Quick Look At Using Web 2.0 Sites For Marketing Once you have your website created, you are ready to launch it onto the World Wide Web. Now you have a great website that is just sitting there in cyberspace with no one looking at it. This is probably not the plan you had envisioned when you created your website. If you are like any other webmaster, you are going to want to see a huge amount of traffic to your website. If you have a product or service to offer then you are going to want to see a ratio of traffic that converts to sales. This is just not going to happen until you do something to drive that traffic to your waiting website. In the first chapter, I explained to you what the concept of Web 2.0 was. Now in the above I am talking to you about site traffic and converting sales. So you are probably wondering what the correlation between the two are. Well one of the best ways to market your website and do so for virtually free is to utilize Web 2.0 websites. There are various types of Web 2.0 websites on the World Wide Web. Each different type of site has its own marketing potential for your website. The following will give a brief overview of the different types of Web 2.0 sites there are and how you can utilize them for some marketing potential. We 8