Muslim American Magazine September 2016

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May God’s Peace and Blessings be on You All. Eid Mubarak!

Dawah Lessons From a Master......................................13,14 Every Person is Valuable....................................................12 In the Footsteps of the Prophets............................06,07,08 Khutba Recap .............................................................. 09,10

While you are reading this, the pilgrims have already started arriving in Mecca getting ready to fulfill Hajj, one of the pillars of Islam. May Allah accept their Hajj and include all of us in the supplications the pilgrims make in Arafa.

Hajj brings us the memory of Prophet Abraham whom Allah described as His Friend. The rituals of Hajj enacts what Prophet Abraham, his wife Hagar and their son Prophet Ismael (peace be upon all of them) did in their submission to Allah. Hajj demands that we assess and compare where we are in our struggle to submit to Allah. To worship and obey the creator, we will have to stand firm against a lot of things All content Copyright ©2016 Muslim American, Inc. except that may promise immediate gratifications of many kind. where otherwise noted. Please contact the editor or publisher Submission to God also demands that we be ready to sacrifice directly to obtain reprint permission and guidelines. our comfort in order to bring comfort to our fellow creations Opinions expressed in this magazine are those of the advertisers and all the rest of his creatures. September -2016, Volume 2, Issue 9 ISSN 2377 - 9624 Publisher & Editor-in-Chief: Mohamed Haroon Sait Editor: Duston Barto Design & Layout: Mubin M.K.

or individual contributing writers and not necessarily those of the editor or publisher of this magazine. This magazine is published monthly. Article Submission: Advertising inquiries: Muslim American 400 Arrowhead Dr East Charlotte, NC 28213

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May Allah give us the ability to walk the life of Prophet Abraham and that of all the Prophets before and after him. May Allah send his blessings on all of them and in particular the seal of all the Prophets, Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon them all).

Mohamed Haroon Sait Publisher & Editor-in-Chief


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In the Footsteps of the Prophets Duston Barto

Labbaika Allahumma, Labbaik, Labbaika laa shareeka laka labbaik. Innal-Hamda wanni’mata laka wal mulk La shareeka lak Labbaik. (Translation: Here I am, O Allah, here I am! There is none comparable to You and to You I have come, Here I am! Verily all Praise and Grace are Yours and the Kingdom. Most Beloved are You, without a partner. In my Heart there is room for none, only You. Here I am, O Allah, here I am!) In the 13 years since my Hajj I have heard these words echo in my mind many times. They remind me to make good on my promises of Hajj, to remember the lessons and to continue walking in the footsteps of the Prophets. Allah chose the moment for me to go on Hajj because I needed examples and I needed a push toward being serious in my Islam. I say this because I completed my Hajj on complete accident. It was supposed to be my mother’s Hajj covered by the Ministry of Hajj out of respect for her writing in Muslim publications and the attention that those articles had gotten. However there were complications in getting both her and my father to go so she said, “Why not just send my son?” For whatever 6

reason they thought that was a good idea and I rushed to get my passport and get it sent off in time to get the visa. Every single step was cut down to the very edge of the deadline but it all went through well. I needed to brush up on basics because even though I had converted to Islam in 1999, I didn’t go to a Mosque anywhere and felt sort of distanced by the other Muslims around me.. so I was still struggling with the basics of prayer and other things. I had already fasted in Ramadan and I read the Qur’an in English multiple times but had no clue how most of the Arabic was even supposed to sound from the limited amount of transliterated material that I had. So I was carrying a fairly basic book about Islam, Maududi’s Towards Understanding Islam, along with some of the essential texts about the rituals of Hajj. When I met my group in DC for our eventual flight to Saudi Arabia, I was greeted with Scholars, Imams and other brilliant minds. I considered myself fortunate to be a goofy hillbilly surrounded by these highly educated

and incredibly intelligent people. The airplane ride to Saudi Arabia was an ongoing series of lessons as I tried to get bits of Arabic right and make sure I knew the right things to do at the right times.

Hajjis clamor in the moments of dawn to reach the pillar on Arafat, marking the point where Muhammad (SAWS) made his final sermon.

We arrived at the hostels set up by the Ministry of Hajj very late at night and I started to get settled in to the room expecting that our adventure would continue tomorrow. However, a man rushed into my room saying, Let’s go! Let’s make our Ummrah!” By Allah’s mercy, I got a surge of energy at 2am to follow my sleepdeprived companions out to the House of Allah. I could feel the

excitement growing in the air and my moments like I was in the perfect The next day, we began attending the Hajj conference. For many days I heart pounded hard in my chest as we state of submission. was given the honor of learning from ride close to the heart of Mecca. We scholars and politicians alike. Allah got out and walked as quickly as we had presented me with all the world’s could all stay together to reach the knowledge and I spent the rest of Masjid AL-Haram in the center of my time there learning as much as the Islamic world. I could from as many sources as I could. I was given crash courses in There is something mystical and international politics, language roots, other-worldly about seeing the religion, culture and even told a few Ka’aba illuminated against a black bad jokes along the way. Allah had sky. Something that transports you blessed me with a wonderful set of into another stage of consciousness. companions for my Hajj journey. I openly wept at the sheer majesty of what was in front of me. Here is the When the rituals of Hajj began, I house of Allah, built by Adam (AS), continued conversations in-between knocked over in the flood of Noah (AS) and reconstructed by Abraham Hajji has just come down the mountain at the rituals. I studied with the scholars that I could talk to and marveled in (AS). Here was the venerable house Arafat. the complexity of the Qur’an which I that Muhammad (SAWS) expelled the idols. It was in this moment, upon I did my rituals, I made sure to say my was hearing recited for the first time. laying eyes on the Ka’aba itself that dua’a in the right spots. I prayed the I stood on the mountain of Arafat as my faith was elevated to a stage of way the Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) the sun rose and looked across the guided his companions to pray and in beauty of the plains. I imagined the absolute belief and certainty. the places he commanded us to pray. way the crowd must have been when And [mention] when We made the When we ran between as-Safa and al- Muhammad (SAWS) gave his last House a place of return for the peo- Marwah, I thought intently about the sermon there. ple and [a place of] security. And reasons why I was there. I was there take, [O believers], from the stand- because Abraham (AS) had sent his ing place of Abraham a place of wife Hajar (RA) and his son Ishmael prayer. And We charged Abraham (AS) out to forge a new nation. I was there honoring a woman. The and Ishmael, [saying], “Purify My mother of a prophet and wife of a House for those who perform tawaf prophet. A woman who begged Allah and those who are staying [there] for mercy and who was desperate to for worship and those who bow save her son. A woman who met an and prostrate [in prayer].” Qur’an angel and did not shrink in fear. I was there to honor my obligation to Allah, 2:124 my love for Muhammad (SAWS); this is all true. However, I was also there The tears flooding down my face to pay honor to this woman who had were punctuated with the ebb and the presence of mind to make a basin flow of the tide of Hajjis encircling for the Zam-Zam and contain its the Ka’aba. I know that I made my waters so that we could be refreshed Hajjis make dua’a after sunrise on Arafat. This is the heart of the Hajj wherein the tawaf in a state of pure ecstasy as I by them as pilgrims today. pilgrim seeks absolution and mercy from could feel my spirit rejuvenated by the majesty of Allah in the presence After we completed our Ummrah Allah. of His house. There was no more rituals, we took time to appreciate doubt, no more question and no the majesty of the place where we more suspicion. I had reached a point stood before returning to collapse in The day of Arafat was beautiful for so many reasons. I learned dua’a to of no return. I truly felt in those exhaustion at the hostel. 704-597-5424


repeat and I read along with other brothers. I spent hours in prayer, pouring my heart out to Allah (SWT) and claiming his mercy. I understand now why Muhammad (SAWS) said that Hajj is Arafat, because there are no distractions from prescribed rituals, there is time for you to reflect and to get close to Allah. The stoning ritual of the jamarat struck me more importantly than I expected. Each pillar is stoned 7 times and the Hajji will have 7 separate stoning sessions (as he or she will stone the large jamarat three times total). Coming from a Christian background, the significance of the number 7 in scripture was a part of our education. So in a way, this action was reaffirming some of the roots of my Biblical upbringing while solidifying my new path in Islam. The sacrifice of an animal, the


of the Ka’aba and knowing in that moment that I was surrendering my whole self to Allah (SWT).

Stoning of the pillars is best done immediately after Fajar before the day gets hot and the pathways get crowded.

shaving of my head; these rituals were important but they did not have impact on me. They just made sense. Allah had granted me his mercy and it made sense to give a sacrifice to feed His people (the poor) in gratitude for that. Allah had given me the chance to be reborn spiritually, so it made sense to shave my head in symbolism of that fact. These aspects of the Hajj did not stand out to me. But I will never forget the beautiful sight

All the actions of Hajj are meant to bring us closer to Allah (SWT) as we emulate those who came before us. We walk the same paths of pilgrims for thousands of years. The Hajj was instituted in the time of Abraham, it was continued and altered, the sacred was made profane and for centuries the mercy of Allah was not sought in the land of Mecca. Until that moment when Allah called Muhammad (SAWS) to purify His house, deliver His word and be a Mercy to All the Worlds. In gratitude for that, in honor of that divine mercy, who wouldn’t want to walk in the footsteps of the prophets?



Friday Sermon / Khutba Recap These khutbahs have been summarized by our editor. The words are not necessarily direct quotes from the Imam represented. To hear the full audio and to read un-edited transcripts, please visit our website.

Leadership is Necessary Imam Jibril Abdum-Muhaymin - ( Masjid Ash-Shaheed - August 5, 2016) And [mention, O Muhammad], when Abraham was tried by his Lord with commands and he fulfilled them. [ Allah ] said, “Indeed, I will make you a leader for the people.” [Abraham] said, “And of my descendants?” [ Allah ] said, “My covenant does not include the wrongdoers.” - Qur’an 2:124 In both verses, we see the term Unfortunately people are put into who can lead us through the example “Imam” which just means Leadership; position because of bloodline like the of right living. Leadership is about but it comes from the same root as Pharaohs and so many of the leaders serving as a model for others, not “umm” and “ummah.” The Imam in Muslim majority countries today. just managing them. 33:21 “Surely in is a leader, but this word connection Respect the family ties, but realize the messenger of Allah you have the helps us to see that we have to be that righteousness is what elevates us. best pattern of conduct.” IN HIM, not ON HIM. It’s not about how he connected with the source (mother) Prophet Muhammad reminded us combed his hair or wearing a thobe or and that the leader must be of the people (community). Abraham (AS) all in the last sermon that no one using a miswak; it is about the internal and Jesus (AS) and Muhammad has superiority except through NATURE of Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) all came from the womb of a righteousness and taqwa. Pharaoh (SAWS) that is not gender specific. woman; so no righteous leader could couldn’t understand why the people What Prophet Muhammad had in alienate the women of society because chose Moses (AS) as a leader. Moses him that Allah wants us to emulate is all women are potentially mothers to was not a man of wealth nor was he both male and female. the leaders of society. In Fact, the well spoken. This is typical of the woman is the leader of all children, narcissistic leaders of today. They The Ummah, the umm, the Imam. the woman is the first leader. In fact, cannot see beyond wealth and power The connection between these three the word “Imam” is a feminine word to see the brilliance of leadership cannot be under-stated because the linguistically. So the term is chosen by piety. Pharaoh was not merely leader (Imam) cannot be heavybecause of the nurturing nature that alive thousands of years ago, the handed. The leader has to be same personality is alive today and nurturing, developing and emulating it represents. unfortunately that kind of narcissism the pattern of life that the community needs to maintain just as a child learns Allah has made Abraham a leader, is upheld in society! from its mother. This is the kind of but he reminded Abraham that even This is also why it is important to leader that Allah is talking about and though there was a covenant; Allah would not honor people in Abraham’s have good leadership so that we can why He commands us to emulate the bloodline who were not righteous. be guided to right actions. Someone Prophet Muhammad.

Who Are We Kamal El Mekki - ( August 5th, 2016 ) O you who have believed, fear Allah and speak words of appropriate justice.He will put your deeds into a right state for you, and forgive you your faults; and whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger, he indeed achieves a mighty success. - Qur’an 33:70-71 When we watch the news today, it is inevitable that we will see some sort of chaos in the world. We are quick to blame the leaders of the countries and we are quick to declare that we 10

would do things differently. But most or Umar and of us do not stop and think about the that we would be better than way we are living our own lives. those currently in power. However, We would like to believe that we Allah has already put us in charge of would run countries like AbuBakr

other people. We are bosses, or we are older siblings or we are husbands, fathers, mothers, etc. There are many ways that Allah has made us leaders in this life. In these positions of leadership, do we behave like AbuBakr and Umar or have we instead become smaller versions of the leaders that we dislike? Umar ibn Abdul-Azziz, considered the 5th rightly guided caliph (grandson of Umar ibn Al Khattab), had two lamps in his home. One was filled with oul paid for from the money of the people (Bait ul Mal) and the other paid for with his own pocket. When he would do the business of the people, he would burn the lamp paid for by Bait ul Mal, but when he would need light for his personal use, he would extinguish the lam of the people and light his own lamp. Do we behave like Umar ibn AbdulAzziz with our employer? Or do

we come late to work or late back from lunch? How many of us are continuing to play a game or listen to lectures or something when we should be working? Right now, are we as fair and honest as Umar ibn AbdulAzziz?

Men who threaten their wives with divorce over every little thing, men who shout and hit their wives. The measure of a man’s goodness is in how he behaves at home; where he is If we examine the leadership of Umar the leader. ibn al-Khattab we will find many examples where he avoided taking Even in the houses of Allah, you a single morsel of food or a single will find two factions of people drop of oil from what belonged to who are supposed to be leading the the public good. It is important for community; but instead they are Muslims to study these righteous fighting over political and cultural leaders and the way they emulated the reasons. They don’t disagree on issues of religion or on issues of madhab. character of Muhammad (SAWS). They are creating chaos out of nonHow do men behave as leaders in spiritual, trivial matters. the home? The Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) has told us “The best among It is upon us to make sure that we you is the one who is best to his wife, are a mini-Umar or a mini-Abu Bakr. and I am the best to my wives.” Why Or, more appropriately, we are living was this the litmus test? It is because up to the example given to us by the we find so many men who are smiling, Prophet Muhammad (SAWS). kind and generous in the masjid and

What it Means to Remember Allah Azihan Ibrahim - ( MAS Charlotte - July 22nd, 2016 ) Jummuah is an important time for us, it is on this day that we have our weekly convention. Even if there is no imam, no khatib, Muslims will still congregate at the masjid on Fridays. This is because of the call from Allah (SWT) wherein we are commanded to attend the Jummuah prayer as an act of remembrance of Him.

out in public, but they become tyrants in the home.

instead he explained that the character of Muhammad. Jafar explained that in their ignorance they would eat dead flesh, they would lie, cheat, steal and kill people over small matters. Jafar explained that Muhammad told them to worship One God, Allah, and that the people were directed to righteousness and decency.

the week, why do only a few people attend? Why are we not remembering Allah by gaining knowledge in this religion that he has prepared for us? Even the Prophet Moses, when he learned that someone was more knowledgeable than him, he sought him out to learn from him. We should gravitate around the people who are more knowledgeable about Islam than us, we must take hold of the opportunities to learn from them. We can learn from them just by being near them.

Therefore, the description of someone who keeps remembrance of Allah is someone who has given back to his community, who has made the community better through his or her righteous example. If there is ever a time when righteousness is needed in society, it is here and now. What No, the remembrance of Allah is are we doing to bring values to our Let us remember Allah by increasing what goes on inside a person, not community? our knowledge and then sharing the clothing or appearance. When the upright character that Allah has Jafar described Muhammad to the In order to give to the community guided us to with the rest of our king of Ethiopia, he did not describe we have to educate ourselves. Our community. Muhammad’s physical appearance, community holds classess throughout 704-597-5424 11 Aside from Jummuah, how do we see ourselves as those who remember Allah in our lives? Do we wear a long thobe and carry beads in our hands? Do we look at a person wearing jeans and a T-shirt and say that he has less remembrance of Allah?


Every Person is Valuable Linda “iLham” Barto

Say, “Will you argue with us about God even though He is our Lord and yours as well? We are each responsible for our own deeds, and we are loyal to Him? Or do you claim that Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and his descendants were Jews or Christians? Do you know more than God? Who is more unjust than those who fail to share the testimony they have from God? God knows exactly what you do. - Qur’an 2: 139-140

There are over 7 billion people on the planet. Each one is a creation of Allah and deserves kindness, mercy, and respect.

A few years ago, the chaplain at a local hospital asked for volunteers to visit patients, talk to them, encourage them, and try to cheer them up. I went to the hospital to volunteer for this good deed. The receptionist was friendly and pleasant as she got a piece of note paper and recorded my name and telephone number. Then she asked with what church I was affiliated. I answered, “I don’t worship in a church; I worship in a mosque. I’m a Muslim.” She looked disgusted, and she sneered, “Well, we sure don’t need that!” She tore up the note paper and threw it in the trash and would no longer speak to me. I felt as though she had torn up and discarded me personally. Muslims are often devalued as human beings and devalued as Americans. We are treated as though we have nothing to offer; we are considered “lost” fools in need of salvation. I served thirteen years in the US military in order to protect freedoms 704-597-5424

global society. Just as non-Muslims should learn to value Muslim contributions, we Muslims must also not be too arrogant to appreciate non-Muslim views. Jews, Christians, Baha’i, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, and other believers, and even Humanists and similar religionists all have the breath of God within them. They all have something to offer in respect to understanding our human responsibilities and significance to the betterment of this world. All truth is God’s truth, and we should never be ashamed to accept God’s truth The prophets of old may have been wherever we find it. turned away from the chaplain’s office because they were not of the religion that is considered acceptable here O mankind, indeed We have created in the Bible Belt. Perhaps they too you from male and female and made would have been devalued as human you peoples and tribes that you may beings because they did not worship know one another. Indeed, the most in churches. As American and as noble of you in the sight of Allah is Earthlings, we must learn that every the most righteous of you. Indeed, person is a creation of the Great Allah is Knowing and Acquainted. Spirit, and he or she has something - Qur’an 49:13 to offer our national society and our 13 for everyone –not just for people who look like I do, think like I do, live like I do, and worship like I do. Religious freedom and accommodation is for everyone. America will be stronger when Americans become united and become appreciative and respectful of our differences instead of using our differences as a basis for hate and bigotry. The world will become a better place to live when we become united as global citizens of planet Earth and strive together to serve the Creator of us all.

Dawah Lessons From a Master From our interview with Sheikh Kemal El Makki Sheikh Kemal El Makki is one of Al Maghrib Institute’s best loved instructors and Imams. Originally from Khartoum in Sudan, he is well known across the United States as he brings lessons laced with a lighthearted presentation that people love. He is well known expert in dawah, and shares his thoughts with us on certain issues. The hardest part of Giving Dawah Speaking to people is not difficult, whether I am speaking with a Christian, and Atheist, or anyone else it is essentially the same. I don’t find that one group of people is more difficult than another. This is because I am not making anything up, everything I say comes from Allah (SWT) and from His divine revelation. The Qur’an can crumble solid mountains, so I know that it can affect someone’s heart.

Islam. The difference between then If we had an Islamic state with and now is that they had a support Khalifah and the Islamic system of governance and you found a network which helped them. gay couple; even then you couldn’t Imagine the scenarios that we have do anything to them. You have no today where you have a new shahada authority. This is what people don’t and then you take him to the masjid understand. They believe that we only but then he makes a mistake in salaat have to respect each other because and some uncle hits him over the this is America but in a Muslim head for it. That new brother is going country we could beat them up. That to leave the masjid. So everyone in the is because they don’t understand the community, everyone in the ummah Islamic state. There is no hurting has to be involved with the structure people in an Islamic state. If you of dawah. If we had that in place, the attacked them in the street then they world would look very different today. would take you to court and YOU Approaching the LGBT issues in would get punished.

The biggest challenge that we have faced in our years of doing dawah and interfaith was creating the organized structure and setup where there is follow-up and materials to give to everyone. For instance, if I get 100 new Shahadah, and five of them are kicked out of their homes for embracing Islam, I need to be sure that I’ve got a place for them and a Dawah support network set up to help them. That sort of network is crucial for There is this huge misconception that successful dawah. Islam is violent against homosexuals or that an Islamic State would be. There’s a lecture that I did once called None of us have lived in an Islamic “A Thousand Years ago in Mauritania” state. The last time there was an that you can look up on-line. This Islamic State was over a century ago, was about Abdullah ibn Yasin and so nobody alive today knows what it Yusuf Tashfin who propagated Islam is like to live in a truly Islamic state. so effectively that within a few years, In an Islamic State there is a court there were thousands of shahada system with judges and a code of law. who were educated and well rooted in 14

Of course we do not approve of things like gay men getting married but we cannot go and attack people! There is this idea that when someone is doing a haraam act that they have no more sanctity and you can attack them. This is not supported by any evidence whatsoever in sharia. Choosing the right dawah material In our old days, we would have

pamphlets on different topics. I would have a different sort of pamphlet stuck between each finger and then I would give them a specific pamphlet based on where they are and the issue that they seem to be most interested in or most troubled with. Engage in conversation and if the person has no problem with tauheed, but needs to know more about Muhammad (SAWS), then focus on that and give him the information about Muhammad. You cannot stamp out the same sort of Dawah to everyone, you have to customize the dawah based on the individual that is in front of you.

hour, but whatever you can put in it will multiply so that if you put $100 in it then it would be multiplied by ten, then by seven, then by one hundred and continue multiplying. The catch is that this stock is going to close in one hour. If we knew of something like that, people would rush to put as much money as they could, they Getting other Muslims encouraged would sell everything they had, even to do dawah take out loans to jump into this Muslims need to read the Hadiths and opportunity. The rewards of Dawah get the virtues of dawah, understand work the same way, they multiply and grow. how powerful that is. the conversation pleasantly then everything else will be pleasant and the conversation will help you to find out what the person needs to know. If you have prepared yourself with all the knowledge of the world but have poor manners then you are not prepared at all.

The rewards of Dawah are phenomenal, just understanding that is a major piece of the puzzle. Once The first step of dawah you understand that, there is no way Have good manners. You have to you would stop giving dawah. be a good, decent person to be able If someone told you that there was to greet people properly and make a stock that is going to close in one a good first impression. If you start


The next thing would be going out and trying it with someone who has experience. Watch him, listen, learn dawah from others and you will fall in love with dawah. It increases your imaan when you talk to others about Islam and it brings you closer to Allah (SWT).



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