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Hydro Thermal Weed Management Solution

Since 1997 Weedtechnics have been eliminang the hidden cost of chemical weed control … All with Saturated Steam and Boiling Water Technology

The rapidly growing demand for 'organic' and GMO free produce with a shortage of supply has seen the economics of going 'organic' very appealing to a range of farming enterprises. The early adopters of biological and organic farming were possibly influenced by the realisaon that they were exposed to the hidden costs of chemical weed control. These include the spiralling herbicide costs of endeavouring to control a growing list of herbicide resistant weeds, the increasing health and safety requirements, cerficaon and record keeping costs and the inherent risk associated with repeated employee exposure to known toxins. Praconers of organic and biological farming put great value www.africaagricultureinsight.com on their soil biology and adopt methods that encourage a proliferaon of soil biology which returns dividends in plant yield and reduced pest and pathogen aack. They also stand to benefit from the financial gains of carbon sequestraon trading. Herbicides with their high salt content, chelang and anbacterial qualies destroy soil biology and the associated health and carbon sequestraon benefits.


Weedtechnics product range and systems have been recognized as an economically viable alternave to herbicide. It has assisted farmers transioning to organic producon to overcome their biggest challenge …. Weeds, and for organic producers to free up intensive labour resources ed up with hand weeding to higher level tasks and farm expansion. Weedtechnics offers the most costeffecve hydro-thermal weed control machines available. We ulise our patented, Hydro Thermal Method i.e. saturated steam and boiling water to provide a broad range of applicaons. Our SW range of instantaneous boiler apparatus and applicator heads create superheated water at almost 120C water and deliver it onto weeds as saturated steam and boiling water exploding leaf cells on contact.

Jeremy Winer- Managing Director of Weedtechnics, with his 30 years of praccal experience in implemenng integrated holisc approach to weed management, has developed, patented, manufactured, and commercialised the

Steamwand method and SW range.

. Designed for Municipal and intensive horcultural markets there are 4 models in the SW Range with a variety of mounng opons and applicator heads. The SW Range have been designed around delivering opmal volume of saturated steam and boiling water for weed control.

You can select from 4 models in the SW Range each with a variety of mounng opons. There is a growing range of applicator heads from 50mm to 120cm in width.

The Versitech range of hand held applicator heads include the VOH 5cm wide open head VCH 35cm wide or 60 cm wide covered heads and the steam spike set., Our expanding range of standard and customised heads for tractor and vehicle aachment include the new design Rowtech 55, (55 cm coverage) Orchard head 110cm coverage, Vegetech Bed head 11o cm coverage, expandable Vegetech inter row heads with 24-30cm coverage and the soon to be released Furrow Head for 30cm off treatment in furrows between strawberry crops.

The machines also have the added advantage of being able to provide non abrasive high temperature cleaning of farm and packing equipment. Its fast and hygienic without the dangers and mess you can experience with high pressure cleaners.

Weedtechnics have been ahead of the curve, along with our clients for many years. Our clients include biological and organic farmers, horcultural enterprises, cies, municipalies, water companies, schools, land care groups, accredited contractors, hospitals, and rerement villages. With Head office in Australia, we have established distribuon partners and preferred service contractors across Australia, NZ and North America. Enquiries for purchasing equipment or sales and distribuon opportunies can made through our Sydney Head Office.

As one of our customer David Lawson, University of Colorado Boulder puts it “being more expensive than herbicide does not make the process uneconomical, it just takes a change in the paradigm of thinking from lowest cost to best soluon for long term”

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