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MTASA has introduced a Professional Learning scheme for Full members. This commenced on July 1, 2019 when Full members began accumulating their seven hours of Professional Development. The scheme is designed to underpin and enhance MTASA’s established reputation for the professional excellence of its members, ensuring its standards are fully compliant with current educational expectations. These are clearly outlined in the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (visit www.aitsl.edu.au/teach/standards) and similar documents.
From July 1, 2020 onwards Full members, when renewing their membership, will be asked to tick a box declaring that they have undertaken at least seven hours of Professional Learning during the previous twelve months.
The following examples are provided to give general guidance for Full members about Professional Learning that would be acceptable to MTASA.
These examples represent only a small sample of all the possibilities available to Full members. Generally Full members should feel comfortable about their own choices but in case of doubt you are welcome to contact the Secretary for further advice (info@mtasa.com.au).
Improved music teaching should be a major factor in all activities that Full members wish to count towards their MTASA Professional Learning.
MTASA will undertake random checks from time to time to ensure the system is working properly. So, on very rare occasions a Full member may receive a request from the Secretary for information about their Professional Learning. In such instances you may submit evidence such as certificates, programs, diary notes, recordings and so forth.
Examples of Professional Learning that would be acceptable to MTASA:
1. Online.
Attending a webinar or similar event; undertaking an online e-learning course.
2. Face-to-Face.
Attending a conference, workshop, masterclass or lecture.
3. Formal Study. Undertaking a qualification or part-qualification delivered by a recognised institution.
4. Personal Research. Studying books, journals, articles, musical scores, musical theory, analysis, etc., which lead to an example of improved music pedagogy and/or pupil performance.
Self-conducted research leading to a presentation, masterclass or workshop at a conference.
Composing an educational piece of music that motivates a group of pupils.
5. Team Research. A joint project with others that achieves particular improvements in a training ensemble.
Joint creation of music teaching materials that improve learning in a group of pupils.
Remember! These are only a few amongst many possibilities. MTASA is a community of creatives. You are encouraged to be creative in your Professional Development!
Educators Sa
As a member of Educators SA, MTASA can offer benefits to its members. Here are some offers:
Andersons Solicitors offer MTASA members:
• 10% off legal services, in ALL areas.
• Free initial phone conversation with a lawyer.
When contacting Andersons Solicitors tell them you are a member of MTASA, which is a member organisation of Educators SA (CEASA). Visit the website at www.andersons.com.au/.
Credit Union SA has a range of education only offers. Visit the website at www.creditunionsa.com. au/community/education-communitybanking-benefits/ for more information.
Notice To Student Members
Have you fulfilled the requirements for Full Membership? Student members are reminded that Student membership is restricted to four years after which time it is expected that they would be eligible for another membership category, either Full Membership by Tertiary Study or Full Membership by RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning and Experience).
Student members who are ready to upgrade their membership are invited to submit an application form to the Secretary together with the required supporting documents. Criteria can be downloaded from the MTASA website (www.mtasa.com.au) or obtained from the Secretary (info@mtasa.com.au).