Cognitive Ergonomics: Interface Design

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01. Ergonomics: Interface Design

design brief

Interface Design for a Washing Machine kept in Public Domain for an Illiterate User

challenges faced by the illiterate user mission of the system

Written Language Illiteracy User is unable to read, write, count and make use of information provided in a language. Technological Illiteracy This deals with technophobia where technology intimidates the user. To allow an illiterate user to use washing machine to wash their clothes without intimidating or overwhelm ing the user or unscreasing the cognitive load.

task analysis and function allocation - Types of Clothes - Front Load - Top Load

- Water Temperature Hot, Cold, Warm - Water Level

Put Clothes in Bin H

Turn On Water

Semi Automatic (Put in washing bin)

Semi Automatic (Decide water level)

Semi Automatic (Along with clothes in washing bin)

Fully Automatic (Single bin)

Fully Automatic (Machine decides)

Fully Automatic (In detergent bin)


- Timer - Speed

Put Detergent C-H

Close Lid H

Washing Clothes Controls H-C

- Timer - Speed

Switch ON H

Spin Cycle Timer Ring C

Clothes in Drying Bin C Semi Automatic (Transfer clothes to drying bin) Fully Automatic (Single bin)

Drying Clothes Controls C-H

Switch ON H

Drying Cycle Timer Ring C

Take Out Clothes H

simplifying the controls The task has been broken down into most basic steps with the required bare minimum inputs if any.

How Dirty Clothes Are? which decides timer and spin settings

Put Clothes in Bin H

Turn On Water

Seperate clothes by color and type

Sensors that check weight and decide water level



Put Detergent C-H

Close Lid H

Detergent is in-built in the system as illiterate user might get confused as to which detergent to use and how much

Washing Clothes Controls H-C Sensors that check weight and decide settings



Switch ON H

Spin Cycle Timer Ring C

Clothes in Drying Bin C

Drying Clothes Controls C-H


Single bin for washing and drying

Adjusted according to wash settings

4 5

Switch ON H

Drying Cycle Timer Ring C

Take Out Clothes H





width is adjusted according to the width of washing machine

Dia 20 mm

To switch it on or off, user presses the Power Button

Dia 15mm

To repeat instructions, user presses the Help Button

Dia 15mm

In case on a mistake, user presses the Cancel Button

Dia 15mm

After completing each step, user presses the Confirm Button

Cotton Dia 10mm

Woollen Gentle Wash


- No text - Only Icons and Numericals as, according to a study, illiterate users are able to recognize numerals - Divided into Steps - Audio and Visual feedback LED lights up and moves to next step as user confirms completing a step. Flickering LED in washing and drying cycle Beeps at the end of stage - Confirmation required - Help is provided in the form of Visual Video Instructions with Audio in the local langauge dominantly spoken in that particular area


design principles and final design


Monitor is 3:4 Display

display animations


Seperating clothes and putting them in the bin.

2 3

Close the lid.

Press the button according to the type of clothes.

Population Stereotype and Mental Model have been considered for info graphics and control labels.


Machine will vibrate while washing. Dont panic. Dont touch the machine while clothes are washing. Press power off to stop. Clothes are getting washed. Kindly wait. Clothes are done.


Clothes are washed. Press cancel to remove wet clothes or confirm to continue.


Machine will vibrate while washing. Dont panic. Dont touch the machine while clothes are washing. Press power off to stop. Clothes are getting dryed. Kindly wait. Clothes are done.


Open the lid. Take out the clothes. Dont forget to press power off button.

interactive presentation

As per instructions, an interactive presentation was made in Power Point with Animations, Transitions and Sound Recordings in Hindi language. The link can be found in the description box below.

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