Copyright © 2024 by Norsk Musikkforlag
Vigmostad & Bjørke AS All Rights Reserved
1st edition 2024 / 1st Print run 2024
ISMN: 979-0-065-17820-2 (printed edition)
ISMN: 979-0-065-17821-9 (digital edition)
Graphic Production: John Grieg, Bergen
Graphic Design: Sora Valentin
Cover Design: Sora Valentin
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nie die intimiteit van jou voorkop mooi soos reën nog die geweld van jou liggaam agter lakens terughoudend nog wat na my toe aankom van jou lewe sal soveel slanke genade hê as om jou te sien slaap nie
miskien sien ek jou soms vir die eerste maal
jy met jou borskas van koejawel en druif jy met die ooglede klam, die slape silwer en vinkel jy vlek ons uithoeke smaltblou en geruisloos soos verdriet maar ons sal uithou bymekaar
selfs al hamer die son teen die dakpanne selfs al kook die staat net clichés ons stop ons sakke met suurstof en die vuurwerk van vinke selfs al ry my oë die horison bloots selfs al runnik die maan met haar flanke selfs al vorm die berg ‘n kompakte lyn teen die nag
ons sal uithou bymekaar ek sien jou soms vir die eerste maal
neither the moist intimacy of your eyelids fair as fennel nor the violence of your body withholding behind sheets nor what comes to me as your life will have so much slender mercy for me as to see you sleeping
perhaps I see you sometimes for the first time
you with your chest of guava and grape your hands cool as spoons your haughty griefs stain every corner blue
but we will endure with each other even if the sun culls the rooftops even if the state cooks clichés we will fill our hearts with colour and the firework of finches even if my eyes ride a rag to the horizon even if the moon comes bareback even if the mountain forms a conspiracy against the night we will persist with each other sometimes I see you for the first time
Afrika Liefdeslied
African Love Song
Rudolf de Beer Poem: Antjie Krog
Soloistinspeakingvoice: (mp)- niedieintimiteitvanjou voorkopmooisoosreën/ neitherthe moistintimacyofyoureyelids fairasfennel
(mf) - nogdiegeweldvanjou liggaamagterlakensterughoudend/ northeviolenceofyourbodywithholding behindsheets (f) - nogwatnamytoeaankom vanjoulewe/ norwhatcomes tomeasyourlife
(ff)- salsoveelslankegenadehê asomjoutesienslaapnie/ willhavesomuchslender mercyformeastoseeyousleeping
eer first ste - maal, time, eer first ste - maal, time, Aah
you mf met with jou your bors chest kas of - van gua koe-
ja vawel and - en druif, grape,
met your die oog hands le cool - de as - klam, spoons, die your