To Music | Paul Gibson | MusicSpoke | Perusal

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brace of a mel o - dy - thatleadsme out ofdarkpla-ces.

brace of a mel o - dy - thatleadsme out ofdarkpla-ces.

brace of a mel o - dy - that leads me out ofdarkpla ce... - The p space thatiscre-

brace of a mel o - dy - thatleadsme out ofdarkpla-ces. The p p

the mp coun ter - -point, up mp -liftsmybody - and spir-it, up

point, the counter - -point, up mp -liftsmybody - and spir-it, up

counter - -point, thecounter - point,up mp -liftsmybody - andspirit. - up thecounter - point, up mp -liftsmybody - andspirit. - up mp

myown tock; theclock oftheworld slows, bm pp bmbmbm bmbm As mp Ilearnwhat makesyou

bm bmbmbmbmbm bm bmbm bm bmbm bm bmbmbm bmbm bm bmbmbm bmbm As mp I

bm bmbm bmbmbm bm bmbmbm bmbm bm bmbm bm bmbm bm bmbmbm bmbm

tick, I know myown tock; theclock oftheworld slows,

bm bmbm bmbmbm bm bmbmbm bmbm bm bmbm bm bmbm bm bmbmbm bmbm

learnwhat makesyou tick, Iknow myown tock; theclock oftheworld

bm p bmbm bm bmbmbm bmbmbmbmbm bm bmbmbm bmbmbmbmbm bmbmbm

As mp Ilearnwhat makesyou tick, I know myown tock; the clock ofthe


growinyour sight, inyoursight. I


growinyour sight, inyoursight, inyoursight. I

-lors sight, grow inyoursight. inyour sight I

And psubito oh, thehealing - thatissealedinfromcentu - -riesa-way, from pp centu - -riesa-way.

And psubito oh, thehealing - thatissealedinfromcentu - -riesa-way, from pp centu - -riesa-way. p




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