By Must4care
What is Diet •
In nutrition, diet is the sum of food consumed by a person or other organism.
The word diet often implies the use of specific intake of nutrition for health or weightmanagement reasons (with the two often being related).
Although humans are omnivores, each culture and each person holds some food preferences or some food taboos. This may be due to personal tastes or ethical reasons.
Individual dietary choices may be more or less healthy.
Complete nutrition requires ingestion and absorption of vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids from protein and essential fatty acids from fat-containing food, also food energy in the form of carbohydrate, protein, and fat.
Dietary habits and choices play a significant role in the quality of life, health and longevity.
Disorder in Diet Plan •
Religious And Cultural Dietary Choices
Self Dietary Choices
Weight Management
Eating Disorders
Festivals Eating Disrupts
Energy Drinks
Whole Grains •
Fruits & Vegetables •
A calcium-rich diet promotes healthy bones and teeth. Dairy products are good sources of calcium. Low-fat milk, yogurt, and cheese are recommended.
Fats •
Vital for repairing tissues in the body, many protein-rich foods also contain high levels of minerals like iron, magnesium, and zinc.
Dairy •
Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Choosing a variety of colors can help maximize the intake of nutrients & drink Water 3-4 liter per a day.
Protein •
Examples of whole grains are whole meal bread, pasta, and cereals, in which each grain includes the germ and bran.
Unsaturated fats are present in avocado and oily fish. They help reduce the "bad" cholesterol in blood.
Sugars •
fruits, or they can be added as a sweetener.
Manage Portion Size •
Eat Fresh And Avoid Processed •
Choose low-fat meat cook meat and chicken without the skin grill or boil meat instead of frying use vegetable oil rather than animal fat
Sodium Down, Potassium Up •
Naturally occurring sugars include fructose, found in fruit, and lactose, in dairy products
Replace Animal Fats In The Diet • • • •
Processed foods are thought to make up 70 percent of the average American diet.
Limit Added Sugars •
People of different ages, genders, and activity levels need different amounts of food,
Potassium counteracts the harmful effects of salt.
Add Calcium And Vitamin D • • •
soybeans collard greens white beans
Oils •
Animal Fats •
Olive oil, peanut oil, flax seed oil, corn oil
Fats or Fatty Acids •
Butter, lard, cream, fat in (and on) meats
Vegetable Fats •
Any fat that exists in liquid form at room temperature.
Fats are commonly referred to as those that are solid at room temperature.
Lipids •
All types of fats
Reducing Saturated Fat Intake To No More Than 5 To 6 Percent Of The Total Daily Calories. •
Fatty Beef
Poultry With Skin
Lard And Shortening
Dairy Products Made From Whole Or Reduced-fat Milk
It Is Also Important To Avoid Trans Fats •
Packaged Cookies, Cakes, Doughnuts, And Pastries
Potato Chips And Crackers
Packaged Frosting
Commercially Fried Foods
Bakery GoodsThat Contain Shortening
Buttered Popcorn
Eat Healthy Diet
Stay Away From Junk Food.
Use Vegetable Oil
Eat Fish Or Chicken Instead Of Bacon
Avoid Fried Cooking
Use Boiled Cooking
Little Bit Jogging
Always Smile