor of 'helsea lIospital.

PERROTT, Sir Edward Bindlos , 3rd Bart.

PIIIUPI' \1'T, Sir John, V.G.V., Y. P. " I.R .. 1\.

PI lIEY, The HOll. I Iammett, of the Leo-i lati\'e Council of Canada. 11th Xov., 30. 16th Feb. 1'5 < .., rst July, I -t+IIlhAug., 157

PLUMRTDG E, Admiral Falmouth. Ir Jame . ITanwa v , K.C.n. , l\I.P. for I D -' 12t 1 ee., 57.

POPHA b l\1, Admiral ir Home Ribo-bo-s, K.C.B., l\I.P. " 9th ept., I aroad·1< It. r mgt! 1799/ rl'cci1.'cdtheRO)lrr! Lzcellceto'WeartlteinsigJliarrtCOllrt,20!1,cpt., f799.)


PRI JGLE, \ Villiam.


Dalt'ofElte/ioll. th July, 1857.

R k\ISAY "laj.-Gcncral J amcs, late ommissary-Gcncral of thc 8th July, 1857. Bengal 1'my.

'.\ Y OF B.\R "TO. - & S,\UCIIIE, Charles \Vm. Ramsay. 5th June, 1865.

R IARIO - SFOR ZA, Ii Gene1'ali simo 11 Duca Ludovico di. 20th \ug ., IS55

R OBERTSOX OF TPCA.-, Gcneral George Duncan, Chief of thc r3th Jan 1334. Clan Donnochic, CB., Knight of Leopold of \ustria.

ROBERT OX OF STRUA .·, George Duncan, Cbicf of the Clan 24th June, t86J. Donnochie, late Lieut. 42nd Highlander.

ROLPH, Dr. Thomas.

14.111 Od .. .p.

SALIS, Peter John Fane COLInt de, Count of thc Holy loman 12th nee Empirc, K.R.E., K.H , Che\,. Leg. lIon. (rccct''i.'u!atRowe '2otl"Ju/.)" 1843-)

SHADWELL, Thc Right lIon. 1r Lancclot \Ticc-Chancellor of 22nd July, I 31· England.

'Il.\\Y, Licut.-Col. Claudius, K.S.F. 16th Aug., I

Admiral ir \Villiam icIncy, Count Palatint.: of thc 9th ·cpt I 37· Latcran. Princc lagistral and P cgcnt of the Ordcr of the Temple, G.CB., G.CT .. , G.c. .F., Knight of the 'resccnt, 1st Class, and of thc G0lden :\Iilitia, 1. ., D .. L., F.P. '0 etc. (rccei7.'cd ill Prallce).

TAClIE, Colonel Sir Etiennc Paschal, }'" night, Primc Iinistcr or 1Sth Jan J 5" Canada.

,\Villiam, Captain 78th IIighlandcrs. 2nd 11< reh, J

T OCQUEVILLE, Petcr Victor, omtc dc. 5th fareh, I 3}

T O;..JKT:\, Licut.-Col. ir \ Vanvick Hcle, K. Leg. I Ion. I' rance, [lth June, J Vice-Admiral of Devon (rccez''Z'cdz'lltlteAllglo-Ba71ariall LaJlg1le',1830).

TORPIIICIIL , The Right I Ion . Robert Sandibnd', II th Baron. 16th April, 1 6l


\Vm. Barclay David Dunda , Barrister-at-Law, Cale n darer of State Papers. 27 Date!ofElection. 13 th July, 1859.

VELLA, Luigi, LL.D., Supcrintendcnt of the Record Office, 28th Aug., I8S7 Ma l ta.

WATTS, Vice-Admiral Gcorge Edward, CB., K.CH. K.R.E., K . Henri the Lion (of Brunswick) , etc.

WILKIE, Liellt.- olonel David.

Thomas Troughcar, Count of the Sacred Palace and of the Latcran, Y night of the superior grade of the Golden Spur.

\ VrUIOT, Charles

\ VrXTIIROP, \Villiam, Consul U.S. ., Malta.

\VUITEIIE, \ D, John, lIperior of the Barony of Drem, Scotland. 18th Jan., r858. 20th Aug., { 55. 2nd Feb 69. 2 th .\ug., I 57. th July, 1857.

TheRoll0/the 0 rdey0/St.John0/JerusalfJJzzn Englalldwasprintedz"n A ugust,I 875, but(/1'0177ullaz1oz'dabledelay)ltotIssued:The.following addz'tz'oll,alldalteratz'oJlshaveoccurredorbeen dzscoveyedbetweenthedate0/pr£nfz'ngandthedate ofCltaptcr0/8titFebrlttl 7)" 18 76 :

\', The Right lIon. the Earl of, K.G., Sf.Cil{.s' , 13 th Oct., I8i5. Crallbolll'lh )' 24, CrOS'i/oLOrSquare 1V)'AthellceuJ/lClub, 5. IV, asallIlOilOI'm)'Associate.

PE.\R 01, Albert Harford, 1\1. ., B.c.L. (P. 17), to be a 13th Ocl., 18 75. Chevalier of Justice.

Amy (.Miss), r6, St.St.Georgesquare,Regellts 13th Jan., I 76 Park, as a Donat.

PEAR OX, P osctta Mary (Mrs.), 2 , CiltsterPlace,Hjdt..'Park 13th Jan., I 76. Square, 1V, as Lady.

Major- cneral IIenry CharIc Barn ton, K.C.B., 13th Jan., 76 . 36 ,ElvastonPlace,Quecn'sGate,S.TV, a a Chevalier of ] u stice.


13URLTON-BE NET,]. P. (P. 8), careofDelltiandLOlldo/lBank 76,1(z'llgStreet,E.C.

eRO 'SE, Mr . (P. 14), Bermuda.

FURLEY, Capt.]. (P. 9), 18, DdlllJIL'J'f.: 'tree! [/ppcr n t!StbOlf171t. Terrace,IV.


HO i\RE, Sir E., I art. ( P. 9), n , Dj1k(,'Road,Brig/doll.

LE ' IDIEPE, 'ir E. \. I!., Bart.. F. ( P. 10 13, Holton Ro7.v, IV.

LECIDrERE, Lady (P. 14), 13, BoltollR07.(,I, 1V.

l\L\RTI:\, l\Iiss E. T. ( P. 19 1 no\\' i\Ir .\ 0 l, .1 sllford,R ...-cllt.

o E. L. ( P I 7), 'Imdwpc Gardells,Qlleell's Gall, S. TT .

ST. GEORCE, Lieut.-General 1r John, K R ( P. II), Qltl'(,'Il'S Gate,shouldbeS. Tf '.

WE TO -, Lieut.-Col. Gould, F .A. (P. 12 , 22, Tlwr!ol' SOUt/l}(CIt'SillgtOIl,S. 1[ ., ['lIil£'d 'u'·i.,i((Cillb,PallJ/a!l.

BE \ 1''1'1E, \ Villiam (P. 15 ),

BEAUCIL\;,lP, The Dowa ger COll nlc '5 ( P. _0.)

CRAWF ORD, \ il1iam (P. 8).

GIBB, Hugh ( P 9·)

William (P. 16)

SHAW, Colonel Claudius (P, r r ),

TlIOr.lP.' O.·, Captain \ V ( P 12.)

llAllRlliUN ,\)\1) SU)\S, l'IUN1hHS IN OI'IJI.·,\I{Y TO 111<:1< ,', !-t I. LAN I!




"rb£r of j)ODll of j)£funal£lll

I E1'\GLA1T .

Prilllcd IJ)I Ordtr of lilt' C/l({jlo', 77 .

1.0. "no. T

IIARRISOI A -D 'T. 'S L \ XE, FI i}/I,TS ill Ordllltll}' to lle'I JlelJ<'S(J'.

R.\V . N .2

(Februar)" 1877 .)

«Ul'copolier .

Thi Office is at present vacant.

r£ortt tprior.

GRA L \ YO .L LUI DROGO, DCKE OF l\LL TER. 24lh June, IS61.

}3alItff of Engle.

The Right IIonhle \YILLI \"\1 HEXRY, B \RO.' LEIGH. 5th Jnl1u :uy , I 63.

Qi"olllnlani)el' of J! zanlQl

0 r ('1' c.

i t' En!'.ll..T. - ll XTlIO Y II \l'LEY LEClnrrRF, art., l\I.P , 1. ., F .. \ . 2nd Fehrunry, I 6<).

Qr ounciI.

PRESEDE,\TT-Lieut.-General Sir JOrL r T. GEORGE, K.C.B. Consi t of the Executive Officers, the Chaplain- General, and the following elected (J 875) l\Iembers :-

The P ight IIonblc. the Earl of GL\ (;OW.

The P ight IIanble. the Earl of DUDLEY.

Sir EDW.\RD G. L. PERI' OTT, Bart. Sir Epoo]" K.\ '\, Bart.

l\Iajor F. Du. -c \ , P .A., M.A., LL.D.

Iajor-General Sir CIIAl'LE') D.\G'DE" LV, K.C.B.


C!!.I \ ' CR1.J OR-Licllt.-Gcncral ir 1. GEORGE, K.C.B., 22,COrJlLl)allGardllls,Qlfeen'sGate,S.TIT.

SLCNEJ:IJ\}"- ir EU\[L D A. TIIO_ '\ IL\RLEY LI:.CIDIERE, Bart., I. P., F. .1\.., RIL)'dd Court,[ptOIl-OIl-eL'enl/ 13, Bolloll ROLL', I Jr.

RLCEIT"ER- ir E. A. II. LECII.\IERE, Bart., l\I.P., F. .A. lEJ/uVRR-Capt. ED. F. T/'c7/ldl n rs'Club, '.1 V.

REGI.,> 1R.·IR-P lellA1' D \\ 001', I, .S .. .1..., F.P .. L., TT'orccstcrsltire Cillb, 1I'Ol'Cl·Sto'.

To \\'hom any correctiun , for the Roll may be adclres. clI a aboyc, or to St.'lolllt'.)" Gil" CI,,-l,tJl"tdl, .E. C.


LEHR.llU.I.N--Liellt.- oloncl GOuLD \YE TO.', Tlwrloc'qlfare,olltll}{CJlsillgtoll, . TfT. F ... , ')') --,

A 05.51.5 1:1 \'1'- SECRl TIRJ"-- aptain HERBErT Brooi.:Jlilillollsc, PIIIII/stead, A-cllt.

DLl'.ll\T.illE.\ T - Superintcndcllt: l\Iajor F. R.A., 1\ I. 1\ , D.C.L. LL.D., TILeCOJ/lIII011,

PERROTT, 1..l1BCE.IXCE TITooh.l'l'dt.

D.l \ ATRS-rl he London and \\' estmin!:)Ler Bank, I, 'I. Jamcs's 'quare, '. TIT, WELLERS-).Ic 1's. Cocks}l/rtrect, . TV

COlnmunicatlUl1S ma)' be to the Secretal) of the rder of St. John, St. Jo11n\ Gate, 'lcrkcn\\"ell, London, E. C.


ALEX.\.XDER, 1\Iajor-General ir James Edward, I .C.B., K.C.L. .,- TVestcrto/lHOllse,Bridgeof./lIlall,i'l.B. / [ I lilted ervicea/ldAtItC/l(J?ltlIlCillbs, Tf 7.

Honorary Commnnder, June, 1 .p.

B.\.RRETO, Henry Barreto, Baron dc, of Portugal, F.P. BralldonPark,SlIffolk / IcdallFor{'st,/lear }, elldal/ BerheleyHonse,Call1oridgl-Strcet, 1V.

Honornry Bnilli, 21. t December. 1 57.


Dal,'o/E/t·clioll. 24th Feb., I 32. 12th Dee., 5i.

B.\RR) illajor-Gencral IIenry Ja11lLS,-l.:j, tJ(Wlt.'S'j "qlfal'L, 'th July, I 57. STV

BEAVilIONT, Sir George: Howland, BarL.,- Coit'Ortonflail, 15 t h Dee" 1 71. Asltb)'-de-la-Zollell / CarltollCillO,S. 1fr.

BOVRXE, Colonel James, 1\1.1>., Lieut. Colonel 0l11l11andant 12th Dec., J 76. Royal Lancashire Artilkry Iilitia, - llad:lllsal!11all, Flcet'Ll/ood " 1!catlifidd,Lt''i.'Lljool / CarltollalldCOIlJ£r'L'ath'(.· Clubs,S JT7,

BROWNE, Lieut.-General \Yalter J Oh11, .B.,--I4, St.Ja7lles's 8lh July, 1 57. Square, S TV

Honorary Commander, 16th July, 1857

BURLTON - Blc-::\ .. 'ET, J oh11 h.obert, late Postl11aster- cneral, l11 Feb., 1 60. Bengal,- GrosVCllOrHOlfse,GipsyIfill,Upper1\'01'Lllood.

CARTEI', Charles Pcmberton,-A IIglcscaTo'race,St.LcollardJ- 24th June, 1863OIl-Sea / UllitedUllivcrsit),Cluo,SuffolkStrl'd,S.J f/.

CONYNGIIA:t\f, The Most Ilonourable George IIenry, Marquis, 7th JUIlC, 1 '70. Col. h.-p. 1st Life Guards; Lt.-Col. Commanding P oyal East Kent Mounted P ines,-iJzjrOIlJ,llt.'(lrCallterb/OJ'/ 23,RutlandGate,IlydePar!.', S TV.

DAUBE TEY , l\lajor-General ir Henry Charles Barnston, K.C.B., -36,Eh'astoltPlace,Queell'sGate,S.TV./UllitedScrv£ce andJuniorCar/toilClubs, . TV

D ,\ Francis P obert, 1. R. 1. A., - lla'LLIt/LOrll,JJlackrock, DlfOhl/,

Dal.:ofEI·c/wl/. 8th Feb., 1876. 17 th Jan., 7L

DrCK-L,\.UDEP Sir Thomas 1 Torth, Bart., F OUlltaillHall, 6th Feb., 1873. Haddillgtollsltire " 45, epperBrookStreet,Grosvenor Square,TlT.

DUDLEY, The P ight IIonourable the Earl of. TT itlqColtrt, 15th Dec., 74. TVorccstcrsltll'L' / DlIdlq1101lsc,FarkLalle,TV / Carlton Club, S. TV.

DUKCA::\. Franci-.;, I.A., D.C.L., LL.D., Iajor R. .,-Tlte 23ru June, 75. COllllllOII, 7

ELlOT, The P ight IIonourable \ \'m. Gordon Corn\\'alli ,Baron, 2nd :'Ibreh I 69. -PortEhot S Gerlllans,Conl'LL'all,' 36, DO'i.'crStred, 1/'.

FU'REl' , The Pight IIonollrable 'c\\allis Ed,\'ard Shirley, thJull I ,b. Earl,-StauntollIlarold, Ileal' lsllo),-dc-Ia-Zoudt.

ORTE ceE, Edward J'. KnoUc ford Captain, Indian 9th Jul)" I 75. Army, 1st icl.;:-hirc l\Iilitia,- TJTalldcrcrs'Cluo, . TV.

FURLEY, John, apt. late Ea trent line Volunteers,-Sci:'t'll- _n d :?IIarch, I 64. oaks, A"m t.

GL\. 'GO W, The P ight IIonourable the Earl of,-J{dbllrncHousc, 5th _'0\,., I 72. A),rsltire / Cra'LI..-1'ordPrieJ/J',Cllpar,Fip'" I I, Hercjord Gardells,nT. " CarltollClub,HT.

GORDO , The Ilonourable If Arlhur Hamilton, I.G., 6th Dec. 1 70 Governor of Fij iI-land '. The Pe\. \\'111. Bcntinck Lclham, 1. 1\., bt.\.Pld.16". 33,Br)'(lIlstoll11. J' ./ltlU.'IlCVIlIllCluo, IIunurary 'ol1ll11andel', 9lh Decemuet, I 65.



H0 .\.RE, Sir Edward, Bart.,-68, D)lkcRoad,Briglttoll.

Honorary Bailli, 2+th June, I 6+

HOL:\IK., Gencral John, C.B.,-I4, Sf.Ja/lles'sSquarc, S. TV. Dat,0/Elation. Ist July, 1057. 8th July, 1857.

HOLL .\. D, Lieut.-Col. Trcvencn J amcs, c.R., latc ssistant 12th Ike., 5i· Quarterma ter-Gencral,-TltickdRoad,UjPer.E.

HO:-IPE::,CIT YO. vVbDECQ, Thcophik .l\nton \Vilhclm, ount qth Ocl., I.p. von (nephc.\\- and hcir of thc si. -tY-llinth GrancI-:i\Ll lcr,)RuridtCastle,Ilcar ..11 ix-la-Cltajd!c. (R eceived into the Ordcr in thc Anglo-Bavarian Languc, 1825.)

Honorary Comm:11ldel, 2+th June, I +7.

K.\.Y, Sir Brookc, Lodg(,BattkdowlI,Clte/ltlt/wlIl. 17th .1. '0\'., I iI,

Sir Archibald, Bart., Captain 2nd Life Guard ',-Buwpol't, Gth Feb., 73· Battle,Susst..1: / TVYlldhamClub,St.'Jallles'sSquare, '. 1V.

LECIDTERE, Sir Edmund Anthony II arley, Bart., 1\ I. P., I<. \., 9th I cc., I 65· Commander of IIanky \Vorce Court,ucar[lptOIl-OIl-SC7.'tJll / J 3, Eoltoll,RO'iJ,S. n",' Carltoll Club, S. TV. Commander, 2nd February, G9.

LEIGH, Thc Right Hon. \Villiam Ilcnry, Baron, Lord LieLltcnant 5th Jan., Ii)U3· of vVanvick shirc, IIonorary Colond 1st \Van\ ickshire rviilitia,-StollciezgltAbbq,}(clIiizl'orllt, Tf7arwicksltir( / 37, PortmanSquare,TV. / Brool.:s'andTrtl('C!!crs'Clubs, I V, Bailiff of Eagle, 5th January, lSG3,

LEITII, John Farlcy, l\'LP" latc Profcssor of Civil Law, II.E.I.C. ttl July, 1857. Collegc, IIailcyburY,-79, Glouces!crTerracc,If)'deParA',TV.

LOCH, IIenry Brougham, C.E., Licut.-Govcrnor of thc Islc of lan, It Feb., 1862. Lieut.-Col. 2nd Cheshirc Mililia,-DolLglas,Isleojl1!all.

MACPIIERSO. 01' CLU rv, E\vcl1, Chicf of the Macphcrsons and 13th Jan., IS3-l' Clan Chattal1,-Cbtlly Castle,](illgussie, Jzmz'orUnz'tedServiceClub, S. TV. iIollorary Dailli, 20th Augusl, 1855.


Dateoj Rid/lOll.

lrESTER, J-lio.; Grace \\ illiam lJrogo, Dukc of, :\fajor and 29th :cpl., 1860. IIOllorary Licut.-Colonel IIunts :\lilitia,-I(z'mboltollCastle, SI.J\7eots,I-fllJlts/ I, GreatSiall/lopeStreet,TV/Carltoll Club, S. 11r.

Lord Priol'o June, 1SG r.

ir John Bdl \ illiam Bart. -T/ll' llea!/t,TlTrot/taJJl, 30th June, 1843. l{Cllt,'JI{l£stilo,C{7cl'lllartlll'lIs/tirc)'CaritollCll/b, S. HT.

PE.\R , 0:\, Albert Harforc1,:\I. B.C.L.,-2, C/lt:St£l'Place,l-I)'dc 13 th Oct., 18 75. ParI.:Sql/are,TlT./JIII/iorCarllollClub, S. TV.

PERl'OT'r, 'ir Edward George Lambcrt, Bart., Captain , late East 22nd July, 37· Kent l\Ji litia, Vice -President Royal X ational Lifeboat Instituti on, and Vice-Presidcnt ll'Honncul' of thc Royale Ll cntrale cks de Bclgiquc,-Brook/till llo/tsc,IlltlllJtcad, I Ionor:u), Hailli, :::>olh .\ugl1 t, 1< 55.

PnU 'OTT, IIerbcrt harks, Captain, t Kent l\Iilitia,- 12 th Dec., 1 76 Broo!.:/nlII/ollsc,PlltlllStwd,I{ot/.

POp TI ., I', Colonel \\ 11 it,,·orth, R .E., Commanding oyal Enginccr, th JUl1l, 59. -Dllb/ill.

lIonorary Commandn, :::>4t11 I UJ.

PorI', J 05cph ompton, Jun.

llonor.try Commander, :qth JUIlC. 1 p.

PO\Y:\ .\LL, IIenry,-63, RIIssell rr'.c. II 0110 I,H) 'ommandel, 'th Jlll1L, 1 59

P YL\X}l, Licut.-Colonel lllolltrcai. orge IIcrmol1,-G'( ,'(rlllI/lIltlIoIIsc

22nd July, 1 3i.

9th Jlll1l, 1 5 ' .

I [otlorary ClIl1l111;1tltkr, :qth JUtlC, I bl. .:qth 1 p.

ST, GU>l'CE, Lieut.-Gcneral ir John, Y.c.B. Coloncl om- btJlltll·,1 61. manclant loyal rtillcry,- __ , COIIl7.l'(l/1GardtllS,QI/(ot's Gatc, '.U r .; [J/litcd £I-('i(( Clllb, Pall J[all.

lI onorary 'ol1ltnatldcr, 2+tlt Junc, 1 '6 1.



SHERID.\X, Henry Brin ley, 1.P., Ouklallds,-'toPeter's,Islcoj Tltallct)· 6, Co/-uzlicGardl.liS, J; cllsillglollPark, rr . ; 4, l(illg'sBelld, 1Valk,Temple,E. C.

SPRYE, Captain Richard, late Dep.-J udg-c-Advocatc-Gcncral, l\Iadras rmr,-75, HarcollrtTerracc,S. TfT.

Honorary Commander, 8th July, 57·

TORY, Jamc, I..A.,-Errillgtoll, co. Tj'J'ollc/ r 7, BI)'lllIStOIl Square, TT' / Car/tollClub, S. 11 .

TElIIPLETO'\'\ General the Right 1I01l. George } rcc1erick, Viscount, K.C.B., Colonel 2nd Life Guards,-Castll Cjt()Il, /learBelfast,Co.A Iltrim / Cllitl.:d '£I"lIia alldGlIards Clubs, S. nT.

V.\ '\ A OUR, ir IIenry Iervyn, Bart.,-.Spaldillgtoll j lall,Tadcaster/Tra7,clkrs'Club,. . "'.

Honorary Commander, June, 1 47.

\VALFORD, Edward l\I.A.,-I7, C/lIIrd,ROLL', JlalJljstcad, 1Y". Tlr.; Junior ./1 tltc/UEltlJL Club, 1[T.

\ VE'TO:\, Licut.- oloncl Gould, F. '.A.,-'22, T/wrio(qllart', Soutl, J( elLsillgton, S. TV / Ullited Scr'('i(..(;and .flIILLll(CIIJIl Clubs,Pall jl1all.

\VOLLA 'TOX, Frederic)-, l\Iajor latc 6th (Innisl-illing) Drag'oons, -S/Lelltoll Hall,Tf 'ar7 uid.'sILirc.

Honorary Commander, 8th July, 1857.

\VOOF, Richard, F.S.A., .S.L.,- [florastcr. /)al < (1/ h' /,.rti,'II. :!o[h 5 . 20th .\u.,,:., I 55. 5th :-'Tay, 1 74. 7th Tune, I 70. :qth JUlie, lKp. 6lh I 67. 6th lh:c., lSiO. r July, 57·

BECK, The Rev. Edward J 1\ I. A , P cctor of Rol/tL'r/llt/tl', I 70. Surrey.

The P ev. J. Brooke Taher, LA., Vicar of .l1loll/..'toJl 21Hl Au!;., I 70. Wyld, C/LarJILOztt/l, Dorsctsltire.

COSENS, The Rev. William Reyncr, M.A., D.D ., Vicar of Dudlt'j', Jrd Aug., I 69· TVorcesters/tz're.


Grrm.ALT \R, The Right Rcvercnd Charles \Valdcgrave Sandford, D.D ., Lord Bishop of, including Ma)ta and thc Island s and Countries of the Mediterranean.

H The Pcv. \Vm. Bcntinck Lctham, M.A., F.P.S.,33,BJ)'(wstoll .')qllarc, /I/". " A t/Lc1Uellllt CllIbS. JJ 7.

HOLIJL\'", The P ev. OS\\'ald Mangin, :'I I. A., H.C.L., \ricar of GailqClOIlllat/tCrtoll,Pcnl..'ridgc.

The Re\'. \\'111. \Vyndham, S.c.L., Vicar of Arde!q, llearIJltlltillgjord,lferts.

o \KLEV, Thc Rev. John, M. ., Vicar of t. Saviour' , Hoxton, - r, ,')'t. J[t7J)/sRoad,Calloll(mJ'j', ,V.

PORT \1, The R c\'. George P aymond, :'II.. \., R ector of Eurgltelere, IItal' l\ eLL/bIll)',Berks.

h:lpbin .. (;el\trnl. appoinkd :qth June, I /2, [i11' n\'C year.;.

Sr\\'ELL, The Rc\,. l \rthur, 1. .,-Litdiford11all,Elad'lq il[andlester.

Sf! \D\\' r:u , The Pe\,. "\rthu I' Thoma \ Vhi tmore, ::\I. \ ., P ector of Langtoll,J/altoll, } -od'S/Lire.

TEX,\E . "EE, The Right Pe\,. Charlcs Todd Quintan.!, D. D ., LL.D ., r. ., Bishop o f,-JIt'lllp/tis,TOLII.,l/'

W]f\IUO " The Pc\,. Jo eph Cranc, i\I..l\, Vicar of TT-illcsdol, Jliddlcsl..L

\V OD, The P cv. lbert thelslane, D.C.L., P ector of SOlltlt Jrd :'hrch, I 6 Restoll,lOllt/L,Lill(OIIlSILirl'.

WOOD, The P ev. Thomas \ Villiam, F. \ ., haplain to thc 5 th IIanley Castle omrnandery,-R/lj'dd c.(>I(rt, IIcar l ptOIl-OIl(''('('rll.

WOODW\RD, The Pc\,. John, Incllmbent of Alolltrose, 1.\ ',B. tJfar/s, 2nd Jl1l1e, 1,6'.

12 Da l'0/ EII!(li,J1/. :ll\.oU nI rlttl t:oIine {l-'lrtria rltfJarlotte lLouisil 12th Dec., 7G , IDulia , 18 rin ccs5 of mit r CS im'l1 lSdncc59 of Denmilrk.

BURi'JE , Esther arah C\Irs.),--+o, f-adbro!':c,'qllare, 24th Junc, [ 62, Par!.',nr.

COXYXGIIX\l, The l\Iost TIonblc. t. Blanchc, 2n 1 I 72 , l\1archioness,-Bljrolls, I( Cllt,' 23, RlltlalldCalc, I (ydc Park, S. TV

CRO E, Catherine lld Portcr,-BcrJllllda. 4th June, [ 67,

DE LA.'TIC ST. J,\L, gncs, Vicomtes e,-Cltelll'mldcJfulltmlball, t .\plil. I ' O:!. Dip.deTarll-el-GarO/llle, FraIlCt'.

HO.\RE, lIarriet, Lady,-68, D)'kcRoad,l)rigltloJl. 5th Jan., 1'6].

LECH::\IERE, Louisa Katherinc, Lady, -R1L)'ddCOllrt,ncar[ptOIl- 9th Dl.:c., I 65· 07Z-Se'i'Crll, TTonestas/lirc/ 13, Eoltull ROL!.', TrY.

LEIGH, The Right Hon. Carolinc Amelia, Lady,- r:;lolldclj;11 4th July, I 07· Abbq,I(cllilwortlz,TT'arzuz'cksllire / 37, PortlllallSqllare, II'.

PEAR OX, Rosetta Iary p,Ir .),-2, C/LestcrPlace,/lj'd(ParA' tll 1\:1>., l'i 6 Square, TV

PORTER, Annie Shirley (r.Irs.),-DlIbiz'lI, 8th Jan., I 62.

ST. GEORGE, Elizabeth l\lariannc, Lady,-22, COrlL"iliall Gardells, 8th Jan., IS62. Quecn'sGate, S. TV

STRA TGFORD, The Right lIon. Emily Anne, Viscountess,- 8th .\ug., r 7J. IO, CltapetStreet,ParkLallc,TV

TORPICIIL, The Right lIon. lIden, Dowager Ludy,-iVille TVells,Cltir7lszde, N.n, I:;l June, 1869·

of Q1Krace.


BL.UR, lIarry, Captain late yd Regiment,-3 8 , UnionGrove 18th - ·0\., [873. S. nT.

BllLOW, Carl Georg Alexander, Baron von. 24 h June, IS.p. Honorary Commander. tlall:.

BUSTELLT-FOSCOLO, Giovanni, Duca di. IIonorary Commander. '-i::une <late,

C.\STEL-BpOLO, Federico Lancia" Grassellini, Duc:a di, K. . I. 1st April, [ 86 5, and L., l(, Crown of Italy,-PaicrlJlo.

1[onorar), Badli. Same llate.

CLW, Richard, Captain, late 78th I-lighlanders,- TIl rltJllpto/l , 20th I (,0. Derby.

DELEPIEl'l' E, Octavc, r.c.c.III., K Sy1., LL.D., F A., 13th Oct.. I Belgian Consul-Gencral and Sec, of Legatiol1,-35, HO'iI.'llJ' Plact',JfaidaIlill,"T.

DE L\.. TIC r. J \1, Louis, Vicomte,-ClullcalldcJIolltallball, 211 1 Dec., I 61. D/p.deTarll-ct-Garollllc,Frallce.

HE.\RD, Colonel Thc lIonorable Joh11 T, -4, LOllisbllrgquare, 13th Oct I BoStOll, .lV. AlIIcrica.

IIonurary Comm:1nder. tlall:.

P upert \Ifrcd, F.P. .L., Judgc of the County Court yd XO\" 74. of \ Vorceslcrshire,-JIl'J'l'dalc, Tf 'oh'er/tamploll " aJ/dGlan-)'dOll,To i.l') 'J/,lJIcrioIIctll.

1.([ , 1\I \.f\'LE\T, \ illiam George Tichola, urgeon-l\Iajor R .l\., 7lh 71. Commissioner of thc Order in India,

l\IETTEI' XICII, Baron von.

[unorary Commantlcr. S:1me date.

RATCLIFF, Charlcs, F. .,-TTj'ddrillgtoJl,Edgbastoll, Birlllill£:'ha/ll,' "it/iel/(el/llt alld COIIscn'ati'(lcClubs,S, Tr. 5th ] k-c., I U f.


RYLAND, vVarwick Hasting ,-G07. I Cl'lllllClltHOlfse,11!ollirral.

STAGG, General,-Q1Iito,EC1lador.

IIonomry Dailli. Same dale.

\V.\LDIE-GR IFFITII, George R ichard,-HL'llde-rsj'dcPari.',I(clso, "Y.B. / CarltollClub,TT'.

\V.\LKER, John) l.A.)- TV('stbollrllcIlo1!sc,Pdti..'illc,Cltcltcll/mlll.

Dal,'(1/EII'cliol/. 8th June, 1859

20th. ug., r855. 15lh lJee., I j4. 6th May, 1.73.

L\,T£, Henry Churchill ?\Iax\\'ell,-18, ./l!bullariL ,!) trcet, TV

Jame s \ olfe,-Cr£llglctie,lY.B.

Daleoj E/,"Iioll. 2nd July, 1867.

ALCOCK-ST.\\yELL, J ona \Villiam,-I(ilbrittaill,Castle,co.Cork " T(W., I j2. .LYeLL'l//n'7.lcrsitjlClub,t.Jamcs'sStreet, I r·r.

BURGESS, John, aptain R .N.,-SOlft/w//IltOll. yd :\/areh. 1'6.

BURGE -'S, Harry I des, Captain P oral Artillery,-I (),drabtrd. 4th Aug., I G'. Silld / .LVa7.'ala/ld.LlIilitarj'Club,TTr.

BURY, Phineas, Captain East I ent Militia; late Captain 15 th 21th JUIH', I·io. Hussars,-LittleIsla/ld,co.Cor!': / J/tIliorCIIl'ttd Club,S ]f'.

CIIAP:'L\X, Euward Francis, Captain P .A., Deputy Assistant Sth I'd)., I 71. Quartermaster-General, - L1Idmo'il J Illdia.

DOD 'WORTH, Frederick Charles, - O.tjordVilla,T1Irll/tam 1 t .\pril, 6). Green, TV.

FREND, Edwin, Captain Oxfordshire 1\lilitia,-Rcjorlll Club, S. TV. 7th July, 1 6.

J oseph,-Broomjic!dPlace,E7'CIj'/lStreet,Deptford, 13 th Jllly. [ 59· SE.

LLUELLY I , Richard, Captain, late 46th Regiment,-.I1 nlljlalld Gth Ike., 7°· NavyClub, S. J[7,

O'M.\LLEY, Edward Loughlin, Attorney-Gcneral of J al1laica. 23 rcl June, 1873.

S.\XDER '0:\', Ed\\,. Scott,-FcarllallJ-Ieatli,Claim's,IVorccster. 3rd Dec., r869.

Sl1.\ w, Alexander lEneas,-Cobridgc,Stoke-oll-Trellt. 1 t June, 1867.


Sir Samucl \\Thitc, Kt., 1\1.4\" F.R, .. F.R.G .. , a Pacha 9 th Feb 75. of the Ottoman El11pire,- 'muifordOr!cig/i,4YCZ,..'tO/lAbbott Dc'('oll / 1tlLCl/reUlIlClub,S.TT•

BE,\LL, Lionel 'mith, .M.D., F.R . .,-!(illg'SCollege!-fospital, 2-+lh JUlle, I 7I. TTl'.C. " alld 6r, Gros7.'(/lorStrcct, TV

BEXXLTT, Charles Henry, M.D.,-Collt;gcHOllse,lialllJ/lcrslIlitlt. 231'(1 June, 1 75.

Bk.\U ·L,\BCl'\', IIenry, Lieut.-Col., R oral Artillery,- JUI/ior 20th .\pril, r 75. CUlted'cn'la: CillO, '.

FRAXK) Philip, I.D.,-C(lJ/lIC.l',11/'t'll/ce. 6th Dec., I 70

FR.\SE1 ', Jame s reith, Lieut.-Col. I sl Life Guards.-3 I, Rlltlalld 20th .\pnl, 75. Gatc,I()'de Fad:, '. Tl'.

P ight IIonblc. ir lIenry Bartle Ed\\'ard, Bart., G.eR, 20th \ p1'11, I 75.! ., Governor-in- hier, ape olony,-lTTrcssii Lodge,UT;lIlbkdoll / RastIlldiaC. " trlld.LltIICII{CII/ILClubs, S. TV.

GR.\ l \'ILLE, Paulina(1\1i ss),-L 1')('II-j'-J1I0'1lRoad,Earl'sDmr!, 5th :'by, 1 i4 ontit!(CILSz'lIgtOIl, S. TV.

I-loDSON, Elizabeth (1\11' .), formerly uperior f t. Joh11 's 2-1-lh Junc, 1< iO. IIoll se , or[olk treet, London, - 5, Cllar!ottl.-'Street, Bcrl.',r/c)'quarc,Bristol.


KEXXETT-B.\RRLTGTON, incent, 1\1. l\Iiddle ex Iilitia, - 450,CIlcstcr alldCall1briti.creClub. ., L.L.1\I., Liellt. 5th 'quare, '.1 [ / o.1jord

LO::\G:'I ORE, Thoma, B., -RoJ'alTYictoria Hospital,ctlC)',oIf tiltllllPto It

IA CCOR:\L\C, \Villi am, I.A., F.R TIIOl/laS'SIlospital,' alld 13, HarleyStreet, TV.

L\RTY , Ellen (l\Jiss),-TlteHospz'ta/,RlIgc!c)'.

Daleof Flfe/ioll. :::olh I is. 24lh June, ISiO th Fd)., iI. :qth Junc, iO.

l\IOORE, James Bury l'Leoc1, Lieut. - Colonel, - Laprairc, 5th .1\1 a)" J 74· ProvillceofQuebec,Callada.

:\IOORE, andford, F ;\I.P., B.A., urgeon Army l'.Ieclical t)th :'1 a)" I 76 Department; Instructor Army lIo . pital Corp ,- lIdo·silot.

l\IOYKIER, Gustave, President elu Comite International de 20th April, 175· Secours aux Blesses lilitaires,-GcllC'ua.

N .\.PPER, Albert,-Crallieigll,Surrcy. 6th Al ril, ) 69·

Emma Theresa (Mrs.), ntc1arlin,-Asldord,]{Cllt. 231<1 JUIlC, I i3·

POLL OCK, A. Juliu s, I.D.,-ClwriJlgC1'OSSl-Iospita/, 11 T.C. / \lh :'1:1)" 1 ·G9· and 85, Harll]'Street, 1V.

P OI'TER, Surgeon-1Iajor J I T'l'doriallosjita/, 23 n1 JUIlL', 1·7)· lYetlC)'.

PRATT, Thoma s Tarte, LD., Officer of the Legion of IIonour,- JUlll:, 1 jO. 12, PlaceVelldJmc,Paris

ROBERT ., Mary Ann (l\1iSS)-I3, BritaJllliaSquare, 71 T orccs/cr. 15 th Dec., I 74·

RUi\IPFF, Fraulein Clemen tina Louisa 6th ,\In" 1 73-

ST. JOIl l ,. The Lady Superior of [or the time ocing,- 24lh Jun e, ISiO' Street,Strand, 1V.c.

1101 AI'\' A SOU.\ TK

SII \FTESLllil'\', The Right lIon. the Earl of, Y.G.,-St.Giles's IJoltsc,CrallbolLJ'IlC / ::q., Gros'i'owrSquarc, 1V. / .11 tllC1U1!/t1ll Club, .). II 17

lJiTlo'ofElu:lioJl. 13 th Oct., 1875.

SI1VEI L G, Edward IIenry, M.D., Physician Extraordinary to 12th Jan., I SGt). 11.:\1. the Queen, in Ordinary to 11.P.II. the Prince of \ Vales, -::>1 ..llar.isIlospitaI,PaIdillg/Oll,Tl.J' 17, J!allClh's/crSquare,TIT.J' alltl t1t1LCIl{eUIIlClub, S. TV

STILLL 'C;FLEE'I, Cordelia tillingflcet (Miss), Founder and Lady 2_ph June, 18 70 'uperintL:ndent of lIball'sIndustrialSC/l(}o/,-I[forcestcr

Su l'lILPL \ D, Stewart,-Coolllbe, CrO}'dollS"rr£.J 1 • 20th \ priI, IS75.

\V .\LL\CE, ir Richard, Bart., -Ilcrtjo!'tiHousc,Jlalldlest£.'r 13th Feo., IS72. IV.

ATL.\ \, Sdrah P rccillcts, Tl orccstcr. 23 rd ]Ulle,173·

BRIDGES, Amy (l\Ii ),-_0, St.George's.)qllarc,Reg_'Ilt'sPark. 13th Jan., 1 76.

GOLlJli\GIL\:\I, Catherine (Irs.),-Britmllliaquare, 1[Torccsto-. 24th June, 71.

HILL, Thomas P owlev, I.P.,-, '/. C'crtltcrillc'sIfill, Tf 'Ol-CCS-l"l-J' 5t1 ,, - 8 .I l", 1 1 72. R{formClub,S. J IT.

LU:'IL EY, usan (Mrs.),-S/lCPPcrtOIl,Ilmlq-oll-T/UWlCS.

I\1AcLb\ l , Robert Club,BOlllba)'.

MITFORD, Emily (:\I1 '.), -2, C'k'i'dmidIf,; tiL Fc'rrk, fl.

Jdll1es Dyson, F. P. \. '.,-.f)a'i'CltltalllBallk,1Iah.'c/'I/

PHILLIP, P ooert,-CockspurStnct, .s. TT

ROBEI'T, 1ary Ann ( Ii ), -13, Britanlliaquart"TT?orcl'stcr.

WINGFIELD-DI BY George igoy,- Castle,Dorset. 23 rd June, 75. 1 l .\.pnl, 1 lilh Feb. I 74. 17th Feb., I 7+


BIRCII, Thomas, late Serjeant 7th IIussars,-StatiollcdattILe Guild/wll,TTTorccstL'r.

Sy OX, Hiram, late orporal 57th Regiment,- tatiollcdZIl clwrgeofA7IlbltiallCCatTO'Z.t'1tJ-Ia!!,Burslem. anb

J)ateoj r I,·die'". 20lh .\pril, I 75. .)rcl Xov., I 7+

DECK\ r:D A."D A OC1.\ TES.

Brs IlOl', Major-General Cecil, C.13., Colollcl loth Foot.

BRETT, 1\Iajor P eginald Best, Bombay j \rtillery.

BRETT, Roberl, 'I.P IIonorary Associate. "tl'etch Cowley.

BROUX, P ichard, 8th Bart.

AG.\R, Lieut.-Colonel Sir Emmanuel Felix, Knight, 1st Life 12lh ])e<:., 1 57· Guards, 1\I.P. for udbllry.

ANDER ON, Colonel Thomas. 5lh J:\11., 1 65·

AXTRDI, The Right Hon. Hugh Scymour, 2nd Earl of. 2,-\lh JUllC, 1 -\-

ARDUTIIXOT, R car-Admiral Sir Alexander unda Youn g, 20th .\ug I 55· K.Chas. III.; Iedjidie; SLGeorge of Russia; 't.F rdinand, &c. ; Gentleman of the Privy Chamber to I Ier Iaje ::;t y . Lord Prior, I6lh July, 1860.

BARTO:\f, Sir Freeman, late Captain 2nd Foot. J 5th 1 33·

BEATTIE, William, M.D. July, 1!)57·

BEAUCIIA:\IP, Catherine, Dowager Countess, a Donat. th Dec., I 69·

BEREXGER, Baron de.

BEETII.c\T\I, vVilliam, F.R. 2 lh Jul), I S35·

BEETIIA:\I, Albert \Villiam, F.R.S. zSlh July, 1 835.

9lh Sept.. IS37·

BELL, William, M.D.

B ELL, Alexander, Quebec. ::>th JUll<:, 1 59·

B IGSBY, Robert, M.A., LL.D., K.] .S.

28th July, 1835·

Dat"ojEkdIOJ!. 16th Feu., 185 8.

8th July, 1857.

2+th June, 187 I.

30th 1832.

2 th Jul)" 1835.

BROUX, Licut.-Colonel \Villiam ] arne, Governmcnt Secrctary, 16th .\.ug., 1848. Guernscy.

Bpo\\, 1·,.· u.", Lieut.-Colon el \ Villiam Henr v , late C:'l)tal'll :nl'Ll I J -,J 1St 1 .:cj> t., 1832. (Royal \V clsh Fusilicr ' P egiment.

BeCK, The P ev. ] ohn Parmcnter, M.A., F.P A.S.

BeCKLEY, l\Iajor \ illiam, Bengal Cavalry.

BURGE., Somerville \Valdemar, latc Captain Grenadicr Guard

BCRLTO .', Colonel \Villiam, C13.

BUR:\L , James (Baron of Saxc-Coburg-Gotha ), K. II., LL.D., F.R. '.

BUR:\E., Lieutcnant George] ame Holme, Bombay Fusiliers.

BUR 'ES, Dalhousie I Iolmc ' , P oral Engineers.

BURXES, Sidn y IIoIme, clptain Bombay taff Corp.

BURXE ' , lIolland \ ard lIolmc ', Lieut. Indian "a y.

Philippe, ount dc P eceivcd in France in 1 13. Somctul1c Secretary to thc Frcnch Langucs, and one of the Delegates to Eno'land aL the rcvi\ 'al of the }< 11 0' lish Lan O' lle 0 o.

ir P obert lexanc1er, M.D., K.CH., K.R .E., .L.II., Phy ician to the British Embas y at Paris.

CLANNY, \Nilliam Reid, I D I' ., ,'p helin., 1\1.1.T.

lh Dec., I

19th July, I +9. 2+th June, I +8. th July, 57. 22Ud July, I 37. r:-.t July, 57. bl July ISS7. I tIl Jan., I 5 . 1 'th Jan., 1 5 . I th." 0\ ., I 73. ::qlh Jlllll, 1 +2 5th .\pril, I 32.


CL\Y, \ Villiam icholls.

Jamcs, I.D., F.R.

CRXWFORD, \Villiam, l\LA., Chief l\Iagi ·tratc of Bumbay.

Sir Robert Kcith Dick, 6th Bart.

DE PEARSALL, Robert Luca

Dalto[Elcdioll. 20th 1'11.\)", 1 58. 16th July, 1 57. :!2nd July, 1837.

31 t July, 1..1+

22nd J ul y, I 37.

DE PEARS .\LL, Robcrt Lucas, latc 4th (Emperor's 0\\,11) }lcgt. 17 th July, IS40. Uhlan, ustrian Army.

DOYLE, l\Iajor-Gcn. Sir John Serjeant-at-Arms to Queen rilley, K.C.B., K .. F., r.T. '., ictoria; ?\I.P. for co. Carlo\\',

The P ight Hon. J amcs Butlcr, 13th Bar on. Itl! :'IJareh, I 31. 1 (til 1 ·0\,. , I 30.

Duxs.\.:XY, The Right lIon. P andal Ed"'ard Plllnl'ctt, 15th 2Slh July, 1' 35· Baron.

The IIon. ,::,ir IIcnry, Bart., 17th IIcreclitary hampi un 15 lh July, I 3· of England.

Lord Prior, 15th July, 38.

Lieut.-Coloncl \\Tilliam, K .. F. roth Feh., I 00.

F.\RE:\IAN, Colonel \VilJiam B. I Sth IS33·

FERCUSSO T, Licut.-General \Villiam, K. Crcs. 1st Class; latc 12th Dec., 1'57· Royal Marincs.

FIFE, Sir J 01111, l\I.A., Dep. Licut., co. orthumberLtnu. 12th Ike., 1857·

FLORES, General, G.c. Chas. III.; Gr. Off. Lcgion of IIonour; 20th Aug., I 55· President o[ the Ecuador.

FREESTu J., Colonel Sir vVillial11 LocI-.ycr, r Chas. III., 28th ./\ug., 1 57· K.S.F.I. and Knight of thc IIoly Sepulchrc, Dcp. Licut. o[ Dorsetshirc, lVI.P. [or \i\Tcymouth.

GIBB, Hugh, Surgeon-General Bombay Army. 20th :\1a) , IS5 S

GIBSO ,Lieut.-Colonel Gcorge \Vashington. 8th July, 1857·

GLOVER, Robert Mortimer, M.D., F.R.S. Edin.


GRANT, Captain Thomas, Vicc-Admiral of Devonshire 2 r Dale(1/Ekctioll. f9 th Jnn., r833

GR \ :,'T, John, Bcngal Army. 8th July, r857.

GRIFFITIIS, Major vVilliam Stuart, latc 23fd (Royal \Velsh 24th June, 48. FlIsiliers) Rcgt.

Gu:,':,' I TV, John, c.B., Y night of \Vilh clm (o f thc .i. T cthcrlands), 20th .\ug I S5S. Inspector-Gcn eral of

HE.\'DL.L -D, 1< rcc.lcrick \Y., ?\I.D. Honorary ssociatc.

HEAI'D, Colonel James. 4th May, I 69. 8th Jul)" 157.

HILL.\I'Y, Sir \Villiam, Bart., Equcrry to II.R.II. the Duke of 7th July, I 38. Su,>sex; Coloncl of the 1st E sex Legion of Ca\"alry and Infantr). Foundcr o[ thc 1 oral T ational Lifcboat In titution.

HILLARY, ir ugllstlls \\ Tillia m, Bart., latc 6th Dragoon GuarcL. 7th July, J .3

IIILTO _ T , Charle ,a crving Brothcr.

IIOLDf'\, IIyla, an E 'q lIirc.

IIOPE, Vicc-Admiral thc Right I Ion. ir \ illiam John tone, G.c.B., I.P., Govcrnor of Grcel1\\'ich IIospital ( abroad).

H1:Go , Thc R e\'. Thoma, l\1.A., F. .A. Vicc-Admiral the lIon. Alc."ander l\lontgomery.

L\DA TOFF, IIis Highncs thc Princc lexandcl.

L.\:'lD, Lieut.-Colonel ir Charles IontolielJ, Bart Baron de t. lIypolilc (France), .C.L., rnight- Tar hal of the Ollecn's IIolischold, Dcputy-Licutcnant of us -e.' and LOl'(l Prior, 24th June, I 47.

L.\;\rB, Charles Jamcs avillc 1\1ontgomery

LAi'\GFOP D, The Right IIon. IIcrclllc Langford, 2nd Baron.

LAURIE, \Villiam Alexander, F.S.A. Edin.

LAWRE TCE, ir James (rcccitlcdabroad), lcmber of French Chapter in 17 89.

2nd July, 67

30th \pril, r ,1. 4th June, 67. 1st July, I 57. 24th June, J 47. 24th June. 1'-47. 24th Junc.

.)oth Mnrch. J 3:! thJul), 157.

30 th .\pril. I 3r.



LE GEYT, Phillip \Villiam, lVIemb. Legislative Council of India. th July, 1857.

LE MARCIL\ T, Sir John Gaspard, K.C.B., K.C.M.G. 20th 185

l\IcALESTER, Licut.-Colonel Charlcs rchibald) Y.II. Junc, 184.

?\1ACKEXZIE, Charles Fitzgerald. 28th July, r 35.

::\1.\ :N \B, Colonel the IIon. 11' Alan 1 Tapicr, Bart., Pri mc T th Oct.. 1 '.\2. ::\1 ini tcr of Canada.

l\L\GINX) \Villiam) LL.D. T9 th Oct., 18 32•

1\1..\.. TER Captain Richard Thomas, latc Grcnadier Guards.

lELA-;\O DE C.\LCL '.\, Antoinc Laurcnt, Comtc de .

IEREDYTII, Sir Joshua Colles, Bart., Captain 89th Foot. Y night of the Orders of St. Louis of France, and of Louis r II e.,:-,cDarmstadt. (HewastilelastEJlrr/islLlllall rraii't'd illio IIII' Ordcr b)1 tltc6<)tllGralld-.J.llastcr,tltc B(rn11t 7.'011 H071ZPCsclt, -ill tilecad)1partoftltc)'car 17<)8.)

MURRAY, Captain Arthur Stormont, latc RiDe Brigac1e.

N EEDILDI) The Hon. Franci .

NEWTO, -, James) Dep. Lieut., of Chcshirc, Derbyshirc, and Lancashire.

NORCLIFFE, Major-General K.II.

O'Do T TELL,GencralSirCharlcsRoutlcdge,Colol1cl r8thHlIssar.

OUTRA11) Licut.-General ir Jamcs, Bart., G.C.R. r.c. ... r.

PEARL) Commander Sir J amcs, R. ., K.II.

PEAR.O ,J lllillS Ale. ander, LL.D., F A.

PEAT) The Rev. Sir Robert, D.D., G. C. St. Stanislaus of Poland) Chaplain to King George IV. Lord Prior, 29th January, 1831.

PE KEFATIIER) General Sir John Lysaght, G.C.R, K.C.M.L., Governor of Chelsea Hospital.

PERROTT) Sir Edward Bindloss) 3rd Bart.

17th July, 1840 6th Jan., IS64. 9th 37. J th Dec., I 40 4th June, -+6. 17th Jnn., J3q · 20th [ny, 5 . J Ilh :'Ialch, [ 32. 8th July, I 57· 5th Junc, [865· lIth '0"" J 30 r6th Feb., 185


Date of Election.

PHILIPP \ R I, Sir J Ohl1, I .G.V. K.P.S., M.R . J\.. IIth N ov., 1830

PI'\fIII,- Y, The lIon. IIammett, :\[ember or the Legislative Trth ug., 1357oUl1cil of Canada.

PLU\IR IDGE, Admiral Sir J amcs Hanway, K.C.B., tP. for 12 th D ec ., 18 57. Falmouth.

PnPIIA\f, Admiral ir IIome Rigg, K.C.B , 1\tP. (rc(ci'i.!{'d 9th .'cpt.. r33i. abroa((' l{lligltt CO/llIJl([Jldl'r, 179J " raei,'cd tilt, ROJ'a! Li(ol(ctoweartile illsignia atCOllrt,20tltSept., 1799.)

PRL TGLE \ Villiam. 8th July, 1857.

\ Y, l\Iaj .-General J ame ) late Commissary-G e neral of the Bcngal Army.

RtDIs.\YOr 13 \RXTO ,T & .\UCIIIE) Charle \\'illiam Ramsay.

RL\RIO- rrwz \, II Gencrali imo II Dlica Ludo\ ' ico di.

ROBEI'T.'n'\ OF 'TPt.:.L T , General George Duncan, Chief of the Clan Donnoc-hic, C.B., Knight of Leopold of 1I tria.

ROBEl'T'10 en rl'U_\.·, Gcorge Duncan, Chief of the Clan Donnochic, late Liellt. 4-nd IIighlanders.

ROLPII, Dr. Thomas.

I Icnry \Vyldbore, LD., F.R.S., Honorary ssociatc.

S.\LI", Peter J oh11 1-< ane dc, Count of the Holy R oman Empire, Y.P.E., I-.II. '., Chcv. Lcg. IIon. (rc(ci'i.'Cdat ROIJl{" '2otll 7110' , 18 43.)

OCLTO, 1\Iajor-Gcllcral Johann lrich, Baron de, K. t. \Vladimir.

Sn.\))\\'ELL, The P ight IIon. ir Lancclot, \ icc-Chancellor of England.

Sn.\ w, Licut.-Col. Claudius, I .1'.

SUUCI' UGH, Sir Franci , Bart., F.l .

\lITH, Admiral ir \Villiam Sidney, Count Palatine of the Lateran, G.C.B. G Knio'ht of the Cre cent, 1st CIa " and of th Golden 1ilitia 1\1. ., .C.L., tc. (rccei7.'cd ill France). bth July, 1S57. 5th June. 1865 20th .\ug I 5'. 13 th .Inn I 3-+. 2 ph June, 1 63. qth (lct., J 42. 5th, •0\'. , 1 72. 12th Dec., I 57. 9th Tune, r6th .\ug 1 -\ loth , -O\' I :S. 9th Sept I 37.


TACHE, Colonel Sir Etienne Paschal, Knight, Prime lVlinister of Canada.

TIl 0 iII 0 , \Villiam, Captain 78th IIio-hlanders.

TOCQUEVILLE, Peter ictor, Comte dc.

Datr:ojEl(clioll. 18th Jan., 1858. 2n<1 [arch, 1864. 5th March, 1833.

TONKIX, Lieut.-Col. ir \\ arwic1- IIe1c, hev. Leg. lIon. Trth Junc, T .jI

V'ice-Admiral of Devon (rcrci,'cd iJl tliC L'lllgio-Bmiariall Lall(TlI{" 1830).

T ORPI IJE ,The Right IIon. Robert andilands, I rtll Baron. r6th April, 1862.

T URNBULL, \Vm. Barclay David Dunda, Barrister-at-Law, 13 th July, 1859. Calendarer of State Papers.

VELL\, Luigi, LL.D., uperintendent of the R ecorcl Office, 28th Aug 1857 l\lalta.

\ V.\TT"_, icc-Admiral George Edward, c.R., Y.C.II., K.P.E., I th Jan" T 5. K. Henri the Lion (of Brunswicl-), etc.

\ VHITEIlEAD, John, Superior of the Barony of Drem, ScoLland. 8th July, IS57.

\VILYIE, Lieut.-Colonel David.

\ VILLLDI. , Thomas Trollghear, Count of the Sacred PCllacc Cllld 20th .\ug., I 5'. of the Lateran, Knight of the superior grade of the G lldcn Spur.

\ VIL\IOT, Charles lVlontagll, an Esquire.

vVINTIlROP, William, Consul U A., l\lalta.

KYN., Chand os, M.P.



PrilltcdbyOrtil-'roftILl-'CltajJtcr, 188 I.

IIARRJ A. TD .'0. T', 'T. ilL\PTL" L.\SE. l'rillt,'I's ill Ordll/tu)'10IffI'.11c1Jt'Sly. I -. 1.

G .H- \ . (February, 188 J.)


7 fl, /:/ f ,f"l' J /z o-z VfY

7. J. /7, /7 Y ? /J'" 5


Tll is Office is at present vacant.

Eorb It)rior.

IIi' Grace Sir \VILLLDI DROGO, DUKE OF l\LL YCIIESTER, K. P 24th June, 1861.

)3aUitf of lEaglt+

The Right Honble. \ ILLL\M B.\RO. T LEIGII. 5th Janllary, 186 3.

Qtomman1)er of

'ir EDMU TD A. TTIIONY T-L\RLEY LECIDI£RE, Bart., 2nd Fdml:U), 1 G9.

1JIJe Qrounctl.


Consists of the Executive Officers, the Chaplain-General, and the following elected (r878) IVlembers:-

:Major - General the l\lost IIonble. the larquis CUN\ :r\GIIAl\L

The Right. IIonble. the Earl of DUDLI'.Y.

The Right I CV. The Lord Bi ' hop of ST. ALBANS (Clwj!aill-GeJlera!).

lr DW.\PD G. L. PLRROTT, Bart.

olonel ir JAMES BOCR );E, Bart., F .A.

General ir CIIARLL. K.C.B.

Iajor F. • CA ,R.A., tA., LL.D.



\ \,ho, cx-officio, arc Iembers of the Council.

CI.fAXCEI f OR General Sir J T ST. GEORGE, K.C.B., 22, COrll'il1a!!GardellS, QlfeCll's Gatr, '. TTT .

.1XDR!CFIFER-Sir IL\RLE"\ LECIDlLRI, Bart. EV:'IC TD 1I.P., F .. A., RIl)'dd

ALlfONLN-Generallhe P ighl IIonblc, ir GEORGE FREDERI CK, Viscount K B ., Cast!t-'CptOIl, patrid',co.fllltrim J' 49, Clwr/cs'tln't,Bcrkdt,)1'quare

RECISTRAN-Licul.- olond GOULD II -TER-\YL'TO:\, F \., Hlflltcrstoll, TTTcstA-dbridt',..l),rslllr( / :L, TIll/doc Square, A-CIISilU[tOJl, '. II'.

To whom any corrections for the Roll m:1.y he :1.<1dre. scd either :1.. :1.bOH>, or to ,)1.Johll'sCalt-,CltJ'km,i'dl,IOlldoll,E C.

6 TJlE U JClL.

R VV K RTL D BEl FORI, M. ., GENE.-1L 0 GIST- The e\'. . '). . TileRectoJ,)',5uttollColdjicld,BzrllllllglwJJl.

LIBR.·1RI. 1.\ EDWI House,CILZpstead, E M A V P A JlliJlI FRESIIFIELD, sq., . ., ..' ., lfrrq)' 5, BaJlkBlIild/Jlgs,E.C

ASSIST.l \7- ECRETAR}--Captain HERBERT HillHOllse,PluJJLstcad,ACJlt

A lIIB UL l \-CE DUKCt\X, TVoolwick

DEP.JR7ilIENT - 'uperintendcnt: 1\Iajor I i. R.A., rvI.A., D.C.L., LL.D., TIleCOJJllJlOJl,

BANA-ERS-The London and \ \T Bank, I, qllare, S. TV.

JEWELLERS- Iess rs. PhilliI)S, Cockspllr-slrt'd, '. 1f .

Communicalion may be atldre..,. c( to lle eete at " l. Juhn': Gate, Clerken\\'ell, London, E

1 1 t 'y of the relet uf. t John,

7 of ,IDU%tire.


AL EXA::-,rDER, Lieut.-General Sir James Edward, K.C.B., 2+th Feb., 1832. IC C.L.S.,- TVestertollffoltse,BrzdgeofAlla1l,iV.B. / Ulliled Seri.lz'ceandAtllCILCl!llJllClubs, S. TV.

Honorary Commander, 24th June, p.

BARR) Major-General IIcnry ] ames,-.rlpslqlo/{/l,EastGnll- 8th July, 1857. strad,SlIssex.

ir Georgt; lIowland, Bart. - Loll'OrlollJIall, 15th Vee., J 7f. .rlsllb),-dc-la-ZOUell / CarltollCI/lb, S.

BOuR'iE, 'ir James, Bart., F .. 1\., Licut. Colond Commandant 12th Dec., h 76 and IIonorary olonel R o),al Lancashire rtillery -lleatlifield,Li7'er}ool/llacA'illsallflail,Flce/I.e'ood;16, lIffoll-'trl'et,PallJlall, S. JT". / Carltolla7ldCOlISL'l<.'ati'i.,t: Cl1Ibs) .1 V.

BULOW, arl Gcorg Icxandcr, Baron von. (Honorary.) I th ::\'OV., kl2. Honorary 'otn mander, June, 47.

BURLTU - B 1 1 T, ] oh11 P obert,-lJllitJJlllir,CelltralIfill, Upper.J.\TOJ'wood. tit Feb., 60.

EURK.\BY, hjor-Gcneral Ed\\'yn 1\1 P.,-),'tl/::'f!ra,'/ l..j.lh Dec. I 0, Hall,Lcicl'stcrslLirc " 5 I, Eato//'qllare,1JT. " GlIards'C/;t!7.

CARTER, hade Pcmberton,-£lllgicscaTrrracL', Sf. LcoJ/ards- June, I all- eel / ClLitcdCILi'L,trsilj'Club,Ipol!.:'Ired, ' . 11 .

C ONY 'G IL\l\I, 1ajor-Gcl1eral, The lost Honourable Georgc 7th ,Tune, 1'70 IIenry, l\Iarquis lIonorary Colonel Royal Ea ' t KL:nt Mounted P iDe ',-BifroJ/slLcarCmLtcrbllJ)','laJleCastle, l/lealll,Ire/mzd / 36, Bdlrral.'cqlftlll',T1 T. /' Jlarlborollcrll. TTTllitt's,C7Jlscr"lltii.'t',aJ/d .. / I'm)/and . \ CI1(bl, .



DALLA", Rupert Caradoc Francis, Captain 7th Royal Lancashire l\1ilitia and P eserve of Officer ,-9, Doc.l'JleTerracc,Rz'dllIlolld,SlIrrey,.JlIlliorUllitedCilfb, TV.

flail'C]El,'ctioll. 5th Feb., 1878.

DAUBE TEV, General Sir Henry Charles Barnston, I. .13., Colonel 8th Feb., 18 76. 55th Regiment,-36, Ell'astollPlace,Queen'sGate,S.TV./ Ullitedcr'uicealldJuniorCarltollClubs, S. rv.

DAVIES, Francis Robert, 1\1. R. 1. A., -11ac.vt!t.orll,Blatkrock, 17 th Jan., 1S7!. Dublill,

DICK-L.\UDEP, Sir Thomas orth, Bart., F oltlltaillIiall, 6th }eb., 18n Haddillgtollsllire,. 44, Ollsloc.vqllare S. TV.

DUDLEY, The Right Honourable the Earl of, - TTTitlc.yCourt, 15 th Dec., I 74· TVorcestcrs!t.ire / Dudl'-,)IHouse,ParkLalle,TV. / Carltoll Club, S. TV

DUNCAN. Franci 'I.A., D.C.L., LL.D., 1\1ajor R.A.,-2C),TIle 2Jrcl June, 18 75. COlll7l1071,TTToolwlcll/UllitedSer'i'lCCalldCarltollClubs, S. I V.

FERRERS, The Right Honourable Sir 'e\\'allis Edward hirley, 8lh June, I 76 Earl,-StaulltollHarold,Ileal'/lsllb)l-de-la-Zoudl.

FORTESCUE, Edward F. I nottesford, aptain and Honorary 9th July, 1 75· Major 1st vVanvickshire Militia, - Ah,JestollJ1!allorIIousc, Stra!ford-Oll-Ac.IOIl,. TT Tandcrt'}'s'CllIb, . TV.

FURLEY, J ohn,-5, outllPark, I;CIlt. 2nd larch, I 64,

GILDEA, James, Captain 2nd Warwickshire Militia,-IloimeBlll)l, 23rd June, So. rVaiford,. 20, StaffordTerrace,}{ellsilLgtoll,TV.

GLASGOW, The Right Honourable the Earl of,-I(c!buJ'lleHouse, 5th OV., 187 2 A)lrsllz're,.C1'awjordPrz'or)l,C1Ipar,Fije / I I, IIerE'jord Gardells,TV,'CarltollClub, . 1V.

GORDO , The Honourable Ir Arthur llamilton, G.c.l\T.G., 6th Dec., I 7°· Governor or Ne\V Zealand.


HAWKI S, The Rev. Wm. Bentinck Letham, M.A., F.R.S.,33,Br)'aJlst071Square,W. / At/le71cr1ltmandConservatz've Clubs, S. TV:

DattojElatIOJl. 1st April, 1865. Honorary Commander, 9th December, 1865.

HOARE, Sir Edward, Bart,-68, D)lkeRoad,BriglLtoll. 1St July, 1857. IIonorary Bailli, 24th June, 1864.

HOARE, Major Joseph \Vallis O'Bryen,-Sidney,Bz'ttenle, 8th Feb., 1860. liallts / jUlliorUnitedSCr"uiceClub,S. rv

HOLLA D, Lieut.-Col. Trevenen James, c.B., -- SlZodlalld, 12th Dec., 18 57. Rochester.

KAY, ir Brook, Bart.,- tanlcyLodge,BaltietiO'C.lm,CIlc!tell/W1Jl. 17th lOV., 187 I.

LAMB, Sir Archibald, Bart., Captain 2nd Life Guards,-Beauport, 6th Feb., 18 73. Battle,Sussex,'TV)'Jld/taJllClub,Stjames'sSquare, S. TT

LECHMERE, Edmund Anthony Harley, Bart., I.P., F A. 9th Dec., 1865· Commander of Hanley Castle, \Yorcester 'hire,-RI0'dd Court,IlcarCpton-oJl-Se'i'L'rJl,. 13, BoltoJlRoc.L/,S. " Carltoll Club,TV.

'om mander, 2nd February, I 69.

LEIGH, The Right Hon. \ illiam IIenry, Baron, Lord Lieutenant 29 th ept., 1860. of \Varwickshire, IIonorary olonel 1st \Varwick hire Militia,- tow:lcig/l/lbbc)l,I{Clliic.L'ortll,TTTar'il'zdl.'sllire " 37, PortmalL'quare.nT.,.Brooks'alldTrm'c!lers'Clubs,nr.

Bailiff of Eagle, 5th January, I 63.

LEITII, John Farley, Q.C.,-8, Dorsetquare,N.TV. th July, I 57.

LOCH, ir IIenry Brougham, K. .B., Lieut.-Governor of the I Ie 1st Feb., 1 62. of Man, Lieut.-Colonel 2nd he hire 1ilitia,-DouKlas,Isle ofAlml.



LOFTUS, Henry J ohn,-49, Quccn'sGate, andPratt'sClubs,TV.

DatI! oj El·clIOIl. TV / lilarlborolIg/l 2Jrtl June, 1880.

MACPHER 0 OF CLV TV, Ewen, Chief of the Macpherso ns and Clan Chattan,-ClzlllY Castle,](ill(rllssie,Jll'lIcrlless-sllire / JUlliorUllitede1"l'iceC17lb, . TV.

Honorary Bailli, 20th August, 1 55.

l\IANCHE TER, His Grace ir \Villiam Drogo, Duke of, K.I., Major and Honorary Lieut.-Colonel Hunt iiiitia,-}{'ilJlboltonCastle,Sf.Neots,]lllllts/ I, GreatStall/lOjetreet, TV / CarltonClub, S. TV'

Lord Prior, 24th June, 1861.

1\IJ.A J EL, Sir John Bell \\ illiam, Bart..- TlteJlmt/l,Tf?rot/wJII, ](e71t/lIlaestiloCarJllart/u'llsilirc/CarltollCll/b, . nT.

PAL lER, George J un.,-5 8, Ebllr)JStreet,TV

r Alb t H r d 1\1 I) L ')9 As/tiL' II Place, EAR. ON, er anor, .,). .,-- ".I VictoriaStreet.TV / JUlliorCarltollClllb, n

PERROTT, ir Edwarcl. George Lambert, Bart., Vice-Pre ident Royal National Lifeboat Institution. and Vice-Pr <;ident d'Honneur de la Societe Royale l cntrale des auvclellr de Belgique,-Erooklal!J-fOllsc,Pllllllstcad,!(Cllt.

IIon orary Bailli, 20th , \u gllsl, 1 5S.

PERROTT, IIerbert Charles, Captain Easl r cnt Militia and 12 [h Dec [')7 6 Res c rve of Officers,-Brooldtil!llol/se,PlulIlstcad,A-cllt.

PORTEl<', Colonel \Vhitworth, R.E., Commanding R oy<tl Engineer, th June. 18 59. -De7JonjJort.

lIoll omr), Commander, 24th JUll , J 61.

ROWE. Richard Pcyl1olcl \ ., Pari.:lloIISi',



ST. GEORGE, General Sir J obl1, K.C.B.) Colonel Commandant 1st June, r 86r. Royal Arlillery,-22, CorJlwallGardens,Queen'sGate,SlV,' Unitedcr7.JiceClub,PalllIlal!.

Honorary 'ommander, 24th June, 186r.

ST. GERMA S, The Right IIonourabl e \Villiam Gordon Cornwallis, Earl of,-PortEliot,St.Germans,Cornwall/ 13, Gros'uel/orGardens,EatonSquare,SIV.

SIlERID l\.. T , IIenry Brin sley, IJ..P.,-Oaklallds,St.Peter's,Isleoj Tlt(lllet / 6, ColvilleGardens, ](ellsillgtonPark,HT / 4,}(illg'sBendtIValk,Temple,E.C.

TORY, Jam es, 1I.A.,-Errillgtoll,co.TJ'rollL',' 17, JJr)'tVlstoll Sqllare, IT.; CarltollClub, ',Tl.

TEMPLETO\\ , eneral the P Ight I-Ion. Sir George l'rcderick, iscount, K.C.B., Colonel 2nd Life Guards,-Castle CptOIl, T£'III}!cpatrt(k,co.Alltrilll; 49, ClwrlesStreet,Bcrl..>eleJI Sqllare, Tl.,. CllitedSCr'uiccalldGllards'Clubs, S. IV

VAVA GUI', ' i r IIenry I ervyn, 1 tOil llall,Tadcaster " Tra7'c!!crs'Club,S. If '. ll unorary 'ummanlier, 24th June, 1847.

WALFOl'il, Edward, M.A.,-17, ClllIrcltRO'Zt.',Hamjstead, \-. TT .; Jllllior...It/l£'lIL[,1I11lCll/b, IT .

,IIenl) 0 file) ,--_111SOlflsLolleg't' , () lj'ord.

WE, 'TON, Licut.-Colonel ould Hu TTER- F. '. .,-lhmtcrstoJl, 6th Dec., 1 70. TVestA"/lbn"de,rl)lrsltirc, .1\ .E. / _J, TlwrlocOlLt/l !(ellsiJlXiOIl, . Tl . " ['/IiII'd .\', r7''''(' nJ:d 1t1101([,117I1 Club,. J)all.1/(711, S. I V.

12 .I)all'ofElectioll.

BECK, The Rev. Edward Josselyn, M.A., R ector of RotILer/litiLc, 1st March, 18 70 Surrey.

BEDFORD, The Rev. William Kirkpatrick Riland, l\i.A., 1 ector 22nd June, I87! of SuttOIlColdfield,BirlllillgltaJJl.

CAM 1, The Rev. J. Brooke Maher, :M.A., Vicar of 1I10llktoll 2nd Aug" 18 70, Wyld,Cltar711outll,DorsctslLire.

CaSE ,The Rev. William Reyner, M.A., D.D., Vicar of DudllJ', 3 rd Aug., 1869, TVorcestf'rslti1't!.

GIBRALTAR, The Right Reverend Charles \Valdegrave andford 12th Dec., 18i6. D.D., Lord Bishop of, including l\Ialta and the Island and Countries of the Mediterranean, Canon of anterbury,CltristCllllrcll,Oxford / 28, GreatGeorgetreet,TT'cstmillstcr.

HAWKI ,The Rev. Wm. Bentinck Letham, M.A., FR. 6th June, 1865. 33,BrymlstOltSqua1'e,TV.)'AtILCll(l!ll1ltalldCOllseruat/l'c Clubs, S. TV.

HOLDE , The Rev. Oswald Mangin, M.A., B.C.L ., Vicar of 7th >\pnl, 186. GaileycumHatllerto71,PCJlkr£dgc.

MALET, The Rev. Wm. Wyndham, S.c.L., Vicar of ArdclC)', 12th l\Iay, 16 nearBwzti71gf01'd,Herts.

OAKLEY, The Rev. John, M.A., Vicar of t. aviour's, lIo.,ton, yd March, 186, -I, St.1Ilary'sRoad,CallollbwJ',N.

PORTAL, The Rev. George Raymond, M.A., Rector of Burg-lLclerc, ytl Aug., 169, nearNewbury,Berks.

ST. ALBA S, The Right R ev. Thomas Legh Claughton, D. ., 5th June, 1 n Lord Bishop of,-DanburyPalacc,?learCILe!JlLsJord / 28, GreatGeorgeStreet,TVestJILillster. Chaplain-General, appointed 24th June, 1 77, for fi\c year

SEWELL, The Rev. Arthur, M.A.,- T17aterloo110lise,LeamiJlgtoll 15 th Vee., I 71.


The Rev. rthur Thomas \Vhitmore, M.A., Rector of Liltleliford,Essex

Dilft! o/l!.It!dioll. 3rd Dec., 1867.

ESSEE, The Right Rev. Charles Todd Quintard, D.D., 6th Feb., 1868. LL.D., M.D., Bishop o f,-l1 lelllpilis,TenlZ.) U.s.

WIIARTON, The P ev. Joseph rane, 1.A., Vicar of TVi/lesden, 1St March, 18 70 lIliddlcs{'x.

\V OOD, The Rev. [bert Athelstane, D.C.L., Rector of Soutiz 3rd :\lareh, 1 68. Restoll,lOllt/L,Li7lcolllshire.

\V OO]), The Rev. Thoma \Villial11 , Chaplain to the Hanley 5th r874. Castle Com mandery,-Vicar of Eldersfield,Ileal'Tewkesll1llJ I.

\V OODW\RD, The Rev. John, F ... , cot, Incumbent of t. 2nrlJune, 168. ..11an/s,illolltrosc,i'?B. Qibcbal

l.\o!,lill 1l>ig-T)llC55 <lrctroIine {Haria JI.ouisa j1uliil, 'IDrinccs5 of WaTes aab l,BrincC55 of !Jcnmartt,- aJldrill (r/I(7/)/, lVorfolJ..',·BirklLa!!,AberdeellslLire)'..1Iarlborollglt l[o/lsl"TallJ1all,

B \DE 1 , I ler Royal lIighness Louise Iarie Elizabeth, The P eigning rand uchess f, nee Princes. of Pru ia,Schloss,(arlSJ7rltl',Baden.

BUR l TE. , Ether 'arah (Mrs.).-..j-o, Ladbrol..'e,qllare,clIsingto/l Par!.:, IV.

CONY GllAM, The 10st Iron bIe. Jane St. Maur Blanche l\1ttrchiones. ,-Bljrolls,Callterblf1') , / 23, Rllt/alldGate,IIJ'd; ParA', nT.

CROS E, Catherine (l\Irs.) w!e Porter,-.lYot.'a cotia.

DAUBF:NEV, Eliza, LadY,-36, Eh'astollPlace,QlI{,{,Il'SGatc, 12th Dec., r8i6. I Ith Dec. I '/7 24-th June, r 62. 7th May, I 72. 4th June, r 67. 23n1 Tunc, I , 7L


D j.: LA 'TI , ST. J AL, Agnc, icomtcssc,-CItc1tf'all rT( J1folltml/J(,{JI, hI _\pril, 1,62. D/ Tarll-ct-GarOll1lf.'. Frml({·.

DUXCAN, I ary I a t c ( ir'. ),-::!9, TItt: COIlll/lOIl, 11 roo/;l'ldl. 231'(1 June. I 78.

H AWKI S, Eliza b e th (Mrs.),-33, Brj'allstollSquarc, TV.

Ho KV s, Clara Amelia \ Vrcl1 ( liss),-4I, EcclestollSquare, 9 th July, j8. S TV.

L ECHMERE, Louisa Kathcrinc, Lady, -RIlJ,ddCOlLrt, llcar UptOIl- 9 th Dec., , 86 5. o1Z-Severll n orcestcrshirc/ 13, BoltollRow,lV.

I ACPHERSOI OF CLU V, J ustina ( Irs.),-Clull)1Castle, 23 n1 Junc, 1879. Ki71gussie,IJl7.'er71ess-shire.

PAL:\IER, J essie Frances ( Irs.),-CaJlOllIfill,lIlaidcllllead / 12, 20th July, [ o. Pete1'slwlllTerrace,SoutILKensingtolZ, . TTT.

PEARSO T, Rosetta Mary ( lrs.),-::!9. .rish!cyPlace,Ticton'a Street, S. TV.

P ORTER, Annie Shirley (Mrs.),-Dc'ZIonport.

ST. GEORGE, Elizabeth Mariannc, Lady,-22,!!Gardt:llS, Quce71,'sGate, S. TV.

S TRA GFORD, T he Right Hon. Emily 1 0, ClwpelStreet,ParkLane,TV. nne, ViscoLlntc's,-

th Feb., 1 76.

th Jan., 1 thJan .• I,t>2 Ih ;\ug., liii3·

T E:\lPLETOW , The Right lIon. Susan Mary I abclla, is- qth Dec. 1.0.0. countess,-Cast!eUpton,Templepatrick,co .flutrilll, Ireland.

TORPIIICIIEN, The Right lIon. lIelcn, Dowagcr Lady,-JVille t June, IS69· TVells,Citir71.'lide,NB.

TUCKER, Mildred Anna Rosalie ( iiss),-HeraldiCollege,R.C. Dec. 1880.

vVESTO , J ane lI u TER- (Mrs.),-FIlt1zterstoll,TVest }, i!bride, 8th 1\ray, ISn· Ayrsllire,N.B.; 22, TlllIrioeSquare,olltill(ells/JI.r.;tOIl.nT.

r ,. :> of ($racc .

B.\RRETO, IIcnry Barrcto, Baron dc, of Portugal,-Bralldo71 Park,Sujjo!k " Slcda!eForcst,ncarJ(ellda!,'Berkeley J J(J/lsc) CambridgeStreet,TV.

lIonorary Bailli, December, 18 57.

DllteojElectiol7. 12th Dec., 1857.

Lieut.-General \Valter John, C.B.,-14, St.James's 8th July, 1857. Sqllan', S. rv.

HOllorary Commander, 16th July, J 57.

BUSTELLT-FOSCOLO, de l\larignan Giovanni, Duca eli. 24th June, 1864. IIollllrnry 'ommander, same elatc.

C\. TEL-B['OLO, Federico Lancia c Grassellini, Duca di, K. .M. 24th June, I 6..j.. and L., K. Crown of Italy,-Palerlllo.

llollorary Bailli, April, I 65.

Cr..\ ", Captai n P ichard,- TILl'll/IlPto II , I": egwortll,Dcrb)l. 20th March, 60

DE L \. TIC T. JAL, Loui, icomte,-Cluitealfdelllolltaltball, 2nd Dec., I86r. D/p.deTarll-ct-Garolllle,Frallce.

FELLO\\ S, Frank Perks, F. A.,-B,TileGreen,Hampstead, roth July, 187/ •\T.TT ; ReformClub, S. TIT.

FRb[IFIELD, Edwin, ., V.P A.,-lUIUt HOllse,Cllipstead 5th June, r 77. S,un'), / 5, Bank Bltlldz'llgS, E.C

FRE IIFIELD, \Villiam awcs, l\I.A.,-Parkide,Reicrate / 5, 23rd June, I. o. BallI.. HIt/ldiIlKS, E.C.

IIE.\PD, Coloncl The Honorable John F.,-4, LOllisbllrgquare, 13th Oct. 5 . BostOIl, .lV.

I Ionorary 'olllmancler, ame date.

KETTLE, Sir R lIpcrt lfred (Knight Bachelor), 1-< .R L., Judge 3rd '0\., I 7-i. of thc County ourt of \ orccstcrshire,-.LJ/cridalc, TVol'i'cr/1f7l1lPtOll;alltlGlall-),-doll,TO,L'j'll,Jleriollctll.

M.\cLEA , R obcrt IVlacL an.-ra'l/d,')! 1-10/lsf'. Call/dt'l/Road, 5th Feb. I Rlarkl/rath, J(f'J//

"l-T. ([.. MANLEY, W ill iam George Brigadc urgeon, II f thc Ordcr in Arm y Medical D cpartment, ommlSSlOner 0 India,-DilkooslwPo.Olldlt,Bcngal.

R ATCL I FF, Charles, F. .A.,- TVyddr.illgtoll,Edgbastoll,Birmillgham,.Atlte/Uz1t1ltalldCOllscrvatl'llcClubs, S. rv.

R YLA D, lCU.- b .J/;/ontrcal.

L · t Colonel GeorCTc II ermon -Goverll7ILCllt110usc,

Honorary Commander, 24th June, I 6I.

R YLA D, W a r wick Has t ing ,-Go7JeI'Il1IlCntHouse,lIIolltrcal.

S HR I 1PTOl , C harles, M.D. [Paris],-I I, TTellswoodPark,Torqua}1 COllSer7Jati7. Je CII/b, . HT.

Vv ALDIE- G RIFFITH, George Richard,-.fIcllders)'dl·Park,I{clso, N.B.,.CaritoJ?Club,S.TV.

W ALKER, J o hn , M.A., - TVestboltrlleHouse,Pitl'uillc,C/teltell/talll.

.Dafl' ofL/alloll.

7 th 'o v., 1871. 5th Dec., 1864.

9 th June, I , 5:-1.

ALCOCK-STA \YELL, Jonas \Villiam,-I':ilbrittaillCast/e,co.Cork " NewUlliversz'tyClub,St.'lames'sStreet, S. l V

BURGE 5, J ohn, Captain R.N.,-l VyJlyard I fouse,Coat/ttlJll, Redcar,Yorks/lire.

B URGE., IIarry Miles, Major, Royal rlillcry,-f Scillde " i.VavalamilUi/itaryClub,IV.

B URY Phineas, Captain and IIonorary Iajor East Kcnt i\lilitia, Island,co.Cork / 'lWlz'orUnitedServiceClub, . TI.

CH AP fAN, Edwa r d Francis, Major anu Brcvet Licut. - Colonel R.A ., Assistant Quartermastcr-GeneraI,- Simla,Illdia.

D ODSWORTH, Freder ick Charlcs, - Oxford 1Tilla,Turllitam Green,TV

th June, I 59. 16th l\[arch, I n 15th Dec., ISi4

6th T\1ay, 18n 5th ov., ISi2

'nl :'farch, 1'6.

4th .\ug., IS0c.

24th June, I iO.

th Feb., I S71.

1st J\pril, t uS·

D OMVTLE, Herbert W in ningto n , Captain Worcestcrshire 4th Feb., I 79· Milit ia,-S/ze7"< c'oaa HOllse,llcarTVorcf'stf'Y,'CarltonClub, S.TV.


FREND, Edwin, Captain Oxfordshirc Militia,-RifoYlJZClub,S.TV.

HOOPER, John IIarvcy, M.A.,-Collc..l[eGreen,TVorcester.

LAMBERT, Captain Thomas,-Stamnore,Canterbury.

LLUELLY ,Captain Richard,-Arllry alldNavyClub,S.TV

LVTE, Hcnry Churchill Maxwcll,-I8, AlbemarleStreet,TV.

MALET, l\lajor Guilbcrt Edward Wyndham,-Ardeley,TValkerll, .fltlrts.

MURRAY, Jamcs \Volfc,-Crz'ngletie,iVB

O'M,\LLEY, Edward Loughlin, Attorney-General of Jamaica.

PORTAL, \Villiam \Vyndham, 1\I. .; Captain Hamp ' hirc rtillery Iilitia,- 7Ialslltlllger,BaJ'z·llgstoke.

PORTER, Rcginalu da Costa, Lieutcnant Royal Engineers,-Stt?O'Coll{ge, j"tZ I'llborollglt,Hallts.

SANDER '0. ,Edw. cott,-Fc(lrllall.flcatlt,Ciaz'lIes, 1Vorcestcr.

StIA w, Alexandcr I\Iackintosh,-CltzppiJlg Barllet,fiertS'.


7 h July, 1868. 23 rd Jun e, 1879.

Dec., 1870. 2nd July, 1867.

rd June, 1879. 5 th Xov., 1872. 23 rd June, 1873. 18th :'Iay, IS O. 10th Sept., I 7

3 rt! Dec., 1869.

5t h Feb. 187

ACLAND, IIcnry \ Ventworth, LD., LL.D., Regius Professor of l\Iedicine,-Ox'/ord / AtlLClta:ll7JlClub, . TV.

ApPIA, Ie Dr. Louis,- ocicte de ecours aux Iilitaires Bies es, Rile de I'A tltllU/e,Gene7'a.

BAKER, ir Samucl \Vhite, Kt., l'rI.A., F.R.S., F.R.G.S., a Pacha of thc Ottoman Empirc,- alldfordOr!cz:Rlt, l\ Abbott, DC7'Oll / A tlLella>ztmC11Ib, . TV.

23 rd June, I 79.

22nd Feb., J I.

9th Ft.!b., I is.

BEALE, Lionel mith, J\1.D., F.R,-I{z'llg'sCollegeHospital, 24th June, IS7T. l Vc. / alld 61, Grosvenortreet, TV.

BEAUFOI{T, Ie omte IIenry de, ecretaire General de la 6th :'I ray, I i9. ocictc de ecours aux Iilitaires Ble e ,-4"', Ritedc F(,I'I/l'1I /1, P ans_ B


BEl );ETT, Charles Henry, l.D.,-Collt.:geHouse,llaJJlJllcrslIlitk

BH.,\CKE TDURY, Henry, Major and Brevet Colonel, Royal Arillery,- JltlliorU"itedScr,(ll.ceClub, S. 1V.

DnteOJElt'cliol/. 23 ru June, I 75. 20th April, 1875.

CUFFE, Charles lVlcDonollgh, C.B., urgeon-Major rmy 1cdical 18th 1880. Department,-Novacotia/JlIlliorUllitedSeruiceClub, '. TV.

DOUGLL, ); .QC., Campbell 1illis, 1\1. " Army 22nd Feb., 1881. l\Iedical Dcpartment,-Roorkee,Illdia.

ES:\L\RCII, Dr. Friedrich, Professor to the University of Y iel; 10th Dec., 1878 Surgeon-General in the German Army,-I(iel.

FALW.\, SEH., Francis, F.R.C.S., Surgeon- 1ajor Army Medical loth Sept., 1878 Departmen t,- C)tpr71s.

FARQUHAR 01, Robert, I.D., M.P.,-23, BrookStrcl.:t,Ilallo'('cr 23 ru June, 1880 Square.

Philip, 1.D.,-CaIllLcs,France. 6th Dec., I 70

FR.\ ER, J ames Keith, Lieut.-Col. Commanding I t Life Guards, 20th .\pril, 1 75· and Brevet-Colonel,-3 I, RutlalldGatc,HydePark, .s. 1v.

FRERE, Ri ght Honble. ir Henry Bartle Edward, Bart., G. .13., 20th April, 1 75· G.c. .1., &c.,-lVrcssiLLodge,lViJlLblalolLCOllLlIlOIl, .lIT./ Atlze71ceulllClub, S. TV.

Gp A);\TILLE, Paulina (Miss),-62, TVarwickRoad,Earl'sCo II rt, 5th l\hy, 1 H SoutltI(eltsz"Jlgtoll, S. lV.

Elizabeth (Mrs.), 3, TVidcollleTerrace,Batk 24th June, 1 70

TETT, B.\RPI TGT01T_, Vincent, l\I.A., LL.M.,-I5, II)lde 20th April, 175· ParkGardeas, TV. / OxfordalldCall/bridgeCI/lb.

LA:\ DA y ALVAREZ DE CAR VALLO, Don 'icasio c1c,-PalJljc- 22nd Feb., I I. III/la,paz·n.

Baron von, Geheim ober-medizinal Path, and 22ml Feb., 1 81. Professor,-4, S07llJllerstrasse,Berlill.

LASERO_ , Michael, M.D.,-TILeGreen,TottclllLam. 10th July, 1 77·

E, Thomas, C.B., Surgeon-General, Professor of l\lili- 24th June, IS7 0 tary Surgery, - Ro)'aLVictor£LlIiosp£!al,j\lctlq,olltllamptOlI.


William, M.A., F.R.C. .,-St.Thomas'sHospital/ and 13, JJarleyStreet, "Jrv.

MARTY , · llen ( 1" iss),-lVoodend,I(z'mbolton , St.Neots,HUlltS.

DateojElt!cti(lil. Feb., 187 I. 23Jd June, 1873.

MOORE, Liellt. - Colonel, James Bury M'Leod, - Lapraz'rie, 5th :\Iay, 18 74. ProvillceofQucbec,Canada.

MOORE, andforcI, F.S.S., M.B., B.A., urgeon -lVlajor Army Medical Department· Commanding Officer Army IIospita Corps, DepOt and Training School,-Alderslzot.

MOYNIER, Gustave, President du Comite Internati onal de Secour allX Blesses Militaires,-Gellcva.

MUXDY, Faronir, Ie Baron Dr., Professor of l\1ilitary IIygiene at the F. J. University, ieI1na; IIonorary Pre. ident of the French ocicte de ecour aux Militaires Ble'scs - I? , Radel::;skiStrassc,TVicll.

NAPPER, Albert,-Cran!czgil,Surrey.

ASOX, Emma Theresa (1\'1 rs.) , 7Zi'el\1artin,-Asliford,j(ellt.

OWEX, Edmund, F.R.C. ., Lecturer on Anatomy, t, Iarr's IIo spital,-49, Street,Portmallqllare, TV.

POLL OCK, Julius, and 85, llarlq I.D.,-CllarillgC1'OSSJ-Iospital, lTT.C. / trect,TT':

PRATT, Thomas Tarte, l.D.,- I2, PlaceTelldolllc,Paris.

ROBERTS, lary nn 3, Britall/lz'aSquare, n 0r(:cstcr.

ST. HOUSE [Lloyd, Caroline ( lis )], The Lady uperior of for the tUlle bcing,--N01j"0Iktreet,tralld, TT. C.

SIIAFTE BURY, The Right Hon. ir Anthony shIer-Cooper, Earl of, K.G.,- t.Giks'sHONse,Crallbolll'lu: / 2-+, GrOS'l'C/lOr Square, 1[T. ). /1 tlLe/l(elfllLClub, .

SIEVEKIN G, Edward Henry, LD., F. . ., Phr ician Extraordinary to II.M. the Queen, Physician in rdinary to H.P.II. the Prince of \Vale, - t.JIm""s1fos/,ital,PaddilwtOIl, lV./ 17, 7Ia"dlcsterqllare, lV,' alld ..t1.tllc/U7:IIIJI Club, ... TV.

n :;

20th April, 1875.

18th :\Iay, 1880. 6th April, 1869. 2JrdJune, r 73. roth cpt., 7S. 24th J nne, I '70

15 th Dec., 1 '74 8tl. Feb., iI.

13 th Oct., l--i5. 12th Jan. r 09

20 A: OCTA rFS

STILLIXGFLEET, Cordelia Stilling fleet ( lis ), Founder an 1 Lady Superintendent of 'f. Alball'sIlldustrialSc/wo/,-TVorcester.

S UTIIERL. \. i\D, \ V. Stewart,-CooJJlbc, Croydolt,urreJ'. /JateojEledic1l1. 24th June, 1870. 20lh April, 1875.

\VAL L eE, Sir Richard, Bart., K.C.B., 1.P., lIon. Colonel 13th Feb., 1872

Antrim Artillery Militia, - I-iertfordHouse,.J.llanc/lcstcr quare,TV. .

•\ Inr 'TPOXG, Thomas,-Higlific!dBall!..',Crlllstoll,JImlc,'Icstcr.

ATLAY, Sarah, (l\Iiss),-CollcgePrecillcts 1(Torcestcr. 23nl June, H

BpOADLEY, Alexander Meyrick,-Tltllis. 23n1 June, So.

GOD ON, Augustus Frederick,-TcllblllJ/,rrrorecstcrsilirc / 3, 16th ) n PumpCourt,Temple,E. C.

Catherine (Mrs.),-BritmmiaSquarc,TVorecstcr. 24th June, I 71.

HARVEY, Frederick,-39, IToodstockRoad,Sllcpllerd'sBIISIl,TT.

HILL, Thomas Rowley, - t.Catllcrille'sIJi/! rr ONestt'r " 5th. rOY., I ;2. ReformClub, TV.

Susan (l\Irs.),-9, Cltarles Ired, Berl.:dq Sqlltlrt'. _.lth June, 1 69·

IITFORD, Emily (Mrs.),-2, Cle'i.'eiallctqllare,JJ)ldcPad.', Hr. 5 th ov., I ;1.

PEPRI::\ " James Dyson, F.R. .S.,-Da'i.'ellitalllBmd,.L1lalc.'crll. 5th lay, 1874-

PHILLIPS, Robert,- Cockspurtreet, '. TV. bt April, 186z.

ROBERTS, Mary Ann ( 1i ss),-13, Britcllwiaquare,TVorcestcr. 17th .feb., I8H

STILLLTGFLEET, Lydia Anne (i-.Iiss),-Cal/lbriaJlIlouse,CIC·i'cdOIl. 11th Dec. 1877·

VIGERS, Robert,-7, Frederic!.:Place,OldJeu.1r}I,E.C. 5th June, I8n.

\Vr TGFIELD-DIGBY, George Digby,-S/lerboltrlleCast/e,Dorset. 17th Feb., 18 74· 21

BIR CH, Thomas, late ergcant 7th IT uc;sars, - tatlolledattile Guild/wll,TVorccstcr.

JJilie 0/ J:/,'divil. 20th .t\pril, 1875.

RYALL, Edward, late Sergeant I t Batt. 5th Fusil icrs,- 23rtl June, J So. Statioll{'datt.JOhll'SGate,Clcrkell'i.uell. anb'

.3). rhc\'allcr ofJustice. ce. Chaplain. ilB.ce. Dame Che\'al!cre. @. Che\'alier of Grace. (1;. E:qUlre. IIronOlary A. oClate. fil. Donat. '-:>er\'ing Brother.

AC"\R, Lieut.- olonel ir Emmanuel I-o'eli. -, M.P.

AKDER.O?\, Colonel Thoma

AXTRIM, The Right IIon. II ugh eymour, 9th Earl of. .!Jat··ojElectiOJl. \8). 12th Dec. IS57. 5th Jan., r 05. .@. June, IS..j.

ARD _TIIXOT, Rear-Admiral ir Alexander Dundas Young, .3). 20th .\ug., IS55. I. ha. III.; l\lcdjidie; t. George of Russia; t. FerdInand, &c. ; Gentleman of the Privy Chamber to Her l\1aje'lty.

Lord l'rior, 16th July. 1 00.

BAl'TO?\, Sir Freemall. 31. 15th :cp., 1 S33.

BEATTIE, \ Villiam, 1\1 D 1st July, lSSi·

BEAUCIIAMP, Catherine, Dowager COtlntcs..:;. £9. th Dec., r 60

B ERE TGER, Baron de. 6. IjthJan., 34 \Villiam, RI, :dh July. 1 35·

22 ME IBER ,_\ OCIA TE', A D

BEETIL\M. Ibert \Vi11iam,

BELL, \Villiam, 1.D.

BELL, Alexander.

BrG BY, Robert, 1\,1. ., LL.D., K .]. '.

Br'lIOP, l\lajor-Genera! Cecil, CB.

BLAIR, Captain Harry

BRETT, lajor Reginalu Best.

BRETT, Robert, M.R. C Stretch Cowley.

BROU T, Sir Richard Bart.

BROUN, Lieut.-Colonel \Villiam ] ame '.

BROWNS OX, Lieut.-Colonel \Villiam lIenry.

BUCK, The Rev. John Parmenter, LA.

BUCKLEY, Iajor \Villiam.

B URGES, Captain Somerville \ \'aldc111ar.

BURLTOX, Colonel William, .13.

BUR E, James, K.H., LL.D., F.R.S.

BUR?\ES, Lieutenant George James IIolmcs.

BUR TE " Lieutenant Dalhousie I Iolmes.

BUR TE , Captain Sidney Holmes.

BURNE, Lieutenant IIolland \Nard lIolmes.


CIIA. TELi\I'\T, Philippe, Count de. Received in France 111 18 I 3. omelime Secretary to the French Langues, and one of the Delegates to England at the revival of the English Langue.

IIonorary Panko

'IDE, Sir Robert Alexander, M.D., K.CII.

CLAN V, \ illiam Reid, M.D., .S. Edin.

eLA Y) \ Villiam icho11s.

31. 'th July, I 57.

111 <iI. 2\thJunc, 1Sil.

3). 30th arch, I 32. 2 th July. I 35. 6. 16th .\ug. 1<+. ] 15th Sep., 1 6. 2 th Dec., I 60.

31. lhJuly,I ' 57·

]. 22nd July, J 3i· bt July, I 5i·

6. 1st Jul)" 1 5i· (1'. I th Jan., ISSS,

31. 1 th Jan., 185" ep., Ii·

CALLE TDER, George \Villiam, S., F.R.S. j)ah' oJ J cdlol!. ®. 28th July, 1835. 3). 9th Scp., 1837. ®. th June, r 59. .81. 2 th July, 1835. 16th Feb., 1 <5. I lh "\0\., I iJ.

James, 1\1. ., F.R.

CR.\.WFORI , \\ illiam, ]VLA.

Cu 11.\"\T, -'ir Robert Keith Dick, 6th Bart.

DELEPIEPR E, Joseph Octave, LL.D., F.

DE PEAR SALL, Robert Lucas.

DE PEAR!':> \'LL, R obert Lucas, J lInior.

DOYLE, '1ajor-Gen. ir John lilley, K.CB., l.P

BJ. 24th June,

BJ. 24th June, 1832.

®. 20th ;:'Ira)" 1858. 6. 16th July, 1857. B\. 22nd July, 1837.

3). 31. LJul}', I 44· (13. dh Dec., 64· 3). 22ncl July, 1837. BJ. 17th Ju l y, I 40 B). T rth ;:'Ibrch, I 32 Bl. lIth ::\0\., I 30.

DFNnOY. - E, The Right lIon. James Butler, I th Baron. DaleojE!edioJl. BJ. 18th Nov., 1873.

DUr , Ai ry, The Right II on. Ranua! Ed ward PluI1 kett, 15th 3>. 28th July, I 35. Baron.

The lIon. ir Henry 1 art. , 17th lIereditary 3\' 15th July, IS3 Champion of England.

Lord Prior, T5th July, I 3

ERMATL GER, Lieut.-Colonel \\ Tilliam, h... (6. 10th Feb., 60.

FAREMA , Colonel \\ illiam Blennerhas:;et e. th I 33·

FERGU ,',O ,Lieut.-General \\ i11ial11, K. Cres. I t Clas . \9. 12th Dec., I 57·

fIFE, Sir John, l\I.A. 12th Dec., 1


FREESTUl, Colonel Sir \ illiam Lockyer, M.P.

GIBB, Hugh, urgeon-General.

Gm ON, Lieut.-Colonel George vVashington.

GLOVER, Robert l\10rtimer, I.D., F.R EJin.

GRANT, Captain Thomas.

GRANT, John.

GRIFFITH, Major \Villiam tuarl.

GUNNING, J oh11. CR., Inspector-General of IIospital s.

HEADLAND, Frederick \V., l\I.D.

HEARD, Colonel J ame

HILLARY, Sir \Villiam, Bart.

HILLARY, Sir Augustus \Nilliam, Bart

HILTON, Charles

HOARE, Harriet, Lady

HOLDE \ Hyla.

HOL:\IE , General John, CE.

HO?llPE ClI VON WI. BECQ, Theophilc Anton \Yilhelm, Count von (nephew and heir of the 69th Grand- Taster Ferdinand von Hompesch. lie'Luas7'ecci1'cdiJlto till.' Orderz'ntiLeAnglo-BavarianLallgue,1825.)

Honor ary Rank.

HOPE, Vice-Admiral the Right Hon. ir William Johnstone, G.CB., M.P. (1'ccez'vedabroad).

HUGO, The Rev. Thomas, M.A., F.S.A.

J 0 TES, Vice-Admiral the Hon . A Ie. 'ande r Montgom e ry


aI. 28th Aug., 1857.

aI. 20th May, 1858

3). 8th July, 1857.

31. 19 th Jan., 1833-

RI. lh July, 1857

3). 24th June, 184

(§. 20th Aug., 1855

th July, 1857.

3). 7th July, 18 3

3). 7th July, IS3 c.

2nd July, I 67.

.D.C sthJuly, I sq·

e. I t 1870.

th July, 57·

,Hl. 30th April, 1831.

4th June, 1867 ·

RI. July, 1857·


LABANOFF, Iris lIighness the Prince Alexander. Honorary Rank.

LAMB, Lieut.-Colonel Sir Charles Montolieu, Bart., Baron de St. IIypolite (France), D.CL.

Lord Prior, 24th June, 1847.

LAMB, Charles James Saville Montgomery.

LANGFORD, The Right lIon. Hercules Langford, 2nd Baron.

LAURIE, \Villiam Alexander F.S.A. Edin.

Date oj'

3). 24th June, 1847.

3). 30th 1832.

<1&. 8th July, 1857.

LA WRE l TCE, ir James (rcceitJedabroad), M em ber of French .3). 30t h April, 1831. Chapter in 17 89.

LE GEl'T, Phillip \Villiam.

LE TT, ir J ohl1 Gaspard, K.C.B., K.C. l.G.

McALESTER, Lieut.-Colonel Charles Archibald, K.H.

1\1ACKE1\'21E, Charles Fitzgerald.

MACNAD, Colonel the Hon. ir Alan 1 Tapier, Bart.

lIAGINX, \ illiam, LL.D.

MA TEP, Captain Richard Thomas.

MELANO DE CAL I T,\, Antoine Laurent, Comte de. H onorary Rank.

MEREDYTII, ir J 0 hua Colles, Bart., Knight of the Orders of t. Loui of France, and of Louis of Hes e-Darmstadt, &c. (He7('astltelastEnglishmanr('ceZ7/cd£ntotheOrdcrb)1 tlte69tltGralld-.J.1/astcr,theBaronFerdinandVOIlHompesch,carlyz'Jl 179 8.)

MURRAY, Captain Arthur Stormont.

NEEDHAM, The lIon. Francis Henry.

f\£WTOX. Jame s.

3). 8th July, 1857.

<1&. 20th fay, 1858.

3). 24th June, 1848.

B>. 28th July, 1335.

3). 14th Oct., 1 42

3). 19 th Oct., 1832.

3). 17 th July, 1840.

B). 6th Jan., 1864.

B). 9t h ep., 1837.

31. 18th Dec., 1840.

RI. J7 t h Jan., I 39.


NORCLIFFE, :Major-General orcliffe, K.H.

O'Do ELL, General ir Charles Routledge.

OUTRAM, Lieut.-General Sir James, Bart., G.C.B., J .c., .1.

PEARL, Commander Sir James, R. ., K.II.

PEARSO ,Julius Alexander, LL.D., F, .A.

PEAT, The Rev. Sir Robert, D.D., G. C. St. Stanislaus of Poland, Chaplain to King George IV.

Lonl Prior, 29th January, 18 31.

PE EFATHER, General Sir John Lysaght, G.c.B., K.C.l\T.L.

PERROTT, Sir Edward Bindloss, 3rd Bart.

PHILIPPART, Sir John, K.G. ., K.P.

PI HEY, The Hon. IIammett.

PLUMRIDGE, Admiral Sir James IIanway, K.C.B., I.P.

POPHAM, Admiral Sir Home Rig gs, r .c. B., .l\I.P. (rc(ci'i.'cd abroad/ ](71iglt! Commallder, 1799,' l'cccl'i.'cd tilC ROj'a! Lz'ce71cc to tllC illsiellia at Coltrt, 20tlt cpt.,] 799·)


<!D. 20th May, 1858.

Ri. lIth larch, r832.

®. 8th July, 1°57

3). 2nd July, 1867.

3). 11th Ko\,., I 30.

B\. 16th Feb., 5

B\. 31st July, IKt4-

31. 1 Tlh 1 T OV 1830.

®. I Ilh Aug., 1857

<!D. 12th Dec., 1857.

3). 9th Scp., I 37.

PORTER, Surgeon- Iajor J 0 ' hua IIenry, Army l\Icdical Depart- 2JrdJunc,I 75· ment.

POTT, Joseph Compton, Jun.

Pow ALL, Henry.

PRINGLE, William.

RAMSAY, l\1ajor-General J arne

RAMSAY, Charles vVilliam Ramsay.

RE ARD, Bruno Jean Baptiste Joseph, Lieut.-General, A.D.C. to H.M. the King of the Belgians, &c.

RIARIO-SFORZA, 11 Generalissimo Il Duca Ludovico cli.

B\. 24th June, IS.p.

B\. 22n<1 July, I 37· <13. July, I 57 8th July, I 5i· (Ii). 5th June, 6). 111. 6th lay, ISi 9· .3). 20th Aug., IS55 ·


ROBERTSO OF Gencral George Duncan, c.B.

ROBERT .'U OF STRUAN, George Duncan.

ROLPII, Dr. Thomas.

RUMSEY, Henry \Vyldbore, I.D ., F.R.

SALI -SOGUO, Peter John Fane dc, Count of the Hc.\y R oman Empire K.l .E., K. I I.S. (rccez'vcdatROJJle, 20tft. July, 18 43.)

SALIS-SOGLIO, Iajor-General J ohann Ulrich, Baron ue.

SII .\DWELL, The Ri gh t IIon. ir Lancelot.

Dale oj' Electioll. 3>. 13 th Jan., 1834.

<13. 9th June, 1858. 3). 22nd July, 1837. .3). 3 rd ... TOY., 1874.

SIL\ W, Lieut.-Colonel Claudiu ,K. .1• 27

SIIEPIIERD, ur geon- rajor Peler, rmy Department. m.I£l.lOth ep., 1878.

SlIUCKDRUGlI, Sir Francis, Bart., F.P .. m. 10th OV 1858.

Admiral ir \\,illiam idney, G.C.B., G.c.T.S., m. 9th ept., 18 37. G.c. .F., clc. (rccc/'i.'cd ill Frrwcc).

SPRYE, Captain Richard amuel Marc. .31. 20th Aug., 18 55. SYSON, IIiram.

TACIrE, Colonel Sir Etienne Paschal. .31. 18thJan., 1858. 0.', Captain \\ 'illia m. 3). 2nd March, 1864.

TOCQUE\'ILLE , Peter Victor, Comte de. B}. 5th 1833.

To '1( T , Licut.- olond lr \\ ar\\"ick IIclc (rcccz''i.'cd III tilt' 3). Ith June, I 41. .Allglo-Ba'i.'arimlLangill',1830).

TORPlIICIIE " The P ight Iron. Robert andilands, r I th Baron. B}. 16th April, I 62.

TUR TBULL, \\ 'm Barclay Da"ic.1 Dundas. @. 13th July, 1 59.

VELLA, Luigi, LL.D., uperintencknl Record nice, Malta :? th , \ug., I 57.


\tV ATTS, Vice-Admiral George Edward, C.E., K. I r (19.

WHITEHEAD, John (13.

WILKIE, Lieut.-Colonel David B;.

\VILLIA 1 , Thomas Trou ghear. (!i).

\ VIL lOT, Charl es 10ntagu. (P.

WINTHROP, \tVilliam , Consul .S .A ., l\Ialla. (19.

WOLLA TON, Major Fr ede rick. RI.

WOOLFE, Richard, F. .A. 3).

WRE LHOSKY J Chandos, l\I.P. (19.

Dnll' of Eltcl/Oll. 18th Jan., 185&.

8th July, 1857.

24th JUlle, 1848.

20th Aug., 1855.

2nd Feb., 1069.

28th Aug., 1857.

1. l July, 1857.

7th ilray, 18j2.

4th June, 1867,


in'itituted by the Chapter, 1874, as a rcward for deeds o f gallantry in savinO' life onland.

OU\ I· RS). TluCrossofIluOnkr. (lisjowlssYlllbol/c' 0/ lIlt! dgllt B.:alituc!t's.)

TIi.:BaJ.;,·oftheOrtic'r. (Tile St. Jol/ll's IVol't, mtwiJlI',1 'Wltll COIllIllt!1II0rativr! ibboll


EUJ ,\1I II ALL \\[ (, ,'Ii.'cr), FR EDERI K VICKER (Sih'er). For saving, at imminent risk of their lives, six fcllow-workmen in great p(;ril in the shaft of a coal-pit near Scplcmber 7th, 1 '75. Pre entcd by ir Edmund Lechmere, Bart., at a public meeting at Mo or, oycmber I 'th, 1875.

;\,\rIIES OF RE 'lP[El TS.

J OIl S 11TH You TG, Deputy-Commissary. Altached to the English Ambulance during the iege of P.1ris (').

For saving the life of a wounded German soldier at the Bridge of Bezons on December loth, 1870. Presented, March 17th, 1876 by 1ajor-GellerallI.S.II. Prince Edward of Saxe-vVeimar, Commanding the I I me District, at a parade of the Guards and Army Service Corps, II.P.II. the Field Marshal Commanding-in- hief granting permi sion for the ledal to be worn in uniform on the right breast.

Co T TA T VA ( ili,tr) , I IJ.," T1' I T RO SST LOT (BroJZ:;e). For marked courage and jucig-lllent, resulting in the saving of life and property, and the subsequent conviction of the murderer ' concerned in the mutiny on board the British ship LE 1T?\, IE 011 the high seas on ctober 3 bt, 1875. The Chapter regarding the ship as part of the Queen's dominion, awanlecl according-Iy, and the melbb were presented through the Dutch and the Belgian in June, 1876.

GEORGE GATE' (BroJl:;e). For savinr.-, at much personal voluntarily and unaided, two dying men from the T c\\· Road Sewer, Battersea, after a companion bad already succumbed to the poisonous gases. 1\ ugust 9th, 1876. Presented publicly by the Local Authoritie on January 3rd, 18 77.

TnO:JL\ ' ERRIKGTO " "\ ALES, lIer l\1ajesty's Inspector of Mines for South \Vales (Szlllcr) , JOIIN IIo\\,ELL (Silver), ISAAC PRIDE (Sih'cr), ,VILLI.\ \1 Bl'..ll I[ (StI,'/'r), DA l IEL TnOl\IAS ( z' For special service during- the gallant and protracted effort made for the reSCue of the buried miners in thc Tynewydd Colliery, Glamor ganshire

Presented by Major F. Duncan, P .1\., Direct o r of the Ambulance Department of the Order, at Pontypridd, on August 4th, 1877, in the presence of the Lord Lieutenant of the County, the Lord Mayor of London, and a very large and distinguished assembly.

GEORGE PAT fORE (Broll:;e). For bravery in seiZIng, securing-, and aiding in the destruction of a mad dog, which had pre·

",fi\;\fl..,S OF H.ECIPIE. ,[,S. viously bitten three men and severa.l dogs, September 9 th , 18 77. Presented at the Hertford Borough Sessions, March 7th, 1878, by the Mayor of II ertford.

STEPIIEl LITTLE, Constable, Metropolitan Police (Bronze). For the gallant re cue of a lunatic from a position of great danger, on June 4th, 1878. Presented on August 2nd, 18 7 8 , by Ilis Grace the Duke of 1anchester, K.P., Lord Prior of the Order, at a special parade of the 11etropolitan Police at the." ,Vcllington Barracks.

Al'TIIU R II. Assistant Inspector of l\Iines (S-ilver), CIIARLL :\IALTBY (Bro71:=e) , J H .L COCK (Bronze), TI IO;\L\' DAVL ' (Broll:;e) , J OIL. DA \'1' (Brollze). For remarkable con<;tancy, courage, and daring, during the perations leading to the re cue of Dennis Bag;3hawe, buried for five days and night, without food in the Black Enaine l\Iine, Eyam July, 1879. Presented on behalf of the by John Furley, E 'q., a Member of the Council, January 2 I sl, 18 0, at a pu blic meeting at Sheffield.

IIE Y r,\ VIX (BrollEc). For rescuing at great personal danger, December 17th, 1879, from a small sewer at Silvertown, a fellow-workman, rendered insensible by poisonous gase '. Pre cnted by ':)ir Edward G. L. Perrott, Bart., Iclrch 9th, 1880, at a meeting at the Town Hall, tratford.

GEOI'GL Fl'LIH'.l'lCr IIARRI -, Captain 3rd Foot, "The Buffs," ( ih'cr). } or con picuoLls gallantry in saving the li,·es of five persons from a fire in Charlemont treet, Dublin, eptember 19th, 1 77, and in sub ' eq uently removing, unaided, at till further ri k, a quantity of paraffin oil, ther eby prc"enting the fire from preading to an adjacent Female Olphanage. Pre en ted by H.R.Il. the Prince of \ Vale s , a Dame CIll."l'ahc'rc of the rder, July 2--t-th, 1880, at the olunteer Camp, \Vimblcclon, II.R.II. the Prince of \\ ales, II.R.I 1. the Field Iarshal Commanding-in-Chief, the , ecrctary of tate for \\ ar, and a dcputation from the rder being- present. As in the ca e of Deputy-Commissary Young, permission has been granted for the l\Iedal to be worn in uniform on the right breast, in accordance " ' ith the P en-ulatiol1

1 X\fES OF R E [PU:);TS.

EDWARD Moul TJOY PRICE For COIl picuous gallantry in rescuing on September 13th, 1880, at Ilfracombc, Devon, a boy named George Williams from a burning room, afterwards returning and removing a barrel of gunpo\Vder charred by the flames; thus saving the lives of the firemen who were working in imminent danger of an explosion to extinguish the fire. Presented, January loth, 1881, at a public meeting in the Town Hall, Ilfracombe.

J _\MES McGoWA .l. , Inspector of Roads for the Borough of Birkenhead, (BroJl::Jc). For gallant and self-devoted exertions at great personal risk on October 18th, 188o, in rescuing from an underground pas age three workmen insensible from poisonous one of whom expired on being brought to the surface. Presenkd, I; cbruary 2nd, 1881, by Colonel Sir James Bourne, Bart., F A., at a public meeting held at the Court House, Birkenhead, th e Mayor presiding.

Forms of application for the Medal and full particular:-> can be obtained from the Secretary of the Order of t. John of J erusalem J February, I 88 1.



Pn'lI/cdbyOrtieroftill..'ellallcr 1882.

L TD ,'O X ', T. :\L\PTIK " LAXE, Prill/t'rs ill Ordilll1J), /0 IIerJ/aj<'s/y


• This Office is at pre ent vacant.

liorl) Vrfor.

H is Grace Sir \VILLIAM D ROGO, DUKE OF K.P. 24th June, 1861.

)3afIitf of Eagle . The Right II onble. \ VILLLDI IIEXRY, B.\RO:\' L EIGII. 5th January, 1863.



Consists of the Executive Officers, the Chaplain-General, and the following elected (188 I) 1embers:-

The Right IIonble. the Earl of GLASGOW.

The Right IIonble. the Earl of DUDLEY.

The Right Rev. The Lord Bishop of ST. ALBA (Clt.aplaiJl-Gelleral).

Sir EDWARD G. L. PERROTT, Bart. Lieut.-Colonel ir HE:\fRY B LOCH, K.C.B.



Rev. IIE:\fR V \VIIITE, i.A.


\Vho, ex-officio, are 1\1 mbers of the Council.

CII.1XCELLOR-General ir JOIl.\'" ST. GEORGE, K C.B., 22, Corll'i.L'al!GardcNs,QlIeelt'sGate, S. rv.

SECRl:.T.IR Y-Sir EDilIU TD KTIIOXY HARLEY LECHl\IERE, Bart , 1\1.P., 1\1. " F. .A., Rh),ddCourt,UptOll-071,-"i'Cnt J' 13, BoltoltRO'i.l/,TT.

RECElT-.I:.·.R-Gcneral ir HENRY CIL\RLE BARN ' TO T DAUBEL TEY , K.C.B., 36, E,'lvastoltPlace,Queell"sGate, S. rro. the Right IIonble. ir GEORGE FREDERICK. Viscount TEl\IPLETO\\, ,K.C.B., CastkUpton,Templepatrick,co.flJltrilJl/ 49, Cltarlcstreet,Bt.Tkeleyquare.

RECISTA'.IR-Licut.-Coloncl GOULD H U... TTER-\ E TOl, F.S. ., llzmtcrstoll,TTTcst A'zlbridt!, A),rS/lire,.L E.

To \\ hom any correction:; for the Roll may be addrc ' ed either a abo\ e, or to St.'lO/IIl'SCat",Clt·r!.'t'J/'Well,LOlldoll,E. C.


GENEILOGISTANDASSISTANTLIBRARIAN-Thc Rev. W. K. R lL ND BEDFORD, 1.A., TlteRector)',SuttOIlColdfleld, BirllliJlg/ta7ll.

LIBR.-JRIAi\--EDWI HOllse,Cltipstcad, FRK IIFIELD, Esq., M. ., V.P.S A., Jllint lIl'l'e)l; 5, BankBuildillgs,E.C.

ASSISTANTALl1l0NER-Car tain J AME GILD EA, 20, Pltill£more Garde1ls,1{CIlSillgtOIl, TV

ASSISTINT-SECRET/IRY-Captain IIERBERT C. PERROTT, BrookHillHOllse,Pbullstcad,](Cllt

AllfBULANCE'iJEP.IR7illENT - Director: Licut.- C lonel F. DUNCAN, R. ., M.A., D.C.L., LL.D., TlteCOmJILOIl, rVoolwiclt.

BANKERs-The London and v cstminstcr Bank, I, t.James's Square,S.TV.

'JEWELLERS- 1cssrs. Phillips, Cockspur-street, S. TV.

Communications may be addressed to lhe St.;cn:tary of the Order of Sl. John, Sl. John's Gale, Clcrkcnwcll, London, QC 0 In man 1)' er ·

(Compri ing counties of \Vorcester, IIereford, Glouces;ter, and \Varwick).

SIR EDMU D A. TTHO. -Y IL\RL EY LE ID-IERE, Bart., M.P., l\I.A., F.S.A.,--RIl)'ddCourt,UptOIZ-Oll-C'lJCl'Il,' 13, Bolton Row,fl1ayFair,TV.)'CarltollClub,S.TV.

Appoinled 2nd Feb., 1869


C() TAUGHT A D STRATIIEAR T, Major-General His Royal 13 th Dec., 1881. IIighne s Arthur William Patrick Albcrt, Duke of, K.G., K.T., K.P., G.C.S.I., G.C.M.G., A .D .C. to H.M. the Queen, Colonel -in-Chie f of the Riflc Brigade,-Bags/wtPark, Surrc)'.

TECK, II.S.H. Francis Paul Charles Louis Alexander, Duke 2nd Feb., 1882. of, G.c.B., Honorary Colonel 1st Surrey Artillery Volunteers and 24th Middlesex Rifle Volunteers,-I(e71s£ngtonPalace, TV.;TVltiteLodge,RicltmolldPark,Sur-rey.

ALEXAXDER, General Sir James Edward, C.B., K.C.L.S., - 24th Feb., 18 32 • TVestcrtollI-Joltsc,BridgcofAllall,lVE.;UnitedService alld A t!tcllCeulltClubs, . TV.

Honorary om mander, 24th June, 18,p.

AMfIER T, \Nilliam Amhurst Tysscn, 1.P., F. .A.-Didl£1lgto1t 18th July, 1882. Hall,Bralldoll,lVorfolk " 88, BrookStreet,TV.

BULOW, Carl Georg Alexandcr Baron von. (Honorary.) Honorary Commander, 24lh June, r847.

18th Nov.,

BURL TO - BE TE T, John Robcrt,- n Idtllluz'r,Ce7ltralHill, 8th Feb., 1860. UppcrNOlwood.

BUR "'ABY Major-General Ed\\'yn Sherard, 1.P. -Baggra'lIe Jla!!,Leicestcrs/tire / 50, EatonPlacc, . TV. / Guards'Club.

CARTER, Charlcs Pemberton,-AlZglescaTerrace,St.Leollards01[- ea / UnitedUlli'l'crsityClub,Suffolktreet, .lV.

DAl.LA , Rupert Caradoc Francis, late Lieut. and djt. 9 8th Regiment, Captain 5th l3att. Rifle Brigade and I e erve of Officers,-LancasterLodge,AlIlcrs/lalltRoad, Putllt')I/ JZt/l£orUllitederviceClub, . lV. 14th Dec., 1880, 24th June, 1863. 5th Feb., I 78.


DAUBE EY. Gcneral Sir Henry Charles Barnston, K.C.B., Coloncl 2nd. Batt. Thc Border Rcgimcnt,-36, EI'liastollPlacc, Quccn'sGate,S.TV.,.UllitedServiceandJuniorCarlton Clubs,TV.

DateojElectioll. 8lh Feb., 187 6.

DA VIE, Francis Robert, M. R. 1. A., - Ha'WtiLorll,Blackrock, 17 th Jan., 1871. Dublin.

DAWE , Bethel Martin, l\Iajor 1st Batt. Thc Prince of \Vales' 23 rcl June, Leinster l{egiment (Royal Canadians),- JUlliorUnitcd ServiceClub, S.

DICK-LAUDER, Sir Thomas North, Bart., --Foulltain11all, 6th hb., I Sn Haddillgtollsllire,. 44, Ollslo'ivSqllare, S. TV.

DUDLEY, Thc Right Honourablc thc Earl of, - TVitlqCourt, Worcestcrsltiye,.DudleyHONse,ParkLane,TV.}'Carlton Club, S. TV.

Du -CAL, Francis, M.A., D.C.L., LL.D., Lt.-Col. R. .,-29, Tile C077171l071, rr oolwicil/UnitedSer'uiceandCarltollClubs, S. TV

FERRER " The Right Honourable ir cwalli Edward Earl, - Staunton1-1arold,ueay .A sItby-dc-la-ZOIlCiL. hirlc)',

FORTE 'CUE, 1\'Iajor Edward F. Knottcsford, Captain R ctircd List H. 1. Indian Army, latc Captain and IIonorary Iajor 1st Warwickshire Militia,-Ah'esto71JlallorJIOIlSC,Straifordo1Z-A'lJoll / liVandcrers'Club, S. 1V.

FURLEY, John, Captain latc East Kent R iflc Voluntccrs,5,Sout!tPark,Scvc71oaks,I(ellt.

GILDEA, James, Captain 4th Batt. The Royal Warwickshire Rcgimcnt,-HolmeBm)',TVatjord / 20, PitillilllorcGardclls, J(en.li1lgton,W.


GLASGOW, Thc Right IIonourable the Earl of,-Jielbu7'Jle110use, A)!rsILire,.CrawfordPriory,Cz!par,Fz/e,. I I, ffe1'eford Gardcns,TV,.CarltonClub, S. liV <)

GOr-w.O , Thc IIonourable Sir Arthur Hamilton, G.C.M.G., 6lh Dec., 18 70 GOVCl nor of N cw Zealand,- Gover1l1JZent110lts.eliVellington lVZ. ' ,

HA WKI 'S, Th c Rcv. \V m. 13 k cntl11c' Letham, M.A., F.R.S.,- 1st April, 1865. 33,Br)!aJlstOltSquarc,liV.,.AtltellCl?lt11landConseyvatz"'l'e CllIbs, S. TV

Honorary ommamler, 9th December, 1865.

HOARE, ir Edward, Bart,-68, DJ'keRoad,Bnglltoll.

IIonorary BaIlli, 24th June, 1864.

Ho .\.I' E, .l\Iajor ] oscph \ allis O'Brycn, late Lieutenant Royal EI.1gllll:CrS, and late Iajor 5th Middlesex Iilitia,-Sidney, BzttCrllt',1fallts}'jUlliorUllitedSer'i,z'ceClub, S. TV

HOULTON, Ir dward ictor Lcwis, G.C.M.G., Chief ecretary to thc Govcrnmcn t of 1\Ialta,- Valdta,.illalta / A"tlmy's ClubS. JJT.

I-l ULL.\.. D, Indian Licut.-Col. Trc\'cncn ] ame, c.B., late laCf orps,--it')'lllcatll,Sllodlalld,ROc/lt.'stcr.


KAY, ir Brook, Bart., formcrly Captain 6th Bombay X. 1.Stallle)!Lodge,Baltlec!o'i.L'Il,Clle/tt'lllwlIl.

L\lIB, ir Archibald, Bart., Captain 2nd Life Guard -Beazthort B I attlc,r, lISSCX,' 30, GreatCIIJIlberiandPlace,JTT.}.JT)'ltdllal/l Club, Stjames'sSquare, .1 V.

LEClI1\lERE, ir Edmund Anthony II arley, Bart., LP., 10; Commander of Provincial Commandery of IIanlcy Ca tIe \Vorcc st · l' I1I""'iC, , crs lIrC,-.L\.II)'({{ (J1Irl, Ilcar Cptoll-oll-Se(.'erJl· I'" B It n J ,), () OIl.L\.O'lU, ll./ Car/tullCllfb, s.rT'. CumnHlndcr. 21111 Fdml:J.fY, I 69.

1st July, 1857.

8th Feb., Ib60. I th April, 1882. 12th Dec., 1857. 6th Feb., 1 i 3. 9th Dec., 1 65.



LEIGH, The Ri ght Hon. William Henry, Baron, Lord Lieutenant of vVarwickshirc, Honorary Colonel 3rd Batt. The Royal Warwickshire Regiment, - toIIcleigltAbbe)" n arwid.:sltire,· 37, PortmallSquare;TV.,.Brooks'and Tra7..'cllcrs'Cllfbs,TV.

BaililT of Eagle, 5th January, r8 63·

Date0/E/-clioll. 29th Sept., 1860.


OWE , Fritz Cunliffc,-Ga1'J'icl.: Club, rv. c.

LEITH, John Farley, Q.C.,-8, DorsetSquare,N.TV. 8th July, 1857.

LOCH, Sir Henry Brougham, K.C.B., Commissioner of \Voods 1 t Feb., 1862. and Forests, late II. 1\1.'s Indian Army, Lieut.-Colonel Commandant 4th Batt. The Cheshire Regiment-44, Elm ParkGardens,S.IJ1.,. I, TVltitelwflPlacc,TV,'Tra7.'d!crs', lVIarlborOllglt,andAtltCllmUIIlClubs, . TV.

LOFTUS, Henry J ohn,-49, Queen'sGate,S.TV,. 111arlborollg/t 2Jrcl June, 1880. andPratt'sClubs, S. TTT.

1IACPHER OJ. OF CLUXY, Ewel1, Chief of the Macphcrson and 13 th Jan., 1834. Clan Chattan, late Captain 42nd IIighlanders.-CIll1lY Castle, il lllglLssie,Invenlcss-s/tire,.JUlliorUllitedSerz'ice Club, S. TV.

Honorary Bailli, 20th August, 1855.

MANCHESTER, His Grace Sir William Drogo, Duke I .P., 29 th cpt., 1860 late Crtptain Grenadier Guards, Major and Honorary Lieut.Colonel, late Hunts Militia,-l(illlboitoltCastlc,Sf.Ncots, HUlltS,. I, GreatStan/topeStreet,TV,.CarltollClub,S.lV.

Lord Prior, 24th June, 1861.

MANSEL, Sir John Bell William, Bart.,-TheHeath,TVrot/ta1lt, 30th June, 1843Kent,.lIlacstilo,Carlllart/telts/lz're,.Ca1'ltollCillb,TV.

MITFORD, PercY, 48, ParA'Street,GrosvenorSquare,TV.,. 18lh April, 1882. CarltollClub,S.W.

Date of Election. 18th July, 1882.

PAL IER, George, jun.,-58, EburyStreet, S. T¥. 18th :\l ay, 1880.

rE.\RSON, Albert Harford, M.A., B.C.L.,-29, As/deyPlace, 13th Oct., 18 75. ITictoriaStrcet. S. TV.,-Junz'orCarltollClub, S. TV

PERT'()TT, Sir Edward George Lambert, Bart., Captain, late 22nd July, 18 37. East Kent lilitia, Vice -President Royal T ational Lifeboat Il1c,titution, and Vice-Pre s idcnt (1' IIonncur de la Societe Royale et Centrale de s Sauvetellrs de Belgique,-Brook/till llollse,Pil/l/Istcad,l(cllt.

Honorary 11aiIli, 20th Augu t, IS55.

PERROTT, Herbert Charles, Captain 3rd Batt. The Buffs (East 12th Dec., 1876. Kent Regiment), and Reserve of Officers,-Brookk£llHouse, PbOllStead,l{Cllt.

P ORTER, Iajor-General vVhitworth, R.E.,-5, ElliotTcrrace, 8th June, 1859. PlylJloutk

H onorary Commander, 24th June, r861.

ROWE. 1\ ichard Reynolds, F. . .,-ParkJ-JOllSC,Cambridgf. 22nd Feb .. 1881.

ST. GEORGE, General Sir] ohn, K.C.B.) Colonel Comman0ant 1st June, 1861. Royal Artillery -22, Corll7.L'a/1Gardclls,QUCCIl'SGate, S. TV.,' UllitedCr7..'lCCClub,Pall.J.1!all.

Hon orary Commander, 24lh June, 1 61

STORY, J ame ., M.A.,-E1-rillgtoll,co.1)'rolLe,. 17, Br)'allstoll 5th il1::ty, 1 74Square,HT.,-CarltollClub,TV.

TEMPLETOW I , General the R ia ht Ilon. ir George Frederick, 7th June, 1 70. i count, K.C.B., Colonel 2nd Life Guard ,-CastleUpto Il , TClIlpltpatrid',co.Alltrilll,' 49, C/wricsStreet,Berkeley Sqllare,TV.,'UnitedServicealldGuards'Clubs,S.TV.


VAVA OUR, Sir Henry Mervyn, Bart.,-.Spaldillgtonl-fall,Tadcaster / T1'a'vc!lcrs'Club, 1V.

Honorary Commander, 24th June, 1847.

./JatL'0/}:.'1,·ctioll. 24th June, 1841.

\\TALFORD, Edward, M.A.,-I7, ClwrcltRow,Hampstead,N.1v.; 6th May, 186 7. JuniorAtllcnamlllClub,TV.

WAKEMA l , Henry Offley,-- l!lollisCollege,Oiford. 18U1 fay, 1880.

\VEST ON, Lieut.-Colonel Gould Hu TEI'-, F.S.A.,-HIIlltcrstoll, 6th Dec., 1870 TVestl(z'lbridc,AyrslLt're,UlLitedScrviceandAtllc1lC£lI1/lClubs,PallJ'ylall,JV.

BECK, The Rev. Edward Josselyn, l\1.A ., Rector of Rotlhrltitk:, 1 t March, 18 70 Surrey.

BEDFORD, The Rev. Vvilliam Kirkpatrick Riland, l\1.A., P ector 22nc1 June, 18 78 of SuttonColdfield,BinningltalJl.

Ci\.l\1l\I, The Rev. ]. Brooke Maher, l\1.A., late ornet 12th 2nd Aug., 1 '7 0 Lancers, Vicar of .llIollktollJr:),ld,CILarJllOlLtll,DorsctslLire.

GIBRALTAR, The Right Rev. Charles vValdegrave 'a ndford, 12th Dec., 18 76 D.D., Lord Bishop of, including 1\1alta and the Island and Countries of the Mediterranean, Canon of anterbury,Clll'istClmrc!l,Oxford/ 28, GreatGeorgeStreet,1T'estlllil/ster/ A tltemEltlllClub, S.

HAWKI TS , The lev. \ Nm. Bentinck Letham, M.A., 1'.R , 6th June, 1865. 33,BryanstonSqua7'e,TV.,' AtitCILCClI7Il alldCOllscrc'atit.1e Clubs,S.rv.


HOLDEN, The Rev. Oswald Mangin, M.A., B.C.L., Vicar of Gaz'leycumHatlterto1Z,Pellkr£dge.

Date0./Elt,ctioll 7th April, 18 68.

MALET, The Rev. \Vm. Wyndham, S.c.L., Vicar of Ardeley, 12th May, 18 68. nearBltlltillgford,Herts.

OAKLEY, The Very Rev. J ohn, D.D., Dean of Carlisle,-Tlze 3rd March, 1868. Deaner)',Carlisle.

PORTAL, The Rev. George Raymond, M.A., Honorary Canon, 3rd Aug., 186 9. Winchester Cathedral, Rector of BurgltdercnearNewbury, Berks.

ST. ALBA " , The Right Rev. Thomas Legh Claughton, D.D., 5th June, I8n. Lord Bishop of,-DaJlbllJJ'Palace,nearClle!lIZsford / 28, GreatGeorgetreet,TTestmillster,STV. haplain-General, re-appointed 23r'l June, 1882, for five years.

EWELL, The Rev. Arthur, l\1.A.,- TVateriooHouse,Leamington. 15th Dec., 187r.

II.\DWELL, The Rev. Arthur Thomas \ hitmore 1.A., Rector 3rd Dec., 186 7. of Lz'ttleliford,Essex.

TE .'EE, The Right Rev. Charles Todd Quintard, D. D., 6th Feb., 1868. LL.D., l.D., Bishop of,-HlI/fordHal!,SClIlaJlce,Tcnll.,U.s.

\VII ARTO_ , The Rev. ] oseph rane, :M.A., Vicar of TVillcsdell, I t March, 1870. JJlz'dd!t:scx.

\VIIITE, The Rev. Henry, 1\1. ., Chaplain Chapel Royal The 13th Dec., 1 1. SavoY,-4, LancasterPlace,Sac1oJ'Precillcts, TT. C.

\VOOD, The Rev. Albert Athel tane, D.C.L., R ector of 011 til 3nl :'Iarch, r 6 . Restoll,LOlltlL,Lincolnshire.

\V OOD, The Rev. Thomas \ illiam, Vicar of Eldersfidd,1lear 23rd June, 1 r. Tee.IkcsblllJ/. haplain to the Hanley Ca tIe Commandery, 5th l\Iay, I 74.

WOODWARD, The Rev. John, F. cot., Incumbent of 2nn June, 1 6 t . .lIJmJ"s, J lOlltrose,./.V.Ii.



CIl ARLOTTE L OUI J ULIA, PRI I CE S OF WALES A D P RI TCE S OF D E MARK,- Cllldrillgitalll,1{oJjolk / BiYkltall,AbcrdeeJlsllire / lJlarlborollgltHOltse,PalllJlall, S. TV.

CR RI TL\' , H e r R oya l Hig h ness Helena Augusta ictoria, Princ ess o f S c h leswig -H olstei n Sondcrberg Augu tine,CumberlalldLodge,rVi/ldsorPark

T ECK , H e r R o ) a l H ighness P r i nces T\lary Adelaide \ Vilhclmin a Elizabet h , D uchess of,-](CllSillgtOItPalace,TV.

B ADE , H e r R oya l H ighness Louise larie Elizabeth, The R eigning Grand Duchess of, JUt Princess of Prussia.Scidoss,Carisr7llLe,Badell.

Dat.'ofElectioll. 12th Dec., 18 76.

23 r cl Jun c, 1881. 17t h May, 1881. I th Dec. 18n.


H OSKYNS, Cl ara Amelia Wren (Miss),-TheJ-Iermz'tage,St. Petcls,I(ellt.

DateofElection. 9th July, 1878.

BR ASSEY, Ann i e, Lady,-NormalllwrstCourt,Battle,Ifsset / r8th Oct., 81. 24,Par!':Lane,TV.

B URNES, Est h er S a r a h (Mrs.).-40, LadbrokeSquarcI(ensingtoil 24th JUli e, I 62 Park,11-.

COl. Y GIlA 1, Th e Mos t II onble. J ane St . Maur Blanche, 7th lay, J 72 Marchioness,-BifroJls,CallterblllJI/ 23, RutlalldGate,l1.)'dc Park, S. rv.

C ROSSE, C athe r ine (Mrs.) utePorter,-Dublill 4th Ju ne , 1867.

D AUBEl TEY, Eli za, L adY. - 36, ElL'astonPlace,QlIccn'sGate,TV. 23 rl1 J une, I 7 .

D E L AST I C, ST. J AL, Agnes, Vicomtesse,-CluUcaudelJIOJltalL/Jall. 1st A pnl , ,8 62. Dip.deTar7l-ct-Ga1'0711ze,F1/allcc.

D u CAN, Ma r y K ate (Mrs .),-29, TILeC07llJllon,TT'oolwicll. 2Jrll J unc, 187 S .

H AW IG S, E li za b e th (M r s.),-33, Br)'a71stonSquare,TV. 3rcl April, I 67·

H OU LTO , H yacinthe H arriette, L ady, Valetta,Malta. 18thApri l, 1882.

LEC II MERE, L ouisa Katherine, Lady, -RhyddCOlwt,nearUpton- 9 th De c., 1865. OJl-Se-tJcrJl, I3, BoltonRow,rv.

MACPIIER.O OF CLU Y, Sarah J ustina (Mrs.),-ClzI1ZYCastle, 23 rd June, 18 79· 1(illgltssie,Illvenzess-sidre.

P. \ UIER, J essie Frances (Mrs.),-CanollJ-lill,lJlaidenltead; I2, 20th July, 1880. PetersltalllTerrace,SoutltI{elZsingtoJL, S. TV.

PEAR 0.1. , Rosetta Mary (1\1rs.),-29, AsldeyPlace,Victoria 8th Feb., 1876. Street,S.TV.

PORTER, Annie S hi rley ( lrs.),-Devollport. 8th Jan., 1862.

ST. G EOPGE, Elizabeth l\ I a r ianne, Lady,-22, CornwallGardens, 8th Jan., 1862. Quecn'sGate, S. TT

STRA TGFORD, T he R ight I-Ion Em ily A n ne, Viscountess, - 8th Aug., 1873. 3,UpperBrookStred H.

TEMPLET WN, The Right lIon. Susan l\1ary I sabella, Vi - 14 th Dec. 18 o. CQuntess,-Cast!c [ptOIl,Templepatrick,co..rill/rim,Irela/ld.

TORPIIICIIE , The R ig-ht IIon. IIden, Dowager L ady,-2 I, It Jun e J 69. D07..CJ71cTt-'rrace,Edillbllrglt.

TUCKER, Mildred Anna Rosalie (Nliss),-Hcra!ds'College,R.C. 14th Dec. I O.

\V ESTO J ane Hu TTER- (Mrs.),-HltJltcrstoll,TT'£'st](i!britie, 8th :JIay, J 77· A)Il'sILire,N_B.

16 of (lJi rarc.

BARRETO, Henry Barreto, Baron dc, of Portugal,-Bralldon Park,lIjjolk / SledaleForest,?lcar }, clldal,.Berkeley Holtse,CambridgeStreet, TV

Honorary Bailli, 2I t December, 1857.

BUSTELLI-Fo COLO, de larignan Giovanni, Duca di. Honorary Commander, same date.

CA TEL-BROLO, Federico Lancia c Grassellini, Duca di, K.SS.M. and L., K. Crown of Italy,-Palc7'JIlo.

Honorary Bailli, 1st April, I865·

Dalt'ojElatioll. 12th Dec., I8S7.

CLAY, Richard, late Captain 78th IIighlanders,- TllJ'lI17ZPtOJZ, 20th :-Tareh, 1860, eg'Wortlt,Derby.

DE LASTIC ST. J L, Louis, Vicomte,-CIuUealt delIIolltauball, 2nd Dec., 1861. Dip.deTarll-ct-GaroJllle,France

FELLOW, Frank Perks, F A. -8, TlteGreen,llalllpstead, lOlh July, 1877 · N TV,' ReformClub, S. TV

FRESHFIELD, Edwin, 1. "v.r.s. .,-JIiJlt11oltsc,Clllpstcad, Surrc)' " 5, BankBuildillgs,E.C.

FRESHFIELD, William Dawcs, 11.A.,-ParkSide,Rez:f5atc / 5, BankBuildillgs,E. C.

KETTLE, Sir Rupert Alfred (Knight Bachelor), F.R. .L., Judge of the County Court of \Vorcestershire,-J1Jeridale,TTToi'l'crIwmpto71;andGlan-y.·doll,T07.l.'YnlIIeriolletk

MACLEA , Robert MacLean,-6, El£otHill,Blackiteatll, MANLEY, 1T.Qt., William George icholas, Brigadc urgcon, Army Medical Department,-I, llat/lerleyPlace,Clu.:itellita Ill.

RATCLIFF, Charles, F.S.A.,- EdgbastOll , Binlli71gham " At/tellClmma1ldConservativeClubs,S.TV.

5th June, I n 23nl June, I 80. 3rd 1 OV., 18]4. 5th Feb. 78

5th Dec., 1864·


RYLA TD, Lieut.-Colonel George HermoJ1,-GoverJl1llelltHouse, lIIolltreal.

Honorary Commander, 24th June, 1861.

RYLAND, Warwick Hastings,-GoverlllllentHouse,JVlolltreal.

SHRIMPTON, Charles, M.D. [Paris], - II, WellswoodPark,Torquay.

WALDIE-GRIFFITH, Sir George Richard, Bart.,-Hclldersyde Park,N.B. / CarltonClub, S. W.

WA1.KER, Johl1, M.A.,- TVcstboltrlleHOltse,Pdtville,CltelteJlitam,



9th June, 1858. 8th June, 1859. 16th :'Iarcb, 1817. 15th Dec., Ib74-6th May, 1873

ALCOCK-ST A WELL, Jonas \ illiam,-Kz'lbritta£nCastle,co.Cork / 5th _ -0\'., 1872. .\rcwClub,St.James'sStreet S. TV.

BURGESS, J ohl1, Captain R. .,- Tf')IJ/)lardHONSC,Coatita711, 3rd :'farch, I 68. Redeal',YorkS/lire.

BeRGE S, Harry Miles, Iajor Royal Artillery,-T/lcArsenal, Quetta " /t77!aland.JlilitaryClub,TTT.

BURY, Phinea , Captain and Honorary Iajor 3rd Batt. The Buffs (East Kent Island,co.Cork; JUlliorUnitt'dScri)iceClub, S.

CHAPMAX, Edward Francis, C.B., A.D.C. to the Queen Iajor and Brcvet-Colonel R.A., 1Iilitary cr tary to Commander-in-chicf in India,-SiJllla.

DALTOX, Jame s Cccil, Captain R oral Artillery,-Staff'Colkgt', Call1bcriq,Hallts / SO, LOllgricigt:Road,Earl'sCOllrt, . TT-.

DOD. _ \\'01''1'1 T, Charles,-_lr!£ltgtoltPark,Gllllll(rS/", 1)', Jr-.

IIerb ert \Yinl1illgt OI1 Captain {th Batt. The \\"ore 5tcrshirc Regiment, - .5//t:rllJ(}(id 110llsc Ileal' TTTorcvstcr' CarltollClub,S.,

4th Aug.," I 6 .

24 th June, 1870: th Feb., i 1. I Slh CLl., I 1. 1S t .-\rril, 1 65. 4th F b., I 79. B

1)11.''::ci El,yt/(JII

FR[:\D, Ed,,'in, Captain, late Oxford hire 1\Iilitia,-R,j(lrlll Club, jtll July. 186,. '. rr.

HOOPER. J 01111 IIarvey, LA.,-CollcgcGreell,TT·oJ'(('stL'r. i th ::'fa), 1 78.

L.\:'IBERT, Thoma., late Captain Royal Artillery,-StmllJZort', 2Jrd June, 18 79. Call.icrbll IJ'.

Lu;ELLY::--", Richard, late Captain 46th R egiment,-A rill)' alld 6th Dec 18 70 .lYat:J' Club,

LYTE, Henry Churchill il1ax\\'ell,- I S, AIbcJ//arlcStrect, 1r·. :md I Uj.

1\1 LET, 1\lajor Guilbert Ed\\'ard \Yyndham, late Captain Royal :!3 rd Jun ". j9· Horse Artillery,-A rdelc::.J',rr"al!.:o'll.J-Ic}'ts J' JIII/l(lr Cllitcd SCJ't'ICcClub, S. HT.

::\IGRRAY, James \Yolfe -CriJlgldic, _\ -.E. 5th 'o\, I ;2.

O'::\L\LLEY, Edward Loughlin, Attorney-General of Jamaica. 23 rd June. I ;3

PORT.\L. \Yilliam \Yyndham, l\I.A.; Captain 2nd Brigade th I o. (Southern Divi ion), Royal Artillery,- olltlllllgioll, Ot'erloll. Hallts.

ST. GE ,)RGE, Baldwin John, Lieutenant 4th Dragoon Guards) - th .\pril , IS c2. 22,Cro71l'iLcllGardcns, . n".

A:\,DER O:\', Ed,\'. cott,-Ftarllall.llcatIL , Cia11lcs,IT·orCtshr. 3nl Dec.. 1 69.


\. "-, Alexander 11 / -CllljJjJlIlg Barnet.}it'rts -th J·eb. lie


\CLL -D, Henry \\'ent\\'orth, l.D., LL.D., R egius Profc_sor of ::\Iedicine -Oxford / AtllCllCl'ltlllClub, S. n".

.!\PPIA, le Dr. Louis,-Societc de ecours aux :\Iilitaires Ble sec;. RlIede l'A tluln/c,GnlCt'a.

D.\l'ER, Sir Samuel \rhite, Kt., LA., F.R ., F.P .G.. , a Pacha of the Ottoman Empire,- alldfordOr/O,!;II, _VC'iLI/(m Abbott, De,'oll / A tllenCl:U7Jl Club, S.

B.\G :-.rC.ARTEi', H. E. General Alexander de. Aide-dc-Camp General de S. M. l'Empereur de RU5sie, President de la Russe de la Croix P ouge,-St.PctiN'sbllrg.


Blf.• \.LE, Lionel Smith, 1\1. D., F.R.S.,-I{z'llg'sCollcgeJ-Jospz'tal, TV.C. / and 6r, GrosvenorStreet,TV.

BE,\UFORT, le Cor.1te IIenry de, Secretaire General de la Societe de Secours aux Militaires Blesses,-43, Ruede VCl'llclLil,Paris.

BE\"\"ETT, Charles Henry, 1\I.D.,-Collcgf'HONse,J-ia1J2J1Lcrsmz'th.

Bl{.\CKE. nCRY, Henry, C.R., 1ajor and Brevet Colonel Royal Artillery,- JUlliurC/lz'tcdcr,'leeClub, S. rr"'.

CII,\PL\L , Thomas, F.R.C.S. -:/crlLsaie1ll.

ClTI'E, Charles C.B., urgeon-:\lajor Army Medical Dcpartrnent,-Ca7llp, AIdersltOt / JuniorCllitedSen'ice Club, '. HT.

DOl'GLA . ,}i.Q:. Campbell 1\lilli . , I\I.D., Surgeon-::\Iajor Army l\Iedic:tl Department,- Qucbt:C,Canada.

E 'L\R( IT, Dr. Friedrich. Profe or to the Gni\'ersity of Kid; Surgeon-General in the German rmy -l{ic!.

F.\Lw.\. Francis. F.R.C. Surgeon-:\Iajor \rmy Medical Dcpartment,-C),/,rlts.

:\fay, 1879.

rd June, r875. 20th .April, 1875. 18th July, 1882. 18th :'Iay, 18<,;0. 22nd Feb., IS I. loth Dec., I 78. loth ._cpt., ISi8. 231'(1 June, I o. 6th Dec., I 70.

F.\RQDII.\R 0., Robert, :\I.D., I.P.,-RcfoJ'l1lClub, S / JuniorCm'tulu''i,ic£Club,S. n-. Philip, FJ'tlllCr.. DateofElection, 24th June, 187 r.

FI',\., 11" Colonel James Keith, lale Lieut.-Col. Commanding 1st 20th .April, r 75. Life Guards, s istant-Quartermaster-General, Alder hot,3 1 , RutlandCatt,H.ydcPark, TV.

FkERE, Right IIonble. ir lIenry Bartle Ed\\'ard. Bart., G.c.I3., 20th April. G.c. .1., Lodge,lTTilllblcdollCOlllmoll, S. H-. ,; .IJtltClla:1I11lClub, . TV.

\X\'ILLE, Paulina (il1i '-) ,-6::!, Road,Earl's DJlIrt, 5th :'Iny, I !-t. (Il1tlt I": {'/lSillgtOIl, S.TT.

HOD 'ox, Elizabeth (1\lrs.),-3, TTTidc:o/lleTerrace,Batk June, I, 70

Kl:.XXE.TT, B.\RR L -GTO ·-, Yincent, 1\I.....\.. LL.1\I.,-I H..l'dL' 20th .\pril. ParkGardcils,HT. / o'tjordalldCall1bridgcCbtb.

L.\.-DA Y ALv.\REl DE C \.RY \LLO, Don Tica io de -Plllltj,- Ft;b., 1. /1(//((, f a/".

13 _


Lf'. GE TBEC K, Bernhard Rudolph Conrad, His Excellency Baron von, Geheim ober-medizinal :R ath, and Profes or of Surgery, University of Berlin,-4, SOllllllcrstrasse,Berlill.

1\1ichacl, 11.D.,-TILcGrccll,Tottellitalll.

Lo Thomas, C.B., .:;urgeon-Gcneral, Professor of 1ilitary Surgery, - Royalr-ictori'lIlospita/,J.YctlCj' , Sout/lamptoll.

l\L-\CCORI\L\.C, .:;ir \Yilliam, 1\1. ., -St.TliOJI.'as'sHospital/alld I3, l-iarlc), tn 'd , nT.

1\L\.RTYN, Ellen ( liss),- TT oodclld,}(imb"ltoll,St.IVcots,HUllts.

l\IOORE, Lieut. - Colonel, J ame . Bury Pro7.,illccofQllcbcl',Canada.

:i\100RE, Noel Temple, H.B.lV1. Consul,-Jerusaloll.

:\IOORE, Sandford, F.S.S., 1\ I. B., B.A., ':;urgeon - l\1ajor Ann)' 1\ledical Department, Assistant-Profcssor of l\liJitary Hygiene at the Army Medical chool, Nctler

l\IOY:\IER, Gustavc, Presidcnt du Comite International de Secours aux Blcsses l\Iilitaires,-GClICI '(l

1\IUXDY, Faronir, Ie Baron Dr., Profcssor of l\IiIitary Hygicne at the F. J. University, Vicnna; IIonorary Prc ident of the French Societe de Secours au.' :\Iilitaires Blesses,-!£otcl GoldencsLalllm,Viclllla.

NAPPER, Albel t,-Crallieigll,Surrt')'.

Emma Theresa (1\1rs.), lh:C Martin,-Asliford,l(cllt.

Dalt!ojElectioll. 22nd Fcb., 1881. 10lh July, 1877.

8th Feb. I i1.

23 rt! June, I 7J.

SlIl :'.1:1y, I i+

1 'th July, 1882.

20th .\.pnl, I 75

I th I O.


ROBERTS, Mary Ann (Miss),-I3, BritanniaSquare,H'orcester.

ROWLEY, \iValter, C.E.,-AlderHill,JI/cannrood,Leeds

ST. JOIl 's IIOU.'E [Lloyd, Carolinc ( Miss)], Thc Lady Superior of, for the time bcing,-No1j'olkStreet,Strand, T¥.C.

SITAFTE 'BURY, The Right IIon. ir Anthony Ashley-Cooper, Earl of, K.G. -St.Giles'sHousc,CrmZbOZlJ'llC / 24, GrOS'i}ClIOY quareHT. / Atitell(l!lllllClub. S. TV.

T, Edward Henry, M.D., F.S.A., Physician Extraordinary to H. 1. the Queen, Physician in Ordinary to ILR.II. the Prince of \Vales,-St .L7Iar)"sHospital,Paddingtoll TTr ,. 17, Jl/allc/LesterSquare, TV.)' andAtltellce1l1lt CllIb, S. TT

STILLIl'GrLEET, Cordelia Stillingfleet (1't'Ii s), Founder and Lady uperintendcnt of St.Alban'sJndustrialSclIOOI,-

SUTIIERLA 'D, \V. Stewart, 1\{.A.,-Coombe,C1'oydoJl,SurJ'e)' / Carlton,JuniorCarltoll,andUJlz'tcdUJZi1.JcrsityClubs,S.

\VALLACE, Sir Richard, Bart., K.C.B., Hon. Colonel Antrim Artillery 1ilitia, - HertfordHouse,lJlanc/Lester Square,TV.

DaLeoj Ell!cliOIl 15th Dec., 1874. 21st Feu., 1882. 8th Feb., IS7I.

th Oct., IS75.

6th April, 1'69·

23fllJUllt!,l H

OWEX, Edmund, F.R.C.S., Surgeon to St. :NIary's Hospital, and 10th q)t., 78 Surgcon to the Out-Patients at thc Children's Hospitai,49, SeYJllourStreet,PortmanSquare, 1[T

POLLOCK, A. Julius, l\1.D.,-Clwri7lgCl'cJssHospztal, TVC.)· 4th 1869· mat 85, liar/e)'Strect, TV.

PRATT, Thomas Tartc, M.D.,- I2, PlaceVel/dome,Paris 24th Junc, I 7°·

AR fSTRONG, Thomas,-HighficldBank,Unllston,111mzcllestcJ'.

AT LAY, Sarah, ( iliss),-Collc(TeGreell, BROADLEY, Alexander l\Ieyrick,-TlIllis.

Jan 1869. 24th June, IS70. 20lh April, 1875. 13th Feb., 1872. 7 th Ii. 23 rd June, lS73. 2yd Junc, 1 O.

EA TERBROOK, John Hcnry,-26, TTTilkillsolt Square S. n . treet,Albert 1 th .\.pril. I _.

GODSON, Augustus Frederick,-3 PumpCOllrt,TcmpleE.C.

GOLDINGIIAM, Catherine (Mrs.),-BritallJliaSquare,TVorcestcr. 16th I ii. :qth June, ISiI.

22 \T .

HAR'?EY, The Rev. Frederick,-Blake Place,Bridgcwater.

Datt:of El'·((IJIl. 7t h May, 1878.

HILL, Thomas R owley, lU.P.,- St.Catherille'sHz'!l,TVorccster / 5th Nov., ISi2 ReformClub, S. TV:

LUMLEY, Susan (1\Irs.),-9, CltarlesStreet,Berke!t.,)!quare.

PERRI::\" ' , James Dyson, F.R.A.S .,-Da'i..'elliLallt BallA', Jlalz.'enl.

PHILLIP ', Alfred,-47, CornwallGardcns, S. TV. 231'<1 June, '2.

Iary Ann ( '1iss),-I3, BritawziaSquare,TVorcester. 17th feb., J 7-1.

Lydia Anne ( liss),-CambrimtHouse,Clci.'edoJl. lIth Dec. Iii.

VIGER, R obert,-7, FrederickPlace,OldJewrJl,E.C. 5th June, rSi 7

\VIL Jane (Miss),-2, BelgravePlace,BelgraveSquare

Geor ge DigbYJ-Slterbolt7'llcCastle,Dorset.

BIRCH, Thoma s, late Sergeant 7th Hussars,--StatiollcdattILe Guildhall,TVorcester.

JACKSOK, Robert,-StationedatSt.Jolm'sGatc,C!erkell'Well.

RYALL, Edward, late Sergeant 1St Batt. 5th Fusiliers,StationedatSt.Jolm:sGate,Clerkenwel!.

19th July, 17th Feu., I

20th .\ pril, lSi 5.

2 I t Fl!1J., r£S2

:!}I'cl June, rSSo.

BJ. Chevalier of Justice. fC. Chaplain. ilEUG. Dame Chevaliere. c8. Chevalier of Grace. ce. E ·rruire IIonolary \s soclate fJ. Donat. ing Brother.

•\C.\R, Lieut.-C olonel Sir Emmanuel Felix, , Colonel Thomas.

Date0/£1ctiol/. 6. 12th Dec., r::::57 . BJ. 5th Jan., IS65 .

. Th e Right lIon. Hu gh Seymour, 9 th Earl of. BJ. 24th June, .

.-\RDGTII::\"OT, Rear-Admiral ir Alexander Dundas Young, BJ. 20th .-\ug., 18 55. K. Chas. III.; :\Iedjidie; St. George of Russia; St. Ferdinand, &c. ; Gentleman of the Privy Chamber to Her }Iaj esty.

LorJ Prior, 16th July, ISuO

B \RTOX, Sir Freeman.

BE.\TTIE, \Villiam, M.D .

BE \L"CILDIP, Catherine, Dowager Countess.

'T, Sir George Howland, Bart.

Dum. -GER, Baron de.

BEETIL\:\I, \\,illiam , F.P

DEETIL\'1f, • \lbert \\"illiam, F.R .::'.

BELL, \rilliam, :\I.D.

DELL, Alexander.

l;IG')DY R b -t 1\1 -\. LL D I" J ' 0 el, .L.,

Dl 'HOP, Major-General Cecil, C.B

BL \[I', Captain Hany

th ep . IS33. It July, 1 Sth Dec., I 69 15th Dec IS, I. 17th Jan., I 3-+· 1Slh July, I .) 2Slh Jul:, I 35· 9th IS37· 'lh June, I 59· 1 thJul),I 35 10th Feb 5 I" th '\0\ , I i 3·


BOURNE, Colonel Sir Jam s, Bart., CB., F.S.A.

BRETT, Major Reginald Best.

BRETT, Robert, l\I.R.C . tl'etch Cowley.

BROU r, Sir Richard, Bart.

BRO \Villiam J ame

BROWKE, General \\ alter J Ohll, CR.

BRO,Y 1T o. Lieut.-Colonel vVilliam Henry.

B'UCK, The Rev. John Parmenter, 1.A.

BUCKLEY Major \Villiam.

BURGES, Captain Somerville \Valdemar.

BURLTO_ , Colonel \Villiam, CB.

BURNE, James, K.H., LL.D., F.R.S.

BURNES, Lieutenant George James lIolmes.

BURKE, Lieutenant Dalhousie Holmes.

BFR . -E , Captain Sidney Holmes.

BURXE , Lieutenant Holland \Vard lIolmes.

Dalt'ojEIt'clio!!. 3i. 12th Dec" 1876. 3i. 8th July, 1857. 31. 30th March, 1 32. B} :2 til July, 1835. ®. 16th .Aug. I 48. (19. 8th July, 1857.

3}. 15 th ep., 18 32• (5). :2 Lh Dec., I 60. 3}. 19th July 3l 2 ph June, 1 4 . 3}. Lh July, 1857. 3}. 22nd July, 1837. 3}. 1st July, 1857.

ClD. 1. t July. 1857·

I. 10th I S58

81. 1 th Jan., I 5

C G \ ,T'll' R C S FRS I othSl?p Ii · '\LLE 'DER, eorgey 1 lam, ". . . " . . .

CHASTELAL T, Philippe, Count dc. Received in France in B\. ISth - 'O\,,, ISi318 I 3. Sometime Secretary to the French Langues, and one of the Delegates to England at the revival of the English Languc. HonOrfll'Y Rank.

CIIERl\ISIDE, 8ir Robert Alexander, M.D., K.CH .


CLANNY, William Reid, M.D., F.R.S. Edin.

CLAY, \Villiam Nicholl .

COl Y 'GIJA I, Lieut.-General The lost Noble George Henry, 7th June, 187°· Marqui

COPLA D, Jame s l\I.D., F.R. WFORD, William, 1\1. \.

CUXY l Sir Robert Keith Dick, 6th Bart.

DELEPIERRE, Joseph Octave, LL.D., F. .A.

DE PEAR ALL, Robert Lucas.

DE Robert Lucas, Junior.

DOYLE, l\Iajor-Gen. ir John lilley, K.CB., M.P.

DlTNBOY 1T E, The Right lIon. James Butler, 13th Baron.

DU)i A. - iT, The Right Hon. Randal Edward Plunkett, I th Baron.

®. 16th July, 1857. 3}. 22nd July, 1837. 3}. 31st July, 1844. (15. 8th Dec., 1864. 3). 22nd July, 1837. 3} 17th July, 1840. 3}. II th 1832. 3i. lIth Xo"., 1830. 3>. 2 [h July, 1835.

DnroKE, The Hon. Sir Henry, Bart., 17th Hereditary 3>. Isth July, 18 38 Champion of England. Lord Prior, 15th July 1838.

ERilL\TL 'GER Lieut.-Colonel \\"illiam, K.S.F

F.\RE:'L\X, olonel \ \Tilliam Blennerha et.

FERGUS 0 " Lieut.-Gcneral \Yi lliam K. Cres. I , t Cbs.

FIFE, ir John, LA.

FREE 'TU_·, Colonel Sir \Villiam Lockyer. l\I.P.

GIBB, Hugh , urgeun-Gcneral.

GIn. 0 T , Lieut.-Colonel veorge \ ashingtol1. e. 6. {0. 31· 3}. 31. loth Feb. 1860. 1 th 1 33· Lth Dec., 1 57· 12th Dec., I 57· 28th _ ug., 1 57· 20th Mar, 185 th July, IS57.

, \ SOCL\TE', .\"ND

GLO'"ER, Robert l\Iortimer, F.R Edin.

GRANT, Captain Thomas.

GRIFFITH, , Major \Villi am Stuart.

John. CR., Inspector-General of Hospital'.

HEADL.-\XD, Frederick \Y.,

HL-\RD, Colonel James.

HE.\RD, Colonel, The IIonble. John T.

HILL.-\RY, Sir \Yilliam, Bart.

HILL.\RY, Sir Augustus \Villiam, Bart.

HILTO_ , Charles.

I {OARE, Harriet, Lad)

HOLDE_ , Hyla.

HOL:\IE , General John, CB.

Date: 17/ El,,·ctioll. <5. 24th June, 1848

3}. I9 th Jan., 1833.

3}. 8th July, r85i.

Ri. 24th June, r 48.

6. 20th .\ug., 1 55.

®. Sth July, 1857.

6. r 3th Oct., 1858.

31. 7th July, I 38. ]. 7th July.

!,.Jd. 2nu July, 1867.

D.<C. SthJan.,1 6.1.

IE. It 1 iO' thJul),,157·

HO:\IPE CII YO:\" \YI sBECQ, TIl nton \Yilhclm, ClIunt B}. qth Oct., 1 .fl. von (nephew and heir of the 69th Grand-1\Iaster Ferdinand von Hompesch. lIe'i.l.'asrcccii.'cdilltotlte OrdcrilltlteAnglo-Bm'ariallLallgue, Honorary Rank.

IIOPE, Vice-.\dmiral the Right Hon. \Ydliam ] OhllstOllC) G.C.B .. l'tI.P. (rcaic'cdabroad).

HUGO J The Rev. Thomas, l\I..L\., F.S \.

Vice-Admiral tf,e Hon. Alexander Montg-omery.

LABAXOFF, His Highness the Prince Alexander. Honorary Rank.

30th .\l'ril, 1831.

<C. 4th June, 1867· I.t July, 1 57·


LA;'[B, Lieut.-Colonel Sir Charles Montolieu J Bart., Baron de St. IIypolite (France), D.CL.

Lord Prior, 24th June, 1847.

Charles James Saville !\Iontgomery.

D, The IIon. IIercules Langford, 2nd Baron.

L\l:RTE, \\Tilliam Alexander. F. A. Edin.

DateojElection. B}. 24th June, 1847 .3>. 30th :\f::trch, 18 3 2

6. 8th July, r857.

L-\ WRE:\'LE, ir] ames (n:ccit'cdabroad), Member of French ,Bl. 30t h .\pril, 183! Chapter in I789.

LE GEYT, Phillip \Yilliam. 31· 8th July, 1857.

LE ?\I.\RCII.\. -T, Sir John Gaspard, K.CB., K.C:\I.G. 6. 20th :\fay, 1853

\LE STER, Lieut.-Colonel Charles Archibald) K I I. 2), 24th June, 184u. Charles Fitzgerald. gI. :!8th July, 1835.

Colonel the IT on. Sir Alan 1 apier, Bart. ,Bl. 14th Oct., 1842.

M.\GI:\,X, \Villiam, LL.D. ]. 19th Oct., 1832.

M.\, TER, Captain Richard gI. 17th July, 1840.

DE C.\l CI);,".\, Antoine Laurent, Comte de. ,ID. 6th Jan., 1864. Honorary Rank.

MEREDYTII, Sir Johua Bart.) Knight of the Orders of 3). 9th tp., 1837. t. LOlli' of France. and of Louis of Hes e-Darm tadt, &c. (He'i.·'astIlelastEllglisll7ltallrecci/xciz'lltOtlteOrderb) tltc69tllGralld-Jlaster,theBarOllFerdinand'l'OIlHompescll,car6'ill 1798.

\, Captain Arthur Stormont.

NEEDILDI, The lIon. Francis IIenry.

Jame '.

TORCLIFFE, J.\L1jor-Gcneral "orcliffe, K H.

B). oW. ,Bl. 6. th Dec., I 40. 4th June, 1 46 J7thJa11., I 39· 20th :\hy, 1 5

28 , A 'OCIATE,', A D Dal.' (If EI,'cIioll.

O'Do J TELL, General Sir Charles Routledge . 31. IrthM ulch, 1832 .

OUTRAM, Lieut.-General Sir James, Bart., G . C.B. , R.C .S.L <1&, 8th July, ISSi

PEARL, Commander Sir James, R .N., K.H.

PEAR ON, Julius Alexander, LL.D., F.S.A 3). 2nd July, 1867

PEAT, The Rev. Sir Robert, D.D., G. C. t. Stani Iaus of 3). II th J 'OY., 1830 Poland, Chaplain to King George IV Lord Prior, 29th January, 183!.

PENNEFATIIER, General Sir John Lysaght, G.C.B., K.C.l\I.L

PERROTT, Sir Ed,Yard Bindloss, 3rd Bart.

PHILIPPART, Sir John , K.G.V. , K.P.S


PINHEY, The Hon. Hammett

PLUMRIDGE, Admiral Sir James Hallway, K.C.B., :'\I.P.

POPHA:'.f, Admiral Sir Home Riggs, K.C.B., l\I.P. (r,ycl7.',·d abroad;l<71iglttCommander, 1799 ; 1'cCL'i7.'cdtileRoyal LicencetotlteinsigniaatColtrt,20tltcpt., 1799.)

31· 16th Feb., 185.

31· 3 rst July, IKt+

Bl. Ilth ::\o\' 1830 £9. 1st :\pril 1862. 11th .\l1g 185i {1!5. J2th Dec., I 57. 31. "';ep., I 3;

PORTER, Lieutenant Reginald da Costa, Royal Engineers. <:.:. loth Cp.,1 i·

PORTER, Surgeon-Major Joshua Henry, Army 1\1edical Dcpart- 23 rd June,1 75· ment.

POTT, Joseph Compton Jun . 24th June, I .p. ALL, Henry 3}. 22nc1 July, I 3i· \Nilliam. ®. th July, I 5;·

RAMSAY, Major-General Jame s. 3). th July, le5i·

RAMSAY, Charles William Ramsay. ®. 5th June, 65·

RENARD, Bruno Jean Baptiste Joseph, Lieut.-General, A.D.C. 6th lay, 18 7Q• to H.M. the King of the Belgians, &c.

RIARIO-SFORZA, 11 Generalissimo II Duca Ludovico di. 3). 20th Aug., IS55·


ROBERTSO OF General George Duncan, C.B.

ROBERT!)ON OF STRUAN, George Duncan.

ROLPH, Dr. Thomas.

E\", Henry \Nyldbore, M.D., F.R.S. 29

Date of Eleciz'oll. 13 th Jan., 1834. 8). 24th June, 186 3. m.<!.s th 'OV. 1872.

ST. GERMAN, The Right Honourable William Gordon 2). 2nd :\farch, r8 69· Cornwallis Eliot, 4th Earl of.

SALIS-SOG-LIO, Peter John Fane de, Count of the Holy 12th Dec ., 1857. Roman Empire K.R.E., K.H.S. (rccei'l'cdatRome,20tft July, 18 43.)

SALIS-SOGLI O, lajor-General Johann Ulrich, Baron de.

Thl.; light Hon. Sir Lancclot.

11.\ w, Lieut.-Colonel Claudius, K.S.F. 9th June, 1858. 3). 22nd July, 1837· ,3;. 3rd N o\,., 18 74.

SHEPIIERD , Surgeon- rajor Peter, rmy Medical Department. liV!. loth ep.,1878.

IIGCKDP UGH, ir Francis, Bart., F.R. ..... 3). loth Xov., 18 58

elmiral ir \\ 'illiam Sidney G.C.B'J G.C.T.S., ,3;. 9th Sept., 1837· G.eS.F., etc. ( ill Fnmcc).

SPR YE, Captain Richard Samuel l\larc. ,3;. 20 th Aug., 18 55. Hiram. 3rd Xov. 1874·

T.\CIIE, Colonel Sir Etienne Paschal. B}. I lh Jun., I 58 . '0);, Captain \Villiam. 2nd 1 64·

TOCQUEYILLE, Peter Victor, Comte de. ,3;. 5th 18 33

Toxl'r..., Lil.;ut.-Coloncl Si r \Varwick IIele (rt'tci'Z'l'ci 1Il tile ,3;. 11th June, r8.p. 41nglo-Bm}ariallLangue, 1830).

TORPIIIClIEX, The Right Hon . Robert Sandilands, I I th Baron. 3). 16th April, I 62.

TURNB LL, \\ m. Barclay David Dundas 6. 13 th July. I 59·


VELLA, Luigi LL.D., Superintendent Record Office, Malta. (Ii).

\VATT , "\ ice-Admiral George Ed\\'ard, CB. r.C.II. 6.

\VHlTEHE.\D, John. <6.

\VlLKlE, Lieut.-Colonel David. @.

\\ lLLlA:'I Thomas Troughear <5.

\VlL:'IOT, Charles Iontagu.

\Yilliam, Con ul P.S. l\Ialta. 6.

\\'OLLA TOX, l\Iajor Frederick. @.

\YOOLFE Richard , F A.

\\'REN-Ho Chandos, l\I.P. 6.

DaleofElect/oil. 28th .\ug., 1857.

18th J an., 1858.

8lh July, 1857.

24th June, 1848.

20th .\ug., 1855.

2nd Feb. , 1869.

2 th .\ug., I 57. t July. I 57

7th :\f ny, I p.

4th Ju ne, IS6i.


Order of St·x John of Yf)r.:JYTOaif)rJf

($iJ:tb or JEngIisb 'J!angue.)


instituted by the Chapter, 1874, as a reward for deeds of gallantry in saving life onla7Zd.

0 ) [I r

TheCr(lssoftheOn!.r (I/Jle)illtsaJici II tl)' (lfl/leb't'Illilud( )

7h,·Rm(f:toftheOra>. (7heSI.Jul.,,·slI'rIenl,(l'illl ((11ll fll< ( l'i/I/<,'I/. J


EUJ.\ll IL\LLA::'II ( ih'rr, FRrDEI'ICK ( l/zoel'). For at imminent ri -]- of their Ii\'(2 six fello\\'-\\'orkmen in great peril in the shaft of a c03.1-pit l1c3.r Chesterfield, September 7th, 17-. Prc'cnted by 1r Edmund Lcchmere, Bart., at 3. public meeting at "\[oor, .l o\ 'cmbcr T 1


JOlIN SMITH You T ,Deputy-Commissary. Attached to the English Ambulance during thc of Paris ( iluer). For saving the life of a wounded German soldier at the Bridgc of Bezons on December loth. 1870. Presented, March r7th, r876, by lYlajor-Gencral II.S.II. I rince Edward of Saxe-\Veimar, Commanding the IIome District, at a parade of the Guards and Army Service Corp, 11. R. 11. the Field Marshal Commanding-in-Chief granting permission for the M dal to be worn in uniform on the right breast.

CONSTANT VAN HOYDONCK (Sili/cr), IIENRI (Bro71:::e). For marked courage and judgment, resulting in the saving of life and property, and the subsequcnt conviction of the murderers concerncd in the mutiny on bOMd the British ship LE_ on the high seas on Octobcr 3 bt. 18 75. The Chapter regarding thc ship as part of the Queen's dominion, awarded accordingly, and thc 111clLlls were presented through the Dutch and the Belgian in June, 13 76

GEORGE GATES (BrOil:::';). For saving, at much personal risk, \'oluntarily and unaided, two dying men from the C\\ Road Sewer, Battersea, after a companion had already succumbed to the poisonous gases. August 9 th , I 76. Presented publicly by tht! Local Authoritie:; on January 3rd , 18 77.

TlIO}IAS ERRINGTO - \V lIer Iaje ty's Inspector of Mines for South \Vales (Sil7.ler) , JOlIl \ ILLL\.T\[ IIOWELL (Szlver), ISAAC PrIDE (SilLier) \ ILLL\.M BI:.I rIl (Szli.'cr), DA -IEL (S/,I,'er). For special service during the gallant and protracted efforts made for the reScue of the buried miners in the Tynewydd Colliery Glamorgan ,hire. Presented by l\lajor F. Duncan, P .1.\., Director of the Ambulance Department of the Order, at PontypriJd. on August 4th, r877, in the presence of the Lord Lieutenant of the County, the Lord laror of London, and a \ 'cry tu'ge and distinguished assembly.

GEORGE PATMORE (lJro,,:::£'). For bravcry in selzmg, securing, and aiding in thc destruction of a mad dog, which had prc-


viously bitten three men and several dogs, September 9th 1877. Presented at the IIertford Borough Sessions, March 7th, 1878, by the Mayor of Hertford.

STEPIIEN LITTLE, Constable, Metropolitan Police (Bronze). For the gallant rescue of a lunatic from a position of great danger, on June 4th, 1878. Presented on Auaust 2nd 1878, by IIis Grace the Duke of Manchester, .. Lord Prior of the Order, at a special parade of the Metropolitan Police at the \Vellington Barracks.

ARTIIUR H. STOY ES, Assistant Inspector of l\1ines (Szlver) , CHARLES MALTBY (BroJZ:::e) , J OIL IIA COCK (Bronze) TlI MAS DA VI' (Brollze) , J OIl DAVI (Bronze). For remarkable constancy, courage, and daring, during the operations leading to the rescue of Dennis Bagshawe, buried for five days and nights without food in the Black Engine Mine, yam, July, 1879. Presented on behalf of the Order by John Furley, Esq., a Member of the Council, January 21st, 1880, at a public meeting at Sheffield.

HE RY SPAVI I (Bro/l.'::c). For rescuing, at great personal danger, December 17th, 1879, from a small sewer at Silvertown, a fellow-workman, rendered insensible by poisonous gase. Presented by ir Edward G. L. Perrott, Bart., March 9th, 1880, at a meeting at the Town Hall, tratford.

GEOPGE FREDERICK H.\PRI , Captain 3rd Foot, 'The Buffs, ' (i!7/er). For conspicuou gallantry in saving the li\-es of five persons from a fire in Charlemont Street Dublin eptember 19th, r877, and in subsequently 'remOVing'. unaided, at still further ri a quantity of paraffin oil, thereby prev nting the fire from spreading to an adjacent Female Orphanage. Pre entcd by II.R.H_ the Princess of v alcs, a DameCllC'i.'ali('rc of the Order, July 24th, 1880, at the Volunteer Camp, imbledon, H.R.H. the Prince of \.Vales, II.R.! 1. the Field Iarshal Commanding-in-Chief, the of Slate for \Var, and a deputation from the Order being present. As in the case of Deputy-Commis sary Young, perm is ion ha been granted for the ]\Iedal t be worn in uniform on the right breast, in accordance with the Queen's Regulations.


EDWARD MOUNTJOY PRICE (BroJlze). For conspicuous gallantry in rescuing on September 13 th , 1880, at Il[racombe, Devon, a boy named George \Villiams from a burnil1g room, afterwards returning and removing a barrel of gun powder charred by the flame s; thus saving the lives o[ the firemen wh were working, in imminent danger of an explosion, to extinguish the fire. Presented, January loth, 1881, at a public meeting in the Town Hall, Ilfracombe.

J\ IE 1\lCGOWAN, In spector of Roads [o r the B orough of Birkenhead (BroJl=') For gallant and self-devoted exertions, at great personal risk, on ctober 18th, J 880, in rescuing from an underground pas age three " 'o rkmen in , ensible from poi onous one of ,, h o m expir d on bein CT brou rr ht to the surface. Presented, February 2nd, b b 1881, by Colonel ir Jame Bourne, Bart., F A., at a public meeting held at the Court House, 13irkenhead, the Mayor presiding.

GEORGE CLAR KE, Corporal 95th Regiment ( ili'a). For conspicuous courage on December 9th, 188o, in re sc uing tw o children at a fire at Limerick Ireland, at considerable ri 'k, and sustaining severe inj ury. Presented by LieutenantColonel J. North Crealock. .11., commanding 95 th Regiment, at a full dress parade at 1\Iarch 16th, 1881, permission being granted (as in previou':l cases) [or for the medal to be w rn in uniform on the right breast.

\VILLIAM lAGUIRE, Constable, 11. Division, Idropolitall Police (Broll=c). For saving, at imminent danger to himself, two persons at a fire in Leman Street, \Vhitechapcl, December Iqth, 1880. Presented by Sir Edmund A. II. Lechmere, Bart., l.P., at a public meeting held in the theatre of the R oy<11 United Service Institution, 1\1arch 18th, 188 I, on the occasion of the presentation of certificates of the St. J Oh11 Ambulance Association to 1\letropolilan Police classes.

GEORGE EVERETT, Labourer (Sillier). For very gallant and devoted conduct, on 13th Jun e, 188 I, in rescuing, at the Old Ci1y Gas Works, Gloucester, a fellow workman, under



circum stances of great peril, one life having been just previously sacrificed Presented August 25th, 1881, by Sir Brook Kay, Bart., at a public meeting, attended by the Mayor and Corporation, at the Tol sey, Gloucest er.

MAPIO .l" \Vidow of the late Bandmaster, 94th Regiment (Silver). For heroic devotion during the action, December 20th, 1880, at Bronkorst Spruit, Transvaal, where she a ss is ted the wounded under a heavy fire, tearing up her own dress to make bandages; and for her subsequent devoted and humane attention, during a period of three months, to the injured soldiers who escaped the massacre. Presented 1\larch 2nd, 1882, by General Sir Ja mes E. Alexander, c.B., at a public meeting in the Council Chamber, N e\\'castle-onTyn e, the l\1ayor presiding.

1\IcGuIR£, Labourer, Birmingham (BroJl=e). For gallantry on the 2 I st October, 188 I, in forcing his way into a burning house in Shadwell Street, Birmingham, thereby sustaining severe personal inj uries in his successful endeavo ur to rescue a child, who must otherwi::.e ha\"e perished. Forwarded to hi s wife, the recipient having left England for America in search of employment.

A .'X IE LOFTU ., 1\Iachine Operati,"e, (SilLIer). For her courage and devotion on pril 15th, 1882, in rescuing her ister from a burning house at Stockport, under circumstances of great personal peril. Presented July 19th, 1882, by John Furlcy, Esq., at a public meeting, attended by the 1\1ayor and Corporation, held in the Borough Court House, Stockport.

Forms of ;lpplication for the Medal and full paniculars can be obtained from the Secretary of the Order of t. John of Jerusalem, ST. J OIII 'CLERKENWELL,


IlARRlSO Al'ill SO '\s, Sl. IAR'lI"" S 1.,\;\1, 1'1 In/as ill On/III II I)' toIla.llalat)'.




AND ASSOCIATES OF THR IXTH OR ENGLI H LANGUE OF THE ®rbrr of bt. 3)obn of j)rl*u9al£11T.

Prill/cd 1')1 Orderof tile Clwpta, I '8).


lI.\RI'TS • \X D SOX:, ST. RTI:\,'S j'ri"I,'rs III Ordi"al), 1(' [[,:r I 85.

• Thi Office is at present vacant.

ILol'b 191'ior.

IIi Grace Sir \VrLLI.\:\I DROGO, DUKE OF K .P. 24lh June, 1861.

)&afIitf of 12ag-Ic.

The Right IIonb1c. \\ TILTJL Uf HEXRY, R\RO_T LEIGH. 5th Jantnrr. r b3



Consists of the Executive Officers, the Chaplain-General, and the following elected (1884) Members :-

The Right Honble. the Earl of GLA SGOW

The Right Rev. The Lord Bishop of ST. ALBANS (ClLaplaiJZ-General).





Who, c;r-ojJicio, are Members of the Council.

CfI.L\-CELLoR-General ir J OIl.!. r ST. GEORGE, K.C.B., COrll1-'allGardens,Qucen'sGate,S. ??

SECRET"lR Y-Sir ANTIIO -Y HARLEY LECIIMERE, Bart., M.P., M.A., F.S.A., RllyddCOllrt,Ha?llC)'Castle, lVorcestcr / 13, BoltollRO'Zl', TV.

RECElTrl!.'R-EDWI FRE IlFlELD, Esq., LL.D., V.P A., .LJ/illt HOlfse,ClLipstead,Sun'e)' / 5, BallkBuildings,E.C.

r.lLll/ONER-General the Right Honble. Sir GEORGE FREDERICK, Viscount TEfIlPLETOW ,K.C.B., CastleUpto Il , Telll}lepatrick,cofilltriJll/ 49, ClLariestreet,BcrkeltJIquare.

REGISTRAR-Lieut.-Colonel GOULD IIUKTER-\\ E ' TOX, F.S.A., Hunterstoll,TlTcstA-ilbn'dc,

To whom any correction - for the Roll may be addressed either a aboyc, or to St.7cJhll's Gatt', CI,'I'km'Ll'dl, Londoll,E. C.

6 T Il E COU IL.

.llllIBUL -lXCE DEP.1RTlIfEKT-Director: JOll T }URLEY, Esq., Asliford,A'c//t.

GENEALOCIST-\\TILLIA I A lllURST :'IlIEl'ST, 1.P., F A., DidlillgtonHal!,Rralldoll,Nor/olk / 08, Brook treet, TV.

L1BR.1Rl.L\--Thc Rc\ '. W. Y. RILA D BEDFOI'lJ, Lr\., Tilc Redol]',llttOIlColdfidtf,Bir7llillglLaJJl

1.,)SlSTrlXT lLJ/OXEN-l\Iajor J GILD.L.\, 20, Phi/liJ/lorc Gardclls,]{cllsillgtOIl,TT'.

.1 SSISJ: 11\ -rSL' CRh }T- Caplain IIERlJ.El'T Brook 1fillJ/UllS(', PillJJlstcad, ](Cllt. PU l' UTt',

B.1XA:6RS-Thc LunJul1 anJ \ Bank, -t I, Lullfblll]', E.C. Phillips, Cockspllr-strcct,S. H.

Cllll1 11.nnit: UlJl.ll:' Ill::t)' ue the of the Un1o.;1' uf Juhn, J ohn'!:) G::tle, ClerkLn\\cll, London, E.C.

(1 0 In In a 1l bet.

18robindal <lrJ)1ll1l1an11eru of <lrastle countics of \ \'orcester, ITereforcl, Glollce£ter, and \\'an\ Il'k).

Sir En JU?\] ) A);,T110?\ Y 11.\1 ' LEY LE ' Ill\IERE, Bell t., LP., 1\1.1\., F.S.A.,--RIl)ldd Coltrt,f/allli'}lCastleTJ'OJ'ccster J' 13,Bolton R01U, 111a)'Fair, H T. / CarltollClub, S. 1V. AppoinLl!d 2nd FL"lJ., 1869.

CONNAUGllT .ASLJ STl'ATIIK\lC T Major-General His Royal IIighness rthur \Villiam Patrick Albert, Duke of, K.G ., K.T., K.P., G.C.S.I., G.c. I.G., c.B., A D.C. to H.-:\I. the Queen, Colonel-in Chief of the Rifle Brigade,-Bagslwt Park,SlIrnJ'.

Date0/Election. 13th Dec., 1881.

T ECK, Brevet Colonel H.S.I I. Francis P dul Charles Louis 2nd Feb., 18E>2. A lexander, Duke of, G.C.B., IIonorrtry Colonel 1st 'ur rey Artillery Volunteers and 24th Iiddl e::.e x Rifl e Volul1teers,I(CIlSillgtOIlPalace,TV. / TT?liteRicitmolldPark, SltrrC)'.

ALEXAi-JDER, General Sir James Edward, c.B., K C.L.S.,- 2..j.lh FeI ,., TVester/ollHOl/sc,Bridn-eofrlliall, ..£\ .B. / CllitcdSeruice andA tih '/hdflll Clubs, S. TV.

IT onorary Commamh:r, 24th June \J •.p.

A:\IIIERST, \ illirtm - mhurst Ty sen, M.P., F. . .,-Didhllgt01l I th July, Ib82. fI(rll,Brandoll,alldBlIckellltalll-Tof/s,1bmdford, ,. BrookStreet, TV

BeLOW Carl Georg lcxander, Baron von. (IIonorary.) I th ::\0\., I 42. Honorary Commander, 24th Jnne, 1847.

BUH.LTO r -Bl·,' KET, J ohn Robert,-ll'llit7llIlir,Celltral Hill 't h Feb., 1 60. UpperiVor'i.L'ood.

C ARTER, Charles Pemberton,-Allg/cscaTo'racc, SI. J l'o/lards- 2..j.lh June 1",6,3. oll-Sea / UnitedCllh'l'rsilj'CllIb,SlIfjolktreet, . TT.

CO};\' TGlI.\l\I, The 1\10 t Honourable Henry 1\Iarque,s, _ 23nl June, I", 3. Bij'rolls,Call!crbllrj' / , 'laueCastk,(0.1Imtll;.JJ(JlIllt Cltarl('s,coD{il/l'g"lll;a's'alldTadIdol's'CllIbs, Tr'.

Clli. VALU.l' 0 F ] U ' TIeE.

DAl.LA " Rupert Caradoc Francis, Lieut. Reserve of Officers, late Lieut. and Adjt. 98Lh Regiment, and late Captain 5th Batt. Rifle Brigade,-4, NeVCrllSqum-c,Earl'sCOlwt, S. vV. ,. JUlliorUnitederiJZCcClub, S. TV.

DALTO , ] ames Cecil, Captain P oyal Artillery DepuLyAssistant-Adjutant and Quarter-Master.General Gibraltar, -50,LmlgridgeRoad,Earl'sCOllrt, S. TV

General Sir Henry Chark ' BarnsLol1, G.C.B., Colonel 2nd. Batt. The Border Regiment,-Ostcr/{j'Loti(Te,pring Gro'Lit',islcwortlt / Ullitedcl"l'iceandJUlliorCaritollClubs, S. TV.

DatecfElectloll. 5th Feu., 1878. 19lh Feb., 18S4. 8th Feb., 187 6

DAVIE " Robert, M. P . 1. A., -IImutilOrn,Blackrock, 17 lh Jan., 1 71. Dublill,

DA\ E , Bethel 1artin, Major and Brevet Lieut.-Colonel 1st Batt. 23 rd June, Ib82

The Prince of \Vales' Leinster Regiment (Royal Canadians), -RoJ,all/Ilz'litaryCollege,andlmrst..OSllaburgltIIollsc, YorkTow71,-Farnboro'Statioll,HaJ/ts / JUlliorUllited

Ser'uiccClub, S. 1V.

DICK-LA UDER, Sir orth, Bart., FOlllltaillHall, 6th Feb., 18n Haddi,tgtollsll£rc / 44, OllslowSquare, S. lV

DUDLEY, The Right Honourable the Earl of, - TVitle]'Coltrt, 15 lh Dec., 1 74· Worcestersltire / Dudley110lise,ParkLalle,Tf"./Carltolt Club, S. TV

Francis, M.A., D.C.L., LL.D., Lt.- 01. I .A., Colone l 231d June, 1 75· Commandant-en-Chef de l' Artillcrie Egypticnne,- TVat()' Ilaifa,UpperEgypt,· 43, TltcC01JWIOl/,TVoolwidl,'Unz'ted SeJl"lIict!andCar/toilCillbs,TV

EGERTON OF The; Right llonourable \ ilbrahaIll, 26th Feu., 1&85· Baron,-Captain and IIonorary Major, Cheshire Yeomanry Cavalry,-Tatto1lPark,I(lwts/ord; 7, Sf.jamcs's S. W. / Carlto1/,a7ldTravellers'Clubs,S.IV

CHEVALIER!) ()} 9 Dalt'ofElection.

FERRERS, Thc Right IIonourable Sir e\\'allis Edward Shirlcy, Sth June, 7G Earl,-StazmtollHarold,nearAsllby-de-la-Zoltck

FORTESCUE, Major Edward F. Knottesford, Captain Retired 9 th July, IS75· List II. M. Indian Army, latc Captain and IIonorary Major 1st \Narwickshirc Militia,-AlvestonMallorJ-Jouse,Straifordon-A'Z'OIl / TVa1ldcrers'CI/lb, S. TV.

FURLEY, John, Captain late East Kent Riflc Volunteers,- 2nd illareh, I 6-+. Asltford,](Cllt.

GILDEA, James, l\lajor 4lh Batt. Thc Royal \Van\ickshire 23 rd Jutle,1&0. Regimcnt,-HoIJlleBu?')',TVaiford / 20, Pllillz'711oreGardens, ](cnsillgt01l,TV.

GL\SGOW, Thc P ight IIonourable the Earl of,-](clburlleHOllse, 5th );0"., I 72. AJ1rslLire / Cra'Z1.1ordPrior)"Cupm'Flfc " I I, Hereford Gardclls. TV. " CarltollClub, S. TV.

GORDO , The Honourable ir Arthur Hamilton, G.c.l\I.G., 6th Dec., I 70 Governor of N cw Zealand,- GoverwllclltHOlfse, TT elliJlgtoll, iV.Z.

HALLWYL, Le Comte Frederic de,-GarrickClub, rv.c. 17th April, IS 3·

IL\WKINS, The Rev. \Vm. Bentinck Letham, l\I.A., F.R .., bt April, 1'65· 33,Br)'allstoltSquare,vv. " r1 tltCllClJltJll andConser-vath'e Clubs, S. n .

IIonorary Commander, 9th December, 65.

HOARE, Major ir Joseph \ allis O'Brycn, Bart., late Li utenant Royal Engineers, and late l\Iajor 5th l\liddlesex l\Iilitia,Sidney,Bitterne,Hauts / fUIll'or[;-nitcderi'iccClub,S.rTT. th Feb., I 60.

HOLLA TD, Licut.-Col. Trevcncn J ame, c.B., late H. 1. 12th Dec., I 57. Indian Staff Corps,--h')'lIlcatll,SJlodlalld,Rodlester.

HOULTU , Sir Edward ictor Lcwi, G. . I. G., late hief I th April, Ii: 2. ecretary to the Governmcnt of Ialta,-60, EburJIStrat, S. TV. / A rllmr'sClub, S. JV.

10 CllE\'.l\LlERS OF JU ·TICE. Dal,'0/HitYlloJl.

K.\Y, Sir Brook, Dart., formerly Captain 6lh Bombay .l. T. I.,- 17th nv., 1871. tault')'Lodgl.',Battlct/o'ZIJJl,C/teltclI/mlll.

LA IE, ir Archibald, Bart., late rajor 2nd Life Guards,-Bccll/- 6th Feb, 1 7J. port, Battle, 'IISSCX,' TVjllld/wlIlCII/b, ')'t.JalIU S'S 'qllare, S. H T

LECIIl\IERE, 'ir Edmund nthony IIarley, BMt., ::\r.P., 1\1. \, 9 th Dec., 186 5. F.S. ., Commander of Provincial ommandery of lIanley Castle, \Vorce stershirc, - R/I)lddCOl/rt, ! JailIt)'Castic, [[Toucst,:r; 13, BoI/olIROil',TV.,'CaritollCI,t/), .\. r / , ·ommandCI. 2nd Felml:l.r), ISOS)

LEIGlI, Thc P ight lIon. \\ Tilliam lIenry, Baron, Lord Liculcnanl' 19th, cpl., 1800. of \Varwickshire, IIonorary olond 3rd Batt. Thc P oyal \Vanvi ckshire Regimcnl, - .lbbt'j',A-t'lllhL'orlil, TVar'LL'ic/.:s/Lire; 37, PortlllallSqllare.[TT. " iJroo!.:s'aJ.d Trm.'cllcrs'CllIbs,S. TV.

Dailiff or Eagle, 5th January, 1863.

LEITH, John Farley, Q.C.,-8, Dorset,'ql/are, LV. TV. til July, 1 '5 7·

LOCII, Colonel Ir IIenry Brougham, K.C.13., Go\'crnor and 1:>t Fcu., 1b61 Commandcr-in· Chief of the Colony of Vicloria, late H. M.'s Indian Army, Honorary olond 4th Batt. The Cheshire H. cgiment,-44, ElmPar/.:Cardells, n". / I, TV/lite/wI!Piau,S. 1/7. )' Tra.'udkrs',Uarl170} "OI{,!J/t, alld Atllellam7JLClubsS.1r '.

LOFTU :', Henry J ohn,-49, QUU'Il'SGalc, S. Tf, " .111arlborollg/t 23rLl JUIlt!, I So, andPratt'sClubs, S. TV.

MANCHESTER, !li s Grace Sir \Villiam Drogo, Dukc of, K.P., 29th !:ll pt. , 1860 late Grenadier Guarus, l\IajOl and Honorary Lieul.Colonel, latc Hunts 1\1 ililia, -]( iJJLbolto71Castle', S!. l\'cots, HUllts,' I, GreatStall/tOleStreet, 11 7 ,' Car/loltClub, '.1/ '.

Lurll Pliur, June, 1861.



OWE:\", Fritz CU111iffe,-Garndc Club, C. r8th July, 1882.

P.\L:'II 1 1', George,-58, Eo"ry Strat,S. TV. 18th :\Iay, 1880

PE.\]{SON, Aibert Harford, 1.A., B.C.L.,-29, ./lsldeyPlace, 13th Oct., 18 75. TTz'donaStreet.S. TV. / JlIniorCarltollClub,S. TV.

PJ.:.Rl'OTT, ir Euward George Lambert, Bart., Captain, late 2211<1 July, 1837. Ea t Kent l\Iilitia, Vice President Royal J. ational Lifeboat Institution, and Vice-Prc::.ident c1'Honneur de la Societe

Royale ct Centrale des Sauveteurs de Belgiq ue,-Brookldll [follst',PIII III stcad, f(cnt. 11011oL1I"), Huilli, 20th r 55.

PEI'I'O 1''1', IIerbert Charles, Captain 3rd Batt. The Buffs (East 12th Del., I 76. Kent Regiment), and Reserve of Officers,-BrooklalllIoltsc, P IltllZstcad, f":cllt.

POl'TER, Major-General \ Vhitworth, R E.,-5, ElliotTerrace, 8th J une, 1 59. PlymolltlL.

IIonorary Commander, 24th June, 1861.

ROWE, 1\ ichard P eynolds, F.'S.A.,-ParkHOllse,Cambn'dgp. 22ml Feb., IS r.

ST General Sir John, K.C.B.) Colonel Commandant It JUlle, 1861. Royal Artillery,-22, Corllwa/IGardens,QueeIL'sGate, S. TJ / Cllilcd cl"iJicc Cillb, } all.JIal!.

llonorary 'oI11l11under, 2-+th June, I 61.

STORY, James, 1\1.1\. -Errill{!lon, co. T)'rollc)' 17 Bl]'allstoll h'1 <J 5l _, ay, 1 ,-/. Square, 1V. / CarltollClub, TJT.

N General the P jcrht IIo11 ir Georcre rederick June, I -I\. b' b , Viscount, K.C.B., Colonel 2nd Life Guard ',-Castle CptOIl, Templcpatrick,co../illtrim / 49, CltarlcsStreet,Bcrke!e)' Square, TT. / em'tcd ll:e ([lid Gl/ards'Clubs, TV.



VAVA 'OUR, Sir Henry 1crvyn, Bart.,-Spaldingtollllall,Tadcastcy/Tra7!cllcrs'Club, S. HT

IIonorary Commander, 24th June, 47·

Dateo[Election. 24th June, 1841.

\ VALFORD, Edward, M.A.,-2, H.J1deParkJ1Iallsz'0Ils,Edgeware 6th lIIay, 186 7. Road,TV;Jl!JliorAtllCJl(EZllllClub,TV.

W.':\KEMA ,lIenry Offiey,-- 111SoulsCollege,Oxford. loth 1880.

\ V.\RREN, Sir Charles, K.C.l\1.G., Lieut. - Colonel and Bre\'el 17 th July, IS 3· Colonel R .E., lajor-General (Local) and H. 1. Commissioner in Bechuanaland

WATERFORD, The l\Iost lIonourable ir John II enry de 1a Poer 23rtl June, 1 -t. Bere -ford, P.c., K.P., l\Iarquess of,-Cllrraglllllorc,Co. TVatclford / 30, ClLarlesStreet,t.james's, .s. TV / 11arlborouglL,rVltitc's,alldCarltollClubs,

WESTO , Lieut.-Colonel Gould llUl"l'El'-, F.S.A.,-lIlflltl'l'stOIl, 6th Dec., I jU. TVestKilbn'dc,AJ'rsllirc, ..Y.H. J' Ullited(r7iccand..1tI/L·mEWllClubs,Pallall,S. 1V.

V\'E.STO - Aylmer Gould Hu 'Tt..l'-, Lieutenant Royal Engineers, 2211t1 April, 1 4· -BromptonBarracks,Cltatllalll / Junior £1 nil)' and YaL')1 Club, S. TV

BECK, T he Rev. Ech\ arc! JosscJyn, l\I.A., P ector of RotlialLitllc, March, 7°· urrey.

BEDFORD, The Rev. William Kirkpatrick Rilanc.1, M .A., Rector 22ntl June, 187 8 of lIttOIlColdfield, Binl/illg/wlIl / J\TatiollalCll/b, S. TV

CAM I, The Rev. J . Br oke Maher, l\tJ.A., late Cornel 12th 2nd .Aug., I 7 0 • L ancers, Vica r of 1II07l/'.'t011rV.yld,Cltar7lloutll,DorsctslLire.

GIBRALT R, The Right Rev. Charles \Valdegrave Sandford, D.D., Lord Bishop of, including l\1alta and the Islands and Countries of the Mediterranean, Canon of Canterbury,CltristClulrclt,Oxford,. 28, GreatGeorgeStreet,TVestlllillster/ Athella:lllllCI7!b, S. TV.

HAWKIN., The Rev. \Vm. Bentinck Letham, M. ., F.R.S.,33,Br,yaltsto71Square,TV.,.AtltellamlllandCOllser'uath.'e Clubs, S. TV.

HOLD EN, The Rev. Oswald 1angin, M.A., B.C.L., Vicar of Gaile)1cumHatherto71,Pellkridge.

DateofElectioll. 12th Dec., 187G.

.\pril, 1868.

MALET, The Rev. VIm. \Vyndham, S.c.L., icar of Ardelc)l, 12th :'Ira)" I (j 1lcarBlIlltillgford,Herts.

l\1ARTY _T, The Rev. Charles John Rural Dean of Sudbury,- [I) h Feh., -to TileRector)"L07lg1I1eiford,liffolk.

OAr LEY, The Very lev. ] ohl1, D.D., Dean of Ianche ter,- Tile 3rd :'IIarch, r 868. Deallt'I]I,J.lIaJlcitester.

PORTAL, The Rev. George Raymond, 1\I. 'J Honorary Canon, 3rt1 _\ug., 69. \Vinche tel' Cathedral, Rector of BllrglldcrcIleal'J,rC"'it'blll]', Berks

ST. ALBA::\, , The Right Rev. Thomas Legh Claughton D.D., 5th June. 77. Lord Bi hop of,-Da/lbul')1Palace,}lcarCllellIlsjord " 28, GreatGeorgetreet,TVt'stlllillster,TTT. 'haplain-Gcneral, re·appointetl 23rl June, r 2, ror fi\ c YC :lr:-.

SEWELL, The Pev. l'thur, 1. .,- n'atcr/oolIolIs{',Leamingtoll. 15 th Dec., r 7T.

SHADWELL, The lev. rthur Thoma \ \'hitmore, l\1. ., Rector 1 D 6 3n ce., I 7. of Littleliford,Essex.

T EN TE EE, The Right Rev. Charles Todd _uintard, D. D., 6th Feh., 6• LL.D., l\1.D., Bi hop of,-HlIljordllall,SClllalll:c,TOlll.,U.S.

\VIIARTOl r, The Rc\'. ] oseph rane, l\I.A, icar of II'if/csdclI, I<;! '£:\rrh. I. i O lIfidd/cs{'x.


\VU ITE, The Rev. II e nrr, 1. ., Chaplain Chapel royal The avoY,-4, Lancaster P lacr,(/7.10)'Precillcts, TV C.

nale'oj 13 th Dec., 18SI.

\V OOD, Th e Rev. Ibert thel tane, D.C.L.,-Tllc f, icaragc, 3 rt1 1\larch, 1868. SOlllercotes,t.Peter's,Grilllso)'.

\ VOOD, The Rev. Thomas \\ illial11, Vicar of EldL'rsjidtl,IIcar :!3n1 June, 18 I.


Chaplain to the Hanky ast1e Commander)" 5th :'Ira)"

\V OOD\\'.\RD, The Rev. l,)hn, F .'cot., IncLlmbent oi 2nl1 June, ISO. t. illmJ"s,J!o}/trosc, \

HER ROL\L IIIGII ALEX • Dr'A A}'OU:\E l\I \1'1.\ 12th nl'C. , 17 6.

CUARLOTTE Lour. A lULL\, OF " ',\LIl.i

PI'INCE,'S OF Dl< ":'T \ I' r,,Yo/foll.:,·JhrkImll,Aoerdeellsltire ,. J/arlborol(frlllJollsc,PallJlall, n'.

IIE]' ROY .\L IIIGIl.'r: '''1 HELl \ ,\lGl:--f.\ 23 n1 ]une, I I.

ICTORIA, OF IILLS\\'IG-IIoL,'n 1:'-. SO. J>L!'BEI'G AUGU 'TI:\E,-Clflllocrialld Lodge, 1['illdsor f a 1'1.:.

lIER ROYAL IIIGIl l ESS Prd 'CES.· BE.\TI'I 'E IAP\' VI('T01':'1/\ 18th Dec., I S4· FEODORE,- JVilldsorCastle;Osborlle ! IOllse;Bllr!.-lIl/;II(7J1l Palacc,&c.&c.

III .R POY .\L IILLI ';" l 'IH.UEPIC,\ An,U,T\, 9lhDec.,ISSi. DpcrH.s . OF A [.lL\, TY,-Clarelllont,Fsltrr.

TE K, IIer Royal lI ighness Princes s l\lary Adelaide \Vilhcl- li th \1:1)" I. mina Elizabeth, Duchess of,-I r'itileN.idllllO/ttiPar!.-, SlIrrey.

B \DE T, Her Royal Loui..,e l\Iaric..: Elizabeth, The 11 th nee. 177· Reigning Grand Duchess of, /l£{! Princess of Prus. ia.Scltloss,Carisrllll{"Badcll.

J)J\l\fES CTIEV\T,rj':f'ES. I j

DaleofJ:/ectioll. A \f[IER .·T, Mary Rothes Margaret Ty ssen 2jnl June, 1883. Hall,lJrandon,florfolk; 88, BrookStreel)TJ.T.

Bp .\s EY, Annie, Lady,-lVorlllaJlilllrstC01!r!,B'ltlle,.)'7tssex / 18th Oct., ISS!. 24,ParA'l.alle, T[ T.

BUR:\I"E. ' , Esther Sarah (i\frs·)·-40, l.adbro!..'eSqllal'l', 2-+th June, I 02. Far!..',TJT.

The :\lo<;t IIonourable Frances Elizabeth Sarah 2jnl June. ISbj. Evcleigh-c1c- ::\I Icyn -i, Marchioncs ,-Bijrolls,Cmzter/Jl{l]'/ Slall{,Cas!/{',co.17[CllIII;Jl(}111l1ClLar/{'s,co.Donegal.

The Mo t IIonblc. Jane 't. ::\Iaur Blanchc, ,th :'.fay. J 72 • Dowager l\Iarchionc..;s.-36. Be(r:rtliICSql/are,S. TT?

CRO:. E, Cathcrine (:\fr...;.) Portcr,-DII/JIill. 4th June, I 6 ,.

D\LTO \ l\[aria, (Miss),. l.Ollrrrici.crc Rl)t7tI, Earl's COliI' I, 26th Fell IS 5. S.lf'.

Eliza. LadY,-36, Eli'astollPlate,Queell'sGatc, TV. 2Jrd June j

DE L.\STIC, Sr. J \L, Agncs, '\ til' Jlolliallball, 1st .\pril. 62. D/p.deTarll-c!-GarOlIl/{',ftl'allcc.

r, l\ lar r Ka tc (l\[ r..:;. ).--+3, TileComJ/lOll,TTool"c'ic!t. 23rcl June, I ju.

DUXCO:'lInE,- En.:lyn (:.\Jis ),-49, Bcrkdc.J'Sqllart', JT'. 11 th Dec '

GILDEA, - P achcl Caroline (l\1r '.) , IlollllcBill]',TTalford; 20, 23nl,Tune I 3. PIIl/lill!on'Gardells,ATCIlS!"K/(I/I, H?

HAWl"IXS, Elizabcth (Mrs.).--3', lil)'t1IlSlollSqllart',TTr. 3rtl .\pril. I 6;.

lara \m cl ia \ \ rcn is:-; ).- Tk' Jlrrlllt"la/[c, Peter's, 1. 9th July, r i

HOULTOX, IIyacinthc IIarriette, Lady,-60. Ebllr),Irrel S. TT. r th .\pr I. I 2.


KEN , The Right IIonourable Grace Elizabeth, Lady,St.Bride's,Ha'Zler/ord'Z(lcst; 69, GrosvenorStreet,TV.

LECIIM ERE, Louisa Katherine, Lady, -RIl)!ddCOllrt,1-falllC)' Castle.TVorccster / 13, BoltollRow,TV.

MACPIIER.O T OF CLU:\,Y, arah Justina (Mr .) -CI/I7l)'Castle, l(i71glLssie,l/l'Z'enzess-sl,ire.

DaleojElatioll. 15 th July, 18 4. 91 h ])t·c., 1865. 23 rd Junc, 18 i9.

PAL fER, Jes sie Frances (l\Irs.),-CaJlOllHill,jllaidc71llead; 12, 20th July, 1880. PeterslLalltTerrace,outlll(CIISill(1'lolI, S. TV

PEAR Ool, Rosetta !J:ary (1\1 rs.),-29, .rlslLltJIPlace,T''lctoria Street, S. TTT. th 1 i V

PORTER, Annie Shirley (Mr .), - 5, ElliotTerrace,PI,YlJIOlftlL. ' th Jan., I V2.

ROWE, Charlotte (Mrs.),- Park[lo1lse,CaJllbridge. 17 th \p ril, I 83·

ST. GEORGE Elizabeth l\lariannc, Lady,-:22, Corll'i.L'allGardells, th J an., QlLcen'sGalc, S. TV.

STRANGFORD, The Right lIon. Emily l\nllc, Viscountcs . ,- th Aug 1 3,UpperBrookStreet, 1r .

TEMPLETOW T, The Right lIon. Susan l\lary IsabelLl, i '- 14th Dec., I o. countess,-CastleUptOil,Telllplcpatrick,(0.fllltrilll,irdm/(1.

TORPHICIIL·, The Right 1Ion. I Ielen, Dowager Lady,-27, y,.,t J\lne, 186g. Cadoga7lPlace,S. r,v.

TUCKER, Mildred Anna Rosalie (Miss),-23, TTill/pole'Strcet, 14th Dec., 1880. Cavendis/zSquare,TV.

\,v E. "!'O:\" , J ane (M rs.),-Hlflltcrstoll,TTTcstl{dbridc, 8th \hy, I 7i· Ayrsllire,N.B.

17 of Q;race.


BARRETO, Baron IIenry dc, late Lieutenant Scots' Guards,- 12th Dec., 18 57. BrandoltPari.:,Suffolk / Slcda!eForest,1lear](cnda!)' Ber!..>elt.J'Iloltse)CambridgeStreet,TV.

lIonorary Dailli, 21St December, 18 57.

BURFORD-IIAi\COCK, Sir IIenry James Burford, Chief Justice of 19th Feb., 1884. Gibraltar,-StalldcllClmte.!Jtamiell,A71do7.'er,TViits / Tile Palace,Gibraltar.

Bu 'TELLI-FoSCOLO, de 1arignan Giovanni) Duca di. 24th June, lIonorary Commander, same date,

CLAY, Richard) late Captain 78th Highlanders. 20th :'Iarch, 1860

DE LA TIC ST. J.\L, Loui ) Vicomte,-Clultealtdel1/o11tauba71, 2nd Dec.,1861. Dlp.deTarll-et-GarOJllle,France.

FELLOWS, Frank Perks, F.S,A.)-8, TlteGreell,I-lalllpstead, 10th July, 1877. N.TV. / ReformClub, S. nT.

FRESIIFIELD, Edwin, LL.D., v.r.s. .,-lIlintHOl/sc)Cltipstead, 5th June, 18 77. Surrey / 5, BankBuildings)E.C.

FRESIIFIELD, \Villiam Da\\'e, 1I.A.,-ParkSide,Reigatc)· 5, 23rd June, 1880. BankBuildings,E. C.

KETTLE, Sir Rupert Alfred (Knight Bachelor), F.R .. L., Judge .1rLl Noy" 18 74of the County Court of \\'orcestershir ,-.JIcridaic, llalllptoJl / andGlalt-xdon,TO'ZL,)'n,JIcriolldit.

T, P obert l\iacLean,-El/ot Hill,Blackltcatlt,A-Cllt. 5th Fl!b., 187 .

Mt\ LEY, \Villiam George Nicholas, Surgeon-General 7th {. 71. Army l\Iedical Department (Petired),-I, JIatlLtTicyPlace, CILe/tclIltam.

RATCLIFF, Charles, F.S.A.,-26, LancasterGate,IIJ'dcPark) 5th Dec., I TV/ .. It!tCI/({'/I/ILalldCOllsC!''Z'ati7.'eCillbs, RYL,\. 'I), \ rarwick I Iastings,-ll Ilollsc,1/£II//rcal. Sth June I 59.


CIIEVALlERS 01' GRACE. DaleofEltelioll.

SIIRl fPTON, C harles, l.D. [Paris], - I I, TVdls'Z.uooctPark,Tor- 16th :\larch, ISn qua)'

\ VALDIE-G R I FFITII, lr George Richard, Bart.,-llcw!t..·/'J]'de 15 th Dec., 1874. Park,1Cjso,lV.B. / CarltollClub,S.TV.

\ VALKER J ohn, l\1 A.,- TTTcstboltrllc1lousc,Pift'uillc,Clteltell/taJll. 6th "\lay, 18n

ALCOCK - STAWELL, J onas \Yilliam,-l":ilbrittaz'1lCastle,co.Cork / 5th 1"0\,., IS7 2 llCZ1.-1UIll't.'crsit)'Club,t.James'sStreet, . TTT.

BURGES., J ohl1, Captain R.N.,- TV)'")'ard1101lsc,Coat/talll, 3rt1 :\hrch, 186S. Redeal',Yorkshire.

B URGE. S, I-larry l\1iles, Lieut.-Colonel half-pay list, P oyal 4th \ug., [86S. Artillery,-lVaval a}ldJ1Jilz'taJ'j'Club, TT.

BURY, Phineas, late Captain and Honorary rajor 4th BL It. The 24th June, 70 Buffs (East Kent Eegiment).-LittleIsla/ld,co.Cork; JUlliorUllitedScr7'iccClub, S. TV.

CIIAP I A.", Edward I-<'rancis, en., .D.C. to the lIeell, l\Iajor Sth Feb., IS71. and Brevet-Colonel R.A., Quartermaster-General, Indian Army, - Simla.

C ROOKSIIAXK, Henry Maule, Inspector General of Prisons,- 17th .\pril, [SS3Cairo.

l) ODS\YORTII , Frederick Par!':, CIIIll/erS- htl\pril,IS65· bury, TV

IIerbert \Vinnington, Major 3rd Batt. Thl: \Vorcester- 4th Feb., 1879· shire P egiment,-Laltgllcnlt'1101/sc,illartlc)',Ilcar TI 'orc','stt'/'; CarltullClub, S. Hr,

FRE.'D, Edwin, Captain, late Oxfordshire Militia,-Riforlll Cilfb, 7th July, [S6. S. rr

FRESIlFU.:::"V, Edwin IIanson,-Jllillt11ollsc,CllI}slcaJ,SlIrrq; 11th Dec., ISS35,BallkBuildings,EC.

HILL, Charles J ames,-U/lz'OllClub,TrafalgarSq7trrrC, S. IT 26th Feb., IS8S'

John lJ arvey, M.A.,-CollcgeGreell,TTTorccsld' " FlZilcd 7th May, T87 8 Uni'ucrsityClub, f V.

ESQUIRES. 19 Daft:0.1Election.

L AMBERT, Thomas, late Captain Royal Artillery,-Stamllore, 23nl June, 18 79. CmzterblllJ/.

L LUELLYN, Richard, late Captain 46th Regiment,-Army and 6th Dec., 18 70 NavyClub, S. TV.

L YTE, Henry Churchill MaxwelI, -1 8, AlbemarleStreet,W. 2nd July, 186 7.

MALET, 1ajor Guilbert Edward \Vyndham, late Captain Royal 23rd June, 1879. Horse Arlillery,-ArdeleJ',TValkerll,Hert!> / 1717/£01'Ullz'tcd ServiceCll/b, S. TV.

MURRAY, J ames \VoIfe,-Crilll{ict£e,.LV.B. 5th _ 'OY., 18 72.

O'M.\LLEY, Edward Loughlin, Attorney-General of Hong-Kong. 23rcl June, 18 73.

PORT.\L, \Villiam Wyndham, 1. . " Captain 2nd Bri!!ade 8 I '1 8S <.> I t1.\ ny, I o. (Southern Division), Royal Artillery,-Soutiti71glo11,O'Llertoll, Hants.

ST G EORGE, Baldwin John, Lieutenant 4th Dragoon t-;'uards, - 18th April, 1882. PrcstonBarracks,Brigittoil; 22, Conl'LL/al!GardCllS, S. TV.

SANDER O. , Edw. Scott,-Fcanzal!Heatlt,ClaiJlcs,TVorccstcr 3rd Dec.,1869.

SIIA \V, Alexander l\Iackintosh/- - ClappingBarllet,Herts. 5th Feb., rS,S.

ACLAXD, Sir Henry \Ventworth, K.C.B. [CiY11J, LD., LL.D., 23 rd June, 79. Regius Professor of Iec1icine,-·017ord / ItILCIlU'l/l/lCllIb, S.TV.

ApPL\, Ie Dr. Louis,- ociete de Secours aux l\Iilitaircs BIe-scs, 22nu Feb., rS r. Riledel'./ltll/II/C,GCllc·'a.

R\KER, ir Samuel \Vhitc, rt., LA., F.R , FY.G , a Pacha 9th Feh., -5. of the Ottoman Empire,-SalldfordOrlC(RII,J.VCZL'!OIl 1bbott, Del.'OIl / A!itclla!1tl1lCillb, S. 1V.

BEALE, Lionel Smith, l\tD., F.P .S.,-l{illg's!-[ospital, 24th JUlle, IviI. TV.C. / and 61, Gros'vcllortrcet, TV.

B EAUFORT, Ie Comtc IIenry de, ecretaire General de 1.1 6th :'£1.y, IS79. Societe de ... ccours au." Iilitaires Blesses,- ..U, Ruede VcrllclL£!,Paris.

BENNETT, Lharles IIenry, HONse,IhzmJJlc}·slllitit. 23 n1 June, 1875.

B 2


HH..\..CKEXnURY, IIenry, CR., Lieut.-Colonel and Brevet-Colonel Royal Artillery, D.A. and Q.l\I.G. in Egypt, and BrigadierGeneral (local and temporary rank), - JuniurU"itc:d Scn'lceClub,S.TV.

BUSTRO , Edma IIelene de (l\Ime.),-44, Quecll'sGa.te,S.TV.

CARTER, Robert Brudenell, F.P .CS.,-27, Quecll AllIlC'S Strcet, CavclldisltSquare, TV.

CIL\..PLL , Thomas, id.D.,-Jerusalem.

CUFFE, Charles lYIcDonough, C.B., Surgeon-:i\lajor .£\rmy Medical Department,-C{waIIJ'JJarracks,Dlllldall.: " JlllliorUnited SCI'i.,iceClub,S.TV.

DOUGLk, J-J.QC., Campbell l\lillis, I.D., l3rigade Surgeon Army l\Iedical Department (Petired),-Lakiftdd, Peterboro' COUllty, Olltario,Canada.

E Friedrich, Geheimrath, Professor to the University of Kiel; Surgeon-General in the German Army,-J(id.

FALWAS,'EH., Francis, F.P.C ., Army l\Icuical Department,-lYortltCall1p'Alders/lOt.

-, Robert, l\I.D., JuniorUnitedServiceCluo, I.lJ.,-RcjorlJlCluo,S.TV. / TV.

Dille (lj Ela/ion. 20th \pr il, IS7S. 17 th July, 1883. 15th July, 1884. ISth July, 1882. ISth ISS0. 2211<1 Feb., ISS!. loth Dec., IS7S. loth 'epl., IS7 2Jrd Junc, IS80.

FRANK, Philip, l\1.D.,-.JlilllqLodge,Farlloo/'{mg/I,JIllllt.)' J' 6th Dec., IS7 0 CanJles,F1't.17lcr.

FRA £1', Colonel James Keith, late Lieut.-Col. Commanding 1st \pril, 18 75. Life Guards, and late Alders/lOt; 43, LowndcsSquarc,S.TV.

GRANVILLE, Paulina (Miss),-St.J(at/Lcrillc'sJIoJllc,Ri'ucr 5th May, ISH· Court,1-1a1ll1llersJIlitit.

HUSSE l TOT Hubert, Secretaire General des Sallvetel1rs de Ia 26th Feb., l eSS· Seine et de 1a Societe Frall<,'<l.ise de -I u J RUt' dlt JJjail,Paris.

rEc'.TETT, B l\ Rl'I TG TOK-, Vincent, l\1.A., LL.l\T., - I5, JI)'dc 20th J\pril. S75· j)ari.: (;art!Ci/S, TfT. J' OX/OI d alld Ca///[;rid,;, ell/I.


LANDA Y ALVAPEZ DE CARVALLO, Don Ticasio de,-Palllpe- 22 ,1,1 Feb., 188I. luna,Spaz'n.

LA TGE BEcr, Bernhard Rudolph Conrad, Ilis Excellency Baron 22n,l Feb., 188I. von, Geheim ober-medizinal Rath, and Professor of Surg ery, University of Berlin,-

LASERON, Michael, M.D.,-TlleGreen,Tottenllam. loth July, 1877.

LLOYD, Caroline Anne CTf..liss),-Branxltol711,n-qbridgc. 17th July, 1883·

LO l Thomas, c.13., Surgeon-General, Professor of :\lili- 24th Jun e, tary Surgery, - ROJ1rdictoriaHospital,Netlq,Southamptoll.

Sir \Villiam, M.A., F.R.C.S.,-St.Tlzomas'sHos- 8th Ft::b., 187I. pital,'alld 13, IJar!cyStreet,TV

MARTYN, Ellen (Miss),- rVoodc/ld,Kimbolto/l,St. 1\ cots,l-lzl7lts. 23rd June, 1873.

MOORE, Lieut. - Colonel James Bury Tf..lacLeod, - Prescott 5th :\Iay, 187-+ Ontario,Callada.

MOORE, Noel Temple, C.lVLG., H.B.M. Consul,- Jerusalem. 18th July, 1882.

MOORE, Sandford, F.S.S., 'l.B., B.A., Surgeon - :\Iajor rmy 9th ::\Tay, 18 76 Medical Department, Assistant-Professor of l\1ilitary Hygiene at the Army l\ledical School, etler.

MOYNIER, Gustave, President du Comite International de 20th April, 1 75. Secours aux Blesses l\Iilitaires,-Gc/lC'zla.

Mu DY, Faronir, lc Baron, Professor of Iilitary Hygiene at I th May, 1880. the F. J. Univer ity, Vienna, - HotelGoldellcsLamm, Leopoldstadt, f, iC/llla.

NAPPER, Albert,-Cralllelgll,Surrey. 6th April, 69.

OGILVIE, J Oh11 IIo\'elle, L.P .C.S. - BritisltOplttltalmil' 26th Feb., 1 5 Ilospital,Jerusalelll.

OWE ,Edmund, F.R.C. ., Surgeon to St. Iary's IIo spital and 10lh I 78 Surgeon to the Out-Patients at the hildren's Hospital,49, C)'lllOltrStreet,Portlllall'quare 1[Y

OWEN, Sir Francis Philip CllnlilTe, r.c.l\LG., c.B., C.1.E.,-_, 19th Fel ,., J -to TlteResidellces, ' (JlltllA-CllsinertOIl, .1 T


PAGET, Sir J amcs, Bart., F.R ,-1, IIarcl.l'oodPlacc,Ilallovcr qllare, TV.

DaleojElection. 9th Dec., 1884

POLLOCTZ, A. Julius. l\1.D.,- CltarillgCrossIlospital, IT. C. / 4th ilIay, 1069. alld 85, HarlqStrect,TV

PR \ TT, Thomas Tartc, l\I.n.,- 12, PlaceTTcl/dame,Paris. 2-\-th June, 1 70.

ROBEPT ', Iary Ann (l\1iss) -13, J]rdmllliaqllare,TTTorccstcr. 15 th Ike., IS74.

RO,\YLEY, \Valtcr, C.E.,-tlldcrHill,JUcall n ood,Leeds. 21.t Fell., IS 2.

lL\FTESBCI'Y, Thc Right lIon. ir Anthony Ashlcy- oopcr, 13 th Oct., 1S75. Earl or, rr.G.,_ t.Giles'sIlollsl',CralluouJ'IlC / 2--1, Cr(lS'Z'OlOr quare, TV. / ..IltltcllCellJJlCllIb, TV.

SIEYEKL -c, Edward Ilenry, l\I.D., F. '.1\., LL.D. Ec1in., 12th Jail., 1869. Physic ian Extraorl..linary to II.l\I. thc Quccn, Physician in Ordinary to ILP. II. thc Princc of \Valc s,-5't .11Iar)"s Hospital,Paddillgtoll, TT. " 17, l1IaJldlcstcrSquare, TV. / alld..IltllCIlCllllJll.Club S. Tf .

STILLIJ. TGFLEET, Cordclia Stillingflcct ( 'lis ), Founder and Lady 24th June, 1 70 Supcrintcndent of t.Alball'sIlIdllstrialdIOOI,- TT orccstcr

UTIIERLAXD, \v. Stc"';-trt, l\I.A.,-COOlllbl.',Cro)'dolllIrrC)' / 20th .\pril, 1875. CarltOll,JllniorCar/tOll,alldCllitedClli'Z'ersif)'Cillbs, H .

\,VALL\CE, ir l'lcnat'd, Bart., r 13., 1.1>., lIon. olonel 13th Feb.• 1872. Antrim Artillcry .i\Iilitia, -IlcrifordIlo/lsc.l1IalldlcstL'r Square, TV

\VARD, Vice-Admira J Oh11 P oss, L.N., Brelltford, 17 th July, 1S8}

ALL.' 1\TT, ElizabellL j\. Surtces (Mrs.),- 134. St.O'i.L'CIl'S 5 (rcet, 19 th Feb., IIcnJord.

AIUISTRONG, Thomas,-Elig-ltjiddBank,Urmstoll,J1Imlcllestcr 7th 1Iny, 187 8

ATLAY, Sarah, (Miss),--·Co!!cgcCrecn,lVorccster. 23rd June, 18H

DONATS. 23 DateofElection.

BROADLEY, Alexander .i\1eyrick,-I2, !(ing'sBendt JJ. C. TValk, 23 n1 Tune, 1880.

CARR, Colonel Ralph Edward, Commanding 29 th Regimental 9th Dec., 188{. Districl,-l\1orto71Barracks,TVorcester.

COOl', John l\Iasol1,-LudgateCircus,E.C. 12 th Jan., I S83 . , Elizabeth Pitt (;\1rs.),-64, LowndesSquare, S. TV. 9th Dec., 1884. John IIenry,-26, TVilkillSOIlStreet,Albert r8th .\pri1, 1882 Square, S. TV.

GOD:O ,Augustus Frederick,-3, PumpColtrt,Temple,E. C. 16th 1877.

IL\RYEY, The Rev. Frederick. 7th )'Iay, 187b.

HILL, Thoma s Rowley, l\I.P.,-St.CatlleriJle'sHz/I,TVorcestcr / 5th Xov., 18 72 , RiformClub, S. TV.

LUI\ILEY, Susan (1"I1's·),-9, CltarlesStreet,BerkeleySquare. 24th June, 1869.

PERRI TS, James Dyson, F.R.A.S.,-Da'ucJlitalllBallk, 5th )'Iay, 18 7-+.

PUILLIPS, Alfred,-47, Corll'LL'allGardens, S. TV. 23rd JLme, 18S2

R ODERTS, l\Iary Ann ( liss),-I3, BritallniaSquare.TVorcester. 17 th Feb., I 74.

STILLIKGFLEET, Lydia Anne (Miss),-CalllbriallHouse,Clc'i.'edoll. lIth Dec., 1871.

VIG ER ., Robert,-7, FrederickPlace,Oldje'i.vr)"E.C. 5th Jllne, 18 77.

VVILSON, Jane (l\1is ),-2, Bclgra'i.'fJPlace,BelgraveSquare. 19th July, 1881.

BIRCH, Thoma, late Sergeant 7th Hussars) -Statiollcdattile Guildhall,TTYorcestcr.

J ACK ON, Robert,-StatiollcdatSt.'70itll'SGateClerkcll'i.l-'cll.

RYALL, Edwart.!, late Sergeant I st Batt. 5th F u iliers,StationedatSf.jolm'sGate,Clcrkell'i.'ell.

20th April, 1S75.

21:.t :'Iar., I 82. 23nl June, Suo

anb' (f!urunlll'rf:) of gjUf:)tict +

ALBANY, Colonel lI.R.1 1. leopold George Duncan Albert, Duke of, K.G., K.T., G.C.S.I., G.c.i\T.G.

ANDER. ON, Colonel Thomas.

A ... TRIM, The Right Hon. IIugh eymour, 9th Earl of.

Dil/,' of 7th June, 1883.

5th Jan., 1865.

ARnUTIL TO T, Rear- dmiral Ir Alexander unda Young, 20th Aug., 1855. K. Chas. III.; l\Iedjidie; t. George of Rusia; t. Ferdinand, &c. ; Gentleman of the Privy Chamber to lIer Majesty.

Lord Prior, 16th July, 1860.

BARTON, Sir Freeman.

BEAUMONT, Sir George lIowland, Bart.

BEETHAM, \Villiam, F.R.S.

BELL, \Villiam, M.D.

BIGSBY, Robert, M.A., LL.D., K.].S.

BISSlIor, Major-General Cecil, C.B.

B OUR E, Colonel Sir] ames, Bart., C.B., F. .A.

BRETT, Major Reginald Best.

Stretch Cowley.

BROUN, Sir Richard, Bart.

BROWNSON, Lieut.-Colon el \Villiam 1 len l'Y.

15th ·cp., r833-

15th Dcc., 71. 28th July, 1835. 9th Sep., 1837·

28th July, 1835·

16th Feb., 1858

12th Dec., 187 6 til July, 1857·

2 th July, 1835·

15 th I 32


BUCKLEY, Major William.

BURGES, Captain Somerville Waldemar.

BURLTON, Colonel William, c.B.

ABY, Major-General Edwyn Sherard, M.P

BUR E', James, K.H., LL.D., F.R.S.

BUR ES, Lieutenant George James Holmes.

July, 1837.

July, 1857. 20th :\Iay, 1858.

BPRr ES, Captain idney Holmes. DateofElection. 19th July, 1849. 8th July, 1857.

BURNES, Lieutenant Holland vVard Holmes. 18th Jan., 1858.

CIL\. 'TELAL, Philippe, Count de. Received in France in 18th. -ov., 18 73. 181 3.Sometime to the French Langue, and one of the Delegates to England at the revival of the English Langue. Honorary Rank.

CIIERMSIDE, Sir Robert Alexander, :M.D., K.C.H. 24th June, 18.+2.

CLA. NY, \Villiam Reid, l\1.D., F.R.S. Edin. 24th June, 1832 •

CONY J. Lieut.-General The 110st Noble George Henry, 7th June, 1870. Marquis.

CRAWFORD, \ Villiam, M.A. 22nd July, 18 37.

Cu rYXGIL\.M, Sir Robert Keith Dick, 6th Bart. 3 1st July, 18+1.

DE PEAR .ALL, Robert Lucas. 22nd July, 1837.

DE PEAR ALL, R obert Lucas, Junior. 17th July, 1840

DOVLE, Major-Gen. Sir John l\1illey, K.C.B., l\1.P. I rth larch, 1 32

DFNBOYNE, The Right Hon. James Butler, 13th Baron. lIth J,-ov., 1830.

Du SA TV, The Right lIon. Randal Edward Plunkett, 15th 28th July, I 35. Baron.



DVMOKE, The lIon. Sir lIenry, Bart., 17th lIereditary Cham pion of England.

Lord Prior, 15th July, 18 38

DatI!aJElectioll. 15th July, 1838.

FRE ESTUN , Colonel Sir "\iVilliam Lockyer, M.P. 28th Aug., 1857.

GIBD, Hugh, Surgcon-General. 20th '.fay, 18 58.

Gm 0 1 , Lieut.-Colonel George "\V ashington. 8th July, 18 57.

GRANT, Captain Thomas. 19 th Jan., 18 33-

John. 8th July, 1857.

'Major William Stuart 24th Jun e, 1848

HILLARY, Sir \Villiam, Bart. 7th July, 18 38

HILLARY, Sir Augustus William, Bart. 7th July, 183g·

HOARE, Sir Edward, Bart. 1St July, 1857.

HOLME., General John, C.B. th July, 1857.

HO:'lIPESCII VO vVL BECQ, Thc0philc \nton \\ ilbelm, Count 14th Oc.t., I 42 • von (nephew and heir of the 69th Grand - Ia ter Ferdinand von lIompesch. ffe'(l'asrccci7.'cd illto tllC Order ill tlte A llglo-Ba'C'arianLallglfe,182 5.)

Honorary Rank.

HOPE, Vice-Admiral thc Right lIon. Sir William Johnstone, 30th j\]Jril, IS31. G.C.B .. M.P. (1'ccci7xdabroad).

J ONES, Vice-Admiral the lIon. Alexander Montgomery. 1st July, ISS7·

LABANOFF, lIis Highness the Prince Alexander. 24th June, 1047·

Honorary Rank.

LAMB, Lieut.-Colonel Sir Charlcs l\Iontolicll, Bart., Baron de St. Hypolitc (Francc), D.C.L.

LAMB, Charles Jam es Saville l\Iontgol11ery. 24th JUllC, I 47·

Lord Prior, 24th June, 1847.


L A GFORD, Thc Right Hon. Hcrcules Langford, 2nd Baron Date of Election 30th 1832

L AWRE CE, Sir James (rcceivedabroad), 'Icmber of French 30th April, 1831. Chapter in 1789.

L E GEYT, Phillip William.

McALESTER, Lieut.-Coloncl Charlcs Archibald, K.H.

MACKENZIE, Charlcs Fitzgcrald.

MAcr "\D, Colonel the I Jon. Sir Alan N apicr, Bart.

MACPIIERSO l of Cluny, Ewcn.

William, LL.D.

MAXSEL, Sir John Bcll \Villiam, 9th Bart.

M.\ TER, Captain Richard Thomas.

MELANO DE CALCINA, Antoine Laurent, Comte de. Honorary Rank.

MEREDYTII, Sir Joshua Colles, Bart., Knight of the Orders of St. Louis of Francc, and of Louis of Hesse-Darmstadt, &c. (He'WastilelastEllglisllJltall1'cceivcdintotileOrderby tlte 69 tilGraild-.J.l/aster,tlteBarollFerdinandVOltHOJlljJesclt, ear!.yill 1798.)


MURRAY, Captain Arthur

NEEDIIA 1, The Hon. Francis Henry.

NEWTO , J ames.

Q' D o NELL, General Sir hades Routledge.

PEARL, Commander Sir James, R.N., K.H.

PEARSO , J ulius lexandcr, LL.D., F. .A. 8th July, 1857. 28lh July, 1835. 14th Oct., IS.p. 13 th Jan., 1834· 19th Oct., 1832. 30th June, 1843. 17th July, 18.1-0. 6th Jan., 1864. 9 th Sep., 1837. 18th .\pril, I 82. 18th Dec., 1840. 4th June, 184 6 J7 th Jan., 1 39. lIth :-.rarch, I 32. 2nd July, I 67.


PEAT, The Rev. Sir Robert, D.D., G. C. St. Stanislaus of Poland, Chaplain to Kin g Georg e IV. Lord rrior, 29lh Janu a ry, 1831.

PEN EFATHER, General Sir John Lysa g ht, G.C.B.,

PERROTT, Sir Edward Bindloss, 3rd Bart.

PIlILIPPART, Sir John, K.G.V., K.P.S.

POPHAM, Admiral Sir Home Ri ggs , Y.CB , I.P. ( r c(c i 'Llcd abroad/Arllz'g Itt COlJlmallder, 1799/ r ccl-'z'-i lc d tIle R O ) lal Liccnccto7-vcartileillsioJliaatCourt,20tltScpt., 1799.)

POTT, Joseph Compton, J Ull.


RAMSAY, :Major-Gcneral Jame s

RIARIO-SFORZA, II Generali ss imo 11 uca Ludovico eli.

ROBERTSON OF STP UA1- , General Georg e Duncan, CB.

ROBERT 0 1 OF STRUA ,Georg e Duncan.

ST. GERMA T , The Ri g ht H o nourable \ illi a m G o rd o n Cornwallis Eliot, 4th Earl of.

SHADWELL, The Right lIon. Sir Lancelot.

SHAW, Lieut.-Colonel Claudius, K.S.F.

SIlUCKDRUGII, Sir Francis, Bart., F.R.

S 11TIl, Admiral Sir William idn e y, G.CB., .CT.S. , G.C.S.F., etc. (received ill Francc).

SPRYE, Captain Richard Samuel Marc.

TACHE, Colonel Sir Eti e nne Paschal.

THOMSON, Captain William.

DateojElectioll I Ith Nov., 1830, 16 th Fe b., 1858. .)l st Jllly,

I Ilh OV., 1830.

9t h ep , 183 7

24-lh Ju ne, 184 1.

2 2nd J uly, 1837 J uly, 1857.

20t h Aug., 1855.

J3th J an., 183+

24-thJunc, I 63· 2nd 1869·

22ntl J uly , 1837· l oth -0 ., 1 58. 9th Sep t. , 1837·

20 th Aug., 1855·

18t h J an., 1858, 2 nd 1864·


T OCQUEVILLE, Peter Victor, Comtc de.

To KI , Lieut.-Colonel Sir Warwick IIcle (rccez'vedZJl.tlte Anglo-BavarianLangue, 1830).

TORPIIICIIEN, The Right IIon. Robert Sandilands, I Ith Baron.

WILKIE, Lieut.-Colonel David.

WOLLASTO ,Major Frederick.

\ VOOLFE, Richard, F.S.A. QibnplClin.

HUGO, The Rev. Thomas, l\I.A., F.S. Dame QiIJcbnliftl'.

HOARE, IIarriet, Lady.

AG. \. R, Lieul.-Colonel if Emmanuel Felix, ::\I.P.

BEATTIE, \Yilliam, l\I.D. Baron dc. Albert \\ illiam, S.

BLAIR, Cal tain lIarry.

BROUN, Lieut.-Colonel \Villiani Jam e s.

BROWNE, General \\Talkr Johl1, .13.


Datt! of Election

BUCK, The Rev. John Parmenter, M.A. 28t h Dec., 1860

BUR E , Lieutenant Dalhousie Holmes. 1st Ju ly, 1857.

BUSTRO , Salim de. 17 th Oct. , l S82.

C ,\STEL-BROLO, Federico c Gra ss cllini, Duea di , K.S S.M. 24 th J une, l S64.

CLAY, \N'illiam Nicholls. 20 th :'I ay, 1858

COPLAND, James, M.D., 16th J uly, [857.

DELEPIERRE, Joseph Octavc, LL.D., F.S.A. 8th Dec., I 86.j.

ERr.lATING E R, Lieut.-Colonel vVillial11, K.S.F l oth Feb. , [S60.

FERGU ''''0.1. , Lieut.-G e n e ral \Villiam, K. Cres. 1St Cl ass 12th Dec., 1857.

FIFE, Sir John, 'LA. 12th Dec., 1857.

GLOVER, Robert 10rtimer, l\I.D., F.R.S. Edin. June, 18.lS.

GUNNING, John, c.B., In s pcctor-Gen e ral of Ho s pital s 20th Aug., 1855.

HEARD, Colonel Jame s th J uly, 1857

HEARD, Colonel, The Honblc. John T. 13th Oct., 1858.

LAURIE, \Villiam Alex a nder F A. Edin. th J uly, 1857.

LE l\1ARCIIA T, Sir John Ga s pard, K.C.B., K C. LG 20th l\lay, 185 8

N ORCLIFF E, Maj o r-General Norcliffc, Y.II. 20th l\hy, I 5S '

OUTRA:'l, Lieut.-Gcncral Sir J a rn e , B a rt ., G . c.n., r. c. S. 1. Slh July, S57·

PINIIEY, The Hon. Hammett. IT th l\ Ug., I 57·

PLUMRID GE, Admiral Sir Jam e s Hanway, K.C.B., 1\1.1'. 12th Dec , 57·

PRI GLE, William. 8th J uly , I 57-

RAM SAY, Charles William Ram s ay . 5th June, r86 5·

ROLPH, Dr. Thoma s . 14 th Oct. , rS.j.2.


RVLA D, Lieut-Colol1el Georgc Harrison.

SALIS-SO GLIO, Peter John Fanc dc, Count of thc Holy Roman Empirc K.R.E., K.1I.S. (receivedatRome, 20tft July, 18 43.)

Major-General] ohann Ulrich, Baron dc.

TUR iT DULL, vVm. Barclay David Dundas.

VELLA, Luigi, LL.D., Superintendent Record Office, idalta.

W.nTs, Vice-Admiral George Edwa rd , CE., K.CII.


WILLIAM 'J Thomas Troughear.

\Villi am, Consul U.S.A " Malta.

\VRE T-Eo KY_ ., Chando ,1\J.P.

FARE:'LL , Colonel \Villiam Blennerhasset.

HOLDEr, IIyla.

PORTER, Licutenant P eginalci cia Costa, Royal Engineers.

WILMOT, Charles 1\Iontagll.

3 1

Dale 0.1 Election. 9 th June, 1858. 12th Dec., r857. 9th June, I S58. r3 th July, 1859. 28th Aug., 1857. 18th Jan., rSS8. Sth July, 1857. 20th Aug., 1855. 28th Aug., 1857. 4th Jun e, 1867. 18th :'Ira)" 1833. bt :'L:trch, 1870. 10th ep., IS78. 2nd Feh., IS69.

R-\.UMG.\l'TE ir, I-I. E. General \lexandcr dc, Aide-dc- Camp 21st F,·h., I 32. General de .5 ;\1. l'Empereur dc I llssie.

BRETT, Robert, M.R. CS. 24 th June, IS7I.

C\LLE1 DEP, George \Villiam, F.R.C "F.R. . rotlt I 7 .

FRERE, Right IIonblc. Sir IIenry Bartle Edward, Bart., G.CB., 20th April I 75. G.C.S.I.


HEADLA TD, F rederick, l\1.D .

HOD , Elizabeth CUrs .)

Dalt'oj Elt'ctiol!. 4t h May, 1869. 24 t h Junc , 1870

PORTER, urgeon-1\Iajor J oshuJ. IIenry, rmy l\Icuical Depart- 23 1"(1 Jun c, is ment.

RENARD, Bruno J ean Bapti te J 0 eph, Lieut.-General, .r\.D.C.

t o H.l\I. the King of the Belgian.

EY, Hen r y \ Vyldbore, :\I.D., F.R.S.

IIEPHERD, urgeon-l\lajor Pder, Army :\Iedic<ll cpartm c nt.

Catherine, Dowager Counte s.

P IIILLIP , Robert.

\ VrXGFIELD-DIGBY, George Digby.


Sv 0 , II iram. ;erru ing

th ilIa)" 1879 10th : cp., I i th Dec., 1 69. \ pril, 17 th F eb. , I :! nd Jul y, 67. 3n1 Noy " [ n

Order of Sf. Jo hn of J er usalem

( Sfcrtb or JEngIfsb 'JLangue ).


institutcd by thc Chaptcr, 1874, as a reward for deeds of gallantry in saving life onland,

OB Y E R '1" , T/,,'Cr(JSs (>./ tht:Order, itsj(>illtsal/cioillys),IIII(1/ic (I/Ih,' " l j;ht B f<1/il u d,'.,' .)

Tht'0./the'Ordc:r. (TheStJe>hll'snortc'l/t,i1illed .('illi(0111 III/'II/oralh 't' r i />/I(> I/.)


ELIJAH HALLAM ( ih'cr), FREDERICK VICKER (iILler). For saving, at imminent ri k of their lives, ix fellow-workmen in grcat peril in the shaft of a coal-pit near Che terfield, Septembcr 7th, 1875. Presented by ir Edmund Lechmere, Bart., at a public meeting at \\ hittington l\loor, NO\ 'cmber T8th, 1875. c



JOlIN SMITlI YOU NG, Deputy-Commissary. Attached to the English Ambulance during the Siege of Paris (Silver). For saving the life of a wounded German soldier at the Brid ge of Bezons on December loth, 1870. Presented, March 17th, 1876, by Major-General II.S.II. Prince Edward of Saxe-Weimar, Commanding the IIome District, at a parade of the Guards and Army Service Corps, H.R.H. the Field Marshal Commanding-in-Chief granting permission for the 1Iedal to be worn in uniform on the right breast.

CONSTANT VAN HOYDONCK (Silver), HENRI TROUSSELOT (BroJl:::e). For marked courage and judgment, resulting in the saving of life and property, and the subsequent conviction of the murderers concerned in the mutiny on board the British ship LE IT IE on the high seas on October 3 1st , 18 75. The Chapter regarding the ship as part of the Queen's dominion, awarded accordingly, and the medals were presented through the Dutch and the Belgian IVlinisters in June, 18 7 6

GEORG E GATES (Broll:::e). For saving, at much personal risk, voluntarily and unaided, two dying men from the ew Road Sewer, 13attersea, after a companion had already succumbed to the poisonous gases. August 9 th , 187 6 . Presented publicly by the Local Authorities on January 3 rd , 18 77.

THOM AS ERRINGTO \VALES, lIer Majesty's In pector of Mines for South \V ales ( ih'cr) , J 11 T lIO\\ ELL (Si/ver), L'AAe PRIDE (Sih'cr), \VILLL\.M BElTII (Sillier), DA IEL (Sih.'Cr). For special service during the gallant and protracted efforts made for the rescue of the buried miners in the Tynewydd Colliery, Glamorganshire. Presented by Major F. uncan, P .A., Director of the Ambulance Department of the Order, at Pontypridd, on August 4th, 1877, in the presence of the Lord Lieutenant \)1' the Loullty, the Lord Mayor of London, and a very large and distinguished assembly.

GE ORGE PATMORE (Bro71:::e). For bravery in SelZlI1g, securing, and aiding in the destruction of a mad dog, which had prc-



viously bitten three men and several dogs, September 9th 1877. Presented at the Hertford Borough Sessions, March 7th, 1878, by the Mayor of Hertford.

STEPIIEN LITTLE, Constable, Metropolitan Police (Bronze). For the gallant rescue of a lunatic from a position of great danger, on June 4th, 1878. Presented on August 2nd 1878, by His Grace the Duke of Manchester, K,P" Lore Prior of the Order, at a special parade of the IVletropolitan Police at the Wellington Barracks.

ARTIIUR H. STOY E', Assistant Inspector of Mines (Silz'er), CIIAR LES l\1ALTBY (Bro1lf:e) , J I-IA TCOCK (BroNze), DAVIS (Bronze), J OIIN D \ VIS (BroJl:::e). For remarkable constancy, courage, and daring, during the operations leading to the rescue of Dennis Bag.- hawe, buried for five days and nights without food in the Black Engine Mine, Eyam, July, 1879. Presented on behalf of the Order by John Furley, Esq., a 1\lember of the Council, January 21st, 1880, at a public meeting at Sheffield.

HE TRY SPAVIN (Broll:::e). For rescuing, at great personal danger, December 17th, 1879, from a small sewer at Silvertown, a fellow-workman, rendered insensible by poisonous gases. Presented by Sir Edward G. L. Perrott, Bart., March 9th, 1880, at a meeting at the Town Hall, Stratford.

GEORGE FREDERICK HARRI , Captain 3rd Foot, II The Buffs," (Silver). For conspicuous gallantry in saving the li\'es of five persons from a fire in Charlemont Street, Dublin, September 19th, 1877, and in subsequently removing, unaided, at still further risk, a quantity of paraffin oil, thereby preventing the fire from spreading to an adjacent Female Orphanage. Presented by H.R. II. the Princess of vVales, a DameCllcvalic're of the Order, July 2-.tth, 1880, at the Volunteer Camp, \Vimbledon, II.R.II. the Prince of Wales, II.R.H. the Field l\'1arshal Commanding-in-Chief, the Secretary of State for vVar, and a deputation from the Order being present. As in the case of Deputy-Commissary Young, permi sion has been granted for the 1\1 eual to be worn in uniform on the right breast, in accordance with the Queen's Regulations. C 2


EUWARD Mou TJOY PRICE (Broll::e). F or conspicuous gallantry in rescuing on September 13 th , 1880, at Ilfracombe, Devon, a boy named George \Nilliams from a burning room, afterwards returning and removing a barrel of gunpowder charred by the flames; thus saving the lives of the firemen who were working, in imminent danger of an explosion, to extinguish the fire. Presented, J anu;,.ry loth, 188 I, at a public meeting in the T own IIall Ilfracombe.


"\MES IcGo\\'"\)\, In ' pector of Road'S for the 13orough of Birkenhead (Bro/l::c). gallant and self-devoted exertions, at great personal risk, on October I th, 1880, in rcscuin<T from an underground passage three workmen in ensible from poisonous gases' one of \\'hom expired on being broucrht to the surface. Presented, February 2nu, 188 I, by Colonel Sir Jame s Bourne, Bart., F. .A., at a public meeting held at the Court IIouse, Birkenhead, the l\Iayor presiding.

GEORGE CL\RKE, Corporal 95th Regimcnt ( zh-'c;'). For conspicuous courage on Decem bel' 9th, 1880, in rescuing two children at a fire at Limerick, Ireland, at considerable risk, and sustaining severe injury. Presented by LieutenantColonel J. North Crealock, c.n., commanding 95 th Regiment, at a full dress parade at Aldershot, l\larch 16th, 188 I, permission being granted (as in previous cases) for the medal to uc worn in uniform on the right breast.

WILLIAM MAGUII E, Constable, H. ivision, l\letropolitan Police (Broll::e). For saving, at imminent uanger to himself, two persons a t a fire in Leman tre t, \ hitechapel, December 19 th , 1880. Presented by Sir Edmund A. II. Lechmere, Bart., 1.P., at a public me ting helu ill the theatre of the loyal United Service Institution, March 18th, 188 r .. on the occasion of the presentation of certificates of the St. John Ambulance Association to Metropolitan Police classes.

GEORGE EVERETT, Labourer (Sil7. Jcr). For very gallant and devoted conduct, on 13th June, 1881, in rescuing, at the Old City Gas Works, Gloucester, a fellow workman, undcr


circumstances of great peril, one life having been just previously sacrificed. Presented August 25th, 188 I, by Sir Brook Kay, Bart., at a public meeting, attended by the Mayor and Corporation, at the Tolsey, Gloucester.

MARION S UTH, Widow of the late Bandmaster, 94th Regiment (Silver). For heroic devotion during the action, December 20th, 1880, at Bronkorst Spruit, Transvaal, where she assisted the wounded under a heavy fire, tearing up her own dress to make bandages; and for her subsequent devoted and humane attention, during a period of three months, to the inj ured soldiers who escaped the massacre. Presented March 2nd, 1882, by General Sir James E. Alexander, C.B., at a public meeting in the Council Chamber, N e\\'castle-onTyne, the l\1ayor presiding.

THOMAS MCGUIRE, Labourer, Birmingham (Brouse). For gallantry on the 21st October, I88I, in forcing his way into a burning house in Shadwell Street, Birmingham, thereby sustaining severe personal injuries in his successful endeavour to rescue a child, who must otherwise have perished. For\Varded to his wife, the recipient having left England for America in search of employment.

A 1 IE LOFTU., l\1achine Operative, Stockport (Siluer) For her courage and devotion on April 15th, 1882, in rescuing her sister from a burning house at Stockport, under circumstances of great personal peril. Presented July 19th, 1882, by John Furley, Esq., at a public meeting, attended by the :Mayor and Corporation, held in the Borough Court House, Stockport.

ROBERT NELS01, Police Constable, Liverpool (Brouse). In recognition of his courageous conduct at Liverpool, on I4th November, 1883, in pursuing and destroying a mad dog at much personal risk. Presented February 29th, 1884, at a parade of over 200 constables, at the Police Station, Hatton Garden, Liverpool, by the Mayor of Liverpool, supported by members of the vVatch Committee, and many others.


WILLIAM COR ON, Police Constable, Liverpool (Bronze). In recognition of his courageous conduct at Liverpool, on I4th November, 1883, in pursuing and destroying a mad dog at much personal risk. Presented on the same occasion as Robert Nelson's.

AR OLD LUPTON, Mining Engineer (Sz'lvcr). In recognition of his gallant and devoted conduct on 22nd October, 188 3, in rescuing under circumstances of great personal danger and difficulty, two persons, after an explosion in the \\t'harncliffe Carlton Colliery, Barnsley. Presented February 22nd, 188 4, by the Mayor of Leed , at a special meeting at the Leeds School Board Offices.

TOl\I ROWLEY, \N orking Collier (Sih'cr). In recognition of his gallant and devoted conduct on 22nd October, T88 3, in rescuing under circumstances of great personal danger and difficulty, two persons, after an explosion in the \Vharncliffe Carlton Colliery, Barnsley. Presented on the same occasion as Mr. Arnold Lupton's.

J ULIA HATCHER, of l\1arnhull, Dorset (Broll=c). In recognition of her gallant and devoted conduct on 25th September, 188 3, in rescuing under circumstances of great personal danger and difficulty, a boy who had been gored and tossed se\'eral times by a bull. Presented by the R ector of l\larnhull, January 26th, 1884. at a Vestry Meeting held in the Parish School-room.

JOSEPH DOUBLE, Inspector, King's Cross Station, l\Tdropolitan Railway, London (Sih1cr). For conspicuous gallantry on 2nd November, 1884, in saving at imminent personal danger the life of a woman, \\ ho having attempted to cross the line had stumbled and fallen just in front of an advancing train.

ALBERT ABRAHAM (aged 15), of Condurrow, Camborne (B1'071=C). For gallant and devoted conduct on J 3th July, 188 4, in rescuing [rom further injury and from danger of drowning


39 by the incoming tide, a playfellow, named Edward Bartle, who had fallen over a cliff to the beach below, and had broken his leg, besides sustaining other severe injuries.

Forms of application for the Medal and full particulars can be obtained from the Secretary of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem,


LONDON: HARRISO, AND SONS, ST. MARTl 's LANE, Prillters il1 Ol'dillarytoIIfrJJIajl.'sty.

<Branb of tbe of tbe

1bospftaI of $t. 30bn of 3eruealenl in JEnglanb.



3 L T D ECE"\IBER , (Correctedto[611,111arc/I, IS9J)

'[be (Branb ]prior\? of tbe Grber of the 1bospitaI of $t. John of Jerusalel11 in 18nglanb.

III R OY \ L lI I GII. TE: TIlE FR LTCE OF \ Y \LI:.. r G. Gra nd P ri or R OYAL TIfT DCI-I: 01 Y OI'K, K.C. Sub-P rior.

'*"* * TVIIt'11 I'i. '0dal,sarcshe'wJlacraillslal/alIle Ille ea r lier datez'stim!ojwrolmellt ill Ille prior 10 tilt'dateojtileRo)'alClzarterojlilcorporatz'ull. Tile date illbrad..'ctsis tlillt ojpromotiollto tllt' .;radeunder 1L 1IlI'dt t ile name appears,or 10 ml)' higllcrgnuit' il/(timtt'd bts of gustice.

CIILES\\'Il:-H K . rth July , I 90


ROY1\L Pl'IKCE I-IE ll'Y 1\I \ RI 'E 01' B .. \TTE THERG, K .,

J)"IC 0/ Enl'olml'llt. 16lh April, 1890.

I I hen THE DPIT OF TECK, , I>. , 2nd Feb. S82. (11 Bal'!?!}.) 23 rd June 1888 .1 UllOrary I 'th Jul), 1


CIfLl".,\\ {(.-I-IoL TEl. 26th April, 1892.

I HI GIIXE S PRIKU-: \Lll1TT OF crrrX"';WI ;-I-IoLSTI'IN. 26th \pril, 1892.

HIS ERENE I-hear 'E:-.S PRINCE r\ DOLI'II L OF TnT. T7th Dec. 1 •

HI. ERECE HI('Il lT"" I 1'11'0: Fl'.\:\'( r...; OF TF L 14lh ;\pril, 191. ,. t(letA (HONORARY .)

H ROY \L I II I I' L' 'E l\LHFJ'T 01 PI' 'th .lilly. I rand last r of lh" Johannil('r Ord

i TIlE RIGIIT HONDLE. \VI LLL\,\r III ' I'\', L()]'fj Lrrc.II, sthJnn.163I I A, LIEUT.-COLO EL TRE\,ENEN ] J\'\rES I-I OLL\ TI},

$, 1A]OR SIR ] O. EI'II \VALLI S 'Bl'\£l ' II \1'E, BA1'T. 8th Feh. IS60. 23 nl ] tint, ISS. 1', LOCH, .r: CHARLES Cl\.l'TEl{. 13., G.C. 1. 1st Feb. r 62. 23 n1 ] tlnc, I 8. 24th IUlle, 231'<1 ] unt, 1 S8, / " 1/ /' '-/ / S( I / 7. '\ / ./ r7 /1- lr t:. :I ( , i'l1-'/('/L-ttJo'-r / ;/J j tfe T Lt'

Bailiff of Egle. 231'11 June , J ,) {;h lealwr. '. B. 12th lJCC. 1857· 23ft! ] lIllC, ISS

/3"///:d",,., , £/ce? / ,.., # . ..... f:-1"'3-<'<£'0#1/, /!zr/N:: .... / ./ /0(7

I JOII. 1< VJ' LEY, (//olloraryCommallder.) " r)th Jul}, 1888.


u. L z..t k a of [£/ ?' c// /.

II SI R Bl'OOJ- K \Y, B.\j ' T /} SII' ::\()]'TII Dr K-LAUDE)', \I'T

l\ 1.\JOI' SII' I' JJIIL\Li} L.\:\IIl, B.U ' T , fL!J ,#£', '7 /% /. o

FXU' \ L SIl' 1' \ 1f,\I B.\l'. \CBE:\,EY, G. C. B th Feb. I 76. ( 23r d June. 1 J-IolloraJ)'C07lZmander) 26th July. 92. /5" T IIE P Ie,lIT 1 W . \LLIS ED\\ . \1'O, -< .\PL FITPLI / J. Ln: cT.-COLO. TEL II I- I EI'UEI'T IL\PLF-- PEPPOTT, .\.PT ,

Ghief Se c petapy, Ambulance Depar ment. /



'" COLO 'EL BETHEL D . \\\ I

TIlE RIGHT II \VILLL\,1 l \\lll I'ST, LOI'!)

Doleojhlll'olmrni. .I lllll', 2, 2Jrtl June,

F H \ K l' E\, S eDI BttH5 Qsa9Ffil. l:-ith July, 2Jrd .lilli e,

THE IIoNBLE, I-IE1\I '\ FI' \:\( CO \ (.IL\'r. 2Jrd June, ISS3· 2jr<1 JUIlC, I • 'S,

L\JOR GENER \L II' ll\\'LL \\T\\'j'lk,P. " .. C. '.13 . 1 ithJu\y,ISJ, 2jrd JIIlle, I "


\PT.\I T L?\fEl' U LO I h .: 1 ru'- \ \T P. E.


TIlE T IIo k l3LE. J 011:\ IIl:\l '\', UF \V \TEl'rU\ 'j), K.. P. ISJth Feb. l'i. 23rtl June, I'.

2_lld \pril , I 'i 2Jrd JlIlle, 1 '&S. 2jrtl .r lIIlC, I 'i. :2.)ld JUIlC, I '.

TIlE RIGlIT 110 'ELl \\ TILD1'.\ll \\1, LOI'!) E(;I '.I'·!U UF T , \'1'T0 1' 26th FeI,. I ), 2jld JUIlC, I ",

j '2. , LIEUT-COLON EL Till : PIG II T I I u L UI' IJ \ \ ' ILL 1.\,\1 I JL. G c.log is .

EDWIN Fl'E ,' lIFIELD, LL.I)., ReceiverGeneral. 20th rlIh', G. _jrt! )tuie, I 'S8, 5th June, 1 n 2Jrd JlIlle, I ' 'S ,

TUE RIGIIT I IO:\BL E EUW \I'I>, 01· '.B. 23rd./lIl1C,1 S, July. )

TIlE 1\1o,'T ... TOBLE f \L1 :-:.\'-1)1 -: 1' CEOI'(;l., Uti L OF FIFE, E... T. (16th April, 1 '90. )

TIlE RIGUT HO:\,HL E. LUI'I> r.C.B. ( Ilth July, I <)0 )

TIlE RIC;IIT 110 1 ULl'" \VIL LIA;\[ I-I \L1 JOIL 11.\1'L1 E.\J'L 01 LI\[ EI'I 'K, I T. P. (11th July, 18<)0. )

SIR Fl'ANCIS GEORGI. :\L\J\i\ 11 <.11.\ \1 BUILl. \'L, 13 \I ' T. (11th July, J::>90. )

THE RI(JIIT Ill:. ! ' \ ' EDWAI'I) LOT"'OI'T1[\', h 'OL :\'1' i\. Al r (Ilth July, ) '<)0 ) ,6th ,\pril, IS90 2jnl June, I' '.

I '9,

{J; t1a /Ct!Lt? LV, Ytn Ie ,t[ditihl1h-z-c Iiah:;It II, f kuoJU, II f lIo///ltattdou. /(n- . tc 1/// 4t't"'-{(}f'4 II c rtd J,/7. 1./ / ,j ( iPl/,/Lt'd'l.£10ad &cah ,GcnJvl /ff P; I r/r /Y' l5{J /hel'/ P kf1 71&:f. /11. P' Ill, /) " Ie, , /{, 1{ {4/r- l--d "'C,/I' .!J /7a.-zIi'//;udc/t' -t ,£." /-1-1tel/.trt:U/1."tfind/;;4 II"'t.!" ! Ilfujn,v(nu, / Z (' /'/e 'l CUl< / c,ft /c:" /511.1tt r/fd.rat1l e,/t,ljtl1c.. . 1-l Itllf /, Iz.a/u'rir Ie. t1 JUJ U (/ut." { ,/iCd/rMN<1t .&t'u//17,'



Daleof Olltlent.

T UE RILflT IIoNDLE. \V ILLL\'II I'CIItJ', E.\l'L (II th July, 1890.) 22nd June, 1089. . _ .v f! TlIE RIGlIT I I T nLl... JOIl T 1.\J01', Lo!' IJ I I E. TIrEI' (IIth July, 1890.) joth July, 1889. v !, TUE RIGlIT 110 THLE. 1UI'l'AY EDWAl'D GORDON fi-'-' '

EAl'L 01 \ \T Ir. A TJ) T OTTII\GIIX\I. 16th .\pril, 1890. ,::..7 If / £. (3rd June, 1891.) I


17lh April, 188j. 2jrd June, r8b8.


HER h[P ERL \.L L\.J ESTY ICTOl'L\. Do\\ \(;1-:1'

REDERICl' OF El'\L\'l'\ .\..I.'D CT1.r l' \., Dale oj ElIl·o/menl. 12th Dec. 1 '76. 23 rd June, 1888.

P l'I R O\ _\L 01 l' E. \. T B I' I!.\, I ]) Il'EL .\.'D loth Dec. 8.

HER ROYAL HI GII TIIE Pl'L I I ILl \, I LSTI 2'r<l June, 18 l. 23rt! Junc, 1888.

HER ROYAL Tin, P I'L <- L'-,S Lo 1.\' 1' I rIOl OF L( I'. 1 '

PRI I -I E I'Y 01 B \'TTI .!. BEI'(;.

HER ROYAL AND I.\I PEI'L\.L I TilE I OF ED! l TBUI ;lJ, }'.\.l D tJ 'lfh:-;S OF P "..,1.\.


I-IER ROYAL H IC,1[1\E , ''-) TilE D OF \L1L\ T\,

HER ROYAL I I TIlE Pl 'IN , LOUISE 01' \ \'L 'S , D c {lESS OF FIFE.



23n1 June, 1885· -3rt! June, 1888.

I 'th Dec. 1 23rd June, 1888.

12th No\'" 89· 1 th July, 18SS , 9th Dec" J 4· 22nd June, 1888. 18th July, 1888, 18th Jul)" 1888. 18th July, 1888.

4{) </«,0<'/1>, K, dot't,/u .z f· ru//7h/ ;r · 2. &/ Jlla /eM 7) y/llvydd b II -t' CA .l/-b J. 1 h ('/110::-;:-; OJ' TL K.

H ER 1 Pl'Tr.CESS VICTO] 'L\ LOUISE 7 !ftfV 0-1' HEJ' t1 l tT31T 1-1 IC L.·S ( HONORARY ). OJ'W.\ \'

I IEI' I O\'.\L I r" TIrE RFIG Gl'.L TI) lH B\J)F?\.



(Baron s. \ 'o n I c.t\\'el Ran1min a en.) I7lh IJec. " ;/d, . ESTIIEP S .\R. \lI, t;l'l\F


1\ TI U,'R I E, 11' S. P.

I ST I 10); HLE. J \. E l\1.\ 'Cl' BL.L 'ClIE, 1\1.\\' 'jlIO. LSS 0\\ .\GI'R th Tan. 1 62. 231'll June. I' S tltJttii ?J ,J } fHA . 24 h June, I 62. -3rd June, I nth Dec. 1'6-. ;Jrd June, I '- '. 4th June, 67 , 2Jrtl Jnne. 'So

7th :0. fa\'. I 72. 2JrU Jtine, th \fay, I 2'nl June, I ."

Eu 7.. \, L\]}\ n \l BF\ FY.

nul, or "':11, lllitflil. 23 rd June, 179. 2Jrd Junt', I' 'So

23 nl .funt', 1 '79. 2 'I'll June, , '8. t:.P:1C)CA.Ld,) W,·.

l\IrLDRED 1\1\.\ R o \LIE, II"..., rI

HY \ C IXTITE I-I \ 1'1' !FTTE, L \1)\ IT Ot'LTO

IL\RLOTTE, 1\11'-';. Ro\\ F. n \\LII\\1.

TilE RI G IIT 1\[ \I '\' '\l.\l 't: \I 'I:T, L \I)\ \ V I LLI \ \1 I·.l' 11..

EVELY r, Irss L'" 'CO \lI3 E.

TIlE RI G IIT 1'.\ 'E ELIZ.\HETII, L .\f)\' K1 \ .... 1.·(;T ".

Luu .\, Irss \LT

TlIE 10-';T 1 OBLE L OChE 1< 1'1,: 1)1 ':1' It \ \1} (; ':-,T \, 1 l (' II I·: -.; -.; () I,' D I \ ()...., III I L I:() I' (,1 \:--. \, VI. ·C01.; ;:-"TE...," TL\ll'L ET()\\:--'. (3rd June. 1 9 r.

I 'thAp[1l, I 2. 231'(1 June, ".

'7th April, 1"3. 23rd June, J c·

2yd June, 3. 23rd June, ,8

2Jrd June, I '3· 2YC] June, IS S.

l' th I lee. '3. lye! June, I ".

15th July: I "4 · 2yd June. 1 ".

2Gth Fell. I .'SS· 23rd June, IS'.

191h \]1111 I'> '7· 2.;rd June, I .• '. 30th July. I ·Sq. Ill! .lui). 90. · )2. // I / () J # / /J . /I ( /)/ /l h 6lkC( L. / C'yf 1- tt ,; t Zta I J // Llp 7 /.1/, de'. L ,,/JuotF t '"{ .IL. ,( ./I<}' /,)" -{ Ir-t L,. " u <>--4J , /1. / f£fj ifzu-l .1/, :7 l £' d-U/l/ .kff. If' fZLJ;;Z CPt' uCh .kftC<M 'ft. 'f (1' r/a.e( I .) . c fthju-tA:: Y l' L (? aott. L4 /)

s. 1;, F. I. 7 tfJ, t? " /-/ rCj f/ ( /e Rl' c&4 <'< & 7- ? "L Gl' "'C'< L /,,,£ C' f/ ,f""-<"/7£'<:0"/."'/w / . L / ,,',.4'"

A d/ Lr !r/.V 8, C1--i&! €/f 1""/ , /" J I

J/ / .J!/./ If / ctbaQlains. / 0 0N flue.!'tet:. hd4, 1 JI-4 (' /tLc:do ,2, TlI E RI< ;rrr R E\ LoP!) L\n ,-' I,- D , LOI' IJ 01 ELL ,s. TIm RI GHT R EY 11.\1' LE') TOD1) Q LJL 1'.\'1' lJ, D. D. , Br flOI' 01' .1:.E

th .\.pril, I 7. 2Jrd June, 5S.

. 23H1 June, ISSS.


Tul)" I 'II.

th July, I 9!

TlI E I l(,TIT RE\ IL\I'Ll'. , '. \XIJFOl{U, D.D., B r IrOI' Ol' G IB R.\ LT.\J'. v 5: '1'111': Rrc,IIT RE\. GEORC. ;L POl'll Dr BLYTII ;-\n g-l ican Bi shop in J rusal'In and th e Ea. t. v I. TifF V1o:1'\ Pl \,. IJ L.'!Z\ O •. \Lf) :\L\ Ul'ICE T 1. , I Eo'\.. 01 7, 111 E P E\' .'\\ \L]) 1\ L\.. H OLDE?\, ::\1. , v P, TU E P E\ - J \ \ 0 I)\\'.\}' I l, LL. 9, ElK, DI(leojEnrolme'lt

2ncI June, rl:>6 23rcl June, I ht I 70 23rt! June, I 2nd _\ug., 70. 2Jrd June, I 22ncl June, 2Jrd June. I . 23rt! June. ' 1. 23rd June. I '.

19 th Feb. I '-t. 23rtl June, Ilh July, I 90. I rth July, r qo

1 :2 'Unligbt s of (i; r acc.

j)"/f nf]'nrolmrlli. Stll J SG9. 2Jrd J I ')SS

F?\FI' \L \YILLL\\1 CEOI'<:I :\1 \ '\ LL \, }-. Qt. 7th 7,1;, /.... 2Jrd JUIlC, 1 SS

Sm: R t'FE R 'f' A Ll' R m ) ICeTTLE t t' / /.d'(i J ! .,SY,4:. !t, tlllt, lO S.

Fp.\ '1- PERk"

ROBFRT b 'LF.\' ;\L\ ' LE.' 'I)


IR HEXP\, J \\IES B1..TFOl']) B '1' 1'0 1 1)-1 1\ (o T, . :\ 1. /.J 1'0 T ) \ V.\ Y1\:\[.\.L

1.\.1 0 1' Fl'EIJEl'IlT t\PTlIUl' I-IEY(, \TL

11' ED"\.\]'!) IIE ,' l'\ t., :\1.1).


GENEP.\L SIl' 'EO]'CE I -IAR!'Y S;,llTII \\'!l .L1S, l'.C,B.

THE RIGHT 110 TBLE . LOl'I> . \l(; .1'

l oth Jlily. In 2Jrd Jlint.!. • 'e'

5th I'd,., I '7 23rtl IS S. 23n1 IlInc, I '0 2 'rd )UIlC. I

19th I '+ 2Jr 1 June, 1

21<;1 April, 1\,5. 2 'I'll J IS '.

I h·b" IS). 2Jrd June, 1 "

1 2th Inn" I 69· 21rd "june, I. :. 20th \pril. 1 75· :23n1 Junc. 1" '.

17th \ lay, 7· 23nl Junt, ISS.

17th \I.w, 'i.2 nl.llllie, iSS '.

\IOi\T \' U. _.)\'(1 Jlllll', I

SIP ALBEl'T \\T1LLL\;,I \YOODS, IT.C.;\l.G., .13. (Carter.) 2Jr d .lIlIll', ISS'. DireetOl' General of Ceremonies.

TIlE RIGHT ROHEl'T L01']) \YI USOI'. I7 lh lke., IS'S.

\VILLL\..\1 E\ \ ", :\1.1).

TIIO.\fAS ROWLEY 1-I ILL, 7/u ('.1 fJ, );/. (/ .,<-/ / ;f. ,

17 th D(;c., ISS.

/)"",,!C /bur/d'''?,l.£" -£/z c.-( ..- ff CA. h C- .( 1 / ({ 'e ?(.. i;. 'f' Ii C CjU207-Z /fJ

/1 ,t . o y ,«Lcd.n. ;" c£ d t5 £A., [..,/- .;:c ( d qe. /I (' /'Lt /2 . t f «.-flu' /.// // ;r IS;, I ;.: '" / /.r l? /3 L/"'z d z,<-e 1 £z r4z<:-e/ //. t v II' /6 /t c.u.. d/'eel /: 7. /, '7 a-vX.Ct/c 6d' / &c ') t: /&z;Vl!/.. I 07 L' rA'

B.\LJ ,\\'Ii" J(Jill"

LOPCE P o m:Wl' B I' TIlE. 'ELL C \ 1 Tn', R. C S (221 I June, IS89'· (Ho n orary Cons u ltin g Sur ge on Bri t i s h Ophthalmic Hospital).

irector-Ceneral . \ rn1)' l\Iedical epartmen

I)ole of 1\)1 mIllin".

jr: TrrE RIGIIT HO!\BLE. LLE\\EL\ l\ T L nLL

LORD 1 :\. 1 Ilh July, I 90.

JOIIN R TIIB \LD lL\\\, TEW.\RT. , . 11 th July, I '90.

J"", IR DOUGL\.S . \LT iT K. . B., 1. . L. 29th .Tuly, 90.

LOKEL \\TYi\DlL \\l 1\11..; I'J'.\\. .29 th Jul),I(<)0. (Th > I-Ionble. orps Or ;cl1lkm 11 at-.\rms.)

IKSPECTOR- E1'EI' \LJ\:\1£ NI ' lI OL\"> l)r ll,, '. B. , P.?\".

( irect r- ener'll of lh \ I > lica1 I l'parlm 'n t ()r lhl' :-\ (l\'Y·) tll \pril,I L9 1.

I I \.TOR EXEl'AL £1>\\ \]{D '0 \ (, \1'''\1 :-)1\1. 1 ph \pril. 1 91. , \\rCEL GU)S:Ol' B\ TI[E">I \. n \'RLE: EEL\ '1,1'. Jr<l 1<<)1. , 'f4r. SURGEOi\- J', 1\ EI' \1. ,'II' \YILLI.\ :\I ;('YI ': I' II I 11.1', K. ., i'd. 31'd \m 1 1)1. COLOKEL CrL\RLE S H i\TEI'.

" ,IR GEOR (,E BIRD" OOIl, I. .1. E., ' . S.l.. L L.1 . , I¥- O' .2 'rd Feh. I 92 CAPTAL XrTL\ IEL EORGE P I 31st \lay, I 92 (Groom of the Privy Chan1b e r to I I r l\Iaj s ly lh · ue n .) 1AJOR HE l'RY ER TE T BA . KERVILLE \AJ ALTO . rc;t \fay, r 92 •


S! SIR LnEPT 1(I\\'E ROLLIT, LL. , D.C.L. ,S-J lVL\JOR 'UILBEl'T E ])\\.\ l [) \ \ \' 1 1>1 i\L\LET. (31st ;\[a)" 1892. )

SIl' DV 'E D CT\YOI'TJI, 1.D., LL.D.

MAJ R ] OIIi\' \ V ILU \ \L L\j ' '!>Ii\' T L \\"TOX, R. .

L( Ld if I D L

I AJO}' ED\\ \RD \VI LLL\'\l TOKES. "r'" \\ ALTEI' R O \YLEY.

(Th I Ionbl orps of entlemen-at-

,6 f TlIE RrCIIT 0 'ULE \VI LLL\l\I, L ORD \ 'DIIGR. T. Direeto nd Ch irman

1abfes of (Sracc.

t' ,






TIlE Ho. BLE. Cn \RL TTE, lR'-,. :\IEYXLLL I T(;[{,\\L

TIlE Ho. DLE. L\BELLE ]'-.;. El; 1"I'TO.'.

THE RIGHT HO .'BLE :\I.\l'G \l'ET St;'-, \X.

L.\DY :\UIEP T OF 1-I.\ TX E\.



TIlE l\L.\RG \RET :\lITFOl'D TY'-,SE 1T- A \1 lIE]' ' T.

WlrNNi II, Is DE .i3PI>FOPD-H.) I>T(, O' " hr


SOPIlL\ FR.\ 1 E' A 'E, I L ') \ LFE[LD.


[luteof FltI'O/IIICIII. 23ft! J:1n. 6. 2Jrt! June, I 17th July, I 3. 231'<1 June, I " 9th I ee. I ..j.. 231'(1 June, 1 "S 17 th Dec. I' '. [jth Dec. [' [71h Dce. I' '. lith Dcc. 1"'. 17 th Dec. I" • 17 th Dec. 17th Dec. I 17th Dec. I 17th Der. 30th July, 9· 30th July, 89· I Tlh July, T '90.

1'o.JvvC" - tj, -

f a /rc..l;".- f'. V- -

J" Jc;rur - £12.,$,)',1), -





1 \RY PRIDEXl' X, 1R.·. YTHE EA.




E)'01 E 1L1:\, IR \\ Yi\DIIA).I IlJRRAY.

Lo lSA KATII RI '£ E0D1.\, L .\DY 'N EILL.


HELE ON :TA ' 'E, L .\DY :\IYTJ l.

THE RIl;IIT H BLE. L U1<';,\ LI E, L .\DY \ 1YL\






J0 'A' \ ILLLDI L C), - TA \Y ELL.


JOlI' HAR\ TE Y Ho PEl'.

IL\'P\LL , R.

L\]OR HERBERT \V I 'NIN(;TO?\' D O\[\ ILl ' 1{. A.

'eT PT'H \VI LLL\.\l \ YNIHL\:\1 POl 'TAL. _ ROOK (PAl'TI.\,) F.R S.





])nlr "J Enr(l/1Il1' II I. 3rd J 6 2.)rdJune, 7th July, r6 23n1June, I "' 4th \.ugust T 6'. 2'n1 June, I "'.

]*1 P 23 1cl JHilL , 'th Feh. r '71. 2Jrd ] unL. I

5th,' 0\'. 72. _Jrd J lJlle, 1\

2]rd June, 1S7'. -Jl'<l June, IS:. 5th Fdl. 'is. 2,)I't! June, 1 l:.

Ilh \1 :\\, I Ie'. 2]r<1 June, 1, '. 4th Feh. '79. 2Jrd June, 1 S.

2]nl J ll11L, I '79. 2Jrtl J nne, I "

I 'th :'IJa)' , [ ) '0 23n1 June, I "

17th "\(11'11 , 1:,';2Jr<1 June, .

LIth ne e 1 2Jnl June, I . LIard .) 30th July 1,89 Joth July Joth .luI}, r '89.


.J1Ud- - 11,-

s- It'!2.a.a _ J2!f! ..

Tn /!-p. I {

L n:t;T.- '()U):\J:L ED\\ \1']) P OCEI ' Pl' \TT

R OBERT V , \ 'DELE R I (ELLY, 1 -< . R . .s.


Se.c.Reta.ry Clerk of tha CouneH.

l\ I ITFORD B Ul'C;E"".

\ l'T \L ' JA:'[E. -;\I o . TCRlEFF l' lER O:\', - ./ ;" J- W •• t.. S URCEOX- C.cPF:rH , J , DfE!-> :TE\-EX . OX 1\ A

\.lUI \\ lLL1.\'[ (-Ra {e:1 C tiftl dos.

lr.\!' L1''' ELDO ,' , EI' JE\:\,T. 11.t-,J.. I / /! + ':. }Z" ,..// (f _ (1 (;4 ;1. J-./

l' .. t "-" . '.r.

1bonorat}? Bssociate£\.

TllOse 7 '11OSellalllesappear iJl tialics,sincetlle/renro/me7ltasIIoliorar), Asso(/ales , IZaJ)ebecomelIli'll/bersoftlzeOrder.

ALIlLitI ?J (fltsl< , ?,I.H:.C.S.


LIOl I L S\IITlf Bl:\LE, i\1.1


S f" -9. j."I.' --;n , • J.,1.. II' - S S .. I

P.\VLI \, r:-;s l' \ '\ ILLE.

I \!' \ • \ •• I': , l\ 11:-;.. P () Il E I' T:-; S LIE l T. - C L I' \ I I-I 1 l' Y B1 _ \ T L. B I' Y, "

\V. S I 1\\ \I'T S -Tllbl'L\ n. FH.'c. ::n, IIr R\ :\1. Ii "J\ .B. c. ?d-:-e;..

\.1 DF ["n l\IoOl'F, 1\1.

\\E.l, F .I S.

24th Jnne, 70. 23n1 June. I b. 24th Jnne, I 70 23rcl June,

2-l-th June, 1')7 1 23nl June, I

6th Dec. IS70. 23rcl Jnne, I

thFeb.I7 I 23rd June, Ib

5 th Mar, I 74· 23rd June: I S.

15th Dec. I i+ 23rd June.

911 E 1 23rd J!lPsJ IS:>& 20th _\pril. I is. 23rd June, I . 20th .\.pril, 1 75. 23rd June. I 20th .\.pril, I 75. 2]rd June. I

2 tl pri! I 7". 23rll June, I 75. 23n1 June,

B.\H.O'\J FPIEDP1 II \ 0 T -';,\L\R II. of Earn/III'nl. 6tli 'tpril , 1869 . 23rd June, I

9th :\fay, I 76 . 2Jrd June, " loth July, I 77. 2Jrd June, I loth 1'7' 23rdJulle ". loth Dec Ii'. 23rd June. I

"" f?'. '-t.ll" ,'1. "\ - '\ j • "t.,.,"1.... ",-. '" Ir n..: L', i4.f/!-t,.J.

CO?;f'f'E HCHlty 131 :. 'tCI OK F. kc?

Ouh "f Hllrulllll'lIl. &tit '1 ), 3J tl J ttl ct, I

\\ E?\T\\ORTll ACL.\},I), B \RT., K. 1\1.U., LL.D. 23 nl Junc, 1 79. 23('(1 JUlle, 100 '

RIGADE- U RGEO " ,..., ROBERT F .. 1\1.1 . ..... . I

R. L OG lS \P[,1.\.

D o X rc \ I () I ) I": l .. \ '\ I ). \ Y A L \ \ I' Fl l) E

I e 0 aU; l1

:? 9u.tJ...

r8th '\by, 10 o. 2Jrd June, 1bS ' ?I tty , JUde, Jtlf:5f:5.

23rll June, ' ' 0. 23 n1 June, "

22n<l "el '. I. 23 nI JUIlC.10 S.

22n<l .'cll. I , I.

231'<1 J Ul1l' So

0J OEL T E :'Il'LE 1\I oo I' E, .1\1. G. ./( rl t.


ClI .APL I r, 1.

. \ROLIN E • NNE, L LOYD . -.BR 'D: E!:L C lRTER, (IIomml1)

II{ ] \:'lES P.. \( ;ET, B \RT ., /71

JOII T HO\,ELL E GIL\ IE, L. R. . S., Ecli n.



JE.' . IE FI S HER, l'vIRs. GIL"IE.


ROBERT Bl 'U 'E , I1.R.C.S,

\1'\ \LL(J. ., K:. . 1. ' . 1. ...

I th J ul), I " 2, 23nl Junc, '

21'[ f 'cb., ltiJ2. 2.3 ltl JUde, 1 th J ul), 1 2. 23n1 J unc, 1 ' S

17 th July, 1 3. 23rll Junc , I )

9th 1)ec. 1 23rl1 jlllll' , I ',

26th Fdl. I ' ;. ::qrd June.

20th Feh. 1 :;. 231'<1 Junc, I

21..,t \pril. 2Jrd JUI1C, 1 '

2Jrd rune, " 5· 23nl UI1C I

2Jrd Tune, I S5· _.)rd :rune, 1 " '

13th April, I " 6. 2Jrd June, 188

I Stll reh. 188 7. 2yd Jline, 1 ' S '

- t.\c , -I,.; '-

fUd-- .1". .. ku-

-:\10. '1[1',\]1' ()I', :\1 \l'TI', X'-. ('r ) -+;tt,I,UI< Ct)LU<ILLO J)()CTfJl( FJ:u:( II. B d<OIIIb.

19th :\pril, I 87. 23n1 Junt:, I l)lL .' IiI. fbe,. l.)It1Jullt. 1M3 19th April, ISS7. 2Jrd June, 18 (MIt"",,, liiJr 1; 111 S 18£7_ -Sid JUdE, rVcr '/ /.11", ' TV J' f YT, .1011"\ \V, /0:\1 \ . :J=..j 1") >- \ \ \ I< L L\, I '. R C. ! ;.

SLI'(;IO -\1\.101' GU)/{(,I : \ LL.\:\ IICTTOX.

J(hl I'll 1) \1.1. \'1 PI' \TT, F.R .. ,'.

DII'L TT\ -SL I'(,.-CI I!' \L ROHFRT \\ TILLL\\1 .I.\lK 0,', C.B.

\\'l LL1.\:\J Ell\lL. I) \:\T, ., I-<.R ...

Surgeon-in-Charge, British Ophthalmic Ho pita!, Jerusalem. :\II'-';. \"T

FUll'1 "\{ I , '_ \I' \11. I \\1'..

E Lll: \ 1l1 ': T II 11.\I'LOTTF, :\1 "''' KXOLL\ ". \rlbLLc}.1 I=IE2'IW L.n.C.p.

D EI'UT\- I T R- IE l Fl' \L L\TTIIEW OATE.', R. 1. Jul), 1813 ,. 3o;3rfol: JUde, tSSt'>. 22nd June, I 9. 30th July, 9.

J01l:0.' l\L\RTU\, F. R. . S.

J K F. P. S.

FREllERI C K 1. B.



fER I T I. I .

RO"8EPT CL.dH(, L.R.C.P.


\\ ILLLDf \\ \R'IL\ OLE'IL\l T, 1. I . '. s.

JOIl l T B LACKB URK, 1. R. C.



STU \RT CPA\\ I ' I'l> \V \\,U ELL.

SOPHIA Lo uI. , \, Il 'S. UL ".






1f.S-.Pf:zu,t.;- J' .:k.. _ '".. -?., - - ---zr .. If Pt41. _ .f. v,r; !/L4(k,I- -

,., r- /-:: A/ _ _ ,/. ./.J V v - /1.. v""'! .r -

- / J.._ .• 11- Q._ ,..r- 11").' • ,

• ,"""VIA. Li'L-"'f. '" _..


EPlIl' l\L\1 lAC OWEL A \E, 1. D.

SA IUEL GOUR.LEY, F. R. C. . t. jt, JrUlE' RANKIN.


K l\TE, F ULL\G.\l'


COLO .l'EL 'T. \XLE Y DE C.\L\ EPT CL\PKE, C.l\1. G.

II' JOlIN J \F} 1'.\ Y, BART.

Fl'EDU 'IC :\Ir CIIAEL \Y .\LL IS, 1. R.

FpEDLluex E PY \PPLEDY, 11. R. C.

\\ T. \LTEl' \VI crII. nI, LR.C

J \ Yl \PD GOO CH, 1\1. R. C.

EDWARD J \Cr ON, 1. P . .


RO BERT I I U T, :\I. P. . .



ClIAl LE. ' I L\ YlJU.l T r lIITE, 1\ I. R. C.

D(ltf 1/1::1, roltllrnt. 12 lh -U\' " 16 th Apnl, I 90 " IIlh July, 1890.

GEOI',E 1-1E TRY D \R\\L', F.R.C.P.

\VILLLDI \VII TG.\TE , .\CL, 1\1. I), ,

TIIO\[I\S \\ IIITEUE.\]) R Ell), F. P. ". P.

PARTRIDl;E, I. P. -.




\lTIIsbMU COlsIsEi€HtIDOE, /< f ;



BENJAlIII I EW13Ul'l 13J'O\\ T




lEPR\\YEATlIEl', l.R.C.

S tJl<dYJ8N NIl' J91' IsUsb I I )IsIs (1° rn1y i9etl J.. 1


TIlE HONBLE. ALL.\I\ \ \[ I'll ELL, 1. D. WILSO CORBIN, l.R.C .•

DoleofEnrnlmwl. I Ill! J \Ily, :, " 4lh UV. 1 <)0. " " a.. / .. J. _ a 2 - ..,fJ/-iU/- _ "" s-. ;'-h #- V_ J':fiZu-..

CJ.,Jr, J: t2 _ vVv

i\L\Jol' EU:\I B.\]'oi\ I-IAI 'TLE\T, I.Qt., LR.C.S. (Cape Riflernen.)

DI'. f\LFI'ELJ TIIOl'.\Ll (Nonyay.)

TlfL nIbIl! Rl \. IIL3RI BU {f) DC«Lld, D.D.,

10. Lriuv_ J't'uu-_ J. "Ii U: _ J'liid: 2",#.:>-V4v<9 !/iUI- .. fi


\ \fUEL BOR. , F.P .. .

hOl'CE D 'II TTLE\\Ol'TII, .

T IlO;'\l \.... Cor L 'tJC \. LE, 1\I. .

CLOl'CE \],Tllt.:l BAPI',

Pl'Ol JOllX CUII .Tl, l\I.D., ('l. .\ndrew's .\mbulance ,:\ssociation.)

JULI.\, l\h .. s lOWeLL.

l'EDE1 'l T - .l\Il'S. \Vl'IGllT.

].\;\IES P. ROBEl'T S. [t-t: f. Ju:;,tktA, J '-"

mc 111 ben; cccflscb

shlCetltedateojtILeRoyalCltarteroj III corporat/olt, 14Tll l\L\\, 1888. i{nigl)ts of Justice.

HI ' ROY .\L TIlF Dl'I PE OJ I AI'1 l'F \ 1>

AYOi\D.\LE, rr. J., SUb-Pl'iOl\ I)i cl 14th January, 1 )9 2 .

Fl'.\J. l b DLJ. l.\ • P .• \., .13. (l-loJlorary COlllllltUltttr.j

Died 16lh T ov 'lnber. 1 S ' I.

GE TER.\L TIlE PrcIlT II G1'OI'l;]o' FI'C])L1'llT, \ T1'1 OL.,i\T

TE;\lPLET O\\i\. .C.D. (1Iollorlll]1CO/llmallder), Almoner.

Died 4-th Januar) 18 90

TIlE 1\1o')T • OULL \ \T IL1.1.\\1 D 1'UCU, 1) L r E UI" \.. T I I I r P., (PastP1'/or). Di .c.l _ I sl I b90.

TIlE RI GHT FI'EllEI'[l'K, E.\] L OF GL,\-'CO\\, (Cltal'r-man,Britl'sltOplLtludlllz'c j fospita!,Jerusalem.)

Died 23rd \pril 1890.

GENEI' .\L SII' JOll1 'T. GEOl'CE, G.C.B. (llulloraryBatliJ1.)

Died 17lh l\1arch, 1091.

rAJO}, GENLJ'AL \ IIIT\\OI'TII POI'T1 ' I', P. (flollora7'yBadij))

Di'd 27th lay, 1892.

JOIll RODEI 'T BUl'LTO -131 ' [.:r. Died J 3lh OClooer, 1892.

L ". 'Pc (1 !1 //J' j. f. I 4Jk L L '- L Yn.2. v : criIA A .;7,/ ;t./?tf. :0(: /. /h.1?t1'. \.I '" JJ0-IK. 4 '- ttZ$",(1_1,._ ,/, / -

J. '!'. 1{. (: ?

L \l' \ A "\rELL\, i\I r:-;s \Vl'E l' H os]"YN'> , Died 6th February 1889, R 0 l:TT.\ l\L\J'\" 1\1 RS, BE T. 'r:T T- PoE.

Died roth 1Iarch, 1891.

Died 22nd July, 1892.

E"\lILY CII \.PLOTTE, 11' . , CRAWL EY , ied rst January, r891.

Died 14th cpt mber, 1892, <tbaplaitlS.

Til E Prc.ITT PI \', BI :-:;nop (C/wp!a/ll-Gellera!.) L , Died 25 th July, 1892,

d - I-:-: /' d v {k S: 'ri<..u J v 'I"K1Ul-., ... JiUd/ 01. _ 11 _ S ..fuPzt.. 11uf!A.. of Justice. ied 4th June, T888,

TilE Pl \,,'1:01' ;1' P \Y:'If O D P Ol'T.AL, (Honorary anon or \Yinchester.) ied 5th pril. I 9,

T!I1 : RE\. RE Cs I .l'. \LD I-IE 'py B \R 1T"i , (Pr -' b ndaq of E .-c ter.) Died 29 th ptember, IS 9,

TlJF \ 1']'\ 1'1'\, JOlL \'kL1 : \, ' ,,( an of l\[anche ter.)

Died loth June, I 90. i d 7th October, I 9 0 ,

JO Il T \VA LKER. ied 8th r ar h, I SS9.

IR G E RGE R r IL\.Rn \\ T\UHE- JI'IT 1· ITll, 13 \I'T. i c1 8th lay, I SS9·

T UE R l(;IIT I-I oxBLE. I I F- 1'\ 110\\ \1'1) 'Io],\'.' I: T', ' of C arnarvon. Di 'll th June, J S90.

ROFESSOR JA:'IES \ V ILLI \. ,f \fTTrT - I L\.XD OF ' I 1 ,II'L1 ': \'\1)", :\ I. I D i "cl r t h JII 11 t" I S9 I •

m ". \ R l\ I ool'L LAYTO., B., C. ,1. 1., :\1. D. I ied 26th .r al1uary, I


\. P T AIl' C II.\ RLE" \ VILLT \;'11 EL\\ \ X (P 0) cll I Iors llards. Di d 1St :\lar h, IS93·

T IlE RI (;TIT H o 'BLF. . \.}''1.11, L\])\, E(;I'I''1');\ ()j' T \ TTO ' ied 16th Decem b 'r, r S92.

Esquir es.

J \ VOLFE 1URI' AY. i ,1 19 th Jlin " I S90.

CO LO TEL R L\.LPII E DWARD \1'1', R. E. Di --'c1 9th f\pril, $er"ing 1Brotb er.

B II' II, (\Vo r ces t 'r.)

.., I .) IT)onorar}? :associates.

].\1 F, 1\1 \ V (IllIlcrlO[styear.)


\ V.\LTEP PL\.I' E, 1\ I. .

D'IU I' .\.L JOlIl T Ro \ VAl' D ied J 4th :\Iarch, 1890. Died I I th 1ay, 1890. ied 15th l\Iay, 1890. ied 23rd June, J 890. ,'Il' RrcIL\.l'D \ V.\.LL.\. B.\.I'T., K C. B. I ied 20th Jul y, 1890.

LIE T- OLOi\E,L \ ILLL\ 'II J B"CI'Y L\ 'LEO]) 1\1001'E. Died r.t 'epten1ber,1890.

1'. \ V ILLL\'M L\.RIKtJ GOl'L ied 26th Decen1be r , 1890

TUE I- I oKDLE. 1-1,\.1' I'Y T\ P\YIIITT \ \ 7 ied 9th August, 189 I.

-< 1'1 DEPIcr ED\\'.\'l'D 1\L\i\DY, F. R . C. Died I t JLIly. lL 91.

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