the qur'an code

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INTRODUCTION: Qur’an is the most right one. But everyone can not understand “The most right one’’. Being unable to understand is not a sin. The real sin is trying not to understand it. In this book, the reader will be having the most surpriseful shocks in his life ever, because we have found that the chromosome numbers of animals, the terms like “Atmosphere, Television’’ and many other Scientific foundings have been given in Qur’an secretly with codes and we are explaining these codes in a very clear language and even those who don’t know Arabic can check and understand these from the Qur’an... Also we got the knowledge for future, what events are waiting us, we found all from the code of Qur’an...




3453534534534534564675673452342345346456456456456456 4323436546445645635434534534537567567567567567567567535 3454353453476753453886968957456456464563456346545645646546 THE CODE OF QUR’AN AND ITS SCIENTIFIC MIRACLES: In this book,we are going to give many scientific miracles of Qur’an and we will also give many miracles of Qur’an which have been secret and undiscovered until today.To realise some of these,the person must look at the Arabic version,original version of the holly Qur’an.I will start with the easy ones, codes, secret miracles of The Holly Qur’an.

Some words are repeated at the same amount with their contrast in The Holly Qur’an.For instance: “Angel’’ 88, “Devil’’ 88 times, “Paradise’’ 77,”Hell’’ 77 times, “World’’ 115, “Life after’’ 115 times, “Summer-Hot’’ 5, “Winter-cold’’ 5 times, “Plant’’ 26, “Tree’’ 26 times, “Punishment’’ 117, “Forgiveness’’ 117x2 times, “Bad people’’ 3, “Good people’’ 3x2 times, “Belief ‘’ 25, “swear’’ 25 times etc… Repeated in the holly Qur’an. (You can easily count words from the index of Qur’an)

CHROMOSOMES IN QUR’AN: The chromosome number of a human is 46. 23 of them comes from male,and other 23 comes from female.The difference between Man and Woman is because of the difference in the 23rd chromosome pair.Both the words “man’’ and “woman’’ are repeated 23 times separately in Qur’an.Before 20th century microbiology,there was no possibility for people to know chromosome number of animals and Men.


LAND-SEA RATIO OF MODERN SCIENCE IN QUR’AN: According to the foundngs of modern Jeology of 20th century ,lands cover 29% and seas cover 71% of the Earth.In our daily life,scientists can do such specific calculations by using computers and space satellites.However,Qur’an gave that information as whole percents 13 centuries before modern science secretly.The word “land’’ is repeated 13 times while the word “sea’’ is repeated 32 times in Qur’an.This means that the sea-land word ratio in The holly Qur’an is 13/45 to 32/45.(13+32=45).While converted into percentages,they give the ratio 71% for seas and 29% for lands.

Percentage calculation for 13/45 :

45 100

13 ?


Percentage calculation for 32/45:

45 100

32 ?


The chromosome numbers of some animals in Qur’an: The chromosome numbers of some animals are given in the Holly Qur’an. For instance,the sooras(chapters) “Jumah’’ and “Lokman’’ are 31st and 62nd sooras of Qur’an respectively, and they are the only two sooras in the whole Qur’an which contain the word “donkey’’ but no any other animal. This is another surpriseful miracle of the Holly Qur’an,because donkey has 31 double and so 62 single chromosomes.


Qur’an gives some secrets about the chromosome number of very important animals.For instance,if there was no bee on Earth,life would not be possible on Earth for us.Because sunlight can not be taken directly as a food by people and animals.It is converted into glucose sugar by plants for us,and plants are polluted perfectly only by bee.With only wind pollination,it is not possible to live,because it takes place seldomly.So,bee is the most important being among animals.Famous scientist Albert Einstein said: “The day bee disappears from the Earth will be the last day of the Earth!’’.The chromosome number of this holly being,bee, has been given in the holly Qur’an.Nahl means “honey bee’’ in Arabic,and there is a soora called “Nahl’’ in the holly Qur’an.It is the 16th soora of Qur’an.This is a very big miracle of Qur’an,because 20th century modern Microbiology discovered by microscopic experiments that male bee has 16 Haploid and female bee has 16 diploid chromosomes.The Holly Qur’an gave that information with its chapter number 13 centuries before Microbiology.

In Qur’an,there is a soora called “Najm’’,it means “star’’.There is a star called “SIRIUS’’ in Astronomy,Arabs call it as “Sheera’’.Sirius is one of the shiniest star known.It is a naturallyobservable star to which moushreeks (those who make shirk and those who were falling prostrate upon statues,idols during the time of Prophet Muhammad(sal) in Mecca) were worshipping and falling prostrate upon.In 20th century,scientists discovered that SIRIUS was a couple stars having a twin star,by observing its unregularity in movements.They called the other star as “SIRIUS B’’.Then,they realized with telescopes that SIRIUS B’s turning around SIRIUS takes 49 years.In every 49 years,SIRIUS B completes its turning around SIRIUS.It is a very interesting,big miracle that there is only one ayat in Qur’an talking about the star “Sheera’’(SIRIUS),and that is 49th ayat of the soora najm.The ayat is the following:

“…and Allah is the Lord of Sirius!’’.(najm-49)

Furthermore,the soora which is just before najm,Tur, has 49 ayats and 49th ayat of the soora “tur’’ is again talking about stars.

46-Chromosomes miracle in Qur’an: In the soora najm again,an important sign of Men creation has been given as a miracle.The 45th and 46th ayats of the soora are the following:

“We created male and female…’’(najm-45) “From a less amount of poor water when spilled!’’.(najm-46)


The words “male and female’’ in ayat 45 refers to “man and woman’’,because the previous ayats were talking about Human related to that ayat.46th ayat talks about creation of man and woman from a liquid.Human is created from a liquid which is sperm droplet in 23 steps,and formed by 46 chromosomes.The number of tha ayat talking about this creation is also 46.This is again another miracle of Qur’an.

Remember that all these ayat and soora numbers are the same as the first Qur’an in museum in Mecca which was written in the time of Prophet Muhammad.

THE DATE OF GOING TO MOON IN QUR’AN: There is a soora(chapter) called “Qamar’’, which means “The moon’’ in Qur’an and since the first ayat of this chapter up to the end of Qur’an, there are 1389 ayats at total. “1389’’ is the date “1969’’ in the Gregorian calendar, which is the date people went to the moon for the first time. Neal Amstrong, the first Astronout was the first person who took a step on the moon. This is again a very big miracle of the holly Qur’an. (You can find this info out from the ayat numbers of each soora from the Qur’an.).


“BONES MIRACLE’’ IN QUR’AN: There is a soora called “insan’’ in the Holly Qur’an, “Insan’’ means “Human’’. Human bones are completely shaped and covered with muscles and the baby completely becomes a human 38 days after his entering the ovarity of his mother,the shape and replacement of the bones are completed.When a human dies,even if he is not put underground but any other place,after 38 days from his death,the separation of his bones from each other starts.So,the existence and demolishment durations of Human bones are the same.This is a very big miracle of God,it is one of His infinite signs that life on Earth did not come on to be by chance,one of infinite prooves of creation.Of course,those illegal persons called “a scientist’’ such as Stephen Hawkings who believe in such stupid,illegal,anti-scientific theories such as evolution to defence materialism are always blind to see that infinite miracles.God made their hearts blind.They are looking but not seeing,they are listening but not hearing. So,together the whole existence and and disappearance of human makes 76 days,because the total time for the existence and distruption of Human bones are 76 days.(38+38=76) The soora “Insan’’ in the holly Qur’an is the 76th soora of Qur’an.This is again a big,surpriseful miracle of Qur’an.Furthermore,the first ayat of this soora, “insan’’ gives a very important scientific proof.It suggests clearly that human life did not start at the same time when life for other species had started.It says that human life started too long time after all of other living things.This is a miracle of Qur’an again,because this was understood newly in 19th-20th centuries.Paleontologists were finding other fossils to be 100-400 million years old,while the Human fossils could only be found to be hundred thousands years old at most.This caused people starting to discuss where we came from,and there had been various kinds of claims.Some believed we evolved from apes,some believed we were aliens coming from other planets,galaxies and some believed the claim of heavenly religions:Toorat,Bible and Qur’an,suggesting Adem and Eva came on Earth from the Heaven and started Human life.The miraculous ayat mentioning Human came a very long time after the Earth-life’s existence is the following:

“Has there not been over man a period of time,when he was not a thing worth mentioning?Verily,We have created man from nutfah( mixed drops of male and female sexual discharge),in order to try him,so We made him hearer and seer.Verily,We showed him the way,whether he be grateful or ungrateful.Verily,We have preapared for the disbelievers iron chains,iron collars and a blazing fire!’’.(Insan-1-4)


“365 DAYS’’ IN QUR’AN: In Qur’an,the word “day’’ is repeated 365 times.As it is known,The Earth follows an orbit around the sun and it completes its one whole turning in 365 days.It is interesting that Qur’an gives such an astronomic information in 7th century. AYAT NO:19:57 The first spaceshift which travelled to space is Sputnik,it travelled in 1957.This was the first date people passed the limits of the Atmosphere and had a journey in space.As an interesting style that could not be a chance,the 19:57th ayat of Qur’an talks about rising up to space,and the ayat is not talking about anything else.The ayat is the following: “And We raised Him to a high station!’’.(19:57) As you see,the ayat number and the date are the same:1957 and 19:57.

DISTANCE BETWEEN THE EARTH AND THE MOON: Again we meet a very big miracle in The Soora of Qamar.Qamar means “Moon’’.Since the first “Moon’’ word in the soora up to the first “Earth’’ word ,there are 333 letters,and in between that words, “moon’’ and “The Earth’’,we can put 111 “moon’’ words.Because in Arabic,the word “qamar(Moon)’’ consists of 3 letters.(333/3=111) (In Arabic letters:Quff-meem-noon) As the same,we can put 111 moons in between our planet Earth and the moon.Because due to modern Astrophysics calculations,it was discovered in 20th century that the distance between the Earth and the Moon is 111 times longer than the radius of the moon.We can also get this scientific knowledge by looking at a space map or searching through the most basic astronomy books.The calculation done is approximate,because of moon’s having an elliptic orbit.But in any calculation,astronoms take is as 111 as a whole,not 111 point something. In times of Qur’an,neither the hundred thousand kilometres distance nor length of Moon’s radius was known.So,bothe the soora’s name being Qamar and the existence of 333 letters between the words “Earth’’ and the “Moon’’ can never be a change,while thought both Mathematically and logically.

SAND HILLS AND THE PLANET MARS IN QUR’AN: There is a soora called “Ahkaf’’ in Qur’an,and it means “Sand Hills’’.In 23rd ayat of Qur’an,the letters forming the word “Mars’’ join together.This is a miracle of Qur’an,because when the word “Mars’’ is heard by a scientist,the first thing he/she reminds is “Very enormous sand hills’’,because Mars consists of very huge sand hills and with its that


property,it is different than all other planets observed.For instance,NASA’s robot “OPPORTUNITY’’ sent to Mars had some accidents and dangers because of wind storms and it remained coincided on a large sand hill for a few days. The ayat number which the word “Mars’’ firstly take place in Qur’an is the 23rd ayat of the soora Ahkaf.This ayat number’s being 23 is also a very big miracle,because the first date Mars was taken photo by NASA’S satellite was 23.08.03(23rd of August,2003)!.The day “23rd’’ is the same as ayat no:23. Another very big miracle in the soora is that the words forming the word “DEIMOS’’ also joins together in the 30th ayat of the soora(D-E-I-M-O-S).This is another miracle,because “DEIMOS’’ is the satellite of Mars,its name was given in the 21st century.Yet,its name takes place in Qur’an.The ayat number’s being “30’’ is another miracle of Qur’an,because DEIMOS completes its one whole turning around Mars in a whole of 30 hours. UNIVERSE EXPANDING: Until the beginning times of the 20th century,the only thought about the universe in Astronomy was that it had been static as a collection of matters,it was existent since infinity,and that it was going to exist infinitely.This thought was a basic support for Materialist Philosophy and Darwinism.However,with the research done in 20th century,with Mathematical calculations,Physics rules and observations,the reality that universe had also a starting point with a very huge explosion called “Big-Bang’’ and it had always been expanding since that time.It was understood that there is nothing constant in the universe and billions of galaxies follow a straight path,travelling and passing fast through each other without any accidents.For instance,the sun has always been moving in a straight path of the star Vega towards the star called Solar Apex. Russian Physician Alexander Friedmann and The German Space-Scientist Georges Lemaite calculated the universe’s expanding theoretically.Einstein knew but did not explain in order not to be against the materialist philosophy of his time,but then he was regret.He said: “This was the biggest mistake of my carrier!’’,after it was proved.The reality that universe is always expanding too fast since the Big Bang was completely proved in the year 1929.Materialists had a great shock.This discovery became the most important discovery of Astronomy,and after that,many people and scientists started believing in the existence of a creator.In a time that Astronomy was so undeveloped that people in Mecca was thinking big mountains hold the sky in order not to let sky drop on their heads,in 7th century,13 centuries before the theory of Big-Bang,the holly Qur’an stated the following ayat:

“We made the heaven with our power and we have been expanding it!’’.(Dhariyat-47) Qur’an mentioned the fact that universe is expanding 13 centuries before modern astronomy.


BIG CRUNCH THEORY: The Big Crunch Theory is made possible by Big Bang cosmology, which states that all matter in the universe is now racing away from all other matter. If there is enough matter in the universe to create a gravitational force sufficient to bring this movement to a halt and to reverse its direction, then at some point in the remote future all matter in the universe will converge into an infinitely dense point in space, resembling a massive black hole. The end of the universe would then resemble its beginning—a singularity at which the laws of physics as we know them no longer apply. Such a universe is called a closed universe.So,scientists and some people belive now we might be living in a universe which existed after a 3rd,10th or a 1000th Big Bang.Because universe might always be repeated. Qur’an even says that Big Crunch will take place,although it is a theory that came out in the 20th century.Qur’an talks about Big Crunch in the following ayat: “And remember the day when We shall roll up the heaven like a scroll rolled up for books.As we began the first creation,We shall repeat it!It is a promise binding upon Us!Truly,We shall do it.’’.(Anbiya-104)

A SURPRISEFUL MIRACLE : “OZON’’ LAYER IN QUR’AN: The word “Ozone’’ is read and written almost the same in all languages.The letters forming the word “Ozone’’ join together in ayat no:72:6.(O-Z-O-N-E).Furthermore,the ayats coming after this ayat includes the definition “a protector of the sky!’’.The Ozone layer is really a protector of the sky,it protects Earth from harmful sunlight. Ozone in Arabic: wuv-za-noon-wuv

‫ﻮ ﺰ وﻦ‬

So,it can’t be a chance that both the ayats are talking about a protector of the sky and the word “Ozone’’ is written in that part.The letters forming the word “OZONE’’ join together only once in thousands of ayts.In terms of Mathematical logic,this can not be a chance.There are 6666 ayats at total in the holly Qur’an.

ENERGY AND PETROL UNDERGROUND: The existence and name of “petrol’’ is also told secretly in Qur’an.This is also a miracle,because the word “petrol’’ firstly took place in a German Minerolog’s book called “De Re Metallica’’ in the year 1556,too many centuries,9 centuries after Qur’an.Petrol is very important in our daily life.Most wars in the Middle-East are caused for petrol,because it is a sourcefor cars and other technical transportation vehicles.The ayat in which the letters forming the word “petrol’’ comes together in the ayat number 6:59(6th soora,59th ayat).Furthermore,in that ayat,the expression “In the darkness underground’’ takes place.So,the ayat gives a sign that petrol is found underground.There are only two ayats in which the letters forming the word “petrol’’ join together.


The letters forming the word “petrol’’ joins together from left to right,inversely this time.(Arabic is written from right to left).Sometimes they form the important word from right to left and sometimes from left to right.But generally it is from right to left. Part of the ayat consisting the word “petrol’’:

‫ۈﻻﺤﺐةفﯽظلﻣﺖإﻷﺮﺾؤﻷﺮطبۆﻷيﺎﺐساﻷ‬ PETROL

“ATMOSPHERE’’ IN QUR’AN: Qur’an is again giving a very big miracle.In modern Science,the word “Atmosphere’’ started being used firstly in 17th century.But,the holly Qur’an gave that scientific term 10 centuries before that as a secret. “Atmosphere’’ means “air sphere that surrounds the Earth’’.The word “Atmosphere’’ started being used after it was understood that Earth was round-shaped.But in 7th century-the times of Prophet Muhammad(sal.),no one knew about Earh’s being sphere,so this is another miracle of the holly Qur’an.In the whole Qur’an,the letters forming the word “Atmosphere’’.One of them is ayat no 26:173.Furthermore,this ayat talks about the rain.So,Qur’an is also giving the sign that it rains from the Atmosphere as well.It can’t be a chance in terms of Maths that both the words “rain’’ and “Atmosphere’’ are told in the same ayat.The ayat (no 26:173) is the following: “We rained on them a rain of torment.And how evil was the rain of those who had been warned!’’. Same style,we showed for “petrol’’,the letters forming the word “Atmosphere’’ take place in this ayat. Arabic version of the ayat:

‫ۆاﻣطﺮنﺎﻋلﯿﮭﻣﻣطﺮاﻔﺴاﺎﻣطﺮالﻣﻦذﺮيﻦ‬ ATMOSPHERE MOVEMENT OF MOUNTAINS: A very big miracle of Qur’an is the soora “Naml’’,because it suggests that the mountains are moving.Mountains are moving because of the layer “manto’’.The ground moves on manto as it is swimming.Firstly,a German scientist called called Alfred Wegener claimed that the continents had been separated and got far from each other during the first times of the Earth.He claimed that during the first times of the 20th century.But unfortunately,Alfred’s truth was understood by Jeologists 50 years after his death,in the year 1980. In modern Geography,this movement of continents is called “continental drift’’, and every year,some continents,mostly America,was observed to be moved a few metres from its 11

origin.The mountains are slowly moving,a similar way that the Earth is turning around its own orbit but we don’t realize. For God!How a person in desert 1400 years ago could have imagined that mountains were moving,without using any technical instrument,big research vehicles?Again the ayat prooves that Qur’an is the reality coming from word of the God of all existent things and galaxies,it is not word of Prophet Muhammad but word of Allah!,sent to Prophet Muhammad(sal.) with the angel Gabriel. The ayat talking about the movement of mountains is the following: “And you will see the mountains and think them solid,but they shall pass away as the passing of the clouds.The work of Allah,Who perfected all things,verily,He is WellAcquainted with what you do.’’.(Naml-88)

A FLASH MIRACLE OF QUR’AN:THE WORDS “HEMOGLOBIN’’AND “IRON’’ARE USED TOGETHER: Noone in times of Qur’an knew about “Hemoglobin’’ molecule which carries the Oxygen(O ) and Carbon dioxide(CO ) in blood,because the name “Hemoglobin’’ came after after Microscopy.We need solid iron in our body to stay alive.Solid iron(Fe) is found in Hemoglobin and Hemoglobin is formed by that iron.Without Hemoglobin molecule,anemy(bloodless) disease comes out.What gives red colour to the blood is Hemoglobin as well. In ayat no 48:25,the letters forming both the words “Hemoglobin’’ and “Fe’’(symbol of iron in periodic table) join together.The ayat is the following:

‫ۆالﮭﺪﯽﻣﻌﮑۆفااﻦﯿﺐلﻐﻣﺤلهۆںلۆ‬ HEMOGLOBIN Fe

HEMOGLOBIN in Arabic:Ha-Meem-ghuyn-lum-ba-ya-noon) (H-E-M-O-G-L-O-B-I-N) Fe in Arabic(F-e):fa-aleaf


TELEVISION: The letters forming the word “television’’ joins together in Naml soora,ayat 17,from right to left.

‫ﻃلوﺲن‬ In Arabic:ta-lum-Aleaf-Wuv-seen-noon

COUPLES IN CREATION: 20th century Science prooved by Paul Dirac,an English Scientist that it is not olnly beings,male and female,couples but that everything,every matter inside the universe had been created as couples.Stars,iron,board,gold,silver,copper,nickel etc...everything!Paul Dirac won the Nobel Prize with his this theory,because by electron microspopes,a matter sort called “anti-matter’’ was discovered.The anti-matter carries inverse properties with matter.For instance,as reverse of matter,the electrons of antimatter are positively- charged and the protons of it are negatively-charged.This theory of Paul Dirac which was surpriseful for Scientists and many people was known in 20th century,and was completely prooved in 1933.But the Holly Qur’an gave that information 13 centuries ago,again as a very big miracle in the following ayat of the soora of Yasin: “Glorifies is He Who has created all the pairs of that which the Earth produces,as well as of their own(human) kind(male and female),and of that which they know not.’’.(Yasin-36) Even the plants have male and female sexual organs.Even the fruits have.Botanic Sciences discovered that there is sexual distinction among plants in 1900’s,but Qur’an is giving that information 13 centuries ago,in the following ayat: “And(my God),has made Earth for you like a bed,and has opened roads for you therein.He has sent down water(rain) from the sky.And We have brought forth with it from various kinds of vegetation!’’.(Ta-Ha,53)

“RETINA’’ IN QUR’AN: In the all Qur’an,the letters forming the word “RETINA’’(R-E-T-I-N-A) join together only in ayat no 35:8.Furthermore,the ayat talks about “to see’’ and “to be shown’’.The ayats coming after this talks about blindness.As it is known,damaging Retina causes continous blindness.


‫عليهﻢحسراﺖﺎﻦالﻞهعل‬ RETINA

CLONING LIVING BEINGS: Our noble religion Islam is against cloning,because it is something that would not bring good outcomes on Earth.People doing this are not gods who can make new beings,what they are doing is that they are just copying the genetic code God made into another cell,then putting it into the female’s abdomen.The Qur’an both gave the information that one day people will clone living animals 13-14 centuries ago,it even suggested how they would do it clearly. In the first cloning done in History,cloning was done by cutting the ears of animals and by taking ear cells,tissues.During those times,some even tried to intervent creation (divineful design) rules.And very interestingly,see what the following ayat of Qur’an is saying: “And satan said: “I will take an appointed portion of your slaves.Verily,I will mislead them,and surely I will arouse in them false desires,and certainly,I will order them to slit the ears of cattle,and indeed I will order them to change the nature created by Allah!’’.(Nisa-119)

DEVELOPMENT ORDER OF HUMAN ORGANS: “It is He Who has created you for you ears, eyes and hearts(understanding). What a little thanks you give!’’.(Mu’minun-78) “And Allah has brought you out from the wombs of your mothers while you know nothing.And He gave you hearing,sight and hearts that you might give thanks!’’.(Nahl-78) If you look at the ayats above carefully are talking about embryo’s development both following the same order: “Ears,eyes and hearts(understanding,love).’’In the whole Qur’an,such ayats talking about human development in female all gives tha same order: “Ears,eyes and hearts’’..According to the modern Microbiology of the 20th century,Embriologists discovered that on 22nd day of the baby’s development,first the ears start existing.Then follows eyes after a few days,and after the development of the eyes,the brain which is the centre of “feeling and understanding’’ occurs. World-famous Embriolog Dr.Keith Moore,during 7th Medical conference in Saudi Arabia in 1981,said the following recorded words: “It has been a great pleisure for me to help clarify statements in Qur’an about human development.It is clear to me that these statements must have come to Muhammad(sal.) from His God,because almost all of this knowledge was not discovered until many centuries later.This prooves to me that Muhammad must be a messenger of God.’’.


Consequently,Prof.Moore was asked the following question: “Does this mean that you believe that the Qur’an is the word of God?’’.He replied: “I find no difficulty in accepting this.’’.(This is the truth(videotape)) THREE DARK PHASES: In 20th century Modern Biology,it was discovered that the embryo developes in 3 phases inside mother.These are: 1.Proliferative phase darkness 2.Secratory phase darkness 3.menstrual flow phase darkness The term “inside three darknesses in mother’’ takes place in the following ayat of Qur’an,in a time that there was no way to study embryologic phases: “...He creates you in the wombs of your mothers,creation after creation in three veils of darknesses...’’.(zumar-6) So,again Qur’an is giving a big miracle. CREATION FROM THE CLAY: It is a common belief among Heavenly religions that people have been created from clay.Toorat(Tawrat) of Jewism,Bible of Christianity and Qur’an of Islam,all of these holly books suggest that the first person(human) was Adam(a.s.),and he had been created from clay.Until the beginning of the 20th century,stupid materialists and Darwinists(God’s violonceful torment be upon them both in Earth and Hereafter) were making fun of religious persons saying: “These are old stories before science suggesting God made a human by getting him out from clay,our illegal elders believed in such illegal things!’’.However,Modern Chemistry of the middle 20th century prooved them to be real illegal donkeys. Today,there are still many Biologists claiming the same idea,who do not believe in creation but defence evolution,matterialism.This is because they don’t have any knowledge about Modern Chemistry.Modern Chemistry prooved Human are really from clay and there are no any other being,neither bacterias and animals nor plants,whose tissues are nearer to clay than Human.Researches and Microscopy done in 21st century BIO-CHEMISTRY showed the same result in 72 nations,all over the world,in Science of every nation.This result was that the elements and their percentage amounts found in Human and clay were almost the same.The percentages had been recorded in Science World as following:




Continents of Human tissues Carbon,Hydrogen,Oxygen,Ph osphorus,Sulphur(C,H,O,N,P ,S)

Continents of ground(clay) Phosphorus,Hydrogen,Nitrogen,Potas sium,Calcium,Magnesium,Iron,Chlor ine,Manganeese,Boron,Zinc,Copper, Molibden.

Magnesium,Iron,Potassium,C Other(Depending on the soil kind,it alcium,Sodium,Chlorine,Flor may even contain 80-90% of the ine,Lead,Copper,Aluminium, elements in the periodic table) Beryllium,Gold,Silver,Iodine, Lithium,Mercury,Boron,Tin, Nickel,Zinc(Mg,Fe,K,Ca,Na, Cl,F,Pb,Cu,Al,Be,Au,Ag,I,Li ,Hg,B,Sn,Ni,Zn)

Common elements in clay and Human: Hydrogen,Nitrogen,Sulphur,Calcium,Magnesium,Iron,Oxygen,Boron,Zinc,Copper,Chlorine, Potassium,Carbon,Phosphorus. (H,N,S,Ca,Mg,Fe,O,B,Zn,Cu,Cl,K,C,P) One of the ayats about Human’s creation from clay is the following: “Remember when your Lord said to the angels: “Truly,I am going to create a man from clay.So,when I fashioned him and breathed into him soul created by Me,then you fall down prostrate to him!’’.(Sad 71-74) So,Qur’an gave that scientist information (creation from clay) 14 centuries before the modern science.A big miracle again. “65’’ MIRACLE IN QUR’AN: Modern Science discovered that the elements forming Human tissues are mostly Oxygen,Carbon and Hydrogen and that Oxygen amount in Human body(tissues) is a whole of 65%.(This was discovered in 20th century.).So,Oxygen is very important element for Human, forming 65% of Human. In the Holly Qur’an,The word “Human’’ is repeated 65 times.In terms of Maths,this can not be a chance.Furthermore,the creation matters of Human as total are also repeated 65 times:,as shown.
























So,the number “65’’ is a miracle in Qur’an again.


“MASS NUMBER’’ OF IRON IN QUR’AN: Scientists became able to measure the weight of atoms after the year 1836,beginning of the atomic times.Qur’an secretly gave that information,because one of the most important elements in periodic table from which technical instruments and transportation vehicles,ship,plane are made is Iron(Fe),and its mass number changes between 5657,depending on the iron type,so we can say “57 grams’’.The soora “Hadid’’( “Hadid’’ means “Iron’’ in Arabic) is the 57th soora of The Noble Qur’an.No one was able to measure one Iron atom(1 mol/Avagadros number) in the time of Qur’an,and so the atomic and mass numbers of elements were not known in before 19th century.So,Qur’an is again giving a very big miracle.

Qur’an also suggests in the soora of Hadid that iron came from space.There are only two things in the holly Qur’an for which the expression “We brought it from heaven!’’ takes place.The former is Qur’an,and the latter is Iron.In the 25th ayat of the soora Hadid,God says: “Anzalnaha’l hadeed!’’.The word “enzelnaha’’ means “We brought it down!’’.

According to Modernphysics foundings discovered in 20th century Astrophysics,the iron was understood not to be found on Earth at first,but that it came from space,from bursting of stars smaller but hotter than the Sun.These stars are called “Supernova’’ in Astronomy.For Iron’s existence,a 60 million degrees celcius heat is needed,which is not contained by Sun.The ayat talking about Iron’s coming to Earth from space is the following:

“And We brought forth Iron down wherein is mighty power,as well as many benefits for mankind...’’.(Hadid-25)

“27’’ MIRACLE IN QUR’AN: In 20th century, ModernAstronomy realized how long it takes for the moon to turn around itself and The Earth.The Moon completes its one turning around The Earth in 27 days,and in the Holly Qur’an,the word “Moon’’ is repeated 27 times.You can easily check these word numbers for any word such as Moon,Sun,tree from the index of Qur’an.).So,Qur’an is giving that information 13 centuries before Modern Astronomy.This is another miracle of the Holly Qur’an.


“DNA’’ IN QUR’AN: “DNA’’ was discovered in 1865,and it became the most important moleceule of modern Biology.DNA is the most important Biological term.It carries genetic informations,these informations pass from the parents to the offspring.and the generations coming after. The letters forming the word “DNA’’ join together 3 times in the ayat no 18:56 in Qur’an.18:56 is the date 1856.There is no any other ayat in Qur’an in which the word “DNA’’ is repeated 3 times continuously.

‫فۆجبﺪاﻋبﺪاﻤﻦﻋبﺎﺪﻦاااﺖﯿﻦهرﺤﻤﺔﻤﻦﻋﻦدﻦاۆﻋلﻤﻦهﻤﻦلﺪﻦا‬ ‫ﻋلﻤا‬ DNA


In Arabic,(from right to left):



Furthermore,another most important lifeful molecule which is RNA,pair of DNA,is repeated equally in Qur’an as the word “DNA’’.Just like we said some contrast or similar words are repeated at the same amount.(e.g: “Paradise’’ 77, “;Hell’’ 77). In Arabic(from right to left):(Ra-Noon-Aleaf)

(DNA:Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid) (RNA:Ribo Nucleic Acid)


“HALLAY’’ MIRACLE IN QUR’AN: In 17th century,English Astronomer called Edmund Halley calculated the orbit of comet now called Halley,he discovered that the star Halley,which was given his name,passes through the solar system once in every 76 years.In the An’am soorat of Qur’an,it is told Prophet Abraham’s seeing a shiny star,and in the ayat suggesting that event,the letters forming the word “Halley’’ very miraculously.Furthermore,the ayat talking about this event which includes the word “Halley’’ is the 76th ayat of Qur’an! The word “Halley’’ only takes place in this ayat in Qur’an.Both “Halley’’ and the number “76’’ come together in the same ayat,so again Qur’an is giving a very big miracle by telling the name of a very big miracle by telling the name of an important star and a famous scientist 10 centuries before their existence and being known. The ayat is the following: “When the night covered him over with darkness,Abraham saw a star.He said: “This is my Lord!’’,but when it set,he said: “I like not those that set!’’.(An’am) Arabic version of ayat:

‫فلﻤاﺠﻦﻋلﯿهالﯿلرااکۆﮐﺐاۊالھﺬاربفلﻤاافلۊال‬ HALLEY

In Arabic (from right to left): Ha-Aleaf-Lum-Lum-Ya

MASS OF “PROTON AND NEUTRON’’ IN QUR’AN: Proton has a mass number of 1837me and Neuton has 1839me.( “me’’ is the weight unit of Proton and Neutron).These two atomic charges were discovered in 20th century.But Qur’an both gave their names and weights 13 centuries before.In the soora of “Kahf’’ in Qur’an, the letters forming the words “Proton’’ join together in ayat no 18:37 and the letters forming the words “Neutron’’ join together in ayat no 18:39.Furthermore,their unit “me’’ also takes place in the ayat no 18:39. In this soorat,there are many other scientific miracles as well.For instance,in ayat no 18:98,the symbol of Calcium takes place,which is “Ca’’,and the miracle is that since the beginning of the ayat up to the symbol “Ca’’,there are 20 letters,and Ca(Calcium) has an


atomic number of 20(See periodic table) as well.Another miracle of that ayat (no 18:98) is that it talks about God’s great power that would destroy Iron blocks when He gives order, and both the symbols “Ca’’ and “Fe’’ takes place in that ayat.This is a very interesting miracle,because vegetables such as Spinach including both Iron(Fe) and Calcium(Ca) really gives a very huge energy while eaten too much,although Spinach has less vitamins while compared to other vegetables.That’s how the scenario of the cartoon “Popeye’’ came out.The ayat no 18:98 is the following:

“So they(Gog and Magog) could not scale it or dig through it.Dhul-Qarnain said: “This is a mercy from my Lord,but when the Promise of my Lord comes,He shall level it down to the ground.And the promise of my Lord is ever true!’’.(18:98)

All of these special terms(Proton,Neutron,me,Ca,Fe) take place from right to left.The ayats are the following: Ayat no 18:37:

‫ﺨلۊكﻤﻦﺖرابثﻢﻤﻦﻦﻄفةثﻢﺴۈﺂكرﭵﻵ‬ PROTON

Ayat no 18:39:


‫باﻟﻠﮭﺈﻦترﻦاذااﻗﻞﻤﻦ‬ NEUTRON

Ayat no18:98:

‫قالھﺰارﺤﻤةﻤﻦرﺐفاﺰاﺟااۈﻋﺪرﺐﯽﺠﻌﻞﮥﺪﻛاﺀ‬ Ca(up to “Ca’’,there are 20 letters)

7 LAYERS : In Qur’an,it is often repeated that God made 7 layers for heaven and 7 layers of the ground for us.One of the ayats suggesting this is the following:

“It is Allah Who has created seven heavens and the Earth the like thereof,His command descends between them,you may not know that Allah has power over all things,and that Allah surrounds all things in His knowledge.’’.(Talaq-12)

In the 20th century,Modernjeology discovered that both the layers in the sky on us and the layers underground below us are 7.It is again a very big miracle of the Holly Qur’an.The layers discovered by Jeologists were named as following:


Layers of underground:

Layers of heaven:







4.Shallow Mantle


5.Lower Mantle


6.Outer Core


7.Inner core


THE LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE OF ISRAELI IN QUR’AN: The name of the second chapter in Qur’an is “Al-i imran’’, which means “The imran family’’. Imrans are the offsprings of Jews. In this chapter, the word “Imran’’ only takes place in the verses(ayats) no 33 and 35. As the same, Israeli is at the 33rd latitude and 35th longitude. It is a very big miracle that the Qur’an suggested latitudes and longitudes 13 Centuries before the establishment of the latitudes and longitudes. Latitudes and longitudes were established in the 20th Century, the greenwhich of London was accepted as the starting meridian. There are 360 longitudes and 180 latitudes in maps at total. THE COORDINATES OF NOAH’S SHIP IN QUR’AN: According to the foundings in the 19th-21st Century, Prophet Noah’s ship was found in Aghri Mountain in Turkey, which is the 44th longitude. The following ayat in Chapter “Hud’’ talks about the place Noah’s ship landed on: “It was told: “Oh the ground! Absorb your water and oh the heaven open your door! The water was back, the work was over and the ship landed on Joudy. It was told: “May the disbelievers be destroyed!’’. (Hud,44) This is the 44th verse of Chapter Hud. It is the longitude number where Noah’s ship was landed. This is a very big miracle of Qur’an again... HAJJ AND 22ND LATITUDE: The name of the 22nd chapter of Qur’an is “Hajj’’, “Hajj’’ is one of the 5 conditional prayers in Islam, it is visiting Mecca and praying there. The chapter’s being 22nd chapter is again a big miracle of Qur’an, because Mecca, the central city for hajj is on the 22nd latitude. (You can see this info from atlas of continents)


THE SUN’S CONTAINERS IN QUR’AN: The chapter “Sun’’ is the 91st chapter of Qur’an. This is a very big miracle of Qur’an, because sun consists of Hydrogen (H) and Helium (He) gases, but mostly Hydrogen gas ( 90% Hydrogen). And this gas formed the other 91 elements in the periodic table. Furthermore, in the Arabic version of this chapter ( the original version) the end of every sentence (verse) ends with “He’’. “He’’ is the symbol of Helium gas. Again a very big miracle of the holly Qur’an. THE DATE OF THE SECOND WORLD WAR IN QUR’AN: In the second world war, about 50 million people died according to Historical foundings. The date of this important war has been given in the holly Qur’an. This war took place as bloody mostly between Christians. The terms “War, Enemyship, hate’’ take place in the following ayats in chapter “Maida’’: “We had also been given promise from those who say “We are Christians’’. They also forgot many things they had been ordered, so we put enemyship and hate which will continue until the doom. Verily, Allah will let them know what they have been doing!’’. (Verse 14) “They said: “As long as they are there, we can’t enter there. May you and your god go and fight! We will stay here!’’. (Verse 24) “ The punishment of those who fight to Allah and His Prophet on the ground is...’’. (Verse 33) “Whenever they made fire for a war, Allah destroyed it!’’. (verse 64) Now, let’s add the number of these verses to the number of the words in this chapter. 1804 WORDS There are 1804 words in the Arabic version of the chapter “Maida’’. When we add this number to the numbers of the verses above, we get the date 1939, which is the date of the second World War. 14+24+33+64+1804= 1939 (World War 2) MAIDA: In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. 1. O ye who believe! fulfill (all) obligations. Lawful unto you (for food) are all beasts of cattle, with the exceptions named: But animals of the chase are forbidden while ye are in the sacred precincts or in the state of pilgrimage: for Allah doth command according to His will and plan. 2. O ye who believe! Violate not the sanctity of the symbols of Allah, nor of the Sacred Month, nor of the animals brought for sacrifice, nor the garlands that mark out such animals, nor the people resorting to the Sacred House, seeking of the bounty and good pleasure of


their Lord. But when ye are clear of the sacred precincts and of pilgrim garb, ye may hunt, and let not the hatred of some people in (once) shutting you out of the Sacred Mosque lead you to transgression (and hostility on your part). Help ye one another in righteousness and piety, but help ye not one another in sin and rancor: fear Allah: for Allah is strict in punishment. 3. Forbidden to you (for food) are: dead meat, blood, the flesh of swine, and that on which hath been invoked the name of other than Allah; that which hath been killed by strangling, or by a violent blow, or by a headlong fall, or by being gored to death; that which hath been (partly) eaten by a wild animal; unless ye are able to slaughter it (in due form); that which is sacrificed on stone (altars); (forbidden) also is the division (of meat) by raffling with arrows: that is impiety. This day have those who reject faith given up all hope of your religion: Yet fear them not but fear Me. This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islรกm as your religion. But if any is forced by hunger, with no inclination to transgression, Allah is indeed Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. 4. They ask thee what is lawful to them (as food). Say: Lawful unto you are (all) things good and pure: and what ye have taught your trained hunting animals (to catch) in the manner directed to you by Allah: eat what they catch for you, but pronounce the name of Allah over it: and fear Allah; for Allah is swift in taking account. 5. This day are (all) things good and pure made lawful unto you. The food of the People of the Book is lawful unto you and yours is lawful unto them. (Lawful unto you in marriage) are (not only) chaste women who are believers, but chaste women among the People of the Book, revealed before your time,- when ye give them their due dowers, and desire chastity, not lewdness, nor secret intrigues. If any one rejects faith, fruitless is his work, and in the Hereafter he will be in the ranks of those who have lost (all spiritual good). 6. O ye who believe! when ye prepare for prayer, wash your faces, and your hands (and arms) to the elbows; Rub your heads (with water); and (wash) your feet to the ankles. If ye are in a state of ceremonial impurity, bathe your whole body. But if ye are ill, or on a journey, or one of you cometh from privy, or ye have been in contact with women, and ye find no water, then take for yourselves clean sand or earth, and rub therewith your faces and hands. Allah doth not wish to place you in a difficulty, but to make you clean, and to complete his favor to you, that ye may be grateful. 7. And call in remembrance the favor of Allah unto you, and His covenant, which He ratified with you, when ye said: "We hear and we obey": And fear Allah, for Allah knoweth well the secrets of your hearts. 8. O ye who believe! stand out firmly for Allah, as witnesses to fair dealing, and let not the hatred of others to you make you swerve to wrong and depart from justice. Be just: that is next to piety: and fear Allah. For Allah is well-acquainted with all that ye do. 9. To those who believe and do deeds of righteousness hath Allah promised forgiveness and a great reward. 10. Those who reject faith and deny our signs will be companions of Hell-fire.


11. O ye who believe! Call in remembrance the favor of Allah unto you when certain men formed the design to stretch out their hands against you, but (Allah) held back their hands from you: so fear Allah. And on Allah let believers put (all) their trust. 12. Allah did aforetime take a covenant from the Children of Israel, and We appointed twelve chieftains among them. And Allah said: "I am with you: if ye (but) establish regular prayers, give Zakat (regular charity), believe in my messengers, honor and assist them, and loan to Allah a beautiful loan, verily I will wipe out from you your evils, and admit you to Gardens with rivers flowing beneath; but if any of you, after this, resisteth faith, he hath truly wandered from the path or rectitude." 13. But because of their breach of their covenant, We cursed them, and made their hearts grow hard: they change the words from their (right) places and forget a good part of the message that was sent them, nor wilt thou cease to find them - barring a few - ever bent on (new) deceits: but forgive them, and overlook (their misdeeds): for Allah loveth those who are kind. 14. From those, too, who call themselves Christians, We did take a covenant, but they forgot a good part of the message that was sent them: so We stirred up enmity and hatred between the one and the other, to the Day of Judgment. And soon will Allah show them what it is they have done. 15. O people of the Book! There hath come to you our Messenger, revealing to you much that ye used to hide in the Book, and passing over much (that is now unnecessary): There hath come to you from Allah a (new) light and a perspicuous Book,16. Wherewith Allah guideth all who seek His good pleasure to ways of peace and safety, and leadeth them out of darkness, by His will, unto the light,- guideth them to a Path that is straight. 17. They disbelieved indeed those that say that Allah is Christ the son of Mary. Say: "Who then hath the least power against Allah, if His will were to destroy Christ the son of Mary, his mother, and every one that is on the earth? For to Allah belongeth the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and all that is between. He createth what He pleaseth. For Allah hath power over all things." 18. (Both) the Jews and the Christians say: "We are sons of Allah, and his beloved." Say: "Why then doth He punish you for your sins? Nay, ye are but men,- of the men He hath created: He forgiveth whom He pleaseth, and He punisheth whom He pleaseth: and to Allah belongeth the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and all that is between: and unto Him is the final goal (of all)" 19. O People of the Book! Now hath come unto you, making (things) clear unto you, Our Messenger, after the break in (the series of) our messengers, lest ye should say: "There came unto us no bringer of glad tidings and no warner (from evil)": But now hath come unto you a bringer of glad tidings and a warner (from evil). And Allah hath power over all things. 20. Remember Moses said to his people: "O my people! Call in remembrance the favor of Allah unto you, when He produced prophets among you, made you kings, and gave you what He had not given to any other among the peoples.


21. "O my people! Enter the holy land which Allah hath assigned unto you, and turn not back ignominiously, for then will ye be overthrown, to your own ruin." 22. They said: "O Moses! In this land are a people of exceeding strength: Never shall we enter it until they leave it: if (once) they leave, then shall we enter." 23. (But) among (their) God-fearing men were two on whom Allah had bestowed His grace: They said: "Assault them at the (proper) Gate: when once ye are in, victory will be yours; But on Allah put your trust if ye have faith." 24. They said: "O Moses! while they remain there, never shall we be able to enter, to the end of time. Go thou, and thy Lord, and fight ye two, while we sit here (and watch)." 25. He said: "O my Lord! I have power only over myself and my brother: so separate us from this rebellious people!" 26. Allah said: "Therefore will the land be out of their reach for forty years: In distraction will they wander through the land: But sorrow thou not over these rebellious people. 27. Recite to them the truth of the story of the two sons of Adam. Behold! they each presented a sacrifice (to Allah): It was accepted from one, but not from the other. Said the latter: "Be sure I will slay thee." "Surely," said the former, "Allah doth accept of the sacrifice of those who are righteous. 28. "If thou dost stretch thy hand against me, to slay me, it is not for me to stretch my hand against thee to slay thee: for I do fear Allah, the Cherisher of the worlds. 29. "For me, I intend to let thee draw on thyself my sin as well as thine, for thou wilt be among the companions of the fire, and that is the reward of those who do wrong." 30. The (selfish) soul of the other led him to the murder of his brother: he murdered him, and became (himself) one of the lost ones. 31. Then Allah sent a raven, who scratched the ground, to show him how to hide the shame of his brother. "Woe is me!" said he; "Was I not even able to be as this raven, and to hide the shame of my brother?" then he became full of regrets32. On that account: We ordained for the Children of Israel that if any one slew a person unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people. Then although there came to them Our messengers with clear signs, yet, even after that, many of them continued to commit excesses in the land. 33. The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter; 34. Except for those who repent before they fall into your power: in that case, know that Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.


35. O ye who believe! Do your duty to Allah, seek the means of approach unto Him, and strive (with might and main) in His cause: that ye may prosper. 36. As to those who reject Faith,- if they had everything on earth, and twice repeated, to give as ransom for the penalty of the Day of Judgment, it would never be accepted of them, theirs would be a grievous penalty. 37. Their wish will be to get out of the Fire, but never will they get out therefrom: their penalty will be one that endures. 38. As to the thief, male or female, cut off his or her hands: a retribution for their deeds, and exemplary punishment from Allah, and Allah is Exalted in Power, Full of Wisdom. 39. But if the thief repents after his crime, and amend his conduct, Allah turneth to him in forgiveness; for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. 40. Knowest thou not that to Allah (alone) belongeth the dominion of the heavens and the earth? He punisheth whom He pleaseth, and He forgiveth whom He pleaseth: and Allah hath power over all things. 41. O Messenger! let not those grieve thee, who race each other into unbelief: (whether it be) among those who say "We believe" with their lips but whose hearts have no faith; or it be among the Jews,- men who will listen to any lie,- will listen even to others who have never so much as come to thee. They change the words from their (right) places: they say, "If ye are given this, take it, but if not, beware!" If any one's trial is intended by Allah, thou hast no authority in the least for him against Allah. For such - it is not Allah's will to purify their hearts. For them there is disgrace in this world, and in the Hereafter a heavy punishment. 42. (They are fond of) listening to falsehood, of devouring anything forbidden. If they do come to thee, either judge between them, or decline to interfere. If thou decline, they cannot hurt thee in the least. If thou judge, judge in equity between them. For Allah loveth those who judge in equity. 43. But why do they come to thee for decision, when they have (their own) Torah before them?- therein is the (plain) command of Allah; yet even after that, they would turn away. For they are not (really) People of Faith. 44. It was We who revealed the Torah (to Moses): therein was guidance and light. By its standard have been judged the Jews, by the prophets who bowed (as in Islรกm) to Allah's will, by the rabbis and the doctors of law: for to them was entrusted the protection of Allah's book, and they were witnesses thereto: therefore fear not men, but fear Me, and sell not My signs for a miserable price. If any do fail to judge by (the light of) what Allah hath revealed, they are unbelievers. 45. We ordained therein for them: "Life for life, eye for eye, nose or nose, ear for ear, tooth for tooth, and wounds equal for equal." But if any one remits the retaliation by way of charity, it is an act of atonement for himself. And if any fail to judge by (the light of) what Allah hath revealed, they are wrong-doers.


46. And in their footsteps We sent Jesus the son of Mary, confirming the Torah that had come before him: We sent him the Gospel: therein was guidance and light, and confirmation of the Torah that had come before him: a guidance and an admonition to those who fear Allah. 47. Let the people of the Gospel judge by what Allah hath revealed therein. If any do fail to judge by (the light of) what Allah hath revealed, they are (no better than) those who rebel. 48. To thee We sent the Scripture in truth, confirming the scripture that came before it, and guarding it in safety: so judge between them by what Allah hath revealed, and follow not their vain desires, diverging from the Truth that hath come to thee. To each among you have we prescribed a Law and an Open Way. If Allah had so willed, He would have made you a single people, but (His plan is) to test you in what He hath given you: so strive as in a race in all virtues. The goal of you all is to Allah; it is He that will show you the truth of the matters in which ye dispute; 49. And this (He commands): Judge thou between them by what Allah hath revealed, and follow not their vain desires, but beware of them lest they beguile thee from any of that (teaching) which Allah hath sent down to thee. And if they turn away, be assured that for some of their crime it is Allah's purpose to punish them. And truly most men are rebellious. 50. Do they then seek after a judgment of (the days of) ignorance? But who, for a people whose faith is assured, can give better judgment than Allah.? 51. O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah guideth not a people unjust. 52. Those in whose hearts is a disease - thou seest how eagerly they run about amongst them, saying: "We do fear lest a change of fortune bring us disaster." Ah! perhaps Allah will give (thee) victory, or a decision according to His will. Then will they repent of the thoughts which they secretly harbored in their hearts. 53. And those who believe will say: "Are these the men who swore their strongest oaths by Allah, that they were with you?" All that they do will be in vain, and they will fall into (nothing but) ruin. 54. O ye who believe! if any from among you turn back from his Faith, soon will Allah produce a people whom He will love as they will love Him,- lowly with the believers, mighty against the rejecters, fighting in the way of Allah, and never afraid of the reproaches of such as find fault. That is the Grace of Allah, which He will bestow on whom He pleaseth. And Allah encompasseth all, and He knoweth all things. 55. Your (real) friends are (no less than) Allah, His Messenger, and the (fellowship of) believers,- those who establish regular prayers and regular charity, and they bow down humbly (in worship). 56. As to those who turn (for friendship) to Allah, His Messenger, and the (fellowship of) believers,- it is the party of Allah that must certainly triumph.


57. O ye who believe! take not for friends and protectors those who take your religion for a mockery or sport,- whether among those who received the Scripture before you, or among those who reject Faith; but fear ye Allah, if ye have faith (indeed). 58. When ye proclaim your call to prayer they take it (but) as mockery and sport; that is because they are a people without understanding. 59. Say: "O people of the Book! Do ye disapprove of us for no other reason than that we believe in Allah, and the revelation that hath come to us and that which came before (us), and (perhaps) that most of you are rebellious and disobedient?" 60. Say: "Shall I point out to you something much worse than this, (as judged) by the treatment it received from Allah? those who incurred the curse of Allah and His wrath, those of whom some He transformed into apes and swine, those who worshipped evil;- these are (many times) worse in rank, and far more astray from the even path!" 61. When they come to thee, they say: "We believe": But in fact they enter with a mind against Faith, and they go out with the same but Allah knoweth fully all that they hide. 62. Many of them dost thou see, racing each other in sin and transgression, and their eating of things forbidden. Evil indeed are the things that they do. 63. Why do not the rabbis and the doctors of Law forbid them from their (habit of) uttering sinful words and eating things forbidden? Evil indeed are their works. 64. The Jews say: "Allah's hand is tied up." Be their hands tied up and be they accursed for the (blasphemy) they utter. Nay, both His hands are widely outstretched: He giveth and spendeth (of His bounty) as He pleaseth. But the revelation that cometh to thee from Allah increaseth in most of them their obstinate rebellion and blasphemy. Amongst them we have placed enmity and hatred till the Day of Judgment. Every time they kindle the fire of war, Allah doth extinguish it; but they (ever) strive to do mischief on earth. And Allah loveth not those who do mischief. 65. If only the People of the Book had believed and been righteous, We should indeed have blotted out their iniquities and admitted them to Gardens of Bliss. 66. If only they had stood fast by the Torah, the Gospel, and all the revelation that was sent to them from their Lord, they would have (enjoyed) eating both from above them and from below their feet. There is from among them a party on the right course: but many of them follow a course that is evil. 67. O Messenger! proclaim the (message) which hath been sent to thee from thy Lord. If thou didst not, thou wouldst not have fulfilled and proclaimed His mission. And Allah will defend thee from men (who mean mischief). For Allah guideth not those who reject Faith. 68. Say: "O People of the Book! ye have no ground to stand upon unless ye stand fast by the Torah, the Gospel, and all the revelation that has come to you from your Lord." It is the revelation that cometh to thee from thy Lord, that increaseth in most of them their obstinate rebellion and blasphemy. But sorrow thou not over (these) people without Faith.


69. Those who believe (in the Qurรกn), those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Sabians and the Christians,- any who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and work righteousness,- on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. 70. We took the covenant of the Children of Israel and sent them messengers, every time, there came to them an a messenger with what they themselves desired not - some (of these) they called impostors, and some they (go so far as to) slay. 71. They thought there would be no trial (or punishment); so they became blind and deaf; yet Allah (in mercy) turned to them; yet again many of them became blind and deaf. But Allah sees well all that they do. 72. Certainly they disbelieve who say: "Allah is Christ the son of Mary." But said Christ: "O Children of Israel! worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord." Whoever joins other gods with Allah,- Allah will forbid him the Garden, and the Fire will be his abode. There will for the wrong-doers be no one to help. 73. They disbelieved who say: Allah is one of three (in a Trinity): for there is no god except One God. If they desist not from their word (of blasphemy), verily a grievous chastisement will befall the disbelievers among them. 74. Why turn they not to Allah, and seek His forgiveness? For Allah is Oft- forgiving, Most Merciful. 75. Christ the son of Mary was no more than a messenger; many were the messengers that passed away before him. His mother was a woman of truth. They had both to eat their (daily) food. See how Allah doth make His signs clear to them; yet see in what ways they are deluded away from the truth! 76. Say: "Will ye worship, besides Allah, something which hath no power either to harm or benefit you? But Allah,- He it is that heareth and knoweth all things." 77. Say: "O people of the Book! exceed not in your religion the bounds (of what is proper), trespassing beyond the truth, nor follow the vain desires of people who went wrong in times gone by,- who misled many, and strayed (themselves) from the even way. 78. Curses were pronounced on those among the Children of Israel who rejected Faith, by the tongue of David and of Jesus the son of Mary: because they disobeyed and persisted in excesses. 79. Nor did they forbid one another the iniquities which they committed: evil indeed were the deeds which they did. 80. Thou seest many of them turning in friendship to the Unbelievers. Evil indeed are (the works) which their souls have sent forward before them (with the result), that Allah's wrath is on them, and in torment will they abide. 81. If only they had believed in Allah, in the Prophet, and in what hath been revealed to him, never would they have taken them for friends and protectors, but most of them are rebellious wrong-doers.


82. Strongest among men in enmity to the believers wilt thou find the Jews and Pagans; and nearest among them in love to the believers wilt thou find those who say, "We are Christians": because amongst these are men devoted to learning and men who have renounced the world, and they are not arrogant. 83. And when they listen to the revelation received by the Messenger, thou wilt see their eyes overflowing with tears, for they recognize the truth: they pray: "Our Lord! we believe; write us down among the witnesses. 84. "What cause can we have not to believe in Allah and the truth which has come to us, seeing that we long for our Lord to admit us to the company of the righteous?" 85. And for this their prayer hath Allah rewarded them with Gardens, with rivers flowing underneath,- their eternal home. Such is the recompense of those who do good. 86. But those who reject Faith and belie Our Signs,- they shall be companions of Hell-fire. 87. O ye who believe! make not unlawful the good things which Allah hath made lawful for you, but commit no excess: for Allah loveth not those given to excess. 88. Eat of the things which Allah hath provided for you, lawful and good; but fear Allah, in Whom ye believe. 89. Allah will not call you to account for what is void in your oaths, but He will call you to account for your deliberate oaths: for expiation, feed ten indigent persons, on a scale of the average for the food of your families; or clothe them; or give a slave his freedom. If that is beyond your means, fast for three days. That is the expiation for the oaths ye have sworn. But keep to your oaths. Thus doth Allah make clear to you His signs, that ye may be grateful. 90. O ye who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, (dedication of) stones, and (divination by) arrows, are an abomination,- of Satan's handwork: Eschew such (abomination), that ye may prosper. 91. Satan's plan is (but) to excite enmity and hatred between you, with intoxicants and gambling, and hinder you from the remembrance of Allah, and from prayer: will ye not then abstain? 92. Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger, and beware (of evil): if ye do turn back, know ye that it is Our Messenger's duty to proclaim (the message) in the clearest manner. 93. On those who believe and do deeds of righteousness there is no blame for what they ate (in the past), when they guard themselves from evil, and believe, and do deeds of righteousness,- then again, guard themselves from evil and believe,- then again, guard themselves from evil and do good. For Allah loveth those who do good. 94. O ye who believe! Allah doth but make a trial of you in a little matter of game well within reach of your hands and your lances, that He may test who feareth Him unseen: any who transgress thereafter, will have a grievous penalty.


95. O ye who believe! Kill not game while in the sacred precincts or in state of pilgrimage. If any of you doth so intentionally, the compensation is an offering, brought to the KĂ ba, of a domestic animal equivalent to the one he killed, as adjudged by two just men among you; or by way of atonement, the feeding of the indigent; or its equivalent in fasts: that he may taste of the penalty of his deed. Allah forgives what is past: for repetition Allah will punish him. For Allah is Exalted, and Lord of Retribution. 96. Lawful to you is the pursuit of water-game and its use for food,- for the benefit of yourselves and those who travel; but forbidden is the pursuit of land-game;- as long as ye are in the sacred precincts or in state of pilgrimage. And fear Allah, to Whom ye shall be gathered back. 97. Allah made the KĂ ba, the Sacred House, an asylum of security for men, as also the Sacred Months, the animals for offerings, and the garlands that mark them: That ye may know that Allah hath knowledge of what is in the heavens and on earth and that Allah is well acquainted with all things. 98. Know ye that Allah is strict in punishment and that Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. 99. The Messenger's duty is but to proclaim (the message). But Allah knoweth all that ye reveal and ye conceal. 100. Say: "Not equal are things that are bad and things that are good, even though the abundance of the bad may dazzle thee; so fear Allah, O ye that understand; that (so) ye may prosper." 101. O ye who believe! Ask not questions about things which, if made plain to you, may cause you trouble. But if ye ask about things when the QurĂĄn is being revealed, they will be made plain to you, Allah will forgive those: for Allah is Oft- forgiving, Most Forbearing. 102. Some people before you did ask such questions, and on that account lost their faith. 103. It was not Allah who instituted (superstitions like those of) a slit-ear she- camel, or a she-camel let loose for free pasture, or idol sacrifices for twin-births in animals, or stallioncamels freed from work: It is the disbelievers who invent a lie against Allah. but most of them lack wisdom. 104. When it is said to them: "Come to what Allah hath revealed; come to the Messenger.": They say: "Enough for us are the ways we found our fathers following." What! even though their fathers were void of knowledge and guidance? 105. O ye who believe! Guard your own souls: If ye follow (right) guidance, no hurt can come to you from those who stray. the return of you all is to Allah; it is He that will inform you of all that ye do. 106. O ye who believe! When death approaches any of you, (take) witnesses among yourselves when making bequests,- two just men of your own (brotherhood) or others from outside if ye are journeying through the earth, and the chance of death befalls you (thus). If ye doubt (their truth), detain them both after prayer, and let them both swear by Allah "We


wish not in this for any worldly gain, even though the (beneficiary) be our near relation: We shall hide not the evidence before Allah. If we do, then behold! we shall be sinners!" 107. But if it gets known that these two were guilty of the sin (of perjury), let two others stand forth in their places,- nearest in kin from among those who claim a lawful right: let them swear by Allah. "We affirm that our witness is truer than that of those two, and that we have not trespassed (beyond the truth): if we did, behold! we will be wrong-doers!" 108. That is most suitable: that they may give the evidence in its true nature and shape, or else they would fear that other oaths would be taken after their oaths. But fear Allah, and listen (to His counsel): for Allah guideth not a rebellious people: 109. On the day when Allah will gather the messengers together, and ask: "What was the response ye received (from men to your teaching)?" They will sa df2 y: "We have no knowledge: it is Thou Who knowest in full all that is hidden." 110. Then will Allah say: "O Jesus the son of Mary! Recount My favor to thee and to thy mother. Behold! I strengthened thee with the Holy Spirit, so that thou didst speak to the people in childhood and in maturity. Behold! I taught thee the Book and Wisdom, the Torah and the Gospel. And behold! thou makest out of clay, as it were, the figure of a bird, by My leave, and thou breathest into it and it becometh a bird by My leave, and thou healest those born blind, and the lepers, by My leave. And behold! thou bringest forth the dead by My leave. And behold! I did restrain the Children of Israel from (violence to) thee when thou didst show them the Clear Signs, and the unbelievers among them said: 'This is nothing but evident magic.' 111. "And behold! I inspired the Disciples to have faith in Me and Mine Messenger. They said, 'We have faith, and do thou bear witness that we bow to Allah as Muslims' ". 112. Behold! the Disciples, said: "O Jesus the son of Mary! can thy Lord send down to us a Table set (with viands) from heaven?" Said Jesus: "Fear Allah, if ye have faith!" 113. They said: "We only wish to eat thereof and satisfy our hearts, and to know that thou hast indeed told us the truth; and that we ourselves may be witnesses to the miracle." 114. Said Jesus the son of Mary: "O Allah our Lord! Send us from heaven a Table set (with viands), that there may be for us - for the first and the last of us - a solemn festival and a sign from Thee; and provide for our sustenance, for Thou art the best Sustainer (of our needs)." 115. Allah said: "I will send it down unto you: But if any of you after that resisteth faith, I will punish him with a penalty such as I have not inflicted on any one among all the peoples." 116. And behold! Allah will say: "O Jesus the son of Mary! Didst thou say unto men, take me and my mother for two gods beside Allah.?" He will say: "Glory to Thee! never could I say what I had no right (to say). Had I said such a thing, Thou wouldst indeed have known it. Thou knowest what is in my heart, Thou I know not what is in Thine. For Thou knowest in full all that is hidden. 117. "Never said I to them aught except what Thou didst command me to say, to wit, 'Worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord'; and I was a witness over them whilst I dwelt


amongst them; when Thou didst take me up Thou wast the Watcher over them, and Thou art a witness to all things. 118. "If Thou dost punish them, they are Thy servant: If Thou dost forgive them, Thou art the Exalted in power, the Wise." 119. Allah will say: "This is a day on which the truthful will profit from their truth: theirs are Gardens, with rivers flowing beneath,- their eternal Home: Allah well-pleased with them, and they with Allah. That is the great salvation, (the fulfillment of all desires). 120. To Allah doth belong the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and all that is therein, and it is He Who hath power over all things.

THE DISCOVERY OF DNA: In the chapter “Shoara’’, the following verse takes place: “ ...They said: “No! But we found our fathers on this way! They were doing the same...’’. (Verse 74) In the verse above, it is mentioned that the non-believers are worshipping to statues because their fathers did in past. Parents pass their properties to their sons and daughters with the genetic codes of DNA. So the verse is related with this.

1299 WORDS There are 1299 words in the Arabic version of the chapter “Shoara’’. When we add this to the number 74, it becomes 1373, which is the date 1953 in the Gregorian Calendar. 1953 was the year DNA’s structure was found. 1299+74= 1373 Hijri-Miladi 1953 ( “Hijri’’ means “In Islamic Calendar’’, “Miladi’’ means “In Gregorian Calendar’’.) SHOARA: In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. 1. Há Mím 2. Àin. Sín. Qáf. 3. Thus doth (He) send inspiration to thee as (He did) to those before thee,- Allah, Exalted in Power, Full of Wisdom. 4. To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and on earth: and He is Most High, Most Great. 35

5. The heavens are almost rent asunder from above them (by His Glory): and the angels celebrate the Praises of their Lord, and pray for forgiveness for (all) beings on earth: Behold! Verily Allah is He, the Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. 6. And those who take as protectors others besides Him,- Allah doth watch over them; and thou art not the disposer of their affairs. 7. Thus have We sent by inspiration to thee an Arabic Qurรกn: that thou mayest warn the Mother of Cities and all around her,- and warn (them) of the Day of Assembly, of which there is no doubt: (when) some will be in the Garden, and some in the Blazing Fire. 8. If Allah had so willed, He could have made them a single people; but He admits whom He will to His Mercy; and the Wrong-doers will have no protector nor helper. 9. What! Have they taken (for worship) protectors besides Him? But it is Allah,- He is the Protector, and it is He Who gives life to the dead: it is He Who has power over all things, 10. Whatever it be wherein ye differ, the decision thereof is with Allah. such is Allah my Lord: in Him I trust, and to Him I turn. 11. (He is) the Creator of the heavens and the earth: He has made for you pairs from among yourselves, and pairs among cattle: by this means does He multiply you: there is nothing whatever like unto Him, and He is the One that hears and sees. 12. To Him belong the keys of the heavens and the earth: He enlarges and restricts. The Sustenance to whom He will: for He knows full well all things. 13. The same religion has He established for you as that which He enjoined on Noah - the which We have sent by inspiration to thee - and that which We enjoined on Abraham, Moses, and Jesus: Namely, that ye should remain steadfast in religion, and make no divisions therein: to those who worship other things than Allah, hard is the (way) to which thou callest them. Allah chooses to Himself those whom He pleases, and guides to Himself those who turn (to Him). 14. And they became divided only after Knowledge reached them,- being insolent to one another. Had it not been for a Word that went forth before from thy Lord, (tending) to a Term appointed, the matter would have been settled between them: but truly those who have inherited the Book after them are in suspicious (disquieting) doubt concerning it. 15. Now then, for that (reason), call (them to the Faith), and stand steadfast as thou art commanded, nor follow thou their vain desires; but say: "I believe in whatever Book Allah has sent down; and I am commanded to judge justly between you. Allah is our Lord and your Lord: for us (is the responsibility for) our deeds, and for you for your deeds. There is no contention between us and you. Allah will bring us together, and to Him is (our) final goal. 16. But those who dispute concerning Allah after He has been accepted,- futile is their argument in the sight of their Lord: on them is Wrath, and for them will beach Terrible. 17. It is Allah Who has sent down the Book in Truth, and the Balance, and what will make thee realize that perhaps the Hour is close at hand?


18. Only those wish to hasten it who believe not in it: those who believe hold it in awe, and know that it is the Truth. Behold, verily those that dispute concerning the Hour are far astray. 19. Gracious is Allah to His servants: He gives Sustenance to whom He pleases: and He is the Strong, the Mighty. 20. To any that desires the tilth of the Hereafter, We give increase in his tilth, and to any that desires the tilth of this world, We grant somewhat thereof, but he has no share or lot in the Hereafter. 21. What! Have they partners (in godhead), who have established for them some religion without the permission of Allah? Had it not been for the Decree of Judgment, the matter would have been decided between them (at once). But verily the Wrong- doers will have a grievous chastisement. 22. Thou wilt see the Wrong-doers in fear on account of what they have earned, and (the burden of) that must (necessarily) fall on them. But those who believe and work righteous deeds will be in the Meadows of the Gardens: they shall have, before their Lord, all that they wish for. That will indeed be the magnificent Bounty (of Allah). 23. That is (the Bounty) whereof Allah gives Glad Tidings to His Servants who believe and do righteous deeds. Say: "No reward do I ask of you for this except the love of those near of kin." And if any one earns any good, We shall give him an increase of good in respect thereof: for Allah is Oft- Forgiving, Grateful. 24. What! Do they say, "He has forged a falsehood against Allah."? But if Allah willed, He could seal up thy heart. And Allah blots out Falsehood, and proves the Truth by His Words. For He knows well the secrets of all hearts. 25. He is the One that accepts repentance from His servants and forgives sins: and He knows all that ye do. 26. And He listens to those who believe and do deeds of righteousness, and gives them increase of His Bounty: but for the Unbelievers their is a terrible chastisement. 27. If Allah were to enlarge the provision for His servants, they would indeed transgress beyond all bounds through the earth; but He sends (it) down in due measure as He pleases. For He is with His servants Well-acquainted, Watchful. 28. He is the One that sends down rain (even) after (men) have given up all hope, and scatters His Mercy (far and wide). And He is the Protector, Worthy of all Praise. 29. And among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the living creatures that He has scattered through them: and He has power to gather them together when He wills. 30. Whatever misfortune happens to you, is because of the things your hands have wrought, and for many (a sin) He grants forgiveness. 31. Nor can ye escape through the earth; nor have ye, besides Allah, any one to protect or to help.


32. And among His Signs are the ships, smooth-running through the ocean, (tall) as mountains. 33. If it be His Will, He can still the Wind: then would they become motionless on the back of the (ocean). Verily in this are Signs for everyone who patiently perseveres and is grateful. 34. Or He can cause them to perish because of the (evil) which (the men) have earned; but much doth He forgive. 35. But let those know, who dispute about Our Signs, that there is for them no way of escape. 36. Whatever ye are given (here) is (but) the enjoyment of this life: but that which is with Allah is better and mo f33 re lasting: (it is) for those who believe and put their trust in their Lord: 37. Those who avoid the greater sins and indecencies, and, when they are angry even then forgive; 38. Those who respond to their Lord, and establish regular prayer; who (conduct) their affairs by mutual Consultation; who spend out of what We bestow on them for Sustenance; 39. And those who, when an oppressive wrong is inflicted on them, (are not cowed but) help and defend themselves. 40. The recompense for an injury is an injury equal thereto (in degree): but if a person forgives and makes reconciliation, his reward is due from Allah: for (Allah) loveth not those who do wrong. 41. But indeed if any do help and defend himself after a wrong (done) to him, against such there is no cause of blame. 42. The blame is only against those who oppress men with wrong-doing and insolently transgress beyond bounds through the land, defying right and justice: for such there will be a chastisement grievous. 43. But indeed if any show patience and forgive, that would truly be an affair of great resolution. 44. For any whom Allah leaves astray, there is no protector thereafter. And thou wilt see the Wrong-doers, when in sight of the Chastisement, Say: "Is there any way (to effect) a return?" 45. And thou wilt see them brought forward to the (Penalty), abject in humbleness, (and) looking with a stealthy glance. And the Believers will say: "Those are indeed in loss, who lose themselves and their families on the Day of Judgment. Behold! Truly the Wrong-doers are in a lasting Chastisement!" 46. And no protectors have they to help them, other than Allah. And for any whom Allah leaves to stray, there is no way (to the Goal).


47. Respond ye to your Lord, before there come a Day which there will be no putting back, because of (the Ordainment of) Allah! That Day there will be for you no place of refuge nor will there be for you any room for denial (of your sins)! 48. If then they run away, We have not sent thee as a guard over them. Thy duty is but to convey (the Message). And truly, when We give man a taste of a Mercy from Us, he doth exult thereat, but when some ill happens to him, on account of the deeds which his hands have sent forth, truly then is man ungrateful! 49. To Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth. He creates what He wills. He bestows (children) male or female according to His Will, 50. Or He bestows both males and females, and He leaves barren whom He will: for He is full of Knowledge and Power. 51. It is not fitting for a man that Allah should speak to him except by inspiration, or from behind a veil, or by the sending of a messenger to reveal, with Allah's permission, what Allah wills: for He is Most High, Most Wise. 52. And thus have We, by Our Command, sent inspiration to thee: thou knewest not (before) what was Revelation, and what was Faith; but We have made the (Qurán) a Light, wherewith We guide such of Our servants as We will; and verily thou dost guide (men) to the Straight Way,53. The Way of Allah, to Whom belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on earth. Behold (how) all affairs tend towards Allah!

THE INDEPENDENCE OF EGYPT The 87th verse of the soora(chapter) Yunus is the following: “We ordered Moses and his brother like that: “Build some houses in Egypt for your community, build them on the way of Qaba and give good news to believers!’’ ‘’. (Verse 87) In the whole soora, only in this verse the word “Egypt’’ takes place. 1832 WORDS There are 1832 words at total in the soora “Yunus’’. When we add 1832 to 87, we get 1919, which is the independence date of Egypt. 1832+87= 1919 (Note: If you compare a Qur’an in your hand with a Qur’an in museum which was written in the years 610-630, you can see that the verse numbers are the same.) As the same, We found the date the plane was invented, the discovery of Pluton in 1916, the date telephone was invented, the date the slavehood was banned and many other dates with


this method in Qur’an. We also found what events are waiting us for future and they are the followings: 2010- The genetic Science causes lots of death and diseases. 2011- The cosmic light of a blue star reaches to Earth and strange events starts on Earth. The human life will be very long after that event. 2012- A 25-degrees change in the Earth’s axis due to the Polar Slight. 2010-2012- Lots of murdering and bloody events in U.S.A. which are many times more violent than before. Phobos ( the satellite of Mars) will be splitted into 10 parts and will drop on the Earth, it will cause many earthquakes and flood, Philipins and Japan will disappear from Earth because of that. A part of splitted Phobos will drop on Russia and it may cause 3 place changes on Earth. A war between Arab-Asia Community and The United Nations may break out. 2018- The Third World War and the death of 6 billion people due to Atomic and Nuclear bombs 2018- Jesus returns to the Earth after the war and the 40-yeared golden times of the Earth starts. 2019- A meteor crashes to Earth and the Earth stays in fire and smoke. 2066- A dinasour-like monster which is from the combination of all animals comes to the Earth and seals foreheads of people. 2070-The sun starts raising from west. 2086- The death of all Muslims due to some viruses 2099- The doom 2120- The day of judgement and resurrection for all beings and the starting of the infinite Hell-Heaven life. As you see, we had 12 important knowings from the Qur’an.


DIFFERENTIATION IN TIME: One of the most famous theories of the famous Scientist Albert Einstein was that time differs from place to place in the Universe.For instance,a day of Earth would be 1,000 years of another place or vice versa.So,if someone has been transported to another planet and stays there for 2 minutes and then comes back to the Earth,he/she might have seen The Earth 1000 years later.His friends would all die,because by the time he/she lived for 2 minutes,The Earth would have lived 1000 years.Or if he/she lives there for weeks or 10.000 years if it was possible,he/she would see that only 1 second has passed when he/she comes back to the Earth.At first,this theory was seen as “illegal,illogical’’ and was rejected by most people and some scientists,while some physicians had accepted it.By the late 20th century,people could not imagine this,while Holly Qur’an gave that important scientific information in 7th century in the following ayats: “He(Allah) manages and regulates every affair from the Heavens to the Earth,then it will go up to Him,in One day,the space whereof is a thousand years of your reckoning…’’.(sajda-5) “A questioner asked concerning a torment about to befall upon the disbelievers,which none can avert,from Allah,the Lord of the ways of ascent.The angels and soul(Gabriel) ascend to Him in a day the measure whereof is fifty thousand years.’’.(Ma’arij,1-4) This is one of the most surpriseful miracles.Today,without Science,even we would doubt it to be real or not if we did not know about Science,we could not even think of it.But about 1400 years ago,a sentence prophet Muhammad brought from His Lord gave that information.This is because Qur’an is the word of Allah(c.c.),the King of everything in heavens and on the ground.

ATOMS IN QUR’AN: In a soora called “Hadid’’(Iron) in Qur’an, atomic numbers of some elements have been given with their symbols.But in those years,neither elements nor their atomic numbers were known,so Qur’an is giving another very big miracle again A Resource for Elementary, Middle Sc An example box:

‫ااﻋﺟباﻞﻛفارﻦباﻞﻛفارﻦباﭟﮥثﻢ‬ Rn


Rn(Radon): In the soora,the letters “R’’ and “N’’ join together here at first.Since the beginning of the ayat up to here,there are 86 letters.As the same,the element “Rn’’ has an atomic number of 86. Zr(Zirconium): In the soora,the letters “R’’ and “N’’ join together here at first.Since the beginning of the ayat up to here,there are 40 letters.As the same,the element “Rn’’ has an atomic number of 40. Ta(Tantalum): In the soora,the letters “R’’ and “N’’ join together here at first.Since the beginning of the ayat up to here,there are 73 letters.As the same,the element “Rn’’ has an atomic number of 73. Yb(Ytterbium): In the soora,the letters “R’’ and “N’’ join together here at first.Since the beginning of the ayat up to here,there are 70 letters.As the same,the element “Rn’’ has an atomic number of 70. F(Florine): In the soors,the letter “F’’ takes place here at first.Since the beginning of the ayat up to here,there are 9 letters.As the same,the element “F’’ has an atomic number of 9. Sm(Samarium): In the soora,the letters “R’’ and “N’’ join together here at first.Since the beginning of the ayat up to here,there are 62 letters.As the same,the element “Rn’’ has an atomic number of 62.

As(Arsenic): In the soora,the letters “R’’ and “N’’ join together here at first.Since the beginning of the ayat up to here,there are 33 letters.As the same,the element “Rn’’ has an atomic number of 33. Te(Tellurium): In the soora,the letters “R’’ and “N’’ join together here at first.Since the beginning of the ayat up to here,there are 127 letters.As the same,the element “Rn’’ has an atomic number of 127.


K(Potassium): In the soora,the letters “R’’ and “N’’ join together here at first.Since the beginning of the ayat up to here,there are 39 letters.As the same,the element “Rn’’ has an atomic number of 39. Ti(Titanium): In the soora,the letters “R’’ and “N’’ join together here at first.Since the beginning of the ayat up to here,there are 47 letters.As the same,the element “Rn’’ has an atomic number of 47. S(Sulphur): In the soora,the letters “R’’ and “N’’ join together here at first.Since the beginning of the ayat up to here,there are 32 letters.As the same,the element “Rn’’ has an atomic number of 32.

MICROSCOPIC SECRET OF BEE AND MOSQUITOS: The 68th ayat of the soora of Nahl in Qur’an is the following: “And Your Lord inspired the bee saying: “Take you habitations in the mountains and in the trees and in what they erect.Then,eat of all fruits,and follow the ways of your Lord made easy for you.’’.There comes forth from their bellies, a drink of varying colour wherein is healing for men.Verily,in this is indeed a sign for people who think!’’. The ayat is giving a very big miracle.Because in Arabic,there are masculine and feminine forms of words,similar to French.Like English,When a being’s sex is not known,the word “he’’ is used for it in Arabic.But the difference from English is that it is possible to mention the sex for the subjects like “I,you,we,they’’ in Arabic.In the ayat,being different from all other ayats in Qur’an,the feminine forms of the underlined words are used instead of masculine forms.This is a very big miracle,because by ModernBiology, the fact that the only bees who make honey are female bees have been discovered in the 20th century,13 centuries after Qur’an.In the ayat,the bee’s making honey and its being female are defined.

In the ayats no 2/26 and 22/73,74,while talking about fly and mosquitos,we see ame forms,the female forms of the words “mosquito’’ and “fly’’ are used.Again this is a miracle of Qur’an,because the only mosquitos who absorb blood are female mosquitos,males do not.Again this was understood in 20th century Microbiology,by studying mosquitos under microscopes.


“TAYYIP ERDOĞAN’S ELECTION IN TURKEY’’ IN QUR’AN: Not only scientific miracles and discoveries,but there are other miracles we observe about some political issues in Qur’an.I was vey surprised when I realized one of these.Tayyip Erdoğan was elected as the president of Turkey in the year 2003.Since he was elected as a president,the amount of people who define themselves as “religious Muslims’’ in Turkey became 93.2%,according to public surveys done afterwards,because Tayyip’s party A.K.P. was a religious party,and its advertisements done by its members for elections had elected Turkish people so much. In the ayat no 14:23,the letters forming the words “Tayyip’’ and “Turkey’’ join together separately.And the ayat no 1423 is the year equivalent to the year 2003 in the Gregorian Calendar,the year of Tayyip Erdoğan’s election as a president.Furthermore,there is no any other ayat in Qur’an in which both the word “Turkey’’ and the word “Tayyip’’ are formed together.While thought Mathematically,both the ayat number’s being 1423(2003) and the usage of the words “Tayyip’’ and “Turkey’’ in the ayat can not be a chance. The Arabic version of the ayat no 14:23 is the following:

‫آلﻢﺖﺮکﯿفضﺮﺐاﷲﻤﺚﻷکلﻤةﻃﯿﱠﺐةﻛﺷﺠرةﻃﯿﱠﺐةاﺺلﮭاﺚا‬ TAYYIP



The word “Turkey’’ is called “Turkiya’’ in Arabic and Turkish.It is almost the same in all languages.In arabic,it is written with five letters:Ta-Ra-kaf-ya.

“UNIVERSE’S VISION WHEN IT EXPLODED AND WHEN IT WILL DISAPPEAR’’ IN THE HOLLY QUR’AN: The ayats no 55:37,38 in the Holly Qur’an is the following:


“Then when the heaven is rent asunder,and it becomes rosy or red like red oil!Then which of the blessings of your Lord will you deny?’’.

The ayat is performing a very big miracle!Because it suggests when the universe is destroyed,it will be seen as a red-rosy oil.According to the studies of Modern Astrophysics,the universe itself was a star-like reddish nebula consisting of a 7.000C heat when the big bang took place,since then,it has always been expanding as the sun or another stars because of nuclear explosions of atomic molecules.It has also been discovered that when Big Crunch takes place because of the end of the loss of nuclear energy caused by nuclear explosions(like the sun has been calculated to disappear billions of years later because of nuclear Helium explosions inside it,unless the universe does not shrink before) in the universe,the universe will shrink and will become like a reddish fire consisting of 7.000 C heat again,as it first time came on to be by the Big-Bang.This was completely proven and the vision of the universe when it shrinks was understood how to be seen.For instance,the nebula photo taken on 18 September 1994 shows how an exploding nebula or star is seen,because the nebula above is an exploding nebula,called “the red cat-eye nebula’’.A nebula is the form of expanding clouds of gas thrown off by a dying star. The ayat suggests the position of the universe will be as a reddish-burning rose or oil when it disappears when there was no way for observations of galaxies,nebulas and the explosions in the universe.

“4 WOMEN FOR ONE MAN’’ MIRACLE IN THE HOLLY QUR’AN: This is again a very big and interesting miracle of the Holly Qur’an.There were marriage with lots of women in the time of Prophet Muhammad(sal.) in Saudi Arabia,but Qur’an suggests that a man can take up to 4 wives,and then it became a straight rule of Islam.Some people today think this was a rule Prophet Muhammad(sal.) brought because of the effect of the Arab culture in that times.However,Qur’an’s rule which says “4 women for 1 man’’ was understood to be a real sociologic satisfaction of all Men on Earth. In the year 2006,a public survey was done in U.S.A. and in several Europeon countries,every man and woman were asked one by one.The question was: “How many times do you imagine having sex per week?’’.The result of the public survey was unbelievable,because more than 95% percent of the women both in U.S.A. and European countries said “9 times’’,and the rest said:”7-8’’ times,whereas more than 99% of men all gave the same answer:”36’’ times.What very surpriseful for the researchers was that how it could be possible that almost all men and women gave the same answer in all over the U.S.A. and in Europe.So,the average result of the public survey was that men imagine sex 36 times,and women imagine 9 times per week.This result which came out in 21st century and showed hardly 4 women can really meet the sexual desires of a man,was that rule of Qur’an


which came in 7th century,because the number 36 is 4 times more than the number 9 (9x4=36).That ratio of men’s desires for women is what Qur’an gives:4 women for 1 man!

THE NUMERICAL CODES IN QUR’AN: The Quran is characterized by a unique phenomenon never found in any human authored book. Every element of the Quran is mathematically composed - the suras, the verses, the words, the number of certain letters, the number of words from the same root, the number and variety of divine names, the unique spelling of certain words, the absence or deliberate alteration of certain letters within certain words, and many other elements of the Quran besides its content. There are two major facets of the Quran's mathematical system: (1) The mathematical literary composition, and (2) The mathematical structure involving the numbers of suras and verses. Because of this comprehensive mathematical coding, the slightest distortion of the Quran's text or physical arrangement is immediately exposed. SIMPLE TO UNDERSTAND IMPOSSIBLE TO IMITATE For the first time in history we have a scripture with built-in proof of divine authorship - a superhuman mathematical composition. Any reader of this book can easily verify the Quran's mathematical miracle. The word "God" (Allah) is written in bold capital letters throughout the text. The cumulative frequency of occurrence of the word "God" is noted at the bottom of each page in the left hand corner. The number in the right hand corner is the cumulative total of the numbers for verses containing the word "God." The last page of the text, Page 372, shows that the total occurrence of the word "God" is 2698, or 19x142. The total sum of verse numbers for all verses containing the word "God" is 118123, also a multiple of 19 (118123 = 19x6217). Nineteen is the common denominator throughout the Quran's mathematical system. This phenomenon alone suffices as incontrovertible proof that the Quran is God's message to the world. No human being(s) could have kept track of 2698 occurrences of the word "God," and the numbers of verses where they occur. This is especially impossible in view of (1) the age of ignorance during which the Quran was revealed, and (2) the fact that the suras and verses were widely separated in time and place of revelation. The chronological order of revelation was vastly different from the final format (Appendix 23). However, the Quran's mathematical system is not limited to the word "God;" it is extremely vast, extremely intricate, and totally comprehensive.

THE SIMPLE FACTS Like the Quran itself, the Quran's mathematical coding ranges from the very simple, to the very complex. The Simple Facts are those observations that can be ascertained without using any tools. The complex facts require the assistance of a calculator or a computer.


The following facts do not require any tools to be verified, but please remember they all refer to the original Arabic text: 1. The first verse (1:1),known as "Basmalah," consists of 19 letters. 2. The Quran consists of 114 suras, which is ..............19 x 6. 3. The total number of verses in the Quran is 6346, or ....19 x 334. [6234 numbered verses & 112 un-numbered verses (Basmalahs) 6234+112 = 6346] Note that 6+3+4+6 =.......19. 4. The Basmalah occurs 114 times, despite its conspicuous absence from Sura 9 (it occurs twice in Sura 27) & 114= 19x6. 5. From the missing Basmalah of Sura 9 to the extra Basmalah of Sura 27, there are precisely ...............19 suras. 6. It follows that the total of the sura numbers from 9 to 27 (9+10+11+12+...+26+27) is 342, or .............19 x 18. 7. This total (342) also equals the number of words between the two Basmalahs of Sura 27, and 342 = ........19 x 18. 8. The famous first revelation (96:1-5) consists of .......19 words. 9. This 19-worded first revelation consists of 76 letters .19 x 4. 10. Sura 96, first in the chronological sequence, consists of .....................................................19 verses. 11. This first chronological sura is placed atop the last ..19 suras. 12. Sura 96 consists of 304 Arabic letters, and 304 equals .19 x 16. 13. The last revelation (Sura 110) consists of ............19 words. 14. The first verse of the last revelation (110:1) consists of ....................................................19 letters. 15. 14 different Arabic letters, form 14 different sets of "Quranic Initials" (such as A.L.M. of 2:1), and prefix 29 suras. These numbers add up to 14+14+29 = 57 = ......19 x 3. 16. The total of the 29 sura numbers where the Quranic Initials occur is 2+3+7+...+50+68 = 822, and 822+14 (14 sets of initials) equals 836, or ................. 19 x 44. 17. Between the first initialed sura (Sura 2) and the last initialed sura (Sura 68) there are 38 un-initialed suras 19 x 2. 18. Between the first and last initialed sura there are ....19 sets of alternating "initialed" and "un-initialed" suras.


19. The Quran mentions 30 different numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 19, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 99, 100, 200, 300, 1000, 2000, 3000, 5000, 50,000, & 100,000. The sum of these numbers is 162146, which equals 19x8534

THEOREM: Assume you have a pair of two-digit numbers, ab and cd such that a, b, c and d are nonzero. If ab + cd = 100, then a + b + c + d = 19 PROOF: We can Write two-digit numbers in polynomial form ax + b and cx + d. In a decimal number where system x = 10. If ax + b + cx + d = 100, then we must have b + d = 10. This implies that ax + cx = 90. When we add the digits together, we actually ignore the base 10 and assume a unit base. This means that 90 will change to 9 and therefore, 10 + 9 = 19. It is noteworthy that there are 72 such two-digit pairs and 72 is the 8th Twin Primeâs Companion (TPC) and 8 is the index of 19. Chapter 72 has 28 verses and 72:28 is one of the numbers conforming to the above theorem, meaning that 72 + 28 = 100 and 7 + 2 + 2 + 8 =19. Please read 72:28. In light of the above theorem, it is essential to analyze chapter 100 in the Quran. We note that it has 11 verses. If we concatenate 100 and 11 we get 10011 which is composed of 0âs and 1âs only. Therefore, we can think of it as a binary number. Well, you guessed it, 10011 in binary number system is 19, God be praised. Note here the intricate mathematics, 11 is the 19th number in the Quran, and we just saw the relation between 100 and 19. There is only one other chapter in the Quran such that when you concatenate the sura number and the number of verses you get a number which is composed of 1âs and 0âs and it is chapter 101 which also has 11 verses. The number 10111 in binary number system is 23. We know that the 23rd number in the Quran is 30 and the 30the number in the Quran is 100 and 30 is the 19th composite and many more relations between 23 and 30 which were discussed previously [4].

PRIME NUMBERS AND THE QURANIC INITIALS The counts of single letter in the Quranic initials are very interesting from the point of view of primes and signifies important Quranic numbers. If we look at the counts of letters in the Quranic initials, we note that there are 14 prime numbers [5] (excluding repetitions). This corresponds to the 14 sets of Quranic initials. These numbers are 19, 29, 31, 53, 97, 137, 173, 251, 257, 317, 347, 1249, 1319, 2521. Note that the smallest number is 19 and the largest number is 2521. Remember that chapter has 19x521 Aâs + Lâs + Mâs. One notes that three digits namely 0, 6 and 8 are excluded from the above list of numbers. Now if we add the above prime numbers, the sum is 6800, exclusively made up of the missing digits. Keep in mind that 68x100 tells us that the last initialed sura is 68 and 100 proclaims 74:30 which tells us about 19.


MORE "ULTIMATE MATHEMATICS" The fact that sura 2, the first initialed sura in the Quran has 9899 Aâs + Lâs + Mâs or 19x521, is truly a numbering system beyond the capability of humans and jinns combined [8]. What we are about to see is that the coefficient of 19 which is 521 actually predicts the last initialed sura which is 68. By Godâs grace and the discovery of TPCâs, we note that the 521st TPC is 33768. This is truly an amazing number, because it is the concatenation of the prime number 337 and 68 where 68 is the index of prime number 337. Glory be to God.

WHY TO CHOOSE ISLAM The most common religions on Earth today are Jewism,Cristianity,Islam and Buddhism.This is because these religions are universal.Some religions such as Induism however,are conditioned as “Only those who are born in India can be Indus!’’.There is no choice.These are called “National Religions’’.Then why some people who were not born in India believe in reincarnation(coming back to Earth again after death in the form of a god,human,plant or animal),which is th main belief of Induism,although the religion itself says “Members from out of nation are not accepted!’’?This was only a belief in Induism,then it became a belief in Buddhism from it,and from Buddhism,it passed to some other people.It is clear that such believes are the inventions of Indian Society,because they could not be happy by accepting the reality that Earth life will end!Rich people and religion leaders of Indus brought this belief to India,in order to dominate poor and illegal people.That’s why they classified people as “priests,knights,workers’’ and made one class higher than others in a system named as “cast’’.When someone from a rich knight or religion family class sees a poor person complaining about his/her position,he/she would make him feel hopeful by telling him/her: “Don’t worry!You would be a king next time!’’.

As for Buddhism,this religion is nothing more than a story telling how Buddha felt when she left the palace life and joined poor people.But because it showed a face of “mystery’’ such as “Being a mysterious person’’, “getting one metre up from the ground’’, “opening a third eye on the face’’,it affected people and that’s why there are one billion Buddhists in The Earth today.

First of all,people should now that Buddshism is a form of praying statues,because Buddhists fall prostrate upon Buddha’s statues.Same for Christianity,Christians kiss the pictures of The Holly prophet Jesus(a.s.) in Churches.These things are not logical.If you have a religion,you believe in something,and if you want to give a gift to your guide or Prophet or your any other religious leader you love,praying God or another mystical power for him/her,or to his/her soul,spirituality is logical.But what these people are kissing and falling protrate upon are just a picture including some paints,boards or stones(statues),not their guides.They think that kiss went to Jesus when they kiss the picture of Jesus.Where are Buddha and Jesus and where Buddhists and Christians are?They are just deluding themselves.

A kind of Buddhism dellusion is that it shows people the belief “A man with a third eye on his forehead’’ as a mystical power.Then,some people find this interesting and join them,and try to open a


third eye on their forehead.Even if they have a few priests like that,the reason someone has a third eye on his/her forehead is affected due to mutations and family-related marriages,and such situations took place in many other countries,European countries and the U.S.A. as well.That the genetic mutations,not caring for baby during pregnancy has been proven in medicine.Many sheep and fruit flies which were being given X-rays,laser beams continuesly were observed to have two more legs or two heads was observed and their pictures were takenBeing based with a third eye,third leg,arm,ear is a disability such as blindness and deafness.For instance,a few years ago,a girl in India was born with four arms and four legs.Such things are either caused by environmental mutations caused by wars,laser beams,Ozone-related chemical reactions or are caused by related marriages.But some Buddhist priests used this as a dellusion,by telling people: “Look!That man has a third eye.He sees secret things.Be Buddhist,then you willl also be like him!’’.

Another dellusion they used for centuries is that they claim there are some Buddhist Priests at the top of the mountains who can go one-two metres up from the ground.They did some people believe them that they shall also rach that power by following Buddhist Priests.If finding peace by killing all willings and feelings of ego and rising a few metres up from the ground as a cause of this is the only thing they can give to a person,which is called “Reaching Nirvana’’,then it is not that much necessary to spend years in their way.And in Buddhism,there is the belief “reencarnation’’ anyway,so if the person will come to Earth again after death in another form,then what is that effort for?For an infinite life?For a Heaven?No!It is for free.

First of all,noone has ever reached the top of Tibet mountains.Whoever tried to climb,he/she died,nor anone can live there.Because those places are not suitable for a person to survive.A person’s brain bursts there because of too much Atmospheric pressure.Even the most powerful immigrant bursts having perfect wings which can take flying much more than planes fly a few kilometres down from the top of Tibet Mountains.But If Buddhists see that Priests more than a human,I can not say anything to that.Here,a question comes to mind:

Are there really educations teaching how to experience over-nature things and discover secret things and feelings in Buddhism? Answer:Yes,there are.But the dellusion is that they have been shown as a result of Buddhism.Such methods like meditation,thought force,getting out of ego exist since the first people.These are secret methods,skills that actually all of us can develop by working,and something “overnature’’ does not mean a true belief or religion.A magician also show overnature things.The truth must be the most logical belief which appeals best to a person,everything remaining is story.Actually things like “Hypnosis’’ in such Eastern religions already exists in human genes and subconscious.Even the information “ability to show magic’’ is written in genes.It does not have a complete proof in Human Genome Project yet,but it has been observed that chidren of most magicians also have the ability “being quick in hand and hoodwinking by dellusions’’.


Out of this magic subject,there is another overnature things which are not magic but are the reality.But even if a person has power to rise 1-2 metres up to air or break a window down with a glance,what does this have to do with any religion?This is “deep hypnotic concentration and meditative thought force of the brain signals’’ method,and anyone can gain such small abilities by hard-working.There are some men who do this on T.V. and most of them do not belong to any religion.Furthermore,all of them often say: “These things are not difficult!anyone can do it by too much practice,nothing else.’’.This is because our creation incudes this ability.That is how Buddhists deluded many peoplethey injected the sense of “mystery’’,they showed like such powers belong to Buddhism.That’s why there are about one billion Buddhists on Earth today.

When we eliminate such religions by using our logic,three religions remaın:Jewism,Christianıty and Islam.But Jewism is also a national religion.Then,we should look at the remaining two religions which have the highest populations ,while compared to all other religions.Islam is the most populated religion on Earth,and then follows Catholic Christians.

It is very clear to everyone that The Bible,holly book of Christianity has been changed.There are four parts of Bible,each written by a different pope.These are Matta,Marcus,Arthur and Yuhanna.This was because they did not like the original Bible Jesus(a.s.) brought them from God,and they threw it away.Jesus(a.s.) got the book from the ground and rose up to heavens with it.Then,that first Jewish people became regret that they threw the Bible,message of God away,and they started writing it with their hands by trying to remember what they read from the book and what they heard from Jesus(a.s.).This situation takes place in some Christian resources as well.The Bible was written too many years after death of Jesus(a.s.).This is also satisfied by many popes even.By being eliminated in time,they left four(Matta,Marcus,Arthur and Yohanna.).

According to Qur’an,Christians will be punished by God because of the claim,belief saying “Jesus is God’s son!He is equivalent to God,common with Him in creation,Gabriel is one of the three gods(father,son,holly soul),Jesus was The God Himself but was seen in the form of a human,God has the same vision as Jesus,Jesus was a part of God!’’ and running partners to God.In I slam,running partners to God,giving the same value to someone,a prophet is called “shirk’’,and shirk is forbidden in Islam by Qur’an. There are 5 types of claims about Jesus(a.s.):

1.Some people believe that His mother Mary had adultery with someone coming to look after her sometimes in the cave(God forbid!)

2.Christians believe He is God’s son,a special belief equivalent to God.


3.Some people believed His mother Mary had been washing with spermed water in the town and that was how she became pregnant.(note:this is impossible if the vajinal core of a woman is not destrupted.The sperms should first enter inner vajine to be able to swim towards the ovary.)

4.Jewish people belive that He was the God Himself,but appeared in the form of a human,which means God came on Earth Himself in the form of a human to warn people.Some Christians satisfy this belief.

5.Muslims believe He was just a prophet of God,nothing else and He had many miracles such as giving life to dead people with the permission of God.As told in Qur’an,when He was newly born,people around Mary holding baby Jesus(a.s.) told her: “O Marry!You did something discusting!’’ and the baby Jesus talked: “No!She did not!I am a prophet of God.My God did me fatherless as a miracle for you!’’.According to Qur’an,if a person is a believer of any othe religion other than Islam besides Islam or if he/she is a believer of any of the first three situations about Jesus defined above,and if he/she dies with that belief in his/her heart,then he/she will stay in Hell forever.We see that there is only one type of Qur’an and unlike Bible,it has never been changed.We can easily understand this by comparing a Qur’an written today in Arabic with a Qur’an in museum in Mecca,which was written in 610-620’s,the time of Prophet Muhammad(sal.).We can easily see that even the numbers,symbols,commas of the verses have not been changed.But how can we understand and be sure that Qur’an was really sent to Prophet Muhammad(sal.) and Prophet Muhammad(sal.) did not write or said it Himself and He learnt it from Gabriel?We can,because Qur’an has infinite miracle s discovered by modern Science as well.Those who read Arabic version of Qur’an and understand Arabic may realise some miracles better.I will explain these miracles in a very simple way in chapter 2. Where did the belief “God’s son’’ come from?

When prophet Jesus(a.s.) newly died,two of His believers moved from Phalestine to Southern sides of Cyprus by boats in order to introduce Christianity.This was the first movement to announce Christianity to the Middle-Eastern countries.They landed on Bafos,a town in Southern Cyprus.It was a day that Jews were fasting.There were Jews in Bafos that time.When they arrived,they announced Christianity to that region by saying to people: “A new prophet came!Follow Him,because His religion is more true!’’.The Jews asked: “What is His name?’’,they said: “Jesus!’’.The Jews asked: “Who is His mother?’’,they said: “A very moralful God-lover person,Marry!’’.Then they asked: “And who is His father?’’.The two popes looked at each other,they did not know what to say and the people were stairing at them waiting for the answer.Immediately one of the two popes turned to them and said: “His father is God!’’.No soone had the Jewish community of Bafos captured and killed them by beating them up with cudgels when they heard this.After a few days,they became regret and accepted Christianity.Southern Cyprus was one of the first countries which accepted Christianity.

Jesus(a.s.) was never killed on the cross,but what happened according to Qur’an is that the commander who was going to give order for killing Prophet Jesus(a.s.) was shown to them in the form


of Jesus(a.s.) next morning.The Jews killed him,not Jesus(a.s.).God had let Jesus know that He was going to be killed,and He escaped out of His town during midnight and God raised Him up to Heavens.Muslims believe Most of Muslims believe in the last times of The Earth and the universe,He will come down to the Earth back with that original Bible in His hand,and He will call all people on Earth to be Muslims and follow Him,and He will say: “God who is infinite high does not have a partner or son!I am nothing more than a messenger,prophet of God.Follow the true way,Islam,which was the religion I had brought as well!’’,according to the words of Prophet Muhammad.He will show them miracles as well to let people really believe He is Jesus(a.s.).During that times of the Earth which He will stay on Earth for 40 years,the Earth will be very-green,children will be playing on hills,everyone will say happiness songs.There won’t be no sadnass or crying.There wil be just peace,happiness.There won’t be any disabled,blind,mad,sick or deaf people on Earth.If a Muslim that time wishes to go to far galaxies or cities,he/she will not need a plane or planet,but he/she will go there by saying a secret prayer for prophet Muhammad(a.s.) by closing and opening his/her eyes in moments.All these things will happen because of a prophet’s light will be back on Earth:Prophet Jesus(a.s.)!.

Christians both claim Jesus(a.s.) to be a god and they claim He was killed at the same time.How can a god die?If someone is God’s son,He is a god as well.This is because there is no logic in Christianity.Christians think they follow Jesus(a.s.),but don’t know Jesus hates them because of their running Jesus as a partner to God,The God of Jesus and everything.How can a being whose size is just in the size of an apple seed while compared to the unguessable huge sizes of galaxies and the universe be a god or the son of God?Must’n son of God be the greatest in size after Him?But Jesus or any other person is not even bigger than the moon.How can God has a son although He has no wife?They think God as a human,or a being who is in the Heaven.Furthermore,without being embarrassed,they claim Jeesus,a big ranked prophet of Allah said God to be in Heaven.If you believe God is in Heaven,then it means you believe He has got a size as well.God is not like what Christians think,He has no size,both His power and His size is endless,infinite.Neither the Heavens nor the ground can contain His Divine size.God is everywhere,not in Paradise or above Heavens.Now a stupid,brainless person might ask: “Does the blood and dirty things touch God?’’.This is because they can’t think.They can’t think that the blood,bullet and many other things may pass through a goblin,soul and a smoke but can not affect them.This question is because of thinking God as a matter.God is not something we can study or understand with our small mlinds,we are His servants.If we say “Jesus is a prophet’’,our religion becomes stronger,but if Christians say: “Muhammad is a prophet!’’,their religion becomes zero.Even this shows how a counterfeit,false religion Christianity is.They call Jesus(a.s.) as “a god’’.While thought logically,God must be a being who we can never understand His vision and Divine greatness,with our 7cm thought centre in brain.Drawing a picture of Jesus and calling him a god gives trust,but not the logic and the truth.There are some Christian arts symbolysing God,like they saw Him or now too much about Him,or like God is one of their family friends.A Russian pope once said “God came to the Earth with Jesus!’’.All these people and Christians will all be punished both because of describing God as a low being or human and because of their describing God depending on their own small minds.In the day of judgement,Jesus(a.s.) will talk against them in the presence of Allah.

Another very clear false of Christianity is the joys done at the night of 31st December.If you are using the new year and it is a holly day for you,why you are not going to church or make rites on that night?In the name of religion,they have sex,they take alcohol,they ring,they play that night.Instead of


celebrating a holly day,they are doing all big sins that night,by miserably believing whatever they do,Jesus(a.s.) will save them.But sinful joys and religion can never be together,because sinful joys such as taking alcohol,having sex before marriage are all invitations of Satan.That night is just to get an opportunity, feel free having that sinful joys,intoxicating women and then teasing them,dancing and shouting,meet everything the bad ego of Human wills.Everybody celebrating that night knows that.This can’t be a what a holly book is ordering,nor there is such thing in Bible.

(a.s:alaihissalam:may greetings of God be upon Him) (sal:sallallahu alaihi wa sallim:may good blessings and greetings of God be upon Him!)

ayats from the Holly Qur’an about Prophet Jesus(a.s.):

"Behold! the angels said, 'Oh Mary! God gives you glad tidings of a Word from Him. His name will be Christ Jesus, the son of Mary, held in honour in this world and the Hereafter, and in (the company of) those nearest to God. He shall speak to the people in childhood and in maturity. He shall be (in the company) of the righteous... And God will teach him the Book and Wisdom, the Law and the Gospel'" (3:45-48). "He [Jesus] said: 'I am indeed a servant of God. He has given me revelation and made me a prophet; He has made me blessed wheresoever I be; and He has enjoined on me prayer and charity as long as I live. He has made me kind to my mother, and not overbearing or miserable. So peace is on me the day I was born, the day that I die, and the day that I shall be raised up to life (again)!' Such was Jesus the son of Mary. It is a statement of truth, about which they (vainly) dispute. It is not befitting to (the majesty of) God that He should beget a son. Glory be to Him! When He determines a matter, He only says to it, 'Be,' and it is" (19:30-35). "When Jesus came with Clear Signs, he said: 'Now I have come to you with Wisdom, and in order to make clear to you some of the (points) on which you dispute. Therefore, fear God and obey me. God, He is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him -- this is a Straight Way.' But sects from among themselves fell into disagreement. So woe to the wrongdoers, from the penalty of a Grievous Day!" (43:63-65) "And behold! God will say [i.e. on the Day of Judgment]: 'Oh Jesus, the son of Mary! Did you say unto men, worship me and my mother as gods in derogation of God?' He will say: 'Glory to Thee! Never could I say what I had no right (to say). Had I said such a thing, You would indeed have known it. You know what is in my heart, though I know not what is in Yours. For You know in full all that is hidden. Never did I say to them anything except what You commanded me to say: 'Worship God, my Lord and your Lord.' And I was a witness over them while I lived among them. When You took me up, You were the Watcher over them, and You are a witness to all things'" (5:116-117).


"Christ, the son of Mary, was no more than a messenger; many were the messengers that passed away before him. His mother was a woman of truth. They had both to eat their (daily) food. See how God makes His signs clear to them; yet see in what ways they are deluded away from the truth!" (5:75). "Relate in the Book (the story of) Mary, when she withdrew from her family to a place in the East. She placed a screen (to screen herself) from them. Then We sent her our angel, and he appeared before her as a man in all respects. She said, 'I seek refuge from you to God Most Gracious! Do not come near me, if you fear God!' He said, 'No, I am only a messenger from your Lord, (to announce) to you the gift of a holy son.' She said, 'How shall I have a son, seeing that no man has touched me, and I am not unchaste?' He said, 'So (it will be). Your Lord says, 'That is easy for Me, and (We wish) to appoint him as a Sign unto men, and a Mercy from Us. It is a matter (so) decreed'" (19:16-21, the Chapter of Mary) "Behold! The angels said, 'Oh Mary! God has chosen you and purified you, chosen you above the women of all nations. Oh Mary! Worship your Lord devoutly. Prostrate yourself, and bow down (in prayer) with those who bow down'" (3:42-43). "And (remember) she who guarded her chastity. We breathed into her of Our spirit, and We made her and her son a sign for all peoples (21:91). [While describing people who were good examples for others] "...And Mary, the daughter of 'Imran, who guarded her chastity. And We breathed into (her body) of Our spirit. She testified to the truth of the words of her Lord and of His Revelations, and was one of the devout (servants)" (66:12). "Christ, the son of Mary, was no more than a messenger; many were the messengers that passed away before him. His mother was a woman of truth. They had both to eat their (daily) food. See how God makes His signs clear to them; yet see in what ways they are deluded away from the truth!" (5:75). "The similitude of Jesus before God is as that of Adam. He created him from dust, then said to him: "Be!" And he was" (3:59). In Islam, Jesus is regarded as a human prophet and messenger of God, not part of God Himself.

UNDERSTANDING ISLAM: There are many wrong comments on Islam,such as its including violence or terrorism.Why a terrorism event which takes place in U.S.A. or a European Country is shown as a crime of a few persons and a terrorism event in the Middle East is shown as a crime of all Islamic World?This is because the work of Christians to show Islam bad.They can never be successful.Researches showed that Islamic population becomes more and more,whereas Christian population becomes less and less every day.Once it was found that in one year,2500 people in Germany became Muslims and most of


them were doctors and professeurs,Chemists,Businessmen and Lawyers.The Holly prophet Muhammad(sal.) had said that the 1400’s(2000’s,according to Gregorian Calendar) will be the century of Muslims and that it is the last century of the world.He(sal.) said: “My community has an age of less than 1500 years.After a few years my community ends,the doom day comes!’’,according to Buhari(Words of the prophet book) recordings.

Another foolishness is from a few Muslim people in Turkey,who claim to be Muslim but do not perform daily prayers,do not fall prostrate down to Allah daily,which is the main duty of a person and the reason he/she was brought in the form of a real human from a drop of billions of sperms.My word is to that 1-2,or at most 5% illegal people in Turkey.They claim that there is no sex in Paradise but what Allah is talking about is something spiritual like seeing lights of Angels.This is because they do not even have a single knowledge about Islam,they are miserable,illegal donkeys.First of all,Qur’an does not tell about Paradise or Hell for an example of this world,what it tells is the reality itself.Because Qur’an is such a big miracle that whatever it says,it always become completely real,not something similar.Although Qur’an suggests that resurrection in the day of judgement will be completely physical with bones,same as in Earth life,how can they claim such things?Qur’an ayats about women waiting for Muslim men are very clear,that there is no comment needed.Both the Qur’an ayats and words of Prophet Muhammad(sal.) defines women in Paradise as “Very clear,very beautiful and sexy,transparent and vigid women who have never been touched by anyone before!’’,than how can they reject the Prophet and Qur’an ayats,and Allah’s infinite joyful gifts prepared for Muslims?They are becoming disbelievers by rejecting the existence of lots of sex in Paradise for muslim men,because what they are rejecting is Allah’s ayats and words of the Prophet(sal.).Prophet Solomon(a.s.) was a prophet,he had 1.000 wives in His palace.Prophet David(a.s.) was a prophet,he had 99 wives in His palace.The Holly prophet Muhammad(sal.) had 14 wives at total during all His life.If you see a big gift like sex Allah(c.c.) made for His servants as “immoral’’ or a situation which “to be embarassed’’ is needed,then it means you are claiming those prophets to be immoral.This makes you a big sinner.You must love and will sex if you are aMuslim believing in your Lord’s mercy.You don’t have true to say “My Allah!What you are giving and promising me for it in lifeafter as well as a gift seems to me as immoral!’’.Come on!Who are you?How can you be that brave to Allah,Lord of the universe?Of course you will wish women.If you do not wish women,you wish men,which is the real immorality.Such people want to hinder us from Heavenly pleasures,sex in Heaven,because they are the ones who has lots of sex secretly in this world.That is why they become afraid or embarrassed to want sex with billions of women living in Paradise,they know they are sinners and they want to take revenge from us that we obeyed the rules of our Lord.According to their thought,what would happen if someone dies without having sex?Do they think Allah as so non-merciful that He will never make His that servant taste sex?No,may Allah perish such illegal persons!Allah is saying to Muslims We will give you lots of women to have fun in lifeafter’’ in Qur’an,they are saying: “No!Allah will not give!There are no women in Paradise to meet your sexual desires!’’.Are the ones who claim this higher than Allah and they are claiming something against Allah’s rule!They are making Allah be angry to them.These are devils in the form of Human,because only devil both seems to be Muslim and brings rules against Islam.There are even 1213 year old girls,girls in puberty living and waiting for Muslim Men in Paradise as wifes as gifts from Allah(c.c.) to Muslim Men in Paradise,this has been told very clearly in the following ayat in Qur’an:


“Verily,for the pious believers of Islamic Monotheism who fear Allah much and love Allah much,there will be a success,gardens and vineyards of Paradise,and young full-breasted maidens of equal age,and a full cup of wine!...’’(78:31)

Allah(c.c.) promised Muslims to give them every kind of delights,whatever their minds,egos,their anomalous feelings wish to have in paradise.This is also very clear in some ayats of the sooras of Yasin,Rahman and some other sooras.All of these will be with their physical bodies as in this world-life,because resurrection in Islam is completely physical.Again we understand this from Qur’an ayats.In many ayats(verses),Allah says He will collect bones and particles,or He will create it from clay or from nothing again,and in this way He will resurruct animals,people,bacterias,viruses,plants,jinns(goblins) and all other beings for the day of judgement.

Another foolish question of these Hell-woods to the prophet Muhammad’s believers is the following: “You are saying that in Paradise there are wine rivers,is Paradise a pub?You are saying that there are hoors(fair,very beautiful women created for prophet Muhammad’s believers) in Paradise,is Paradise a brothel?’’.You stupid donkey!The person asking this question has no brain,he can not think.Paradise can neither be a brothel nor can be a pub.In pub,you drink just one bottle or glass of wine and you pay money for it,whereas in Paradise you drink from flowing wine rivers infinitely and do not pay for it,that is the difference,and as for the brothel subject,in brothel you pay,you have sex with one woman and that woman is the one who had sex many times with other men,whereas in Paradise you have sex with infinite number of women prepared by Allah for you without paying anything,and even one of that women has never had sex even once with anyone before!,that is the difference.Did you understand the difference and get the answer for your foolish question now?Stupid!.Such people ask many other silly,surpriseful questions to us,like: “Do you imagine thousands of bare women in Paradise while praying together in mosques or alone at home,or while fasting?’’,and we answer them by saying: “We perform our prayers only because they are the orders of our Lords,but obeying His orders cause us to have infinite delights in Paradise because He pays us because we worshipped Him.We can never pay Him,only He can pay us.God does not need our worshipping and prayers,but if we don’t do them,if we don’t obey God’s orders both we will lose those infinite delights in Paradise as a mercy of our Lord and we will enter the blazing Hellfire!’’.Lots of sex in Paradise forever is one of the biggest gifts of Allah for Muslim Men.One day a man from the believers of prophet Muhammad(sal.) came closer to him by running after his reading Qur’an.He was excited,because the ayats the prophet read were about very fair Women and joys of Muslim man with them in paradise.He asked to the prophet Muhammad(sal.): “The community of Paradise have sexual relationship,right?’’.By smiling,The holly prophet Muhammad(sal.) answered: “To each of them,a sexual power which is 70 times more violent than what has been given to you as sexual power now!’’.

Once a non-believer saw the prophet in the area of the war Muslims newly made,he took a sull and a few bones of a dead person who died in one of the wars Muslims and non-believers,people falling prostrate upon statues made.Then by showing them to the prophet Muhammad(sal.),he slowly left them on the ground by opening his hand,and the he said to the prophet: “Do you really believe


that Allah will resurruct these decayed bones?’’.The prophet answered: “Yes,He will resurruct you and will put you in the Hell!’’.

Of course our infinite merciful Lord Allah(c.c.) will give us infinite sex and many other infinite joyful delights until infinity in Paradise!He is the high One Who has never had or needed any delight,but gave to His servants and animals for a short period of time.We have a Qur’an and words of our Prophet(sal.) from the most trustful sources as prooves that there is lots of sex with undefined beautiful women in Paradaise until infinity.Have those who claim there is no sex in Paradise got any prooves for their claim?No!They are just deluding themselves.That miserables also know that they will just stair at us with salivas coming out from their tongues in sadnass as we will be busy having fun with our wives in Golden and Silver rooms of Paradise palaces and inside honey and wine rivers.They will say: “I wish I could also have been a believer of beautiful women in Paradise,even if I had gotten just one of them,she would be enough for me’’ by crying and seeing their beauty.May Allah show us,all Muslims that revenge day,that although some persons want us not to have sex they will not be able to stop us.Allah wants this to happen and He wrote it to His Holly book,lav-he-macbooz(name of that book which is bigger than our whole universe,it is like God’s daily) when tere was no anything besides Him.Who can stop Allah,the King of everything and the universe when He wills something happen?He is infinite powerful!.He is infinite arrogant and He is infinite proud of Himself.He is proud of both His being God of goodnesses and badnasses,He is proud that He willgive us women and many delights in Paradise and He will put Prophet Muhammad’s,His beloved one’s non-believers inside the blazing fire!He is a high King that whatever He said in His Holly book Qur’an,He will make it real!.

Another stupid question asked by stupid persons(you know,a stupid question can only be asked by a stupid person) is the following: “Is Paradise sex-centre of muslim Men?’’.The answer to them is: “Yes!It is the sex centre of believers,like Earth is the sex-centre of disbelievers.But it is not just the centre of sex!It is the centre of every delight in infinite amounts.That is what Paradise is!’’.If Allah,Lord of the Heavens and the ground created just one man on Earth and created the reat of 7 billion people as female for him,who could have stopped Allah,the God of galaxies?The foolish ones that we defined?No!Allah is all-knower,infinite powerful.Anything He wills to happen happens and whatever He wills not does not happen. NATURAL MEDICINE This is a short introduction for a new medicine and treatment booklet. People in our days are very much in need of this, because illness are increasing and it is becoming more and more impossible for physicians or scientists to find names, treatments or medicines to cure these illnesses. Simple illnesses have simple medicines, but during the development of mankind and the growing up of disobedience, the illnesses also started to be disobedient against the medicines and could not be cured anymore. By permission of Allah Almighty a very grave illness can also be defeated by simple medicine but the more mankind became disloyal and disobedient to Divine Laws, the more illnesses were impossible to cure, even the most simple ones. Nowadays you must use so many medicines for curing. Don’t believe that those medicines


and operations are of any use! If people were obedient servants, Allah Almighty could be able to give health and to take away that illness. As long as people think that medicines will take away illness, the illnesses will never go away. The heavy pressure of artificial medicines will make them sleepy or even to loose their consciousness. Then when the powerful medicine and poison is taken away, the bacteria and microbes awake and begin to rush and to eat the organs because Allah Almighty gives command: ‘Destroy!’ The reason for all of this is disobedience. These people never think that health comes from Allah, they think that health is a result of tablets, pills and operations. That is a big sin. Once I visited a doctor in Karachi, Pakistan. It was a simple clinic. Over the door was written a Holy Verse from the Holy Quran: ‘If I will be ill, my Lord will give me health.’ (26:80). That is a big warning and attention for everyone coming to a doctor. It is not correct to say: ‘This doctor doesn’t know anything.’ The cure doesn’t come from the doctor and from medicines, but from Allah. When people left this belief and left paradise, thousands and thousands of illnesses fell over them, even though there are only 360 organs. Some people come to me after having gone to so many doctors. They say, ‘No-one knows how to cure this illness!’ What I understand is that everyday new illnesses occur which not even professors know anything about. Partly very strange illnesses concerning: eyes, ears, tongue, brain, throat, heart, liver, lungs, stomach, kidney, bones, blood, nose….. In our days such a complexity comes out of our bodies. People get ill, feel ill, go to a physician, to laboratories, make x-rays, feel ill, go again and after having made a full check-up the doctors tell them: ‘There is nothing wrong.’ ‘But I am ill’ ‘Everything is alright’ ‘I feel ill’. That is another kind of punishment, to feel ill. There is no medicine, but they will get drugs to forget to make some parts of the brain not to function. The physician will feel obliged to give drugs and so, even though the patient is not ill, the doctor will poison him. Millions have this kind of illness. The last thing will be that the doctors say” ‘We must cut your head’. Then they touch the brain. This is the most difficult operations, no one should accept it. With heart operations it is the same: it is dangerous and hopeless. To use a knife is always harmful, but nowadays physicians mostly hurry up and cut. That is so difficult and so harmful. Without using a knife, there is a treatment for every illness, a natural medicine. It may take more time, but it has not side effects. We believe that there are many reasons for people to get ill. Some are physical reasons, some spiritual. And so, as believers, we do not accept that every illness only comes from a disease


and only has something to do with this life. It is also a heavenly reaction that affects people and makes them ill. All prophets advised their nations, their believers, their followers, to use charities as a protection against illnesses. It is not only in Islam that we say that charity gives you a shelter against illnesses. Every religion has declared through their prophets te importance of giving or doing charity. That is the reason that we are repeating the same orders like all the prophets were giving, including the last prophet, peace be upon him, and upon them. Charities must be done or given first. Before using any medicine, people must try to cure themselves by doing charity. That is why charity is so important. When we understand this, treatment is easy for believers. For unbelievers the cure is very difficult. The souls help the believers to be cured, but unbelievers have souls that are against themselves and these will never support them. So the cure of unbelievers will be longer and longer or may be even stay until the last moment of their lives. Believers, however, because their souls support and help them, can quickly be treated and cured. So the most important factor for the treatment and the cure of an illness is to give charity – ‘SADAQA’. It is the most terrible and most dangerous time for living people and for them to be safe against all unknown illnesses. As long as physicians and researchers are searching they will find more illnesses and more medicines and treatments against them. It will be impossible to make a limit. The number of illnesses and the number of treatments existing in our days have reached a climax. This makes physicians and scientists tired and they are coming to a point of becoming hopeless to be able to prevent the spreading of illnesses or to be able to control them. Therefore we are looking for some main medicine to treat mankind. First treatment of all for every ill person is: they must believe. Unbelief brings endless reasons of illnesses as a punishment. And so, as a first treatment for all mankind: It is the most important thing to believe in the existence of the Lord of the Universes. Secondly, mankind needs to accept advice. First of all from the Lord of Heavens, secondly from His Prophets and thirdly from the Friends of the Lord. If they not hearing and listening to the Heavenly Advices of Lord Almighty Allah, of His beloved Prophet Seyidina Mohammed, of all prophets and also not accepting advice from the other inheritors of prophets: the holy ones, the friends of Allah, they will suffer and there will be no more cure for them. Perhaps the treatment will even be a punishment for them. In our days nearly every treatment is through surgery and surgery is not a real treatment. It was not until this century that surgery started to be used in this exaggerated way. Today surgery is the most important treatment for illnesses. Perhaps 99% of the physicians want to use the knife of surgery and nothing else. They want to cut, to sew, to add, to destroy and nothing else! That is not treatment, it is a punishment. That is why we are saying: everyone must believe in the existence of the Lord of Heavens, must believe in the existence of the Creator of the whole universe and must believe in His Will


Power. They must also believe that the treatment of His servants only can come from His Will. Only if He is willing, can treatment come to the people, to ill people. If He does not want, only more punishment will come, not treatment. For this reason only a small percentage of the people have not had a knife cutting their body. That is one way in which this punishment reaches the whole world from East to West. Illness is a punishment for people living in our days. After getting that punishment, the treatment, which they are asking for is the next punishment, and he result of it is that they will be crippled. In our days every part of the body has been cut and opened and has suffered: head, heart, liver‌. Every part of the body has been touched by knives. All this is another punishment; it will not give the patient rest, never! It is not a treatment. With my give authority I am advising all mankind to hear and to listen to the words of the Lord. If they are not listening and obeying, that punishment will just rain on them every day and there will be no treatment and no medicine for them. There will be no happiness and no rest for their bodies or minds or for their hearts. This includes to listen to His beloved messenger Seyidina Mohammed, peace be upon him. Allah Almighty taught him every kind of treatment. Every illness is well known by the Seal of Prophets and he has been given heavenly knowledges concerning medicines and treatments for every kind of illness. We are advising to use some of these divine treatments, just simple medicines, natural medicines, because our bodies belong to nature and its cure can only come through natural medicines. Every artificial thing that grows in our days is against the nature of mankind. Therefore it must be stopped! Every artificial, synthetic medicine is against the nature of our structure and so it must be stopped. It harms and damages the structure of our bodies. People of the 20 century have lost their patience. Mankind has no more patience. They are asking for quick treatment, and treatment through natural medicine takes time, but mankind has no patience and ask for their pain and suffering to stop quickly. Therefore they want new artificial strong medicines and it is not important for them if they are damaging their bodies. Their only interest is to stop their pain and suffering quickly. An important advice for ill people: to be patient enough to use natural medicines. These natural medicines have been used through centuries since the beginning of life on earth. Mostly they have been taught to the people through heavenly knowledges, through prophets and messengers. It has been completed by the Seal of Prophets, Seyidina Mohammed, peace be upon him. Mankind must also try to keep their bodies safe. The way of doing this, is to keep everything away which harms our body. Everything which harms our physical body is mentioned in the heavenly messages, heavenly knowledges, heavenly advices and heavenly treatments. You must keep these rules and stay away from every damaging and harming thing which is written in the Holy Books and is prohibited by the Lord Almighty Allah. As long as you are going against these, you will be punished and have no treatment. Illnesses never come without a reason: either it is as a punishment to make that person to obey, or it is to demonstrate the treatment for others.And so, who drinks alcohol must be punished. All drinks that harm he body are prohibited and should not be drunk. Anyone who comes


against this and says, ‘Oh, just a little bit ..’ will be punished just a little bit. If a person drinks a little bit of poison he will suffer a little bit. If he takes more, he will suffer more. This is because prohibited things are poison, spiritually and physically. If anyone smokes, he must be punished. If only a little bit, he must be punished a little bit. If very much, the punishment will be very big. If a person eats pork and that which is prohibited of dead animals, it will harm his body he must be punished. If man and woman make illegal actions: once, twice, three times, something may attack her and him and they will be punished. Until people leave all these things that I am mentioning, they will be punished sooner or later. In the time of Prophet most of the people were ignorant and they were doing everything. Then Islam came, they accepted it and were cleaned by following the Lord’s command. And so, if anyone today is doing wrong out of ignorance and then say, ‘I am finishing this and now, my Lord, I am listening and obeying…..’, then the illnesses can be carried away by Divine Will without even using any medicine. That is the treatment for him or for her then, and it is alright. When unbelief, ‘Kufr’, is taken away, everything else that is bad is taken away too. But it must be well known that every prohibited thing brings illnesses, unknown illnesses, As in our days unknown illnesses are coming to us through homosexual people, and there is no medicine, no treatment, because it is against the Holy Command of the Lord of Heavens. If they find some cure, another hopeless illness will come, because the Creator creates so many bacteria and viruses, It is endless…. Therefore the first protection is not to put the body in front of danger. In the same way as someone who puts their hand on an electric wire also will feel the painful reaction. The parents of children born with illnesses are the ones being punished, not the children. If people take care, then they are protected. For these people it is easy to be treated. Simple! Even water, the source of life, gives them treatment and can be medicine. Allah created cold water and hot water. You may lie in cold water or in hot water on in mud and your body can be like renewed. You may drink some water and it can clean your inside. You may eat grapes and it will be like medicine. You may eat melon and it will give you strength. You may eat wheat and it will give you power. Everything that we are using as a grace or as a favour from Allah Almighty will at the same time be power and medicine for us. In that way, there is no need to look for other medicines because of he Lord of Heavens, the Lord of the children of Adam, created everything and gave a treatment for everything. Life power is in every food and likewise every food is a medicine. The only condition is to say, ‘In the name of Allah Who created this for his servants’ wealth and health; when eating or drinking. Use everything in His Name and it will be medicine and treatment for you. That is the only purpose for which the Lord created it. Not to be avoided by His servants. When you are going to important physicians or specialists who then say, ‘Don’t eat this, don’t touch that, don’t use that…’ That is not a treatment, it is a punishment because you were not using it in the name of the Lord that created it. And so Allah prevents you and as a


punishment the doctors will tell you: ‘Don’t eat sugar, don’t eat fruits, don’t eat meat, don’t touch butter, and don’t touch honey….’ Mankind must learn to come and declare their humbleness towards the Lord of Heavens. As long as they are not doing that, as long as they are not declaring their servant hood, they will be punished and nothing will give them any treatment or health even if they kill the whole world with medicines. The whole world can be filled with doctors and medicines and specialists and still it will be impossible to give mankind any health or rest or peace or satisfaction or take away their suffering and miseries. This must be wellknown. I am speaking to all mankind so that they may be warned by Heavenly Warnings. Everything that has been declared in this small booklet has been said with this condition. I hope for endless blessings by the Lord of Heavens for it to be useful for mankind. May Allah bless us and accept our excuse and grant us from His endless blessings so that we may believer and be good servants. Sheikh Nazim Al-Haqqani An-Naqshbandi- 1410/1989

ANAEMIA: Eat carrots coked with raisins and sugar. Every morning and evening for 40 days. ANGINA: Rub vinegar on neck and head in the morning and in the evening. Keep warm: wear woolen socks and woolen cap. APPENDICITIS: Grind barley and boil with milk. Put it on the appendix area of the body once or twice while still hot. Leave it there the whole day and the whole night. Drink milk boiled with 5 cloves (ground) and mixed with honey, while still hot. Morning, noon and evening one cup. ARTHRITIS: Boil sheet-trotters with plenty of water until it turns to jelly. Take some spoonfuls every morning before eating or drinking anything else. Repeat 40 days. ASTHMA: Take a handful of linseeds, ground them and boil with a Turkish tea glass filled with milk.


Put the mixture on a cloth and cover in front from neck to belly and in the back from neck to waist. Cover with wool and keep overnight. Repeat 3, 5 or 7 nights. And/or Take a raddish, mash it and mix one spoonful of it with one spoon of honey. Repeat once in the morning and once in the evening for 15 days. BEDWETTING: Take a big spoon of soapwort (Saponaria officinalis) mixed with sugar before going to bed. BEE-STING: Put vinegar with a piece of cotton wool on the sting. BLADDER+ KIDNEY INFECTION: Take 5 kilos of cucumber. Peel it. Take the skin and put it with 3 bunches of parsley into a pot with twice as much water. Let it boil. When half of the water is boiled off, sieve it and put the juice into the fridge. Drink one Turkish tea glass full every morning, noon and evening until the infection is gone. BLOOD-TRANSFUSION: Instead of doing a blood-transfusion clean your blood by drinking a soup of: bones-marrow with black pepper, ginger, cinnamon and cloves.

BLOOD-LOSS: Patience! Your body produces new blood by itself. Within 40 days the lost blood will be reproduced. Drink the same soup as in ‘Blood-transfusion’ and also sheep milk with honey. BRAIN-CONCUSSION: 1.

Don’t move and don’t touch it!


2. 3. 4. 5.

Pay sadaqa. Eat 21 raisins with seeds every morning. Every morning, noon and evening drink milk with honey, cold or warm. Never allow to have an operation done.

BURN: Put cold water and then olive-oil on the burn. CAESARIAN: I don’t believe that there are babies that don’t come out. The only problem is that we are impatient. The One Who has planted the foetus in the womb of the mother must also bring it out. But we are not patient people. Another reason for caesarians to be done a lot is that people any more for a caesarian than for a normal birth. I don’t believe that the doctors are doing it for the best of the mothers. I don’t believe that they are doing a good and a right thing. afternoon!” The mistake was, that Istanbul is too big a city to go and come like that, so in the afternoon when the pain increased, she had to be taken to another hospital that was nearer. In the private ward two other gynecologists had a look at her and said, “Oh, this is too much pain for her, her hands are already blue, which means it is dangerous. And the baby is upside down. The feet are at the bottom What can we do?”

The doctor-in-charge answered, ?If it is the wrong way around, you must do a caesarian.? And even though my daughter-in-law shouted that she didn?t want that, they did it. The first doctor that she had visited in the morning, said afterwards to me that everything had been alright and normal. Also that the head was lying take it should, not like the other doctors had said. This doctor who confirmed that everything had been normal all along was the one who had been examining her all the months of pregnancy, so he should know. So I don't believer doctors when it comes to deciding when to make a caesarian. They take money and cut. And their patients, who don?t know what is going on, how are they to decide whether it is dangerous for the mother, or not? I don't accept it. Sheikh Nazim. CANCER:Crush onion and drink egg-cut full of its juice every morning and evening. In the morning before eating or drinking anything else. Repeat for 40 days. CANCER IN THE THYROID GLAND: Repeat for 40 days: Every morning before eating or drinking anything else:Drink ? glass (Turkish tea-glass) full of the squeezed juice of an onion. CHILDREN WHO DON'T GROW:Pay sadaqa! Give them marrow-soup to eat and sheep milk to drink.


( “Sadaqa’’ means the money paid somewhere for help.In Islam,paying sadaqa is a very good deed.For instance,putting some money into a box to help cancerous people or to help the building of a school is “paying sadaqa’’.)

CHOLERA:Don?t eat or drink anything!Take Epson-salt to clean yourself inside. Then drink a small cup of kerosene in the morning. No food during one day and if possible also no drinking. If necessary, then drink the water of cooked unwashed rice. CHOLESTROL:The main reason for cholesterol is drinking wine. Wine collects the cholesterol in the blood like a magnet pulls iron together. Eat with every meal a salad with onion and vinegar. CUMPULSIVE-WASHING:A full body wash is enough 2 times a day. If more than that, then: Put your arms up to your elbows into a dustbin. Then cover face and head with the dirt of the dustbin. Leave it on the body for 10 minutes, then wash. CONSTIPATION:Boil 3-5 figs in water. Drink the water and eat the figs before going to sleep. COUGH / BRONCHITIS: Before going to sleep at night: 1. heat 3 table-spoons of olive-oil 2. drench a big piece of cotton-wool with the hot olive-oil 3.wrap it up in newspaper 4. put it on the chest while still hot. 5 cover with a woolen sweater and leave until morning. Repeat 10 nights: Also drink one cup four times a day of water and honey boiled with: ClovesCinnamonblack pepperginger or / and Boil one big spoon of corn flour with a cup of milk. Add sugar or honey and drink hot before sleeping.Cover your head preferably with wool. CROSS-EYEDNESS:Crush 3 cloves of garlic and mix with a spoon of honey. Eat every morning before eating or drinking anything else. Repeat for 40 days. If not gone, repeat for another 40 days. DEAFNESS DUE TO DIRT IN THE EARS:Put hot olive-oil in a syringe and put 3 drops into each ear. After 2 minutes clean with cotton wool. DEPRESSION:Visit hospitals, mental-houses and prisons regularly and your own depression will run away quickly. DIABETES:Drink tea made out of goose-grass (gallium aparine) several times a day. DIARRHOEA:Take one big spoon of finely ground coffee and mix it with lemon-juice. Once swallowed may be followed by a glass of water. No drinking or eating for several hours. DRUG ABUSE:(like alcohol, tobacco, heroin, cocaine?.) Condition is that the drug-abuser wants to stop and uses will-power to do so. Take a bottle of water. Pray the first sura of the Holy Quran:Fatiha 40 times. After each Fatiha blow into the bottle of water. Everytime when you feel an urge to use a drug, take a sip of the water instead. EAR-ACHE:Take ? small spoon of black seeds (Nigella Sativa) and fry them and smash them.


Then add olive oil, heat it and put 7 drops with a syringe into the ear every morning and evening until better. EPILEPSY:There are 2 main groups of epileptics: 1.Possessed by jinns. 2. Dysfunction of the brain. 1. If the attack is caused by jinns, it is useful to put a piece of iron on the back of the neck until the attack is over. Any iron may do: knife, spoon?. They should always wear a tawis covered in leather. Any Sura (verse from the Holy Quran) may be recited on them. 2. This is sometimes caused by babies falling on their heads and it then can happen that they bleed in the head and this blood clotted and damages the rest of the brain. These patients should be shaved on top of their head and cupped. Only the clotted blood should be taken, not the clean. Repeat 3 times. Then take cow-gall on a feather and put it on the same place. Mix butter and black seeds (nigella sativa), thick and put on top. Tie the head for 3 days changing the headband every 24 hours and putting new mixture on it. One treatment enough, insha? Allah?. FARSIGHTEDNESS: Crush 1 big or 3 small cloves of garlic and mix with honey (one teaspoon) and eat every morning before eating or drinking anything else. Pay sadaqa 40 days. FEAR: This belongs to your spiritual life 1.If you are non-believe you must start to believe, because no-one will give you peace except Allah. 2 If you are a believer you have no reason to fear if you never harmed any-body. If you did, or if you did a disliked action, you must stop it because the harm will come back as a boomerang to you. If you insist on being rebellious, your fear will stay. FIRST AID: 1.Tie the wounds so as to avoid blood-loss. 2. Keep warm. 3.Give fresh lemon juice or ayran (sour milk) to drink. GALLSTONES:Drink a Turkish coffee-cup full of raddish juice every evening and morning. Continue treatment for 15 ? 40 days. GIVING WIND: Drink tea of aniseed every morning, noon and evening. HAIR-LOSS:When washing your hair don?t use other shampoos, only olive-oil soap or laurel soap. After wash rub scalp with olive-oil. For women: when in public try to cover head to avoid evil-eye. HAY-FEVER: Every morning and evening: Put 3 drops of olive-oil into each nostril, Cover your head all times! HEAD-ACHE: There are so many reasons for head-aches. It is important to find out why. Sometimes another illness in the body causes it. If that is not the case, then the reason is the nervous system in the neck hurting. 1. massage head and neck 2 put a piece of material drenched in vinegar around your head. 3. cover your head 4. boil 15 big brown beans, drink the water and eat the beans. PREVENTING A HEART-ATTACK: A heart-attack is also a punishment for using our bodies without taking any care. The most harmful thing for the veins is smoking. Your veins never


forgive you for smoking, so: 1. Stop smoking. 2. Eat as much quinces as possible: marmalade, salad, tea of the buds?(prepared in any you like) 3. Don?t worry!

HEART PROBLEMS IN GENERAL: Put a medium sized onion in a tin filled with hot ashes and heat on fire until the onion is roasted. Eat first thing in the morning. 40 days. Also a healing method for cleaning up the body after mahy years of smoking. HEART-BURN: Every morning drink the juice of 2 turunges (wild oranges). If not available, then grapefruit juice. HEMORRHOIDS: Chew 10-12 juniper-berries first thing in the mornig without having eaten or drunk anything else. Then drink a glass of water. If you don?t have any teeth, then crush berries before taking. Repeat for 15 days. HERPES: Drink every morning for 10 days a glass of turunge (wild orange) or grapefruit-juice. HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE: (White cells in the old blood die all the time. The kidney cleans this. Sometimes when going into the veins, the blood clots?.) Have your shoulders and head cupped 2 times a year, preferably in spring and in autumn when it is not too hot or too cold. WEAK IMMUNE SYSTEM: Eat 21 raisins with seeds every morning and plenty of almonds. INSOMNIA: Never sleep between noon and sunset!


Don?t drink coffee or tea after sunset! Any time after sunset when you feel sleepy go to sleep at once. Respect your sleepy-ness, don? t fight it. After 40 days of taking these precautions your sleeping problem will be solved. Insha? Allah?. ISCHIATITIS: Heat salt and make 10 minutes massage. Then 10 minutes massage with olive-oil. Tie upper part of the body tightly with wool. Once daily before sleeping. KIDNEY-STONES: Take a whole thyme-plant with the roots. Remove the leaves, wash it. Put it into a boiling pot of water and take it off the fire. Leave the plant inside for one day. On the second day drink one glassful in the morning, at noon and in the evening. Continue treatment until the kidney feels at rest. LIVER+GALL STONES: Take a raw egg complete with shell. Wash it, put it in a cup filled with pure lemon juice and cover the cup. Leave overnight. In the morning the hard shell will be melted. Take the egg with the thin remaining skin carefully out of the cup and use it elsewhere. Drink the mixture of lemon juice and melted egg skin one or two days in a row without eating anything else. LOW BLOOD PRESSURE: Before eating or drinking anything else take 21 raisins in the morning. Better are raisins with seeds. 40 days. MALARIA: Take a big spoon of fluid quinine every day and cover the head with a cloth drenched in vinegar. MASSAGE:


When giving body-massages, heat crystal salt first, wrap into a piece of material and give the massage with it. MEASLES: Three times daily eat a big spoon of carob syrup. If not available, then apple-syrup. Best to only eat this during the illness. MENISCUS: Give massage of knee every morning and evening with a mixture of olive-oil and petroleum. Then cover with unwashed wool. 7 days. MORBUS CHRON/CHOLITIS ULCEROSA CHRON: 1. Roast, crush and mix 20-25 acorns and mix with one glass of honey. Take one tablespoonful every morning before eating or drinking anything else. 2. ?-1 hour later, mix stinging nettles (cooked like spinach) with cooked wheat, white beans and corn. Add sugar or salt, as you like. 3. Take a big spoon of olive-oil one hour before lunch. For 7 days don?t eat any meat, no butter, only vegetarian oil, best olive-oil. Better to eat only dry things. MOUTH INFECTION VIRUS: Fry 2 tea spoons of black seeds (nigella sativa). Then smash them and leave them in the mouth for 10-15 minutes. Repeat many times a day.

MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY: 1. Make a soup out of marrow and eat of it every morning, noon and evening. 2. Eat as many raisins as possible. 3. Crush and fry black seeds (Nigella Sativa) and mix with natural honey and take a spoonful every morning, noon and evening. 4. Pay sadaqa. MUMPS: Eat a big spoon of carob syrup every morning, noon and evening.


Rub the infected area several times a day with olive-oil. NAIL-BITING: Put fingertips in hot pepper. NEURODERMITIS: 1. Drink a table spoon of non-refined olive-oil every morning. 2. Take a bath every day. Afterwards rub your whole body first with lemon and then with olive oil. Continue treatment until illness disappears. NOSE-BLEEDING: Take the hard skin of almonds, roast in oven and crush to fine powder. Sniff! OVERWEIGHT: Every morning before eating or drinking anything else eat a salad with plenty of vinegar. One hour later eat and be careful not to mix carbohydrates with proteins. Best is just to eat of one kind. During the rest of the day, eat what you want. Continue this diet for 40 days. PARALYSIS: 1. Pay sadaqa 2. Give 3 times daily-morning, noon and evening a massage of 10-20 minutes with oliveoil. 3. Crush black seeds (Nigella sativa) and boil with water. Then mix with honey and drink as tea in the morning, noon and evening. PARODONTOSE: (teeth growing longer, severe gum-infection) Brush your gum several times a day with a miswag until it bleeds. Continue this treatment for three days. PELVIS-PAIN: Heat olive-oil and massage. PIMPLES:


Often a sign of maturity and urgency of getting married. Give massage of 5 minutes with olive-oil and leave overnight. Or Put a leech on each pimple and leave until sucked full when it will fall off by itself. PREGNANCY & ULTRASOUND: When a woman is pregnant, it is not even advisable for her to go to a doctor. No-one?s had should reach the foetus. It is so wrong and it is against the Divine Rules. When Allah Almighty begins to create and to complete the foetus, angels are working on it. They never want doctors to look at what is inside. They want it to be left as a trust. So don?t go. It is the most wrong thing to do to go to doctors every month. Nowadays most doctors are business-men and make everything as a business. No need for that! When it is clear that a woman is pregnant, don?t touch her there, don?t go every month to a control. In the old days we never had a control. No one! Only when the pains of birth came, we called a mid-wife who then said, ?Bismillah, irahman, irahim. Oh, my Lord, let your servant come!? That was all. I am against every control that the doctors are doing, and the ultra-sound is the most dangerous thing to do for the foetus. It cannot be accepted that the foetus does not get disturbed. Noone should disturb the foetus in its place. No! Therefore the children born, on whose foetus ultrasound was used, very often have some defects: the ultrasound that went through the eyes can make them blind, or through the ears make them deaf, or through the voice make them dumb? Altogether ultrasound is useless. Even for cancer. The doctors do not know how to find a medicine to cure cancer, so they are doing the ultra-sound for nothing. It is only good for them so that they can take more money. It is not a cure. Therefore, I am against ultrasound in general. Sheikh Nazim. PSORIASIS: Rub your skin two times daily first with lemon and then with olive-oil. RHEUMATISM: Mix the excrement of bees with yoghurt-whey until it is creamy. Then rub onto rheumatic place and cover with pure wool.


RUNNING NOSE: Boil eucalyptus leaves in water and inhale several times a day. SHOCK: Drink hot milk. SCHIZOPHRENICS: Eat Afghan grass ( a grass which is like heroin but does not give damage) daily and you will be healed in 40 days. SCORPION-BITE Put salt and saliva on the bite. SEA-SICKNES: 1. 2. 3.

Don?t eat! Lie down. Sniff an onion.

SHORT-SIGHTEDNES: Every morning before eating or drinking anything else: Eat 3 crushed cloves of garlic mixed with a spoon of honey. Repeat for 40 days. SKIN-CANCER: 1. Rub skin with cotton drenched in vinegar until it turns red. Particularly at night before sleeping. Leave overnight. 2. Try to go as little as possible into the sun. If it should be necessary, then cover your skin completely. Take special care of also covering your face. SMOKER?S LEG: 1. Every morning before eating or drinking anything else drink a full cup of crushed union juice. Repeat until it feels better. 2. Mix olive-oil and paraffin and give the part of the leg a strong massage for about 15 min.


3. Eat every morning, noon and evening: A salad with apple or grape, vinegar and oil. SNAKE-BITE: Suck it out and tie something firmly around it. Then put lemon or vinegar on top or put it in salty water until the pain goes. SORE THROAT/BEGINNING OF A COLD: Every morning, noon and evening: Take some hot water, squeeze lemon juice inside and gargle. Drink several times a day: Boiling water where you first squeeze in some lemon juice then also add the lemon skin and some honey. SPRAINED ANKLE: Chop an onion and place the small pieces on the sprained area. Tie a piece of material around it firmly and leave it there for several hours. In severe cases repeat many times until the swelling is gone. STAMMERING: Take the eggshell of a swallow and use as a cup. Drink water in it several times a day, saying, ?Bismillah, irhman, irahim? every time. STERILITY/INFERTILITY: Take 4 kg of dates and put them in a pot. Put twice as much water and let this boil until half is boiled off. Wait until cooled down. Squeeze through a piece of cloth and add to this juice 0.33 liters of carob-juice. Keep in fridge. Drink one Turkish tea glass full every morning and evening. STOMECH ? PAIN: Drink peppermint-tea. If hungry, then drink the water of boiled rice.


Or/and: Roast black seeds (Nigelle Sativa) Without any oil then mix with honey. Or: Take a big spoon of olive-oil and drink. SUNSTROKE: Wash head and body with cold water. GASHING AND BITING OF TEETH: (especially during sleep) Bite on a carob! TORN MUSCLE: For 4 days move the joint as little as possible. Give a strong massage with olive-oil 3 times a day, each massage for 10-15 minutes. Wrap the joint with an elastic bandage. STIFFNESS OF FINGERS WHEN WAKING UP: This is a sign of weak nerves, so: Every morning before eating or drinking anything else, eat 21 raisins (preferably with seeds). In the night before going to sleep rub your fingers in olive oil.

VAROCOSE VEINS: Don?t cut them, don?t have an operation done! Give a strong massage with olive-oil on them and the area surrounding for 10-15 minutes. Repeat every night for 40 nights. Pay sadaqa. VAGINAL PARASITE: 1 spoon honey mixed with ? spoon melted butter.


Eat while still hot every morning before drinking or eating anything else. 40 days. WATER IN THE LEGS: Put a leech on outer and inner ankle and leave them there until they fall off by themselves. WARTS: Have someone spiritually powerful recite on them pay sadaqa. WEAK MEMORY: Eat 21 raisins with seeds every morning and say ?Bismillah, irahman irahim!? with each one. YELLOW FEVER: 1. Squeeze lemons and mix with honey. Drink as a cold drink every morning, noon and evening as much as possible. 2. Pay sadaqa! 3. Eat rice with lemon. 4. Cover head and stomach with clothes drenched in vinegar.

COMMENTS/CLARIFICATIONS: ? Bismillah, irahman, irahim? (transcribed Arabic) ?In the name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the Compassionate.? The formula with which every deed should start. Miswag: A 4-6 inch long piece of wood, often a twig of the aracktree, or liquiorice-root which is used to clean teeth. Sadaqa: Charity, either as a donation or as a good deed. Tawis: A blessed amulette consisting of the 99 Holy Names of Allah, serving as a Protection. Turkish teaglsss/turkish coffeecup:


0.3 cups,0.775 pints,60 cl. The End

About kings: Kings are persons who are cleverer than everyone.For instance,as a proof of this,chess had been invented by a king.He had sent it to his another king friend as a gift.All kingdoms are miraculous.For instance,it had been noted that in the Ottaman Empire,the mad people had been being healed by being listened to some kinds of musics.Some kings had been given miraculous abilities in past.For instance,Ramses(fir’avn-the king of Egypt in the time of Prophet Moses(a.s.)) had been going to toilet only once in forty days,his body was burning what he ate and drank.That was why he claimed to be a god.But Allah(j.j.) had given that ability to him just in order to show the importance and loftiness of kingdom.After Prophet Moses(a.s.) showed him the miracle that his stick became an enormous dragon when he threw it,firavn started going to toilet 40 times per day,as a punishment from God because of his arrogance.

About people who believe life on Earh to be by chance: They are the most stupid beings among all creatures.By looking at a flash-disk and the particle of a computer for that flash-disk,you understand that there is a designer who made them for each other.If a key is not suitable for a key hole,you can not open that door with that key.You understand that there is a designer for the key and the key hole,so that you can insert the key and open the door.Same for penice and vajina.Their structures are even more complex then the structures of the key-key hole and the flash disk-computer.How does an Atheist not understand that there is a designer for such a shape design suitable for each other when he/she makes sexual recombination?Whenever we see an art or any other design,we understand there is a designer for it.The shape of a penice openly says: “I am a design!’’.Legs or chests of a lady openly says: “I am a design!’’.The bare vision of a woman body openly says: “I am a design!’’.As the same,a statue says: “I am a design!’’.Is it possible for humans to be a design and to have designed sexual organs but not to have a designer for them?No way!How an illogical belief is that?If Darwin had thought that in this way,he would have never claimed a human to be evolved from simple bacterias in time by chances and mutations.Can the shape of a penice exist by chances?Even a single dot a person puts on a sheet of paper with his/her pen can not exist by chance.Even for the existence of that single dot,3 things are necessary: mind,hand and pen.(without mind,human can not move his/her hand).Has someone ever seen a dot existing on a sheet of paper by chance?Never!So how can we think the infinite complex systems of the cells including computer-like macines and technical organelles such as Golgi body and the universe and the solar systems and beautiful nebulas can exist by chances itself,although a single dot can not exist with a pen,hand and a mind?Even our emotions are miracles that people don’t realise,because the atoms that make us and our brain signals,neurons do not carry emotions,they are just mechanical robots doing what they have been ordered to do so.A stupid person may ask: “If nature works that much miraculous,why I can’t see overnature things such as flying on air and passing through the solids?’’.Even if he had such abilities,in time he will define them as “normal’’ also.He/she will see it like “breathing’’ in time,not like a miraculous thing.


The code of knowledge: The Arabic letters “Aleaf.Lum.Meem’’ are the codes for every knowledge and they open the door of understanding.If a student says “Aleaf.Lum.Meem’’ during the exam,he/she can easily remember what he/she wants to remember.If the student writes the letters “Aleaf.Lum.Meem’’ on the first page of the exam paper before he/she starts,his/her exam will be very good,much better than usual because when this happens,knowledges that may help him/her remember and think much better come to his/her mind from the Divine Presence.But he/she should write the letters “Aleaf.Lum.Meem’’ on top of the exam page himself/herself,he/she shouldn’t stick a ready-written form of these letters on the exam paper.When he/she puts the letters,he/she should take the letters into a circle and than start the exam.He/she should write them from right to left,as shown below:

‫الﻢ‬ About prophet Moses:

The following is from the life of the prophet Moses(a.s.), told by Allah(j.j.) in Qur’an:

Prophet Moses were asking Allah(j.j.) to show him His vision so much during all his life, Allah(j.j.) was not accepting and telling him that only the follower saints of the holly prophet Muhammad(sal.) are given the ability of seeing their Lord while living on Earth, while the saints and the prophets of other nations will not even see Him on the grave but they will see on the day of judgement when they go to Paradise.Allah(j.j.) told prophet Moses(a.s.) that this is due to the holly prophet Muhammad’s very high rank, Allah(j.j.) told him the holly prophet Muhammad(sal.) was the highest being after Himself.Finally,Prophet Moses begged Allah to show Himself to Moses by crying.No sooner had Allah(j.j.) showed him a very little part of His beauty vision, prophet Moses had a shock and got fainted from the first second of visualising Allah(j.j.) because of infinite delight.When he was awake,he understood that his eyes and heart were not suitable,they could not take seeing the beauty of Allah. Since then, none of the gifts on Earth or the beauty of any woman did not affect prophet Moses(a.s.). A description of Islamic Hell: Hell is not a place which just consists of a blazing fire in Islam. Whatever Paradise is, Hell is its contrast. There are discusting and very evil torments, freezing cold , gray-skinned crocodiles, enourmous dragons, bursting-bomb torments , very large piton snakes and very frightening insects who bite and eat the brain of Hell’s dwellers in Hell. It is narrated by some Shayhs that it has temperatures starting from 7000 degrees celcius and reaching up to 700 billion, or starting from -7000 and reaching up to 700 billion. For those who made too evil and cursed sins such as raping or teasing someone, a father’s raping or teasing his own daughter or another kids, or raping a pregnant woman, even this temperature will not be kept constant and it will be increased 70 billion times more per second and they can noteven breathe there.The dwellers of Hell are beaten up with very hard iron


cudgels by the demons and deputy angels of Hell. Their skins are renewed by the blazing fire and the fire burns them again and again. There are punishments such as wearing shoes and clothes made from blazing red-lavas, being forced to swim into the burning volcanos, staying underwater and suffering because of not being able to breathe.A big sin made althouth the sinner knew it was forbidden by God’s holly books, such as performing adultery will make the sinner stay and suffer in Hell at least for 2000 years. There are some angels torturing disbelievers and immoral people by squeezing their throats.Every time the dwellers of the Hell ask forgiveness or to be saved from Hellfire, Allah(j.j.) sends a bigger tormenton them. Qur’an describes the position of the Hell community very well.The biggest Hell torment is for Muslims who are wahhabies. Thay don’t believe in saints, they don’t respect to the prophets and they believe that God has a body and organs, which is as ugly as saying “God has a son!” like Cristians.

Why Jews will go to Hell and stay there forever: Jews claim God made the universe in 6 days(steps) and He got tired and had rest on the 7th day. (the unenderlined part of the belief is true, also told in Qur’an.) .They claim God ordered people to leave working and to have rest on the 7th day, which is Saturday according to Jews.This is a very ugly belief and a non-suitable position for God, Who has infinite power. Also Jews believe that Jesus was not a prophet came after Moses but they believe that he was the God Himself who came on Earth in the form of a human to save people from sins.

Oh reader,these were all knowledges I was ordered by my Shayh spiritually(with meditation) to transport to people by writing this book,to show them the true way of everything without leaving a question mark in their minds and to invite them to infinite delight and peace oceans starting from the Earth life.May Allah forgive me and bless all people and humanity.Amin.Al-fatiha. THE COLLAPSE OF DARWINISM: THERE IS NOTHING CALLED “EVOLUTION’’! Learn scientific facts of creation: Although most people think Evolution Theory is a scientific reality,it has been hold until today just for political incomes of great nations such as U.S.A and for making people believe in materialism,although this caused too much terrorism and the excistence of many murderers in all over the world.Because of the belief that some people have lower true to survive,such as black people in Africa,was their only chance to make them slaves.The belief that black people in Africa could not have evolved with chimpanzees completely was their only chance to be able to behave them like they were animals,so that people would not be against them,thinking this was a scientific reality.Because they believed “The one’s feeling to defeat the less powerful one is the natural feeling of living beings,it is in their nature’’,noone was going to be against them.Still the theory makes the work of great nations to invade others easier.It is also the source of Atheism and Matterialism.Evolution Theory was the reason why millions of people lost their lives,because the dictators such as Hitler,Lenin believed the Evolution Theory and that it was needed not to help the poor people and it was necessary to kill people who have less powers than others.Still that stupid Theory takes place in


Biology books as a Scientific reality,although its even one basic claim could not have been proved for 150 years and although the certain fact of creation has been proved by Quantum Physicis.I will very clearly explain why Biology Professeurs who defence evolution theory are deluding people. For instance,the 7 editions of “International Edition Biology’’ by Campbell and Reece have been used at most in all over the world.Campbell/Reece books are used by over 600,000 students today in all over the world.So,I am going to quote some of their writings in the last edition(7 th edition) of the book and I am going to quote some of his book and I am going to proove them either to be false or a dellusion by giving real evidences of Science.Because I give prooves everything I say unlike them,my work carries the property of being uncollapsed.Either Neil and Reece did not know about many scientific foundations of Modernbiology or Paleontological researches done while publishing their non-scientific delusions or they decided to deceive people in the name of Darwin.Then,you will see who are lecuring us in the names of “Professeur’’ and “Biology’’.First,have a look at page 436,an interwiev done with Dr.Kaneshiro.Campbell (he is dead-May God increase his torment in Hell) was asking questions based on Evolutionary Biology,and he was answering.The interview is full of lots of lies of Dr.Kaneshiro.For instance,have a look at the following question and Dr.Kaneshiro’s answer to it: Campbell: According to a model known as the “Kaneshiro Hypothesis’’,changes in such mating behaviour played a key role in the role in the origion of Hawaiian Drosophilia Species,especially in the early stages of speciation.What’s the basic idea? (As you see,the hypothesis is Kaneshiro’s own Hypothesis,it is clear it could be a dellusion,and it is) Dr.Kaneshiro’s answer: “Shifts in mating behaviour can occur in a small population after a founding event.Say you have a population of flies on Kauai,the oldest island.Then Oahu pops up,and a fertilized female happens to make it there.She may found a new population on Oahu by producing a few hundred offspring.The males will vary in their ability to perform the species’ original courtship rituals.But in such a small population,females who are very choosy will have less opportunity to reproduce than less choosy females,who will encounter more mates they are willing to accept.So,selection favors fresh combinations of genes that combine adaptations to the new environment along with less rigid mating behaviour than in the “parent’’ species back on Kauai.That would explain why mating behaviour is typically the most complex in the oldest drosophilia species.I think such shifts in mating behaviour have been very important in the evolution of the Hawaiian Drosophilia,and probably in many other groups of organisms as well’’. Aren’t evolutionarists understanding that there is no need to different species to make more different species?There were probabilities for the existence of blue eyed babies even if everyone on Earth was brown eyed.There is no need for genes to be mixed up to create new colours.The offspring a couple gives might be very black even if both of the couples are black even if both of the couples are black.It is not observed oftenly because probability is low,but if the couple had hundreds,thousands of children,some of them would be observed oftenly because probability is low,but if the couple had hundreds,thousands of children,some of them would be observed to be very black.This is because genetic information of being black is already inside the DNAs of couples.One of the couple does not need to marry a black is already inside the DNAs of couples.One of the couple does not need to marry a black human to have a black baby.This increases the chance very much,but it


is not a condition for the probability of having a black baby.This increases the chance very much,but it is not a condition for a condition for the probability of having a black baby.Even if all of the first people living on Earth had had black-hair and green-eyes,yet it would be the same result when they came today.All people have same genes,but it is important from which side of DNA chain they are activated by the opening of double-helix structure of DNA.So,drosophilia might produce to many variations with just a few types as well.There is no need for selection.Everything these foolishpeople define as “evolution’’.If they see combination of one black,vestigal winged fly mating a gray,short winged fly and the offsprings becomeone gray,vestigal winged and one black,short winged fly,they say: “It’s an evolution!New species have been created!’’.Gene flow’s determination of species is a property of genes since the first species of the Earth.Why they show colour and wings of new species as evolution?They are not becoming a different specie. The lie of evolution of the Guppies and killifish pools: On page 447 of the book,there is an unbelievable scientific dellusion.It is said that Reznick and Endler transplanted guppies from pike-cichlid pools to killifish pools and meausured the average age and size of guppies at maturity over an 11-year period(30 to 60 generations),and after 11-years,the average size and age at majority of guppies in the transplanted populations increased compared to those of guppies in control populations increased compared to those of guppies in control populations.And they call this as an evolutionary adaptation.This is very funny!It is the same as saying “My grandson lives in a palace,he has been feeding better than me for 11 years,and he is heavier than me and he will live more than me!’’,because the reason for guppies’ being heavier and larger at sexual maturity is that at the place Rezmic and Endler did the experiment,killifish pools take more water flow than pike-cichlid pools,so this caused the Oxygen amount in water to be more ,so guppies were able to make more fresh respiration.This caused their gills to take more Oxygen and their bodies develop more in time.Furthermore,because of more water flow,the food little fish for guppies were more in amount as well,causing guppies to feed better.If they had put the guppies in a river instead of pools,they would have gone gotten even higherresults age and weight.Even this little thing they call as “Evolution’’.This actually shows how miserable evolutionarists waiting to observe an evolutionary change are.This thing about “guppies’’ show how a foolish theory evolution is,it is so unreal that they don’t have evidences for the main ideas of the theory even and so they are working to show such child toys as prooves. “Evolutionary adaptation’’ is not a lifeful need for species and it is just a story and imagination: Very often,evolutionarists claim that species can change in colour and change in time depending on the environment they live.This is completely false and impossible.Evolutionarists still believe in the theory of “Spontanous generation’’,which is thousands of years old.It suggests that living beings can easily come on to be from matter(non-living things) easily,such as the belief chance,and that the vision of that being would become the same vision as that bog.However,this is an old and invalid theory,although illegal scientists who are aware of science.Campbell and Reece books are still trying to prove it.The examples they give in their book are not scientific,they are delusions.I will show and explain them.First of all,they should know that even in Pasteur’s time,the science prooved completely that there is no way for living species to come on to be from non-living matters.Scientists even today can not make even simple organisms in 21st century öodern labs.Are the evolutionarists waiting for nature to do what 21st century modified labs can not do by using mutation experiments?Their only evidence for matter to create living species is seen to be Miller-Urer experiment done in year


1953,which is not too.The experiment told on page 513 according to the recordings of Reece and Campbell are the following: Experiment: Miller and Urey set up a closed system in their laboratory to stimulate conditions thought to have existed on early Earth.A warmed flask of water simulated the primeval sea.The strongly reducing “atmosphere’’ in the system consisted of hydrogen(H ),methane(CH ),ammonia(NH ),and water vapour.Sparks were discharged in the synthetic atmosphere to mimic lighting.A condenser cooled the atmosphere,raining water and dissolve compounds into the miniature sea. Results: As material circulated though the apparatus,Miller and Urey periodically collected samples for analysis.They also found many other amino acids and complex,oil hydrocarbons. Conclusions: Organic molecules,at first step in the origin of life,can form in a strongly reducing atmosphere. Unlike Campbell and Reece noted down,the conclusion of this experiment was not that organic molecules could form in a strongly reducing atmosphere.This had been thought to be the collusion at first,but then by the research of other scientists on the experiment,it was understood that the simple organisms were already inside the water and they just came out to be observed after the experiment,any bacterias and microorganisms can naturally be found on water and everywhere.Furthermore,it was understood after the observation of the experiment that the gases Miller and Urey used were completely different from the primitive gases of the newly-existing atmosphere.These informations can be found from online easily.Why Campbell and Reece are keeping these details of the experiment as a secret?Because they don’t want people to learn that Miller-Urey experiment was actually not successful to create living organisms.Miller and Urey just created organic molecules,which consist of some amino acids.Amino acid is not a living organism,it is just basic units,building blocks of proteins that join together to form a specie.Even if they bring billions of amino acids in different tubes and then mix all the samples together,yet they wil not be able to form a specie.How can a person claim that this experiment is a proof that the existence of living organisms from non-living matter would be possible?Campbell and Reece also know it is not,but these are all delusions of evolutionarists to make people living species came on to be by chance,to make people believe in materialist philosophy,Atheism,which has only one support to be believed:Evolution Theory,the only support of Atheism.Suggestion and brain-wash are the only ways of evolutionarists to make people believe in evolution,because they neither have even one proof for it nor there is even one transtitional fossil,what they call some fossils as “transitional fossils’’ are counterfeit done by assembling methods.For instance,assembling crocodile legs to a big fish type such as Colechant,to make people believe that in time some fish had feet while trying to get out of sea and they had been changed into amphibians,crocodiles in time,although they also know the livers and metabolisms of amphibians and fish are so different from each other and the liver,skins,intestines and gills of fish are so suitable for water that once a fish gets out of water,it can not even breathe.How can they evolve in millions of years if they immediately die when they get out of water?Not only any evidences,evolution theory does not even have any logic as well.


The forgeries and the lie of “Evolutionary adaptation’’ from Campbell and Reece: As I said and gave reasons,life on Earth did not come on by chance,but it has a creator,a God,God of all the universe and everything inside it,as Bigbang and Quantum theory of atom also completely prooved this fact in Modernphysics.As we know,most Biology books show “evolutionary adaptation’’ as a lifeful need,like if it does not exist,living beings can not survive.We just laugh at them!Campbell and Reece are saying some species changed in time by showing adaptation to their environment.This is completely lie,and evolutionary adaptation is not a common lifeful need for species.It is not needed for one being even.I will explain the reason scientifically. Look at page 3 of the book.You will see Campbell and Reece are showing a seahorse picture camouflaging himself in his environment.Campbell and Reece are claiming such species evolve in time depending on their nature.Same example has been given for a flower mantid and a stick mantid on page 446.C Camouflage is not an example of evolutionary adaptation,because it is a property of camouflaging species since the first time of the Earth,it is not an ability won later on.For instance,octopus and chameleon can change in colour and take colour of anything they land on.It had been thought to be adaptation at first,but than Modernscience of 20th century prooved by observing octopus and chameleon tissues under microscope that it was the hormones,genetic information in proteins of octopuses and chameleons and their existence on Earth was not possible on Earth without that proteins,which means even if everthing on Earth was white or any other colour,yet the octopuses and chameleons could have had the ability in colour.Furthermore,it has also been observed that octopuses change in colour while swimming without landing on anything.So,all such species having ability to be seen in the design of their environment is due to their creation,not evolution.Furhermore,it was found by microscopy and many other experiments on octopus and chameleons that first their existence in a simpler form and than in time winning the ability of developing proteins which carries the information of “changing in colour’’ is impossible,because that proteins of chameleon and octopus are connected to their other main proteins,cells,which means an octopus or a chameleon existed not one by one in levels,but it happened in one moment as a whole,which again prooves the fact of creation. Camouflage is not an evolutionary adaptation like Campbell and Reece,and many other stupid Biology professeurs who even do not have any knowledge about modern Microbiology think and claim,it is God’s artistry in nature.Suppose you drew a picture of a design containing thick zig-zag lines on the inner parts of a huge box from board.And let’s say you painted zig-zag linesin yellow and the the remaining inner parts of the box as blue,and same you did to the rest 3 inner parts of the box and to the bottom part of the box.Than,you replaced the box in your garden for sunlight,you put some clay inside the box by filling up all the inner bottom part of it,than you planted some algae and yeasts by watering the box up to its top,you placed some organic molecules similar to the ones used in Miller-Urey experiment,then you replaced some various kinds of fish inside the box,so the box contains some living species now.How many years are you going to wait for a new specie to exist or some already-existent fish inside the box to be changed in the form of a yallow zig-zeg lined and blue skinned vision?Let me give the answer:Until infinity.Evolutionarists illegally say it might happen in millions of years,it never happens,such a specie will not be produced.A living body does not have a metabolism to make camouflage or any other proteins itself,the existence chance of even a single protein molecule by chance is 10 ,which means putting 40.000 digits of zeros to the right side of number 10.What about the rest 100.000 protein molecules in just one DNA molecule and owhat about


other billions of DNA molecules than?Even a single dot on a paper is not by chance,it means someone put that dot by using a pen,than how are some foolish people still not believing in the existence of a creator,an infinite powerful God?While a dot is not a chance,how they can wait for even a single cell of a living being which is more complex and perfect than New-York city to happen itself?If you see a picture including a design such as a man,woman or a table,child,mountain picture or you see a statue,you ask who made it.Even when you see two bricks overlapped each other while walking on road,you ask “Who put them over each other?’’.Now can Atheists call all these perfect design of cells,the world inside it,golgi body which repairs organelles and other perfect organnels of the cell,beauty in nature,perfect-designed galaxies,beautiful big-red mushroom flowers as a chance or evolution?If they can,I am inviting them to see some galaxy and nebula,star visions ,and I invite them to think again whether there is a prefect designer,a very successful artist Who made them or not? Life on Earth is so complex that it collapses the theory of evolution.All cell proteins of these perfect beings must have been occurred at the same time in one moment for the organism’s being alive. (In order to feed their babies,pingus walk for 1 month to bring fish to their babies by carrying it in their throat and without swallowing it for months for their babies although they are hungry themselves.Same thing they do for milk and their babies drink milk from the throut of their parents.An example of very miracleous mercy and love in nature,which denies the claim of the evolution theory saying: “You must be wild to survive in nature and nature is based on killing others!’’.) Matter is a cause neither for evolution nor for the existence of a living being.Living species can never be formed from non-living matter.Even a single virus can not,which is a half-living and halfnon-living thing.If it could have occurred in nature by chance,scientists would have been able to make it in technical works in modern labs of 20th and 21st century.There is nothing called “evolution’’.Species never changed since the first time life had existed on Earth.I will explain these in the following pages more clearly. Another fault of evolutionarists was that they called “natural selection’’ as an evolutionary mechanism.Natural selection means,:for instance,a deer who is more able to run fast in a herd to escape from a lion will be able to survive,so in time the feetshapeof fast- running deers will change.This is so foolish,because natural selection just eliminates the powerless,disabled deers and make the deer herd more powerful,so same way many deers always keep running faster during all generations and the already-existent deer model forever neither disappears nor experiences any change.When the evolutionarists had realized that natural selection has nothing to do with evolution and it is not an evolutionary mechanism,they added a new term to their theory to find a way for evolution Before that,their formula was “EVOLUTION=NATURAL SELECTION’’.After that,they changed their dreamful formula of evolution into “EVOLUTION=NATURAL SELECTION+MUTATION’’. Neither natural selection nor sexual recombination is an evolutionary mechanism.They are all lies. -For a video which is a very good summary of all these things and which is half an hour and in English,go on google and search for “The collapse of Darwinism’’.You will see the same title on the opening page.Click on it,and watch the film by clicking on the thing written “enter’’.


-This you may find very amazing.Go on google and search for “Atlas of creation’’ and see millions of fossils which did not change any in 100-500 million years.All are fossils from cambrien times which newly came out.They were found in 20th century,but evolutionarists kept them as secret,they did not want people to learn about them.In those times,they also took many Biologists,Scientists,and teachers from their work because they were against evolution theory.Some students were taken from school because they did not defence evolution in exams. -Go on google and search for “The collapse of the theory of evolution in 20 questions’’. -To learn more about evolution deceits,visit the site “’’. -The main site of all the links above is You can read the informations and books in the site in every language by choosing “languages’’ from the top right of the page. THE STORY OF “HUMAN EVOLUTION’’ AND DELLUSIONS FROM PALEONTOLOGISTS,MATERIALISTS AND CAMPBELL AND REECE: On page 701 of the book,many unbelievable scientific delusions followed each other,these continued during all the chapter.The writing starts as following: In our tour of Earth’s biodiversity,we come at last to our own species,Homo sapiens,which is about 160,000 years old.When you consider life has existed on Earth for at least 3.5 billion years,we are clearly evolutionary newcomers. Even this sentence proves how miserable evolutionarists are.It means Campbell and Reece have no any proof besides the description above.First of all,Human’s existence a long time after life’s existence on Earth does not mean we evolved.Maybe we came from another planet in a way,how can you know?If you have no prooves for something,you can not make it scientific according to your own logic. On page 701 of the book again,there is a title “Derived Characters of Humans’’.The last sentence of the first pharagraph says: “Although the two genomes are 99% identical,a disparity of 1% can translate into a larger number of differences in a genome that contains 3 billion base pairs.’’. First of all,chimpanzees-Human genes’ being 99% similar is a classical evolution deceit since 20th century and it is completely lie.In order to understand the similarity between human and any other animal completely,at first we need to know DNA genetic map of the two species.However,in our daily life,only human genome map has been understood.The reason they said 99% is the following:there are 100.000 protein molecules in one DNA molecule.40 of them in chimpanzee genes were found to be similar to Human proteins.Nothing can be understood just by studying the similarity of 40 proteins.These proteins are not even the same,they are just similar.Such games like “rat’s DNA is 92% similar to Human gene’’ are all played by this dellusion method by evolutionarist scientists,and then miserable illegal donkeys who read this from the newspaper or a journal,or a Biology book for students believe in evolution immediately.How will they make people believe in the story that all living beings started life as a simple bacteria and then evolved in time with mutaions unless they say “DNA of rats,or other animals are 90% similar to human gene?’’.Why people are easily believing in such delusions just because Biologists say it?Bacterias are everywhere,on table,in


and on our body,billions of bacterias everywhere.Who observed that even one bacteria changed into another specie,animal,fish during the last thousands of years?I am asking :Who and when?Noone and never.Because it is story,it is not fact,it is not possible.With mutations the gene of bacteria changes,but it still remains as bacteria always.With mutations,it is impossible for single-celled organisms to have organnels such as eye,ear.Why people who believe in this story do not use their logic a little bit? Another classical dellusion from Campbell and Reece: “Human were hominids in past’’: On page 702 of the book,there is a table showing timeline for some hominid species.Unbelievable scientific delusions followed each other here to make students believe in evolution just by the way of suggestion.I really do not understand why such people we call “scientists’’ love Darwin so much that they can betray both Science and Humanity in the name of Matterialism.First of all,what they call as “Homo neanderthalensis’’ has no any difference from Homo sapiens(modern human).They show such 160.000 years old skulls as a different model,there is no difference but there are some splits on such skull because of the ground pressure of mountainous regions for long years.Furthermore,what they call as “Homo ergaster’’, “Homo erectus’’ and “Homo Sapiens’’ all lived at the same times.A fossil found in Kenya by an American scientist also showed that Homo habilis(supposedly “halfmonkey-half human’’ transitional fossils.In fact,just a monkey specie whose generation had ended millions of years ago) had lived in the same time with homo ergaster.There is no difference in homo ergaster,homo erectus and homo sapiens besides the width of forehead and some bone projecting parts.However,similar differences among skulls which belong to different nations contain completely the same differences today.For instance,if you open the skull of a Chineese,an African and a European,you can observe that what you call “Homo Ergaster’’ is the skull of the African,what you call “Homo erectus’’ is the skull of Chineese and what you call “Homo Sapiens’’ is the skull of European.Homo Neanderthals are the ones who mostly lived in caves,that is why their fossils remained under stones and at the end of long years,the skulls of their fossils differed a bit because of their splitting due to pressure.Besides these three,what Campbell and Reece are showing as “the old forms of Human in past’’ are just the monkey species whose ganaration all ended in past.They call “Homo erectus’’ and “Homo ergaster’’ to be 2-2.5 million years old in their timeline table,however,3.5 million year-old Homo Sapiens fossil has been found in Ethiopia. So,this fossil also collapses the claim that “Lucy skeleton’’(see page 703 of Campbell’s book) was a monkey-human transitional fossil.Furthermore,after a few years Lucy was discovered,an evolutionarist Paleontologist lady confessed herself that it was not a transitional fossil which walked by creeping but that it was the same as Homo sapiens fossils.Because homo erectus and homo ergaster was found to have a smaller brain than homo sapiens,it has been said they had a lower intelligence,and their brains developed in time.This is completely lie again.Today,we have people having very small head which means their brain volume is smaller as well,but some of them seems to have lower IQ than a normal sized-head,and some seems to have higher.Brain size has nothing to do with intelligence. The war strategies done,Stonehenge,Pyramids,deep maths knowledge of ancient Egyptians(2500 years old-Before Jesus),Mimar-Sinan buildings which can not be made by technology today can never be explained as people who lived in past had lower intelligence.Of course they did not,they were very much more cleverer than us.Nor they started thinking and speaking in time,but it has been discovered from throat-bone structure of homo ergaster and the most ancient human fossils that they were used


to speak since first human.The ancient picures found in caves does not mean they mentioned what they wanted to say by drawing because of their not being able to speak,but the pictures just show their love for arts.The willing to “draw’’ comes out when a human is just 3-years old.It has nothing to do with conversation. On page 703 of the book,we see a picture of primates(apes) for reconstruction of what we looked like in past,and on page 705 of the book,we see areconstruction of a 1.7-million year old Homo ergaster as a primitive-faced stupid-looking man.This is how they deceived people for 150 years,just by hypnosing people’s underknowledge by showing that arts as it is the reality.Suggestion is their main method to make people evolution-belivers.the vision and skin type,colour of a person can never be understood by studying his/her bone,skull and skeleton structure.There are various kinds of pictures reconstructed for one skeleton.Evolutionarists are just deluding themselves.

LIE OF “BIRD EVOLUTION’’: At some parts of the book,we again see an illogical-classical evolutionarist claim:that all birds including chicken and rooster evolved from dinasours.This is impossible.Birds are mammiferious and hot-blooded,while amphibians are cold-blooded and they are not mammiferious.Birds have feathered skin and wings while amphibians do not have wings and they have hard and squared skin.The aerodynamic structure of bird wings can never be explained by evolution. Furthermore,there is no way for ay being to have a chance to be evolved from dinasours,because dinasours all died and became petrol underground in time when a meteorite stroke Earth.It has been discovered that there was no chance for even a simple bacteria to stay alive that time,because the Earth was found tobe moved away from its orbit and it was frozen.That was how the ice age took place on Earth.Then life existed on Earth again by Earth’s coming back to its orbit,by God’s permission of course. Now,there are some academical researchers who says: “We have discovered that chicken is nearer to T-rex(a dinasour kind) than crockodile.We studied chicken’s 89 amino acids to proove it evolved from T-rex.So,we prooved that birds evolved from dinasours!’’.They are just making themselves funny and trying to delude illegal people with such child-toy delusions show how miserable evolutionarists are.89 amino acids is nothing in an amino-acid chain.100 thousands of amino acids are needed for the production of just one protein and there are 100.000 protein molecules in one DNA molecules.89 amino acids is not even 1/1000 of amino acids,the ratio is smaller.And it is said just


“similar’’,not the same.If they are trying to make people believe in evolution in this way,this makes evolution even more funny. Here are some millions of years old skulls and fossils which collapse evolution theory completely:( and google:the atlas of creation)

A description of the Islamic Paradise: In Islam,Paradise is a place for a person in which he/she can do whatever he/she wants and he/she experiences infinite delights.Trees of Paradise sings opera and very nice emotional songs.Things found in World-life such as watching T.V.,eating lump,drinking are also found in Paradise and there are many other things and technical things which has never been found and observed on Earth.As a rule of Allah which He also wrote it on all gates of the Paradise,whoever enters Paradise,he/she will never get out of it.Paradise is the second biggest gift for Muslims,coming after seeing Allah’s beautitic lights(visions).One day a Muslim man came to the Prophet Muhammad(sal.): “Ya rasoolallah(O messenger of Allah)!I like camels too much.Are there camels in Paradise?’’.The prophet(sal.) said “Yes!Whatever you wish,it is present just before you!’’. Once,The Holly Prophet Muhammad(sal.) said to his believers when he was giving a lecture: “Whatever you have or miss in this world-life,it will be given back to you in Paradise and whatever you wish in Paradise,it will be given to you!’’When he said this,one man asked by showing his sword and horse: “Will they give me my that horse and this sword back?’’.The Prophet(sal.) replied: “Yes.Whatever you wish there,it is yours,it will be given to you!’’.


This book is good news for all mankind.In one decade,there is going to be a very big war,third world war.It will continue for 3 months,atomic and nuclear bombs will be thrown,people will wait for the war to end lying under their beds and in their houses while the bombs will be being thrown.More than 6 billion people will die in that war,and 1 billion,consisting of Muslims,nice Christians and Jews who do not make big sins will survive.After this war,the Islam leader sayyidina (our Lord) Mahdi known from the words of prophet Muhammad(sal.) will show himself.He is a very big saint carrying the light of Prophet Muhammad(sal.).He will at first go to Damascus and say “Allahu-akbar!’’ 3 times by shouting.(“Allahu-akbar’’ means “Allah is the highest,the biggest).That shouting will be heard from all over the world,according to my GrandShayh,Nazim Qibrisi(q.s.)*.The Muslims who will hear that sound will find themselves in Damascus in one moment,they will experience a physical transportation in one moment,and there will be 40 women for each of the Muslim man.A Muslim man will marry 40 wives,this gift is only for Muslims.This had been told directly by our Prophet Muhammad(sal.),his this word has been written in the most trustful source of his words:Kutoobou sitta(6 books).When Mahdi shouts by saying “Allahu-akbar’’,all the weapons, ships,planes, televisions,phones on Earth will become tins.Swords and arrows will start being used.Time will be like ancient times.In these 40 days after the coming of Mahdi(a.s.),many Muslims will be taken to


seclusions.They will be very big saints.By Mahdi(a.s.),in one moment they will be transported to Paradises and they will be brought back after a while.Their spiritual bodies will be in Paradises.Each will be given 40 clonned bodies by Allah,one will enjoy on Earth by marrying 40 women,and the rest 39 bodies will be having sex with billions of hooris(Women living in Paradise) and another another delights in Paradise at the same time.Each Muslim will feel all the delights done by all that 40 bodies with their physical bodies on Earth.They will be both seeing Earth and Paradises and everywhere of the rising universe at just one glance.With meditation,they will fly in air and pass through solids and have journeys in space.They will see jinns and angels.They will see the shape of emotions such as love,sadness with their eyes.Their heart-eye will be opened.If they want to get on a cloud,pass through the mountains,they will do it.If they wish to see events in past,they will do it.If they want to be changed in vision in the form of another human,animal,jinn,flower or tree,or if they want to fly on a carpet,with the permission of Allah,they will do it.If they want to go to a city in one moment,by closing and opening their eyes,they will find themselves in the city they want to go.

(*q.s:qaddasallahu sirrihül azeez:May Allah bless his holly secret .)

Those who believe in Shayhs that time will be directly taken to God’s Divine Kingdom and Paradises therein.Only seeing Allah’s beautitic vision will be enough for them,it will be a better,more delightful feeling for them than all of them. They will be busy with delights of Paradise in the presence of the highest King,Allah.But whoever rejects my Shayh Nazim who is the greatest saint of this time and has about 40 million mureeds(believers) in all over the world today from every nationthat time,his/her head will immediately be taken away by Mahdi(a.s.).40 days after Mahdi comes,a Jewish dictator who learn dellusion techniques from Satan such as the Evolution Theory will come to the Earth.He is the worst person of the world-History and he is called “Dajjal’’,which means “deciever’’.For 1 year,he will travel all the world by claiming to be a prophet and God at the same time,he will kill people (both Christians and the others) and he will torture people too much with well-educated Jewish army.He will travel almost all the world in one year,but he will never be able to enter Mecca,Medina and Damascus,because these cities is always protected by angels,in which there will be Muslims only in that time.At the end of that one year,Prophet Jesus(a.s.) will get down on Earth from the heaven(sky).He will immediately kill Dajjal with a deep looking with his spiritual power when he comes.To make people really believe he is Jesus(a.s.),he will show miracles such as walking on water,giving life to deads,changing in the form of a dusty nebula,passing through solids,flying in air,changing water into wine,making matter and animals talk,making disabled people walk,making blinds see,making deaves hear,making the ground rosy,changing stones into golds and diamonds and he will show many other miracles as well.He will not go to toilet like us,but because he has a paradiseful body,he sends out what he ate and drank by swetting,and that swet smelling like the atmosphere of Paradise will covr all the Earth.He will come to the Earth for two reasons:To complete his mission he took from God as a savior(Messiah) and to tell Christians that he is not the son of God and a woman based him like all other people.He will say that his being fatherless is just a miracle of Gad.He will say that all Christians will go to Hell because of claiming such things and running partners to God.After telling these,he will invite all people to and Christians to Islam.Christians will believe in him and will stop running him as a partner to God,they will become Muslim,but that time their belief will not give them any benefit,according to Prophet Muhammad(sal.).In the Holly Qur’an


that in the day of judgement ,Prophet Jesus will be a lawyer against Christians.(See the sooras of “Maide’’ and “Maryam’’.).Jesus(a.s.) will come back to Earth again in the year 2020,after the third world war.Its time has been replaced into my heart from Mowlana Shayh Nazim(q.s.).He will dominate the Earth for 40 years.In this 40-yeared time period,everyone will come everyone will be happy,there won’t be sadness,poverty,blindness,mad people,disease or suffer.Children will play on green hills near rivers.Light of Prophet Jesus(a.s.) will give light to Earth 70 times more than that of the sunlight.Stones,rivers and trees will sing by saying: “Holly Jesus!Welcome back!’’.There won’t be any sickness or sadness.Jesus(a.s.) will give people many houses,golden and silvery things and lands,which he will be getting from the Paradise.These 40-yeared time period is called “Golden times’’ of the Earth in the Islam. I talked about some piritual pleasures that will take place in Golden time.But,I can show the way to people how to get them starting from tomorrow even.They can all live such emotions such as getting 40 bodies and flying on carpets,rising upt to heavens and having journeys to underwater world etc...For this,either they must become a saint from taking education from a Shayh or they must make my Shayh Nazim Qibrisi(q.s.) love them.They should first become his mureeds by taking bayyath from him,which is a spiritual connection to the Shayh.Bayath can be taken from the internet,by going on google and writing “Sheikh Nazim’’ and searching.Then,click on the title “Naqshibendi way,Naqshibandi tareeqa…’’ and then click on the red title on top of the page saying: “Bayyath true web site’’.And then just follow the instructions there.Taking bayyath means that the Shayh takes the hand of the person who wants to connect him,reads something and then that person becomes connected to the Shayh,he/she becomes a mureed.Now,I will talk about the experiences the mureeds of Mowlana Shayh Nazim(q.s.) have experienced and what his way is about,what the purpose is.A soul of Shayh replaces an the mureed’s head when he/she takes bayyath from the Shayh,and it never leaves him/her.The holly prophet Muhammad(sal.) said: “Nothing is more valuable than the direct experience’’.A person having direct experience is convinced without doubt of reality.His outlook is that of certainty.Many mureeds of Mowlana Shayh Nazim(q.s.) have attained this state of certainty and some of their experiences are given below: All mureeds of Mowlana Shayh Nazim(q.s.) are able to use his soul by calling him.Whenever a mureed who took bayyath calls the soul of Mowlana by saying: “Shayh afandi shayh Nazim afandi huzzratty!’’,the soul comes and shows its existence with a kind of behaviour.For instance,when the mureed feels like he/she is going to sneeze,if he/she calls the soul in this way,or just says his name or says “Shayh Nazim’’ is enough when the mureed does not want to sneeze stops in a very miraculous way that the mureed says “hah!’’ and stays like that.Whenever the mureed tries this,the Shayh cancels sneezing. All mureeds can use his soul during prayers in order to cancel piss and so not to defeat wudu.During salat(5 times prayers),if they feel they got pissed and it is not too much,they say “Shayh afandi shayh Nazim afandi huzzratty’’ and Mowlana takes the need of pissing away immediately with his huıge power.He does not bring it back until 30,60 or more minutes.The mureed can even talk to the soul asking: “My Shayh!Give me ….. minutes,send the piss away for …. Minutes please!’’.The Shayh then takes it away until the time the mureed asked ends.This ability is valid up to two hours even.Anyone who takes bayyath can make such things easily. All mureeds including newly-connected mureeds of Mowlana Shayh Nazim(q.s.) such as: “Oh my Shayh!Come and talk to me in dreams.Send me to love oceans of your heart and Paradises,and to other galaxies in my dreams.Make me see peaceful dreams and dreams showing what would happen


tomorrow in flash-lights!’’.And Mowlana does all of these.Even when the mureed feels alone,the shayh’s soul gives him/her happiness and a sense of invisible and spiritual friendship. Some mureeds hear the footsteps of Mowlana,smell his perfume and feel his existence with them. The soul never leaves the mureed.Either during his/her lifetime or 7 breaths remaining to the death of the mureed,the Shayh’s soul comes and gives him/her all spiritual ranks of this way,it will make the mureed experiencing all infinite Paradiseful delights.The one who reads and applies the ways defined in this book will immediately reach such levels in months, years or one decade.In life after and in the day of judgement,Mowlana will save and bless the mureed and send him/her to paradises without any questionary.If the mureed makes big sins,Mowlana’s soul which is present with him/her will pray Allah to punish him/her when he/she is on Earth,and as a cause of this he/she will have some disrubances,heavy diseases,he/she will experience very bad events according to how big is the sin he/she made.The heaviest ones of these punishments take place if the mureed makes adultery.These are for the big-sinner mureed’s benefit,in order not to let him/her Hellfire which is 7.000C in life after. Student mureeds or other mureeds may remember something they forget immediately by calling the soul of Mowlana.Also while having an exam,the mureed may remember and write what he/she has forgotten.The soul lets them remember important things they have forgotten when they call it. If the mureed gets a triangle-shaped talisman from the Shayh(He/she can ask for this when he/she goes to take bayyath),as he/she carries it on his/her cheast,neither a bullet nor an atomic bomb can give him/her damage,Mowlana saves him/her.Nothing happens to him/her because of fire,transportation accidents.Even if the plane falls down and bursts the mureed inside the plane who loves and follows Shayh Nazim(q.s.) will be rescued by Mowlana.Whereever he/she goes,Mowlana is present with him/her.Mureeds coming from far and stay in Mowlana’s house for days should ask permission from Mowlana to leave.If he says “No!’’ and the mureed leaves,The soul does not save him/her from anything. Mowlana talls some of his mureeds what they have been doing far away or when they are at home.Some mureeds claim he even says what the mureed thinks when he/she is having a conversation with Mowlana.This is another experience many mureeds of Mowlana have had. All mureeds of Mowlana Shayh Nazim(q.s.) are able to make little particles or dusts entering their eyesby wind while walking,in one moment without bowling their eyes,just simply saying: “Shayh afandi Shayh Nazim afandi Huzzratty!’’. The soul of Mowlana could have also been used to make a work easier or faster,for instance,it could be called while working or studying as well to make it faster and easier.

Many of Moulana Sheik Nazim’s mureeds have experienced the seeing of lights of different shapes and colours. It is quite common among these mureeds to see pin points of different coloured lights at various times of the day and night. These lights appear in flashes and disappear. Some also see waves of gold or silver light appearing in front of them. These lights can be compared to a heavy mist and they


always move about in waves. Even in utter darkness these mureds are able to see all around them.

Some have also experienced seeing a big golden or silvery light close to their foreheads or at the positions where their hearts are. Some mureeds also see big flashes of light appearing in blotches in front of them. Some also have experienced seeing lights in the form of streaks and lightning. Others have perceived lights in the shape of the moon and stars. Lights of various colours and hues particularly, red, purple, light blue, green, gold, silver and white have been seen by these mureeds. Light like that of the shining sun at noon with all its intensity and brightness have been witnessed. In short so many types of lights have been seen by these mureeds that it would be difficult to enumerate all of them here. A common experience of many mureeds is the sudden inhalation of a whiff of incense or attar (perfume). The type of perfume in almost all cases is one that is not being worn by the mureed and is easily recognized due to its unexpected presence. During the repetition of Dhikr some mureeds have experienced a sweet taste on their tongues which lingers sometimes from between a day to three or four days on end. Mureeds have been given various types of liquids such as water and milk etc to drink by Prophets, particularly Holy Prophet (Sal) and Seyyidina Khidr (Alai) during the recital of Salawath (Durood) and Dhikr. These liquids represent secret knowledge Some mureeds have also experienced the sense of touch when they have been totally devoid of other company. This experience is common to mureeds who are nodding off to sleep while reciting Quran or while praying or while in Dhikr. Such an experience usually has the effect of awakening the mureed and helping him to concentrate. Many mureeds have had the experience of seeing Mowlana Sheikh Nazim and also other members of the Golden Chain of Spiritual Transmission of the Naqshabandi Tariqat appearing before them. Some have had the experience of seeing a host of the Saints (awliya) appearing before them. A selection of mureeds see Mowlana Sheikh Nazim in flashes at various times of the day or night. Some see the entire form of the Sheikh, while some see just the bust or only his face. Certain of these mureeds see Mowlana Sheikh Nazim in front of them all the time and Mowlana is always with them. Wherever they may be or wherever they may go Mowlana Sheikh Nazim is always present with them. Some of them have also been granted the gift of being able to communicate with Mowlana. Any question that they put to their Sheik is immediately answered by him. Whatever they want to know Sheik gives them the answer. Vast amounts of hidden knowledge have been communicated to his mureeds by Mowlana Sheikh Nazim in this manner.


Questions by these mureeds regarding day to day life, or questions relating to religion and Marifatullah (hidden knowledge) and also many other subjects have been answered by Mowlana Sheikh Nazim. When this type of communication has been granted to a mureed, he no longer needs to resort to books in order to further his knowledge. Anything that he desires to know is told to him by his Sheik. There are some mureeds who have been given the gift by Mowlana Sheikh Nazim of being able to see the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sal) appearing before them. To some of them the Holy Prophet (Sal) appears to them in flashes. Some are in the presence of the Holy Prophet (Sal) at all times – 24 hours a day. They are able to communicate with the Holy Prophet (Sal). They are able to put questions to Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sal) and they are answered by him. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sal) teaches, instructs and guides them. Many mureeds have also the gift of being able to interpret dreams. This they do either by asking for the interpretation of these dreams from Mowlana Sheikh Nazim or from the Holy Prophet (Sal). Sometimes they do this by means of interpreting these dreams according to the knowledge that has been given to them. When a person relates a dream to these mureeds, they are even able to actually see the dream visually unfolding before the very eyes of their hearts. In some instances, these mureeds have been able to remind the one who related his dream of certain portions of his dream that had been forgotten by him and therefore omitted in the narration of it and subsequently the dreamer is able to recollect quite clearly what he had forgotten. The existence of Seyyidina Mahdi (Alai) in these times is doubly confirmed by some mureeds of Mowlana Sheik Nazim who have been given the gift of seeing Seyyidina Mahdi (Alai). He is so powerful that it is not possible for people to look at his eyes. Mowlana Sheikh Nazim has however, granted some of his mureeds the power to look directly into the eyes of Seyyidina Mahdi (Alai) and also to communicate with him. Certain of the mureeds of Mowlana Sheikh Nazim experience that Mowlana appears within them. When this happens, they are no longer conscious of themselves as themselves. They loose their identity and are conscious of themselves as their Sheikh. They see through Mowlana’s eyes when they look, they hear through Mowlana’s ears when they speak. They no longer see or feel themselves as they no longer exist, only Mowlana exists. When a mureed in this state makes any movement, this movement is seen by the mureed to be a reflection of Mowlana Sheikh Nazim. This state is temporary for some mureeds while for others it is established and permanent. In this state the mureed is known to be going through the process of “Fana fi Sheik” Some mureeds also experience the state of “Fana fi Rasool” which is the next stage towards the Divine Presence. In this stage the Holy Prophet (Sal) is experienced within the mureed. As in the earlier case the mureeds lose their identity and are conscious of themselves as Mowlana Sheikh Nazim who is lost in the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sal). They can no longer identify themselves as themselves. They now


identify themselves while in this state as being mirrored by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sal). They now see, hear and experience sensation through the Holy Prophet (Sal). The ability to look into and witness events that have occurred in the past has also been given by Mowlana Sheikh Nazim to some of his mureeds. All that these mureeds have to do is to think of this particular event and they are shown it as it actually happened. For example, if a mureed with this gift wished to see a certain incident related in the Quran, for instance the incident described in Sura Yoosuf where the ladies of the court of the King while paring fruits were so rapt in the beauty of Yoosuf (Alai) that they did not realize that they had cut their fingers, or the creation of Adam (Alai) or incidents in the life of any Prophet or Saint. These incidents are portrayed to them as they actually took place. For instance, if these mureeds were to read the life story of our Prophet (Sal) they would see the incidents unfold before them as if they were happening at that time. The same is true if they were to read the life story of a Saint. This is not only restricted to reading. The same would occur if another person is relating a story as well, where the story would unfold in front of the mureeds who actually witness the events talked about. In short, all that these mureeds wish to see of the past are depicted to them. This state is being experienced by some of Mowlana Sheikh Nazim’ s mureeds and they are also given access to witness whatever is presently occurring anywhere in the world. They have been given the gift of all that they wish to see. A few mureeds have been given the gift of being able to look through the eyes of everyone. These mureeds, simply ask Mowlana Sheikh Nazim for this ability and are then able to look through another’s eyes and see whatever they are seeing. Sights which have arrested one in the past and is imprinted in his memory may be recalled by him at a particular instant which a mureed with this ability of looking through anyone’s eyes may see in all it’s glory. For instance, if a person has been to the Himalayas and seen a particular mountain range, all that the mureed with this ability has to do is to ask Mowlana Shaikh Nazim to let him look through this person’s eyes and he would see what that person had seen. This phenomenon is not only limited to this, but also to dreams and spiritual visions. If a mureed with this ability desires to look through the eyes of another mureed with spiritual vision, he is shown this spiritual vision – which may be the vision of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sal) or Mowlana Sheikh Nazim or some other Prophet or Saint. Sometimes, mureeds have been transported to other countries and places. For example they may be transported in a moment to London where Mowlana Sheikh Nazim would be delivering a lecture. Some are known to have visited Mecca, Medina, London and Baghdad in moments by the power and the grace of Mowlana Sheikh Nazim. Of course there are also certain mureeds who have had the opportunity of being transported beyond the limits of this world, beyond the limits of this Galaxy even, and to the very edges of the far Galaxies. They have been taken to the Paradises and have experienced the delights therein. They have even seen the hells too. They have also visited other worlds and met with their occupants.


A common phenomenon at this point is the experience of ecstasy in love oceans for Mowlana Sheik Nazim, our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Sal) and ultimately towards the Divine Presence. This feeling of ecstasy can never be accurately expressed as there is no other sensation that can be compared to it. It can only be pointed out that it is even greater than the greatest feeling of love that two ardent lovers may have for each other. An example of this sensation may be realized from the story of Yoosuf (Alai) where Lady Zulaiha after pining away for the love of Yoosuf (Alai) finally has this, her greatest desire granted by Allah Almighty. Having wed Yoosuf (Alai) however, on the night of their marriage even this great love for him was forgotten in the ecstasy that she felt for Allah Almighty. There are also mureeds who have even developed to the state where they have been given the gift of being able to witness everything in creation performing Dhikr constantly. They witness everything that they look at shimmering in constant Dhikr. Some even hear this Dhikr. Some of the mureeds of Mowlana Sheikh Nazim have been given knowledge of the secrets of nature. For, instance the secrets of plants etc, have been granted to these mureeds. A degree of Unity have been experienced by certain mureeds where they have expanded to the extent that they see the Universe at a glance. They are able to see right across the Universe and also able to focus on any place that they desire. They see the entire Universe as one in all its vastness. They have beheld that the entirety is made of one substance. At some point some mureeds reach the state where they no longer can differentiate between themselves and the Universe in its entirety. At this point they see themselves as the entire Universe with a single soul – their soul. Mowlana Sheikh Nazim says that the purpose of religion is to know Allah. He quotes the Hadith Qudsi “I was a Hidden Treasure and loved to be known”. Therefore the purpose of any religion is to find this Hidden Treasure and to discover its secrets. It is towards this end that Mowlana Sheikh Nazim is training his mureeds. He guides them to the Divine Presence and seats them on the Divine Throne of Allah Almighty to take command of the entire Universe. Allah Almighty says in the Holy Quran “I give sovereignty to whom I want”. Mowlana Sheik Nazim is therefore guiding every seeker who comes to him to achieve this goal. All the phenomena experienced by mureeds discussed above only represent a tiny drop in the ocean of knowledge that Mowlana Sheikh Nazim intends to impart to his mureeds. Mowlana Sheikh Nazim puts it very simply when he says “Come to me and I shall give you everything”. Is there anything that falls short of everything?

The mureed can reach all of the experiences defined above.If he/she stays with the Shayh in his home home for a while,or he/she visits Shayh for one week,a few weeks or a month per year and serves him,and if he/she also performs his/her daily spiritual practises/lessons given by his/her Shayh as a cause of his/her will,and he/she performs rabita* daily,he/she than will be


able to develop spiritualities in time,but he/she must really want this while doing these,he/she must want to reach Heavens and God’s beautitic visions,infinbite delight oceans of God.While doing these,he/she must love his/her Shayh more than everyone,even more than himself/herself,his/her parents,sisters and brothers and his/her own feelings and his/her own ego.The mureed who keeps all these rules daily will immediately be taken to paradises and to the level of “fana-fish-shayh’’ by his/her,which is a level that he/she reaches everything and more than everything.Rest of his infinite life becomes a source of infinite delights.See “Introduction 2’’ part at the beginning of the book to learn what the person in the level of fanafish-shayh reaches.).The mureed willing this level which is the first stage of Sufism should never do a big sin,such as telling bad words,making parents too sad without an important reason,telling inneccessary lies which harm people,shouting at people,speaking fast and in a loud voice which disturbs people,taking alcohol,wine,drugs or having sex before marriage,going to satanic places such as discos and night-clubs.

Rabita*:Between night and last prayers,the mureed should sit down(either kneeling or crosslegged) on the ground on the carpet and close his/her eyes,and then should imagine the Shayh.He/she should imagine the Shayh is also kneeling down before him/her,and a milk-white visioned light is entering from the middle of the Shayh’s eyebrows into the mureed’s mouth,and than from mouth it is flowing into the mureed’s heart and the heart is filled up with that milk-like light like a glass,and then it diffuses to every sinle organ inside the mureed’s body,changing sins into good words and negative-black energy into white,positive energy and this makes him/her be protected from the satanic delusions.He/she should continue this imaginationfor 15 minutes every day between the last two prayers of the 5-times prayers.If the mureed’s concentration becomes off because of his/her mind’s starting to think another things as a cause of his/her self- control or not,rabita ends.The mureed should then repeat rabita by starting again.In time,the mureed who continues daily rabita moves onto a higher level of mureedship,which is Sufi Meditation(muraqabah).But the mureed should always his/her going before him/her whatever he/she does,the imagination of the shayh should not only be during rabita but every second.The mureed should not even forget about his/her Shayh for one moment.But while trying to concentrate on something or having an exam,just simply thinking as “Now my Shayh is present with me is enough!’’.

When shall the mureed leave rabita and start daily meditation? Answer:When he/she experiences something tremendous,such as seeing that his/her body or soul is rising up to heavens in dreams,dreams make him/her feel more real than the life he/she is feeling or he/she sees some spiritual visions,flash-lights in white,gold and silver or similar things, or an experience that he/she feels he/she is non-existent and his/her soul is sometimes leaving his/her body and having journeys on Earth or rising up to heavens.For instance,I had experienced having journeys to heavens and far galaxies and also feeling the fresh air outside although I was indoor while sleeping.But seeing net dreams which completely becomes the same the day after or very-lighty and beautiful dreams are not a reason to start meditation!This is just a gift given to mureeds who cancels sins looking at men/women in magazines or beach,spending time for free by playing board and computer games and spending too much time on T.V. and who works to be clear as much as crystal and who imagines to be dressed in


white and entering among gazel eyed hooris(or who imagines lying on her prince husband in Paradise,depending on sex) and becoming more beautiful,purified than them,by keeping daily spiritual gifting,verses and rabita.

For some mureeds,rising up to the level of meditation takes 40 days,for some mureeds it takes 6 months,for some it takes a few years,and there are a few mureeds for whom reaching the level of meditation from rabita took ten years.It depends on how the performance of the mureed in trials of cancelling his/her all sins,repetition of verses and rabita daily and how much he/she wills to reach sainthood.But whoever applies all what I have defined in this book including how he/she should behave according to sha’reeatic rules,it will just take him/her 5 years at most to reach the level of fanafish-shayh.An easy way of reaching that level is staying with Shayh and serving him continuously by carrying Divine love for him in heart and willing to be reached Allah(j.j.),sainthood and Heavens.There are many other ways,I will explain them all.The one who keeps applying all methods will reach the highest rank of Sufism at the end:”Fanafillah!’’,which is the level the mureed sees Allah(j.j.) very clear as he/she is seeing the sun.When this happens,he/she feels a killer delight in his/her every organ like his/her all cells are having sex differently as people.This delight always increases thousand times from second to second,the person then has a light-looking face like that of Shayh Nazim’s face andfaces of his many other mureeds who reached the level of fana-fillah.

The one who experiences a tremendous thing yet should not meditation directly.First,he/she should ask his/her Shayh if he/she is enogh for meditation to be 100% sure.If the Shayh says “Yes!’’,the mureed should start meditation.Because the Shayh knows what his mureeds far away do,experience,hear,think and see,because of his soul on the head of his mureeds and his sainthood light.

The first night the mureed performs muraqabah(meditation),he/she will experience something very overnature,tremendous,either while sleeping or when he/she is awake.For instance,when I slept on my first night I performed meditation,I saw a dream in very real visions:In my dream,my soul went out of my body as a green body vision,sitting in meditation position and flew to the bedroom of my parents.I saw they were sleeping.I slapped on their head with my that gray soul and I saw they were moving to open their eyes and wake up drowsily.Then the gray soul came back and replaced in my body again,and I opened my eyes.The dream ended.I looked at the watch,it was 6 o’clock and it was a Sunday morning.I immediately ran to the bedroom of my parents.I saw they were newly getting up and they were just in the position my gray soul left them in my dream.I was shocked.I asked them: “Why did you get up that early?’’.They said: “We don’t know the reason.We have just gotten up at the same time,and we don’t want to sleep anymore!’’.This was the first miracle I had experienced in the level of meditation.(All mureeds of Mowlana realises some miracles of Mowlana,at least using his soul and communicating with him in dreams,or seeing dreams showing what will happen the day after.).


In time,by keeping meditation,the mureed enters the level of fana-fish-shayh,which is the level of always seeing and communicating with Mowlana,he always appears before the mureed physically although anyone besides that mureed does not see him.The shayh is once seen to him,and he never leaves.Even during prayers,Mowlana is present before the mureed praying in front of the mureed.The mureed is able to touch the Shayh’s coat,back,sareeq and feel his existence as solid even.It is the same as one person sees another and can communicate with him/her and touch him/her.Anything he/she wants to reach or know or experience as feeling,Mowlana gives him/her.If he/she wants to travel in Atlas and Indian oceans either physically or spiritually without feeling cold,with his great power,Mowlana sends him/her.If he/she wants to fly on air with his/her body or have journeys to far galaxies,heavens,nebulas and Paradises,Mowlana sends him/her the place he/she wants to go in one moment.If he/she wants to communicate with spirits,go to far Earth-like planets and meet their occupants,Mowlana transports him.Under oceans,in other countries,or anywhere else he/she can live,visit,make friends,he/she can stay in those places for thousands of years evenwhich becomes only one second when he/she comes back to his/her room,so that people around him/her do not even understand that he/she had been transported and came back.Mowlana is always present with him/her,While eating,drinking,sleeping,he/she always sees Mowlana going before him.Mowlana always looks at him/her by smiling and talking to him/her.Even when he/she is in toilet or while taking shower,Mowlana is before him/her.The mureed always gets knowledges from him.He/she meets his/her shayh in far galaxies inside light-pinky and lightblue,orange nebulas according to his/her will,he/she communicates with him in those places.TO REACH FANA-FISH-SHAYH IS TO REACH EVERYTHING!Only a Shayh can make a person reach Divine oceans of Allah(j.j.).Saying “I don’t need a shayh’’ and waiting for reaching Allah(j.j) while living on Earth is like waiting for being able to go to U.S.A. from Baghdat without a plane.Shah Bahaaddin Naqshibandi(q.s.),who was the leader of Naqshibandi way in Sufism had said: “Satan is the Shayh of the one who has not a Shayh!’’.Because without taking religious education from a Shayh,a Muslim is always in danger of making a big sin unless he/she has a whole faith.

The next level coming after fana-fish-shayh is FANA-FIR-RASOOL,which the holly Prophet Muhamad(sal.) replaces Mowlana,and the mureed living all that Divine loves and knowledges defined above with the holly prophet Muhammad(sal.),the mureed gets knowledges directly from the prophet(sal.).The mureed starts living with prophet Muhammad(sal.) this time.The prophet always appear before him/her and whatever we defined above for the one who is in the level of fana-fish-shayh,the mureed experiences those spiritualities with the prophet(sal.) instead of the Shayh.Yet,the Shayh never leaves him/her forever,also in the presence of Allah and in His beautitic visions.He is ready to talk to his mureed whenever he/she wants to experience Divine love with him again and whenever he/she wants to communicate with him as a friend.So there becomes two persons going before the mureed in the level of fana-firrasool:Shayh and the holly prophet Muhammad(sal.).The prophet(sal.) in time takes the mureed to the last level of mureedship which is the oceans of infinite delights and Infinite Divine Love foreverwhich is the aim of everyone who follows a Shayh,which is the level of FANA-FILLAH.At this level,Allah(j.j.) is seen to the mureed with His infinite shiny-white light,He always talks to the mureed and communicates with the mureed Divinely.If the mureed wants anything,it can also be a will like “My Allah!Please send me treasures full of gold and


diamonds from heaven!’’,Allah(j.j.) gives him/her.Besides willing to be able to do bad things or be a god,Allah(a.s.) accepts everything he/she wills and gives him/her in one moment.He/she becomes a beloved servant of Allah(j.j.).When the mureed who newly enter this level sees Allah(j.j.),all of his/her cells feel like they are having sex,drinking wine,eating honey with infinite number of very beautiful woman at the same time,he/she loses his/her control because of the physical delight of seeing his/her creator.And this delight increases billion times from second to second forever.This increasing happiness continues and increases until forever.The person at such levels becomes successful at entering paradises and reaching ranks which Muslims normally reach in hereafter.

Seeing Allah(j.j.) is the biggest happiness for the community of Paradise(For people who believed in God’s oneness without running partners to Him and who believed in all His holly books and prophets as well).And not seeing Allah(j.j.) is the biggest suffer,punishment for those in Hell.This punishment makes the ones in Hell feel more suffer than everything they feel in terms of suffer in Hell.The blazing fire of Hell does not burn them more than not seeing Allah(j.j.).Because that time,they will understand what a beauty and delight they missed although they won’t see Allah(j.j.) and the beauties of Paradise even.Allah(j.j.) says in the holly Qur’an:

“Verily,the dwellers of Paradise,that Day,will be busy with jotful things.They and their wives will be in pleasant shade,reclining on thrones.They will have therein fruits of all kinds and all that they ask for…’’.(Ya-sin,55-58)

Allah is infinite beautiful.Every beauty and delight on Earth has an end,but every beauty and delight in Allah’s presence and Paradises is infinite,they just increase from second to second,never ends.For instance,eating an orange or meat in Paradise will be more joyful than the previous meat or orange.Or a hoory(Paradise woman) created for a Muslim will be seen more beautiful as time goes by.Nothing,no any beauty is constant in Paradise,even the shining of a black stone is not constant.Paradise is an unguessable place and besides gifts such as playing,singing,having sex,very green trees and rivers,there is no example of Paradise on Earth.Even a glance at one stone of Paradise makes a person feel more delight than having sex and eating desserts on Earth.So,we can’t even guess what the delight we will feel from sex and eating in Paradise would be.We see just 7 colours on Earth,there are at least 7 billion different colours in Paradise,which we can not explain what colour they are if we see them.We will feel like we had been living in a colouress world when we see those colours.There is only sun which makes the Earth lighty,but in Paradise,there are billions of different suns from various colours which make it shiny,and yet our eyes don’t become blind as a miracle of God.In Paradise,people will feel like they had never lived noon on Earth when they see that infinite shiny-lighty noon of Paradise.And No any beauty or joy is stable like it is on Earth.This is due to the atmosphere of Paradise which consists of the perfume of hooris which covers everywhere in Paradise.The community of Paradise will sometimes get fainted for a few seconds because of too much delight.


JOYS IN PARADISE: Every emotion,even seeing past lives of people on Earth,or the gift of being able to live past again,or emotions that took place in past will be given to the one in Paradise who asks for it.If he/she wants to play with playstation,he/she will as much as he/she wants.Whatever he/she wants to watch in Paradise’S cinemas or T.V.s at one of his/her palaces or homes in Paradise,he/she will(comedy,action etc…).If they want to live their childhood on Earth or day,they will.All these emotions could be reached starting from the Earth-life.A spiritual body can be replaced there,and he/she lives both the emotions on Earth and delights in Paradise by feeling and visualising both at the same time.All of such infinite delights can be obtained by reaching the level of fana-fish-shayh.These powers and delights continue at the following stages,fana-fir-rasool and fana-fillah as well.Once the mureed catches the first level,fana fishshayh,its infinite delights continue up to infinity.The person becomes a perfect human.

The person who reaches the level of fana-fish-shayh gets overnature and fascinating spiritual powers as well.For instance,whenever he/she wishes,by just one glance,he/she can make bad people or the one who tells him/her a bad word,makes fun of him/her or any ather bad thing,he/she can make the matter move or he/she can lift it up.,he/she can pass through the walls,he/she can melt the iron and steel many other matters or any being,he/she can read thoughts in minds.

Shayh Nazim will replace a deputy instead of him who will have the same ranks and powers with him before his death.But his lovers don’T have to worry about this,because he was born in the year 1922,and he is going to live 120 years.This is a knowledge he put into my heart when I was performing meditation one night.He also said once that he is going to live a very long life openly to everyone during his one talking and he wrote this in one of the the books he wrote: “I am going to live 20 years more in the time of Prophet Jesus(a.s.)’’.

FROM THE SPIRITUAL POWER OF SHAYH NAZIM(Q.S.): Once,in 1980’s,a Turkish journalist called Yıldırım Çağlı put a title for Shayh Nazim(q.s.) as a cuff,by putting a big picture of Shayh Nazim(q.s.) on it.The title was saying: “BE CAREFUL ABOUT THIS MAN!HE IS AN ENGLISH AGENT!’’.That claim was not depended on any proof,yet he slandered Shayh Nazim(q.s.).Next day,Shayh Nazim(q.s.) learnt this.One week after,on the same day and the same time he gave the newspaper to be printed and he slandered Shayh Nazim(q.s.),although he was young and had no any heart problems according to the researches done,while drinking his coffee,he had a heart attack and died.Some people whose hearts are blind said Muslims poisoned him,but otopsies done on his dead body showed him not to be poisoned.Because the reason of his death was not understood,and his body was broken into pieces by doctors in order to understand what the reason he died was.It didn’t work out.Many people understood it was Shayh Nazim’s spiritual power who touched him.May


Allah(j.j.) increase Yıldırım’s torment in Hell,and may all inatentives become victoms for one tooth of Mowlana Shayh Nazim(q.s.).

WAYS MAKING THE WAY OF BECOMING A SAINT(REACHING FANA FISHSHAYH) TOO FAST WHILE APPLIED TOGETHER WITH DAILY RABITA: Either of the following three ways added to daily rabita makes the way to become a saint shorter.The one who can take more than one of the following ways or all will even reach levels higher than fana-fish-shayh even in time.He/she wins access to always be in the same Paradise with the Prophet Muhammad(sal.) and his first believers,which is the most beautiful and joyful Paradise of all the 8 paradises.There are 8 Paradises which differ in beauty and delights,and each consist of infinite provinces expanding always,each province consists of infinite fruit rainforests and tropical regions,each forest contains infinite wine,coke,milk,ayran,strawberry juice,cherry juice rivers flowing from under and near each other,each river consists of 700.000 palaces both under rivers and on the rivers,each palace is from pink and blue diamonds and has 70.000 room made from gold and silver,each room is bigger than the combination of 70 galaxies including light-green hills on which butterflies fly by singing in very white-shiny flash lights and light-green jakoozis and there are 700 hooris for a Muslim in each room.One room consists of all blonde hooris singing as “Come and join us our prince!We are ready to do whatever you wish!’’,which has been located on a hone river,the other room consists of 700 nigger hooris saying “Come to us our husband!Come to us dear!We have been created for you by Allah because you obeyed His word Qur’An and prayed 5 times a day,worshipped Him.You will forever be with us our prince!Come to us!Come to us!’’,which has been located on a hot chocolate river,another room consists of 700 very white hooris who become a bit coquettish and embarrassed in bed,located on an enormous white-milk river.When a Muslim man sees them through the walls of palaces owing to their very sharp eyes coming with their new creation,the salivas coming out from their mouthes will form another river in Paradise from which new hooris will come out,who are more beautiful than others and queen hooris called “Luba’’ will take them to inside pinky and light-blue nebulas of Paradise and they will have sex there together.When thirsty people burning,not breathing and suffering infinitely in the blazing fire of Hell see their shadows having fun in nebulas,he will say: “If only I had not had adultery with women on Earth and I had been a Muslim.Even if I had one of these hooris,she was enough for me!’’,and this regret will make him feel more suffer than the blazing fire of Hell.Because the perfect body-shape and beauty of those hooris is even understood from their shadows.For Muslim women,there is no Men in Paradise,there is just her husband.Because woman herself has been created for two reasons:Both to worship Allah(j.j.) and to be a Paradiseful gift for her husband,whereas a man has been created only for one reason:to worship Allah(j.j.).This is Allah’s rule and noone can change it.In Paradise,she will not be jelous of her husband because such emotions do not exist in Paradise.To reach far places of Paradise and visit his/her friends,a Muslim in Paradise just closes and opens his/her eyes and he/she is found there.The size of a man in Paradise will be bigger than Tibet mountain to be made feel the delights better.Same thing is valid for those in Hell,to be made feel the suffer and fire more violently.Each province of Paradise is bigger than the combination of 70 billion expanding universes.Although people in the day of judgement is resurrected with an IQ of 300,same IQ as the prophet’s IQ,yet they can not imagine how big the Paradise is and.The more good work the Muslim does in this world-life,the more beautiful and joyful the Paradise he/she will enter.There are 6666 different levels of seeing Allah(j.j.) in Paradise,which Paradise and


delights therein are nothing while compared to this delight.Muslims will be busy with Paradiseful delights by visualising Allah(j.j.) in one of these 6666 levels,the most beautiful one is the 6666th level,and the one who knows all Qur’an (all 6666 ayats) by heart will enter this level.The level he/she will enter for visualising Allah(j.j.) depends on how many ayats in Arabic version he/she knows by heart.Whoever applies the following ways reach all these infinite delights starting from the Earth-life,owing to Shayh Nazim’s power and powers of all Shayhs,who are the sources of life after prophet Muhammad(sal.).There are 7 degrees in Hell.

While applying either one of the three ways defined below,rabita must be kept daily so that together that way and rabita makes the person reach the level of fana-fish-shayh in a few months or in a few years at most,too fast.

Every mureed should imagine his/her Shayh at every time,not only during rabita.He should want to reach fana-fish shayh and Allah’s beautitic vision too much.Without willing His beautitic vision,the mureed can not reach any lower levels such as fana fish-shayh and fana-firrasool.The mureed should always imagine that his Shayh is eating with him.While going to sleep,he should imagine his Shayh giving light to his heart from his forehead etc…)

The mureed should also imagine that while sleeping,his soul goes to another galaxies,meets the Shayh there and gets knowledges from him.This actually happens every night.Every night mureeds meet at the center of the souls,have communication with Mowlana,experience Divine love with him on pink and light-blue clouds,get knowledges,make dhikr and pray,but when he/she gets up in the morning he/she forgets all.Only mureeds with an open-heart eye sees and remembers them.I will explain what the opening of the eye of the heart is later.

SERVING: A continous serving to the Shayh for a few years staying with staying with him will end in being a saint who reached The Divine Presence.Of course,while doing this,daily mureed prayers and rabita should be performed.Once the Shayh will tell this mureed to look at his eyes,and with a glance,he will open the heart-eye of the mureed.Then,the mureed will see all spirits,angels,souls and thoughts in minds.This is the first level of sainthood,the mureed reaches more in time.



This is the hardest way but the shortest way of being a saint.The mureed should ask the permission for halvat to his Shayh.If the Shayh says “O.K.’’,he should enter halvat.Because the Shayh knows whether the mureed’S metabolism can take halvat or not.

What is halvat? For 40 days,the mureed enters a room and he sleeps,eats and drinks very little per day.All day he/she performs dhikr(saying “Allah-Allah’’),make prayers,fasts.He/she can only leave the room to go to toilet,for ablution(wudu) or for Juma(Friday) prayer.For 40 days,he/she can not even talk to anyone.He can only open his mouth if he/she is going to read Qur’an or pray Allah(j.j.).For 40 days,during halvat,he/she can not masturbate.If he/she can keep all these,during halvat,he/she reaches some ranks and at the end of the halvat,he/she becomes a very big saint.He reaches FANA-FILLAH even.In other words,he/she reaches everything.Mureeds who reach fana-fish-shayh can change the stones into little gold particles and diamonds as well.TO REACH FANA FISH-SHAYH IS TO REACH EVERYTHING!

SUFFER: Too much suffer is also another way to become a saint.For instance,a man called Kemal in North Cyprus washed dead people for eleven years for money.After 11 years,one day he went to visit Shayh Nazim(q.s.),he was Shayh Nazim’s mureed.The Shayh told him inside his room when they awere talking alone: “You suffered too much.I will give you a gift.Close your eyes!’’.Kemal says this event as the following: “When I closed my eyes,he told me “open!’’,and when I opened my eyes,I found myself in Paradise!’’.After a few days,Kemal came back.He actually spent many years in Paradise without ageing ageing but staying 1.000 years in Paradise is equivalent to stay one day on Earth because of differentiation in time.Kemal told his one friend called Salih,and the following conversation took place between them:

-Salih:How was the paradise?Tell me about it.

-Kemal:I can’t tell.It has no any example on Earth.Whatever I wanted,it was present just before me!It was fascinating,unbelievable.And Hooris(Beautiful and sexy Paradise women created for Muslim men) were just what I wanted,as type,physics and everything.

Kemal’s heart eye was opened then by his Shayh as well.He became a person who sees all dead people in other world,spirits and angels.


Another mureed among mureeds who have had the same experience as Kemal is a shepherd mureed called Ahmad.He even tells some mureeds what the do far away sometimes.This man still shouts as “Allah-Allah’’ and jumps because of too much delight because of his second body in Paradise when he sees Shayh Nazim(q.s.).Another well-known mureeds of Shayh Nazimsuch as Shayh Jemaladdin of Germany,Shayh Shareef of Holland,Shayh Nurjan Mirahmadi,Dr.Heidi Mirahmadi(a woman saint in the level of fana-fillah),Shayh Hisham Qabbani(q.s.) and,Shayh Abdulkarim Qibrisi(q.s.) and many other advanced mureeds whom he made reach sainthood have always been experiencing such infinite delights.That is why a Shayh is always happy and smiling. The number of mureeds he made saints is countless,many. Another benefit the saints get is that they reach the power of 40 young men.Their physicalpower and body –structure are perfect.

Once in Turkey,a mureed had newly reached and body-structure are perfect.

Once in Turkey,a mureed man had newly reached sainthood by following his Shayh and he went to Paradise and then came back.A short time after this event,he married a 14-year old Muslim girl and the first night they got married,he had sex 60 times with her in one night.The girl was the one telling this event,and she believed he was a saint because of that and she defined that as his miracle.

Prophets are even more powerful.For instance,The prophet Solomon(a.s.) did his one thousand wives pregnant in one night.He was a king.

SOME SPIRITUAL JOYFUL GIFTS THAT ALL MUSLIMS WHO PERFORM DAILY PRAYERS CAN DO: -Have a look at the part “Spiritual Power in steel’’ in chapter 4 to get the description of net and funny dreams.

VISITING COUNTRIES WITH SOUL: Before you sleep,make a fresh wudu and say “I am going to pray 2 rakats for Rizaullah(for Allah’s consent) and pray 2 rakats.Than,read the following salavat(prayer for the prophet) 40 times by sound,by sitting cross-legged on carpet:

“Allahumma salli ala sayyidina Muhammadin salatan tounjina biha min jamil ahwali wal afat.Wa taqdi lana biha jami’al hajjat.Wa tutahhiruna biha min jami’assayyiat.Wa tarfauna biha


‘ındaka aladdarajat.Wa tuballighuna biha aqsal ghayat min jami’alkhayrati fil hayati wa bud al mamat,wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallim tasliman kathira.’’.

(This is called “Salatan Tunjina’’.)

Then,by opening your hands to heaven,say: “La ilaha illa anta subhanaka tıbtou ilayka inni kuntu min azzalimeen!Oh my Allah!Ya Qaadir!Innaka a’la kulli shay in Qaadir!(Oh the one who is able to do all things!Verily,you are able to do all things!) As a gift for what I did for you,send me to …. During my sleep tonight.Amin.’’,and immediately sleep on your bed.You will see that you will travel with net visions in the country you want to go.But make sure you sleep with wudu.(Wudu is Muslim cleaning with water before dily prayers.)

The most beautiful countries to visit with soul while sleeping are the following:

Macca,Madina,Egypt,Baghdat,Damascus,Bacu,Australasia,New York,China,Holland,Brazil,Venezuela,Istanbul…


PROTECTION PRAYERS: Shayh Nazim has given the dhikr to be started at the beginning of the third world-war to be protected from the war,and then to be done daily:

100 times:Hasbun Allahu wa niyamal wakil

100 times:La ilaha Illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minal laalimeen.

40 times:Salatan tounjina

SHAYH NAZIM’S BEAUTIFUL LIFE: Shaykh Muhammad Nazim Adil al-Qubrusi al-Haqqani May Allah Sanctify His Noble Secret


He is the Imam of the People of Sincerity, the Secret of Sainthood, who revived the Naqshbandi Order at the end of the 20th Century, with Heavenly guidance and Prophetic ethics. He infused into the Nation and the Planet, love of God and love of the lovers of God, after they had been darkened with the fire and smoke of tribulation and terror, anger and grief. He is the Unveiler of Secrets, the Keeper of Light, the Shaykh of Shaykhs, the Sultan of Ascetics, the Sultan of the Pious, the Sultan of the People of the Truth. He is the Chief Master without peer of the Divine Knowledge in the late 20th Century. He is the Rain from the Ocean of Knowledge of this Order, which is reviving spirits in all parts of this world. He is the Saint of the Seven Continents, his light having attracted disciples and students from all quarters of the globe. He wears the Cloak of the Light of the Divine Presence. He is unique in his time. He is the orchid planted in the earth of Divine Love. He is the Sun for all the universes. He is known as the Saint of the Two Wings: the external knowledge and the internal knowledge. He is a Miracle of Allah's Miracles, walking on the earth and soaring in the Heavens. He is a Secret of Allah's Secrets, appearing in His Divinity and Existing in His Existence. He is the Owner of the Throne of Guidance, the Reviver of Divine Law, the Master of Sufi Way, the Builder of the Truth, the Guide of the circle, the Lyric Poem of All the Secrets. He is the Master of Saints and the Saint of the Masters. Seekers circle the Kabah of His Light. He is a Fountain always flowing, a Waterfall continuously cascading, a River always flooding, an Ocean endlessly cresting and breaking on infinite shores. He was born in Larnaca, Cyprus, on the 23rd of April 1922, a Sunday, the 26th of Shacban, 1340 H. His lineage from his father's side traces its roots to Sayiddina `Abdul Qadir Jilani, founder of the Qadiri Order. His lineage from his mother goes back to Sayiddina Jalaluddin Rumi, founder of the Mevlevi Order. He is Hassani-Hussaini, related to theProphet through the lineages of his grandfathers to the Family of the Prophet. From his father's side he received the Qadiri Tariqat. From his mother's, the Mevlevi Tariqat. During his childhood in Cyprus he sat with his grandfather, who was a Shaykh of the Qadiri Tariqat, to learn its discipline and its spirituality. Extraordinary signs appeared early in him. His conduct was perfect: he never fought nor argued with anyone. He was always smiling and patient. His grandfather from his father's side and his grandfather from his mother's side trained him for the spiritual path. As a youth, Shaykh Nazim was given great consideration because of his unusually high spiritual station. Everyone in Larnaca knew about him, because at a young age he was able to advise people, and to predict the future and reveal it spontaneously. From the age of five there were times when his mother couldn't find him. After searching, she would find him either in the mosque or at the grave of Umm ul-Hiram (r), a Companion of the Prophet (s) whose grave has a mosque built next to it. Tourists come to her grave in large numbers, attracted by the spectacle of a rock suspended in space above her grave. When his mother would try to bring him home, he would say, "Leave me here with Umm ul-Hiram, she is one of our ancestors." He was often seen speaking to Umm ul-Hiram, who was buried fourteen


centuries ago, listening and then speaking, listening and answering, as if having a conversation with her. Whenever anyone would disturb him, he would say, "Leave me, I am speaking with my grandmother who is in this grave." His father sent him to school to study secular knowledge during the day, and in the evening he studied the religious sciences. He was a genius among his fellow-students. After completing his high school studies every night, he would devote his time to studying the Mevlevi and Qadiri Tariqats. He was conducting the Qadiri and Mevlevi circles on Thursday and Friday. Everyone in Cyprus knew him at that time as an intensely spiritual person. He learned Shari'ah, Jurisprudence, the Science of Prophetic Narrations, the Science of Logic, the Interpretaion of the Qur'an and he was able to give juristic rulings on the whole range of Islamic subjects. He was able to speak from all spiritual levels. He had a gift for explaining difficult realities in clear and easy aphorisms. After completing high school in Cyprus, he moved to Istanbul, where his two brothers and one sister were living and studying, in 1359 H/1940 CE. He studied Chemical Engineering in the University of Istanbul, in the Bayazit District. At the same time he was advancing in his Shari'ah knowledge and in the study of the Arabic language with his Shaykh, Shaykh Jamaluddin al-Alasuni, who died in 1375 H./1955 CE. He received his degree in Chemical Engineering and he excelled among his colleagues. The University professors encouraged him to go into research. He said, "I feel no attraction to modern science. My heart is always drawn to the spiritual sciences." During his first year in Istanbul he met his first spiritual Shaykh, Shaykh Sulayman Arzarumi, a Shaykh of the Naqshbandi Order who died in 1368 H/1948 CE. While he studied Chemical Engineering, he would attend the gathering of this Shaykh to learn the discipline of the Naqshbandi Order, in addition to his two orders, the Qadiri and the Mevlevi. He could usually be seen in Sultan Ahmad's Mosque, meditating by himself throughout the night. He says, "There I received great blessings and great peace in my heart. I always prayed the Dawn Prayer in that mosque with my two Shaykhs, Shaykh Jamaluddin al-Alasuni and Shaykh Sulayman Arzarumi. They were educating me and putting in my heart the spiritual knowledge. I had many visions during that time, drawing me to go to the Holy Land of Damascus, but I didn't yet have permission from my Shaykh. Many times in my visions, through Self-Effacement, I saw the Prophet Muhammad calling me to his presence. There was a deep yearning in my heart to leave everything and to migrate to the Holy City of the Prophet. "One day, when this longing in my heart was particularly intense, I saw a vision in which my Shaykh, Sulayman Arzarumi, came, shook me by the shoulder, and told me, 'Now the permission has come. Your secrets and your trust and your spiritual guidance are not with me. I only held you as a trust until you were ready for your real Shaykh, who is also my Shaykh, Shaykh `Abdullah ad-Daghestani. He is holding your keys. So go to him in Sham. This permission comes from me and from the Prophet." [Shaykh Sulayman Arzurumi was one of the 313 saints of the Naqshbandi Order, who stand in the footsteps of and represent the 313 messengers.]


"That vision ended, and with it I had received the permission to move to Sham. I looked for my Shaykh to tell him about that vision. I found him coming to the mosque after about two hours. I ran to him. He opened his arms and said to me, 'My son, are you happy with your vision?' Then I knew that he knew everything that had happened. He said, 'Don't wait. Direct yourself to Sham.' He didn't give me an address or any other information, except the name, Shaykh `Abdullah ad-Daghestani, in Sham. I traveled from Istanbul to Aleppo by train, where I stayed some time. While there I would go from one to mosque to another, praying, sitting with scholars and spending time in worship and meditation. "Then I travelled to Hama, which, like Aleppo, is a very ancient city. I tried to move on to Sham, but it was impossible. The French, who occupied Sham, were preparing for an attack by the English. So I traveled to Homs to the grave of Sayiddina Khalid ibn Walid (r), a Companion of the Prophet. I visited Khalid ibn Walid (r) and then I went into the mosque and prayed. A servant came to me and said, 'I saw a dream last night in which the Prophet came to me. He said, 'One of my grandsons is coming here tomorrow. Take care of him for me.' Then he showed me how you would look. Now I see you are that person.' "I was so taken by what he said, that I accepted his invitation. He gave me one room near that mosque, where I stayed for one year. I didn't go out except to pray and to sit in the majlis of two eminent scholars of Homs, who were teaching Recitation (tajwid), Exegesis (tafsir), Narration of Traditions ('ilm al-hadith) and Jurisprudence (fiqh). They were Shaykh Muhammad `Ali `Uyun as-Sud and Shaykh Abdul `Aziz `Uyun as-Sud, the Mufti of Homs. I also attended the spiritual teachings of two Naqshbandi Shaykhs, Shaykh `Abul Jalil Murad and Shaykh Sa'id as-Suba'i. My heart was yearning to go to Sham. Because the war was so intense, I decided to go to Tripoli in Lebanon, from there to Beirut and from Beirut to Sham by a safer way." In the year 1364 H/1944 CE, Shaykh Nazim moved on to Tripoli by bus. The bus took him to the harbor and dropped him there. He was a stranger there, not knowing anyone. As he wandered around the harbor area, he saw someone coming from the opposite side of the street. That person was Shaykh Munir al-Malek, the Mufti of Tripoli. He was, at the same time, the Shaykh of all Sufi Orders in the city. He approached and said, "Are you Shaykh Nazim? I saw a dream with the Prophet telling me, 'One of my grandsons is coming to Tripoli.' He showed me your appearance and told me to look for you in this area. He told me to take care of you." Shaykh Nazim relates: "I stayed with Shaykh Munir al-Malek for a month. Then he arranged for me to go to Homs and from Homs to Damascus. I arrived in Damascus on a Friday, in 1945 CE/1365 H. at the beginning of the Hijri year. I knew that Shaykh `Abdullah was living in the district of Hayy al-Maidan, near the tomb of Sayyidina Bilal al-Habashi (r) and many descendants of the Family of the Prophet, an ancient area full of monuments from long ago. "I didn't know which house was the Shaykh's. A vision appeared to me at that moment, while standing in the street, that the Shaykh was coming out of his house and calling me inside. That vision ended but I could see no one in the streets. It was empty because of the bombardment by the French and the English. Everyone was afraid, hiding in their houses. I was alone in the streets. I was contemplating in my heart to know which house was the Shaykh's. Then in a vision I saw a specific house with a specific door. I looked until I found


that door. As I approached to knock on the door, the Shaykh opened the door. He said, 'Welcome, my son, Nazim Effendi.' "His unusual appearance immediately attracted me. I had never seen such a Shaykh before. Light poured from his face and forehead. Warmth was coming from his heart and from the brilliant smile on his face. He took me upstairs, climbing up to his room telling me, 'We have been waiting for you.'" "In my heart I was completely happy to be with him, but I also had a yearning to visit the city of the Holy Prophet. I asked him, 'What shall I do?' He said, 'Tomorrow I will give you your answer. For now, rest.' He offered me dinner and I prayed the Night Prayer with him and slept. In the early morning he woke me for tahajjud (after-midnight) prayer. Never in my life had I felt such power as that in his prayer. I felt myself in the Divine Presence and my heart was more and more attracted to him. "A vision came to me and I saw myself climbing a ladder from our prayer place to the Bayt al-Ma'mur, the Ka`ba of the Heavens, step by step. Every step was a state in which he put me, and in each state I received, in my heart, knowledge that I had never before learned or heard about. Words, phrases and sentences were put together in such a magnificent way, transmitted inside my heart in every state that I had been lifted to, until we reached the Bayt al-Ma'mur. There I saw 124,000 prophets standing in rows for prayers, with Sayyidina Muhammad as Imam. I saw 124,000 Companions of the Prophet Muhammad standing in rows behind them. Then I saw the 7,007 Saints of the Naqshbandi Order standing behind them for prayer. Then I saw 124,000 saints of the other orders, standing in rows for prayers. There was a space left for two people directly on the right side of Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (r). Grandshaykh went to that open space and he took me with him and we prayed Dawn Prayer. Never in my life had I experienced the sweetness of that prayer, and when the Prophet Muhammad lead the prayer, the beauty of his recitation was indescribable. It was an experience that no words can describe, because it was a Divine matter. As the prayer ended, the vision ended, and I heard the Shaykh telling me to call the adhan for Fajr." "He prayed the Dawn Prayer and I prayed behind him. Outside I could hear the bombardment of the two armies. He gave me initiation in the Naqshbandi Order and he said to me, 'O my son, we have power that in one second we can make our murid reach his station. As soon as he said that he looked into my heart with his eyes, and as he did so they turned from yellow to red, then to white, then to green and black. The color of his eyes changed as he poured into my heart the knowledge associated with each color. The yellow light was the first and corresponded to the state of the Heart (Qalb). He poured into my heart all kinds of the external knowledge which is necessary for the daily life of people. Then he poured from the stage of the Secret (Sirr), the knowledge of all forty Orders which came from Sayiddina `Ali (r), and I found myself a master in all these Orders. While transmitting the knowledge of this Stage, his eyes were red. The third stage, which is the Secret of the Secret (Sirr as-Sirr), is only permitted for Shaykhs of the Naqshbandi Order, whose imam is Sayyidina Abu Bakr (r). As he poured into my heart from this stage, his eyes were white in color. Then he took me into the Stage of the Hidden (Khafa), the station of hidden spiritual knowledge, where his eyes were changing to green. Then he took me to the Station of Complete Annihilation, the Station of the Most Hidden (Akhfa) where nothing


appeared, and the color of his eyes was black. Here he brought me into the presence of Allah. Then he brought me back to existence." "My love for him at that moment was so intense that I could not imagine being away from him, and I desired nothing more than to stay with him forever and serve him. Then the storm arrived, the tornado descended, and turbulence threatened the calm. The test was gigantic. My heart was in despair when he told me, 'My son, your people are in need of you. I have given you enough for now. Go to Cyprus today.' I had spent one year and a half to reach him. I spent one night with him. Now he was ordering me to go back to Cyprus, a place I hadn't seen in five years. It was a terrible order for me, but in tariqat the murid must surrender and submit to the will of his Shaykh." "After kissing his hands and feet, and taking his permission, I tried to find a way to travel to Cyprus. The Second World War was reaching its end. There was no transportation. As I was in the street thinking these thoughts a person came to me and said, 'O Shaykh, do you need a ride?' I said, 'Yes! Where are you are going?' He said, 'To Tripoli.' He took me in his truck and after two days we reached Tripoli. When we arrived there I said, 'Take me to the seaport.' He said, 'What for?' I said, 'To find a ship to Cyprus.' He said, 'How? No one is traveling in the sea with this great war going on.' I said, 'Never mind that, just take me there.' He took me to the seaport and dropped me there. I was again surprised when I saw Shaykh Munir alMalek coming towards me. He said, 'What is that love your grandfather has for you? The Prophet came again to me in my dream and said, 'My son Nazim is coming. Take care of him.'" "I stayed with him three days. I asked him to help me arrange passage to Cyprus. He tried, but it was impossible at that time because of the war and the shortage of fuel. He could find nothing except a sailboat. He told me, 'You can go but it is dangerous.' I said, 'I must go, because that is the order of my Shaykh.' Shaykh Munir payed the owner a heavy price to get him to take me. We set sail. It took us seven days to reach Cyprus, a trip which normally takes four hours by motorboat." "As soon as I landed and put my foot on the soil of Cyprus, immediately a spiritual vision was opened to my heart. I saw Grandshaykh `Abdullah Daghestani saying to me, 'O my son. Nothing was able to keep you from carrying out my order. You have acheived a lot by listening and accepting. From this moment I will always be visible to you. Anytime you direct your heart towards me I will be there. Any question you have you will receive an answer directly from the Divine Presence. Any spiritual state you wish to achieve it will be granted to you because of your complete submission. The Saints are all happy with you, the Prophet is happy with you. As soon as he said that I felt him beside me, and since then he has never left me. He is always beside me." Shaykh Nazim began to spread spiritual guidance and Islamic teachings in Cyprus. Many followers came to him and accepted the Naqshbandi Order. Unfortunately it was at a time when all religion was banned in Turkey, and as he was in the Turkish community of Cyprus, religion was entirely banned there as well. Even the calling of the Adhan was prohibited. His first action after reaching his birthplace was to go to the mosque and call the adhan in Arabic. He was immediately jailed and stayed in jail for one week. As soon as he was released, he went to the big mosque of Nicosia and called the adhan from its minaret. This made the officials very angry and they filed a lawsuit against him. While he awaited the


lawsuit, he went all over Nicosia and nearby villages calling the adhan from the minarets. As a result, many more lawsuits were raised, and eventually there were 114 cases pending against him. Lawyers advised him to stop calling the adhan, but he said, "No, I cannot. People must hear the call to prayer."

The day of the hearing arrived for the 112 cases. If prosecuted and convicted he could receive over 100 years of jail time. The same day, the election results came in from Turkey: a man named Adnan Menderes had been voted into power. His first action as President was to open all mosques and to permit the Adhan to be made in Arabic. That was a miracle of our Grandshaykh. During his years there, Shaykh Nazim traveled all over Cyprus, and also visited Lebanon, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and many other places to teach the tariqat. He moved back to Damascus in 1952, when he got married to one of the murids of Grandshaykh, Hajjah Amina Adil. From that time he lived in Damascus, and every year he would visit Cyprus for the three months of Rajab, Sha`ban and Ramadan. His family lived in Damascus with him and would travel with him to Cyprus when he went there. He had two daughters and two sons. His Travels Shaykh Nazim used to go every year for pilgrimage as the Hajj leader for the convoy of Cypriot pilgrims. He made 27 pilgrimages in all He looked after the murids and followers of Grandshaykh. One time Grandshaykh ordered him to go from Damascus to Aleppo on foot and to stop at every village on the way to spread the Naqshbandi teachings, the knowledge of Sufism and the knowledge of religion. The distance between Damascus and Aleppo is about 400 kilometers. It took him more than a year to go and return. He would walk one or two days, reach a village, spend one week in the village spreading the Naqshbandi Order, leading dhikr, training the people, then move on down the road to the next village. Soon his name was on every tongue, from the border of Jordan to the border of Turkey near Aleppo. Similarly, Grandshaykh once ordered Shaykh Nazim to walk through Cyprus. He walked from one village to another, calling people to Islam, to leave atheism, secularism, and materialism and to come back to Allah. He became so well-known throughout Cyprus, and so beloved, that the color of his turban and cloak, both a dark green, became known throughout the island as "the Shaykh Nazim green head" (Sheih Nazim yesilbas). In recent years he has performed a similar walkabout in the country of Turkey. Each year since 1978, he has spent three to four months traveling throughout one area of Turkey. In one year he traveled the area of Istanbul, Yalova, Bursa, Eskisehir and Ankara. In another he traveled to Konya, Isparta, Kirsehir. In another year he traveled the southern seacoast, from Adana, to Mersin, Alanya, Izmir, Antalya. Then another year he went to the Eastern side, Diyarbakir, Erzurum, up to the border of Iraq. Another sojourn he spent on the Black Sea, moving from one district to another, from one town to another, from one mosque to the next, spreading the word of Allah, and spirituality and light wherever he went.


Wherever he travels he is welcomed by crowds of common people, and by the officials and government people as well. He is known by the beloved nickname of al-Kibrisi throughout Turkey. He was the Shaykh of the late president of Turkey, Turgut Ozal, and he was extremely well-respected by him. Currently he is well-known throughout Turkey because of the extensive coverage given to him by the media and the press. He is interviewed nearly every week by one television station or another, one reporter or another, to get his opinions on the events in Turkey and its future. He walks the middle path recommended by the Prophet , enabling him to tread a fine line between the secularist government and the Islamicist group. This brings happiness and peace to the hearts and minds of both the common people and the intelligentsia. Starting in 1974, he began to visit Europe, travelling every year from Cyprus to London by plane and returning overland, by car. He continues to meet all kinds of people from every land and tongue, from all different faiths and all different cultures. People continue to take shahada, Tariqat, and spiritual secrets from him.. As Shah Naqshband was the Mujaddid in Bukhara and Central Asia, as Sayyidina Ahmad asSirhindi al-Mujaddedi was the Reviver of the 2nd Millenium, as Sayyidina Khalid alBaghdadi was the Reviver of Islam and Shari'ah and Tariqat in the Middle East, now Shaykh Muhammad Nazim Adil al-Haqqani is the Reviver, the Renewer and the Caller to God in this Age, the Age of Technology and Material Progress. His smiling, glowing face is beloved throughout Europe, for bringing the first real taste of spirituality the lifetime of the people. Recently in 1991, he began his journey to America. In his first trip he visited over 15 states. He met many people of different beliefs and religions: Muslims, Christians, Jews, Sikhs, Buddhists, Hindus, and New Age believers. This resulted in the establishing of over 15 centers of the Naqshbandi Order in North America. He made a second visit in 1993, and traveled to many cities and towns, visiting mosques, churches, synaguoges, and temples. Through him, over 10,000 people in North America have entered Islam and have taken initiation in the Naqshbandi Order. In 1986, he was called to travel to the Far East: Brunei, Malaysia, Singapore, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka. He visited every major city in these countries. He was welcomed by sultans, presidents, members of parliament, government officials, and of course the common people everywhere. He is considered the saint of the Age in Brunei. He was welcomed by the generosity of its people and especially by the Sultan, Hajji Hasanal Bolkiah. He is considered one of the great Shaykhs of The Naqshbandi Order in Malaysia. In Pakistan, he is acknowledged as the Reviver of the Tariqat, and he has thousands of murids. In Sri Lanka, from among the officials and the common people he has over 20,000 murids. He is well respected among the Muslims in Singapore and has many murids there. He visited Lebanon many times, where we came to know him. One time I was in the office of my uncle, who was the General Secretary for Religious Affairs in Lebanon, a high ranking government position. It was 'Asr time and my uncle, Shaykh Mukhtar Alayli, used to pray in the Masjid al-`Umari al-Kabir in Beirut. It was a church at the time of `Umar ibn al-Khattab (r), and it had been converted into a mosque in his time. Until today beneath the mosque are the foundations of the church. My uncle was leading the prayer, and two of my brothers and I were praying behind him. A Shaykh came and prayed beside us. He looked at my brother and said to him, 'Are you so-and-so?' and mentioned his name. He looked at my other brother and


mentioned his name. He looked at me and called me by name also. We were very surprised at this, as we had never seen him before. My uncle was also drawn to him. My eldest brother insisted on hosting Shaykh Nazim in our house and my uncle came with us. Our guest said, "I have been sent by Shaykh `Abdullah and he told me, 'The one on your right side after 'Asr prayer is named such and the other is named such and the other is named such. Initiate them into the Naqshbandi Order. They are going to be among our followers.' His knowing all our names astonished us and drew us to him. I was particularly attracted to him, being quite young. From that time on, he made it a practice to visit Beirut regularly. We also used to visit Damascus every week to see Grandshaykh `Abdullah and Shaykh Nazim. We received a lot of spiritual knowledge and witnessed the miraculous powers that they were spreading to the hearts of seekers. We were so drawn to them, that we were always begging our father to let us go see them every Sunday. Shaykh Nazim's house was never empty of visitors. At least one hundred visitors would pass through his house each day. He was serving each and every one of them. His house was near Grandshaykh's house on Jabal Qasiyun, a mountain overlooking the city, on the southeastern side of Damascus. He lived in a modest stucco house in which everything was simple, made by hand out of wood or some other natural material. His Seclusions His first seclusion by the order of Shaykh `Abdullah Daghestani was in the year 1955, in Sueileh, Jordan. There he spent six months in seclusion. The power and purity of his presence attracted thousands of murids, so that Sueileh and it surrounding villages, Ramta and `Amman became full of the murids of the Shaykhs. Scholars, officials and so many people were attracted to his light and his personality. When he had only two children, one daughter and one son, he was called by our Grandshaikh, Shaykh `Abdullah ad-Daghestani. He told him, "I have received an order from the Prophet for you to make seclusion in the mosque of `Abdul Qadir Jilani in Baghdad. Go there and make seclusion for six months." Describing that event, Shaykh Nazim says, "I didn't ask the Shaykh any questions. I didn't even go back to my house. I directed my steps immediately to Marja in the downtown. I didn't think, 'I need clothes, I need money, I need provisions.' When he said, 'Go!' I went. I was drawn to do seclusion with Sayyidina `Abdul Qadir. I went directly to Marja. When I reached the downtown walking I saw a man looking at me. He looked at me and he recognized me. He said, 'Shaykh Nazim, where are you going?' I said, 'To Baghdad.' He was a murid of Grandshaykh. He said, 'I am going to Baghdad myself!' He had at truckload of goods to deliver in Baghdad. So he took me with him." "When I entered the mosque of Sayyidina `Abdul Qadir Jilani there was a giant man closing the door of the mosque holding it shut. He said, 'Shaykh Nazim!' 'Yes,' I answered. He said, 'I am the one assigned to be your servant during your stay here. Come with me.' I was surprised at this, but in my heart there was no surprise because we know in tariqat that everything is always arranged by the Divine Presence. I followed him as he approached the grave of the Arch-Intercessor (Ghawth al-`Azam) and I gave greetings to my great-great-grandfather,


Sayyidina 'Abdul Qadir Jilani. Then he took me to a room and told me, 'Every day I will serve you one bowl of lentil soup with one piece of bread.'" "I only emerged from my room for the five prayers. Other than that I spent my whole time in that room. I was able to reach such a state that I could recite the whole Qur'an in nine hours. In addition I recited 124,000 Dhikr of the Kalima (la ilaha illallah) and 124,000 salawat (prayers on the Prophet) in addition to reading the entire Dala'il al-Khayrat. Added to that I was regularly reciting 313,000 'Allah Allah' every day, as well as all the prayers that were assigned to me. Vision after vision appeared to me every day. These visions took me from one state to another until I was Annihilated in the Divine Presence." "One day I had a vision that Sayyidina `Abdul Qadir Jilani was calling me to his grave and he was saying, 'O my son I am waiting for you at my grave. Come!' Immediately I took a shower, prayed two cycles of prayer and I walked to his grave which was only some few feet from my room. When I got there I began contemplating and I said, as-Salam `alayka ya jiddee ('Peace be upon you O my grandfather'). Immediately I saw him come out of the grave and stand beside me. Behind him was a Great Throne decorated with rare stones. He said to me, 'Come with me and sit with me on that throne.' "We sat like a grandfather with his grandson. He was smiling and saying, 'I am happy with you. The station of your Shaykh, `Abdullah al-Fa'iz ad-Daghestani is very high in the Naqshbandi Order. I am your grandfather and I am passing to you now, directly from me, the power that I carry as the Arch-Intercessor and I initiate you now directly into the Qadiri Order.'" When Shaykh Nazim had finished his seclusion and was about to leave, he went to Sayyidina 'Abdul Qadir Jilani's grave to say goodbye. Sayyidina 'Abdul Qadir Jilani appeared in the flesh to him and said, "O my son. I am very happy with the states you have reached in the Naqshbandi Order. I am renewing your initiation to me through the Qadiri Order." Sayyidina `Abdul Qadir Jilani then said, "O my grandson, I am going to give you a token of your visit." He hugged him and gave him ten coins. Those coins were from the time he was living in, not from our time. Up until today, Shaykh Nazim has kept those coins with him. Before he left, Shaykh Nazim gave the Shaykh who had served him during the seclusion, his jubba (cloak) as a remembrance. He told him, "I used that cloak during all of my seclusion, either as a mat to sleep on, or as a dress when praying and making dhikr. Keep it and Allah will bless you and Sayyidina Muhammad will bless you and all the Masters of this Order will bless you." The Shaykh took the cloak, kissed it, and wore it. Shaykh Nazim left Baghdad and went back to Damascus, Syria. In 1992, when Shaykh Nazim was visiting Lahore, Pakistan, he visited the tomb of Shaykh `Ali Hujwiri. The Shaykh of the Qadiri Order invited him to his house, and Shaykh Nazim spent the night there. At Fajr time, the Shaykh said, "O my Shaykh, I kept you here tonight to show you a very precious cloak, that we have inherited 27 years ago. It was passed from one great Shaykh of the Qadiri Order to another from Baghdad, and finally it reached us. All our Shaykhs have kept it and preserved it, because it was the personal cloak (jubba) of the Ghawth of his time. "A Turkish Shaykh of the Naqshbandi Order kept seclusion in the mosque and tomb of Sayyidina 'Abdul Qadir Jilani. When that Shaykh finished his seclusion he gave the cloak as


a present to a Qadiri Shaykh who had served him during his seclusion. That Qadiri Shaykh, before he passed away, ordered his successors to take great care of that cloak, because if anyone wears it, he will be healed of any illness. Any seeker wearing that cloak, in his path to the Divine Presence, will be lifted easily to high states of Vision." He opened the closet and revealed the cloak preserved in a glass case. He opened the case and took the jubba out. Shaykh Nazim was smiling. The Shaykh asked him, "What is it my Shaykh?" Shaykh Nazim said, "This brings me great happiness. This is the cloak I gave to the Qadiri Shaykh at the conclusion of my khalwat." When the Shaykh heard this he kissed the hand of Shaykh Nazim, asked to renew his initiation in the Qadiri Order and to take initiation in the Naqshbandi Order. Allah takes good care of his saints, wherever they go, by means of his sincere and beloved servants. Seclusion in Madina Many times Shaykh Nazim was ordered to go into seclusions which varied in length from 40 days to one year. The seclusions also varied in the degree of isolation from outside contact: sometimes there was no contact; sometimes there was the small amount necessitated by performing the daily prayers in congregation; and sometimes more contact was permitted for attendance at circles of gathering for association, lectures or dhikr. He did many seclusions in the city of the Prophet. He said, "No one ever had the privilege of making seclusion with his Shaykh. I had the privilege of making a seclusion in the same room with my Shaykh in Madinah al-Munawwara. It was in an ancient room near the Prophet's Holy Mosque. It had one door and one window. As soon as I entered the room with my Shaykh, he blocked the window by boarding it up. He gave me authorization to leave the room only for the five daily prayers in the Holy Mosque of the Prophet." "I was ordered by my Shaykh to keep the practice, Nazar bar Qadam, 'Watching the Step,' when I walked to the prayers. By disciplining and controlling the sight, this practice is a means to disconnect oneself from everything except Allah, Almighty and Exalted, and His Prophet." "My Shaykh never slept during that seclusion. For one year I never saw him sleeping. He never touched food. We were given one bowl of lentil soup and one piece of bread each day. He would always give his share to me. He only drank water. He never left that room." "Day after day and night after night my Shaykh sat reading Qur'an by the light of a lamp, making Dhikr and raising his hands in duca. For hours he would make du`a (supplication) and one du`a never resembled another. Each one was different from the other and throughout the whole year, he never repeated the same du`a. Sometimes I was not able to understand the language he was using in the du`a because it was a heavenly language. I could only understand these du`as by means of the visions and inspirations that came to my heart." "I didn't know when night left and day arrived except by the prayers. Grandshaykh `Abdullah never saw the light of day for one whole year, only the light of the candle. I would see the daylight only when I went out for the prayers."


"Through that seclusion I was raised to different levels of spirituality. One day I heard him saying, "O Allah give me the Power of intercession, from the Power of Intercession You have granted Your Prophet, to intercede for all human beings on the Day of Judgment to lift them up to be in Your Divine Presence." As he was saying that I was in a vision experiencing the Judgment Day, and Allah, Almighty and Exalted, was descending on His `Arsh (throne) and judging people. The Prophet was on the Right Side of the Divine Presence. Grandshaykh was on the right side of the Prophet and I was on Grandshaykh's right side." "After Allah had judged the people, he authorized the Prophet to intercede. When the Prophet had interceded and finished, he ordered Grandshaykh to give his blessings and to lift the people up with the spiritual power that he had been given. That vision ended as I heard my Shaykh saying, 'Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Nazim Effendi, I got the answer.'" "These visions continued. One day he told me after I returned from Fajr prayer, 'Nazim Effendi, Look!' Where should I look, up, down, right or left? It came to me look at his heart. As soon as I looked at his heart a great unveiling occurred to me and I saw Sayyidina `Abdul Khaliq al-Ghujdawani (q) appear in his physical body and tell me, 'O my son, your Shaykh is unique. No one like him has ever come before.' Then he invited Grandshaykh and me to come with him." "Immediately we saw ourselves with Sayyidina `Abdul Khaliq in another place on this earth. He said, Allah, Almighty and Exalted, has ordered me to go to that rock,' and we were following him to a rock. He said, 'Allah has ordered me to hit that rock.' When he hit the rock an incredibly powerful stream of water came gushing forth from that rock, the like of which I had never seen before. Sayyidina `Abdul Khaliq said, 'That water is coming out today and is going to continue to pour out like this until the Judgment Day.' "Then he said, 'Allah Almighty has told me that He is creating from every drop of this water an angel of light, which will be praising Him until Judgment Day. And He has ordered me by saying, 'O My servant `Abdul Khaliq al-Ghujdawani, your job is to give every angel its name. You cannot use any name twice. You must name each one with a different name and count their praises. You will divide the rewards of their praises among the followers of the Naqshbandi Order. That responsibility is on you.' Then that vision ended. I was so attracted to Sayyidina `Abdul Khaliq al-Ghujdawani and amazed by his incredible task." "Visions continued to pour on me in similar fashion. In the last day of our seclusion, after Fajr prayer, I heard a voice outside the room crying. I heard one great voice and many smaller voices like the voices of many children crying. That crying did not stop, but I was unable to go and see who was crying because I had no permission. The sound of crying kept increasing and continued for hours. "Then Grandshaykh looked at me and said, 'Nazim Effendi, do you know who is crying?' Though I knew that it was not the cries of human beings, I said, 'O my Shaykh, you know better.' Immediately he told me, 'This is Iblas (Satan) and his soldiers. Do you know why they are crying?' I said, 'O my Shaykh, you know better.' He said, 'Satan announced to his devils that two people on this earth have escaped their control.' "Then I saw a vision that Satan and his soldiers were encircled with a heavenly chain that prevented them from reaching my Shaykh and me. That vision ended. Then Grandshaykh said, 'Alhamdulillah, the Prophet is happy with you and I am happy with you.' Then he put


his hand on my heart and I immediately saw the Prophet and 124,000 prophets, 124,000 Companions, 7007 Naqshbandi Saints, 313 Exalted saints, the five Qu bs and the Ghawth. All of them were congratulating me and they each poured into my heart their divine knowledge. I inherited from them the secrets of the Naqshbandi Order and the secrets of the 40 other Orders." From His Miracles In 1971, Shaykh Nazim was in Cyprus for the three months of Rajab, Shacban, and Ramadan, as was his custom. One day, in Sha`ban, we received a call from the airport in Beirut and it was the Shaykh telling us to come and get him. We were surprised that he had come, as we were not expecting him, but we quickly went to pick him up. He told us, "I have been ordered by the Prophet to come to you today, because your father is going to die. I am to wash him, shroud him and bury him and then go back to Cyprus." We said, "O our Shaykh, our father is healthy, nothing is wrong with him." He said, "That is what I have been ordered." He was absolutely certain, and since we had been taught to accept what the Shaykh says, we submitted to him. He told us to gather the family and to bring them to see my father one last time. We believed him and we called all the family to come. Everyone was surprised and some didn't believe when we called them; some came and some didn't come. My father knew nothing about that matter, but only saw the relatives coming to see him as something ordinary. It was a quarter to seven. The Shaykh said, "Now I have to go up to your father's apartment to recite on him the chapter of Qur'anYa Sin ash-Sharif as he passes away." He went up to my father's flat from our flat below. He was greeted by my father at the door. My father said, "O Shaykh Nazim, it has been a long time since we heard you recite Qur'an, won't you read for us?" Then Shaykh Nazim began to recite the chapter of Quran Ya Sin ash-Sharif. Just as he was finishing the chapter, the clock struck seven. Just then my father cried out, "My heart, my heart!" We lay him down and my brother and sister, who are both doctors, came to check him. They found his heart racing out of control and within minutes he breathed his last. Everyone looked at Shaykh Nazim with awe and astonishment. "How did he know?" we were wondering. "How did he come from Cyprus just for this? What kind of saint is he? How did he know that time so precisely? What kind of secret was he carrying in his heart? What kind of perfect saint is he who knows things that people cannot know?" The secret he carries is a result of Allah's love and mercy to him. Allah authorized him with that power and prescience because he maintained his sincerity and piety and loyalty to Allah's religion, and kept his obligations and his prayers, and honored His Holy Qur'an. He is like all saints of the Naqshbandi Order before him, like all saints of other orders before him, like his grandfathers Sayyidina `Abdul Qadir Jilani and Sayyidina Jalaluddin Rumi, and like Muhyideen Ibn cArabi who followed and preserved the tradition of Islam for 1400 years. We were caught between two emotions. On the one hand we cried for our father's passing, and on the other we were happy with our master and what he had done for our father. His coming to take care of our father at his last breath was a gesture we will never forget, and was a blessed miracle written with words of light. He washed his body with his holy hands, covered him with a shroud, and buried him with his holy hands. Having accomplished his task he took a flight back to Cyprus the very same day.


What kind of emotions and feelings enter the heart of a person when he sees such events in front of his eyes, events which the material mind cannot encompass or even imagine? The pen cannot express these feelings. We can only say one thing: this is the truth, this is what happened. It is a reality that happens with a mystical power, an unbelievable power that can be given to a person when he has been granted love from the Divine. With that love he will be granted knowledge from the Divine, wisdom from the Divine, spirituality from the Divine. He will be granted everything. He will be a Knower of the past, a Knower of the present and a Knower of the future. Once Shaykh Nazim was visiting Lebanon for a period of two months during the hajj (pilgrimage) season. The governor of the city of Tripoli, Lebanon, Ashar ad-Daya, was head of the official convoy to the hajj. He invited Shaykh Nazim to go with him on the Pilgrimage. The Shaykh said, "I cannot go with you, but, Insha-Allah, I will meet you there." The governor insisted, "If you are going, please go with me. Don't go with anyone else." Shaykh Nazim replied, "I don't yet know if I will go or not." After the season of hajj finished, and the governor had returned, he rushed to the house where Shaykh Nazim was staying. In front of 100 people, while we were watching, he said, "O Shaykh Nazim, why did you go with someone else, why didn't you come with me?" We said, "The Shaykh did not go on hajj. For two months he has been here with us, traveling around Lebanon." He said, "No! He was on hajj. I have witnesses. One day I was making the ritual circumambulation of the Ka'aba (tawaf), and Shaykh Nazim came to me and said, 'O Ashar, are you here?' I said, 'Yes, my Shaykh.' Then he made circumambulation with me. We spent the night together in our hotel in Makkah. He spent the day with us on Arafat, in our tent. He spent the night with me in Mina, and he stayed with us in Mina for three days. Then he told me, 'I have to go to Madinah to visit the Prophet.'" As he told this story, we were carefully observing Shaykh Nazim, as we knew that he had never left our presence in Lebanon. We saw that unique, hidden smile, as if he meant to say, "That is the power that Allah grants to his saints. When they are on His Way, when they reach His Divine Love and His Divine Presence, Allah will grant them everything." When he saw that, the governor said, "O my Shaykh, what is this miraculous ability that you showed us? It is incredible. That is something I never saw in all my life. I am a politician, and I rely on my mind and my logic. Yet I must say that you are not an ordinary person, you have superhuman powers. It must be something that Allah Himself has dressed you with!" He kissed the hand of the Shaykh and asked him for initiation in the Naqshbandi Order. Whenever Shaykh Nazim would visit Lebanon, that governor and the prime minister of Lebanon would sit in the Shaykh's association. Up until today, their families and many of the Lebanese people are his followers. Shayh Nazım’s secret miracle:A living dragon in Lefke: There is a jinn in a cave in Lefke and after midnight,it becomes in the form of a dragon.A shepherd mureed of Mowlana Shayh Nazım saw it.Mowlana Shayh Nazım(q.s.) says: “May the one who does not believe me come with me to that cave after midnight,and I will show him/her that dragon!’’. The Paradiseful Atmosphere around him:


When a person goes to Lefke and comes very close to the home of Mowlana Shayh Nazim,he/she feels a very peaceful and amazing atmosphere,a heavy mist.He/she feels like he/she is breathing the air of Paradise in.This is since the light of Mowlana Shayh Nazim. His first miracle in Damascus: The first time Shayh Nazim(q.s.) became popular was the time when he was praying in a mosque in Damascus.After the prayer,he multiplied his body while meditating(performing muraqabah) and there became 4 Shayh Nazims sitting in the mosque.Immediately Arabs in the mosque took bayyath from him(they all became mureeds).That was how Mowlana Shayh Nazim(q.s.) was known on Earth for the first time. His miracles in lifeafter: A person who does not arrange time for 5-times prayer regularly but who is Muslim and goes to mosque on holly days,fasts sometimes claiming that he has no time for all prayers because of his being busy with his works and family passes away.He/she was the one who visited Mowlana Shayh Nazim only for one time.He/she loses his/her hope in lifeafter,he/she thinks he/she would be a wood of the blazing fire because he/she did not start performing regular daily prayers even when he became too old.Angels ask his soul: “Have your eyes ever seen a Shayh while living on Earth?’’.He/ she says: “I saw Shayh Nazim!’’.Allah(j.j.) orders His angels: “Let Shayh Nazim(q.s.) come!’’.He is found there immediately.Angels tell him: “O the saint of Allah(j.j.)!This man/woman says his/her eyes have seen you once!’’.Mowlana immediately says: “Then may that eyes not see the Hell!’’.Then he takes that person immediately to Paradise.This is again a miracle of Mowlana Shayh Nazim(q.s.) which has never been given to any saint before him. May Allah bless the noble secret of our GrandShayh Nazim(q.s.). From His Sayings About the state of Unique Oneness (wahdaniyya) he said: "It means the impossibility of the existence of multiplicity, and it is of three categories: -The unique Oneness of the Essence: This means that His Essence is not compounded or combined from two or more parts, and there is nothing which resembles His Divine Essence. -The Unique Oneness of His Attributes: This means that Allah, Almighty and Exalted, does not possess two kinds of Attributes which represent the same thing. For example, He does not have two Wills nor two Intentions. He is One in every attribute. The Unique Oneness of His Actions: It means that He is the Creator, by His Own Wish and His Own Will, of everything that appears in this universe. All creations are either a substance or a description or an action. Thus all His Actions are created by Him for His servants." "If the love is true, then the lover must keep respect for the Beloved and proper manners with Him."


"The highest Certainty of Truth is when the Shaykh glorifies the Divine Presence in your eye and diminishes everything other than God." "There are three big snakes that harm human beings: to be intolerant and impatient with the people around you; to be habituated to something you cannot leave; and to be controlled by your ego." "To achieve dunya (the world) is humiliation, and to achieve the next life is honor. I am amazed at those who prefer humiliation to honor." "If Allah, Almighty and Exalted, opened the Essence of His Divine Love, everyone on earth would die from that love." "We must always be engaged in the following: pondering Allah's verses in the Holy Qur'an and his signs which cause love to evolve in us; thinking about His Promise to reward us, which will generate and bring forth in us yearning; and thinking about His Warning of punishment, which will generate in us shyness of Allah." "Allah said, 'Whoever will be patient with Us will reach Us.'" "If fear of God is grounded in the heart, the tongue will never speak what is of no purpose." "Ta awwuf is the purity of progressing to Allah's Divine Presence, and its essence is to leave this materialistic life." "One time Junayd (q) saw Iblis (Satan) in a vision, and he was naked. He told him, 'O Accursed one, are you not shy of people to appear naked?' He said, 'O Junayd, why should I be shy of people when they are not shy from themselves?'" "When you meet a seeker in the way of Allah, approach him with sincerity and loyalty and with lenience. Don't approach him with knowledge. Knowledge might make him wild at the beginning, but leniency will bring him quickly to you." "A seeker should be someone who has left himself and connected his heart with the Divine Presence. He stands in His Presence performing his obligations while visualizing the Divine with his heart. Allah's Light has burned his heart giving him a thirst for the nectar of roses, and withdrawing the curtains from his eyes, allowing him to see His Lord. If he opens his mouth it is by order of the Divine Presence. If he moves it is by the order of Allah, and if he becomes tranquil it is by the action of the Divine Attributes. He is in the Divine Presence and with Allah." "The Sufi is the one who keeps the obligations that Allah has conveyed by the Holy Prophet, and strives to raise himself to the state of Perfected Character, which is the Knowledge of Allah, Almighty and Exalted." "Ta awwuf is a knowledge from which one learns the state of the human soul, praiseworthy or blameworthy. If it is blameworthy he learns how to purify it and enable it, by becoming praiseworthy, to journey to Allah's Divine Presence. Its fruits are the heart's development: Knowledge of Allah, Glorious and Sublime, through direct experience; salvation in the next world; triumph through gaining Allah's pleasure; the attainment of eternal happiness; and


illumination and purification so that noble matters disclose themselves, extraordinary states are revealed, and one perceives what the inside of others is blind to." "Tasawwuf is not a particular type of worship, but is rather the attachment of the heart to Allah. Such attachment demands that whenever something is preferred (mandub), according to the standards of the Sacred Law, for someone in one's circumstances, then one does it. This is why we find that Sufis have served Islam in a wide variety of capacities. Islamic scholars must acquire the higher education of Sufism." Grandshaykh's Predictions Concerning Shaykh Nazim Grandshaykh, before he passed away said in his will, "By the Order of the Prophet (s), I have trained and lifted up my successor, Nazim Effendi, and put him through many seclusions and trained him in severe training and I am assigning him to be my successor. I am seeing that in the future he will spread this Order through East and West. Allah will make all kinds of people, rich and poor, scholars and politicians, come to him, learn from him and take the Naqshbandi Order, at the end of the 20th Century and the beginning of the 21st Century. It will spread all over the world, such that not one continent will be devoid of its sweet scent." "I see him establishing and founding huge headquarters in London through which he will spread this tariqat to Europe, the Far East, and America. He will spread sincerity, love, piety, harmony, and happiness among people, and all shall leave behind ugliness, terrorism, and politics. He will spread the knowledge of peace within the heart, the knowledge of peace within communities, the knowledge of peace between nations, in order that wars and struggles will be taken away from this world and peace will become the dominating factor. I am seeing young people running to him from everywhere, asking for his barakah and blessings. He will show them the way to keep their obligations in the Islamic tradition, to be moderate, to live in peace with everyone of every religion, to leave hatred and enmity. Religion is for Allah and Allah is the judge of His servants." That prediction has come to pass, just as Grandshaykh `Abdullah had described it. In the year after Grandshaykh (q) passed away in 1973, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim made his first return trip to Turkey, visiting Bursa. Then he went to London. Many young people, especially the followers of John Bennett, came to meet him. As many people began coming to hear him he established his first center there in 1974. He followed his first visit with annual visits to England and the Continent during and after Ramadan. The Order spread quickly, penetrating all of Europe, together with the United States, Canada and South America. He opened three centers in London for training people in the ways of spirituality, removing their depression and lifting them to a state of peace in their hearts. His teachings continued to spread to all parts of Europe, North Africa, Southern Africa, the Gulf countries, America, North and South, the Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia, Russia and parts of China, Australia and New Zealand. . You cannot find in the countries we have named and countries we have not named, a place where the touch of Shaykh Nazim is not felt. This is what differentiates him from all saints


that are living now and all saints that came before. You find all languages are spoken in his presence. Every year, in the month of Ramadan, a huge conference is held in London, which more than 5,000 people attend from all over the world. As Allah said, "We made you nations and tribes that you might know one another" [49:13]. His followers come from all walks of life. You find the poor, the middle class, the wealthy, the businessman, the doctor, the lawyer, the psychiatrist, the astronomer, the plumber, the carpenter, Ministers of government, politicians, senators, parliament members, prime ministers, presidents, kings, sultans, and royalty of all kinds, everyone attracted to his simplicity, to his smile, to his light and to his spirituality. Thus he is known as the multicolored, Universal Shaykh. His sayings and associations (so bet) have been collected and published in many books that are available. These include the Mercy Oceans series, which number more than 35 books, thousands of feet of videotapes, and thousands and thousands of hours of audiotapes. His life is always intensely active. He is a traveler in Allah's Way, never staying home, always moving from one place to another. One day he is in the East and the next he is in the West. One day he is in the North and the next he is in the South. You don't know where he will be from one day to the next. He is always meeting with officials to encourage reconciliation and peace and preservation of the natural world. He is always sowing the seeds of love and peace and harmony in the hearts of mankind. We hope that in the spirit of his teachings all religions will find paths to reconciliation and leave behind differences to live in peace and harmony. His predictions for the future of the world are a continuation of Grandshaykh `Abdullah's predictions, announcing events before they occur, warning people and bringing their attention to what is going to happen. Many times he has said, "Communism is going to come down and the Soviet Union is going to split into pieces. He predicted the Berlin Wall would fall. The secret of the Golden Chain of the Naqshbandi Sufi Order is in his hands. He carries it with the highest power. It is shining everywhere. May Allah bless him and strengthen him in His Holy Work. May Allah send much peace, blessings, salutations, and light upon the Beloved Prophet Muhammad, his family, his companions, and all prophets and saints, especially His devoted servants in the Naqshbandi Path and all the Sufi Orders, and especially upon His friend in our time, Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Shayh Nazim Qibrisi(q.s.) huzzratty once said: “We make our mureeds(believers and followers) reach so high spiritual stations and ranks that even the prophets besides the holly Prophet Muhammad(sal.) did not reach those!’’.For instance,the authority of seeing Allah’s beauty vision while living on Earth had never been given to any prophet besides prophet Muhammad(sal.),but Prophet Muhammad’s rank is so high that even his believers can reach that biggest gift,visualising Allah’s infinite beauty vision while living on Earth by following his way by being educated by a Shayh,who took that level and all ranks from the Prophet Muhammad’s hand when he was a sufi(student) himself.



The Naqshabandi Practices have been generally divided into four groups. Each mureed may choose whichever group that he feels that he is capable of keeping to, unless the Sheikh has specifically asked a mureed to follow a particular group or indicated any other practices. For instance in Sri lanka the mureeds follow the Adab and Wazaaifs given in this website in the menu under the heading 'Adab and Wazaaifs.' This was given by Moulana Sheikh Nazim to the mureeds in Sri Lanka when he visited their country. The criteria in choosing a catergory or group seems to be that a mureed should know his capacity and should not over burden himself.

1. The Advice Of The Masters 2. The Significance of the Adab 3. The First Group 4. The Second Group 5. The Third Group 6. The Fourth Group


There is no power and no strength except in Allah, the Exalted, the Mighty This is the advice of our Master and Guide the Shaikh 'Abdullah al-Fa'iz (q), May Allah sanctify his secret! And may He benefit us by the blessings of his sacred breaths, as passed on from the tongue of Allah's Messenger (Peace and Blessings be upon him!). Our Master the Shaikh says that whoever works according to this series of advices and acts on it, will attain the Exalted Stations, especially the Station of Closeness (Qurb) to Allah (Who is Powerful and Sublime) on the Day of Resurrection. This is something which guarantees to temper the elements which exist in a human being: the Nafs (Ego), the Dunya (Worldliness), Hawa (Vain desires) and Shaitan. The Saints never speak of anything without first obtaining permission. This advice of Shaikh 'Abdullah's(q) is something which they usually learn and then keep in their hearts, it is knowledge


which pertains to the time leading up to the appearance of our Master Muhammed al-Mahdi (on whom be peace). Our Master the Shaikh says that a person who manages to act on these principles in our times will achieve what earlier generations did not achieve by Khalwats (spiritual retreats) and other spiritual exercises, and by the greater and the lesser Jihads. He who attains an exalted stage and a great rank, such a rank which the Prophets themselves and the Companions were unable to attain, is the one who practices these precepts.? And he is also the one who will have Stations which the Prophet (Peace be upon him!) did not even manifest, and neither did our Master Abu Bakr as-Siddiq速, his heir. Such a person is the one who sits with the Great Guides, listening to their guidance and being present in their council. He listens to them with a great deal of attention, with faith and respect. And this Station belongs especially to those who obey their orders and do what they wish. Then our Master the Shaikh cautions those who would meddle in politics and long for this world, because as a result of such things one is led away from the true path. In the Name of Allah, the All-Beneficent, the All-Merciful. Hadrat Murshid, our master the Shaikh 'Abdullah al-Fa'iz says that whoever receives the keys to those Stations (Maqamat), i. e. the five Stations: Qalb (Heart), Sirr (Secret), Sirru's-Sirr (Secret of the Secret), Akhfa. (Most Hidden), Khafi (Hidden) is the one who takes care to perform the Adab and the Awrad in their correct manner. Then the characteristics of the Station of Aba Yazid al-Bistami will become manifest in him. He was the one who said: "I am also the Real (al-Haqq)." Anyone who wishes to enter the Station of the two attributes of the Real One (Who is Powerful and Sublime), the attribute of Jamal (Beauty) and that of Jalal (Sublimeness/Glory), then he must follow this way. I seek refuge in Allah from Satan the Accursed. There is no Power and no Strength except in Allah, the Exalted, the Mighty: My beloved brothers! My beloved children success" is from Allah. I have been ordered, ordered by the Prophet (Peace be upon him!) to make these techniques available. In the Name of Allah, the Beneficient, the Merciful. In the Exalted Naqshbandi Order there is a Station called the Station of Annihilation in Allah (Maqamu'l Fana'i billah) and whoever wishes to attain this Station and the other Stations of which we have spoken must make a regular practice of these Waza'if.

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficient. the Merciful. There is no Power and no Strength except in Allah,the Exalted, the Mighty:


We shall set the foundation of this counsel by using the distinguished Basmalah and the formula which explains the absence of all strength and power which does not originate in Allah, who is Exalted and Mighty.Allah (Who is Powerful and Sublime) taught the Prophet Muhammed (Peace be upon him) good manners, for which reason the Holy Prophet said: "My Lord taught me good manners and he perfected His teaching." And so we must be persistent in keeping to the Adab of the Order, until we obtain knowledge of the fruits of the Shari'ah and Tariqah. First of all we should repeat that we have not stumbled outside the Order, and we shall rush to enter it. Having decided this we shall begin with the Waza'if. The beginner must always begin at the beginning, and he should recognise the difference between Shari'ah and Tariqah. Knowing the Shari'ah is to know a reality which is obligatory for every believing man and woman. Practically speaking the Shari'ah is to practice everything which was ordered by Allah (Who is Powerful and Sublime) and avoiding that which He has forbidden. Whoever keeps to these two things, Allah (Who is Powerful and Sublime) will be his teacher. This is the Shari'ah. Now Tariqah is the firm intention (‘Azimah) of the Shari'ah. that is to say that the Murid shall put his belief in the one who is his Shaikh and Guide, and should precede as indicated by him. The Murid may not ask his Shaikh any question refering to anything which he may order him to do. The second description of Tariqah is that the Murid should be ready to take orders from the Shaikh. Just as the Prophet used to await the coming of Divine Inspiration (Wahy) from Allah (Who is Powerful and Sublime), in the same way the Murid must follow his Murshid's orders, carrying them out to the letter.? And he must have the Adab of Anticipation that is to say that he must constantly await the orders of his Guide; he must adopt the attitude of a hunter to his Prey, being oblivious to all other directions. His sight, hearing, existence and thoughts should be ready to receive orders and he should always be prepared to carry out some new order. Such a man will be a master of the Adab of the Exalted Naqshbandi Order and this Tajalli will become manifest in him. Hadrat Shaikh says: "I do not speak to you about any Station (Maqam), Tajalli or Rank (Rutbah) without my already having entered that station or position or without having experienced that Tajalli. I am not like the others, I do not speak separating my sight from my chart, enumerating the Stations (Maqamat) for you without my knowing their reality (Haqiqah). No! First of all I followed that path and saw what it was. I learned those Realities and Secrets which may be found along it, and I worked my way along it until I obtained the Knowledge of Certainty (‘Ilmu'lYaqin), the Eye of Certainty (‘Ainu'l-Yaqin) and the Truth of Certainty (Haqqu'l-Yaqin). Only then do I speak to you, giving you a taste, as it were, of that which I have tasted, until I am able to make you reach that station without tiring you and without difficulties." Our Master Abu Bakr As-Siddiq (May Allah be pleased with him!) asked the Pride of all Existing Beings, our Master Muhammed (Peace be upon him!) about the meaning of the phrase 'Ajalu'lKaramat' (the appointed time for miracles) and he replied: "As long as success remains." (Dawamu'-Tawfiq). And what is the meaning of 'Dawamu't-Tawfiq'?


It is that the Murid should keep to, his Wazifah and should obey the orders of his Murshid without veering either to the right or to the left. Flying in the sky or walking on water, entering into fire untouched or knowing the secrets of people’s hearts are not praiseworthy miracles since Satan also possesses these gifts. With the People of Reality such miracles are never counted as being of the desirable kind, and our Naqshbandi Brethren compare these miracles to a woman's menstruation, saying: "The Miracle of Walis is the Menstruation of Men." The Masters of our Naqshbandi Order do not openly perform miracles even if skinned alive or tortured to death. Our Sheik, Maulana 'Abdullah al-Fa'iz (May Allah sanctify his secret!) says: "My tongue is the tongue of the Secret of the Shari'ah and of the Secret of the Qur'an." Then he asked a question, saying: "Who are the bearers and protectors of the Qur'an (i.e. Huffaz)? The bearers and protectors of the Qur'an are those who set foot in all these Stations and know them with true understanding. And is it not right, my children that I should indicate to you that you should follow this path so that you may reach and discover these Stations?"


Now I shall show you the Adab of the Awrad. and it is by means of these Awrad that you will attain the Gnosis of those Stations, this you will achieve by keeping to these Awrad. And they are of two kinds: those for the People of Determination (Ahlu'l-Aza'im) and the second kind is for those who are not able to practice the first kind. “A Spiritual exercise must be like clothing for the murid.It is the most natural and easy thing to wear, suitable and well fitted clothing- especially such a cloak of honour,but if the exercise exceeds the capacity of the murid, it becomes like an excess burden of ill fitting clothes that the murid can’t wear.And, so,if the exercise doesn’t fit him, he must carry it around like a heavy bulky package, he will always be looking for a place where he can conveniently dump it or get rid of it.” Sheik Nazim. Adab — Perfected Manners. The outward behaviour to be observed by a follower of the Path that will aid him in reaching his goal.In this book it also refers to a foundation of prayers to be said before the main exercises, Awraad are built on the Adab.


Awraad. The spiritual exercises. Discipline assigned by the Sheik for observance by the followers, sometimes practice individually and sometimes communally, sometimes silently, sometimes aloud.Awraad usually involve repitition of Holy Names and phrases or reading of litanies The First Kind The Adab of the first kind, during the course of 24 hours: (1) For every Muslim man and woman: To repeat the Shahadah three times every day, Ashadu an Lailaha Illallah Washadu anna Muhammadan abduhu Wa Rasooluhu (Sallallahu alaihi Wa sallam). And the two phrases of the Shahadah are an expression of the Adab and the Soul of everything which the Prophet (Peace be upon him!) brought with him (i.e. the Shari'ah) and it is obligatory for every Muslim man and woman. (2) Seeking Allah's forgiveness: Astaghfirullah 70 times. (3) Fatihatu'l-Kitab, with the intention of sharing in the Tajallis and divine favours sent down with it when it was first revealed, in Mecca and without this intention it will be as if we have fallen outside. Our respected teacher says: If a non-Believer should recite al-Fatihah, even if only once in his whole life, then he will not leave this world without obtaining at least part of those divine favours, because Allah does not distinguish between the non-Believer and the Fasiq (Wrongdoer) or between a Believer and a Muslim,? in fact they are all equal to him. since they are all 'included in the Ayah: (I seek refuge in Allah:) "And We have honoured the Sons of Adam." Here Allah (Who is Faultless and Self-Exalting) declares that He has honoured all the Sons of Adam. Inasmuch as these favours and these Tajallis which descended with Suratu'l-Fatihah belonged especially to the meaning of this verse, it is from this that the Kafir will get some portion of the divine favours. The Tajalli which came down with Suratu'l-Fatihah will never cease and it will last forever, and it belongs especially to al-Fatihah. No one knows how much Tajalli there is except Allah (Who is Powerful and Sublibe) and His Messenger (Peace be upon him!) Whoever recites Suratu'l-Fatihah with the intention of sharing in these Tajallis will obtain a high position and a great rank. And whoever recites it without this intention gets general divine favours only, and not the special ones. This Surat possesses innumerable and limitless stations (Maqamat) in the sight of Allah (Who is Powerful and Sublime.) (4) Bismillah and the verses 'Amana'r-Rasul', until the end. (Surat'ul Baqara, Surah 2, Verses 285 - 286) Whoever recites this Ayah even a single time will attain a high rank and a great position, and he will get the safety of al-Amman (Allah) in this world and the next. He will enter the circle of security in the Presence of Allah (Who is Powerful and Sublime) and will reach all the Stations of


the Most Distinguished Naqshbandi Order. He will get what the Prophets and Saints could not get, and will arrive at the stage of Aba Yazid Al-Bistami, the Imam of the Order who said: "I am the Truth (al-Haqq)". So this is the magnificent Tajalli which belongs to this Ayah and to other such Ayat also. Maulana Khalid al-Baghdadi, one of the Imams of our Order, obtained it after a good deal of time, and Allah made it special for this age. (5) Suratu'l-Inshirah (Alam Nashrah Laka Sadrak.) (Surah Number 94) Allah (Who is Powerful and Sublime) says in this surah: (I seek refuge in Allah:) inna ma'a'l-'Usri yusran. inna ma'a'1-usri yusra. (With the difficulty comes ease, truly with difficulty comes ease.) On each letter and on each Ayah there is a Tajalli different from that on the others, and for each letter there is an Angel from Allah (Who is Powerful and Sublime), and none of Allah's slaves . who worships in the manner of Jinn and Men may attain any Station without the recitation of Surah Alam Nashrah with the intention of sharing In these Tajallis, because of what they contain of Divine Magnificence. So whoever recites an Ayah or letter of the Quran will obtain the Divine Grace which is particular to that Ayah or letter. And know my children, my brothers, my beloved ones that I am speaking to you with the knowledge of certainty (Ilmu'l-Yaqin), and Allah (Who is Powerful and Sublime) is the Guide who guides those of His servants whom He pleases. I am telling you about these Stations not only from hearsay, I have tasted them and entered and I have embraced them, learning about what exists even in their most secret regions. So my children, you should know that if a non-Believer or a hypocrite recites this Surah or any Ayah of it, especially (I seek refuge in Allah). Inna ma’a’l usri yusran, inna ma'a'l-'usri yusra. Then he will obtain some of those divine graces, Tajallis and virtues, because Allah does not distinguish between a Kafir or a hypocrite, or between a Saint and a Prophet. All slaves are equal in the sight of Allah because they are all included in the verse: La-qad karramna bani Adam. "We have honoured the Sons of Adam.” Yes they are all included in this one phrase. Allah is the Guide, He guides those whom He wishes from among His Servants. Satan was kept veiled from this news and he is ignorant of the Tajallis and great Divine Graces with which Allah guides His Slaves. And you should know that whoever wishes to get these virtues must keep to his Adab and Awrad, then it will be, easy for him to gain true life and eternal life. These Stations and continuous Divine Graces are closely bound together and they cannot be separated, so any deficiency in the Adab will automatically create a deficiency in the Divine Graces being sent down. As an example of that we may take Wudu'. We may wait in front of the tap, waiting for water to come out, but the large and small pipes do not connect properly and so the water does not flow out, but escapes before reaching the tap. And so we must never allow any deficiency to creep into our Adab until we obtain all the Tajallis and Divine Graces. (6) Ikhlas Sharif (Surah Number 112) : 11 times. And whoever recites this Surah must obtain the Tajalli of the two names of Glory (Ismayyu'lJalalah): Al Ahad (the One) and As-Samad (the Eternal), and even if a Kafir were to recite it, he


must get a portion of this Tajalli. Even if one of Allah's Slaves –worships Him in the manner of Men and Jinn, he will not get complete Divine Grace without reciting al-Ikhlas. (7) The two Surahs of Seeking Refuge: Once each. Qul a'udhu bi-Rabbi'1-Falaq. (Surah Number 113) Qul a'udhu bi-Rabbi'n-Nas. (Last Surah of Qur'an) Hazrat Shaikh says: The Reality of the Secret of Allah's Greatest Name (Ismullahi'l-A'zam) is connected with these two Surahs and with them is also linked the Perfectness (Kamal) of Allah's Greatest Name. And since they mark the end of the Qur'an they are linked and associated with the completion of Divine Graces and Tajallis. By means of this Adab the Masters of the most Distinguished Naqshbandi Order became seas of knowledge and gnosis. Oh my brothers! My children! You've now reached the beginning, that every letter, verse and Surah of the Qur'an al-Karim has its own special Divine Graces and Tajallis which do not resemble any others, and for that reason the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him!) said: "I have left three things with my Ummah: death which makes them afraid, true dreams which gives them good tidings, and the Qur'an which addresses them." By means of the Qur'an Allah Almighty will open up the Gates of Divine Grace in the last times, the like of which did not come down in the time of the Holy Prophet, nor in the times of the Companions, nor in the times of the Khalifahs. Nor in the times of the Saints until the time of Maulana Khalid al-Baghdadi(RA/QSA). Allah (Who is Powerful and Sublime) has opened up for us these Stations (Maqamat) so that we may be of the Contented Ones m this world and the next. To this we may add the fact that every night we get the Tajalli of the night of Power from the Gate which Allah has opened up for the people of this time. This Ummah is the last of all Ummahs, and the Ummah of those who follow in the footsteps of the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him') for that reason, if any one of us prays humbly to Allah (Who is without fault and exalts Himself) and makes dua that He make him successful in any action he wishes for the sake of the Ummah of Muhammad then Allah (Who is without fault and is Self-Exalting) will certainly accept it right away. (8) La ilaha Illallah: 10 times and after the last time we add: Muhammadur Rasulullah (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam) (9) Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammeden wa 'ala Ali Muhammaden wa sallim.: 10 times. Ila sharffn-Nabiyyi(SAW) wa Alihi wa Sahbihi. wa ila ar- wahi ikhwanihi mina'l-Ambiya'i wa'1Mursalina wa Khudama'i Shara'i'ihim wa ila arwahi-A'immat' i1-Arba'a (We mention the four Imams of Islamic Law Imam Shahfi (RA), Imam Hanafi(RA) Imam Hambali(RA), Imam Malikki (RA) since it is one of our principles that we set foot in the Shari'ah first and then in the Tariqah.) wa ila arwahi Mashayikhina fi 't-Tariqati 'n-Naqshbandiyati 'I-'aliyyah: khassatan ila ruhi Imami 't-Tariqati wa GhawthiI-Khaliqati Khawajaha Baha'i 'd-Dini Muhammadmi'1-Uwaisiyyi '1Bukhari(RA) wa ila Moulana Sultan Ul Auliya Shekh Abdul Khaliq Ghudjuduwani (RA) Usthasi Ustadhina wa Moulana Sayyidina Sultan Ul Auliya Sheik Abdullah Faiz Dahestani (RA) wa hadrati


Usthadhina Murshiduna Sultan Ul Auliya Sheik Muhammed Nazim Adil al Haqqani an Naqshbandi- a'l-Fatihah... (Now the Fatihah is recited with the intention of sharing in the Divine Graces and Tajallis which were sent down when it was revealed in al-Madinah for the second time, and no one knows just how many Graces and special Tajallis belong to it, except Allah (Who is without fault and is SelfExalting) and His Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him!). Now recite three times being present totally with Allah. Allahu Allahu Allahu Haqq: Allahu Allahu Allahu Haqq. Allahu Allahu Allahu Haqq. Then you may make du'a as you like al Fatiha. These are the basics of those Adab which are considered necessary, and if the Murid does not bind himself to it, then his Guide will be embarassed to have to accept such a deficient gift from his Murid. This Adab must be performed once in every twenty four hours. Everything which the Prophet (Peace be upon him!) brought was founded on this Adab and it is the way that the slave reaches the key to being very close to Allah (Who is Powerful and Sublime!). It was also by means of it that the Prophets, Messenger Prophets and Saints reached their Creator (Whose condition is Sublime and Exalted). And it is also by means of it that we reach to Allah (Who is without fault and is Self-Exalting) and take all the Stations of the most distinguished Tariqah. The Masters of the Most Distinguished Naqshbandi Order say that whoever claims that he is affiliated with one of the forty orders or to the Most Distinguished Naqshbandi Order, but nevertheless has not entered Khalwah even once in his life, then such a person should be ashamed of connecting himself with the People of the Path. But Maulana, our great guide, says: Whichever of the People of the Last Time wishes to attain a high rank and an exalted stage, and to get what a Murid normally gets only by means of Khalwah and spiritual exercises, then he must continuously perform this Adab and also the Waza'if. With this Adab we have set the foundation for the higher Stations, and now we are ready to build on this foundation

DAILY VERSES OF THE MUREED: First of all we shall start with the Waza'if for the People of Determination from among the Ummah of Muhammad (Peace be upon him!). The Murid ought to know that if he fails to attain an exalted Station and high Grade in this world because of his lack of effort, then he shall not be separated from this world but that the Sheiks make him reach it, and reveal for him his Station at the time of the seventh to last breath during the agonies of death.


You should also know that nothing Haram should intervene between the Adab and other spiritual practices. If anyone performs these Adab and then performs an action which is forbidden, then that person will be like a person who builds the foundation of his house on the side of a cliff, and his house then collapses down the cliff. So we should always be aware of our actions, gauging them to see if they are Halal or Haram: "Is Allah (Who is Powerful and Sublime) going to be angry at our actions or not?" And we need to think about every action which we are about to do so much that ultimately we simply do not do any Haram thing which might weaken our foundation. By thinking carefully about our actions the Hadith: "Tafakkuru sa'atin Khairum min 'ibadati sab'ina sannah." i.e. "One hour's contemplation is better then seventy years worship," will manifest itself in us. By way of an example of what we are saying; if a tailor is given a piece of cloth to sew, then he must continue working at it until he finishes it in the evening. In the same way we must perform the Adab in the morning and persevere with the Wasa'if and other good deeds until the evening. We should perform these actions in the correct way, that is to say without any Haram deeds intervening. On this basis Allah (Who is powerful and sublime) has divided the day into three parts: eight hours for worship, eight hours for earning a living, and eight hours for sleeping. Anyone who does not accept and follow this division of energies will exemplify the Hadith which says: "He who is erratic will be erratic forever in the fire." He who goes according to his own will and reasoning does not progress, and he who wishes to obtain exalted Stations, Levels and Stages which previous generations earned by means of retreats and other spiritual exercises, must remember Allah (Who is Powerful and Sublime) throughout the course of the day. “The one who consults will never fail�

(10) Dhikru'l-JaIalah : "The Glorious Dhikr." Allah Allah : 5000 times verbally. (11) Dhikru'l-Jalalah : "The Glorious Dhikr." Allah Allah : 5000 times in the heart. And having concluded both of these you may then recite the prayer on the Prophet (Peace be upon him') (12) Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammadin wa 'ala Ali Muhammedin wa sallim: 1000 times. But every Monday, Thursday and Friday 2000 times. (13) Recitation of one Juz' of the Qur'an Karim. (A Juz' is one - thirtieth of the Qur'an).


(14) Recitation of one Hizb (Section) of the book : Dala'ilu'l-Khairat". And these two things, the recitation of the Qur'an and Dala'ilu'l-Khairat, may not be omitted unless there is a very good excuse for doing so. The Shaikh gives the following example of what constitutes a good excuse. If a person were offered two gold liras to recite one Juz' of the Qur'an but nevertheless were to refuse because of some weakness or other, then this would be a good excuse. And if he does not recite them because of some good excuse, then he should recite Ikhlas Sharif 100 times in place of the recitation of the Qur'an, and 100 times Salawat Sharifah in place of Dala'ilu'l-Khairat.?

For the People of Determination (1) Getting up one hour or at least one hour before Fajr, since it is at this time that the Gate of the Mercy of Allah (Who is Powerful and Sublime!) is opened and the time when the Great Shaikhs look at their Murids. One should get up and make wudu', and then perform two rak'ats of Tahiyyatu'1-Wudu' and then stand up facing the Qiblah and ask that Allah (Who is self exalting) purify oneself from the anger of one's Nafs. And with this intention one should then say: Ya Halim! one hundred times. And then one should seek protection from one's external and internal enemies, and from both heavenly and earthly misfortunes, saying: Ya Hafiz! one hundred times. Whoever wishes to reach the Station of the People of Determination (Ahlu'l-'aza'im) must keep up these practices. And our Sheik tells us about the importance of this time and its virtue, saying: If a person gets up one hour before Fajr and does nothing, not even praying, not even making Tasbih, but gets up to drink something such as coffee or tea, or to eat a morsel of food, then he must also be raised with the Ahlu's-sahr (the Vigilant People.) (2) Then he should stand and pray two Rak'ats of Salatu'n-Najat (Prayer of Salvation). Reciting in the first Rak'ah: AI-Fatihah, then: BismilIahrr-Rahmanrr-Rahim. Shahidallahu annahu la ilaha ilia .hu- Wa'1-Mala'ikatu wa ulu'l-'ilmi qa'imam bi-I-Qist. La ilaha ilia huwa'l-'azizu'l-Hakim. Inna 'd-Dina 'indaUahi'l-IsIam. Bismillahi'r-Rahmanrr-Rahim. Quii'llahumma malika'1-Mulki tu'ti'l-Mulka man tasha'u wa tanzi'uT-Mulka mimman tasha'u, wa tuizzu man tasha'u wa tudhillu man tasha\ Bi-Yadika'I-Khairu innaka 'ala kulli shay'in qadir. TuIiju'l-Laila fi'n-Nahari wa tuli]u'n-Nahara fi'1-lail. Wa tukhrijul-Hayya mina'I-Mayyiti wa tukhriju'l-Mayyita mina'I-Hayy.Wa tarzuqu man tashau bi-ghairi hisab. And in the second Rak'ah, recite al-Fatihah. Then : 11 Ikhlas Sharif. (Surah Number 112) And then after making salams one should make sajdah to Allah 'Azza wa Jalla with the intention


of burying the anger of your Nafs and killing the child of the blameful Nafs, and changing reproachable manners into praiseworthy ones. All the angels of the Heavens and the earth gaze down at the One doing sajda, and he is one who confides in His Lord. The angels do not lift up this sad) a to Allah (Who is without fault and is Self-Exalting), rather Allah takes it up to Himself without any in- termediary. The Murid speaks to his Lord in the sadja, saying: Ya rabbi kama ta'kulu'n-naru'l-hataba ha-kadha'l-hasadu'l-muta'silu fiyya ya'kulu jami'a a'mali khallisni ya rabbi minhu wa khallisni aidan mina'l ghadabi in-nafsani wa min nafsrt-tiflTl-madhinu. mah.Wa mina'l-akhlaqi'dh-dhaminiah. Wa ya rabbi baddil kulla akhlaqi ila akhlaqin hamidah. Wa afalin hasanah. (Oh my Lord! Just as fire consumes firewood, in the same way the envy which is rooted in me consumes all my actions. Purify me, Oh my Lord from it and purify me too from the anger of my Nafs. Rid me as well, Oh my Lord of the blameworthy Nafs of the child and from reprehensible manners. And Oh my Lord change all my manners to laudable manners and into good actions.) He should ask Allah (Who is powerful and sublime) for every thing which is of importance to him in this world and the next, since supplication of this degree is accepted and it is not possible that it might be rejected. And if the Murid should happen to leave this night vigil he will have lost a large portion of the tajalli since it is a part of the tajalli of the entire Waza'if. Should any part of the spiritual practices be deficient. then he shall be manifesting the quality which we already spoke about at the beginning of our discourse, where the water goes outside without being used at all, when there is a small hole or some such thing in the pipes. But really this tajalli is not wasted, and if it is not given us in this world, and we do not see it as a result of our negligence, then it remains for us to receive in the next world. Our guide (Murshid) says: "He who makes a regular practice of the Adab and the Awrad shall obtain the water of true life and with it he will perform wudu;' he will bathe in it and drink it, and by means of it shall he reach his goal. There is such a person who claims that he has been in the Order for thirty years and as yet has not seen anything and has not attained anything. The answer for this person is to search and look at what his actions were throughout these years. How many deficient actions has he performed? When you know the deficiency you should avoid it, and then you will quickly reach Allah (Who is Powerful and Sublime). When the Murid forsakes that which the Sheiks have told him about the Waza'if, then he will remain absolutely incapable of making further progress, and he will be unable to return to any previousstage. Whoever keeps to these Waza'if is promised that he will reach the exalted stations and great levels. And if the Murid still has time before the morning prayer, then he can also perform the following: (3) Eight Raka'ats : Salatu't-Tahajjud.


(4) SaIatu't-Tasabih: four Raka'ats, if he cannot do it every night, then he should do it once a week. When the Adhan is called for the morning prayer then he should attend the congregational at home, if a congregation is there assembled, or else go to the mosque to attend the congregational prayer there. And he should wait for the prayer of Ishraq if sleep does not overcome him. No Prophet ever obtained Prophethood, nor did any Saint ever obtain Sainthood, and no Believer ever attained the stage of faith without utilizing this period of time between the morning prayer and Ishraq (sunrise), keeping to these Waza'if. (5) He should pray two Raka'ats of SaIatuT-Ishraq. And if he has some important job to do and isn't able to pray the prayer of Duha at its appointed time, then he should pray it immediately after Ishraq. (6) Eight Raka'ats of Salatu'd-Duha. The best time for the prayer of Duha is two hours before Zuhr. The Waza'if of the People of Determination is that they should not leave the Sunnah prayers at all, and they must be performed like the Fard prayers. Muhammad, (on whom be the best of prayers and peace!), said: A man's safety lies in keeping his tongue." He who keeps this Adab and does not look at the defects of others and works at his Waza'if taking care to perform them, and does not get involved in other things, he is the one who gets the blessings of this Hadith. Whoever looks down on the Sons of Adam who have been honored in the sight of Allah, (who is powerful and sublime), when he said: "And We have honoured the Sons of Adam"; Allah will dishonor him and he will exemplify the Hadith: We have honoured the Sons of Adam, and whoever honors them. Allah. (Who is Powerful and Sublime) will honor him and will set him over such people who will, in their turn, honor him. (But who honours them not will experience terrible things at their hands). The Waz'ifah of the People of Determination is completed with Allah's praise.



(1) Shahadah : 3 times. (2) Astaghfirullah : 25 times. (3) Fatihatu'l-Kitab : one time, with the intention participating in the Tajallis sent down in Makkah. (4) Ikhlas Sharif , 11 times. (5) The two Surahs of seeking refuge: Qul a-udhu bi-Rabbi'1-Falaq. (Surah Number 113) Qul a-udhu bi-Rabbi-n-Nas. (Last Surah of Qur'an) (6) La ilaha Ulallah = 10 times, the last time cormpletmg it with: Muhammadur Rasulullah (7) Allahumma Salli ala Muhammadiw wa 'ala Ali Muhanunediw wa Sallim, 10 times . Ila Sharafrn-Nabiyyi sallallahu •alalhi wa sallam wa Alihi wa Sahbihi. wa ila arwahi Ikhwanthi minal Ambiya wal mursalin, wa kuda mahim sharhahim, wa ila arwahil aimmatil arba, wa arwahi Mashaikhina fi't-Tariqaun-Naqshbandiyyatil- aliya qasasatan, ila ruhi Imamit-Tariqati wa Ghawthil Khalika Khawajaha Baha'udin Naqshbandi il Muhammadi1Uwaisiyi'l-Bukhari, wa ila Ustadhina wa Ustadhi Ustadhina ‌al-Fatihah. This time Fatihah should be recited with the intention of participating in the Tajallis sent down with it the second time it was revealed, in aI-Madinah. One should get up at night if one is able. And the way to gauge one's ability in this matter is to imagine whether you would refuse two golden liras to get up at night because of the strength of your tiredness; only when one is in such a state does one have a valid excuse for not getting up. And if one is brisk, then one should get up one half hour before. (1) Two Rak'ats for Wudu'. (2) 100 times : Ya Halim (3) SaIatu'n-Najat : if possible with the Sajdah. (4) Salatu't-Tahaj)'ud : if possible. (5) The Morning Prayer.


(6) Salatu't-Tasabih : once on Friday. If sleep overtakes him then he may pray the prayer of Ishraq when he awakes. And then praying two to four Rak'ats for Duha. And if one is able to keep the Sunnahs, then he will obtain the blessings-of the Hadith saying: "He who revives my Sunnah when my Ummah has fallen into depravity will have the reward of one hundred martyrs."

THE AWRAD (1) Dhikr of the Glorious Name: with the tongue: Allah Allah : 2500 times. (2) Dhikr of the Glorious Name: in the heart: Allah Allah; 2500 times. (3) Allahumma salli *ala Muhammadiw wa *ala Ali Muhammadiw wa sallim: 300 times. But on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays: 500 times. Our Master Shah Naqshband is the keeper of the spiritual Nur (Light) which Allah (Who is powerful and Sublime) has placed in it. And on the Day of Resurection. he will, by means of this light, gaze around at the people standing there, until four gardens are filled with the Ummah of Muhammad (Peace and Blessings be on him!) and he will be an intercessor for them. So he who keeps this second Adab and the Awrad will enter the Circle of this Nur.

THE THIRD GROUP This group has the same Adab as the second group THE AWRAD (1) Dhikr of the Glorious Name : Allah Allah : 1500 times. (2) Allahumma salli *ala Muhammadiw w *ala Ali Muhammadiw wa Sallim: 100 times. And on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays : 300 times. The second and the third groups are free to choose whether they read one thirtieth of the Qur'an Kerim every day, and a section of the book "Dala'ilul-Khairat" or not. Allah (Who is Powerful and Sublime) says: "Behold! By the Remembrance (Dhikr) of Allah hearts are made peaceful."


Allah (Who is without fault and is Self-exalting) made a covenant with all the atoms of the Sons of Adam on the Day of "Am I not your Lord. They said: 'Yes!-'." a covenant that they make His Dhikr(He who is powerfull,sublime)

THE FOURTH GROUP Those who would like to be raised with the Generous Prophets and with the Magnificent Saints and with the People of Tariqah, they must forsake the enmity which is harboured in them, and they must show them their love.In the following letter our Sheik has further elaborated on the Awrad and Adab that correspond to the level of the fourth group: IN THE NAME OF ALLAH.THE BENEFICIENT. THE MERCIFUL Our brother/sister. Wa 'alaikum salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh! Your kind letter has just arrived, and it has pleased me greatly. I ask my Lord to bless you and to guide you to His Glorious Presence. The first step in reaching Divine assistance is to find someone who is himself .Divinely guided and belongs to the Glorious Divine Presence of Allah Almighty. Such a person may not be found in books, but you are lucky because you have been searching for such a person, and it is the right of whoever seeks such a man that he will ultimately find him. We are honoured to be Almighty Allah's servants, and we see no ranks which are above the rank of being His servant; there is no greater honour. We were all in the Divine Presence on the Day of Promises, in the World of Souls, the real servants of Allah Almighty, who know the promise they made to their Lord. No doubt, I may say, that our Grandshaikh was one of those true servants; whoever would like to reach the Glory of the Divine Presence may follow him. There are so many guides, but it is enough for us to take only one. You may accept him as your guide, and you may do Dhikr according to his commands. Every day you may repeat It is for this reason that the Pride of all Creation (On whom be. the best of Prayers and Peace!) said: He who has good thoughts about people will not come to a bad end." No matter how much a sinner such a 'Good-thinker' is, he- will nevertheless be raised with the People of Allah (Who is Powerful and Sublime!) But he who thinks always bad of the people, he will have a bad ending. When we speak of a bad end' we do not intend to say that such a


person will end up in distress, rather we mean that he will enter the Heavens belonging to ordinary people, and he will not enter with the one who belongs to the Station of the Greatest Pleasure. three times: Kalimatu'sh-Shahadah (Ashhadu an la ilaha illallah wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan 'abduhu wa Rasuluh.) 70 times : Astaghfirullah. 100 times : Allah Allah. 100 times : La ilaha Ulallah. 100 times : Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammadiw wa 'ala Ali Muhammadiw wa sallim. 11 times : Qui huwallahu Ahad. (Surah Number 112) Then you should recite the Fatihah, dedicating it to the Holy Prophet Muhammad and to Grandsheik. Advise from our Beloved Grandsheik’ . I advise you not to look at the wrong doings of other people, and not to blame other people for what they do. Look always to their good side; and I advise you to remain calm always and not to get angry. I advise you to do your best for everyone as far as you are able. because this is the way of all the Prophets (peace be upon them) who always did their best for whoever they were with; and to teach people to do their best for everyone. This is the best characteristic of Islam. We pray for you that He Almighty might pour out His endless blessings, giving you moreand more from His Light.Your Obedient Servant for His Sake, His Weakest Slave, Sultan ul Awliya Sayyidina Moulana Sheik Abdulla Faiz ad Dagesthani (RA).


Arabic letters have a mystery since the first Arabs on the ground.Every letter has a numerical value,and when a sentence given by a Shayh or a verse given in Qur’an is calculated relating to that numerical values,it gives the date related to that sentence.This application is not against the verses saying “Noone besides Allah(j.j.) knows ghuyb on the ground and in heavens!’’.(ghuyb means “Secrets of the universe and the future’’.It is not against,because Qur’an also suggests that some parts of the ghuyb is given to some messengers of Allah(j.j.).This is not knowing what will take place tomorrow,but it is making a comment on what may happen in the given date,it is like scientists do a research and then make a chart showing Earth’s position in the year 2040 because of the the global warming.And it takes place in 2040,unless something else cancelling it happens.Or,the person saying what the whether will be like the day after is the same example as well.It is not seeing future,but it is commenting on what would happen depending on the whether reports.This is what we do in Abjad and Jifr in Islam.It is saying what will take place at the given date by looking at the letters.Even GrandShayhs in past such as Badiuzzaman Said Noursy(q.s.),Ahmad Jami(q.s.) and Muhiddini Arabi(q.s.) had used this science.I am going to show my own calculations and give informations for


the future dates relating to this.I will even give the date of the doom day according to this.Here,a question comes to mind:

Question:How comes out you are saying you will give a certain date for the doom,although the holly Qur’an suggests that noone besides Allah(j.j.) in heavens and on the ground knows the date and exact time of the doom day?

Answer:Exactly,noone besides Allah(j.j.) know its time according to Qur’an.But Qur’an also suggests that every information,everything,every single part of invisible things,particles are written in Qur’an in the following ayat:

“…All things We have recorded with numbers(as a record) in a clear book!’’.

So,as you read before,Qur’an even includes the terms like “Atmosphere, Proton, Neutron, Hallay, Ozone, Petrol etc..’’. It is the word of Allah(j.j.), the highest King, and it includes everything, which means it also includes the information of the date of the date of the doom day. And when we solve the code of the knowledge of the time of the doom day, we get it from the Qur’an.

We have 28 letters in Arabic. Each has a numerical value as shown:

‫( ا‬aleaf) (1)

‫( ﺺ‬sud)




( 2)



(90) (100)


(gym) (3)





(dull) (4)






( 5)





(wouv) (6)




( 7)

















‫ﻨ‬ ‫ح‬


(za) (haa)


( 9)








(lum) (30)




(noon) (50)




('ayn) (70)






The rule of Abjad:


If what we are going to calculate is a special name or a Qur’an,the calculation is mostly done by calculating letters with shadda(dual letters) as two.If not,it is done by calculating as one.

There are numerical values for the letters in Jewish as well.Arabic and Jewish are the languages of holly books sent by Allah(j.j.).

Now,let’s a check some sentences.For instance let’s have a look at kalmia-i tawheed(“La ilaha illallah Muhammadoon rasoolullah’’),which means “There is no god but God,and Muhammad is the messenger of God!’’.



As shown,when we calculate this sentence,we get the date 619,which is the year holly Prophet Muhammad(sal.) went to Meeraj(journey to heavens and Paradises) after the death of his wife and and his uncle.But these letters had these values even five thousand years before,thousands of years before prophet Muhammad(sal.),since the first Arabs.So,the existence of such dates is an unbelievable miracle.

Another one: The soora of Ya-sin,ayat 31: “Verily,you are from the prophets!’’(Innaka laminal moursaleen!)




The first ayat of the first soora,the soora of Fatiha in Qur’an also gives 613 while calculated,which says: “All praise and thanks are Allah’s,the Lord of mankind,Jinn and all that exists’’.In Arabic,it is: “Alhamdu lillahi rabbilalameen’’.



In the 39th ayat of the soora Zumar,Allah(j.j.) says to the holly prophet Muhammad(sal.): “Verily,you are dead(non-existent)’’(Innaka mayyatin).The calculation of this calculation gives the date 632,which was the yer the prophet Muhammad(sal.) died.

Innaka mayyatin:




(There is a “noon’’ letter at the end of the sentence but it is not written for this word.It is very often,but even in Arabic there are some words that are not written in the same way as their pronunciation while used in a sentence).

In 35th ayat of the soora of Noor(24th soora),it is said by Allah(j.j.): “Light upon light!’’(Noorun ala noor!).The numerical value of this sentence gives 622,which is the date Islam’s light shined,because the Prophet Muhammad(sal.) immigrated to Madina and many Muslims met him by singing songs for him,and Islam population increased too much since then.

“Nooroun ala noor’’:




The calculation of the word “Rasool Muhammad Mustafa’’ which means “Prophet Muhammad Mustafa’’ gives the date 617,which is the date of Islam’s diffusion very fast after huzzratty* Omar’s becoming a Muslim.(Mustafa is the the second name of Prophet Muhammad(sal.).)He was called “Muhammad Mustafa’’,which means “Muhammad chosen’’.(“Huzzratty’’ means “Esteemed’’)




Abu Lahab was the uncle of our prophet Muhammad(sal.) and he never believed in Prophet Muhammad(sal.) although he saw many miracles of the prophet(sal.).He was calling them to be magic.The reason he never believed was that Allah(j.j.) wanted him not to believe and stay in Hell forever,because of his breaking prophet Muhammad’s heart once.

Abu Lahab was the first to reject the prophethood of the holly prophet Muhammad(sal.) when he announced his prophethood in the year 613..Abu Lahab had told him: “May you die!Have you called us just to say this?’’ when he announced his prophethood.No sooner had Abu Lahab said this to him


when “Tabbat soora’’ was sent to prophet Muhammad(sal.) by Gabriel.Allah(j.j.) took his revenge from Abu Lahab,by never allowing him to be a believer of prophet Muhammad(sal.).At last,Abu Lahab was killed in Handac War by Muslim army,which broke out in 627.Abu Lahab was a very bad man.He was behaving bad to people and orphans.He was also putting prickles on the way of our prophet Muhammad(sal.),but when the holly Prophet Muhammad(sal.) was pressing on them with his feet,the prickles were being changed into roses.

Tabbat soora is the following: Tabbat yada abi lahabin wa tabb.Ma aghna anhu maluhu wa ma kasab.Sayasla naraan zata lahab.Wamraatuhu hammalatalhatab.Fee jee deeha hablun min masad.

Its meaning: Perish the two hands of Abu lahab and Perish he!His wealth and his children will not benefit him!He will be burnt in a fire of blazing flames!And his wife too,who carries wood.In her neck is a twisted rope of palm fiber.

When we calculate the rhyming words which are Abu lahab’s taking damage and his punishment,we find the date 627,which is the date Abu Lahab died in Handac War.These words are “tabb,kasab,lahab,masad’’.





The word “iron’’ is “hadeed’’ in Arabic.The atomic number of iron is 26 and this information was found in the 20th century.But the numerical value of the word “Hadeed’’ is 26,as a miracles of ancient times of Arabs:



We talked about “Hallay Miracle’’ in Qur’an,that the letters forming the word “Hallay’’ join together in 76th ayat of the soora An’am and that the star “Hallay’’ was found to pass through the solar system once in every 76 years in the 17th Century,by the Scientist Edmund Halley.And the Abjadic value of the word “Hallay’’ makes 76 as well:

‫ھاﻞﱠی‬ 5+1+30+30+10=76

Another Abjadic miracle:Metal The word “Metal’’ is the same in every language.Gold is the most valuable and strong metal,the shiniest one known.Its atomic number is 79(See the periodic table-Gold’s symbol:Au) and the abjadic value of the word “Metal’’ in Arabic gives the number 79 as well.




“HELIUM’’ MIRACLE IN QUR’AN: Helium is a very important and very special gas among all gases,discovered in the 20th century.It is very important,because together with Hydrogen,it created other 91 natural elementsas well.In Qur’an,there is a soora called “Shams’’ and it means the “Sun’’.It is the 91st soora of the holly Qur’an.This is a miracle,because more than 90% of the sun is made of Hydrogen and Helium gases,and 91 is the number of elements the two gases created together.Furthermore,all ayats of that soora end with the letters “H’’ and “E’’(H-E).(In Arabic:Ha-Aleaf).This is alsoa very big miracle of Qur’an,because “HE’’ is the symbol of Helium gas in periodic table.

Furthermore,the word “Helium’’ gives 91 when we apply Abjad on it.(letters of the word “Helium’’in Arabic:Ha-lum-ya-wuvv-meem).



ABJAD TELLING FUTURE: There is a monster called “Dubba-tul arz’’ on the ground according to the words of our prophet Muhammad(sal.).In the last times before the doom day,it will split a stone and it will appear to people.It has been created from the combination of all animals.According to a GrandShayh lived in past called Junayd-i Baghdadi(q.s.),its head is the head of a dragon,its tongue is the tongue of a snake,its eyes are the eyes of a pig,and its tail is the tail of a tiger.


Dubba does not give damage to anyone,but it just puts a seal on forehead of people as “Muslim’’ or “Non-Muslim’’.When this happens,he/she can never change his/her status into a believer or a nonbeliever anymore.In 82th ayat of Naml soora,Allah(j.j.) says:

“…We send them a dubba from the ground…’’.And the abjadic value of this ayat gives the date 2066,which means dubba will come in the year 2066.



In the year 2070,there will be too many Muslims on Earth.Most of the Earth will consist of them.We understood this from the word called “kalmia-i shahadat’’, which must be said to become a Muslim.Kalima-i shahadat is the following:

“Ash- headou an la ilaha illallah wa ash- headou an-na Muhammadan abduhu wa rasooluh.’’:

It means: “I believe there is no god but God,and I also believe that Muhammad is the servant and messenger of God!’’.

This holly sentence is the key of Paradise in the day of judgement.

From the calculation of this word,we get the date 1453 which is the date 2070 in Christian Calendar.Allah(j.j.) sometimes gives gives ayats giving dates Hijri*,and sometimes Miladi*.I think


this is because some Muslim countries such as Turkey use Cristian Calendar as well.(*“Hijri’’ means “According to Islamic Calendar’’ and “Miladi’’ means “According to Christian Calendar’’.)

Actually the date can also be the date of Istanbul’s invasion by The Ottoman King Fatih Sultan Mehmet,by Muslims.Because with the invasion of Istanbul,Islam was introduced to Western countries faster and then Islamic population increased too much.Also,our prophet Muhammad(sal.) had said: “The one who invades Istanbul will be Islam Leader!’’.But we can think of the date as a Miladi date as well,there might be two miracles in one sentence.Because in one of his words,The Holly Prophet Muhammad(sal.) said: “There will be a time on Earth that my community(believers) will be billions,billions and billions in population.And in the day of judgement,there will not be a community crowder than my community!’’.


1+300+5+4+1+50+30+1+1+30+5+1+30+30+1+1+30+30+5+6+1+300+5+4+1+50+ 50+40+8+40+40+4+70+2+4+5+6+200+60+6+30+5=1453 Hijri-Miladi 2070

DATE OF THE DOOM DAY AND THE MOST VIOLENT AND LAST EARTHQUAKE: Our Prophet Muhammad(sal.) said: “The doom day(The time when Israfil,the angel who will bring the doom by blowing an instrument blows that instrument) will come when there are just nonbelievers on Earth.There won’t be even one Muslim on Earth just a few years before the doom.A few years before the doom day,all Muslims will die of very simple illnesses,such as flue!’’.

After Israfil’s blowing,everything inside the universes and the universes themselves will be destroyed and disappear.Then,Allah(j.j.) will create the universes,heavens,Paradises,stars and dead


bodies,fossils for an infinite life this time, when Israfil blows its instrument for a second time.That time,every living being,even a simple virus and bacteria will be resurrected with that violent sound to be judged,to have a last examination.That day is so fair that even a gazel killed and eaten by a lion will be given a 30-40 years life to live in rivers and green hills as it likes.Then,it will become clay and disappear.Only those who have been made to worship Allah(j.j.),to be His servants will exist forever.When a person who had died with shirk believes such as “Jesus(a.s.) is God’s son!’’ or when a person who did adultery sees that gazel and other animals disappearing at the end of the 30-40 years(because in burning sun in the judgement area,they will wait to be questioned as hungry and thirsty for 50.000 World years to be judged before they go to Hell,according to the soora of Nuh(Nooh) in Qur’an.),he/she will say: “If only I had been an animal as well so that I would not have entered the blazing Hell fire!’’.In the day of judgement,one leaf will say: “My Allah(j.j.)!That leaf prevented me to take sunlight by being found in front of me and I died!’’.Allah(j.j.) will talk to everyone separately in the same time with His infinite almighty.The judgement will not take place one by one.Everyone will have the true of complaining or sponsoring everyone in the presence of Allah(j.j.).As it has been told in Qur’an,that day Allah(j.j.) pays everyone their response of all works they did as a whole.Even a good thought for someone in the mind will be judged.Even a work of a person which is less than an atom in value and weight will be judged.Everything people do are recorded in books,there are two angels sitting on the two shoulders of a person.The one on left writes his/her bad works and bad words,and the one on right writes his/her good works and good words.According to Qur’an,there are so many big sinners on the day of judgement that the Hell will almost be full.Hell will be full of people who made shirk,who sweared,who told bad words,who raped someone,who were murderers and thieves according to the Holly Qur’an.

The 33rd ayat of the soora of Abasa(80th soora) in Qur’an says the following:

“When there comes the blowing of the Trumpet on the Day of Resurrection which makes ears deaf!.’’(80:33)

When the Abjadic calculation is applied on this ayat,it gives the date 2099.The number “99’’ symbolyses Allah’s Divine Kingdom Power,because 99 is the number of Allah’s names,and we describe what “Allah’’ is according to these names told in Qur’An in order not to have a false belief about Allah(j.j.).For instance,in Islam,God (Allah) is not above the heavens,He is everywhere.Saying God is in Heaven is a shirk.God has infinite size whose existence covered everything inside and outside the universes and galaxies.He has an infinite-shiny and beautiful white light covers everywhere.But our eyes can not see Him,like they are non able to see light in very low or very high frequencies according to Physics.Allah(j.j.) is greater than the sight of the eye.He is everywhere,but a blood or something dirty or a bullet does not affect Him,like they don’t affect a soul or a smoke although they pass through it.Because Allah(j.j.) is not matter like us,His existence is spiritual and He has no any similarity to any being who existed after Him.He never existed but He have always been existent.


The soora “Az-zalzalah’’ which means “Earthquake’’ talks about the biggest earthquake that will take place in the doom day,and it is the 99th soora of Qur’an. The calculation of the ayat,80:33:


10+6+40+10+80+200+200+1+30+40+200+1+40+50+1+600+10+5= =1524 Hijri-Miladi 2099

The number 99 symbolyses God’s Divine Kingdom.It has also been written as 81+18 in our two hands.Put this number to everywhere,into your exercise books,room,kitchen,shop and write “Allah’’ with it.Than your life will be much better.Allah’s symbol “99’’ will bring chance to you.You will be more successful in your every work.

Our Holly Prophet Muhammad(sal.) said: “When the time Allah(a.s.) has arranged for the doom comes,Allah(j.j.) will roll up heavens with His right hand,and He will roll up the Earth with His left hand and He will say: “I AM THE KING!’’.



As told in Qur’an,when Allah(j.j.) created Adam,the first man from clay,He ordered: “He is my servant!As soon as I blow him from my soul and he finds life and moves,fall prostrate down upon him!’’.All angels made sajda(fell prostrate down) upon Adam(a.s.) besides Iblis.Iblis was the first jinn and he got out of Allah’s order.Allah(a.s.) asked him: “Although I gave order and all angels obeyed me and made sajda upon Adam(a.s.),what hinders you from obeying my order?’’,and the Satan(Iblis) said: “You made me from fire and him from clay.I am more superior than him!’’.Allah(j.j.) said on this: “Then get down from my Divine Paradise!You have been drown away as a baseness being!’’.Satan said: “Give me a time period until the time of the resurrection of him and his children,so that I can make them my community against you and the candidates and helpers of me in Hell as much as I can!’’.Allah(j.j.): “The time period you ask has been given to you!Go now!I will send my words and books to my servants by sending prophets to them.And whoever obeys and follows you among them,by my Divine Unity that I will put all of you into the blazing fire of Hell forever!’’.Allah(j.j.) will put devil inside Hell forever,because he became against his King and Lord,Allah(j.j.).

Before reading Qur’an,Muslims say the word they have learnt from the holly prophet Muhammad(sal.): “A ouzoo billahi minash shaytaanir rajeem’’,which means “I take shelter in Allah(j.j.) from satan drown away!’’.The numerical value of this sentence is 2120,which is the resurrection date of every being and the date of the day of judgement..Because the satan from which we take shelter in Allah(j.j.) had said: “Give me a time period to make them go on the wrong way by rebelling to You!’’ as we said.


1+70+6+700+2+1+30+30+5+40+50+1+30+300+300+10+9+1+50+1+30+200+200+3+10+40=2120 Miladi


ABJADIC MIRACLE OF MOWLANA SHAYH NAZIM: The way people mostly call Shayh Nazim(q.s.) or his name style mostly written in books is “Nazim Qıbrısi’’(Nazım of Cyprus),and “Muhammad Nazim Haqqani(q.s.)’’ (Muhammad Nazim from Haqqan).Either of the two is used in books or magazines,newspapers written for him.There is a very big miracle here.As you read in this book,it has been written in Shayh Nazim’s autobiography that his Shayh,Shayh Abdullah Daghıstani(q.s.) died in the year 1972,and Shayh Nazım Qıbrısi(q.s.) replaced him.You can also get this information from online.Both of Shayh Nazim’s adjectives defined above give the date relating to his being a Master Shayh by replacing his Shayh,Abdullah(q.s.).

Nazım Kıbrısi:


50+1+900+40+100+2+200+90+10=1393 Hijri-Miladi 1973

Muhammad Nazim Haqqani(q.s.):

‫ﻤﺤﻤﱠﺪﻦاﻆﻢﺤقﱠاﻦى‬ 153

40+8+40+40+4+50+1+900+40+8+100+100+1+50+10=1392 Hijri- Miladi 1972

This is valid for all Shayhs.For instance,when we look at the numerical value of the name “Shayh Hisham Qabbani(q.s.)’’,who is the deputy of Mowlana Shayh Nazım(q.s.) in America,we find the date 2003,which is the date of Shayh Hisham’s newly becoming his deputy after his 40-dayed seclusion.Shayh Hisham Qabbani(q.s.) took a long Sufism education from Shayh Nazim(q.s.).He passed all levels in Sufism and all levels of nafs(ego).

Shayh Hisham Qabbani(q.s.):


300+10+600+5+300+1+40+100+2+2+1+50+10=1421 Hijri-Miladi 2003


AN ABJADIC MIRACLE ABOUT PROPHET MUHAMMAD(S.A.V.)’S DEATH: When our Prophet Muhammad(sal.) died in the year 632,everyone in Saudi Arabia was very sad.By crying and opening their hands on streets of Madina,women were saying: “Allahumma salli ala rasool!’’,which means: “My Allah!Send blessings and peace to the Prophet!’’.The Abjadic calculation of this sentence gives 632,as shown:



Exact dates I got by abjadic calculations and with meditation from my Shayh: Date unknown-Germany and England will dominate other European countries.

2019-Third World War,the coming of Mahdi(a.s.) and technology’s disappearance from the Earth

2020-Return of Prophet Jesus(a.s.) to Earth and starting of golden times of the Earth.

2035- My reaching the level of fana-fillah in Damascus,carrying the sword of Islam and being a World-dominator king

2050-Muslims’ being the super power of the Earth and their controlling everywhere of the Earth

2055-The coming of monsters Ya’gog and Ma’gog who torture disbelievers and eat everything

2066-The coming of Dabba-tul arz from the ground


2070-The existence of billions of Muslims on Earth and the sun’s beginning to rise from west(Earth’s starting to turn around itself from east to west)

2080-2098-Death of all Muslims because of very simple illnesses and various kinds of viruses 2099-The doom(The first blow to the trumpet)

2120-The day of resurrection and judgement and the starting of an infinite life for Human and Jinns and Allah’s other servants.(The second blow to the trumpet)

BACK TO SUFISM: Adab of women: -GrandShayh Abdullah Daghıstani(q.s.) said: “A muslim woman should not sit down very close to another man,even with her brother when her husband is there.This is Islamic adab(breeding)!’’.

-Whoever of women does not obey her husband,she will enter Hell with Prophet Nooh’s wife and Prophet Loot’s wife in the day of judgement.This has been narrated from many GrandShayhs both in past and today.

-Women should never tell a bad thing to their husbands.Our prophet Muhammad(sal.) said: “When a Muslim woman tells a bad word or behaves bad to her husband,one of the hoors(silver-shiny faced,gazel-eyed,very beautiful and sexy women creted for Muslim men in Paradise) created for her husband who lies in a rent,who has always been watching him from Paradise by smiling and with romantic stairing at him frowns and says to that woman angrily: “May Allah(j.j.) take your soul!Behave him good!Your husband is not permanent with you in that temporary World-life,he is just a visitor.Soon,he will leave from you and he will reach us!’’.

ADAB(BREEDING) OF MEN: -Never piss on foot.It’s a sin if you wrongly send the piss out of toilet.Our prophet never did this as well.

-After pissing,you must take 41 steps and then shake your penice with your hand a bit.Otherwise,if you immediately make wudu just after pissing,your wudu will go away,it will be invalid because of piss droplets dropping from your sexual organ.


-You can not masturbate for fun.You should only masturbate when you need it.Because too much masturbation gives damage to you,and whatever is a damage,it is a sin in Islam.That is why smoking and taking alcohol are sins as well.The more something is harmful,the more sinful it is.

-Behave your wife very well.Always caress her hair kindly,smile at her,take her out once a week,sometimes give her little presents.Cover her always and say good things by stairing at her eyes,say you love her always.These are all how our Prophet Muhammad(sal.) behaved his wives.Be gentle to her.Always the first thing you should do when you go to bed together is talking to her by smiling,stairing inside her eyes and caressing her hair.

-Do not even think to make your wife sad,slap her even once or behaving her bad in bedroom.Even doing such a thing and then not becoming regret and not asking her forgiveness and also Allah’s forgiveness in 7 hours will directly take you to Hellfire both in grave and in the day of judgement unless you don’t regulate yourself.Same thing is valid if you break off a plant,leaf unreasonable.These were directly told by the holly Prophet Muhammad(sal.).Women and nature symbolise Allah’s beauty vision on Earth.Once,our Prophet Muhammad(sal.) saw a man slapping his wife.He said: “Your power is enough for her,and Allah’s power will be enough fot you!’’.He also said: “The best of you(Muslims) is the one who behaves his wife good.

Those who beat their wives up are the ones who don’t have power to beat up a man.Therefore,they are not real men.They are henpecked.

COMMON ADAB(BREEDING) OF MEN AND WOMEN IN ISLAM: -Masturbation for married couples is forbidden.

-Anal sex is forbidden by Allah(a.s.) which has been told in Qur’an.Whoever does this dirty thing although he/she knows it has been forbidden in Islam,he/she will stay in Hell forever.They are the people our Prophet Muhammad(sal.) blamed and cursed.

-Do not directly start having sex at the first night of marriage.First,pray 2 rakats for Allah(j.j.) to thank Him that He gave you a wife/husband.

-Both of the couples should say: “Auzu billahi minash shaytaanir rajeem.Bismillahirrahmanirraheem’’( “I take shelter in Allah(j.j.) from Satan drown away.In the name of Allah(j.j.),the most glorius,the most merciful’’) before starting to have sex.Otherwise,Satan comes.


-Before having sex,the couples should caress and discover every single part of each other’s body.This reduces stress,sends Satanic energy away and increases the delight and happiness of the couples.

-If the partners are having sex to give birth,the man should firstly say: “Auzu billahi minash shaytaanir rajeem.Bismillahirrahmanirraheem.Wa la havla wa la qoovvata illa billahil aliyyil azeem!’’ and then he should open his hands and say: “Ya Rabbi(Oh my God)!Give me power to be able to make my wife pregnant,and keep Satan away from me!’’.Then,they should start having sex.

-Mureeds must keep doing their daily spiritual practices given by their Shayhs.As they keep performing these practices,in time their dreams and feelings will be more real and different.They will see and communicate with Mahdi(a.s.),Shayh Nazım(q.s.) and the holly Prophet Muhammad(sal.) in dreams.Sometimes,they will see dreams in white flash lights which later or next day becomes completely real.What they see in dreams happens as the dream is the reality.

-Mureeds must always have a smiling face and very good moral.They must be higher than little girl kids and angels in terms of purity and love.They should always try not to make little sins even and they should try to become sinless if they want to move too fast in the way of Sufism.

-The body,mouth and teeth of mureeds must be very clean as well,like a crystal,like their hearts.Islam is the cleanliness of the body and the soul.It keeps these two as equal.Even a very little blood coming out from the body such as blood as a cause of a wart on skin should be sticked with sticky tape,because it undos wudu.The mureed must even be aware of using the word “muck’’.He/she should be well-cleaned after toilet after messing up with water tube in toilet,the water should flow at least for one minute and he/she should completely empy his/her intestines as a crystal.He/she should not only reach to soul and spiritual peace,but he/she should reach the peace of carrying a 100% clean body at the same time.All hair in his body besides beard and hair must be cut.He/she should use natural Muslim perfume,because unnatural ones give damage to the skin.

-Never ever spread skin cream on your body when you go to the beach.You may thing it is a security for sun-light and skin cancer,but the Chemicals inside it make you much closer to be a candidate of skin cancer.Instead,be lubricated with milk.

-Using miswaq is much more healthy than using teethbrush.

-In tareeqat(community of Sufis),there is no “I’’.There is “We’’! Whatever you want for yourself,whatever you want to reach as a rank,you must want it for your brothers(all Muslims and probably your sufi brothers and sisters) as well.When you learn something fairful about anything,you should tell and define it to all your sufi friends and to whoever can benefit from it.Otherwise,you will


be betraying to your Shayh.Keep in mind that Sufism is unity,it is a kingdom and the Shayh of the Sufis is their king.

-Never sleep by lying on your back.This sleeping position is the sleeping position of devils.The murderer who killed our lord Ali(a.s.) slept by lying on his back that night.

-Muslims should say “Alhamdulillah’’ after sneezing.The more they sneeze,the more they should say.

-While entering the mosque or a home,any other place,shop or a cave,enter with your right foot and while leaving that place,leave with your right foot.

-Always use your right hand while eating and drinking.

-Never waste time.If you have nothing to do,read and learn something,write a poetry or a book,go to swimming or running,go to fishing,pray or make dhikr.

Dhikr(Rememberence) of heart and breath: Everything in heavens and Earth say “Allah’’.Human breathes in out by saying “Al-lah’’ and the heart goes by saying “Al-lah,Al-lah’’ as well.For instance,go on google and write “Allah diyen karga’’ and search.Click on the crowd picture you see.You will hear clearly the crowd saying “Allah!’’ while watching T.V.Also,watch the video showing miracles of Allah(j.j.),you will see many things which “Allah’’ in Arabic is written on it.The word “Allah’’ is written on clouds,ear of a baby,Atmosphere, seawaves,on a cow and many other things.You will be very surprised while watching it.Go on google and write “Miracles of Allah’’ and click on “search’’.The first videos seen on the appearing page,and then U-TUBE will show it.Make sure you watch the video until the end of it.The word “Allah’’ is written as following in Arabic:


‫آﷲ‬ -Any swearful word is a big sin and is forbidden in Islam.It takes the person to Hell,because it is the heaviest sin among all sins.Same is valid for inneccessary anger,punching and slapping someone.Even if a person swears at you,by thinking purity of angels and hoors in Paradise,feel angelic,change your face and walk away.These are all what our Prophet Muhammad(sal.) did for all his life.

-There is no “revenge’’ in the way of Prophet Muhammad(sal.).He is mercy of Allah(j.j.) for the heavens and the Earth.After invading Macca,he did not punish non-believers who had been killing Muslims and torturing his companions.for 20 years.He even forgave the murderers who dropped his 4-monthed pregnant daughter,Fatma from her horse.He could have killed all of them with his army who surrounded them all in a few seconds with just a sign.

-Muslims must be merciful.The holly Prophet Muhammad(sal.) said: “A Muslim should throw a bread to the one who threw him/her a stone!’’.

-All members of racism will stay in Hell forever.In his last talking(wada hootba),the holly Prophet Muhammad(sal.) said: “There is no difference between a white and black man,superiority is only at intelligence!’’.

-Once Prophet Muhammad(sal.) saw a cat sleeping on his carpet that he was going to pray.He took his sword and silently cut the carpet from the surroundings of the cat without disturbing it.He took that part of the carpet he cut away,and he prayed on it.The cat kept sleeping on the remaining part of the carpet.Therefore,Muslims must be very merciful to everything,every being.Even killing an ant without a true may take the person directly to Hellfire at least for thousands of years,unless he/she was a non-believer and did it..

-Never split towards the way of Qaba(the direction of Mecca).


-The biggest sin in Islam is Shirk(running partners to Allah(j.j.) such as saying Jesus(a.s.) is the son of God),then follows murdering,then follows rape,then follows adultery,and then comes theft.Whoever does any of these intentionally by knowing it is a big sin and forbidden in Islam,he/she will stay in Hell forever.Even if the holly Prophet Muhammad(sal.) is going to save him/her because he/she read salavats(prayer sentences including bless words) to the Prophet(sal.),this will be after his/her burning in Hellfire for billions of years.

-a Sufi does not take angels and spirits as an example!No!Sufi becomes a guide and example to angels.That is how a sufi must be in purity.He/she should always work hard to finish his/her nafs(ego,anomalous feelings and desires).If he/she becomes able to do that,then infinite delights and infinite desires of hereafter is opened for him/her.Most people say: “Why I should follow such religions which say “You should leave your desires and work to become a spirit,soul-like,angelic being!’’,although my animalous feelings such as having sex and drinking wine give me too much delight?Why should I allow a religion to take my freedom from me and make me its slave?’’.But they became slaves of their desires in fact,and they don’t even realise this.They became the slaves of Satan but not Allah(j.j.).If they listen Allah(j.j.) by making their desires His slave,then in lifeafter their desires will be their slaves as a cause of this.When they say in Paradise “I want to drink that wine!’’,they will drink.When they say: “Bring me my that hoor!I want to have sex with her’’,they will have.Whatever they want,their desires will serve them in hereafter as their desires are their slaves.But because they become the slaves of their desires in this life,they are in the way of being the slaves of Hell’s desires in lifeafter.They can reach those infinite delights by following and obeying a Shayh and entering his love oceans by working in the way of Allah(j.j.).Then whatever their desires wish,it beomes their forever!That is what this book is describing.It defines how to rech that stage.

-Whoever tears the Arabic version(original version) of Qur’an,he/she will immediately be changed into a monkey-like being by Allah(j.j.),either in seconds or in hours in one moment,or in a few days slowly.The examples of such people are many.

-Stupid Darwinists sometimes say: “Nature does not work by God’s order “Happen!’’ and then it happens!’’.This is because they are very illegal.Both about Modernscience and everything.A star,planet,galaxy,solar system have always been being formed newly,at every second.They are being formed newly,at every second.They have been being formed newly,at every second .They have been being formed from the hardly combination of dust,nebula,Hydrogen and Helium gases travelling freely inside the universe.All of these have been observed in the 21st century with huge telescopes.And, “Universe expanding’’ means always new galaxies containing millions of solar systems at the last edges of the expanding universe have been being created.Otherwise,in a very short time after Big-bang,the huge-expanding black hole would have been existed in the middle of the universe because of the known galaxies’ getting far from each other,and that very big,axpandingblack hole would have swallowed all of the expanding universe.Don’t Darwinists know that a sperm drop forms an embryo in moments inside the ovary of the female?The seed planted forms a root under soil,a non-existent star is observed with a telescope in one moment.The nuclear core of chromosomes are completely disappearing in Phase stage and it has been formed in Telophase stage of Mitotic and Miotic Division again.All these show us that always any rule of nature both in space and on Earth


works by Allah’s saying “Happen’’ and that they happen in one moment.But the ape-brained Evolutionarists can not see these.Because as Allah(j.j.) says in Qur’an,in fact the hearts in cheast become blind,not the eyes(A’raf-179).

-Some foolish Evolutionarist lecturers(I will not say “Scientist’’,because the terms “Evolution’’ and “Mind,knowledge,Science’’ are completely contrast) ask: “Why crenationarists only take the subject “Evolution’’ out but not anything else in Science?Why not Physics,why not Chemistry?’’.One of such persons asking such a question was Kenneth R.Miller from Brown University.These illegal people who are called “Scientist’’ do not even know about the history of Science.Of course there had been another subjects that have been disapproved.Still similar discussions and disapprovances still take place,mostly about Quantum Physics.Basic ideas of General Chemistry have been changed,such as Atom’s structure many times.People were willing to take out some of such subjects as well.Newton rules which had been basic rules of Physics for centuries were cancelled by Albert Einstein.There have always been adding and taking subjects out in Science History.How can someone claim that Evolution Theory was the only subject to be taken out in Science?

-The purpose of Muslims for fasting and prayers must not be to be saved from Hell and to enter Paradise,otherwise he/she loses Paradise and wins Hell.But the purpose must be to win Allah’s beauty vision and His consent.The Prophet(sal.) said: “Allah(j.j.) is saying: “Among My servants,who is more unjust than the one who worshippes Me in order to enter Paradise or in order to be saved from Hell?’Were I not worthy to be worshipped unless I had created Paradise and Hell?’’.There was a woman Grandsaint called Rabia,who was in the level of fana-fillah.She is very famous in Islam World.Her most famous word was the following: “Oh my Allah!If I love and worship You for being saved from Hell,burn me there!If I love You for entering Paradise,deprive me of it.But if I love you and if I have been worshipping You for YOU,then show me your infinite delightful and beautiful vision!’’.

-You can never force anyone to be Muslim.Religion is belief,and if your tongue says you believe but your heart does not,it means you don’t believe.The holy Qur’an says:

-Mureeds must not sleep more than 8 hours per day and they must not drink more than 8 glasses of water per day.They should never eat for a second plate.They should never fill their stomach completely.They should eat,drink,sleep less and they should be busy with their sexual feelings less.They should take something to eat in odd numbers.For instance,while bolding down some biscuits,they should eat 1,3,5 or 7 biscuits,not 2,4,6 or 8.That was what our Prophet(sal.) did.He(sal.) said: “Allah(j.j.) is one!One is odd,and Allah(j.j.) loves odd.’’.All of these conditions,daily prayers,spiritual exercises,dhikr, and some extra prayers(Navafil Prayers)* must be met.If they keep all of these and other sha’reeatic rules such as visiting Shayh at least once in 6 months or in one year,serving Shayh sometimes by staying with him for a short period,not pissing,eating and drinking on foot,taking 41 steps after pissing,repeating the verse Amanar-rasoolu* every night before


sleeping,reading ayat-al kursi* after each of the 5-times prayer,always willing something from Allah(j.j.)(Allah(j.j.) says: “Whoever does not want anything from me,I will torment him!’’.), meeting the conditions of Islam,in a few years,they will start passing the levels of nafs quickly and if they keep all these exercises daily,in just one decade,they will all be in the level of fana-fillah and nafs-I Mardiyya(in the next subject I will explain what it means).

*Navafil(extra) prayers: The most important navafil prayers are avvabin and mid-morning prayers.The sufi should perform both of them daily.They have lots of advantages both worldly and spiritual.

Avvabin prayer:This is performed as 6 rakats between the night prayer and last prayer.

Mid-morning prayer: This is performed as 4 rakats any time in the mid-morning

Before performing a prayer,always say: “I intended to pray for Allah’s consent.A-ouzu billahi minash shaytaanir rajeem.Bismillahirrahmanirraheem.’’.

*Amener-rasoolu:Whoever repeats this verse daily before sleeping,he/she will reach the most distinguished Sufism orders.Even if he/she is not a Sufi and he/she repeats it daily,he/she will be a very Grandsaint during his/her last 7 breathes.He/she will pass lifeafter with faith.He/she will gain the highest ranks of the Earth and the Paradise.Allah(j.j.) will never make him/her needy to anyone while living on Earth.The first Muslims the holly Prophet Muhammad(sal.) will save both in the grave and in the day of judgement and the first Muslims he will take to his own Paradise with his first companions are them.On the day of judgement,their light will be so shiny that everyone will think each of them is a prophet.They see Allah’s beauty vision 7 breaths remaining to their death,not on the day of judgement or in grave.They are the first to enter Paradise.Amanar-rasoolu is so important,because the angel Gebriel did not bring it to the Prophet(sal.),at his night of journey to heavens(Meeraj),Prophet Muhammad(sal.) brought it from Allah(j.j.)’s Divine Kingdom while talking to Allah(j.j.) by visualising His infinite beautiful-shiny vision face to face.Amanar-rasoolu is the following:


A-ouzu billahi minash shaytaanir rajeem.Bismillahirrahmanirraheem.

Amanar rasoolu bima ounzeela ilayhi min rabbihi wal mou’minoon.Kullun amana billahi wa malaikatihi wa kutubihi wa rousoolihi,la noufarriqu bayna ahadin min roosoolih.Wa qaa lous sameena wa a’taghna ghufranaka rabbana wa ilaykal maseer.La youkallifoullahu nafsan illa wous’aha,laha ma kasabat wa alayka ma’tasabat,rabbana,la toogh akhizna innaseena aw’ahtaana,rabbana,wa la tahmil alayna ısran kama hamantahu alallazeena min qableena,rabbana,wa la touhammilna ma’la taqata lana bih.Waa fou’anna,wugh fir lana,war hamna,anta mowlana,fansooghna alal qawmil kafireen.(Sadaqallahul azeem.Amin.)

Ayat-al kursi: Magic and Satan can not enter to the house in which this verse is receited.It sends troubles away.Ayat-al kursi(ayat no 2:255 in Qur’an).Ayat-al kursi is the following:

A-ouzu billahi minash shaytaanir rajeem.Bismillahirrahmanirraheem.Allahou la ilaha illa huwal huyyyoul quyy-youm.La ta khouzoohou sinatoun wa la nawm.Lahu ma fis samawati wa ma fil ard.Man zallazi yashfahou ‘ındahou illa bi ‘iznih.Ya’lamu ma bayna aidihim wa ma khalfahoum wa la youkhiduna bi shayn min ‘ılmihi illa bima sha’.Wasi’a kursi youhous samawati wal ard.Wa la yaghduhu khıfzıhouma wa huwal aliyyul azeem.(Sadaqallahul azeem.Amin.)

LEVELS OF NAFS: Nafs means “The animal inside us which leads us to eat,sleep and be busy with our sexual desires too much’’.Nafs is an animal inside us and a person becomes bad just because of his/her nafs.Even if there was no Satan,yet badnass would exist.Satan is just a factor who increases the badnasses of the nafs.A person takes alcohol,smokes or talk bad to people just because of his/her nafs’ being sick.Nafs has lots of diseases,such as taking pains of someone,sleeping too much,eating too much,drinking too much,being busy with sexual desires too,willing to have lots of money or goods etc..Nafs has 19 diseases at total.When we wish to fly on air,go to space,pass through the walls,breathing underwater,having physical journeys to other planets and galaxies,change stones into golds and diamonds,being transported to other countries in moments,entering Paradises and experiencing delights therein as much as we want,seeing and communicating with angels and spirits and we can not do,there is only one thing which does not allow us do all these things and whatever we wish:NAFS!If the one kills(brings up) his/her nafs,he/she then becomes an angel-like being,a spiritual human,a soul.His/her body becomes just a vision,a dress he/she wore on his/her body,not a prison for the soul anymore.His/her weight becomes zero,he/she can move his/her body like he/she is moving in space and he/she reaches infinite delights,whatever he/she wishes,everything and more than everything.This chapter is the most important one in this book and it is the summary of the main idea of the book.


Without becoming a mureed of a Shayh and following him,noone can can achieve the second level of nafs,which is nafs-i lavvama(I will define what it is.).When the mureed starts following his/her Shayh,serving him,visiting him at least once in six months if possible,sometimes staying with him for one or a few weeks,keeping his/her daily mureedship practices,by sleeping less(8 hours per day at most),by eating and drinking less,by obeying his/her Shayh,by sometimes joining dhikr performed on Thursday nights(Hatma-i hajagun) either with the Shayh or with one of his deputies,by being very respectful to the Shayh,by keeping daily rabita and continous imagination of the Shayh’s going with him/her,by keeping daily rabita,he/she obtains spiritual delights and powers in time.First,he/she generally starts seeing dreams in white flash-lights which become completely real next day.In time,by keeping all of these conditions defined above,the mureed starts achieving the levels of nafs,either one by one or faster.

7 levels of nafs: 1.Nafs-i ammara:It means “the nafs which always order to do bad things’’.The peson in this level does not have fears such as punishment in hereafter or being questioned in grave.He/she just just thinks of his/her feelings,desires,relax and delights.In order to reach these,he/she does not recognise a limit such as canonically lawful or forbidden by religion,he/she wants to use every kind of way.He/she sees bad things as beautiful,always making his/her heart interest in them.He/she is not afraid of any judgement in hereafter.It is the level of nafs defined in the following ayat:

All people taking alcohol,smoking,having sex before marriage(zeena),making shirk (e.g:Christians) are in this level.The treatment of this position is a real sadnass in purity by heart for the sins,asking Allah’s forgiveness,not to do big sins anymore,and taking an Islamic religious education.Otherwise,the person is a candidate of an infinite-Hell life.A person having this level of nafs is even lower than the animals.On the day of judgement when he/she sees Hellfire and animals becoming a clay(disappearing),he/she will say: “I wish I could have been an animal as well!’’.Human exists just in order to reach the level of angels and even higher ranks than them in worshipping Allah(j.j.).

2.Nafs-i lavvama:It means “The nafs which sees itself bad,blames itself,scolds itself’’. A person with this level becomes regret because of his/her sins he/she does.He/she wants to be pure for Allah(j.j.) like saints to reach high ranks of Paradise or to be pure like hoors or angels,so he/she decides not to make sins.But when the sin comes before him/her,he/she can not control himself/herself,again he/she falls into it.He/she goes and comes back between good works and bad works.If the nafs is supported by a spiritual peace and Divine love of a Shayh,he/she becomes rescued from this position.This level is what has been told in Qur’an in the following ayat:


“I swear by the day of resurrection.And I swear by the self-reproaching person…’’. (75:1)

3.Nafs-i Mulhima:It means “The nafs which has reached peace,inspiration and discovery and has become the helper of the heart in good work’’.By asking Allah’s forgiveness and not repeating sins and by spending his/her time just by studying,working,watching moral T.V. programs only,just having time with his/her wife/husband,doing housework and gardenwork,travelling and going on holiday(of course by the condition not to look at men/women in bathing suits around,if it is a summer holiday),looking after children,by not looking at bare women/men photos in magazines and newspapers(he/she should immediately convert the page if he/she wrongly does.),by keeping such a lifestyle,by being rescued from the load of nafs and keeping daily prayers and spiritual practices,by cancelling from masturbation(the easiest way for this is to marry) or masturbating only while needed,the mureed reaches a state of purity and he/she starts having spiritual discoveries,he/she becomes able to get spiritual delight and inspiration.Sometimes,dreams in flash lights which then become real are shown to him/her.The event he/she sees in his/her dream becomes completely real.For instance,if he/she sees a brown-haired,blue eyed kid gives him/her a board spoon,next day really a brown-haired,blue-eyed kid gives him/her a board spoon.He/she sometimes sees himself/herself meeting his/her Shayh or Prophet(sal.) in far galaxies or inside shiny nebulas.He/she sees so net dreams that he/she normally do not see such visions in his/her daily light.He/she sometimes sees dreams like he/she is rising up to heavens or swimming in sea with gold and silvershined angels.Sometimes,the result of something,for instance the result of an exam he/she took is made known to him/her in dreams before his/her learning the result.All these little spiritual gifts increase his/her interest in the pure way of the holly Prophet Muhammad(sal.).It does not mean those who are in this level do not make any sins,they do.But it is very less and seldom while compared to that of nafs-i lavvama.Even a very little sin takes place once in one,three,six or twelve months.It is a highly-cleaned level of nafs.(Some examples of little sins are,for instance,eating more than one plate of food,sleeping more than 8 hours,playing board games which are played with toy money and dice,doing something although it is not the best thing to do in that time(for instance,playing piano while housework or studying lecture is needed.),pissing on foot,drinking and eating on foot,going out of any Sha’reeatic rule,saying someone “You are stupid!’’,even as a joke.).

An advaced level of nafs-I Mulhima is opening the eye of the heart.By looking into his/her eyes(either when he/she visits Shayh or when he/she sees him in dream), his/her Shayh heart eyes with a deep looking.Since then,he/she always sees jinns and angels and communicate with them.He/she can minds.When someone relates a story to him/her,he/she sees that visions same as what was seen by the narrater.Same thing is valid for reading.During the day and night,they see lights flashing as gold and silver.They see light blue,pink and white lights added to sunlight.During the day,they see the Earth 70 times lightier than the illumination of the sunlight.Darkness and noon are the same for them.They sometimes see their Shayhs appearing and disappearing in white and pinky flash lights before them.They always see thousands of various kinds of colours that normal people can neither see nor guess.They see shapes that normal people don’t see.They see shapes shapes that could not be imagined or guessed,shapes that are not valid in Geometry and Geometrical mind.Thay sometimes see very overnature things.For instance,they can see a pink,beautiful nebula in the middle of their room or house.During prayers,they feel honey and wine rivers of Heaven flowing from under their feet.If these


people close their eyes and imagine themselves in Paris,they really see themselves in Paris,as it is the reality.Sometimes,for a few seconds,a bad person appears to them in the form of a piton snake or a dragon and a nice person appears to them in the form of an angel.The person should be married before willing to reach this level,because if he/she masturbates at this level,he/she will feel a heavy hurt in his/her sexual organ.The person at this level must be very right and straight at everything.For instance,he/she can not take a wrong step or make an inneccessary movement,even while walking.Otherwise,he/she is punished with a heavy hurt given byh Allah(j.j.).People with an openheart eye can see all the universe with just one glance.He/She sees where the treasures underground on Earth are.They see the last edges of the universe from which it has always been being expanded and they also see the vision of the empty space outside the universe..There are some type of light appearing before them which make them feel more delight and happiness than every type of emotion a normal person experiences.Even if a woman is the uggliest person in the world,if she is a Muslim with good moral performing daily prayers,the man whose heart-eye is open sees her in the form of a hoor.Her heart can be seen by that man.

Sometimes,the mureed wih an open heart eye sees joyful and beautiful visions like hallucinations.For instance,a man with an open-heart eye may sometimes see a hoor coming from Paradise down on his room and saying: “Oh my love!I have been waiting for you to lie on endless sandy oceans of Paradise and experience love and romantism and sex there by holding each other’s hands and stairing into each other’s eyes.’’.He/she sometimes sees visions like he/she is walking in Hawaii islands or swimming in an aquarium which is full of fish.All of these visions are both seen and felt at the same time.If he/she closes his/her eyes and imagines himself/herself as a seastar or fish undersea or as a man/woman,he/she really experiences how an amotion it is to be a fish,man/woman or a seastar etc..Depending on the study and willing of the mureed,opening the eye of the heart takes place from 40 days up to 10 years after becoming a mureed.The eye heart of most mureeds who stay with Shayh and serve him continuously is opened by the Shahy within 40 days.There are many mureeds whose heart eyes are opened within three years although they stay in far countries because their hardworking on daily rabita and spiritual practises,prayers.Distance is not a limit for the Shayh’s sending message to the heart of his mureeds.If he wants to warn them for a danger or tell them something or answer a question they want to know,the Shayh sometimes comes to dreams of his mureeds and communicates with them.

A person(mureed) with an open-eye heart sees the real vision of matter.,which can not be observed by Science even.The difference between a person having an open heart-eye and a person having a closedheart eye is the same as the difference between a person who sees and blind person.The person without an open-heart eye is heartly-blind.The bad jinns,satan always come close to the close to the person with open-heart eye and try to deceive him/her by playing many games and preparing delusions to him/her.For instance,a common dellusion type narrated by many mureeds with openheart eye in Turkey is the following:

Jinns come closer to a mureed with an open heart-eye and tell him/her “That will happen in 5 minutes!’’ and it happens after 5 minutes.Then they come and say: “This will happen after 3 minutes!’’ and it happens after 3 minutes.At last,they come and say: “If you don’t curse to Allah(j.j.)


now,you wife/husband will die after 7 minutes!’’.The mureed should know that this is a dellusion to make him/her a sinner,otherwise he/she wins a sin.When he/she wins a sin,as a punishment he/she feels heavy hurts in some parts of his/her body for minutes,hours or days.he/she may also see very bad and discusting visions as punishment,such as seeing blood is raining on them from the sky.Same thing is valid if he/she tries to slap,punch or swear someone inneccessarily or without a true,without a valid reason.

While GrandShayh Abdulqaadir Jilani(q.s.) was experiencing this level,once he was walking alone in desert.In one moment,he stopped by hearing a deep and high voice coming from heaven.The sound was saying: “Ya(Oh) Abdulqaadir!I am Allah(j.j.),your Lord!I have taken the responsibility of praying 5 times per day from you!’’.Immediately Abdulqaadir Jilani(q.s.) replied: “You are Satan!Go away from me!’’.The sound said: “I have deceived over 40.000 mureeds whose eye-hearts were open.How did you understand that I was Satan?’’.Abdulqaadir Jilani(q.s.) huzzratty said: “First of all,the responsibility of daily prayers was not even taken from the prophets,how it could be taken from me?And furthermore,your voice came from the sky,if you were really God(Allah),your sound should have come from everywhere!’’.

So,the person with this level must be very awake!He/she must be helped to pass this level of nafs with the help of GrandShayh,otherwise,there is probability of some spiritual dangers for him/her.

A person with an open-eye heart can fall in love with trees or flowers as well,whereas a normal person falls in love just with the opposite sex.The mureed must be very careful not to love anyone and anything more than his/her Shayh or as much a his/her Shayh.Nothing bedides the holly Prophet Muhammad(sal.) can be more valuable than a Shayh,because a Shayh is the means and transporter of the mureed to make him/her reach Allah’s beauty vision and all highest angelic ranks and infinite delights and infinite peace and freedom oceans.He/she must love his/her Shayh more than his/her parents,wife/husband,children,his/her own nafs and everything..But that love should never cause him to make shirk or see the Shayh as more than a person.His/her Shayh is just a transportation deputy to make him/her reach Allah(j.j.) while he is alive.In this way,he/she can also guarantee his/her place in lifeafter.They are transporters who make their mureeds who want higher ranks than just meeting the conditions of Islam reach Allah(j.j.) while living on Earth.It’s like you can not go to U.S.A. from England without a ship or a plane.Shayhs are that ships,planes taking his passengers to the Divine Presence.They stay in this World just for this mission.So,the mureed must be happy that he/she has found a real Shayh more than everything for which he/she is happy.The holly Prophet Muhammad(sal.) said: “I am saying by swearing to Allah(j.j.) that if I am not loveful to a Muslim more than his children,husband/wife, parents,his/her own nafs,his/her brothers and sisters,then he/she is not a real believer!’’.

4.Nafs-i moutmainna: It means “The nafs whose suffer ended, who found peace,cooled down,whose suffer ended,whose doubt disappeared’’.This is the sainthood level with Allah(j.j.).In this level,the nafs(bad thoughts and bad wishes) completely dies..No sins are made,the person always become careful not to make any sin,he/she always keep the Divine breeding.Devils,bad jinns,non-Muslim


jinns go away from him/her.He/she becomes relax.Sometimes,his/her love for Allah(j.j.) and the Prophet(sal.) makes him/her forget everything.He/she seeks Divine love always.When he/she is alone at home or in masjit,he/she goes to other countries,galaxies and Paradises and also experiences the delights in Paradises as much as he wills.He can transport himself to other places and planets in just one second,in moments by moving faster than light.He/she just closes and opens his/her eyes,and he/she is found in the place he/she wants to go.In nafs-i Mulhima,these journeys are spiritual and the body does not feel anything whereas in nafs-i moutmainna,they are physical.He/she just closes and opens his/her eyes,and he/she finds himself/herself at the place where he/she wants to go.They can even go out of the Earth and land on a dusty planet like Mars,they can pray there on their carpet.As a miracle of Allah(j.j.),they can both breathe in space and underwater.Same way,they can have a journey to the underwater world.They can do the works that could be done in years in one second.By heart,they can communicate with Allah(j.j.).He/she also sees his/her Shayh present before him/her and he/she always communicates with him.This is the level told in Qur’an as following:

The saint at this level can communicate with animals,flowers and everything.He/she can move the matter with a glance.This level is called “fana-fish-shayh’’.

5.Nafs-i radıya:It means “The nafs who deleted everything from its eyes and heart besides its God and the nafs which only desires its God’’.In this level,the person loves for Allah(j.j.),he/she gets angry for Allah(j.j.),lives for Allah(j.j.),he/she makes Allah’s consent as target at every work.Beautiful women,swimming,rest,treasures does not affect him/her anymore.Even if they don’T exist in Paradise,Allah(j.j.) is enough for him/her.He/she reaches the door of prophet Muhammad(sal.).The prophet(sal.) is also added to his/her vision.He/she always sees the Prophet Muhammad(Sal.) before him/her and he/she always communicates with him(sal.).Even when he/she is in toilet or when he/she is taking shower or sleeping,the Prophet(sal.) never leaves him/her alone.In this level,he/she starts getting secret knowledges from the Prophet(sal.).He/she experiences an ecstasy love with the Prophet(sal.),by meeting him in light-dark,silent and non-populated parts,regions of far planets and nebulas,so that no any emotion or delight can be compared to that love of the holly Prophet Muhammad(sal.).When he/she has been experiencing such loves and emotions,his/her other bodies keeps having delights in Paradises,letting him/her feel it as well.He/she can have thousands of different bodies in different regions of the Earth and his thousands of Physical bodies in Paradise could be busy with thousands of different hoors made for him in Paradise.The feeling of these infinite delights makes him like he is going to die because of too much pleisure.

(Note: “Killing the nafs’’ does not mean the person lost sexual power or willing to eat,drink.Inversely,the sexual power increases 40 times more.A saint is in the power of 40 young men. “Killing the nafs ‘’ only means “Killing bad thoughts and desires,and also bad behaviours that are not suitable for Islam.’’.If a person is a king and he has 800 wives in his palace,his nafs is not sick.But a


person who lives with a woman without marrying her,his nafs is sick.For instance,Prophet David had 99 wives in his palace,he was a king as well.If the person is not a king,he can marry four women at most,according to Qur’an.5th would be a big sin like adultery.)

6.Nafs-i mardıyya: It means “Kamil,mature,very-pure’’,so-clean,so advanced in breeding that whatever he/she does,it becomes suitable in terms of Divineful orders,rules.He/she forgets the sins,he/she swims in The Divine-Love sea.With his/her everything,he/she becomes a mercy for the universe.He/she gets miracles from Allah(j.j.) as an evidence of his/her sainthood.If the one in this rank is male,he can start his job as a Shayh and educate his mureeds in the way of reaching the Divine Presence.He has got the Islam flag from the holly Prophet Muhammad(sal.).If the one in this level tells a mountain to be split,it does.He/she can move and destroy matter,mountains and cities from very far distances with his/her spiritual power.At this level of nafs,Allah(a.s.) opens His infinite whiteshiny beautitic vision to the person,and The person sees Allah(j.j.),because seeing Allah(j.j.) for just one second makes all tissues and cells in body like each of them is watching comedy,reading comics,eating honey,chocolate,dessert,crisps,swimming and having sex with billions of handsome/beautiful men/women at the same time.Since then,Allah’s beautitic vision will always be present with the one at this level.This is the level of Shayhs,Grandsaints.

7.Nafs-i Kamila:It means “Kamil,mature,very-pure,so-clean,purified,crystallised nafs’’.Only men can rise up to this level,because it is like prophethood.In this level,the person is given so many Prophetic gifts and powers such as being able to resurrect a dead person or an animal like Prophet Jesus(a.s.) or heal a person who has a very cronic disease such as cancer or AIDS by touching.This rank is the highest symbol of the Divine love and breeding.Many angels and invisible beings in the universe serve him and learn dhikr and spiritual knowledge from them.They teach and educate each angle about how to make Allah’s dhikr(rememberence,saying “Allah-Allah’’).They love Allah(j.j.),and people and everything,every being love them.They are afraid of Allah(j.j.),and people are afraid of them(their spiritual power).They serve Allah(j.j.),people serve them.They are happy with Allah(j.j.),people besides non-believers and inattentives are happy with themHe symbolyses every being in the universe,Allah’s 99 names,Allah’s anger and mercy.The most delicious food,fruits and the most beautiful hoors in Paradise are for him.This nafs is the nafs of GrandSahyhs and the highest prophets such as the holly Prophet Muhammad(sal.) and the holly Prophet Jesus(a.s.).The person at this level reaches the state of being the highest being after Allah(j.j.).Angels become jelous of their light and innocence.

THE REASON WHY UNIVERSE AND EVERYTHING HAD BEEN CREATED: There are some stupid people who make big sin by saying silly things such as “Maybe God was bored alone and that was why He created something!’’.God’s every property is infinite high.He never gets tired or bored and He never needs any kind of fun.Now,I will give the real reasons why God created the universe and things therein.There is only one reason for God’s creation:Kingdom and God’s Divine feelings and Divine desires since infinity.


.God’s Divine Kingdom: God is a King.He is the first King Who was existent since infinity and His is the first Kingdom,which is forever.A kingdom can never have a meaning without someone or a community who knows that there is a king..If there was noone and nothing besides Allah(j.j.),then Allah(j.j.) would be the King of what?King of Himself?No way!This is not suitable for the rank of such a high King,Allah(j.j.),the highest King.Think of saying “Allah is the God of nothing!’’.Is this suitable for Divinity?No.According to this,we can think like “There was nothing and noone to know that Allah(j.j.) was the God of nothing,so what was the problem for Allah’s being the God of nothing when there was nothing besides Him?’’,but even if noone knew that,yet being the God of nothing was not suitable for God,because “to be God” means “To be the Lord and King of everything!’’,so if there was nothing besides God,the description “King of everything’’ for God would not exist.When this description does not exist,Divinity can not exist.Allah(j.j.) never needed to create anything,but He created something in order to complete His Divine Kingdom.Only completing His Divine Kingdom would be possible for the rank of Allah(j.j.),Who have always been existent since infinity. and Who was infinite high. “Being a king’’ has always been in the Divine feelings of God. “King’’ is just one Divine feeling and name of God.He has other 99 names,which are His Divine feelings.These 99 Divine feelings have been existent with God since infinity.Each of them is God’s Divine desire,like we have some desires such as drawing,eating,travelling etc..Our existent contains such feelings.And God’s existent contains that 99 properties.One of them is “Rich’’.God created heavens and the Earth,gold and silver to complete His feeling of “Being rich’’,because He has always felt reach,since infinity.God created Paradise as a mercy for His servants,because the feel of “Being merciful’’ exists in God since infinity,due to God’s Divine being.Whatever God made,He made it according to His Divine feelings,He desired to make them,because of the feelings of His Divine existence.99 names of God are His Divine organs like we have organs such as arm and eye.You can not think of God as separate from any of that names.His existence is together with them!These 99 names of God which exist with Him since infinity as His Divine feelings and caused Him to create heavens and the Earth are the followings:

                  

Allah Adh-Dhaahir (The Manifest) Al-Aakhir (The Last) Al-Adl (The Just) Al-Afuww (The Forgiving) Al-‘Afuw (The Oft-Pardoning) Al-Ahad (The Singular) Al-A`laa (The Highest) Al-Alee (The High) Al-‘Aleem (The All Knowing) Al-Atheem (The Most Magnificent) Al-Awwal (The First) Al-Azeez (The Mighty) Al-Baasit (The Munificent) Al-Baasit (The Extender) Al-Baari’ (The Originator) Al-Baatin (The Inward) Al-Baseer (The All Seeing) Al-Barr (The Generous)


                                                     

Al-Fa`aalul Limaa Yureed (The One Who Does What He Wills) Al-Fattaah (The Judge, The Opener) Al-Ghafoor (The Forgiving) Al-Ghafoor (The Oft-Forgiving) Al-Ghaffaar (The Most Forgiving) Al-Ghaffaar (The All Forgiving) Al-Ghanee (The Self Sufficient, The Rich) Al-Haadee (The Director) Al-Hafeedh (The Guardian) Al-Hakeem (The All-wise) Al-Hakam (The Judge) Al-Haleem (The Most Forebearing) Al-Hameed (The One who is Praised) Al-Haqq (The Truth) Al-Haseeb (The Reckoner) Al-Hayee (The Shy) Al-Hayy ul-Qayyoom Al-Hayy (The Living) Al-Ilaah (The Deity) Al-Jabbaar (The Compeller) Al-Jameel (The Beautiful) Al-Jawwaad (The Bestower of Good ) Al-Kareem (The Kind ) Al-Khaaliq (The Creator) Al-Kaafee (The Sufficient) Al-Kabeer (The Most Great) Al-Khabeer (The All Aware) Al-Kaafi (The Sufficient) Al-Lateef (The Most Subtle,The Kind) Al-Maalik (The Master & Owner ) Al-Maani` (The Preventer) Al-Malik (The King ) Al-Majeed (The Most Glorious) Al-Mannaan (The Bestower) Al-Mateen (The Most Strong) Al-Mubeen (The Clear) Al-Mubdi` (The Starter) Al-Mu’eed (The Recaller,The One Who Repeats Creation) Al-Mughnee (The Sufficient) Al-Muhaymin (The Everwaching) Al-Muheet (The Encompassing) Al-Mujeeb (The Answerer) Al-Mu’min (The giver of Security) Al-Mu’min Al-Muqeet (The Powerful) Al-Muqtadir (The Omnipotent) Al-Musawwir (The Shaper) Al-Mutakabbir (The Suprime) Al-Muta’aal (The Exalted) Al-M’utee (The Giver) Al-Qaahir (The Irresistible) Al-Qaabid (The Taker) Al-Qaabid (The Constrictor) Al-Qadeer (All Powerful,The Able)


                             

Al-Qahhaar (The Subduer) Al-Qareeb (The Close) Al-Qawiyy (The Most Powerful) Al-Qayyum (The Sustainer) Al-Quddoos (The Holly) At-Tawwaab (The Oft-returning) Al-Waasi’ (The Vast, Extending, A Bounding, Far Reaching, All Sufficient) Al-Waasi'` (The Vast) Al-Waahid (The One) Al-Wahhaab (The Bestower) Al-Wakeel (The Disposer of Affairs, The One Who is Relied Upon) Al-Walee(The saint) Al-Wudood (The Loving) An-Nur (The Light) Ar-Rafeeq (The Gentle) Ar-Raheem (The Most Merciful) Ar-Rahmaan (The Most Beneficent) Ar-Ra`oof (The Kind ) Ar-Rasheed (The Guide) Ar-Raqeeb (The All-wacher) Ar-Razzaaq (The Provider) As-Salaam (The Peace) As-Samad (The Self-Sufficient) As-Samee’ (The All Hearing) As-Sitteer (The Coverer) Ash-Shaheed (The Witness) Ash-Shaakir (The Recognizer & Rewarder of Good) Ash-Shakoor (The Appreciative) Ash-Shafee(The one who gives recovery to one’s health) Alladhee Lahu Al-Mulk (The One to whome belongs the Dominion)

Whoever recites Allah’s name which is related to what they want to reach,they will start reaching it 40 days after his/her beginning to its repetition.He/she should repeat the repatition daily and 500 or 1000 times per day.It just takes 10 minutes at most.For instance,if the person wants to be rich,he/she should repeat God’s name “Rich’’(Ghaniyy) 1000 times per day.Using a tasbih(99 beads connected to each other with a very thin line,the thing used for repetition) makes it easy,because when you take tasbih and receipt “Ya(O) Ghaniyy,ya Ghaniyy’’,when you come to the end of the beads,it means you recited 100 times.The tip of tasbih is the 100th bead.If you want to live a relax life including all gifts you wish,you should recite God’s name “Malik’’(King),by saying “Ya Malik,Ya Malik!’’ continuesly.99 days after the beginning of repetition,the reciter willl reach what he/she wills.Those who wish to be God’s saint very easily should recite His name “Saint’’(Walee) daily.The one who wishes his/her enemies or someone who did something bad to him/her to be destroyed should recite God’s name “Qahhaar’’ by saying “Ya Qahhaar-Ya Qahhaar’’ daily.If he/she wants to be able to do anything which seems impossible to him/her,he/she should receite the name “Qadeer’’(All powerful,the able,the one who is able to do all things) daily.If he/she wants a person with an illness or a disease to be fine,he/she should receite the name “Shafee’’ by saying “Ya shafee-Ya shafee!’’ daily.There is no any level or anything which the one who recites 99 holly names of Allah(j.j.) can not reach.The person can reach everything by receiting Allah’s holly names.He is the one Who has everything and every ability as infinite.Knowing Him more than one or running Him partner in


creation such as saying “Jesus is His partner,Son!’’ is the biggest sin.There is no way for the one who dies with this sin to get out of the Hell.They will be the victoms of God’s name “AlQahhar’’(Destroyer) in Hellfire forever.

God’s holly crown: Allah(j.j.) is the first King Whose Kingdom will continue forever.A king should have a symbol which shows his distinction.His having treasures and being rich are not enough,because although it is not as much as him,other beings can be reach as well.So what is that symbol,that distinction?Of course a crowd!A beautiful crowd!If we are talking about a human king,he should have a golden crowd,which seems beautiful.But of course it is not more valuable than that king,because it is just the symbol of his kingdom.There can not be a king without crown.So,Allah has also a crown.His crown was the first thing He had created.The first thing Allah(j.j.) had created was a light,a light which was the most beautiful and shiniest light after Allah(j.j.).It must have been that beautiful and shiny in order to symbolise Allah’s Kingdom.Allah(j.j.) gave it a perfect shape,which was a human body.So,the body was a very enormous body which was from light,in the form of a light.Allah(j.j.) also gave it the most beautiful name after the name “Allah!’’.Allah(j.j.) gave it the name “Muhammad’’,which has the most beautiful pronunciation after the pronunciation “Allah’’.With its that body in the form of a light,the light was worshipping Allah(j.j.) by falling prostrate upon Him.This was when there was nothing besides Allah(j.j.) and that light,even the empty space which has no vision had not been existed.Allah(j.j.) loved His crown infinitely,because of its symbolising His holly high Kingdom.Allah(j.j.) had then replaced that light into the body of the holly Prophet Muhammad(sal.) when he was born.Allah(j.j.) created Paradises and many beautiful galaxies for the love of the holly Prophet Muhammad(sal.).That’s why,without accepting Prophet Muhammad(sal.) is Allah’s messenger,Prophet and servant,noone can enter Paradise.They stay in Hell forever.The light of our Prophet Muhammad(sal.) was the first thing Allah(j.j.) had loved,due to its being His symbol,He loves the light of our Prophet Muhammad(sal.) more than everything.If someone is not in the way of Prophet Muhammad(sal.) and does not love him,Allah(j.j.) never loves him/her,He hates from that person so much that He leaves him/her in Hell forever when his death comes.Allah(j.j.) has created everything from the light of the holly Prophet Muhammad(sal.).All of us carry the light of Prophet Muhammad(sal.) inside us.Without light of Prophet Muhammad(sal.) inside us,we can neither leave nor breathe,nor we can feel delight from eating,drinking,sleeping and having sex.Paradises exist for the Divine love of the holly Prophet Muhammad(sal.).

Why Hell exists? God was not just God of good things and mercy.If He was,He wouldn’t be a God,He would be a being like an angel.Nor He is just God of bad things and suffer,if He was,He wouldn’t be a God,He would be a devil-like being.He is the God of both the nice,beautiful and the bad,ugly,discusting things.He reflects infinitely in every way.That is why there are both healthy,rich,beautiful people and blind,disabled,mad, ugly,poor people exist.All bad things and all good things are reflections of Allah(j.j.),reflection of His Divine feelings.Now,there are some illegal donkeys claiming God is so merciful that He does not burn His servants in Hellfire.This is because they don’t know about well about God,they just think with 7cm –human mind,small brain.Any anger or bad emotion inside us is actually God’s bad emotions,anger or mercy.He put from His own emotions inside us is actually


God’s bad emotions ,anger or mercy.He put from His own emotions inside us just one drop.His servants symbolise Him.When Allah(j.j.) became merciful because of His good emotions,there was no universe even.On the day of judgement,He will resurrect a person who had sex before marriage and tell him/her: “While having that delight,did you think you were doing that with your freedom?Satan was the one who was controlling and ordering your feelings,and I was the one who ordered Satan,who gave him opportunity to do that.Why you didn’t think about your body’s real Lord and that He might have punished,hold your skins responsible and your skins might have been asked about the delights they had?You were thinking like: “I have the opportunity,it’s a silent area,let’s make my body happy!Let’s have sex!’’,weren’t you?’’,or like: “If I was blind,I would not be able to see his/her attractive body,I am not deaf,I am not blind.So,I am chanceful,let’s know the value of that opportunity!’’.But you misunderstood something.You had not had a home and a car,they were mine!You had not had a body as well,your body was mine!You should have said: “This body exists for my Lord Allah(j.j.) only,to fall prostrate upon Him,to make Him happy,not my feelings,so that He makes me happy in lifeafter by giving me even better delights and feelings forever!’’.That day while having sex,you were having sex,you were thinking like: “Lo!I am having fun.I am a king,I feel like a king by meeting sexual desires!Oh yeah!’’.I gave you the opportunity to know me as King,and you spent your life on Earth just by having delights,like you were a king.Here,today I resurrected you as I had made you from one drop of sperm for the first time,and do you know what time is it for today?It is the time for me to say “I AM THE KING!’’ forever.’’.Then,after saying this,Allah(j.j.) will order His knights(angels) as a King: “Throw him/her into the Hell!Let him/her understand who the real king is!’’.But the ones who were blinds,deaves,mads,disabled while living on Earth ,God will make fun of the person He sent to Hell by putting all those into Paradises without any questionary,same way that person had made fun of all those disabled people by thinking like “They can’t have a complete delight from life and sex like me,so I should have fun because I have that opportunity!’’ while living on Earth.Everyone who makes adultery have this baseness,animalous thought.If they didn’t have this thought and they believed in lifeafter and judgement in lifeafter,they wouldn’t make adultery by obeying their desires.Verily,God will burn many people.Of course God does not burn His servants, but those who run a partner to God such as believing Jesus to be God’s son are the servants of Jesus at the same time,not just the servants of God.Also,those who perform adultery and take alcohol are not the servants of God, they are the servants of Satan, the servants of the world-life and the servants of their own desires.In the holly Qur’an, it is very clear that God willl burn many people and many other creatures He made. Qur’an is such a big miracle that whatever it says, it becomes real.Until today, everything it says happened one by one,completely the same way it has been written in Qur’an.For instance,the global warming and its affects had been told in the holly Qur’an in the following ayat:

“Because of what people made by their hands,the land and seas has been spoilt.I will make them taste some bad causes of this event to make them return!’’.(Rum,41)

Therefore,noone has to deceive himself/herself by saying: “God is so merciful,so let’s have sex!’’,because God is merciful to His good servants only.The one who don’t fall prostrate upon God daily is not His servant.To worship something is to fall prostrate upon it.God is merciful to His good servants,not to the ones who make adultery.They are all woods of Hell.After coming from meeraj(night of journey to heavens),our holly prophet Muhammad(sal.) said: “I saw the men and women who had sex before marriage inside ovens of Hell!’’.


People!Reader!Everyone!Be very careful!Allah,the Lord of the heavens and the ground and everything is a King that you should never make angry!’’.



What is tuyy-you macan? In our daily life,scientists have been working in laboratories to let light turn into energy.If this becomes possible one day,they think they will be able to transport matter from one place to another in one second.But this molecular transportation is already possible in Islamic Spiritual Science:SUFISM.

Saints of Allah(j.j.) travel faster than light.Light travels with a speed of 300,000km/s, whereas saints travel with a speed of billions of km/s.The highest rate the scientists can reach is the expanding speed of the universe per second which is close to infinity,then follows the swallowing speed of black holes,then follows the speed of saints,and then follows the speed of angels and light(angels are some frequencies of light as well,so their speed is also 300,000 km/s.).Light is not the fastest thing as the Physicians think now,no!It is the 4th fastest thing.

As for molecular transportation,Islamic Spiritual Sciences had discovered what Modern Scientists have been trying to discover now in the time of the holly Prophet Muhammad(sal.),from his teachings.While compared to Spiritual Science and Spiritual Medicine,Modern Science and Modern Medicine is nothing.

Saints do tuyy-you macan mostly in secret places or at home,or in caves when they are alone.Yet,there are some mureeds who see them while disappearing by chance.Seldomly,saints do that in a mosque before the community in the mosque to perform a miracle and proove them that they are saints.Mowlana Shayh Nazım(q.s.) also disappeared once in a mosque in Damascus before the community of that mosque and once in the garden of his house he has been living now.He disappeared in his garden by sitting down on the ground and closing his eyes when he was at his 70’s.Only his one mureed saw him disappearing that time.When he performed this miracle in Damascus in that mosque,the community of that mosque all took bayyath and became mureeds of Mowlana Shayh Nazım,and they were the first mureeds of Mowlana Shayh Nazım.


About 60-70 years ago,there was an Imam(Islam Priest) in Bafos,a city in South Cyprus.on every Friday,a few people were going to his mosque.It was a little mosque,masjid.Every Friday he was disappearing before the people in his mosque by closing his eyes.One of the people in his mosque who saw him every Friday while disappearing was my grandfather,who had been telling me that event.According to that few Muslims going to that mosque,that Imam was going to Mecca on every Friday with tuyy-you macan.His name was Huji(the one who went to Hajj) Ibrahim.From an unkown reason,his grave in Bafos is very long,up to 3 metres although he had a normal body size.When he was asked how he was doing that,every time he was saying “I am reading a salavat!’’.(Salavats are prayer and praise sentences for the holly Prophet Muhammad(sal.).Salavats generally start with “Allahumma salli...’’(My Lord send blessings).Saints do tuyy-you macan by using a secret salavat,which they never tell anyone.

About 900 years ago,there was a woman in Algeria.Every night she was disappearing with her mother,and they were going to Madina for a few hours to visit the grave of the holly Prophet Muhammad(sal.).When once her husband asked her how she had been doing that,the following conversation took place between them:

-How did you do that? -I am not allowed to tell you this,it’s secret. -Then,just tell me whether it is with an ayat from Qur’an,with a prayer or something else? -I am reading a salavat. -Okay,then I will travel all-over the world and I will collect all the salavats read in all Islamic countries for 1 year,then I will bring you my notebook in which all salavats I will collect will be written.Then,if the notebook I will bring you at the end of 1 year also contains that salavat,let me know. -Okay then.

The man did what he said.After coming back one year later,he showed his notebook and started reading salavats to his wife.His wife said: “Yes,it contains the salavat I have been reading’’ after his finishing to read.

During the Liberation War in Turkey in 1920’s,our Grandshayh(Shayh Nazım’s Shayh),Shayh Abdullah ad-Daghıstani(q.s.) was a soldier.Every morning when he and his commander were alone and talking together,his commander was ordering him in a loud voice: “Abdullah!Bring me tea!’’.As soon as Shayh Abdullah heard this,he was closing his eyes and disappearing before his commander.After a few seconds,he was coming back with a glass of tea in his right hand and he was giving the tea to his commander.Immediately the commander was asking: “Where did you bring this


tea from Abdullah?’’,he was replying: “From the Paradise sir,from the Paradise!’’.The commander was taking a drink,and then he was saying: “Certainly!’’ with his loud voice.This was directly narrated from that commander of GrandShayh Abdullah(q.s.).

Mowlana Shayh Nazım(q.s.) was also seen and reported in two or three different countries many times.He gives this knowledge to his advanced mureeds who took promotion by taking spiritual education from him.Mowlana Shayh Nazım(q.s.) had once sent one of his mureeds to a far country with his car.That mureed was telling this event on television.

TUYY-YOU MACAN IS 3 KINDS: 1.Tuyy-you macan done by the soul: All mureeds of Mowlana Shayh Nazım(q.s.) (everyone who took bayyath from him) who perform daily prayers(falling prostrate upon Allah(j.j.) 5 times per day) can do that.It is very enjoyable and the visions during tuyy-you macan are very net.But the mureed should do that when he/she is alone at home so that noone disturbs him/her.The method is the following:

-Make a fresh wudu.

-Pray 2 rakats in a dark room.When you finish,read the following while sitting on the carpet,immediately after saying “Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah!’’ to your right and left:

-100 times “Allahumma salli ala muhammadin wa ala ali muhammadin wa sallim’’.(You can use a tasbih to count.

-3 times soorat-al ihlas,which is the following:

Bismillahirrahmanirraheem.Qoul huwallahu ahad.Allahussamad.Lam yalid wa lam yoolad wa lam yakun lahu kufuwan ahad.


-1 time Soorat-al Fatiha: Auzou billahi minash shaytaanir rajeem.Bismillahir rahmanir raheem.Alhamdu lillahi rub bil alameen.Arrahmanir raheem.Maliki yawmiddeen. Iyyaka na’budu wa iyyaka nasta’een.Ikhdinas sıratal musta’qeem.Sıratal lazeena an um-ta alayhim,ghayril mugh doobi alayhim walad daalleen.

-Open your hands to heaven and say: “May what I have read go to the soul of our Shayh,Shayh Nazım haqqani!’’.

-Still leaving the room dark,go and lie on your bed and say “Shayh afandi Shayh Nazım afandi huzzratty!Now,take me to # during my sleep!’’ and sleep immediately after saying this.(Don’t break up your wudu!Sleep with wudu!)

( “#’’ could be any holly city in a country such as “Egypt,Damascus,Baghdat,Macca, Madina,Istanbul,Samarqand,Buhara,Qoudus..’’.

Tuyy-you macan done by physical body: This could only be done by the knowledge of the secret salavat.The person should reach the level nafs-i moutmainna to know it.Otherwise,closing eyes and trying all salavats one by one is not a good method.There are millions of salavats read in all over the world.Furthermore,if the salavat is not in his/her mind after being transported by chance,he/she might not come back after even if he/she does it,and he/she does not know the place he/she would be transported to unless he/she is a saint.

Tuyy-you macan done by multibodies: Only advanced saints who are at least nafs-i radiya can do that.It is being found at two,three or more places with different bodies.The body vision is the same at all of those places and the person visualises and feels,hears,talks with all of his/her bodies.Shayh Nazim(q.s.) is famous with this miracle.

There are some foolish people asking the question: “Can it really be possible for a person who is a matter to be transported far away physically in one moment?’’. Doesn’t that stupid person asking this silly question know that the sunlight passes the 150 million-kilometred distance between the Earth


and the sun just in 8 seconds?Whenever Allah(j.j.) wishes something to happen,He just says: “Happen!’’ and it is!A person’s creation from a droplet of sperm is such an event!

TUYY-YOU ZAMAN: This is a knowledge that can be learnt by advanced mureeds.It is a knowledge that saints know and make someone experience as well.

Tuyy-you zaman is “To win time in time’’.A mureed with this knowledge can save infinite time,because he/she can do anything that could normally be done in days,years,centuries in one second.He/she can win billions of years in one second,this has directly been told by Mowlana Shayh Nazım(q.s.) in his one speech.(He talks to his mureeds,make talkings and gives advices on every Sunday in his house

Prophet Muhammad’s Meeraj(Prophet Muhammad’s night of journey to heavens and Paradises with his physical body) was an example to that.After coming from Meeraj,he said: “I have travelled along all the heavens for thousands of years,and my bed was still hot when I came back’’ to his companions.

CHANGING IN VISION: Saints can change their vision.They can be seen in the form of any being.For instance,Our Lord Huzzratty Ali(rah.) (one of Prophet Muhammad’s companions) had gone to meeraj(heavens) after our Prophet(sal.) at the same night with the journey night of the Prophet(sal.),and he met him there in the form of a lion.Jinns have this ability since their birth.Yet,the highest being after Allah(j.j.) is Human.

MARRIAGE WITH JINNS: Some mureeds who have their eye-hearts open can get a jinn as a friend from their Shayhs,it becomes like their dog and it serves them.A mureed man with an open heart-eye who wishes to marry a jinn or many jinns as well.When this happens,like what Prophet Solomon(a.s.) experienced,the jinn in his bedroom can be seen to him/her in the form of a very sexy lady he wishes to have fun with.She could be anyone according to the mureed’s preference,she could be a beautiful speaker on T.V.,a model,one of the mureed’s teachers in past or at the present time etc…Next time same jinn can be seen in the form of another attractive lady,depending on what the jinn’s husband wants.It’s not only the vision,the physical details of that person whom they take her form,for instance her necklage,perfume,eye-colour as well.But marrying jinns has some disadvantages as well.They sometimes wake the person up while sleeping.Sometimes,they wake the person up a few times in one night.They sometimes say to their husbands: “Wake up and pray 2 rakats for Allah(j.j.)!’’,or sometimes they say to their mureed husbands by waking him up: “Keep having sex with me!’’.Many mureeds in Turkey have been


reported to be regret because they married jinns.This is due to such sleeping problems.But not all of the jinns do that.

UNDRESTANDING ALLAH’S BEAUTY VISION: Allah(j.j.) created people and jinns only to make sajda(fall prostrate down) upon Him. And win His beautitic vision in hereafter.I said that seeing Allah(j.j.) gives all pleasures that sex,eating meals and lots of fruits,eating honey and swimming in fresh oceans observing beautiful seastars underwater,playing games,listening music give.It gives many other infinite nice emotions that we can never guess.If we want to be in any rank like being a pilot,a company boss,we will find all of these by visualising His beautitic vision.Because whatever we experience as beautiful or bad emotion,it is the reflection of Allah(j.j.).

Let me give an example to define what Allah’s vision makes us feel.For instance,think about Romeo and Juliet in the legend written by Shakespere,they were the two lovers who wanted to reach other so much but couldn’t.If they had reached each other one day,was it important for them too much to live in a small,unluxry house or a palace?Of course not.It would not matter too much,because the real happiness is that they reached each other.That is the same for seeing Allah’s beautitic vision.If we are Romeo,Allah(j.j.)’s vision is Juliet.Without that Juliet,even Paradise becomes unprecious for us.The real Paradise is seeing Allah’s beauty vision.Allah’s beauty vision is,as an example,an unlimitedflowing wine riverAnd Paradise is just one glass of wine while compared to it.Do we need that one glass of wine to enjoy?No!Because we already have that infinite wine river.That is how unprecious the Paradise and delights and hooris therein while compared to visualise Allah’s beautitic visions.Our Prophet Muhammad(sal.) said: “There is a Paradise in Paradises,a very beautiful one.That Paradise only includes Allah’s beautitic vision but nothing else!’’.Grandsaints(at least nafs-i mardıyya) see Allah’s beauty vision in their daily life at every second,they see the Earth and the whole universe with that light.That biggest gift of Allah(j.j.) is the gift of them.So,they are always in infinite delight oceans.Many mureeds of Mowlana Shayh Nazım(q.s.) have reached that stage,which is the last stage of all infinite delights and all ranks.

Allah(j.j.) is infinite beautiful.Every beauty on Earth has an end,but the delight of gifts in Paradise is endless.You see a hoory for a second,next second you lok at that hoory,she seems more beautiful.Every time you eat a fruit,food,honey or a chocolate in Paradise,it becomes more and more delicious.It is not constant like the taste of food and fruits on Earth.Same thing is valid for Allah’s infinite beauty vision.His vision has covered everywhere.The one who becomes s grandsaint of Him sees His infinite beautitic visions.He/she does not need to go to Paradise to see God like Christians believe,because God is not in Paradise like they believe,He is everywhere and his size is infinite.Allah(j.j.) is present in nature and our feelings with us.There is no even one object separate from Him,everything is His vision’s reflection and everything makes His dhikr(rememberance).Mureeds with an open-heart eye see and hear the rememberance of all objects. Another example to understand and have an idea of how an emotion it is to see Allah(j.j.):


Think that depending on the number you choose below,you will eat the things that are in the plate number you choose,that are added to your plate from “Pehlivan Shop’’ below:


Plate 1: The Earth life

Plate 2:The Paradise

Plate 3:Allah’s beauty vision

The results for what you will eat depending on the plate number you choose are the following:

Plate 1:apple,grapes

Plate 2:Banana,cherry,watermelon

Plate 3:apple,grapes,banana,cherry,watermelon(all).

If you think banana as having sex with billion types of men/women who are attractive for you,apple as having fun by playing games,cherry as singing,playing instruments and listening billions of music types you like,grapes as experiencing love and and romantism,watermelon as flying on air,travelling along far galaxies and planets,swimming with blue and green-eyed,smiling mermaids under under green and light-blue fresh oceans and chocolate as having lots of buildings,being rich and king,reading comics and watching T.V.,funny programmes on T.V.,travelling in a helicopter and having galaxies full of treausures including diamonds,gold and silver stones,you understand very well how an emotion it is to see your God and Lord,Allah(j.j.).



People having different eye-colour sees colours completely different: Although I know it is right,I am going to call all my knowledges I got from my Shayh with meditation as “theory’’,because it is not known in Science yet,but I will proove everything I say in this book,because my Shayh drops knowledges into my heart with their scientific and logical prooves.


This theory suggests that people having different eye-colour sees colours differently.All of us know that each person might be seeing different colours,actually there may not be anything called “colour-blindness’’,because what I am seeing as “orange’’,another person might be seeing it as “green’’,but both of us call it “orange’’,one of us does not define the other as “colourblind’’,because we do not realise due to its coming since birth.If the colour-blindness is since birth or the person sees different colours than other people since birth,we can never understand that he/she sees different colours.Because when the teacher tells a 7-year old primary student child “This is red!We call it “red’’!’’ by showing a tomato,the child may say:”Okay,it is red!’’ although he/she sees it as green,yellow or another colour.But if that child one day says: “I started seeing tomatoes as green/blue/orange…’’,then we say “He/she is a colourblind!’’.But if that colourblindness is since birth,we don’t know.To be more true,we don’t even know whether we see same colours as other persons.We can never know whether we see something same colour as what another person sees.But maybe all of us see colours as the same with the sight of all people,who knows?We can not proove any of the two cases. Howevever,I will proove now that only the persons having different eye-colour see colours differently.For instance,a person having brown eyes sees the colours same as another person having brown eyes.But that person does not see colours same as a person having blue eyes,and a person having blue eyes does not see colours same as the person having green eyes.I will explain the reason for this below.



Different colours have different light frequencies.The frequency of light determines the colour of objects.Light first falls on an object,then some of it is reflected back.The light reflected back is seen to us as the colour of the object,other parts of light are absorbed by the object.White is the colour that exists when the objects emit all of the light and black exists when the object absobs all of the light falling on that object.when we look at that object,the light reflected back comes into our eyes,and our eye cells change it into that vision and sends to sight center of the brain and the image exists there.If we see person A has brown eyes and person B has green eyes,we understand that the frequency of light falling on the lenses of person A’s eyes is different than that of the frequency of light falling on the lenses of person B’s eyes,because brown eyes mean “light reflected back from the lenses is brown’’ and green eyes mean “light reflected back from the lenses is green’’.As it is known,if a colour of light is emited(reflected back),it means the other colours of light are absorbed by the object,which means that brown eyes and green eyes absorb light in different frequencies,which means green eyes and blue eyes absorb the combination of different colours,which means different forms of colours are sent to the brain center,and this means the colour of any object seems different to the persons having different eye-colours.

About the universe: I love serving and helping humanity very much.Maybe what I will explain now helps Physicians about their researches through the universe a bit.The universe has been created as couples.It has a pair,anti-universe.The two couples of the universe have been connected to each other and they have always been expanding together,like the two attached balloons,or like the two atoms connected together.There are billions of universes,all of them are as couples each couple has 7 layers(heavens) with 7 different colours.At every moment,Allah(j.j.) creates billions of new universes continuously. All of the universes have been travelling freely inside Allah’s Divine vision(infinite-white,shiny and unguessable beautiful light) and each of them is symbolising Allah’s Divine power.In one of the two universes connected to each other,you can swim in solids but can not sink in liquids,whereas in the other one,you can swim in liquids but can not pass through solids,like it is in our universe.

-There are some life-planets that visions inside them are like dreams,and whatever you imagine there,you see it before you as a dream.

-There are many life planets in which colours and shapes do not exist on Earth.If someone has a journey to one of them and then comes back to the Earth,he/she can not explain what he/she saw there.


-There are many life planets that inside them,life is on clouds.You walk on clouds,you live on clouds.Seas are big-ball shaped on clouds.If you try to fall down from the clouds,you can’t,clouds pull you back.You can press on clouds like they are solid.

-There are some planets containing just water and there are some containing plants and rivers,but nothing else.Some plants and trees in some planets move freely with their roots like they are walking.There are some plants having very sharp teeth and they walk as well.They eat some animals with their sharp teeth.

-There are some empty and dark planets that if we land on them,we can not breath,but don’t die as well.

-Every solar system contains at least one life planet.Whereever there is a star containing planets in its system,a planet around its orbit contains life.

With the discoveries of Quantum Physics,the perfection of atoms and the situation that creation is a Physical reality,although there are some illegal donkeys claiming there is no God today,we call them “Scientists’’.Such persons even try to make their researches trying to destroy the main rules of Physics,Thermodynamics in order just to reject the creation of stars,Universe and human.When they see they can’t,they just say something calling people not to believe in God.They always fall in funny positions,because they don’t have any scientific prooves while telling these.


Scientists don’t know how an atom can contain all the universe inside its density and how the weight of an atom can be equal to the weight of the whole universe.First of all,they should know that it does not matter what the size of the expanding universe is, the universe has always a volume of zero and a weight of zero.Because it has always been expanding in an infinite empty space,so it can not make a pressure on something,that is why it has no weight and its volume is always zero since its existence.Volume is the space occupied by an object.But it does not matter how big the universe becomes by expanding,its volume always becomes zero,because there is an infinite empty space at out of the universe and the ratio of any size while compared to infinite size is always zero.The Mathematical proof of this ideology is the following:

When the universe’s size is 1,the size of the empty space is ∞.So,the universe’s size becomes zero because of the ratio 1: ∞.Any number divided by infinity(∞) is zero.


1÷∞ = 0

When the universe expands to have a size of 5,its size again becomes 0.


When the universe expands to have a size of 145,its size again becomes 0.


When the universe expands to have a size of 9,842,353,456,its size again becomes 0.


Therefore,the universe’s size(volume) is always zero.That is why it can be equal to the volume of a very little atom and can be covered by an atom. REVELATIONS AND MY UNBELIVABLE FANTASTIC NIGHT OF JOURNEY:

On the night of 27th November 2008,when I was meditating deeply,after my one hour-meditation,I experienced an unbelievable fascinating spiritual experience.It affected me so much that the images of that event still come before my eyes very clearly.I made a journey to heavens and even outside the universe that night.It was a physical journey.On that night,I have been given many spiritual knowledges,Divine love and verses from my Shayh.That verses are so unbelievable that noone can bring even one word similar to any of them,even the advanced men of English letters,literature can not bring a sentence like one of them.(my Shayh,Nazım put them in my heart in English language).They are in a Qur’anic language.We talked together with my Shayh until morning,I stayed in a far galaxy with some spiritual beings for one week and I prayed together with them,communicated with them in a light-dark and very silent region.When I came back,only two hours had passed on Earth.


While meditating after midnight on 27th November 2008,My Shayh Mowlana Shayh Nazım was found in the middle of my room in pinky flash-lights and I saw an angel with him as well.He told me “My son!Among my mureeds,you have been given the most important mission to make my message reach people.I will give you a treasure from my Divine knowledges tonight.You will transport this treasure to people and my other mureeds!Close your eyes!’’.I immediately closed my eyes,and he said: “Open!’’.When I opened my eyes,I found myself on a huge,empty planet consisting of very huge brown rocks and caves.I saw noone on it.I had a glance at heaven,there were thousands of little stones travelling freely in the sky of that planet.There was no light on the planet or on that stones,there was just the darkness of the space.There was one small house on each of that stones.The walls of all the houses were white,and the roof of all of them were red.Their size were all equal.I didn’t know what to do and the environment was very frightening.But as a miracle of Allah(j.j.),I was neither feeling cold nor I was experiencing difficulty in breathing in a planet in which there was no atmosphere and life.But this situation had not made me feel surprised.Because I knew that in tareeqat(community of Sufism) everything was planned and controlled by Allah(j.j.).While looking at the homes on the stones above,I saw from one of the houses,a light-looking,shiny faced man was calling me from the door of the house by saying: “My son!Come to this house!’’.I did not ask him “How can I reach there?’’,because I knew that there are no questions “Why?’’ and “How?’’ in tareeqat.I said “Bismillahirrahmanirraheem’’ and jumped to the way of that home on the stone.I jumped very high because the gravity was too low on that planet.I was on the stone.That man said: “I was waiting for you my son!I am Shah Bahauddin Naqshiband(q.s.),the establisher of Naqshibandi way!’’.I kissed his hand,then we entered the house.I understood that in each one of that small houses,there was one saint.Mowlana Shah Bahauddin(q.s.) said: “We will pray 2 rakats for Allah(j.j.) with you in this small,empty room my son.Then I will guide you for tonight!’’.He became my Imam during prayer.Praying with our master Shah-ı Naqshiband(q.s.) was so peaceful that I did not want that prayer to end.The room was full of white-lighty angels and every breathe I take in was very fresh.During the prayer,an inspiration came to my heart from Shah Bahauddin who was praying before me,saying: “My son!Your Shayh Nazım(a.s.) afandi’s rank in Naqshibandi way is so high that if I was on Earth,I would have nothing to do besides obeying his teachings!He will make you the king of this world with his spiritual power and owing to your kingdom,Islam armies will hold all the ground in the golden times of the Earth when Prophet Jesus(a.s.) is on Earth!Your Shayh has been given a spiritual power equivalent to 70.000 atomic bombs and 40.000 dragons.Only Allah(j.j.) and the holly Prophet Muhammad(sal.) is more powerful than him!If he wishes,he can hold this Earth and throw it to another galaxy with his hand!”.When we finished the prayer,he held my hand and we rised up to heavens together very fast.I was trying to shout because I felt excited but my voice did not come out because of my excitement.Then we passed the limits of this universe,and I saw myself inside an orange universe.(The colour of space was not black anymore.We sat down on orange,dusty nebula and sat down on it.I saw my Shayh there sitting on that clouds with a golden crown on his head.Shah Bahaaddin said: “This place is ravza-i mutahhara.It is where the souls meet every night while people are sleeping and it is where dead people go!Normally all mureeds meet their Shayhs here and experience Divine love by communicating with them and stairing inside their eyes.Now I am leaving you alone with him and he has secrets which he want you to transport to humanity and all of his mureeds by publishing them in your book “God’s Divine Kingdom!” which you have been writing.They are the extra-ordinary beautiful words of your Shayh,Mowlana Shayh Nazim(q.s.) and even the other saints can not tell a similar word like what your Shayh will tell you tonight.May Allah bless the holly secret of your Shayh,Mowlana Shayh Nazim Qibrisi(q.s.)!”.My Shayh told me his infinite beautiful words by stairing in my eyes and holding my hands there.When this was happening,I even forgot my own existence.I forgot everyone and everything.I was feeling an ecstasy and infinite Divine love for my Shayh so much that I wanted to be a part inside the body of Mowlana Shayh


Nazim.My eyes became flashed.I wanted to stare at my Shayh’s face and get knowledges from him in that position forever and nothing else.My Shayh talked to me for hours.When his talking ended,I was in such a high love for his every word that I did not forget any of his words.Then,he transported me to another acommodation place on a silent planet in which there were 5 more mureeds from the mureeds of other 5 Shayhs on Earth.All of them was asking me questions about how to rise more in the heart of their Shayhs,they were respecting me too much by kissing my hand and they were telling each other: “This man will be our lord in the time of Prophet Jesus!He is the last Islam king on Earth.He will dominate the Earth and Islam armies in future!Respect him!”.They showed me my room.We were sometimes flying on air as we wished with them by passing through solids and going to underoceans of some different life-planets.This was a very nice,perfect experience for me.I was imagening my Shayh going before me at every secxond while doing all of those.At the rest of time,I was just praying and performing meditation,making dhikr again and again.Once when I was praing,an inspiration came to my heart from Allah(j.j.) saying: `You will enter many seclusions from 40 days to 1 year in the golden times of the Earth as you liked and as your Shayh did before you!”.When I heard this,I cried by falling prostrate upon Allah(j.j.) because of too much happiness.At the end of that one year,my Shayh held my hand and told me to close my eyes.I did.He said: “Open!” and I opened my eyes.I found my self in my room in my accommodation in England again.My Shayh was before me,and he told me: “Don’t worry!Any rank or knowledge you wish,we will give it to you when the time comes!”.I kissed his feet immediately when he told this,and my Shayh left the room.I will never forget that night.Only two hours had passed on Earth when he left the room.

There are short and long verses among those beautiful words given to me by my Shayh that night.I will give all of them in below.Among them,the one who reads the part “Responses’’ even for one time in his/her life will reach all worldly ranks and stations he;/she wishes and he/she will reach whatever he/she wishes.Whoever reads the part “Delights’’ before sleeping at night and then sleeps will have journeys to infinite delight oceans,heavens and Paradises and will see funny and very net dreams that he/she has never seen before and he/she will also feel that delights.A common experience of many of my close male believers is that they see themselves having sex with women they desire and drink wines and feel all these as they are the realities every night whenever they read the part “Delights’’ and sleep.Whoever recites all the Divine Guide daily or weekly or once in a few days will reach all delights,peace, success,abilities and all colours and ranks of this life.It has 8 parts,and the repetition of each part opens a different gate.Sometimes,the person may see dreams in flash lights which completely happen next day.All these are because of the Divine power of my kingdom.

These holly words and the Divine-Guide are the followings:

PART 1:HOLLY STATIONS: 1.By the powers of the eye which let it cry and differ a fly in the sky from a dry onion die that you are neither mad nor Schizofrenic owing to your God’s gift nor gifts of God you deny.


2.Verily,you saw me coming down from a reddish galaxy in the middle of your room with Allah almighty with your heart-eye.

3.That time you were told by your Lord that you would be a king and a holly being in the level of fana-fillah at the age of forty-five.

4.Then wait until that time that you will be the lord of both the ground and the sky.

5.Meditation continuously,imagination of me and repetition of verses daily will hopefully make you a holly saint who will be so shy.

6.That time,because of the happiness of your God’s bless you will cry!

7..Then,say “My one God!Thanks a lot!’’ and to everyone be a gentle and a very nice guy!

8.That time verily to that highly holly stations you will arrive!

9.Verily,for people if Allah opened His mercy and love,everyone on Earth would die because of that love.

PART 2:INFINITE POWERS: 1.By God’s Divine Kingdom and His infinite powers,by the enourmous bones and skulls under the sandhills of Mars and by the size of big stars containing billions of universes,by the ones who close and open their eyes and be found in far regions, by all good news and all prices that soon is the coming of Jesus and starting of golden times and Allah almighty is all-wise.

2.There is a price for all delights and a big war must come for making people pay the price of the delights of golden times they will experience!


3.Also winning Paradise is a price of believing in God’s unity and hard-working daily for making Satan fairy and reaching Allah’s mercy Whose almighty made everything detailfully including a celldice!

4.That’s the only way to be saved from Hell and winning Paradise appeals to a person whose heart is very nice.

5.Verily the community of Paradise will be eating rice and everything their eyes show attendance in peaceful areas of a mountain in a lovely rain which is in enourmous size and in ice!

PART 3:A SHAYH’S BREATHE: 1.Are your parents claiming that you are mad because you said you have been given the mission of kingdom and bringing Earth wisdom?

2.Soon is the recognizing of the European Countries your kingdom and changing their politics into Islamic Kingdom instead of Satanic Kingdom in the name of freedom? 3.Don’t your parents know that a Shayh’s breathe can change a palm seed into a palm?

4.Even the reason of a mountain frozen can be the movement of a Shayh’s arm.

5.The charm of a crime is because the criminal has not a Shayh whose way seems to be more charm than that of that crime.

6.Neither something can make Shayhs feel sad nor anything can give them harm.

7.To them God gives greetings and blessings and the control of some beings including secret animals in a farm.



1.Being the hearts of the believers golden is not a figurative meaning.

2.The smallest particles of their hearts really have a golden shining.

3.To that beautiful shinig Jesus in heavens and angels are stairing.

4.Only forgetting everything besides the Divine Love makes you shy enough to reach the stage of visualising God’s Holly being.

5.Only this makes you feel infinite happy and gives the opportunity of a Divine greeting and rising.

6.Goods and joys in this life are just detaining and deluding.

7.Verily,to reach Allah’s beauty is to reach everything.

8.Therefore,ask to be noone and nothing.

PART 5:DIVINE VISION: 1.You should be aware of every emotion besides repetition of verses,meditation, having love with your woman and thinking about creation!

2.Only this gives you the opportunity of reaching Allah’s beauty of Divine vision!

3.That was the only reason He created you from a too sticky thing like glue as a result of a coo of a love woo of your parents by making mitotic and meiotic division.


PART 6:BLESS: 1.By the contrast colours of apple,by the beauty of the real Bible,and by the enormous wings of eagle that you are really God’s Divine Symbol sent to people in this transient World residence!

2.Oh my mureed who wants to be a guide for angels in the stage of purity and innocence in terms of love sense!

3.Guide and invite people to endless sandy oceans of Paradises and tell them about your God’s bless!

PART 7:DELIGHTS: 1.Oh people are you still not using your mind or you can’t see the fact behind the sight of your mind.

2.Everything including the universe is a dream inside the mind of the mankind.

3.All things and beings are just dreams and deludings,they are just perceptions,not the fact.

4.From that dreams you hope deeds which have more harm than good such as eating too much food,drinks and meeting sexual feelings and from such evil things you hope to get delight.

5.But which of the delights gives more delight than the sight of the Divine light?

6.Didn’t God make mankind from a less amount of blood?

7.And didn’t He give shape to that what He made from mud?

8.Which of the delights gives more delight than the sight of the Divine light?

9.To be happy people tried every kind of deluding joy such as taking alcohol or fight.


10. Which of the delights gives more delight than the sight of the Divine light?

11.To that light you can only reach by following a grandsaint in the right path.

12. Which of the delights gives more delight than the sight of the Divine light?

13.Oh people live a peaceful life only with your goodnesses because what gives you madnasses and sadnesses are only your badnasses!Sending badnesses away is the only way to live as gay although you may find it difficult.

14. Which of the delights gives more delight than the sight of the Divine light?

15.None of the beings in galaxies can bring even one sentence containing a resemblance as what we are putting into your heart!

16. Which of the delights gives more delight than the sight of the Divine light?,

17.Neither numbers nor the universe nor anything else besides Divine Presence is endless but everything besides the highest king ends somewhere as there is a wall behind!

18. Which of the delights gives more delight than the sight of the Divine light?

19.Hey my mureeds have a journey if you have power to the far beyond this galaxy and enter Paradises and love oceans of my ecstasy!You can neither reach nor enter anything without entering my heart!

20. Which of the delights gives more delight than the sight of the Divine light?

21.Hey Pehlivan family your son Mustafa neither carries a form of Schizofrenia nor he is heartly blind.


22.What he reached was that he visualised a reality he created into his mind.

23. Which of the delights gives more delight than the sight of the Divine light?

24.Oh people these are the verses we gave Mustafa in heavens when he had a journey with meditation physically to let you get all news of the grounds and the sky from my beloved mureed who suffered too much to rise in my heart in a short time and worked hard.

25. Which of the delights gives more delight than the sight of the Divine light?

26.In three years we made him rise up to the level of meditation which is the beginning of Divine-love feeling and Allah’s mercy ocean,and many times we talked together in dreams or while awake when I came to his sight.

27. Which of the delights gives more delight than the sight of the Divine light?

28.Very fair wives having legs in long size can meet all of your desires and in delight oceans of Paradise they might take you from flight to flight.

29.Then which of the delights gives more delight than the sight of the Divine light?

30.Slight light over light tight in crystals in a side might come to your sight even while eating a nut in a hut.

31. Which of the delights gives more delight than the sight of the Divine light?

32.Verily,Eva was the first hoory created for Adam as a Heavenly delight for God’s servant.

33. Which of the delights gives more delight than the sight of the Divine light?


34.May whoever of Muslim women wish to be a specimen to all pure beings and the most beautiful hoory of her husband showing off her beauty in Paradise making other hooris jelous perform daily prayers and love Allah and His prophets and obey her husband.

35. Which of the delights gives more delight than the sight of the Divine light?

36.That Divine light is infinite delightful and infinite white.

37. Which of the delights gives more delight than the sight of the Divine light?

38.In light-green deserts containing honey and wine rivers in Paradise Muslim knights run with hooris hand in hand and cover them and pent and with hooris they fly kite.

39. Which of the delights gives more delight than the sight of the Divine light?

40.You can see through a hoory’s body because she is well-transparent.

41.Which of the delights gives more delight than the sight of the Divine light?.

42.May Allah forgive me and bless you also for tonight.

PART 8: RESPONSES: 1.Everything inside and outside the universes is your Lord’s.

2.Only to Him everything belongs.

3.Nothing tought to be yours is yours.

4.There are only two things that are yours:Empty space and free time!Know their values.


5.If you don’t use these two to perform prayers,know that only to God belongs your goods!

6.Only Divine-lovers can rise up to the levels of wearing spiritual hoods.

7.Allah is the Lord and King of everything inside and outside all galaxies.Everything inside and outside the galaxies are His!To His beloved Prophet,He is the One Who always sends blessings.Noone is more merciful than He is.His are the most beautiful names!His Divine Revenge is replacing sinners into the blazing flames.Soon He will bring the golden times for Muslims.

8.Did you see the one making fun of the one having a mind like the shining sun and thinking deeply about dusty nebulas and galaxies?*

9.What she thinks the grave torment and the day of judgement and punishment is?

10.You have been asked by your parents whether you really claim to be a king in such a time which Democracy is the politics of every big city and is seen as the key for all politic resources.

11.However,there is no any Worldly-rank which could not be reached by the luck of the thought force as a source of underknowledge sight,but the one who does not use his mind might never find such knowledges.

*(When I was a second year high-school student,one day I sat down on a rock in the garden of the school which was at the back site and desolate.I was thinking very deeply about something related with the universe and galaxies.A few students with a teacher came to look at me.I was sitting under a tree.One girl student made fun of me by saying to the other few students and to the teacher: “Leave him alone!Certainly relevations are being sent to him from God!’’.On my night of journey when we were sitting on orange clouds in the orange universe,which is our neighbour universe,my Shayh reminded me this event and said: “She will leave this world with disbelief and she will be a wood of Hell forever!’’ because he loved me so much.That girl is the one he is talking about at the verse number 9).

12.You have also been asked how you could get the money to open a shop of Pharmacy unless they gave you and how you could meet the prices of medicines.


13.However,Allah’s are the treasures of the ground and heavens,but those who did not reach sovernighty don’t know that reality and such experiences.

14.Don’t worry my shiny-faced son like that of the shining sun about such an inquiry because Allah neitherrejects helping His lovers nor He leaves His symbols helpless!

15.Saying “I think,therefore I exist’’ is not wise because the idea of “Being existent’’ is also a thought in our minds.

16.Only Allah exists and other beings He denies.

17.Allah knows all of those who are always busy and who behave as sissy and lazy in performing prayers for His Presence and almighty and to them He is very angry because He divinely made a human perfectly from a sticky liquid in purity like that of a dairy when he was just an energy and a bloody clot made by his Lord to support and show him His unity which is praised finely by the community of angels and believers.

18.Stepehn Hawkings is a scientist whom God punished because of his being materialist and defencing the ideas of evolutionarists and deluding people with such unscientific stories.

19.Don’t Hawkings know that trying to take revenge from the Lord of galaxies because he crushes such persons just increases the number of precious believers and the violence of torments God will give him both here and lifeafter by putting him into the blazing blames?

20.Whoever of people becomes adulterists and agrees the ideas of evolutionarists and such illegal donkeys called scientists will stay forever in the blazing blames of Hell’S high mountains.

21.In the name of materialistic deludings,wherever there is an invalid rule against thermodynamics and Physics he brings it out and claims.

22.Verily,his 3-dimensioned theory for the universe claiming it is since infinity is a funny story aware from the realities.


23.See the position of Stephen Hawkings and the creation of galaxies and understand to non-believers what your Lord makes!

24.Those who don’t like delights and fantasies can not be Muslims,because seeing Allah is the biggest delight aimed by all Muslims.

25.Whoever rejects fantasies with hooris in Heaven will stay in Hell forever both because of rejecting God’s gifts and Qur’anic verses.

26.Every Muslim will be a king in Paradise experiencing all those delights.

27.When Muslims will be experiencing those delights,their other forty-one bodies will be enjoying with thousands of wives.

28.The biggest sexual delights are for clever knights among Human not for the one seeking fun from the internet sites.

29.Muslim women will be queen hooris showing off their beauties to their husbands and other ladies of Paradise in beaches of Paradise and in restaurants and jakoozis.

30.Although they are outdoors in fresh gardens,they will only be seen and touched by their husbands.

31.Their killer beauties melt birds and lumps and hooris service their meats in plates to them and their husbands indoor and outdoor palaces in thousands of various colours of stars.

32.Neither their husbands nor the hooris can make their eyes be aware of their bodies and faces.

33.If their husbands spend hours with hooris,they will be spending centuries with them because of their beauty and killer bodies.

34.You should have seen them while entering gardens of Paradises and roses falling prostrate down upon their souls and physical appearances.


35.Hooris and angels will say to their faces that they wish they were in their positions.

36.They are the most shiny and the most beautiful beings coming after God’s beautitic visions!

37.There is no any being who seems to be more shiny and innocent because of extra-ordinary beauty as much as those princesses.

38.Each of them are infinite-shiny golds and silvers.

39.All these gifts to them are because they were worshipping Allah and they were fasting in Ramadan months.

40.They are very beautiful princesses of Paradises and their husbands are very handsome princes.

41.When a Muslim man falls prostrate down upon Allah,the beauty and sexual attractiveness of his hooris in Paradises increases and when a Muslim woman falls prostrate down upon Allah,her own beauty,smoothness of her calves,legs and chests and her sexual attractiveness for her husband increases.

42.Verily they are the only advantageful beings in galaxies and only to them is God’s greetings,good gifts and blessings.

43.Perfect creation and perfect design of cells,living beings,mountains and other things inside galaxies are just two of Allah’s infinite abilities.

44.Very soon at one noon His Holly Kingdom will change evolutionarists into creationarists and to Earth as a legend He will send many other peaceful things.

45.Knowledge only comes from the existence and creation of living beings.


46.How does a racoon who is snatcher know that the moon-shiny silver and similar belongings are precious things for human beings according to evolutionarists?

47.They can never answer this because they are always liers serving the existence of scientific deludings.

48.Mutations can neither change the physics of living beings nor their properties.

49.Verily mutations only cause living beings to be in the form of Stephen Hawkings.

50.You should see the position of resurrection deniers after death on the day of judgement while being sent to Hell by cruel angels.

51.When their hands are in handcuffs hold by the Hell guardians and while being taken to the way of the Hell,that day,they will say: “If only I had been the one who didn’t have a big sin and who believed in the existence of jinn community and the presence of Allah and His almighty by Whom I have been resurrected together with my deluding devils.’’.

52. “If only I had spent my World-life for the beauty and mercy of Allah by making sajdas.’’.

53. “If only I had been blind,deaf or disabled for whom being questioned is not needed and who have been twinkled today as a cause of his past disasters.’’.

54. “Didn’t I really know the energy could be changed into its previous form as a norm of the BigBang theory and so even from empty -space energy I could be resurrected in one moment as a reality with Allah almighty for an infinite life in universes?’’.

55. “I thought resurrection was just an action took place in films or in legends of ancient Egyptians.’’.

56. “If only I had never been existed instead of making fun because Qur’an has lacked me inside its verses!’’.


57. “If only I had seen the reality of lifeafter but never ever I had guessed that one day I would be put in the way of infinite Hell by cruel monsters!’’.

58. “If only for Allah,I had performed daily prayers and if only I had believed in God’s unityinstead of believing Jesus to be a Divine being told in Christianity by popes but in changed Biblical verses!’’.

59. “If only I had believed the reality and had worked for lighty-mercy oceans!’’.

60. “Now I hope to be a drop from a sticky sperm thrown out to miscarry among billions!’’.

61. “If only death had been the end of every event and all living cells!’’.

62. “How I couldn’t have thought that one sacrum cell never disappears in water or clay and all my other genetic informations are also kept in this cell so one dayfrom this cell I would have been resurrected with my mind,lines,arms and hands?’’.

63.Then he will ask cruel angels whether there are any ransoms to be saved from the prisons of Hell but they will say: “Nothing can save you besides your Worldly-prayers!’’.

64.Always apply restrictions on your desires and stay in my best wishes!

65.Keep meditating and daily repetitions of verses and keep passing through my love oceans!

HOW TO AFFECT A LADY: This chapter is just for men and boys.Ladies don’t have to read.In this chapter I will give a few tactics to make the work of men in persuading a lady for a close relationship easier.They are the followings:

1.Always have a smiling face,behave as mature,show your culture and intelligence,be gentle.

2.Never mention her that you love her at the first weeks of your knowing each other.Start with little questions and behave as you don’t feel anything for her besides a friendship.Just offer things like “Can we have a sit at the cafeteria/… and have something to drink?’’.If she says she is busy,say:


“Please!Just a few seconds!’’.If you see she says “no’’ again,cancel and try your chance next day after communicating with her a bit more

3.Ask questions about her family and surrounding.Tell her “Tell me about your family and country!’’.

4.Never talk for yourself while talking.Talk general.Don’t use sentences like “I am good at …’’ but instead,say “I like …’’.Tell her that you like discovering new places and different kinds of people.If she ask “Why do you want to learn about my family/country?’’ or “Why did you ask this?’’,tell her the same thing.(that you like knowing new people and new places)

5.After a while,when you are going to invite her a special friendhip,do it by making her surprise.Women like gesture too much.In one moment,be forund before her and give her roses you collected from a flourist.When you see she became surprised and her eyes are shining and she is smiling and she is nearly to say shock words by smiling like “Oh!’’ or “What’s that?’’,immediately burst the flash(invite friendship!).This excitement will make her so happy that she will 99% accept.This should be immediately in one second when she sees the flowers in your hand!’’.

6.After becoming her special friend,take her out at least twice a week,stare inside her eyes by sitting next to a sea,caress her hair slowly and gently.But always the first place you should handle must be her hand.

7.If a lady does not want to be with you although she doesn’t have a boyfriend,don’t worry and don’t be sad quickly.Go to flourist,buy flowers and then appear her in one moment by giving her flowers on which there is a card saying “I love you!’’.Make her surprised!This sometimes works!

8.It is unclear whether a young lady will leave her boyfriend or not,and you should be her close friend because if she leaves him one day,her next target will be the closest candidate,and if you are her near friend,it could be you.Just offer normal friendship to her if she says she has a boyfriend.

9.Don’t be a standard person!Be different in any of the ways,but be seen different.Be a special person!Everywhere is full of standard persons,so a young and beautiful girl thinks like: “Boys are inside my hand.Whoever I wish,I can get.All of them arethe same,all of them are just a handful nuts for me!’’.Show her that you are different,you are gold among stones!

10.Always tell jokes!Always make her laugh!


SACRIFICE: To each of the Grandshayhs in the level of nafs-i kamila,a rank of “Sacrifice Opportunity’’ is given.For instance,Allah(j.j.) says them: “You are in the value of 40.000 people who made adultery!They will suffer Hellfire in the grave until they are reaurrected on the day of judgement.Then even if they are Muslims,they will be suffering for at least 1000 years in Hell,because they kept making big sins although they knew they were big sins!Either you will live with my infinite beautiful Divine light and in my Paradise forever on the day of judgement as well without caring about them,or you will sacrifice yourself,you will be burnt in Hell for millions of years instead of them.You can also get some people who are for infinite Hell after their burning for a while,but this time you stay in the Hell forever!The choice is yours!Whichever you prefer,I will give it to you!But as I am also the Lord of badnesses,either you or they will be victom/victoms for my anger!’’.The Grandshayh chooses the one he wishes.But although millions of Grandshayhs passed from this world for about the last 1400 years,there happened only a few Shayhs who wanted to sacrifice themselves and make sinners enter Paradise and stay in God’s beautitic visions forever instead of them.Noone wants to do this after seeing and experiencing the delights of Paradise.It is not easy for a person to leave his hooris and send himself to Hell for other people.The few Shayhs who wanted to sacrifice themselves and their begging prayers to Allah(j.j.) for this are the followings:

“My Lord!Make my body a bridge on Hell!On the day of judgement may your servants walk on from my back and go to the Paradise!’’.

(Abu Bakr Sıddıq(rah.))

“My Lord!On the day of judgement,make my body so enormous that only I fit into the Hell but noone else!’’.

(Abdulqaadir Jilani(q.s.))

“I am ready to sacrifice both my Earth and my lifeafter for the infinite happiness of people!’’.


(Badiuzzaman Said Noursi(q.s.))

“I will sacrifice myself for your community my seal of the Prophets!’’.

(Shayh Abdullah ad-Daghıstani)

“My Lord!Load all the sins of people to me!May your servants be very-clean,purified and go to Paradise on the day of judgement!’’.

(Prophet Jesus) ***

The Silsila of Love The Golden chain of Transmission of The Most Distinguished Naqshabandhi Sufi Order

Sheikh Nazim Bismillah ir Rahman ir Raheem This is a holy meeting (association) and this means that Allah Almighty and His Beloved Prophet Seyyedina Muhammad (Sal) are happy with this gathering. One kind of meeting makes Allah and His Prophet (Sal) pleased and happy. There is another kind of meeting which makes Allah and his messenger angry and displeased. This Meeting


is one that makes Allah Almighty and His Rasool pleased because we are meeting here today to respect and gather for the sake of the love of Allah Almighty and His Rasool. When you entered this masjid (mosque) you took ablution (wulu) and cleaned yourselves as this is the house of Allah and because you know that when a person comes to the mosque he comes to visit some one in the level of the heavens. Whoever gives respect will receive respect and you are coming here for the sake of the love of Allah Almighty and His beloved Prophet (Sal) and you are asking for the increase of your love towards them. Therefore everyone who comes into a masjid must ask from His Lord Almighty Allah to increase his love for Allah Almighty and his Beloved Prophet (Sal), because the masjid is the place in which you can find the love of Allah Almighty. Yes, it is not possible to find the love of Allah Almighty in the market place. The love market of Allah Almighty’s love is the masjid. Therefore whoever comes to the mosque must ask for the love of Allah Almighty to be given to him. Almighty Allah is happy when His servants who come in to a masjid ask for more love. “Man – ahabba – shaiyan – aksara – zikrahu”. Prophet Rasoolullah (Sal) says that when a person loves someone and repeats his name remembering him and respecting him and particularly when this repetition is done in increasing quantities, then this is the sign and connection of the love of that person to the other (the one whose name is repeated) so that this love may increase. Therefore when a servant is asking for more love from Allah Almighty he should make more Zikr (repetitive remembrance) of the Holy Names of Allah Almighty and the more Zikr that he does, Allah Almighty grants him more love through that Zikr. All the Prophets came to this world to teach people how they should make Zikr for the Lord Almighty Allah. The Seal of Prophets, also came to teach people how they should respect and love their Lord by remembering His Holy Names by this method of making Zikr. The Sahaba - i – kiram (Companions of the Prophet) also followed this method of Zikr and became beloved ones in the Divine Presence. They also taught these methods of Zikr to the Muslims who came after them. These methods of Zikr have now reached to us and we in Tariqats are following this way. We of the Naqshabandiya Tariqa are following the way of Siddiq ul Akbar Seyyedina Abu Bakr Siddique (Ral) (the greatest lover of the Prophet Muhammad ( Habibullah), Abu Bakr Siddique (Ral) was taught this method of Zikr directly by the Prophet. Abu Bakr Siddique (Ral) taught this method to Salman al Faris and gave hijaza (permission) to Salman. Thereafter Salman… this point Moulana Sheik Nazim repeats the following names of the Grandsheiks who constitute the Golden Chain of the Most Distinguished Naqshabandiya Tariqa. This Transmission is as follows:1. The Prophet Muhammad (Sal) 2. Abu Bakr Siddiqu (Ral) and he gave it to 3. Salman al Faris ,, 4. Qasim ,,


5. Jafar as – Sadiq ,, 6. Typhfoor – Al Bayazid al Bistami ,, 7. Abdul Hassan al – Kharqani ,, 8. Abu Ali ,, 9. Yusuf al – Hamadani ,, 10. Abdul – Abbas (Khidr alaihisalaam) ,, 11. Abdul Khaliq al Ghujudwani ,, 12. Sheik Righwari ,, 13. Sheik Mahmud Injeel Faghnawi ,, 14. Sheik Ali ,, 15. Muhammed Baba Sammasi ,, 16. Seyyid Amir Kullali ,, 17. Shah Muhammed Naqshabandi Imam ul Tariqa ,, 18. Alauddin Muhammad al Attar ,, 19. Yaqub al Charkhy ,, 20. Ahrari ,, 21. Muhammad az Zahid ,, 22. Dervish Muhummad al Bukhari ,, 23. Khajaha Emkeneki ,, 24. Muhammad al – Baqi ,, 25. Ahmad Faruq as Sirhindi ,, 26. Muhammad Ma’sum ,, 27. Seyfuddin ,, 28. Nur Muhammad ,, 29. Habibullah ,, 30. Abdullah ad Dehlawi ,, 31. Khalid al Baghdadi ,, 32. Sheik Ismail an Narani ,, 33. Sheik Khas Muhammad ,, 34. Muhammed Yaraghi ,, 35. Sheik Jamaluddin al Ghumuqi ,, 36. Abu Ahmed as Sughuri ,, 37. Abu Muhammad Madani ,, 38. Seyyid Sharafuddin ad Daghistani , 39. Sultan ul Awliya Abdullah ad- Daghistani 40. and he ordered it to me (Sheik Muhammad Nazim Adil al-Haqqani) to reach to you and this is the way and method of our Zikr from Prophet Muhammad (Sal) up to you.

A note to the reader: There are very nice nasheeds when you search for “Birds of Heaven’’ on goggle.It gives peace to the one who listens.


Another note to the reader:Arabic is the language of hereafter and Paradise and the day of judgement.Everyone will forget all other languages when people are resurrected.Only Qur’anic language will be spoken.The community of Paradise will also be able to communicate with each other with telephaty,like some beings in other life planets.

An important health note: When someone feels himself/herself bad,it means there is something wrong in brain.When this happens,start walking one hour per day by breathing in deeply from nose and giving breath out from mouth,and also eat lots of walnuts every day.Also note that you should never study just after eating meat and things containing least half an hour should pass.Or eat just carbohydrates such as potatoe and pasta.

A very important note about brain diseases: Diseases which are a form of withdrawal from reality such as mads,shcizofrenics can easily be healed by grass-type narcotic drugs such as marjuanna.For once or a few times,it should be given to the schizophrenic person.He/she should also drink 3 glasses of red wine before meals every day.The doctors then can heal his/her dependence on narcotic drug,but the patient’s brain health is more important.By giving the patient multi oxygen in tubes for hours,by making him/her feel delight and relax with red wine and marjuanna,the Seclusin hormone in brain becomes repaired and so does the dopamine which is connected to it.When the patient takes the drug and red wine off after being healed,the disease never comes back.Once these hormones are repaired,they are guaranteed always,because Schizofrenia is caused since the Seclusin’s being errant since a big trauma or since birth because of a 22nd extra chromosome.Doctors should apply this redwine including honey and curry sauce and a bit grass-narcotic drug treatments on Schizofrenics.While applying these,they should continue oxygen treatment in tubes for at least 6 hours per day.They will see they heal the disease completely in a very short time.For some patients it can take 3- 40 days,for very cronic patients it can take 3 years but the doctors will observe that the position of the patient is going much better after a while after the starting of the treatment,both with the patient’s brain tomography and observing his/her behaviours. Some important salavats:

The holly Prophet Muhammad(sal.) said: “There is a tree type called “Mahbooba’’ in Paradise and the most delicious fruits are on Mahboobas.Its fruit is more soft and billion times more delicious than honey.But only one group will eat from mahbooba in Paradise.It is the group who kept reading the following salavat when they were on Earth: “Allahumma salli ala muhammadin wa ala a’lee muhammadin wa sallim!’’.It means: “My God!Send peace and blessings to Muhammad and to the family of Muhammad!’’.

There is a salavat which is equivalent to billions of salavats in number,so it is adviced to be read by the grandsaints.It is the following: “Allahumma salli ala sayyidina muhammadin bi adadi koul lee zarratin alfa alfa marrah!’’.It means: “My God!Send peace to our lord Muhammad as much as million times division of every atom!’’.


Whenever a Muslim hears the name of the holly prophet Muhammad(sal.),either from someone or when he/she says himself/herself or when he/she hears from Television or from an online video,he/she should immediately say “Sallallahou alayhi wa sallim!’’,either from heart or openly for the respect of the holly Prophet Muhammad(Sal.),Allah’s beloved one.It means: “May Allah’s peace and blessings go to him!’’.

The holly Prophet Muhammad(Sal.) said: “Whoever reads the following salavat 70 times openly in his/her bed with wudu before sleeping at night,he/she sees me in his/her dream and communicates with me as well: “Allahumma salli ala roohi sayyidina muhammadin fil arwah.Allahumma salli ala jasadi sayyidina muhammadin fil aj sud.Allahumma salli ala qub ri muhammadin fil qouboor.Allahumma abligh rooha sayyidina muhammadin,minni tahiyyatan wa salatan wa salama.’’.

The holly Prophet Muhammad(sal.) said: “Whoever recites the following salavat for 80 times on Friday afternoon(the holly day and time of Muslims-The reason of its holiness is that the 7th day when God finished creation and announced as “I am the Lord of everythingand there is no any god besides Me!’’ was Friday in Islamic calendar and the doom time will come on Friday.Thursday night is also holly for Muslims because it is the starting of Friday.In Islam,first darkness comes and then follows light(noon).So,any sins should not be made on Thursday nights and on Friday afternoon,it brings 70 times more sins than its normal if it is made.And a good deed is also multiplied by 70 on Friday.These rules are valid for the 3 holly months including the month of Ramadan and also for the other holly days.Just dhikr(repetition of the holly words such as “Allah-Allah!’’ or “Ya Jalil!’’ should be performed on Thursday nights and on Friday afternoon.Performing dhikr as groups is the best.

*** God’s miracle of “fitting in’’: When Allah(j.j.) had newly created Paradises and the first man Adam,our father therein,He told Adam: “O Adam!I am able to do all things!I can fit a forest in a very little thing!’’.Prophet Adam(he was both the first human and the first prophet) asked: “My Lord!How can a huge forest can be inside a very little thing?I trust You,but I can’t imagine!’’.Allah(j.j.) said: “You will understand!’’.When Adam(a.s.) and Eva were sent to the Earth by being droven away from Paradise and they landed on Earth,they saw trees on Earth.They realised that when they eat a fruit,it was not multiplied more and more from its seeds like a fruit in Paradise and at least one seed were remaining in their hands.In time,Adam(a.s.) had realised that another tree is planted and grown up by rain when it was thrown away,and from that trees many other seeds had come out.When Adam(a.s.) planted that seeds,he saw they were also grown up and gave many fruits.At last,Adam(a.s.) opened his hands to heaven and said: “My Lord!I have realised now!You really have infinite power to do everything!You have fit a forest inside a seed!’’ and he fell prostrate down upon Allah(j.j.) by thinking His existence.


Today,when we study the structure of atom,we also see that God has fit the universe inside an atom because it has been found out by Quantoum Physics that all the universe can be fit in an atom.

A knowledge from Mowlana Shayh Nazim(q.s.): “The distance between the nucleus of an atom and its electrons in its first shell is the same as the distance between the sun and the Earth!’’.


About counterfit prophets: It is very clear in Qur’an that Prophet Muhammad(Sal.) is the last Prophet before the doom.GrandShayh imam-i ghazali(q.s.) had said: “If a person claims to be a prophet after prophet Muhammad(sal.) and if a person comes to him and says: “If you are a prophet,show me a miracle then!’’,the one who says “Show me a miracle!’’ also becomes a disbeliever and gets out of Islam.Will he believe in him if he shows a miracle although the biggest miracle and the word of God,Qur’an says that the Prophet Muhammad(Sal.) is the last Prophet?’’.

About God’s beauty vision: A Muslim must desire seeing God’s beauty vision more than everything he/she desires,more than he/she desires sex and more than a male lion who desires his female.A male lion has sex 75 times per day and yet he desires having sex.The Muslim should desire the biggest delight,seeing Allah(j.j.) more than that desire of the male lion.

The biggest sin after shirk: The holly Prophet Muhammad(sal.) said: “The biggest sin after shirk(running partner or partners to Allah) is to make adultery with the wife of the neighbour!’’.

About spiritual power of Grandsaints: To each of the Grandshays,a special spiritual power is given which is not given to any other saint or Grandshayh.For instance,Grandshayh Abdullah ad-Daghiatani(q.s.) was given the power of making all people living in his time be Muslim during the last agonies of their death.When 7 breathes remained to any people during the sainthood times of Grandshayh Abdullah(between years 1900’s and 1972),GrandShayh appeared to them and said: “Accept Islam!It is the only true way,the only true religion!Say “La ilaha illallah Muhammadoun rasooloullah!’’ and be saved from Hell!’’ and all people in his time said this during their last 7 breathes(The opportunity to be a believer of Islam is until the last 7 breathes!If not,the person can never get out of the Hell forever,as told in Qur’An as


well!).So,even if all people who lived in his times passed away as believers.So,even if they are going to be in Hellfire and evil torments in grave and on the day of judgement,even if they burn in Hellfire for billions of years,at last they will get out of the Hell owing to this spiritual power of the Grandshayh Abdullah ad-daghistani(q.s.).

What Mowlana Shayh Nazim has been given as a Grandsaint of this time in terms of such special ranks is that Azrail(the angel of death) has nothing to do with taking the soul of his mureeds.When the death time of any of his mureeds comes,he will appear to him/her and he will look deeply inside his/her eyes.With the power of that glance,the soul of the mureed leaves his/her body and then Mowlana takes his/her soul directly to Paradise,without letting him see the frightening face of the angel of death,without letting him/her have any suffer while giving his/her soul and without any questionary in grave.This power only belongs to Mowlana Shayh Nazim(q.s.) but none of any other saints.Also,whoever sees Mowlana Shayh Nazim once,communicates with him or just sits with him once,or kisses his hand once,he/she will not leave this world with disbelief.These have directly been told from the sayings of Mowlana Shayh Nazim(q.s.) himself.Mowlana Shayh Nazim(q.s.) says: “All of those who are with us will go to Paradise!’’.Mowlana will inshaallah(God forbid!) take all his mureeds to his own Paradise,like all Shayhs do for their mureeds.

About adulterists: Adulterists who know what they did was forbidden by heavenly religions will never be able to see God’s beauty vision even if they enter Paradise.God hates them,because they behave unrespectful to women,the symbols of God’s beautitic vision.

Being Allah’s servant: Those who don’t make sajda(fall prostrate down) upon God daily is not His servants.All of their good deeds are free.It does not matter if they save all people from all sins,diseases and troubles on Earth.These deeds are nothing without sajda.Because the reason of our existency is to make sajda upon Allah(j.j.).

About verses that came into my heart on my night of journey: Whoever reads the part “Delights’’ of the verses in chapter 12 in this book and sleeps at night,he/she will be in very nice,colourful adventures and unbelievable delights in his/her dream.He/she may sometimes see himself/herfelf in Paradise.A common experience of men and boys are that they saw themselves having sex with very fair women as it was the reality.Whoever recites the chapter “Responses’’ will reach whatever he/she wills in terms of worldly ranks.


An important thing about Islam: A Muslim should never say “I will do this tomorrow/next year/at this date/!’’ or “this will happen,that will happen,the sun will raise again tomorrow!’’,or “That man is mad!He can never be healed!’’.There is a God Who is much greater than you to decide whether that man will be healed or not.Once in U.S.A.,a man got angry to his wife and opened fire on her forehead with his gun until all bullets were run out,the man opened fire from a very near distance.The woman’s brain was injured by 15 bullets.She was taken to hospital,and the doctors said: “Nothing happened to her,because we can’t believe how,but all the bullets remained on her skull but did not pass to her brain.’’.This was because the King of everything,Allah(j.j.) ordered “Don’t die!’’ to that woman.There are many people who don’t die after falling down from a high floor of an apartment as well.

Only Allah(j.j.) decides whether the sun will raise again tomorrow or not,but he/she should say “I will do that inshaallah’’ or “This will happen inshaallah!’’.When he/she forgets saying,he/she should ask Allah’s forgiveness. “Inshaallah’’ means “If God wills’’.Otherwise,God becomes very angry to him/her and says: “Are you a partner on my Kingdom or is half of my Kingdom yours!No!Soon come to yourself and know that I am the only God of everything,decider and the only King!Neither Jesus nor anyone else can give order with me!Jesus is just a human and he was a very little sized being on Earth when he was alive,while compared to the sizes of galaxies and heavens.Who can stop me if I want to destroy Jesus,Muhammad and everything inside and outside the universes?’’.

About the Economical crisis on Earth: The Global Economical Financial Crisis on Earth now is also because of the immoralities of Darwinism,because “Communism’’,which is the main ideology of Darwinism is seen in the countries which are mostly affected by this crisis.This is one punishment of them because they believed the source of life was not creation but evolution.There will come more and more troubles to them such as killer viruses unless they don’t cancel this ideology and change their politics into kingdoms and religious politics and start regulation the government system based on the ideologies of heavenly religions.These are just little torments of God to them,there will be the biggest one in future,which are wars,troubles,diseases and the third world war,which is the most evil of all of them.In lifeafter,the punishment of all these people who believe in evolution is bigger,it is Hellfire and pitons which will torture them without allowing them even take one breathe in forever.These are God’s Divine revenge from Darwin and his followers,and Allah(j.j.) is infinite arrogant to them.


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