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7 Day Product Creation Crash Course Types of Info Product In today’s high tech era there are so many ways you can produce your info product besides a print publication. Modern day consumers have a large choice of gadgets and gizmos they can access information on. IPods, Ipads, Kindles, Computers, Net books, Notepads, Mobile phones, you name it the younger generation has it. You should also bear in mind that not everyone likes to receive information in the same way. Some people learn better by reading, some by watching and some by listening. Think about the information product you are going to produce, which would be the easiest way to deliver this to your customers for their benefit? Let’s say you have chosen to produce an info product on how to use CPanel hosting. Whilst you could actually produce a book/manual on using Cpanel it might be more beneficial to the customer if the product was in video or audio format, so that they could watch or listen to the instructions whilst they were actually trying to carry out the task in hand. An EBook with thousands of screen shots and red pointy arrows does not give the same instructional value as a “watch over my shoulder” video would do. So seriously do think about your product and think about the target end user. What would be best for them? And if you are unsure, make sure you eventually create your product in more than one medium.

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