June 2021

Page 36

A J R B y

A n d y

Is it really plausible that the best combination of players would happen to be kin? For AJR, the answer to that question is an emphatic “yes.” The trio of self-described nerds spent their childhoods in Chelsea, NY, simultaneously being inspired by the same musical influences that currently inform their sound. Their surname, Metzger, has been shortened to Met, presumably for public relations purposes. The group’s moniker is derived from the first letters of their primary names: Adam, Jack and Ryan. Jack handles lead vocals and guitar, as well as a host of other instruments ranging from melodica to cowbell. Adam plays bass, while Ryan serves keyboards. All three contribute samples. This diversity of instrumental abilities is reflected in their music, which draws upon myriad genres including electropop, dubstep, doowop and even Broadway. It’s an intoxicating pastiche, as unexpected as it is effervescent. They’re a pop act with relatable, lovable lyrics that speak directly to the Millennial generation’s anxiety-riddled emotions, hopes and desires. 36 June 2021


K a u f m a n n

Most notable are the group’s videos. Bursting with humor and memorable imagery, it makes sense that they’re so good, considering Jack and Ryan studied film at Columbia University. One treatment for their song “I’m Not Famous” has them playing against a backdrop of wildly impressive, supposedly real-time trick shots. The video for “Let the Games Begin” features them jamming inside a grocery store, whereas “Bummerland” presents them as bald twenty-somethings. For “BANG!,” they’re seen performing astride a roulette table surrounded by gamblers whose outfits switch upon repeated camera zooms. The brothers’ videos are just one manifestation of their outsized creativity. AJR’s live shows are renown for stunning visual flourishes. A recent virtual concert, dubbed AJR’s One Spectacular Night, featured cutting-edge effects, including lasers. The show ultimately generated 32 million impressions. Merchandise includes not only the usual assortment of t-shirts and hoodies but also their own brand of hot sauce. With the release of OK ORCHESTRA, AJR appears poised for stardom. Music Connec-

tion spoke with Jack and Ryan to find out what makes them tick and discover how they’ve stayed true to themselves in the face of mounting career pressures. Music Connection: Congratulations on the release of OK ORCHESTRA. Was writing it different from writing your other albums? Jack Met: This was definitely a different album to write. It had everything to do with the pandemic. For us, the recording process wasn’t much different because every song we’ve put out has been written and recorded in our living room or bedroom of whatever apartment we’ve been living in. The difference was [we couldn’t] really get much inspiration from the outside world, which is usually where we get inspiration. A lot of our songs have been written from going to movies or college parties and looking at the problems our friends are facing or what they’re dancing to. Obviously, that wasn’t an option this year, so Ryan and I had to really dig deep into our pasts, find our deepest insecurities and draw from that, which was really difficult and taxing.

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