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Activation & Closing Statements Activating Members While it’s been a great deal of the journey to simply bring visitors to a site, visitors alone are actually more of a problem than a solution. Rather than merely have visitors circling the surface, it’s time to activate members. Visitors who only visit will unfortunately leave at outstanding rates. Therefore, activation is the ultimate goal. Activation occurs when visitors do something that you have decided for them to do. While these methods can range from an array of areas, the main idea is to get these visitors interested in more than just the surface of the website. Usually, the main idea is to get a visitor to enter an email address or make a purchase but there are other techniques as well. In addition to the two techniques listed above, consider asking visitors to read a blog, make a comment, fill out a questionnaire, watch a video, interact with another member, or request some sort of friendship or membership. While these seem simple, much of growth marketing only requires small results. Remember, a great deal of small results equivocates to large results. The key is to be consistent and continue to work towards greater and greater goals.


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