Muslim American Magazine October 2016

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Is there a meaning to this life ?....................................16,17 Islamic Mysticism Takes Center Stage..........................12,13 Khutba Recap......................................................08,09,11,12 My Intellectual Reversion...........................................06,07 October -2016, Volume 2, Issue 10 ISSN 2377 - 9624 Publisher & Editor-in-Chief: Mohamed Haroon Sait Editor: Duston Barto Design & Layout: Mubin M.K All content Copyright ©2016 Muslim American, Inc. except where otherwise noted. Please contact the editor or publisher directly to obtain reprint permission and guidelines. Opinions expressed in this magazine are those of the advertisers or individual contributing writers and not necessarily those of the editor or publisher of this magazine. This magazine is published monthly. Article Submission: Advertising inquiries: Muslim American 400 Arrowhead Dr East Charlotte, NC 28213

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Greetings of Peace to You All! I am writing this as I finish up the magazine on September 21st, which is meant to be the International day of peace. However, my heart is heavy with the brutality of the past several years. It is hard to think of peace when unarmed citizens are massacred in the streets of America by the law enforcement officers we have trusted to protect us. It is hard to think of love when the US government’s military might obliterates a nation and then politicians tell the Refugees to go back and fix their own problems. It is hard to think of mercy when Native Peoples of America are arrested for protesting a pipeline they never wanted on their own land which is destroying their sacred ground and threatens to destroy all of the environment. While at the same time, people are being poisoned by their own water in cities such as Flint, MI, Crystal City, TX, and St. Joseph, LA. It is hard to think of comfort when Bombs rip through a city only a week after a Muslim woman was set on fire while shopping. Meanwhile, attempted bombings against Muslim communities in Texas go unnoticed by the nation. It is hard to think of peace in times of chaos. But that is when we need to ponder on it the most. I remember, on this Day of Peace, the ayat of the Qur’an where Allah says, “And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided. And remember the favor of Allah upon you - when you were enemies and He brought your hearts together and you became, by His favor, brothers. And you were on the edge of a pit of the Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus does Allah make clear to you His verses that you may be guided.” 3:103 This ayat (which can also mean “sign or symbol”) comes to us in the surah named after the family of Imran; the father of Mary, mother of Jesus. To me, this is a symbol fo the sort of unity that must be needed to cling to the rope of Allah all together. The Family of Imran carried a lineage of spiritual teaching through all three Abrahamic faiths. That symbol should unite us all in America as Muslims, Jews, Christians; and indeed all people who believe in God and the Last Day, all who strive for Peace due to the love we share for the Divine. The impact of the verse comes in waves of realization. The knowledge that Allah has known our challenges before they come to us. That Allah has saved us from the hellfire and has saved others before us from worse tragedies than we now face. The knowledge that in unity, we are stronger. Let the waves wash over you and break down the heaviness in your own hearts as it has done for mine. I pray for all of you peace, love, mercy, and comfort from the maelstrom of this world we live in. Hold fast to the rope of Allah (SWT). Hold fast to one another, for it is only in unity that peace can truly be achieved.

Duston Barto


Editor, Muslim American magazine 5

My Intellectual Reversion Isa Hodge

You may be asking yourself why I choose the word reversion over conversion in the title. It is because we know we are reverting back to our original intended state, the nature of our creation; that is, as a Muslim (one who submits to the will of Allah). Most of us are taken from this form to an altered state because of society or family. This unnatural state violates the intention of our creation. For some, like myself, we feel this unnatural state and seek something else. My journey began when I was 15. Things hadn’t gone well for me as a child. I was in trouble with a lot with peers, educators, and family. So I thought I needed some help and began to study the Bible more and go to church every Sunday. The more I read, the more I wanted to practice what I was learning. The first issue I ran into is that the text wasn’t specific on how to live your life. Most of the time, it just commanded to live as Jesus lived. I remember thinking this was a hard thing to do since I was a mere mortal and he was supposed to be God in the flesh! As I progressed with my studies, I began to see discrepancies within the text about this God in the flesh. The biggest came from the famous verse, “For God so loved the world that he gave his ONLY BEGOTTON SON.”

to have faith,” I began to question the Christian doctrine as a whole. It was about this time that I was told to attend the Fellowship of Christian Athletes summer sports camp in Colorado. I was excited about getting the chance to go to the mountains. I went and spent the better part of the two weeks having 20-somethings at camp tell me the same responses I had already heard from people I knew back home. At this point, I knew for certain that God existed, that He was perfect, and God’s word has to be perfect. However, I did not see this perfection in the Christian Bible. So I separated from Christian doctrine while still believing in God. I had no clue that the answer I sought would be found in other religions. Even living in New York, where I had access to all the world’s religions at my fingertips, it never dawned on me. I looked at Hasidic Jews, Muslims, and even Rastafarian as if it was a cultural thing instead of being religious. It wasn’t until my first year of college when I took a world religion course that I got what I was looking for.

Every week I would eagerly wait for that class and devour all the information I could, even reading chapters and sections not assigned to find the perfection of God. I asked a dozen questions every day in class. In I questioned this because I had private I would go around New York read many other verses of God’s to beg, borrow, and (in one case) steal other begotten sons and daughters. religious books to further my studies. After questioning our pastor and hearing he and other church elders Then came the day we covered Islam, say, “God doesn’t intend for us to and I discovered a revert Muslim understand everything; you just have named Cory in my class. He quickly became my close friend and brother 6

for life. In 1993 it was hard to get a Qur’an, so Cory gave me one. I remember reading Al Fatiha and thinking that it was the best definition of God. For the next nine months I spent every free moment reading the Qur’an cover to cover. At every turn of the page, I found answers to the long asked questions of my youth. I also found answers to my everyday problems and concerns. With the guidance from Cory and my studies, I began to learn that aspects of my life were contrary to Islam and this was hard for me to give up. I would ask myself, “What’s so wrong with a beer and a girlfriend?” Because of the culture conflicts, I went back to the Bible. However, this time I was reading it and looking for Islam. I came across verses that discuss the coming of a prophet that isn’t named in the Bible. I went back to Christian scholars and pastors and found they could not tell me who this person was. They projected ideas that it was

Jesus or perhaps the Holy Ghost, but none of these ideas really fit. The prophet that was described had to be Muhammad (SAWS). Even though I determined that the Qur’an was the word of God and confirmed that via the Bible, I still couldn’t bring myself to take the Shahada because it contradicted my own culture. I continued my American lifestyle, but, with the new knowledge I had, it came with guilt. One day I could no longer reconcile my knowledge with the way I was living. I had found God, which was perfect, and His word was perfect; so I could no longer live my life by my own rules. I walked into the nearest Masjid with shoes on, walked up to a man with a short cropped white beard (where I was promptly asked to remove my


shoes) and said to him that I wanted to become Muslim. He took me back to his office and asked me why. I looked him in the eyes and said, “I have studied Islam and other religions for the better part of a year and have found no other religion to be perfect save Islam.” I went on to tell him that “I could no longer live my life without the guidance of the Creator.” This seemed to satisfy his concern. He then took me in the other room where they were preparing for prayer, and, as I sat behind everyone since I did not know how to pray, I remember feeling the beauty in a religion that has no color or language barriers. I remember how comfortable I was being there and decided to join keeping a watchful eye on the man next to me doing whatever he did. When it was done, I was asked to come to the front where I took my Shahada, stumbling

through the Arabic recitation while getting corrected and throwing out random Spanish words, but with patience I was led through. After I did well enough in my pronouncing of the Arabic words, I got to hear the English words of what I had said and felt peace and a reversion to my natural state of creation.

Isa is a Muslim American activist who organize the Million American March Against Fear in D.C. on 9/11/2013. He was also a speaker at the 2015 Engineers and Architects for truth on 9/11. Isa has been featured in numerous media outlets both in the USA and worldwide including Fox News, Free Talk Live and Washington News.


Friday Sermon / Khutba Recap These khutbahs have been summarized by our editor. The words are not necessarily direct quotes from the Imam represented. To hear the full audio and to read un-edited transcripts, please visit our website.

The Lessons of Hajj Imam Suhaib Webb - September 9, 2016

One of the many things that Allah (SWT) chooses to swear by in the Qur’an is Time. Allah (SWT) swears by Time as a whole and by its parts. Since so many of these come at the latter section of the Qur’an, some say that the final oath is the swearing by time. Perhaps this is to indicate that the key to living a Qur’anic life is to use your time for Allah (SWT).

Out of the mercy of Allah (SWT), he makes certain times more virtuous than others so that people who have shortcomings in the use of their time would be able to take the benefits of certain times to make up for deficiencies in other times. One of those blessed times is the time of Hajj and these first ten days of Thul Hijjah. In many ways, we can enact the principles of Hajj even though we are at home. These principles are reflected in a few lessons. The first lesson is that have to come to grips with being good human beings. If we are not good human beings, with good manners, then we cannot survive packed together on Hajj. Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) said “The closest of you to me in the hereafter are those who have good character.” He also related a story in

The second reason we split is ideological issues. There are always people who are trying to split the communities and cause problems. This is why Imam al-Ghazzali said “If you see anyone The second lesson we get from the who is attacking the scholars and the hajj is the unity of the Muslims. imams and the masses of the Muslims, Muslims should be unified instead you should run from that person.” of being divisive, inventing tribes of ideologies within Islam. It is haraam The third is issues of the heart, to divide ourselves! While in Hajj, it arrogance, where we think that we allows us to have a collective power. are better than others and we believe Muhammad (SAWS) said “You will we have the right to mistreat them in not enter paradise until you believe the name of Allah. We stop being an and you will not believe until you learn instrument of his mercy and in stead to love one another.” How can we are a reminder of his punishments. love one another if we are constantly The third lesson we learn from Hajj dividing? is that, as a metaphor, we all have an There are three categories that we Ismaeel (AS) to slaughter. use to divide ourselves up. The first is race and ethnicity. How can anyone Maybe it is smoking, laziness, the say la illahah il Allah and be a racist inability to maintain regular prayer, or have a problem with color, culture wasting of time. All of these things or ethnicity. I believe that racism is a sit between you and having closeness form of shirk. We have to address the with Allah (SWT). So you have to very real situation where people are slaughter this in the name of Allah in being closed out of our communities these days and direct your focus and your time back to Allah. because of racism. the well known hadith about a pious woman who fulfilled her worship. She fasted and prayed dutifully, but she was cruel to a cat. For this sin of cruelty she was destined for hellfire. Imagine what he would say about those who pray and fast but then are cruel to people.

Die Not, Except in the State of Islam Sheikh Khalid Griggs - Community Mosque of Winston Salem - Sep 2nd, 2016 O you who have believed, fear Allah as He should be feared and do not die except as Muslims [in submission to Him]. - Qur’an 3:103 In this verse, Allah(SWT) is commanding the believer, not to take a break from the behavior that He has prescribed for us. This way of life that 8

is al-Islam. Every minute we have to be on top of our game, and behave as though we can see him clearly because we know that he can see us. There is

no break from the will of Allah. We cannot just stop and then come back, banking on the mercy of Allah

to forgive us so that we can pick up single time when Muhammad(SAWS) uttered a harsh word or made where we left off. someone feel bad. We know that Muhammad (SAWS) is the best human being who was The best testimony of one’s character raised for the example of humanity. is through that person’s spouse. This No believer can question this, it is a is because it is common for people to fundamental attribute of the belief show one face in public and another of every Muslim in every school of face in private. On one occasion after thought. In the life example of the the death of Muhammad (SAWS), a Prophet Muhammad we can see sister came to Aishah (RA) and asked that there was not a single moment her to tell them something that they where any companion can say that he would not know about Muhammad stopped his practice of Islam for even (SAWS) and Aishah responded “His a minute. No companion could tell a character was the Qur’an, if you want

to know who he was, look to the Qur’an.” How will people remember us? How will our spouses talk about our character behind closed doors? How will our children remember the way we dealt with them in both good times and in bad? Live this life, fear Allah as he should be feared and die only in a state of Islam.

Establishing Salah Sheikh Adly - 26 August 2016 “And [mention, O Muhammad], when Abraham said, “My Lord, make this city [Makkah] secure and keep me and my sons away from worshipping idols. My Lord, indeed they have led astray many among the people. So whoever follows me - then he is of me; and whoever disobeys me - indeed, You are [yet] Forgiving and Merciful. Our Lord, I have settled some of my descendants in an uncultivated valley near Your sacred House, our Lord, that they may establish prayer. So make hearts among the people incline toward them and provide for them from the fruits that they might be grateful.” - Qur’an 13:35-37 When we consider the Hajj, we think about many things such as the Ka’aba, Zam zam, the people, history, and the rituals of hajj itself. We must remember first and foremost, the great man who was Prophet Ibrahim, Khalil Allah, the friend of Allah(SWT). Ibrahim was chosen out of all mankind to have this special intimate relationship with the Lord and Creator, Allah (SWT). Hajj is set at a specific time of the year and a specific place along with specific instructions for what is to be completed, so in order to perform the hajj we have to submit ourselves to the full will of Allah. This is the sort of submission that Ibrahim gave to Allah. In the ayah above, Ibrahim (AS) refers to the fact that he moved his family to an “uncultivated valley.” Ibrahim did not move his family to the best location for an easy life, he 704-597-5424

moved them to the House of Allah All the conveniences in America for the reason, as he says “that they should make us grateful to Allah. Grateful for food, clothing, a may establish prayer.” comfortable house and car; all these We Muslims should emulate this things are only yours by the grace of example from Prophet Ibrahim (AS) Allah (SWT)! The proper way is to in choosing the live whenever we show gratitude by answering the call move, to be close to the mosque of Allah to his house. Not just the to cultivate our spiritual life and to house of the Ka’aba, but the call for establish prayer. Not the swimming Jummuah. The call of submission to pool or the shopping mall; not the the will of Allah. Jacuzzi or the best high school or sports program; none of these things When you have to choose between compare to the focus of the sacred the job that will make you a large amount of money but you will miss house. Jummuah or the job with less money We are losing our children nowadays! so that you can make the Jummuah. We don’t need other people to Are you going to say Allahuakbar, or corrupt our children, we the parents Dollarakbar? are not caring enough. If your child is 18 years old and cannot make a single May Allah(SWT) grant mercy and Jummuah for a whole year, what is prosperity to all those who make the the reasoning? Because he is in high sacrifice to be in submission to Him. school? Because he had sports camp? Is this excuse acceptable in Islam? 9


Taqwa has Love, Obedience, Trust, and Sacrifice Mohamed Haroon Sait - September 2nd, 2016 Nowadays it is very easy to go on Hajj, and get overwhelmed by the shopping experiences around Makkah and Madinah. Upscale shopping, Starbucks Coffee and Five Star Hotels with luxury accommodations overlooking the Ka’aba. If one is not very careful, he or she can get lost. The benefits of being there and the mission of the Hajj will be lost. Hajj is about the sacrifices, the love, the obedience, and the trust that was exemplified by Sayyidina Ibrahim(AS), Hajar(RA), and her son Ismail (AS).

and Ishamel submitted. The entire family set a standard that all believers until the end of time will continue struggling to live up to. They had pure Taqwa and they prayed to Allah that you and I would have it today.

Fast forward about 2,500 years later, Makkah was filled with 360 idols. Rasulullah (SAWS) was given tawheed, Prophethood, and the Qur’an. He started calling people to one God. The message was very simple, one Allah, Allah is one. Worship the One who created you. People slowly joined Allah raised up Ibrahim (AS) with a and then stood like a rock against the firm belief, he was challenged with tests and turbulence they had to go idol worshipers, he was tested with through. the command to leave his family in a desolate wasteland and it was all driven Allah says in Surah Muhammad, ayat by faith and submission in Allah 31; “And We will surely test you until We (SWT). It was there in the middle of make evident those who strive among you the desert where Allah brought forth [for the cause of Allah ] and the patient, the miracle of Zam-Zam as a reward and We will test your affairs.” We must for Hajar’s love and sacrifice for her know that if we are going to aspire son. She ran back and forth between for Paradise. To be alongside the great the mountains, she pushed herself companions of Rasulullah (SAWS) hard and begged for help from Allah. and the other prophets; that we must Most importantly, she trusted in Allah be ready for sacrifices, and tests. How can we just have a smooth walk? If we for the deliverance of His mercy. are upholding the truth in a godless Then Ibrahim was tested with the world, do you think that we will be guidance to sacrifice his son, Ishmael, given a VIP treatment?

“It is He who sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to manifest it over all religion. And sufficient is Allah as Witness.” (Qur’an 48:28) It is not my job nor your responsibility, nor your goal to make Islam prevail over everything. Allah said, “I already did it. I am doing it. I took care of it. I am already working on it. It’s my job.” In these ups and downs that Rasulullah (SAWS) and his followers had to go through. Recall that in the ups and downs that the companions suffered, there were victories and there were losses. We have a victory ahead of us, personally as well as a Muslim ummah, but it demands and calls for four things, love of Allah, obedience to Allah, trust in Allah, and be ready for sacrifices at a personal level and all kinds of levels. May Allah (SWT) accept us. Give strength and resolve to Muslims. May Allah forgive us our sins, strengthen us, and enable us to stand up and do what is right.

Significance of Arafa Imam Abdi Dahir, ICC South - September 9th, 2016 “This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed my favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.” (Quran Maida 5:3) Lailatul Qadr, or the “Night of Power”, is the best night of the whole year. Likewise among the days, the day of Arafa is the best day of the year. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said “Hajj is Arafa”. This also means, if a pilgrim missed Arafa, then he or she has missed Hajj. This is an unique place where Muslims 704-597-5424

from all over the globe stand humbly to Allah and ask his forgiveness. Allah is closest to us on that day, ready to accept our supplication. The standing in Arafa resembles the gathering of all human beings on the day of Judgement. Our righteous predecessors looked forward to that day. They said, we surely saw the

answers to our supplications made at Arafa before the next Arafa came in. On the day of Arafah during Prophet Muhammad’s Hajj, Allah revealed verses in the Quran informing the Prophet of the completion of the religion of Islam. A Jewish man said to Umar, If this verse was revealed to 11

us we would celebrate Eid this day. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) recommended that those who are not doing hajj should fast on the day of Arafa. The reward for fasting in Arafa is forgiveness of our sins we committed last year and the year ahead. Prophet Muhammad performed only one Hajj. Many who accompanied him in Arafa disputed whether the Prophet was fasting. He removed their doubts by drinking a bowl of milk that was brought to him while riding his camel. His example taught us that the

pilgrims need not fast the day of Arafa. Abdullah Ibn Mubarak, one of the great scholars and righteous man Those of us who are not in Arafa among predecessors was once asked should try to spend this day in the about people who assemble in Arafa, worship, Dhikr (remembrance of “who is the worst person in this Allah) and supplications. Multitudes gathering here? He replied , “The one of human beings are forgiven, and who thinks Allah will not forgive him”. admitted to paradise, where as they would have been bound to be the Allah’s doors are open for all of us. devils companions in the hell fire. Let us take advantage of Arafa and This is also the day when the Satan ask Allah for guidance, mercy and is disappointed. After he worked on well being for us and for our families. an individual for 40 to 50 years taking down the path of hell fire, he was forgiven.

Proclaim the Greatness of Allah Sheikh Bassam Obeid - September 16, 2016 shout out the glory and praise of His greatness above all. This message is reinforced from the very beginning of Muhammad’s (SAWS) prophethood as he led the believers. The constant reminders for dhikr and praises. The reminders throughout the Qur’an for believers to make praise of Allah. It is enforced upon the Eids but it is meant to be an integral part of a Allah (SWT) reminds us in the Qur’an Muslim’s daily worship! in 2:185, “Allah intends for you ease and does not intend for you hardship and [wants] There are several situations wherein for you to complete the period and to glorify we must proclaim AllahuAkbar. Allah for that [to] which He has guided Firstly during the Adthan, then the you; and perhaps you will be grateful.” In iqamah, throughout our prayers we this verse, we are clearly commanded recite it. Then when we make dhikr to glorify Allah during the Eid ul Fitr. and when we make dua’a. Anytime Regarding the Hajj and the Eid ul we are pleased with something, or Adha, Allah (SWT) tells us in 22:36 even when we are not, we proclaim of the Qur’an, “And the camels and cattle the greatness of Allah through We have appointed for you as among the “AllahuAkbar!” symbols of Allah ; for you therein is good. So mention the name of Allah upon them Rasoulullah (SAWS) reinforced the when lined up [for sacrifice]; and when they importance of the takbir in a Hadith are [lifeless] on their sides, then eat from narrated by Abu Huraira (RA) as them and feed the needy and the beggar. he said “Rasulullah (saws) said, “To Thus have We subjected them to you that say Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, Laa you may be grateful.” Once again, we are ilaha illallahu Allahu Akbar is more beloved to me, is closer to my heart, reminded to be grateful. and better than having everything in How do we show our gratitude to life including all universe receive the Allah(SWT)? There is no better way rays of the sun,” Additionally, Our than to make takbir to the world, to Mother Aishah (RA) said “Rasulullah 12 Hajj has recently ended, but our ummah is still living in the environment that is established by Hajj. The atmosphere of the Hajj is to proclaim the greatness of Allah (takbir). Allah has prescribed two Eids for us, the Eid ul Fitr and the Eid ul Adha. Both come following the activity of intense worship.

(SAWS) said, “Allah created the men with 360 bones or joints. Everyday when you wake up alive, that means if you did not die, while you were sleeping last night, the Prophet (SAWS) said every bone, every joint that you have in your body, you have to pay sadaqah for it.” That means everyday you have to pay 360 sadaqah; not 360 cash donations, but something else. Rasulullah told us many things to do which is considered charity and sadaqah. The Prophet said, “Whenever you say Allahu Akbar is a sadaqah. Alhamdulillah is a sadaqah. Wal hamdulillaha and laa ilaha illallah is sadaqah. Subhanallah is a sada`qah, astaghfirullah is a sadaqah. If you take away anything that can harm people from their way, in the street is sadaqah. When you enjoin good, forbid evil is sadaqah.” Remember the greatness of Allah (SWT) and do not let an opportunity pass by that you miss uttering the dhikr of Allah for the sadaqa and the reward that it contains! Make Takbir and praise your Lord!



Islamic Mysticism at Center Stage at UNC-Chapel Hill Duston Barto

America’s intellectuals are buzzing to share information about Islam and Muslims. The depths of research and reading by non-Muslims in search of Islamic understanding and understanding of Muslim culture have led to many brilliant presentations of cultural awareness. The latest of those is being presented by the Carolina Performing Arts (CPA). CPA has crafted a project intended to express the diversity of culture reflected in those who practice Islam around the world. Sacred / Secular: A Sufi Journey evolved from the desire to refute monolithic thinking about the practice of Islam and about Muslims as both communities and individuals. CPA proves that it should not be known for

narratives that paint Muslims as one category of people. The program will act as a tool for Muslim Americans to share the richness of the diverse cultural heritage of Muslims with our The various performances of neighbors. Sacred/Secular: A Sufi Journey help to express the diverse cultural and This project does not focus on spiritual representation of Muslims the traditional concepts of Islamic from nations such as Indonesia, Iran, jurisprudence or the theology of Pakistan and Senegal. This project islam. Rather, it expresses the colorful intentionally avoided the Arab nations diversity of Muslim culture from whose culture is seen as part of a false around the world and leaves the monolithic construct of the Muslim audience to decide what is sacred and what is secular from among it all. identity. The photos here share a glimpse Through this program, North of some of the performances. Carolinians can appreciate the vast Anyone interested in attending richness of Muslim cultures and should view the full program guide artistic expressions. This can go far at in shattering stereotypes and false sufijourney presenting a Euro-centric view of the arts, but rather an all-encompassing view the global arts and how it reflects the world around us.

Special thanks to the Carolina Performing Arts Communication Manager Darah White for her contributions to this article. Photos are courtesy of Carolina Performing Arts.

1. Youssou N’Dour: Throughout a 30-year recording career, Youssou N’Dour’s roots in Senegalese traditional music and griot storytelling have remained the hallmark of his artistic personality. This performance features a selection of songs from the Sufi tradition including music from the Grammy-winning album Egypt, a deeply spiritual album dedicated to a more tolerant view of Islam. N’Dour will be joined by guest Senegalese 14

vocalists Moustapha Mbaye and The original score by Deyhim and Alioune Badara along with members Golden Globe-winning composer of Super Etoile. October 25, 7:30pm Richard Horowitz is rooted in Persian and Western contemporary classical 2. Sussan Deyhim: Inspired by the music, jazz and electronic music. works of Forough Farrokhzad, one October 28, 8pm of Iran’s most influential feminist poets and filmmakers, The House 3. Nani Topeng Losari: The is Black Media Project sheds light extraordinary range of dance forms on the importance of Iranian in Indonesia is a reflection of the contemporary arts. Iranian American country’s huge diversity of cultures performance artist/composer Sussan and ethnicities. Originating in Deyhim examines the prophetic Cirebon on the north coast of West vision of Farrokhzad, whose message Java, the Topeng Losari mask dance is is as relevant today as it was 50 years rooted in indigenous Javanese culture. ago when she died at the age of 32. Award-winning seventh-generation Featuring Deyhim’s striking visual mask dancer Nani is working to projections along with archival revive this highly dramatic, opulently footage including Farrokhzad’s 1965 costumed tradition. Demanding interview with Bernardo Bertolucci. exceptional agility and stamina, the

mask dances (“topeng” dances) of Losari are steeped in mysticism and magic, with the belief that masks transfer special powers to the wearer. January 27, 8pm

Aurangzeb. A crown prince, poet, painter and Sufi, Dara wanted to build on the vision of Akbar the Great and bring the ruling Muslim elite closer to the local religions. Exploring the violent struggle between brothers, the decisive role played by their sisters Jahan Ara and Roshan Ara, the spiritual challenge posed by the Sufi Sarmad, the authority of the muftis and qazis of the Empire and growing discontent among the masses, Dara offers a resounding message for our times. March 2, 7:30pm

4. Ajoka Theatre: – Dara: Pakistan’s renowned Ajoka Theatre is committed to ideals of peace and tolerance. Shahid Nadeem’s spellbinding play Dara tells the dramatic story of Dara Shikoh— eldest son of Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan—who was imprisoned and executed by his younger brother

5. Sounds of Kolachi: Sounds of Kolachi is a 10-piece supergroup of vocalists and instrumentalists from Karachi (formerly known as Kolachi) that blurs raga and western harmony, counterpoint and South Asian melodic lines. In this instantly listenable ensemble, South Asian


classical instruments like the sitar and bowed sarangi are on equal footing with electric guitar and rock rhythm section. March 31, 8pm 6. Sanam Marvi: With enthralling performances that draw deeply from one of the world’s great music traditions, Sanam Marvi is Pakistan’s next inspiring diviner of South Asia’s humanist, folk and Sufi texts. A vocal warrior for tolerance, spirituality and peace, her renditions balance immediacy and elegant ornamentation, lending new light to a cherished repertoire of Sufi, Ghazal, qawwali and folk songs. This rising star’s revelatory interpretations of the sub-continent’s mystics reach across cultural borders and generations to offer solace in our uncertain and often troubled times. April 12, 7:30pm


Is there a meaning to this life ? Mohamed Haroon Sait

decide what He aims for his creation. For one who rejects God, He is left to decide the purpose of his life based on his imagination. A believer in God will find it easy and logical in While the scientists are searching for accepting that fact and submitting to life on Mars and on other planets, it God. In fact, here is what Quran says appears that the purpose of life that about the state of his mind. exists on the Earth is not something “Verily! In the creation of the that is given any importance at all. heavens and the earth, and in In my conversations with many of the alternation of night and day, my friends and colleagues as well there are indeed signs for men as people that I come across in of understanding. Those who outreach, I get all kinds of answers remember God (always, and in on this important question. I do not prayers) standing, sitting, and remember any one saying that there lying down on their sides, and is no purpose to this life. At least, I think deeply about the creation have not come across such an answer. of the heavens and the earth, Most common among the answers is (saying): ‘Our Lord! You have not “we should be good to each other”. created (all) this without purpose, Even though the answer is too broad glory to You!’ “ (Family of Imran in the scope, it sounds good. The 3:190) only issue is, who will decide what is good? What I consider good may not What makes this question really be good to another. What about the important? Well, we only have one five billion people on Earth who live chance to live our life. There is in different continents with diverse no coming back to fix any errors. cultures? Do we all agree on what Therefore, we better be right the first is “good”? While we may agree on time itself. Important matters need some, we may differ on many. Let us pondering, reading, listening and fact assume we agree on everything. Then finding missions attached to them. the next question is how can we be We do all those when we start a new sure that being good to each other is business, buy a house or join a course. the purpose of this life? Isn’t that just All Important matters need time and a guess? If someone else comes with are done with care and deliberation. a better theory, then will that become We need time so we can reflect on the realities of life. Thanks to the the purpose of this life? electronic age, society has glued handWho gets to decide the purpose of held devices and distractions into our life? Let me give you an example. We hand; which took away what we once make products for specific uses: A pen considered precious, time. is made for writing; a cup is made for the use of holding liquid, etc. It is the Well, how can we ignore such an maker who decides what he intends important question? If we are with his products. Similarly one who prepared to look within ourselves, and made the human kind has the right to see the perfection human beings are 16 “I did not create the Jinns and the human beings except for the purpose that they should worship Me.” (Adh-Dhariyat: 55)

created with, his internal and external mechanisms, it won’t take any time to discover that there has to be a creator who put together this perfection in us. It is just naïve to consider that a perfect creation can come out of mere chance or evolve by itself in to perfection without a designer or controller behind it. If we can agree that much, then it is easy to admit that it is the creator who will tell me what He intends of me. Man has been given choice. He is provided with a free will and with guidance on how to conduct himself. This free will has made many deny the existence of any creator. For them the purpose of life is self defined and a changing target. Those who ponder and humble themselves to the wonders in and around them have found the creator and the purpose of life. What if we fail in fulfilling the purpose for which we are created? Here is what Quran says about that: “… then whenever there comes to you Guidance from Me, and whoever follows My Guidance, there shall be no fear on them, nor shall they grieve. But those who disbelieve and belie Our Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.)- such are the dwellers of the Fire, They shall abide therein forever.” (Quran: The Cow:38-39) Once we come to agree that there is a creator and He created us with intent, then the next question would be what if we fail in this intention? Am I going to be accountable? Will I be raised after death? Is there an afterlife? What is the after life like? How long will that be?

We can take two paths in the face of that question. The easy one is to say all of that is just non-sense. The argument from people who take that path is that we cannot see God, we have not seen the Hell or Heaven. We have not see any one coming back to life after they died. Hence all of this is just idle talk. The second path is to admit that just because I do not see something does not necessarily mean it does not exist. People who are willing to admit that much will find guidance in the divine revelations that were send down from God. Here is what Quran said about itself:

thee, and sent before thy time, and (in their hearts) have the assurance of the Hereafter. They are on (true guidance), from their Lord and it is these who will prosper.” (Quran The Cow, 2:2-5)

I beseech you to read the Qur’an and learn for the “This is the Book; in it is guidance yourself, sure, without doubt, to those purpose of this who fear God. Who believe in the life. Unseen, are steadfast in prayer, and spend out of what We have provided for them. And who believe in the Revelation sent to




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