2 minute read


· POTHOLES - One litre of CLAYCRETE will treat 5 cubic meters of Road Material.

· GRAIN STAGE – Whether it is open air or emergency storage having a proper floor CLAYCRETE allows you to keep more product and lose less. Claycrete is environmentally safe and will not contaminate the food product.


· STRUCTURAL FLOORS – CLAYCRETE will stabilize the ground that your foundaons will o on. This leads to less issues around the foundaon s elingeducing foundadaonacking.

· AIR STRIPS & HELIPADS – CLAYCRETE drama ally reduce dust and leave a smooth surface eradicang “Bown Outs” www.naue.com

· FLOCCULANT FOR TAILING PONDS – When CLAYCRETE bonds with free clay parcles th y take on hydrophobic properes. These n w water repellent prroperes helpo rapidly separate any water from the treated materials.

· DAMS, DIKES & LEVEES – Small leaks lead to big leaks and big leaks lead to failure. Stop leaks in the first place and keep water at bay with CLAYCRETE.


Goodwill Sibanda editor@africamininginsight.co.za

WRITER Kennedy Chamu writer@africamininginsight.co.za


Leon Jaure leon@africamininginsight.co.za

Cleopas Moyo cleopas@africamininginsight.co.za

Emmanuel Chipeta emmanuel@africamininginsight.co.za

Godrick Jere godrick@africamininginsight.co.za

Roslyne Mangena roslyne@africamininginsight.co.za

Design and Layout

Qhawe Maphosa design@africamininginsight.co.za


Thatho Ndlovu subscripon@ fricamininginsight.co.za

General info@africamininginsight.co.za sales@africamininginsight.co.za

Call: +27 11 0257 031

+27 67 7677 393 www.africamininginsight.co.za

Welcome to another informave edion of Africa's favourite Bi Monthly magazine; bringing you all the latest news about construcon equipment, industrial machinery, mining projects, technologies, investment opportunies you'll want to get your hands on in 2023.

Africa Mining Insight is a marketplace, a communicaon hub and news source for advancing mining Industry businesses in the region. Abundant resources, an advanced mining sector, robust financial systems, a progressive legal framework are the gateway to African markets.

A robust mining sector is broadly understood as a fundamental path to economic growth and development. The key boon of mining is that it absorbs large swaths of workers and places them into producve and decent paying jobs. Throughout history, this exact recipe has transformed the United States, United Kingdom, France, Japan, and Germany into some of the world's wealthiest naons.

However, this narrave seems to exclude many African naons. Despite their manufacturing potenal and promising trajectories, most African countries have remained relavely dearth of factories. This limited industrial development represents a missed opportunity for economic transformaon and quality employment generaon that alleviates poverty

Today, leaders are increasingly realizing that the mining industry is a major factor in helping Africa achieve its goals and successfully reaching the next stage of economic development.

In this edion we will look at Mines and Money Connect London which th will take place on the 25-26 April 2023, being Europe's premier mining investment event, connecng miners with money and investors with opportunity. This issue will also include geosynthec soluons from Naue, Carima's producon and formulaon of water-based lubricants, for the installaon of opcal fibers and electrical cables. Çlean-in-Place Electrowinning from Cadia systems, Redeployable Turnkey Exploraon Camps, air scrap dust control and heavy minerals mining are some of the top headlines.

Thank you to all our authors, subscribers and adversers for helping to shape not only this edion, but also the very fabric of the magazine.

Best regards Goodwill Sibanda

Disclaimer: All material is strictly copyright. The magazine or any part thereof may not be reproduced or adapted without writen permission from the publisher: - Africa Mining Insight welcomes material submied for publicaon but retains the right to edit copy. The views expressed in the publicaon are not considered those of the publisher, which accepts no liability of any nature arising out of or in connecon with the contents of this magazine. While every effort has been taken in compiling this publicaon, the publisher does not give warranty as to the completeness or accuracy of its content. The publisher and the editor cannot accept responsibility for any loss inconvenience & damage that may occur there from.

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