Lucis Creator optime | Paul Gibson | MusicSpoke | Perusal

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radiance - bright, and o’ertheform dolce ing- worlddidstcallthelightfromchaos - first of

radiance - bright, and o’erthe forming - worlddidstcallthelightfromchaos - first of

radiance - bright, and o’er the forming - worlddidstcallthelightfromchaos - first of

radiance - bright, and o’erthe forming - worlddidstcallthelightfromchaos - first of

ray the mornandeve,andnamedthemDay: night p comeswithall its darkling -

ray the mornandeve, and namedthemDay: night p comeswithall its darkling -

ray the mornandeve, and namedthemDay: night p comeswithall its darkling -

ray the mornandeve,andnamedthemDay: night p comeswithall its darkling -

fears;re gard- Thy people’s - prayersandtears.


purgeaway - each error - past.

and p purgeaway - each error - past. Lu pp cis- Crea - tor - opti cast,and p purgeaway - eacherror - past. Lu pp cis - Crea - torcast,and p purgeaway - eacherror - past. Lu

Jesus - Christ,Thineonly - Son; Who, mf withtheHoly - GhostandThee,doth

Jesus - Christ,Thineonly - Son; Who, mf withtheHoly - GhostandThee,doth

Jesus - Christ,Thineonly - Son; Who, mf with theHoly - GhostandThee,doth

Jesus - Christ,Thineonly - Son; Who, mf withtheHoly - GhostandThee,doth

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