5 Surprisingly Simple Ways You Can Burn Extra Calories From Home
You don't have to go to the gym, or even outdoors, to burn calories. As a matter of fact, you can burn all the calories you want right from the comfort of your home. With that being said, here are 5 surprisingly simple ways you can burn calories from home.
Get Active as Soon as You Wake Up A simple way to get your body ready for the day is to do a small amount of exercise right after you wake up. This could be lunges, squats, push ups, or even walking in place. Just take 10 minutes to get moving!
Raise Your Heart Rate Raising your heart rate several times throughout the day is a great way to burn 200-400 calories. The number of calories you burn will of course depend on the type of activity you do. A simple way to raise your heart rate is to jog in place for 30 seconds. Take a 60 second break and then do it again. Repeat this interval 6 times. Sounds simple but it ain't easy!
Do Interval Training During Commercial Breaks When you are looking to burn maximum calories in minimum time, interval training is the way to go. Next time you're watching your favorite TV show, plan on doing intervals during every commercial break. Intervals are short, intense bursts of exercise. Great examples would be running on the treadmill as fast as you can during the commercial break, or doing as many push ups as you can. Trust us, you will get a killer workout by doing interval training during commercial breaks.
Keep Your Home Cool Yes, studies have shown that keeping your home cool can significantly increase the amount of calories you burn throughout the day. As a matter of fact, just being in a cool environment can help you burn up to 40% more fat. How a 55 Year Old Mother of Three Discovered The Over 30 Hormone Weight Loss Solution That Over 97% Of People Still Have No Idea Exists…
Sit On The Floor While Watching TV Sounds crazy but it works... When you sit on the floor your body is forced to use more muscles in order to keep you in an upright position. You will also use more muscles when you stand up. The simple act of recruiting more muscles will lead to you burning more calories throughout the day. Though these 5 tactics sound super simple, they are also extremely effective. Give them a try and let us know what you think. You might be surprised with just how many more calories you will start to burn throughout the day.
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