What are the problems which faced in inter caste marriage and how to solve these issues? | +91-91167

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What are the problems which faced in Inter caste marriage and How to solve these issues? | +91-9116786467

What is Inter Caste Marriage ? Marriage between two people is a wonderful union, but when it comes to a marriage between castes, it can become a problem for both the couple and the families.Marriage between caste is where two people of different castes seek marriage as a married couple.It is usually a result of the couple meeting and going out of the family circles. What are some of the problems faced by intercaste marriages? Survival: Some parents get homicidal and try to kill their children and their significant other. Taunts by society. Severe economic hardship if both the mand women getting married are not educated and independent.

Challenges of marriage Intercaste Intercaste marriages face major obstacles in light of their decision to challenge everyone and perhaps the basic rules of society. Here are some problems other than an intercaste marriage: O Problems to adapt to a new environment, culture and rituals. O Inability to convince parents and in laws. O In many societies intercaste marriages are considered a religious crime where couples suffer death threats from their own family members. The ongoing discord between families can lead to mutual disharmony and mutual misunderstanding between couples. How to convince your parents of your love Intercaste? Marriage is an important thing in your life.It is a trusted institute and everyone has the right to choose their soul mate without any reference to cast, creed or color. 1. Find the right time to talk to your parents. 2. Try to explain to your parents why you love your boyfriend / girlfriend 3. Look for marriages in your family that are intercaste or unconventional and were successful and use them as examples to prove your point. 4. Get some people like your married cousins to support you when you talk about your marriage. 5. Ask them to know their future partner and then decide without any pressure, also ask them not to be biased. 6. Try to keep your parents away from relatives or people who are against intercaste marriage. 7. Tell them that marriage is all a bit of commitment and sacrifice and that the two have no problem doing the same. 8. Never push them by saying that you will move in with your partner. 9. Try that at least one of your parents is on your side 10.Do not beg or defend

Results of an intercaste marriage: With the onset of technology and development, modern society is shaping people in a way to accept intercaste marriages. For couples living in an open-minded society like this, comfort and acceptance into the lives of their near and dear ones can be achieved. Some people believe that intercaste marriages are successful and healthy. However, the success of any relationship lies in the ability to maintain independent thinking and be appreciated by it and vice versa. It is therefore irrelevant to say that the caste defines the fate of a relationship. Education, it should not be forgotten, widens the territory of the mind and thoughts. Therefore, intercalation, religion or racial marriages are only possible with a change of mentality. We say that the world has developed so much, but progress remains a distant light at the end of the tunnel, which can only be achieved with the acceptance of intercaste marriages.

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