1 minute read

Traffic Leverage

Internet Entrepreneurship Survival Guide 7

This is especially true when making first contact with a good potential Partner...remember; it is you going to them, for something you want- Not the other way around.


Until you've cultivate your own Master List of 20,000, 50,000, even 100,000 Loyal Readers; and you are now the one getting slammed with 10 to 20 Joint Venture Proposals per day, on average...

To create successful, mutually beneficial JV's; you must pole-position your wants, needs and desires in such a way as to naturally resonate with/compliment theirs.

Often times, this is *much* easier said than done; as good JV Proposals require a fair and reasonable amount of selfless and candid receptiveness, attention to detail and deep meditation.

However...the dividends are supremely worth it!

Short of having a 'bottomless wallet'...you will quickly realize, early in your online success endeavors; exactly just how difficult it is to drive consistent, quality traffic to your Web site.

Virtually all of the 'marketing gurus' trying to sell you how you, too, can quickly and easily make boatloads of cash online, with no out of pocket expenses; are feeding you a fat, stinky pile o' bull. Run...Fast!

And hide your wallet!!!

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