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The leap to Level 9 –'Zero-Harm' and maximum productivity with integrated CAS solutions

Proximity detecon and collision awareness is a crucial focus area in the drive to reduce fatalies in mining, contribung to the levels of protecon against the risks associated with vehicle interacons on a mine. Collision avoidance ranked top of 13 different technologies idenfied by 47% of mines globally and 57% of mines in Africa as expecng to see significant investment in the coming two years, based on the 2022 GlobalData survey.

South Africa is leading the way in the drive to implement the highest levels of collision awareness systems (CAS) to the Earth Moving Equipment Safety Round Table (EMESRT)


Vehicle Interacon Defensive Controls Model Level 9 (intervenon controls), where electronic systems automacally slow down the machine and apply a controlled stop if a dangerous interacon is detected when the operator has failed to take evasive acon to the prior Level 7 (Operator Awareness) alarm and Level 8 (Advisory Controls) alerts. Level 9 Collision Awareness (CAS) vehicle intervenon for both underground and surface mining became mandatory in South Africa in December 2022. Companies that are not compliant, must submit a plan on becoming compliant. There is a strong need for future-proof soluons that can be rapidly implemented.”

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