Gaining Visitors Many readers will skip directly to this chapter and believe that getting visitors is the main goal of growth hacking. While increased traffic is vital and a key result in growing an online business through traffic, it is merely the end result and the journey is not only rewarding, but recommended. However you have found yourself in this chapter, it’s time to dive into the essentials, which can be summed up as the following four procedures: 1, 2, 3, P There are three ways to drive traffic to your site and each of these ways begins with the letter “P.” The first method is Pull in traffic. Simply put, this is a way for you to pull in visitors by providing a reason for these individuals to continue returning to the site. Whether you entice them with information, incentivize them with prizes or gifts, or provide a free book, users will be drawn to the site and thirsty for more. The next type is the Push method. Think of Pull as an open door that reads “Welcome” and think of Push as an individual passing out invitations. With Push, growth hackers skip the enticements and go directly to users, pushing them onto their site. For example, think of those individuals hoping to see a new YouTube video, finding out they can only view the video after seeing a paid