Methods of Success As previously mentioned, understanding Internet marketing isn’t easy, but it can be simple. Much of the problem individuals have with Internet marketing is the thought process that it is just another “get rich quick” method of business. And, while there are “overnight companies,” it’s easy to forget the time invested before overnight success, much like an athlete from a small town, being drafted in the first round or winning an Olympic event. Just because the public didn’t see the struggle doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. For those willing to put in the work, however, businesses can grow faster and more efficient than ever before, thanks to Internet marketing and growth hacking. In this chapter, readers are invited to discover a systematic method of effective Internet marketing. These four methods can be considered the backbone of Internet marketing as well as the foundation of success. While there are seemingly endless examples of advice (both good and bad) in regards to Internet marketing, there are four methods that can never be overlooked. These four, fundamental methods that make up the backbone to Internet marketing are as follows: relationships, direct response copywriting, content marketing, and valuable products.