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Screen shots and testimonials of conversion rates and financial success are undeniable proof. You can do an internal launch with selected JVs to help with getting that proof as well. Document all of your successes because, that will ensure your overall success!

Remember this FACT: People can be taken advantage of with a solution that is not honorable. But in time most will eventually see that there is, in reality, no proof.

But, I think you are a person who takes the time to document your proof with integrity; otherwise you wouldn't be reading this. Therefore, you are easily able to provide the undeniable proof required, because you are willing to learn and apply the solution to the problem. You are preparing to teach and to guide these desperate people. The best part is, they will come back for your entire system.

Step Four - Offer the Product... You have discovered a common problem that many people have; you have found the solution that solves that common problem. And you applied the solution to your business. Perhaps you asked a select group to do the same in their businesses, for you. Finally, you have documented your success findings, giving you the proof required by the public. It is the undeniable proof people require before they buy.

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