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Some Fascinating Books On The Law Of Attraction

Books give Law of Attraction background and concept

It seems that the "Law of Attraction" had concepts that have been around for centuries with several authors exploring the concepts and writing about them. Currently, many books on the "law of Attraction" have been written. Discussed below are the more prominent and featured books published.


Hicks' Law of Attraction

Ester and Jerry Hicks wrote a book simply named "Law of Attraction". The two were inspired by what they call is a spirit who tells them that they need to instruct people to getting by they want just by believing. The book Law of Attraction is based on the practicalities and the principles of the Law of Attraction. If you read the book, you should have a greater understanding of how things turn out to be. It is then you will understand that the role you play is making the events around you too.

However, this book is not for everyone due to the religious theme it has in it. Yet, if you want to see how the Law of Attraction is applied, this is a good back to read.

Both Ester and Jerry Hicks have written several books on this law. One book is called "The Amazing Power of Deliberant Intent." The book is finding and having about balance in your life. The concept Emotional Guidance System is used in this book to explain on how keeping your life on track while using the Law of Attraction.

One early book entitled "Ask and It is Given" and is a practical exercise in creating and achieving the life you want. The book has a 22-step process outlined that helps you use the law that will help you along the way.

Byrne law of attraction book

Author Rhonda Byrne also wrote a book on the law of attraction. She centered her book on the knowledge of the principles being handed down over time. The book focuses on certain people, past and present.

Those involved it the current thinking of Law of Attraction argue about how its progression works. Those people advise why it works and what it has done for their lives, good and bad.

Losier's newer book on the Law of Attraction

Michael J. Losier currently had a new book published about the law. Its title is "Law of Attraction: The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don't Want." He talks quite a bit about positive and negative vibrations. The book is laid out in a step by step format.

Taylor focuses on Law of Attraction

Another author named Sandra Anne Taylor discusses how the law can work in the aspect of the love life. Her book is titled, "Secrets of Attraction: The Universal Law of Love, Sex and Romance." She stresses how love is not a feeling but rather energy. She talks about of personal energy fields which affect the way people will perceive or see someone. This field, she said, changes or influences how people act when they are around other people. The principle behind the thought was to change how the energy is around people; in turn, changing the person's love life too.

There are still numerous books out on the topic of Law of Attraction. By going to the library and looking them up or finding them on the Internet, maybe on Amazon.com or other bookstore sites. Reading these books could change your life.

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