Which Islam is the best? Narrated Abdullah ibn Amr (RAA): A man asked the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) which Islam is best. The Prophet (PBUH) said: “That you feed the poor and extend greetings of peace to those whom you know as well as those you do not know.” [Sahih Muslim, Book 1 Number 63]
َّللا صلى َّللا عليه ْن َع َّللا ب ِ َسأ َ َل َرسُو َل ه،ً أَنه َر ُجال،مْرو ِ َعنْ َع ْب ِد ه ٍ ِ َّ وسلم أَىُّ اإلِسْ الَ ِم َخ ْي ٌر َقا َل ُت ْط ِع ُم ْالسالَ َم َع َلى َمن َّ ُ الط َعا َم َو َت ْق َرأ ف ْ َع َر ْف َت َو َمنْ َل ْم َت ْع ِر