1 minute read
Lauren Margaret Lue

Bachelor Of Science

Business Administration with a concentration in Accounting
Graduating college at 20 years old and earning Magna Cum Laude with Honors while taking 18 units/quarter, working as a HR Student Assistant and Search Committee Member for ASI and Orfalea College of Business Career Peer Advisor, taking on leadership roles in CPAC, working as a summer research assistant, and interning for KPMG and Deloitte, being offered over 8 full time job offers from accounting firms, and being the recipient of KPMG Encore Cheers Award and Scholarship. WOW! Deloitte is lucky to have you, baby. We love you so much unconditionally and will always be your biggest “cheerleaders” in life. Never lose beginning…enjoy this beautiful life of yours.

All our love, Mom, Dad, and Trisha