of his handmaid - en.- For
be hold,- fromhenceforth: - all gen er- a - tions- shall call me
of his handmaid - en.- For
behold, fromhenceforth: - all gen er- a - tions- shall call me
hismercy - is on themthat fearhim throughout - all ge ne - ra- -
And p hismercy - is on them that fearhim throughout - all ge ne - ra-through p out- all ge ne - ra- -
theimag - i- na- tion - of theirhearts. andhathex
theimag - i
na- tion - of theirhearts. andhathex in mf theimag
of theirhearts.
He mp remem - ber- ing- his mercy - hath holpen - his
He mp remem - ber- ing- his mercy - hath holpen - his
Glo mf ry- beto the Father, - andtothe Son andtothe Ho ly - Ghost;
Glo mf ry- beto the Father, - andtothe Son andtothe Ho ly - Ghost;
Glo mf ry- beto the Father, - andtothe Son andtothe Ho ly - Ghost;
Glo mf ry- beto the Father, - andtothe Son andtothe Ho ly - Ghost;
ac cord- ing- to thy word, thy word. For p mineeyes haveseenthy sal-
peace, inpeace ac cord- ing- to thy word,thy word. For p mineeyeshaveseen thysalpeace, inpeace ac cord - ing - to thy word,thy word. have p seen thysalpeace, inpeace ac cord - ing - to thy word, thy word. mp have p
light to lighten - theGentiles - and to betheglory - of thy people - Is f ra - el.-
be alighttolighten - theGentiles - and to betheglory - of thy people - Is f ra - el.to light en- theGentiles - and to betheglory - of thy people -
was inthebe gin- ning, - is now, and ev er -
was inthebe gin- ning, - is