1 minute read
from Fast Cas Now
by muthosh
http://www.ehow.com/ - EHow writers write how to type articles on provided subjects following a specific template.
http://www.joinira.blogspot.com/ - Writers for IRA write 10 page reports and are paid a flat fee of $35 per report. Writers are given three days to complete a report. The good thing about this site is that pay is
immediate upon approval of work.
Blogs have quickly become a popular online marketing tool. Many people, though, do not have enough time to manage and maintain their blogs. That is where you come in.
You can often find ads asking for a blog content writer. You will usually post a few blogs a week for a regular amount of money. It is usually quite easy with minimal research needed and you can make a decent amount of extra cash doing it.
You can find such jobs at: http://www.craigslist.org http://forums.digitalpoint.com
You can also start your own blog and make money from it. This involves using a Google product called AdSense. You simple add some coding to your blog or some blogs tie in with Google automatically. You earn a commission off the ads Google runs on your website and that is how you make money. Here is the link to set up your account with Google:
https://www.google.com/adsense/login/en_US/?sourceid=aso&subid=w w-en_US-etawhome&medium=link&hl=en_US&gsessionid=H3hZOWGnLhk
Some blogging networks will pay you to blog for them. They usually give you multiple ways to earn money through blogging for them. Some pay you per blog and others are automatically set up with Google so you get paid that way, too. Here are some paid blogging networks:
http://www.today.com/ - Writers are paid $1 per day for their blog if they published a blog that day. Writers can also earn money from the number of views their blog receives.