Elizabeth Barrett Browning
IThink ofThee
Intense = 70
Piano for rehearsalonly
Paul Gibson
tree, Put out broad leaves, and soon,
bout a tree, Put out, put out broad leaves, and bout a tree, Put out, put out broad leaves, and
and soon, and soon there’s nought to see soon, and soon, soon there’s nought to see soon, and soon, soon there’s nought to see Ex
Who art dear er, sim. bet ter, dear er, bet ter! dear er, sim. bet ter, dear er, bet ter!
Rath er, in stant ly Re new thy pre sence; as a strong tree should,
Rath er, in stant ly Re new thy pre sence; as a strong tree should,
Rath er, in stant ly Re new thy pre sence; as a strong tree should,
*Rus tle thy boughs and set thy trunk all bare,
*Rus tle thy boughs, rus tle thy boughs and set thy trunk all bare,
*Rus tle thy boughs, rus tle thy boughs and set thy trunk all bare,
*emphasize sibilants in this section
which in sphere thee bands of green er y which in sphere thee, which in sphere thee bands of green er y which in sphere thee, which in sphere thee
joy, in this deep joy, in this deep joy to see and hear in this deep joy, in this deep joy, in this deep joy, in this deep
joy, joy, thee, to see and hear thee And breathe with in thy sha dow a new joy, in this deep joy, in this deep joy, in this deep joy, breathe
air, I do not think of thee