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Ever mindful of customer needs and the environment, Goscor Power Products offers a high quality range of powerful, water-friendly Fire Fighters that are ideally suited to handle anything from small grass fires to larger forestryapplicaons.

With over 30 years of experience in the development of Fire Fighng equipment, the company's rugged and reliable low, medium and high pressure Fire Fighters are designed and engineered to deliver important cost saving and safety benefits that enable farmers torealisearapidreturnontheirinvestment.


“We empathise with our farmers who are under extreme pressure having been dealt a double blow – the protracted weak economic climate as well as the severe drought that is gripping our country,” says Managing Director, Mark Bester “In an effort to come to the aid of our farmers we have decided to introduce a low cost high pressure Fire Fighter Delivering on quality and performance at an affordable price, this unit is kind on the farmer's pocket and on the environment, boasng impressively low water consumpon. Ideal for grass fires, the unit is powered by the new rugged and durable 7 HP Rato engine, a compact,efficientandeconomicalpowerpack that does not compromise on performance.

“In fact,” says Bester, “when it comes to performance this unit is more powerful than most of its closest rivals! Pung customers first is part of our value proposion and we trust that by offering farmers this unit at a reduced cost will assist them in protecng theirlivestockandcrops.”

The Fire Fighters feature a Polyethylene 620 litrelowprofilewatertankwithalarge450mm diameter lid for fast filling and easy cleaning. Alongside struts on the tank ceiling and sides as well as baffles on the boom of the tank interior, the step tank's low centre of gravity limit water movement for enhanced vehicle stability during transportaon. Corner struts facilitate safe and secure e-down of the unit on the back of the vehicle. The black tank interior blocks UV rays to prevent algae buildupwhichcanleadtopumpblockage.

TheFireFightersarealsoextremelyversaleas their rugged pumps are equipped with stainless steel pistons and acid resistant seals makingtheunitssuitableforcaledipandfruit treesprayinginseccides.

Goscor Power Products is part of the Goscor Group of Companies and leads the Southern African market as a specialist distributor of a holisc range of compact power equipment including pumps, generators, welders, firefighters, engines, rammers,rollersandcompactors. Theproduct porolio, including parts and spares, are readily available from the company's dealer support network across South and southern Africa including Botswana, Mozambique, NamibiaandZambia

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