UM M.Arch Thesis | The Alternative Petaling Jaya Masterplan: Architecture for People

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3.00pm 3.10pm

1 : Market Hub at PJ Old Town 2 : PJ Old Town Community Library & Bus Station 3 : Vertical Neighbourhood Shared Space 4 : UiTM School of Built Environment 5 : PJ Old Town All-Girls Primary School 6 : Assumption Catholic Church & Columbarium 7 : Assunta Hospital PJ Old Town 8 : PJ Sports & Exercise Park 9 : MARA Vocational College PJ Old Town 10: Old Town Botanic Gardens

4:10pm 5.00pm


DATE: 29TH JULY 2020 TIME: 3.00 – 5.00 PM

ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN THESIS - SITE ISSUE DRIVEN APPROACH SITE: PJ OLD TOWN This studio adopts a site issue driven approach whereby an in-depth analysis of the site, in this case PJ Old Town is performed and after fully understanding the site, potential issues are identified. From there, potential architectural thesis topic are selected. There are 10 students in our studio, and 10 of us have to look at our site not in isolation, but as a masterplan in improving the township. Unlike the conventional greenfield thesis approach, all 10 of our projects are taking over existing sites, some which have existing buildings. Below are all 10 of the studio’s thesis projects.

PJ Old Town Jalan Othman


Figure ground shows the proposed masterplan of PJ Old Town Section 1,2,3 and 4.

STUDIO MASTERS: Naziaty binti Mohd Yaacob Lisa Foo Kevin Mark Low EXTERNAL CRITICS: Chris Wong, Amna Emir, BC Ang, Loke Chew Ping, Cheah Kok Ming, Huat Lim, Susanne Zeidler, Shubhra Raje, Teng Quan Zhin Dr. Naziaty binti Mohd Yaacob

Lisa Foo

Kevin Mark Low

Raymond Bu Kiat Meng

Lai Cong Nie

Wong Joe Yee

Irfan Mirzan bin Mahzan

Geraldine Bong Chia Ing

Wan Putri Syazana binti Roslan

Kew Chen Hau

Siti Nurzulaikha binti Zulkaimin

Francis Poh Chung Hian

Wong Chiang Her

Copyright: Universiti Malaya, author: Raymond Bu Kiat Meng

The Market Hub aims to transform the existing Jalan Othman Market condition to create a pleasant market space experience by adopting the concept of tropical design approach and incorporating nature and urban farming within to enhance the user comfort. This consequently creates an ecosystem in the market where waste produce from the market is utilized as compose for the vegetation, the fragrance from the vegetation offsets the foul smell of the market, the wastewater from the market is collected and absorbed by the vegetation and the plantation of consumable organic herbs and vegetation creates an edible marketplace. It also intends to foster strong accessibility and pedestrian connections by creating a permeable and transparent marketplace which creates strong visual connections that celebrates a holistic and inclusive space for the people and promotes informal events and activities such as pop-up stalls and cultural event to connect the people with the local community and neighbourhood. Email:

Copyright: Universiti Malaya, author: Lai Cong Nie

The chosen site which is located at the crossroad of Jalan Othman, symbolises as “the heart of PJ Old Town�. The bus station used to be the most important public transport in the Old Town, nevertheless, the newly renovated bus station is underutilised. While at the edge of the district, the library is lack of accessibility elements. The thesis aims to re-establish civic location with greater activity by having a centrally accessible neighbourhood library which is facilitated by public transport. It is no longer just a place where the travellers arrive and depart, this will be a community library for people to freely move through, to discover, to learn, to look and let themselves be orientated by fascinations of books and resources collections. This is going to be a new landmark to join the people of PJ Old Town and the facilities in and around the library make the area a destination itself and can provide a ripple effect that encourages mutual relationship among each other. Email:

Copyright: Universiti Malaya, author: Wong Joe Yee


In 1995, Petaling Jaya’s first theatre, the famous Majestic Cinema was demolished to make way for a 13 storey mall and office the Menara Mutiara Majestic, which ended up being underutilized and in total isolation in relation to the surrounding context of PJ Old Town. The mall culture is a global trend which leads to old malls being superseded and abandoned, as malls are global solution designed to exist anywhere, which focuses on succeeding commercially, but failed from community and social view point. Only malls that can serve human needs are the one that is designed specifically for the place it is located in, and that’s what this thesis is about. By studying the existing stakeholders and ecosystem of the context, this thesis aims to convert the dormant building to a building with various components, meeting each specific contextual needs of the community. The final design is an adaptive reused building with the concept of ‘Vertical Park’ as means to create seamless flow between floors, enhancing tenant’s interaction and promoting cross ventilation throughout the building.

Copyright: Universiti Malaya, author: Irfan Mirzan bin Mahzan

The design proposal is to try to tackle the issue by inclusion and expansion from what UiTM is. By inclusion of race and integrating in the community. With the expansion of the campus beyond the main site, it is more towards the having more than just a typical classroom. The further enhance knowledge not only by theoretical but also practical experiences.


By having a School of Built Environment, the issue of the communities’ infrastructure and building could be eradicated and learned from. It is essential to utilize the existing tools surrounding the campus. Thus the school is to improve and increase the knowledge of maintenance. By the meaning of maintenance, the school is design so the students would benefit from both sides of education; theoretical and practical. By exploring concept and transforming it into a building of classrooms to further enhance and develop through prototype, the school is designed to improve the quality of thinkers that graduates from the school.

Copyright: Universiti Malaya, author: Francis Poh Chung Hian

This design thesis successfully explored the opportunity that can be done to bring the 2 girls’ primary schools together with a shared programme that is the canteen and the library. It is strategically located along the edge of the monsoon drain to provide a certain level of natural surveillance to protect the girls’ students from unwanted events. Nevertheless, a new public link is proposed to connect Tun Tan Cheng Lock Nursing College and PJ Sports and Exercise Park which eventually benefits nurses, doctors and residents staying in Section 4, providing a better permeability towards the neighborhood. Furthermore, the special study on the reconfiguration of the typical all-girls school classroom is being investigated. Classrooms layout are being altered following the gender-specific needs of the girls’ students. Moreover, classroom furniture is being re-designed to respond to the limitation of gender. Hence, the furniture layout can achieve the flexibility of placement due to the new design. Email:

Copyright: Universiti Malaya, author: Geraldine Bong Chia Ing

The Catholic church in Section 4, namely the Assumption Church PJ was significant as it was the first religious building in PJ Old Town, built and established beside the Assunta Hospital. Over the years since the church was built, the number of Catholics are constantly increasing in Petaling Jaya. However, the building has not undergone major renovations due to site context resulting in the limited land area for expansion and minor maintenance on the old building condition due to building issues. The site selection was based on the significance of the church to the Catholic community of PJ Old Town. Several context issues were identified, particularly the social issues (aging community, urban poor, youth migration to other cities), site context issues (adjacent of the church to the hospital, primary school and non-Christian neighbours, traffic congestion).


Copyright: Universiti Malaya, author: Wan Putri Syazana binti Roslan

Globally, we are coming towards an increase in ageing society, with the demographic explosion and PJ Oldtown specifically is booming with old folks. Around the vicinity of the hospital and the area of oldtown, many houses are occupied with old folks homes. However, Assunta Hospital doesn’t seem to respond to the demand or connect to the context of the site and its urban fabric. On another note, hospital and healthcare is a never ending process and a continuous building site. In order to cope with the demand of healthcare, often times expansion work in the end results in the inefficiency of layout, circulation and routing and all these cause disruption and problem in practical care and reduced efficiency of workflow as the mass and the volume of hospital building increase horizontally and vertically and this evident in Assunta Hospital in PJ. Therefore, this calls for a rethink in Assunta Hospital planning to accommodate to the context and address the pressing challenges of the hospital for a better healing Email: environment.

Copyright: Universiti Malaya, author: Kew Chen Hau

Government spent a lot of money in constructing sport centre, and it became the most iconic building in the neighbourhood, however it is only used during game days, neglecting the welfare of adjacent communities. Existing sport center on Jalan Selangor, Seksyen 3 PJ Old Town faces similar issues as well. There is a lack of buffer between the existing sport centre with seksyen 3 residential. The noise generated causes disturbance to the community, and what screens off the noise is only the perimeter fencing which also creates a sense of separation for the user.


As such, this design thesis, existing programmes in the sport centre will be reconfigured. Other than that, rehab department from Assunta hospital will be relocated to site, acting as sport medicine to support sport activities and at the same time provides better access and healing environment for ageing population in PJ old town. The Green Buffer acts as an element that can be used by rehab, sports and seksyen 3 communities which is also the special study of the thesis.

Copyright: Universiti Malaya, author: Siti Nurzulaikha binti Zulkaimin

MARA Vocational College was built in 1968 and years later, a big bypass was built right in front of the college faรงade. This building lost it facade, view and fail to engage to its context. The building massing existing design dead in institutional sensibility that education should not be about.


This thesis is a fresh typology for government of will be focusing on three main program which is redesigning the learning space, student living space, and the new input program is the Electronic town on the ground floor relinking the lost connection of the building to it surrounding through electronic and home economics to address better integration with the neighbourhood and immediate community. Residents at PJ Old Town can repair and buy new electronic devices at this college. Furthermore, there is also facilities like small start-up office space, training space, data centre and also electronic mentoring programme in this college. Hence, the college will become the Electronic Centre of community in PJ Old Town.

Copyright: Universiti Malaya, author: Wong Chiang Her

PJ Old Town is the oldest planned township in Malaysia but sadly, nowadays it is been tagged as a “Dead Town”. In fact, the town is not dead at all it just needs some improvements to make it more attractive and charming to live in. In this design thesis, it identifies the following issues: (a) The town is lacking of a formal, open space to dignify its identity; (b) School children are lacking of sufficient opportunity to engage with outdoor and natural education and (c) The KTM tracks on the southern edge is not serving the town efficiently.


From these issues, it derived to the design titled: “Old Town Botanic Gardens” which is a shared common in service of health, education, transportation, outdoor activity and immediate neighbourhood identity. The site contexts are studied and all the spaces required are distributed accordingly. All these spaces and architecture connected by a continuous & covered corridor named “The Spine”.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT First of all thank you to Universiti Malaya Faculty of Built Environment’s Department of Architecture, together with our Dean Prof. Dr. Yahaya Ahmad and Head of Department Dr. Norafida Ab. Ghafar on their supervision for the course Master of Architecture session 2019/2020. A great thank you to our studio masters and external critics which contributed greatly on their time and effort for the success of this studio, making this studio a great learning experience. We would also like to thank the following personnel for their great advice and guidance given to us throughout the design process:

Naziaty binti Mohd Yaacob Lisa Foo Kevin Mark Low Chris Wong Amna Emir BC Ang Loke Chew Ping Cheah Kok Ming Huat Lim Susanne Zeidler Shubhra Raje Teng Quan Zhin Ang Wen Hsia Mr Kavin Thayalan Mr Terence Tan Teck Seng Mr Kwok & residence Fr. Gregory Chan Dr. Razimah Dr. Nor Rasidah Hashim Yuhanis Adnan Dr. Selina Khoo Phaik Lin Dr. Nor Eeza Zainal Abidin

- Studio Master - Studio Master - Studio Master - External Critic - External Critic - External Critic - External Critic - External Critic - External Critic - External Critic - External Critic - External Critic - Guest Presenter - MBPJ Councilor - MBPJ Councilor - PJ Old Town Residence Association - Priest. Assumption Church PJ - Medical Doctor - Lecturer in Geology - Lecturer in Sports & Exercise Science - Lecturer in Sports & Exercise Science - Lecturer in Sports & Exercise Science

Other than that, appreciate the help and cooperation given by all residence of PJ Old Town throughout the thesis, and also students from M.Arch session 2018/2019 for their helpful advice. Thank you very much.

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