CANDIDATURE FOR Capacity Building Educational Assistant For the term 2021/2022
MOTIVATION LETTER Dear Zain & dear NMOs, I will start my candidature with a story.
"I am not a teacher, but an awakener." - Robert Frost
A story of a young boy who was first introduced to the world of capacity building at the age of 16, and that was during an exchange program to the US called IYLEP (Iraqi Young Leaders Exchange Program). This program was a turning point in my life, as I got to learn about soft skills for the first time and it changed my perspective on everything. Of course these skills were tools I’ve been given to use the way I see fits best, And it’s when I chose to pass down knowledge. Since the very beginning of my life, my goal was to make an impact and to leave something that’ll keep me remembered, and that thing I found possible to achieve with the IFMSA, with the capacity building to be more specific. The capacity building has been the field I’ve been working with since I first joined the IFMSA, and I know it’s only been three years for me with this division, but I have learned so much, gained many skills and met several capacity builders who have and still are inspiring me. From the very first session I attended (which was on time management) I knew that CB is my thing. So I kept attending training sessions and camps and kept a close eye on what trainers do when they’re delivering a training session. Then I applied for my first workshop which was a TNHRT and got it, two weeks later I got my TNT which I was waiting to get since the first training session I attended, and gradually I became more and more involved in the capacity building, afterwards I became the general assistant for the capacity building division in my NMO where I got the chance to experience CB from the inside where I was introduced to a whole new level of CB, after that I joined my first international SWG which was on reforming the CB resources center, which was an experience I’ll never forget. And now, after all this experience, after all I’ve learned and taken from the world of CB, I believe it’s time to give back, to educate what I’ve been educated. Being the CB EDA is an important step in my CB journey as I hope to apply for being the VPCB in the upcoming terms. That’s why I chose to go through the path of passing down knowledge and experience. As I believe that knowledge is meant to be shared between people and not to be kept inside, and with the EDA I believe I can make the most impact through working on CB from the inside and to ensure the impact of every training delivered. And that’s why you’re reading those words from me at the moment; because I want to share my experiences and tell my stories. I am Mustafa Laith, a fourth year medical student from IFMSA-Iraq, proudly presenting to you my candidature as the Capacity Building Educational Assistant for the term of 2021-2022, hoping it will be received with an approving smile. Warm regards,
Mustafa Layth
PLAN OF ACTION My plan of action is based both on the VPCB candidacy and the things I want to do if I get selected as a CB EDA. As the specific timeline will be put down, and some tasks may be added, deleted or modified after agreement with the VPCB.
Workshops Development Workshops Standardization Evaluate the work done in the previous terms & review the regulations for the SCs’ training workshops Work with the CB DA to hold meetings with the SCs DAs to discuss over the workflow for the training workshops standardization Establish the framework for the training workshops, set up their regulations after agreeing upon them with the DAs then send it for input from the relevant ITs PreGAs Work with the CBIT to design specific workshops for the PreGAs according to the needs assessment ran within the regions Work with the CB CMA to promote for these workshops and ensure their reachability to the members CB Workshops & IOGs Design more CB workshops and streams that target the needs of the NMOs as in Advanced themed workshops that tackle specific issues. Revise the curriculum of the CB workshops & discuss with the CBIT the potential areas of development for those workshops Review the current CB IOGs with the CB IT and hold meetings throughout the term (after agreeing upon the frequency) to discuss potential areas of improvement
Trainers Pool OSDs Hold with the assist of the TPAB multiple OSDs throughout the term within the TP community to both discuss the needs of Trainers/Facilitators & to use this as a safe space for the trainers and facilitators to suggest whatever ideas they have concerning CB & TP development TP community Work alongside the TPAB & the CB CMA on enhancing the engagement methods within the TP community as in applying the mentorship system, making telegram group and holding CB nights on platforms like Clubhouse Needs Assessment Work with the TPAB to run a needs assessment process at the beginning of the term In cooperation with the RAs - Communicate with CB Reps to identify their needs Analyse the results of the NA and discuss with both the CBIT & TPAB how to tackle them Work with the OTA to design online courses for trainers education according to the results of the NA
Training Curriculum CB Fest 3.0 Review & evaluate the work done in the previous terms Based on the NA ran within the regions & the TP community work with the CBIT to design the learning journey Work with the CB CMA for the promotion and reachability of the fest Evaluate the process after finishing the fest and ensure proper documentation Online courses Based on the results from the needs assessment and the input from the CB IT Call for Experienced trainers to work on those courses Review the current CB partnerships with other CB NGOs and bring trainers from those NGOs for the exchange of experience and use their insights for developing our current CB educational system Develop an advanced online course for trainers education based on the needs assessment conducted NMO management sessions Hold a meeting with the CB RAs & the DA to identify the needs within the regions Work with the relevant ITs (PRC, EA, Projects team...etc) to design the agenda for the NMO management sessions Evaluate the process
Trainer’s Camp Review and evaluate the work done in the past terms Design and develop the learning journey of the trainer’s camp to make specific and advanced sessions Call for Hosting NMOs for the camp & Call for experienced trainers both from IFMSA & other NGOs to ensure maintaining high quality standards while delivering the camp Follow up after the camp to ensure achieving optimal impact of the camp and to assess the impact done
CB IT Meetings Actively participate and give inputs within the CB IT meetings Environment Create a healthy work environment within the CB IT through clarifying our expectations from each other and ensure good communication within our team and to always welcome a constructive feedback
Resources center Promote for the RC with the TP community and the CB community through making infographics and challenges about it Update the RC into a more structured center and add sections concerning the online training sessions outlines as well as physical sessions
Mustafa Laith IFMSA-Iraq
Positions Held Trainers Pool Advisory Board (TPAB) Term 2021/2022
Capacity Building Division Director's General Assistant Terms 2019/2020 & 2020/2021
Workshops & Streams Delivered Selected trainer at the TNT of IFMSA-Iraq SRT 30 September 2021
Online HRMP Workshop|International Workshop 2021
Leaders of Today, Leaders of Tomorrow Stream (LOTT)| PreEMR 2021
Facilitation and Learning During Online Workshops (FLOW)|PreAPRM 2021
Contact Info +9647718600064 Baghdad, Iraq
Skills G Suit Microsoft Office Creativity Teamwork
Languages Arabic English French
Interests Art Traveling Philosophy
Certificates Training New Trainers (TNT) PreAM 2019 in Taiwan
Training New Human Rights Trainers (TNHRT) SRT Turkey 2019
European Climate Change Advocates (ECCA) PreEuRegMe 2021
Iraqi Young Leaders Exchange program (IYLEP) The US 2016
SWGs SWG on Reforming the Resources Center 2020
SWG on Updating the Resources Center 2021
SWG for The Support of TPAB 2021
SWG on Creating the CB Manual 2021
SWG on The Strategy & Policy Making Toolkits (Coordenator) 2021
Mustafa Laith IFMSA-Iraq
Contact Info
IFMSA Experience Trainer with more than 80 hours of training experience NMO management Sessions Team at Online EMR17 NMO Management Sessions Team at Babylonia online camp in IFMSA-Iraq NMO management Sessions Team at the winter camp 2020 Online CB Fest Sessions Team 2021 Basic Online Course for Trainers Education Sessions Team 2021 Participant at WHO EMRO regional Simulation 2021 General delegate to AM2019 in Taiwan Member of the national task force for making the first national strategy of IFMSA-Iraq Vice-Chairperson at the 5th NGA of IFMSA-Iraq 2020 CCC member at the 6th NGA of IFMSA-Iraq 2021 Trainer at multiple CB & SCs Training Camps within IFMSA-Iraq from 2019 until the present
+9647718600064 Baghdad, Iraq
Skills G Suit Microsoft Office Creativity
Training Skills Brainstorming Evaluation & Follow up Training Design Strategic Planning
Languages Arabic English French
Interests Art Traveling Philosophy
Trainer's Portfolio