TENOR BASS for rehearsal only`
Oh mp mf oh
mp mf oh
mp oh mf
oh,I f walkedthrough darkness, -
oh,I f walkedthrough darkness, -
oh,I f walkedthroughdarknessness, - I When mp hislampshoneupon - my head, Andwhenbyhislight I f walkedthroughdarkness, - I mp
walkedthrough darkness; -
(huh)ah walkedthroughdarkness; -
cause- Ideliv - ered- the walkedthroughdarkness, - I mp walked throughdarkness; mp
father -
- andtheonewhohadnohelper -
andtheonewhohadnohelper -
Oh p And mf Icausedthewidow's - heart tosing, tosing forjoy, f
Oh p And mf Icausedthewidow's - heart tosing, tosing forjoy, f
Oh p And mf Icausedthewidow's - heart tosing, tosing forjoy, f
Oh p And mf Icausedthewidow's - heart tosing, tosing forjoy, f p mf f
to p sing forjoy, tosing forjoy, joy.
to p sing forjoy, tosing for joy.
to p sing forjoy, tosing forjoy, joy. to p sing forjoy, tosing for joy. p
robeandaturban. - Oh p (huh)
robeandaturban. - Oh p (huh)
My p justice - waslike arobeandaturban, - Oh (huh)
My p justice - waslike arobeandaturban - Oh (huh) p p