OUR 3 TOP PRIORITIES: INNOVATION, INNOVATION, INNOVATION ! DEAR COLLEAGUES AND PARTNERS, The first months of 2011 are already showing the full impact of our investments into Innovation projects. Three new products have been presented between January and March in conjunction with the main events across Europe and the United States: the buzz around them is already big in the industry and we expect great results once they fully hit the market over the next months. As a market leader, we feel it is important to give the farrier environment our constant support and impulse: this is why we have prioritized these projects and made sure dedicated teams have put their efforts to provide farriers with new, innovative products that truly raise the bar for competition. We invite you to discover more about our new products in the next pages, as well as on the web. Being innovative for us doesn’t mean only creating new products, but also 3 new products in 2011: Mustad LiBero and Equi-Librium Aluminum, plus the St. Croix Advantage leading the way in marketing them: clear examples of our involvement are the various initiatives we have run in this first trimester of 2011, ranging from educational events, to farriers competitions, to promotional activities. On top of all this, we are glad to announce that, in our continuous effort to support the equine industry, we have renewed our relationship with Ingrid Klimke: Gold Medalist at the Beijing 2008 Olympics, Ingrid is the perfect ambassador for Mustad as she shares our same values. You will have a more comprehensive report about Ingrid and her preparation for the upcoming important events soon: in the meantime we wish her all the successes she deserves – we are there to support her and together we have already proved we are a winning team! 130 YEARS OF INNOVATION A brief history of our group through some key product highlights Resistance to wear, good shape and consistency are what you expect from the St. Croix Firstly introduced by Mustad Eventer. It in 1985, the Glue-on shoes ensures grip and were a true trend setter for performance the equine industry
The City Head nail, first introduced in 1881 and designed for a perfect fit in U-fullered shoes
Leveraging its centennial experience in wirebased metallic products, Mustad enters the horseshoe market
1995 The E-nail is a benchmark on the market thanks to its superior quality, versatility and reliability
Longer, thinner shank than the Enail, the E-Nail Slim allows for a more precise drive into the wall
Hans Mustad
Concorde is designed for sport horses where grip and traction are paramount to succeed in a race. First shoe available both in steel and aluminum
Clarin Mustad
The Equi-Librium is about balance in motion. EquiLibrium features bidirectional rounded toes for an easier breakover
The EXL: high quality, strong nail suitable for high nailing with minimum displacement of the hoof wall Concave®. Special head shape that fits better, plus the newly introduced PITCH® on the head allowing the nail to drive at a correct angle in the fuller
APRIL 2011 in this issue of Mustad News
now out ! virtuous circles Mustad facebook opinion leaders q&a
3-4 5-8 9 10 11
See our reports from the industry events in the « Virtuous circles » section
Innovation is at the epicenter of our group values Innovation has been a leading star for the Mustad Group for generations and it is one of our core values. For us innovation is much more than a slogan – it is a way of working that is engrained in the culture of our company. It is the way we focus our collaboration across our organization throughout the world, from capturing the needs we see at our customers and ideas that flow through our teams, through to the timely launches of new, relevant and ground breaking products. Over years we have made upgrades and investments into our innovation process, ensuring an ever stronger and steadier flow of products and services designed to delight and make life easier for farriers and hoof professionals around the world. We have a structured process over a number of stages that ensures timely and targeted development of a project from the idea stage to the product launch. This process includes concept definition, testing, prototype development, commercial assessments, sample production etc in combination with a continued and relentless focus on quality. The structured process is a very important part of making innovation happen. However, the single most important ingredient for making it a success is people and collaboration between people. Our new products are results of collaborative efforts between people across our entire team – whether they are in production, sales, R&D, finance, marketing or innovation. It is the true and focused collaboration between all these knowledgeable people across our organization that leads to successful innovation. In this issue of our newsletter you have the opportunity to read more about our recent launches. In our innovation pipeline we have many more projects at various stages of development, so watch this space for more exciting news in the months to come!
Petter Binde
The latest edition of the Hoofcare Summit in Cincinnati, OH, USA gave us the opportunity to introduce to the public a new addition to the Equi-Librium family of horseshoes: the Aluminum version. The Equi-Librium shoe was conceived and designed upon the results of scientific researches conducted by the Utrecht University, in the Netherlands. Equi-Librium features rolled toes, providing a precision match to the natural “unrolling” of the horse’s hoof as it lifts from the ground. This feature allows the horse a more natural gait in every direction. In tests, the Equi-Librium design allows the horse to unroll his foot on average 66% more gradually compared to a standard shoe. This design helps horses to better coordinate their limbs and gives a distinct advantage during faster gaits, turning, or any activity in which limbs are overloaded. This results in a decreased risk of injury from overloading. With the same superb features as steel but at a much lower weight, the Equi-Librium Aluminum is ideal for: - Competition horses with extra knee action (i.e. horses judged on movement, such as hunters) -Horses in rehabilitation after a leg injury - Horses sensitive to strain or loading injuries - Horses requiring additional support provided by sole pads or silicone without the increasing overall weight per foot
NOW OUT ! new, innovative products that just hit the market
Mustad LiBero™ : the versatile shoe2-3 for leisure and sport
4 5 The LiBero is our new ¾ fullered allround flat horseshoe based on feedback received on our very successful LB range. We like 6 with a wide variety of sizes and to think of it as an upgrade on our base range, suitable for most leisure and sport purposes sections. 7 The new LiBero shoe has been designed thanks to the collaboration of an extended farriers team, formed by eminent specialists from France, Germany, Great Britain, Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Norway and 8 Switzerland. The main objective of our team of experts has been to respect as much as possible the natural 9 farriers shape of the hoof, providing the best support and protection for the horse, while making life easier when shoeing. 10
LiBero is more comfortable for the horse as it follows the anatomical foot shape. Its uniqueness comes from the special design we adopted for the different models: both front and hind shoes have a definite left and right shape and are all fitted with flush clips. The heels of all front shoes are sloped while the hind shoes are left with upright heels. LiBero features the Mustad Anatomical Branch Concept™ (ABC): the outside branch is clearly marked in the fuller and is always slightly longer. The bents of the inside and outside branches follow the physiological shape of most European breeds. A unique nail hole design is also provided, as crease and fuller design guarantees that the nail will always fully seat at the bottom half of the nail hole when using Mustad nails. Although we have retained the traditional character in our model range, we have decided to offer subtle section-to-size variations. This has the benefit that smaller shoes are lighter and bigger shoes are stronger, all without the loss of your chosen amount of cover or support.
St. Croix Advantage™: balance and versatility in Western style The 40th edition of the American Farrier Association Convention – held in Lexington, KY, USA - was the perfect stage to introduce to the north-american market our new St. Croix Advantage horseshoe. The design of the Advantage builds on years of experience and a market study made with farriers. Not only does this shoe offer unique features for versatility of movement, but also gives farriers a clear advantage as they stated after testing: “Perfect shape ! Great fit out-of-the-box!” “Very easy nailing and great nail fit !” “Great wear!” “Easy to modify!” Balance and versatility: these qualities, above all others, determine the success of both the horse and rider at a competitive level. A horse must move with agility and speed, quickly and smoothly responding to directions—particularly in Western performance. Under such conditions, the horse’s shoes can either hinder or aid in performance. The St. Croix Advantage is designed to allow fluid movement with total control. The Advantage is really a shoe for peak performances, offering: • easy break-over in all directions, thanks to full rolling and blunt toe • enhanced traction provided by v-shaped crease and concave surface • optimal heel support through a specific heel design NAILS
VIRTUOUS CIRCLES our initiatives for the global hoofcare industry
2-3 of experience » Tour « 100 years
Hoofcare Summit – AFA Convention
4 5 Sweden - Mustad was the proud sponsor of an unprecedented 6 initiative which involved two of the most experienced 7 farriers in Sweden: the “100 years of experience” 8 tour, led by Mikael Westberg and Magne Delebekk 9 10
The International Hoofcare Summit (Cincinnati, OH, Feb1st-4th) and the American Farrier Association Annual Convention (Lexington, KY, Mar 1st-4th) opened up the new season of the farrier industry. As the two main events for farriery in the North American market, they gathered a total of approx 1500 farriers from across the US and Canada. The spirit of both events is to marry education initiatives with a market place, to give attendees the opportunity to upgrade their professional skills and, at the same time, discover the evolution of the industry and get a preview of the many new products that manufacturers are about to introduce to the market. This was a special year indeed for the AFA Convention, celebrating its 40th edition: we wish the AFA to go ahead for another 40 years with the same energy and passion! Both Summit and Convention were ideal stages for us to present a global preview of our latest products: the Equi-Librium Aluminum shoe and the new Advantage shoe. Discover more about them in the previous pages and watch a short report from the Summit here !
Both turning 50 this year – this is where the tour name comes from - Mikael and Magne were perfect travel companions driving across Sweden and meeting farriers and students, spreading their knowledge and sharing their experience with them. The theoretical lectures were complemented by open questions & answers sessions, which made the tour a success among the audience and created an increasing demand for similar initiatives in other. cities. Strongly supported also by the Swedish Farrier Association, the trip across Sweden ran from February the 7th to the 18th and, according to Magne and Mikael, it was an amazing experience during which they had the opportunity to not only teach but also learn a lot. The targets of the project were clearly achieved and Mikael and Magne are already thinking about the next stages for the future: extension of both the target (horse riders) and geographical area (more Scandinavian countries) are feasible, and Mustad will be there to help them once again! You can watch and listen to Mikael and Magne on our Youtube channel by clicking here
Our “Advantage” Team proudly presented the new product at the latest AFA Convention NAILS
VIRTUOUS CIRCLES our initiatives for the global hoofcare industry
2-3 Youtube channel 2-3 Mustad Hoofcare 44 55 66 77 88 99 10 10
The Household Cavalry, London, UK
London, UK - On February 12th, 2011 the Royal Household Cavalry hosted a farrier team competition sponsored by Mustad. Our clinician and long-time partner Grant Moon, six-times world champion at the Calgary Stampede Blacksmith Championship, was the head judge and he admitted he was “amazed by the quality and high level of the competition!” In fact, two former Blacksmith World Champion and the current title holder, plus several other top English farriers have challenged each other in a full-day amazing competition. We also were given the opportunity to visit the facilities and discover the very special habits of a Cavalry official: priority to the horse, who gets all attentions and special cares, a mania-cal obsession for perfectly tidy uniform and related accessories, and a lot of work to make sure the boots are as shiny as possible. For the records, the competition was won by the team composed by the Casserleys (father and son), followed by: 2nd B. Crothers D. Bazin 3rd S. Beane S. Brown 4th G. Golby M. Randles 5th S. Cox-Rushbridge -- D. Burchellshiny You can watch the highlights of the day on our Youtube channel by clicking here
The official Mustad Hoofcare Youtube channel has been online since a few weeks now! Using such a global platform to show videos documenting our activities, allows us to reach an impressive number of farriers, riders, horse fans. We are collecting videos highlighting our sponsored events as well as races where our products helped to achieve outstanding results. A direct link exists between Youtube and our different social media pages on Facebook – in other words, Youtube is an additional tool to reinforce our presence in the farriers industry and will help strengthening our brands further. More investments are planned soon for the creation of video materials – in the meantime, to know more about it just visit the channel here
Mustad and the British Farriery Schools The education system in the United Kingdom provides a solid basis for those students who foresee future employment opportunities and professional growth in the farriery industry. The system provides a certification that allows to work as a qualified farrier and, as a company, we wish we could have more of these examples in other countries too. This is the reason that led us to sign a long-term partnerships agreement with the 3 three British Farriery Schools: Hereford, Warwick and Myerscough Every student attends lectures for a period of 23 weeks over a four year apprenticeship cycle. This gives us, as a company, a perfect opportunity to have face to face contact with every newly qualified farrier; this happens at the end of their apprenticeship, just before they take their final exam and helps to bring the Mustad name, and the very ethos of the company to the fore just before they set out on their own. This is also an opportunity for us to show them the advantages of having contact with such a company as Mustad as we cover all aspects of horseshoeing, from nails to shoes, from pads to studs and tools. This is what we call “grassroots activities", an area that we want to explore further to build the new generation of Mustad farriers.
VIRTUOUS CIRCLES our initiatives for the global hoofcare industry
Mustad Latin America in the spotlight News and initiatives from the fastest growing markets As a part of our marketing efforts, a new in-
store display and merchandising is Over the last three months, the concept educational initiatives led by our being tested in Sweden and Latin America. Brasilian branch Mattheis Borg have covered five cities (Sao Paulo, As many more purchasing decisions are Parana, Sorocaba, Preto) made atCuritiba, the point Ribeirão of sales, new shop across six seminars. A very displays make it simple for the customer well-tested organisation ensured onceto again our presence and find the right products and easy for shop contribution for the to growth of the farriers personnel check product availability and industry. More activities will refilling. be ongoing across the whole year and we will report about them. Shelf tags and signs help emphasizing
products and their features. Solid and rich materials have been chosen for our display units, which come with easy-to-follow mounting instructions. Also very important, flexible adjustments are always possible to modify the units according to changing requirements. A color-matching system has been designed so that on one hand dealers can quickly refill the units and each product finds its right As we reported in our December 2010 issue, our Colombian branch spot and - on the other Emcoclavos supported hand has – the product the creation and followed the development of a display is eye-catching farrier school with the help of the national industry association, for customers
Fedequinas. The first 23 Farriers have now graduated with a degree certified by the government: a certification which is the first of its kind in Colombia. The overwhelming success of the initiative is pushing our team at Emcoclavos to further develop it and extend it to other parts of Colombia, creating loyalty among farriers and expanding their professional knowledge. In 2000 Mustad Argentina started an unprecedented initiative, a mix of editorial, marketing and promotional contents: Mustad News. Looking back at issue nr. 1, we understand the purpose and values that have since then animated Mustad News: “The main idea is to create a free
tool that offers practical help to all horse lovers, no matter whether they have a pony or a thouroughbred, if they play top-level polo or they are working daily on a horseback in the countryside”. 26 issues later, Mustad News is currently
demonstrations distributed in 5000 copies all across Latin America, it is led by highly qualified farriers published 4 times a year and the full archive is nowandavailable veterinarians (among them a the 6 for download here. Over these years, it has become times World constant point of reference for farriers and riders: Championthe Grant Moon) makes the contents have evolved and Mustad News is now Mustad appealing Conference a to horse fans and professionals at all levels, with articles successful event and the next edition relevant for each country in the region. Thanks to the a must for each industry support of many long-time customers, we wishprofessional Mustadin the Asia-Pacific region News many more years of success!
VIRTUOUS CIRCLES our initiatives for the global hoofcare industry
New Zealand: a visitor from Sweden and a new Mustad shop Our Mustad shop has re-opened its doors in Pukekohe, New Zealand. The new premises offer a much wider stage to showcase our offer than our previous site and allow more space to display our products more effectively. Customers have the opportunity to browse and see the full range of Mustad products and an area has been set up for farriers to enjoy a coffee and read through the latest industry news along with the latest update from Mustad. So far the feedback on the new shop has been extremely positive, especially regarding the openness and atmosphere of the shop. The Farrier area provides our sales team (Alani and Brad) a chance to gain valuable feedback on market trends and product requirements so we can best assist them in meeting their needs and a better understanding of their business. Some of them have also gladly noticed that, despite the recent events in Christchurch, the shop looked well set up and serving the customers at full speed. Mustad NZ gained valuable brand awareness in sponsoring Oskar Andersson, a junior driver from Sweden coming out to New Zealand. The brand exposure on newspaper articles and radio interviews was beneficial in reaching out to other consumers within the market. In the pictures Oskar Andersson meets the trainers and warms up prior to his workout victory.
A sad beginning of 2011 in Brazil, Colombia, New Zealand and Japan Unfortunately we also have to report about the sad events that have hit various countries over the first months of 2011. Some of our team members have also been affected by these events: heavy rainfalls in Colombia, the earthquake in New Zealand, a landslide in Brazil and the tsunami in Japan have created dangerous situations for employees and customers. One of our Brazilian colleagues tragically lost his son in this horrific event and a number of others were also impacted in various ways. We as a company have already acted - and still are working - to concretely help our people recovering from such an immense disgrace. We count on your support for spontaneous donations that will make the people affected feel your support. For any additional information and if you want to donate for this important cause, do not hesitate to write to NAILS
MUSTAD Remco van der Linden
Mustad North America Sales Director
Remco Remco
Luca Bertolino
Male April 1, 1968 Seize the Advantage!
California State University, Stanislaus, 1986-1991 – Completed Bachelor of Science, Bus. Admin./Marketing Thomas Downey High School - Modesto, California 19821986 Mustad Group – North America Sales Director 2008 to Present Delta Horseshoe Co., Inc. – President 2003-2008/Marketing Manager 1991-2003
500 Auburn-Folsom Road, Suite 320 Auburn, California 95603 U.S.A. Tel. (866)+668-7642 ext. 305 Fax (866)707-4642 Email:
Family, horses, farriery, blacksmithing, motorcycles, boating, music, golf, skiing, snowboarding, hunting, shooting
St. Croix Advantage: A shoe for peak performance Easy break-over in all directions, thanks to full rolling and blunt toe • Enhanced traction provided by vshaped crease and concave surface • Optimal heel support through a wide heel design My new EquiLibrium
Equi-Librium, the horseshoe for sports horses If you want the best for your horse too, ask your farrier to see what benefits Equi-Librium can have for your horse
My Story at Mustad
Horses and the farrier trade have always been part of my life. I grew up on a farm in Holland surrounded by beautiful Dutch Warmblood horses, and when I was 5 years old I was given my first pony for my birthday. He was a Dartmoor pony named Heiko and he taught me all about the joys and frustrations of horsemanship. Everyone in my family rode horses, so many weekends were spent at the riding center or on the dune trails. In 1980 we immigrated to California, where my father developed a business importing Dutch sport horses trained in dressage and jumping. Because the feet of these horses were so much larger than the typical American breeds, the farriers who worked on the imported horses did not have the proper sized shoes. This led to the development of Delta Horseshoe Company, which was started with the importation of Dutch shoes specifically designed for this type of horse. As this was a family business, my brothers and I were often found unloading containers of horseshoes during my teenage years. After highschool, I pursued a degree in business administration and marketing so that I could play a more important role in the operation. I joined Delta shortly after graduating in 1991 and have been in the farrier industry full-time ever since. Over the course of 25 years, Delta developed into one of the largest distribution companies serving the farrier trade in North America. In 2008, Delta Horseshoe Company and Mustad Hoofcare Center joined forces to create Delta Mustad Hoofcare Center. DMHC plays an important role in the North American farrier industry, providing its customers and endusers with industry-leading customer service and the finest selection of shoes, nails, tools and equipment. I thoroughly enjoy working for the Mustad Group and all it stands for. The Group has many talented and dedicated people, and I find that the professionalism and cooperation is very motivating. I’m looking forward to many more years in this incredible industry and feel blessed to be part of such an innovative, customer-driven company.
OPINION LEADERS home of the experts Why a steel insert if you don’t need it? A few weeks ago the Equi-Librium Aluminum was successfully launched at the Hoofcare summit in the USA. The shoe has an element of surprise in it as it doesn’t feature a steel toe insert. I would like to elaborate on some of the research behind the introduction of this Equi-Librium Aluminum shoe. The benefits of the Equi-Librium shoe are well established and many sport horses wear Equi-Librium shoes now during their performances. The essential feature of the Equi-Librium shoe is the toe region in which the shoe is rounded in two directions. A disadvantage of the shoe might be its weight. Especially in sport disciplines in which horses travel over long distances, such as endurance, or in disciplines in which the gait has to be less animated, like hunter jumpers. Furthermore, lightweight shoes are beneficial for horses in rehabilitation processes, where limb load should be as low as possible. The combination of a light weight shoe with all the beneficial limb loading effects of the EquiLibrium has an obvious added value in our market. The question arose whether the toe of an Equi-Librium in aluminum would last long enough as it is thinner compared to the rest of the shoe. Wear is the result of friction and is determined by the coefficient of friction and the weight of the horse (ground reaction force).
By removing, or - better - by rounding the toe part, static friction becomes more dynamic, which lowers the coefficient of friction and thus less wear? This assumption was already supported by experiences of police corpses shortly after the introduction of the steel EquiLibrium. Although their horses made many street miles on the shoes, there was no need to decrease the shoeing interval due to excessive or faster wear of the toe. Based on this, we started to test prototypes of the Equi-Librium shoes with and without the steel insert. Four sound showjumping horses were selected. All horses were trained 6 times per week and walked 20 minutes per day in a horse walker. The horses were randomly shod by one farrier with both types of shoe so they could serve as their own control. Shoe thickness and width were measured on a weekly base at 11 designated places. After 5-6 weeks the shoes were removed. The average loss in thickness due to the wear was 1.3 (0.4) mm per week, this means that after 3-4 weeks the thickness in the toe was lost. Than the shoe started to lose its width on average 0.9 (0.4) mm per week. At the end of the 6 weeks shoeing interval there was still 90% of the initial width in the toe present. There were no clear differences in the amount of wear between the two shoe types. When looking closely into the toe region there was one large difference which made a final decision easy. The shoe without the insert (picture, left) showed the wear all over the toe region and was when removing the shoe still a typical Equi-Librium shoe. The shoe with the insert (picture, right) only wore down from the insert to the toe making the shape of the toe more into a half round shoe instead of an Equi-Librium and as the toe is the essential feature of the Equi-Librium shoe the shoe is now on the market without a steel toe insert. As we know that friction and wear are dependant of the weight of the horse, section to size is incorporated in the shoe sizing, meaning that the bigger sizes are thicker and wider.
Dr. Meike Van Heel PhD Movement scientist, Animal physiotherapist Innovation Manager Mustad Hoofcare,
Q&A a chat with....
Morgan Widman
Age 60, Dals Långed, Sweden 43 years at Mustadfors, joined in August 1968 Q: Hi Morgan, tell us more about your beginnings at Mustadfors A: I had already applied and got a job at Volvo as well as a local candy
factory but wanted to try to get something closer to where I lived. I entered the office at Mustadfors in the morning for a job interview. After a short discussion I could start to work immediately. There was not even time to change for working clothes! The first years I had many different positions which was common for new employees at the time. After the military service in 1971, I started as a tool grinder, the position I have kept ever since.
Q: You must have seen a lot happening here – what has changed the most?
A: Well, back then we were 5 guys working there, today we are 2. I worked as an apprentice for several years before being approved as a tool grinder. The time as an apprentice could last up to 7 years! During the years the demand for quality has increased a lot. Today everything has to be very accurate and there is less acceptance for variations. Today we have CNC machines, earlier everything was made by hand. The steel quality is also better; there is a bigger range to choose from nowadays. Automation has entered the process gradually too, when I started we were 125 people in the plant, today we are 59. We make more different types, slimmer nails which are more difficult technically, Morgan tells. Nowadays we rotate within the department. In the past we were much more specialists on the different tasks. Today we all know how to prepare the every tool, this gives more variation but sometimes more pressure too.
Q: 43 years with the same company must be a record: what kept you so long with Mustad?
A: The working conditions have always been fair and good, Mustadfors has a solid reputation as an employer here. My working colleagues are of course another reason for staying that long, a friendly atmosphere where practical jokes are common makes work fun too (he laughs). Time really flies and I do not have the feeling that 43 years have passed since I joined..
Q: What’s your relationship with the Group’ owners?
A: Well, I guess I know them quite well by now, at least the latest two generations (he laughs again…). They always come by when they visit the factory, showing interest for us working here.
Q: What is your favorite hobby?
A: When I am not working, I spend my time with the family, I have 2 children and 3 grand children. I have 3 dogs too. Motorcycles have always been my great passion and I have refurbished about 10 veteran bikes myself. Today I have 4 vintage motorcycles in my garage. My favorite? The one I like the most is my swedish NV 250cc from 1955. Can you believe I still occasionally compete in these old cute bikes?
Morgan just where he likes to be: riding his old NV250
This is Mustad News – the Mustad Hoofcare Group Global Newsletter - April 2011 - Issue # 2 - Editor: Luca Bertolino A huge ’thank you!’ to all contributors. You can be a contributor too! Email your input and ideas to: