Muslim American Magazine April 2016

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From The Editor’s Desk – April 2016

Genuine Relationships .................................................... 06 Brotherhood Behind Bars .......................................... 08,09 How do Muslims view Jesus? ......................................... 11 Khutbah Recaps .......................................................... 12,13 Charlotte Happenings ................................................ 14,15 Charlotte Islamic Academy: A Hidden Pearl .......... 16,17 April -2016, Volume 2, Issue 4 ISSN 2377 - 9624 Publisher & Editor-in-Chief: Mohamed Haroon Sait Editor: Duston Barto Design & Layout: Mubin M.K. All content Copyright ©2016 Muslim American, Inc. except where otherwise noted. Please contact the editor or publisher directly to obtain reprint permission and guidelines. Opinions expressed in this magazine are those of the advertisers or individual contributing writers and not necessarily those of the editor or publisher of this magazine. This magazine is published monthly. Article Submission: Advertising Inquiries: Muslim American 400 Arrowhead Dr East Charlotte, NC 28213

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Greetings of Peace to You All! “Remembering that I’ll inevitably leave this world always pushes me to do more while I’m still here.” - Yasir Qadhi

Recently someone in our community was called home. I will not name the individual here, but I will share some of the sister’s qualities. She was someone who could always be found at the masjid. Anytime there was an event she was there, not to be seen; but to work. She gave of herself to the community and I personally respected her greatly for this. What has troubled me over the last few weeks is that I failed in my obligation to her as a brother in Islam. I did not reflect her good qualities by telling her that she was appreciated. I did not let her know how she inspired me, how her consistent presence in community events made me want to work harder. I question whether or not she knew that I both appreciated and admired her. At her funeral service, it warmed my heart to see the hall crowded full of others who appreciated and admired her. To see all the Muslims, young and old, rush to help lay her body to rest and bury her properly with dignity, honor, and prayer. These are the signs of a person who was loved by the community. How many people do we pass each day that we do not share a word of affection toward? It is incumbent upon the Muslim to greet with a positive greeting. To give the charity of a smile, a kind word, and to communicate that we love one another for the sake of the Almighty God. I pray that I will be more mindful of this in the future. Being mindful of death itself is a positive thing for us as Muslims. The first verses revealed of the Qur’an were about the power of Almighty God and the rewards that He has prepared for those who seek his forgiveness and obey His will. May we all be mindful of the day to come. “Hasten to obtain forgiveness from your Lord and to qualify yourselves for Paradise. Paradise, vast as the heavens and the earth, is prepared for the pious.” - Qur’an 3:133

May God’s peace, mercy and blessings be upon you all,

Duston Barto

Editor, Muslim American magazine

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Forming Genuine Relationships Imam Osamah Salhia

Being genuine in our dealings with one another is a cornerstone in our growth as individuals and as a community. Islam has defined this crucial mode of operating and has made it a central focus. A Muslim should not be fake, opportunistic or deceptive. A believing Muslim does not wait for others to fail only to capitalize on their demise. Rather, a Muslim should genuinely want his friends and foes to succeed in positive endeavors. As our dearly beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) was told: “Perhaps, you would

torment yourself with grief that they will not be believers.” (Qur’an 26:3)

“Do not ask for a woman in marriage when your brother has already done so” (recorded by Nasa’i). Many of the teachings of our dearly beloved Prophet Muhammad impart upon us a strong sense of consideration and affection toward others. Islam has prohibited entrepreneurs from stealing business from others after the buyer and seller have begun bargaining. The Prophet Muhammad said, “Do not enter into a transaction when another is bargaining.” (recorded by Muslim) Being genuine in one’s dealings is an ever-fading quality in society. People no longer trust each other. Many often try to capitalize upon the failures of their adversaries, or even their own friends. If you want to secure your promotion, don’t support your coworkers too much so they don’t get ahead of you. If you want to win the elections, dig up the dirtiest things you can find on your enemies and spend millions of dollars advertising the negatives. Create so much hype 6

around your name, even if that means your tongue when you pouncing on the dignity of others. least desire”. It might be a given that it is difficult to find such high quality relationships; to Our reality find those who strengthen you when produces such brutal critics. The you are weak, support you when you normative discourse is so toxic and are strong, remember you when you spiritually suffocating, it is no wonder are absent and defend you when you that we find difficulty concentrating are wronged. But, realizing that such in our prayers and connecting with relationships are truly a blessing from our Lord. The One God, we must be honest with ourselves: How deserving are When one doesn’t like something, we to be in such relationships? How the knee jerk reaction is to publicly genuine are we in our dealings with? ridicule it on Facebook with satirical memes. It may be said, “But we’re These esteemed relationships are built doing it about bad people who upon a solid foundation of character. have no honor.” It’s not about their We need to elevate our discourse honor, it’s about yours. What level as individuals and as a community. of discourse do you wish to present Lack of character is truly the greatest to society? Here’s the Qur’anic disthreat to the stability of civilization in course: “But whoever pardons and the modern day. makes reconciliation - his reward is from God.” (Qur’an 42: 40) The household unit is imperative to engendering the qualities that make a Truly, ignorance is a major crisis; even decent, compassionate and genuine in the modern days where we have believer. When we deal with those surpassed all former nations in terms who we do not feel socially compelled of technology and information, but to maintain certain etiquettes, the we lack the most basic human qualities façade is lifted and our behavior is put of consideration and affection. Do to the test. Hence, our dearly beloved not buy into the toxic rhetoric that Prophet Muhammad said: “The best sets the tone of most dealings. Live a of you is the one who is best to his life of excellence, even if that means family, and I am the best of you to my being at a worldly ‘disadvantage’. family” (recorded by Ibn Majah). As our dearly beloved Prophet Muhammad said, “Indeed, God has One of the great luminaries of our prescribed excellence upon all things” past was once walking with his young (recorded bu Muslim). Aspire to build boy when they came across a barking relationships that extend beyond the dog. The young boy snarled: “Be quiet, confines of this world and earn you you dog, the son of a dog!” Realizing a place in the shade of al-Rahman the far-reaching effects of character (The Most Merciful, one of the 99 upon interpersonal relationships, the attributes of God), on the day that father told his son: “My dear boy, there is no shade but His. I ask The do not use such derogatory terms, One God, to guide us to the greatest for if you do, you will find them on virtues.



Brotherhood Behind Bars

The State of Muslim American Inmates of North & South Carolina by Imam Tamir Mutakabbir

Based on my experience as a chaplain for the South Carolina prison system, roughly 10% of America’s prison population is Muslim. This is across the board regardless of the size of the jail or prison. This means some facilities have only thirty Muslims while others have hundreds. Nationwide, there are over 220,000 Muslim inmates. The total population of Muslims in South Carolina is about 3,300 and approximately 5,200 in North Carolina. In spite of this large number, I was the only Muslim chaplain for the entire state of South Carolina, covering twenty-six prisons. Who are the Muslims in Prison? During my six year tenure as chaplain, I only encountered ten Muslims who were raised as Muslim; all the other Muslim inmates converted after incarceration. Many of these embrace Islam to gain protection of being with the group. Bonding for protection is important in the prison system, and the Muslims are known for sticking together and protecting one another. This has deep roots in the prison work that has been done for decades via the Nation of Islam. In the history of the Nation of Islam, you can see many prominent members who aided in the evolution of the movement such as Malcolm X and Warith Deen Muhammad having spent time in prison. As a result, there was one time where nearly 100% of the inmate Muslim population was African American. However, in the time that I spent as chaplain, I could see people of all 8

The other aspect of prison life that Muslim inmates have to deal with is something we call STG, that is, a Security Threat Group. This is like gang affiliation; in prison there are many gangs that pull on inmates. People in prison are looking for protection; they seek protection from these gangs, but they also seek protection from religious groups. For several generations, the Nation of Islam established itself in the prisons as a source of knowledge, What are the Challenges Facing empowerment, and protection. Muslim Inmates? Today, Muslims still bond together in The single greatest challenge for prison for protection. Some prison Muslims in prison is self-purification, administrators see the large Muslim and this relates to the largest problems populations as an STG while others for all inmates, which are self- view them as a positive alternative. deception and uncontrolled anger. This can present a challenge to A program of teaching that focuses chaplains trying to assist the Muslim on self-purification can eradicate the inmates. This is where constructive issues of deception and rage. The dawah and interfaith on the outside of self-deception comes from a mindset the prison can help. If prison guards where the inmate thinks he’s cleverer and administrators can connect with than anyone else and believes himself Muslims and break down their own to be in control of the situation when prejudices, then it makes our job really he is falling deeper and deeper administering to the needs of Muslim into chaos. inmates that much easier. ethnicities coming to Islam through prison dawah (witnessing) efforts. A typical group breakdown: out of 150 people, we would see about twenty of European descent, some Arabs, a few Latinos and one or two Native Americans, and the rest would be African-American. Of course, African-Americans are going to be the largest number because they represent the largest percentage of the overall prison population.

It is true that many inmates originally come to Islam to seek that protection, and that is why we often see a hundred Muslims released from prison and maybe ten to twenty come to the mosque. This falloff of the Muslims upon release is a challenge for our community on the outside, to make sure that the masjid (mosque) is a welcoming place for the former inmates who seek it out and also to establish solid communication with the other Muslims who don’t seek out the masjid to help them toward righteousness.

one a week with consistency than to do three a week and have it fall apart. Lastly, create a plan for your teaching sessions and be able to submit a course outline for months in advance so the chaplain of the prison can know what is going on.

God has commanded us to give to such people. We have obligations to one another; those obligations do not change just because of someone’s pre-Islamic life.

Inmates don’t need someone to just show up and show “The Message” for the tenth time. They crave knowledge. Inmates want knowledge about Islam; they want to learn Arabic. Nothing is too basic, and nothing is too complex. The more knowledge that you can bring, the more rooted What do Muslim Inmates Need in the faith these brothers and sisters will become. From the Community?

Christians have amazing correspondence programs from all over the world. They have programs to educate inmates on the Bible and Christian theology and such. The Muslims need an intensive program like that.

During my time with SC prisons as a chaplain, I came to realize very quickly that we cannot do anything without volunteers. There are some volunteers who are so dedicated that they will “adopt” entire prison populations, create programs to teach weekly. They bring food for Ramadan and for Eid. All of this is needed in a desperate way. The most important aspect that any volunteer for Muslim inmates can have though is consistency. The absolute worst thing that you can do as a volunteer is to show up for a week or two and then disappear. This creates a mindset in the inmate that “nobody cares about me anyway” and can increase the problems we mentioned earlier regarding internal rage and distrust. If someone is new to Islam, it can cause him or her to lose faith.

When prisoners are released, there are a new set of challenges and a new set of needs from the community. There are some inmates who have a hard time getting jobs when they are released because they are sex offenders, they need help to stay righteous and stay focused on integrating into society. These people try to change their lives but they keep getting kicked down and will do things intentionally to get back into prison because it’s the only way they can feel normal. We, as a Muslim community, have to be willing to accept that this man or woman is trying to change his or her life, that he or she has accepted Islam and God has made him or her into a clean person. We need to help the converts in self-purification and help them have an income so they can remain strong as Muslim Americans outside of the prison walls.

Therefore, when you choose to create a prison volunteer program at your mosque or as a community of concerned people, make sure you establish a network that is solid enough to provide consistency. Establish a program that is sustainable; don’t promise three times a week when you know you’re going to be hard pressed to do one a week. It is better to do 704-597-5424

Unfortunately what often happens is that these brothers and sisters come out of prison, and the mentality of Muslims at the mosques is to keep them mentally in prison. Once word gets out that so-and-so used to be a criminal, then the community slowly turns against him or her and shuts him or her off from the benefits that

The Game Changer

Several of us across the country are working on a program to provide Qur’anic Correspondence Schools for inmates. Beyond Islamic education, we are working to provide vocational education and trade skills so that these brothers and sisters can have new skills once they are released. Get Involved The Muslims coming from prison can be a powerful part of our community if we let them. We have to embrace them, be willing to compromise, be willing to work hard, and be willing to accept them for who they are, not focus on who they were. Make our mosques open and welcoming places for anyone who says, “I am Muslim; I’m here to learn.” Get involved with your local prison by creating a volunteer base that can go in and work with the inmates to strengthen those bonds of brotherhood. Contribute to the development of programs that will educate inmates in both spiritual and vocational worlds. Make this a priority. Dawah is incumbent upon all of us, and we do it so well. That second step after the dawah, nurturing the new Muslim, is hard, and we have got to all rise to the challenge for our brothers and sisters behind bars. 9


How do Muslims View Jesus? By Mohamed Haroon Sait

“Do you know that we Muslims believe in Jesus Christ?” This is one of the most important questions I always ask when I get an opportunity to discuss on religion with Christians. Based on the reactions I receive, I would say that nine out of ten Christians didn’t know that. This fact really makes me sad. I always thought that if Christians knew the honor that Jesus and his mother Mary have in the Qur’an, it would bring the followers of these two faiths closer.

6) Bible says that in the garden of would breath in to it and it flew with Getshamane, Jesus fell on his face the permission of God. This event is chronicled in many gospels which and prayed just like Muslims pray. were left out of the modern canon 7) In the creed one can find that of the Bible, but the story was well Muslims practice what Jesus instructed known among early Christians and his people. When a questioner asked can be found in manuscripts of the him this; first few centuries.

Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment Jesus is mentioned in the Qur’an (Matthew 22:36-38) twenty five times by name whereas the Now compare this with what the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Qur’an says “…. But those of faith are all the prophets) is mentioned only 5 overflowing in their love for Allah…” (The times by name. Mary, the mother of Cow 2:165). Jesus, is the only women mentioned in the Qur’an by name. God Almighty The Qur’an talks about Jesus most named the 19th section of the Qur’an eloquently and attests to the following for her. Muslims should educate in the chapter 3 - Family of Imran: themselves in order to highlight and 45-51. enlighten their Christian friends about 1) Miraculous birth of Jesus Christ. the common threads that we have. The Qur’an confirms that Jesus was If following the way of Jesus makes born to Mary, who was a virgin. one a Christian, then we Muslims can claim that we are more Christians than 2) He was a Prophet and servant of those who say they are Christians. Let God. He was blessed and had great honor with God. me give you a few examples.

10) He could tell what a person ate and what he or she has left at home. There are so much of similarities between the teachings of Jesus in the Bible and in the Qur’an. In reality Islam is the only non-Christian faith that makes it an article of faith to believe in Jesus as a Prophet. Here is what Jesus told us. Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God, because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God. (1 John 4:12) I like to highlight two important points here. 1) He kept open the door of prophethood after him. He only said that one should test the Prophet to ensure he is not an imposter.

1) Muslim men are circumcised as 3) He was given the Injeel (Gospel) Jesus was on the 8th day his birth. 4) He was ordered to offer prayer and 2) The criteria Jesus stated to verify 2) Muslim men grow beard like Jesus give out in charity. is that the Prophet should attest that had. 5) He spoke in the cradle and defended Jesus indeed came in the flesh. 3) When Jesus met his followers he the honor of his mother. None other than Prophet Muhammad greeted with “Shalom” like Muslims 6) He brought the dead back to life, attested and sealed that deal. Now I greet with “Salam” invite my Christian readers to ponder with the permission of God. 4) Jesus never ate pork. It is prohibited 7) He gave sight to those were born over this seriously and to follow what Jesus taught and accept the Prophet in Islam to consume pork. blind. Muhammad as a true Prophet. 5) In all her depictions we see Mary 8) He cured the lepers. May God Almighty lead us all in to the mother of Jesus dressed like a the straight path. Muslim woman is dressed. 9) He fashioned bird out of clay and 704-597-5424 11

March Khutbah Recap For the complete audio of these Khutbah, please visit Should we include your Imam’s Khutbah? Email us!

“Fulfill All Obligations” - Imam Abdul-Azziz (Guest Imam) Masjid Ash-Shaheed, 400 W Sugar Creek Rd, Charlotte NC 28213

“O You Who Believe! Maintain your obligations!”- Qur’an 5:1 Imam Abdul-Azziz began his khutbah by paying honor to the founders of the community, those who worked hard through the 50s, 60s and 70s to establish the communities and to lead the evolution of the community into the status that it is today. Imam AbdulAzziz reminded us not to dismiss the grey-headed brothers and sisters of the community, but to learn from them and honor and respect them to gain from the experience that they can give us. This is an obligation to respect the elders of our community. The first obligation we have as believers is to God, that we worship nothing but Him, we rely on him, serve him and give praise to Him for all that we have and we do. Every action of a Muslim is an act of worship. Even when we play ball we should do it in a way that elevates God. Imam AbdulAzziz related an authentic teaching of Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him): The Prophet asked, “O Mu’adh! Do you know what God’s right on His slaves is, and what the right of His slaves on Him is?” I replied, “God and His Apostle know better.” He said, “God’s right on His slaves is that they should worship Him (Alone) and should not worship any besides Him. And slave’s right on God is that He should not punish him who worships none besides Him.” I said, “O God’s 12

Apostle! Should I not inform the people of this good news?” He said, “Do not inform them of it, lest they should depend on it (alone).” Imam Abdul-Azziz reminded us that It is obligatory upon every Muslim man and woman to know the religion of Islam. This is so that someone else can’t come along and tell you about your religion and claim to be an expert on Islam. He reminded us that there are many “Experts” on the news who have never worshiped as Muslims a day in their lives but they are allowed to tell everyone what Islam is all about. Why? Imam AbdulAzziz says this is because we haven’t tapped into our true power, because we are dis-unified.

yourselves and your families from a fire whose fuel is people and stones.” This is your obligation, to keep your family inside the faith of alIslam and to keep them from getting sucked into society’s trap. We are obligated to people in the community, not just this masjid, but every mosque in the area. All the Muslims are a community to one another. We fulfill this obligation by building and strengthening the community in every way we can.

Husbands and wives have obligations to one another. We are obligated to create a relationship of mercy and He continued expressing the other goodness to one another. We should obligations that we have as Muslims: treat one another in such a way that we always smile when thinking of one We have an obligation to Muhammad, another. to follow him and to recognize that he is someone to be followed and Our obligations that we have over one emulated. We are reminded command another are the biggest. The average from God, “Say, [O Muhammad], ‘If muslim-to-muslim relations obligate you should love God , then follow me, [so] us to not only be well-wishers of God will love you and forgive you your sins. one another but to be helpers of one And God is Forgiving and Merciful.’” - another. (Qur’an 3:31) We have to ask each other if we are Our Obligations to family is so strong really giving the rights to each other. that God has said in the Qur’an, Are we fulfilling our obligations Verse 66:6, “O you who believe, save under God’s command?

“Winners and Losers” - Mohamed Haroon Sait (Guest Imam) MAS - Charlotte, 4301 Shamrock Dr, Charlotte, NC 28215 “As for those who say: “Our God is God,” and then stay firm on it, the angels will descend on them, saying: “Let nothing fear or grieve you. Rejoice for the good news of paradise that has been promised to you.” Qur’an 41:30

Take, for example, the month of Ramadan, we should ask ourselves sincerely, “What benefit have I gained from Ramadan last year? Did I start going to the masjid? Did I fall in prostration more? Did I make dhikr more? Did I read Qur’an more?” Did We are tested constantly throughout we learn and improve our condition life, there are winners and losers. All or did we just finish Ramadan and of us are presented with two choices leave the masjid? constantly, the right way or the wrong way. Every time we meet a brother For many people, today is a special day. or sister, every time we engage in Today is the day that they didn’t wake business, every time we open our up. Today is the day that they got up mouths we are presented with a test. and ate breakfast without making to Will we choose the righteous way or to lunch. Every day, 150,000 people will we fail the test and give into the die worldwide. Today is a special day for those people, when they will face wrong way? the final tests.

Our deeds are the only thing that matter on that special day for us. For people who have steered their lives with the guidance that God has sent in the Qur’an and the life example of the Prophet Muhammad, the choices for righteous deeds come easier. Those people are promised the reward from God in verse 41:30. On the day of Judgment, will your deeds make you a winner or a loser?

“Virtues of Spending in the Path of God” – Sheikh Bassam Obeid Islamic Center of Charlotte, 1700 Progress Ln, Charlotte, NC 28205

as praise from his peers, love from the community or charitable giving deductions for economic benefit. Sheikh Bassam reminds us that God has been merciful and giving of his mercy for every day since the creation Indeed God is most forgiving and of Adam and Eve. Therefore, the most appreciative of what we do. spring of mercy and the wealth of Sheikh Bassam explored the virtues God is unlimited. of spending in the way of God as he discussed many hadith and ayat of the According to the teachings and life Qur’an which compel the cause of example of the Prophet Muhammad, charity. He reminded us that of the the demand to spend in charity is on all seven kinds of people who would be believers. Not just men! Women and shaded on the Day of Judgment, one young people as well are compelled as of those is the person who spends an act of faith to give in charity from in charity with so much secrecy that the money they have legally gained. In the left hand does not know what the return, God has promised that He will guard over us and that we should give right hand has given. without any fear of poverty because The virtue of giving in secret is so that He will replace what we have spent a believer can delay any reward in this for His cause. life for the hereafter. Rewards such “Indeed, those who recite the Book of God and establish prayer and spend [in His cause] out of what We have provided them, secretly and publicly, [can] expect a profit that will never perish.” - Qur’an 35:29


Sheikh Bassam expressed frustration that for two Fridays in a row, in spite of over 800 brothers and sisters attending each Jummuah service that the donations did not even reach $1000 on either Friday. If each person only gave $5, there would be over $4000 per week to improve the facilities and provide better services to the community. Remember, it is our obligation to one another that we build up the community for the benefit of all so that we can be winners in the eyes of God. Contribute to whatever Masjid you visit and may God bless you richly. 13

Charlotte Happenings from March

March 3rd - American Islamic Outreach was invited to Valdese, NC by a local Presbyterian Church. Mohamed Haroon Sait delivered a short lecture on “Jesus in Islam” with a Q&A session afterward. The group was warm, welcoming and respectful. The biggest concern from the audience was how to get the message of Jesus in Islam spread to more Americans.

Saturday Breakfasts at the Islamic Community Center with Sheikh Bassam Obeid - Sheikh Bassam spoke about Istighaza (Seeking help from Allah) and explained it with the help of Quran and Hadith. ICC on Progress Lane has been conducting these Saturday morning breakfast programs following fajr prayer for many years.

March 5th – The Monthly Interactive Dawah Training Session was conducted by American Islamic Outreach by Ahrar Ahmed Chowdhury. This training session focused on how to present Islam to Christians.

March 6th – Dr. Mohammad Adnan Alghorani gave a presentation at UMAC entitled “Raising a Muslim Teenager” which educated the community on how to be efficient parents in raising Muslim teens.

Sunday Breakfast at ISGC - ISGC has restarted their breakfast program after fajar. These images are from February 27th, 2016 where a few brothers are seen frying the tortillas while others are enjoying them.


March 19th - The fourth monthly free health clinic was operated by American Islamic Outreach. The clinic gets better with each passing month as more people in the community are helped. The dedicated volunteers and doctors work with Brother Raza to execute this project for the benefit of all.

March 12th - On a beautiful busy Saturday morning, American Islamic Outreach and total of 11 volunteers came out together to clean along the sidewalks on Sharon Amity and Central Avenue. AIO has committed to cleaning this area at least three times a year. The activity generated a lot of visibility from locals and businesses in the area as well as the passing traffic.


March 19th - Islamic Community Center of South Charlotte held a community fundraising dinner. Sheikh Abdulhakim gave a humor-laden presentation along with praise for how far the community has come. The fundraising was a great success for the new Islamic Center. Thanks to the volunteers who did an excellent job in organizing the event.


Charlotte Islamic Academy: A Hidden Pearl By Dorene Alama

8:00 A.M. - Mini-vans, SUVs, and smaller cars are already lining up in the parking lot in preparation of entrusting their most precious cargo into the hands of the staff and faculty at Charlotte Islamic Academy. 8:15 A.M. - Car doors slam, parents wish their children a “Good Day”, Mr. Keith Stringfellow and Ms. Mona Nasralla send smiles and salaams as they wave the cars through, and students seek out friends to giggle and to chat with before assembly starts. Once assembly begins, students recite Quran and hear inspirational words of advice before heading off to their classes. It is beautiful to see the diversity of the students in assembly. Although most of the students were born in the USA; most of their parents are from other countries such as Sudan, Syria, Bosnia, Palestine, Somalia, Turkey, the Philippines, Morocco, Pakistan, and others. Some fortunate students are not in their classes as they will be on a field trip. All the students from pre-school through grade twelve

Interfaith meetings like this provide Muslim students with great opportunities for dialog and understanding.

have the opportunity to experience educational outings to local and regional museums, plays, outdoor science activities, zoos, to travel Atlanta to the CNN Student News Center, Grandfather Mountain, the annual MIST (Muslim Interscholastic Tournament) in Atlanta, Fort Fischer in Wilmington, college tours, the North Carolina High School Mock Trial and an interfaith visit to Catholic High School. Students will often help to fund-raise for their field trips which help them learn valuable team building skills, knowledge of finances, and the work it takes to organize outside activities.

two Sheiks that are part of the staff, and in one of the classes the students are busy writing essays on the school’s netbooks. Every day, students study the four core subjects in addition to Quran, Arabic, and Islamic Studies. It is a rigorous curriculum that will enable students to navigate in our multicultural society and prepare them for the Hereafter.

The teachers are always preparing valuable lessons that follow the North Carolina Department of Education and the Common Core Standards. The school is fortunate to have a wellqualified staff with two teachers with PHDs, six teachers that have Master’s 8:30 A.M. - Teachers settle the Degrees, and six teachers with their students at their desks as the day’s teaching certifications. Teachers lessons are about to begin. Sounds of with these great credentials help the Arabic lessons can be heard from one classroom, in another class students are watching a video about the American Civil War on the classroom SMART Board, in the Science Lab students are working on their experiments to get ready for the Regional Science Fair at UNCC, students are reciting Qur’an Second Grade Students show off one of in another classroom with one of the Charlotte Islamic Academy students attheir projects. tending the NC Mock Trial. 16

Some students and families will stay after school today for the Poetry Slam Competition being held for grades 3-12. It is just one of the events held throughout the year. Some of the others are the Quran Competition, the Hajj Program, the English Spelling Bee, the Arabic Spelling Bee, and the two Book Fairs. These events allow students to showcase their Arabic Winners from the CIA Poetry Slam competition. students prepare for the assessments starting at 11:45 for more than half language skills and Islamic knowledge, they will take. The assessments an hour daily. Each gender will have along with public speaking abilities. include DiscoveryEd which is taken their own gym time. The girls feel free 3:50 P.M. - “All teachers will meet now three to four times per year to help to kick around their soccer ball with in the lunchroom.” The day is not yet teachers and the students to monitor as much vigor and screaming as the finished for the teachers. Every day the students’ progress. At the end of boys do when they are on the soccer after school the teachers meet with the year students will take the EOCs, field. Principal Lamti to review the day’s EOGs, Terra Nova, and/or the AP events. Today’s discussion is of a English Exam. Students in grades 1:15 P.M. - “Allahu Akbar! Allahu more serious nature. Even though 9-12 will also take the PSATs and the Akbar!” The sweetest words of the the school has been in existence since day as the Call to Prayer commences. SATs. Students and staff gather to remember 2007 and is accredited nationally Charlotte Islamic Academy’s former God for the second of the five by AdvancED; it still faces many students are now attending or have prayers of the day. This is the heart challenges. Some of these include graduated from: UNCC, Wingate and soul time for the school. It binds ongoing financial issues, negative University, Queens University, Chapel the students and staff together and community perceptions which leads Hill, Michigan State University, NC reminds everyone why they are here. to less financial and volunteer support, State, CPCC, York Tech, and others. After leaving salat (prayer), there is a real estate autonomy, low high school enrollment, competitive salaries & Several students have graduated from calmness in the air. benefits packages for staff, the university with double and specialized staff for majors at the bachelor’s students with special needs. level, with their master The staff and school board degrees, or are pursuing brainstorm continuously professional schools such how to approach these as pharmacy or law. issues. 11:00 A.M. - A burst of But, at the end of the joyful sound and youthful day, teachers and staff and energy is suddenly present parents and students raise in the peaceful outdoors as their hands to God and the students in grades 1-6 start the recess and lunch Communication with other schools around the world connects thank Him for the blessings periods. Of course, this CIA students with the global society in ways that they cannot get he has given to the school. Despite all obstacles, Allah is one of their cherished in public school. has bestowed Charlotte times of the day. They will with an educational pearl that all area participate in organized games such as 3:25 P.M. - Dismissal Time. Some of Muslims can access if they are just soccer matches, competitive kickball the students jump from the outside willing to come and open up the clam. games, shoot some basketballs, benches when they see their care ride perhaps take a walk on the nature trail in the line. Other students eagerly down to the creek or have free play. run out from their classrooms to the Visit Charlotte Islamic Academy online at: Students in grades 7-12 will have gym vehicles awaiting to take them home. 704-597-5424






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