8 minute read

Chapter 1:




As you only have a few minutes, focus on the significant things. First try to figure out whether or not this person is suited for you. Within a couple of minutes you’ll already be getting a certain feel from that person.

Whether it’s a good thing or not, you have every bit of power to steer the date your course of direction, so to speak. You must emit a confident, driven and likeable energy. That way your date would feel more comfortable and conversations will by easy. It’s also a practice of good judgment. Keeping an open mind is key.

Don’t shut yourself to the idea of seeing this person until you get to know them. Zone in on what the person's life feels like, and whether or not he or she's happy with it. In the long run, the success or failure of the date will depend upon the little things that the other individual does or says -- just like in a conventional dating situation. The little things count.

The Basics

Everyone prepares for dates in their own special way; may it be an elaborate bath routine or stress-relieving yoga positions to achieve the best state you can for the dating game. However the magical structure of speed dating requires that you at least have an idea of your dating preferences. Before you go into the sitting, a good trick would be to formulate a simple list of all your likes and dislikes.

It will help cross out some of the other time consuming elements, as well narrow down all your thoughts so you wouldn’t have to stammer out things you’ll later on regret or feel stupid for. Be cool and keep it simple. Jot down personality quirks that irritate you and any likely "deal breakers" -- traits or habits that you'd never wish to find in an individual you date. If any of your speed dates exhibit these traits, then you are able to speedily eliminate them as feasible companions.

It likewise helps to compose a short mental list of favorable traits, too. Either things that you love, traits you’d like them to have, or things that you would like to undergo while dating. Remember, it never hurts to be a bit adventurous. And it’s all in the fun of speed dating, so go on ahead! But keep in mind that all the rainbows and butterflies kick in during the relationship. Not within a couple minutes of googley-eyed gazes and “so tell me more about yourself” lines.

and light! This isn’t History class so easy on the walk down memory lane unless you want your date bored out of their minds.

Alright then! That sums it up. The following chapters will delve into the other topics you would like to be taught in, as well as some that you might not already know and very important instructions you need to follow.

beautifully streaked urchin crop or elaborate eyeliner teamed with metallic eye shadow for a cutting-edge, feminine and glamorous look. It’s always fun to experiment with all sorts of make-up and play up your wardrobe with unexpected twists in your closet expertise. But it’s always good to stick to what you know; clothing that you’re comfortable with and make-up that contours your face just right. If, however, you ask a man to comment on your mates' attire, he'd probably point out 'the one in the shapeless dress, her with the big triangles in her ears, that one with short boy's hair and her mate with the scary gold eyes.'

Men see women's appearances in a very different way from other women. While ladies judge how a certain look works on someone, men are more likely to notice certain staples they find attractive or repellent, and ignore the rest. Be aware of the things guys always find it hard to stomach, as well as what will make you stand out in their eyes.

Too Much Make-Up

This doesn't just mean foundation so thick you could chuck rocks at it. Men aren't keen on very obvious make-up such as bright red lips or bold eye shadow. You could be wearing the most recent runway make-up looks and all they’d see is a blotchy face resembling some sort of wild tropical fruit. They prefer a bird’s eye view into the canvass of a woman, which is her face. To be able to see what a girl's face looks like without a lot of paint on her skin. What you think looks

Chapter 3:

Where To Find Potential Partners


Ever wanted some hot stud or picture perfect arm candy? Hell yeah. Is it difficult? Not entirely so. Any teenager’s tendency is crave for someone that’s everything they’ve ever wanted.

They have this perfect picture in their head of what true love’s supposed to be. Maybe that’s why there are so many heartbreak songs on the radio. People get extremely anxious if they are about to date a person. And expectations, they’ll just be the death of you.

Helping you find a great date is our motive. Here are some cool tips and ideas for your dating dilemmas!

and make them really, really happy. Therefore it is very important that both of you end the date with a big smile slapped on your faces…maybe even a lipstick mark on the cheek, if you’re good.


If and when they reject you, don’t sweat. That’s just one person that passed on an opportunity to be with you. It is not a loss. Do not lose confidence. It might get you down, but don’t let it keep you down. Stay strong willed and remind yourself that there is somebody out there who’d love to go out with you.

All set? We’ve covered the basics of confidence building. But keep going, because there’s more. Read on, tiger!

Chapter 4:

Do’s And Don’ts Of Dating


Love is in the air and the craving for a soul mate is just reaching newer heights. All the singles looking for love should get their dating basics right if they want their “soul mate” or destined other to be everything they dreamed they would and enter a beautiful new relationship.

Dating is your first introduction to your potential partner and it is also the first opportunity for you to introduce yourselves, aside from the pretty flirting. Dating helps you know if you and your date are compatible with each other.

Singles who are adventurous prefer dating through different ways like online dating, speed dating, blind dating, casual dating, serious dating and more aside from the usual help from family and friends. Online dating is the most preferred form of dating for many singles because of convenience and the increased selection pool.

Chapter 5:

The Art Of Seduction


To master the art of seduction is not rocket science or advanced algebra; anyone can achieve it if they are willing to spend the time and initiative needed to master it.

The art of seduction is all about creating a magic spell called attraction. The magnetic pull that’s got you lusting and craving. Here’s how it goes: To master the Art of Seduction you need to…

4. Bring her to a private location. By this time, you can already assess whether or not you have successfully seduced her. If she is willing to move to a private location with you, your chance of success is there. Be more physically close to her by touching and caressing her. Planting kisses here and there call for a trophy.

Follow this basic blueprint whenever you want to seduce a woman. Remember, to master the art of seduction, consistent practices need to be done. Do not give up when you are met with some rejections, just push on. Maybe you just aren’t their cup of tea. And hey, maybe they aren’t what you’re looking for anyway.

Chapter 6:

Recovering From A Relationship


When a relationship comes to an end and two lovers have broken down to a mere part of each other’s past, it’s hard. From being together and in love to being alone and hurt, just friends if you’re lucky.

It’s going to take a lot to get back on your feet again, but this article will help. The process of recovering from a broken relationship is made up of 5 stages.

Each stage is vital if you wish to recover fully from your relationship. It might take several years or even longer, but recognizing these stages will help you recover from your loss more effectively.

Wrapping Up

Now you’ve come to the final page of our adventure. I would just want to remind you to have fun, keep it real, and be the best you can possibly be. You won’t always need to be dating or in a serious relationship throughout your whole life. But by the end of the day we all need that one person we can come home to.

I hope this will help you find the kind of love that keeps you warm at night. Thank you for letting me teach you everything I know, kid. And I wish you the best of luck! Don’t forget; once the date’s over go tell your best friend all about it! Listen to what they have to say and scream with them about how giddy the date made you feel.

Keep it simple. Love simply.

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