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Mitigate Arc-Flash Hazards With Today's Arc-Flash Protection Technology

With the use of electrical equipment comes the real risk of arc-flash incidents. Recent advancements in arc-flash migaon technology now enable mines around the world to cost-effecvely migate arc-flash hazards to protect both personnel and equipment. One pulp and paper customer recently reduced their arc-flash incident energy by more than 90% by using a highspeed arc-flash migaon soluon from Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories (SEL) that included feeder protecon relays with opcal sensors.


However, when making capital investments, the sporadic nature of arc-flash events can cloud the issue. When everything is working properly, it's easy to take arc-flash safety for granted. You're not alone if you somemes wonder if arc-flash dangers are overstated when months or even years pass without incident.

This was the case for an electrical engineer at a North American mining operaon who always wondered if the investment he was making in arc-flash technology would pay off One Monday morning, upon returning to inspect the plant's new switchgear installaon, he learned that an arc-flash event had occurred over the weekend. However, as he surveyed the affected switchgear, he noced that only a small layer of dust covered the equipment. The power protecon scheme from SEL had operated correctly, and provided event informaon that enabled them to understand what had occurred. Knowing the potenal havoc that an arc-flash event could have caused, the lack of damage surprised the engineer “What was humbling was that the unexpected happened,” said the engineer, “…and [the relays] protected our equipment from potenally devastang damage.”

The primary objecve of installing arc-flash protecon equipment at the mine had been to ensure worker safety. But, the protecon scheme also protected the mine's newly installed switchgear and prevented an expensive disrupon to the mine's operaons.

As he reflected on the calamity that had been avoided, the engineer felt fortunate to have incorporated arc-flash migaon technology from SEL for many years throughout his facility. Regardless of how rarely arc-flash events occur, given the potenal consequences, it is crical to be prepared. For this engineer, protecng personnel, equipment, and ongoing operaons proved to be a solid investment. For further details about this customer and his arc-flash protecon scheme, please read the SEL customer case study at hps://selinc.com/Soluons/Success -Stories/Mining-Arc-Flash/ SEL understands that it's crical for mines to stay up and running, and we design our soluons to help ensure reliable and connuous power for mining operaons around the world. You don't have to experience an arc-flash event firsthand to understand the severe consequences that can occur. To learn more about SEL's arc-flash migaon soluons, visit www.selinc.com\soluons\arc flashsoluons

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