Oh when shall I see Jesus and reign with him above, and shall hear the trumpet sound in that morning? And from that owing fountain drink everlasting love, and shall hear the trumpet sound in that morning?
Oh, shout glory! I shall mount above the skies when I hear the trumpet sound in that morning.
When shall I see the fountain of everlasting love, and shall hear the trumpet sound in that morning? And with my blessed Jesus drink endless pleasures in, and shall hear the trumpet sound in that morning?
Oh, shout glory! I shall mount above tghe skies when I hear the trumpet sound in that morning.
~ John Leland, 1793, as it appears in The Sacred Harp
This hymn has appeared in many hymnals, with a few different versions of the words and different tunes. In The Sacred Harp, B.F. White used his tune THE MORNING TRUMPET. There are eleven verses there, referencing the soldier's experience. The soldier is told that his "Captain has gone on before," and that if he dies on the battleeld, he will join Jesus in heaven in an afterlife of joy and love.
This promise to soldiers, so often young men, that even if they lay down their lives for whatever the cause is, they will be rewarded with an afterlife of pleasure, peace, and beauty, is not unique to the Civil War, or to Christianity. It has been used by those in power to get soldiers to ght and die ever since there have been armies. I nd it deeply disturbing whenever it appears, and that is reected in this setting. Especially when religious and political power are connected, this stragegy is used to whip the young and fervant into the kind of ecstatic emotional state that allows them to throw themselves into deadly circumstances and ght without regard for their future, to sacrice their lives.
It is worthwhile to note that John Leland was an outspoken abolitionist and B. F. White was a strong supporter of the Confederacy.
~ Reginald Unterseher
When I Hear The Trumpet Sound
Tune: MORNING TRUMPET B. F. White, 1844
Words: John Leland, 1793
Reginald Unterseher, arr. 15 April 2003
Oh, when shall I see Je sus and reign with him a bove, and shall and shall
Oh, when shall I see Je sus and reign with him a bove,
ev er last ting love, and shall hear the trum pet sound in that and shall hear the trum pet sound in that
ev er last ting love, and shall hear the trum pet sound in that and shall hear the trum pet sound in that
hear the trum pet sound in that morn in’. Oh shout glo ry! I shall
hear the trum pet sound in that morn in’. Oh shout glo ry! I shall
hear the trum pet sound in that morn in’. Oh shout glo ry! I shall
hear the trum pet sound in that morn in’. Oh shout glo ry! I shall
mount a bove the skies, when I hear the trum pet sound in that morn in’.
mount a bove the skies, when I hear the trum pet sound in that morn in’.
mount a bove the skies, when I hear the trum pet sound in that morn in’.
mount a bove the skies, when I hear the trum pet sound in that morn in’.
When shall I be de li vered from this vain world of sin, and shall
When shall I be de li vered from this vain world of sin, and shall
When shall I be de li vered from this vain world of sin, and shall
When shall I be de li vered from this vain world of sin, and shall T. I
end less plea sures in, and shall hear the trum pet sound in that
end less plea sures in, and shall hear the trum pet sound in that
end less plea sures in, and shall hear the trum pet sound in that
end less plea sures in, and shall hear the trum pet sound in that
hear the trum pet sound in that morn in’, Oh shout glo ry, I shall
hear the trum pet sound in that morn in’, Oh shout glo ry, I shall
hear the trum pet sound in that morn in’, Oh shout glo ry, I shall
hear the trum pet sound in that morn in’, Oh shout glo ry, I shall
mount a bove the skies, when I hear the trum pet sound in that
mount a bove the skies, when I hear the trum pet sound in that
mount a bove the skies, when I hear the trum pet sound in that
mount a bove the skies, when I hear the trum pet sound in that
morn in’ in that morn in’ in that morn in’ in that
morn in’ in that morn in’ in that morn in’ in that
morn in’ in that morn in’ in that morn in’ in that
morn in’ in that morn in’ in that morn in’ in that
ev er last ing
ev er last ing
morn in’ in that morn in’ in that morn in’ and morn in’ in that morn in’ in that morn in’ and
When I hear the trum pet sound.
When I hear the trum pet sound
When I hear the trum pet sound.
When I hear the trum pet sound
When I hear the trum pet sound.
When I hear the trum pet sound
When I hear the trum pet sound.
When I hear the trum pet sound
When I hear the trum pet sound.
When I hear the trum pet
When I hear the trum pet sound.
When I hear the trum pet sound
When I hear
When I hear