13 minute read
by muthosh
“Magic exists. Who can doubt it, when there are rainbows and wildflowers, the music of the wind and the silence of the stars? Anyone who has loved has been touched by magic. It is such a simple and such an extraordinary part of the lives we live.” ― Nora Roberts.
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Love Spells
A Look At The Voodoo Of Love
Chapter 1:
Love is undoubtedly one of the best feelings that a person can ever experience in his or her life. This strong emotion can uplift a tired soul, and give joy and hope even to those who are already starting to lose faith in themselves. It is that wonderful feeling that puts you in Cloud 9 and makes you want to start dreaming of things, like forever and happy ever after. Love is that thing that you read in fairy tales and wish that it will also happen in your own life. It is about finding your Prince Charming or Miss Right and spending the whole eternity with that one person who has touched your heart. Love is the very thing that makes the world go round and makes the whole ride a lot more fun and enjoyable. And for some, love is simply that magical feeling that takes you to an entirely different realm where only you and your special someone exists.
Unfortunately, not all of us have been lucky enough as far as love is concerned, and this is the very reason why love spells exist.
Love Spells – An Overview
Love spells are actually the magical formulas that have been specially designed in order to find, draw, bind, attract, or even induce love. These spells are entirely different from sex magic, or spelled as “magick.” The love spells in particular are aimed to procuring or producing love, while sex magic, on the other hand, makes use of sexual emotions and love at times in order to bring about that desired results that can or cannot be associated to love in any way. For instance, Tantric magick aims to accomplish the union with a god and is related to the enlightenment state. Meanwhile, love spells are more concerned in making a person fall in or out of love with another person.
Sorts of Love Spells
There are actually no sorts of love spells. Just like the usual spells, the love spells can also range from those simple incantations up to the complicated magical rituals. Love spells can range from something like a prayer to that heartfelt wish. Also, love spells can be talismans, amulets, sigils, voodoo dolls, mojos, fetishes, wangas, powders, potions, and philters. In fact, love spells can take just about any form that you can think of.
Purpose of Love Spells
You can use love spells for different purposes, such as:
It's Something He CRAVES... More than love, more than money, even more than sex...CLICK HERE Chapter 2:
The History Of Love Spells
Love spells and their origin cannot be easily traced to a particular place or culture because it has been in existence throughout the numerous centuries in all corners of the world. This is the very reason why pinpointing the history of love spells has been quite a difficult task to accomplish.
They believed that this natural materials are sacred, each of which has its own special power. Most of these materials have been utilized in secret for bringing lovers together, while some were preserved to be used for the special ceremonies during marriage.
Without a doubt, love spells boast of a rich history that has transcended boundaries, with every culture and place having its own set of stories and beliefs as far as love spells are concerned.
There is also no denying that love holds such an incredible and strong power over the people, and the love spells happen to be the most usual spells asked and performed in order to get the love that they have been dreaming of. Whatever history these love spells might have, nothing will change the fact that love is the very reason why you often hear stories, poems, songs, memoirs as well as confessions. After all, love is the very feeling that keeps the humanity humane.
Chapter 3:
Understanding Hellenistic Spells
Different spells of compulsion and erotic attraction have been traced back to as far as the Hellenistic Greece and their syncretic magic tradition that made use of Hebraic and Egyptian elements. These have all been documented in different texts including the Greek Magical Papyri.
These have also been archaeologically traced on the amulets as well as other artifacts that dated back to the 2nd century BC or at times earlier up to the later part of the 3rd century AD. The magical practices have then continued influencing the Gaul’s private ritual among those in Roman Britain, the Germanic and the Celtic people. The erotic magic then reflected the gender roles in the ancient Greece, dismissing the modern misconceptions regarding sexuality and gender roles.
Hellenistic Spells
A classics professor in University of Chicago, Christopher Faraone who specializes in practices and texts that pertain to magic, has classified the Eros magic as the one practiced by the males, and Philia magic in the case of the females.
This two kinds of spells can be directly associated to the women and men’s gender roles in the Ancient Greece. The Philia spells have been used by the women since they depend on their husbands.
Back then, women have no power which is why they used all means available for ensuring that their husbands will stay around, especially with the men having more freedom of leaving behind their wives every time they want to. A lot of women have used the Philia spells for maintaining their beauty and keeping the much needed peace of mind.
Women used Philia magic for keeping their male companion faithful and at bay. The fundamental beliefs regarding sexual attitudes among the Greeks have been dismissed by the discoveries in Philia love potions, rituals and spells. These spells have not been utilized for the sake of attaining sexual pleasure but instead, they served as kind of medicine or therapy. Commonly, the Philia spells have been used by the women in their attempts of preserving their youth and beauty, something that will induce faithfulness in their partner.
A lot of Ancient Greek women used the love spells as a kind of therapy. Whether the spells worked or not, these helped in making
Chapter 4:
Love Spells In The Renaissance
In the later part of the medieval period, around 14th-17th century, marriage has been established as the central institution for the lives of the people. It is during this time when the use of the love spells has taken a different turn. While sexual intercourse was the immediate desire, this has then been commonly practiced in the attempt of creating a permanent union, which is none other than marriage.
With the Renaissance being widely dominated by the Catholicism and Christianity in Europe, Christian elements have also seeped their way to these magic rituals. It has become common for written spell scrolls and clay dolls to be hidden in the churches’ altar or with the holy candles being lit during the rituals.
Sometimes, the Catholic Mass’ Host will be taken and used during the rituals for the desired results to be achieved. In the simplest sense, love spells during the Renaissance period is a rich combination of paganism and Christianity.
Believe in what you are going to do.
Before you perform the ritual, pray to Saint Nicholas, the
Miracle Worker.
Never try casting a love spell only because you are curious. This should be done only when you truly need it.
When you cast a love spell, you should focus on the results and purpose.
Remove your shoes, cross, and avoid makeup when you cast a love spell.
Make sure that no one is going to bother you when you cast the love spell. Cast it exactly just how it must be cast. Take extra care and be accurate when you mix components, say the spell, etc.
Never cast a love spell when you have your menstrual cycle.
When you call up spirits, ensure that all the windows and doors in the room are tightly closed.
The perfect time to cast a love spell is during sunset.
Never tell anyone regarding the casting of love spell.
Chapter 6:
Love Spell Examples
Do love spells really work? Are there even love spells that work? Well, the answer is a big yes, although not all the love spells that you will find can be as perfectly successful all the time. The truth is, it takes practice, time, and lots of patience for you to find that will work.
These love spells have been intended to be put to use when you are searching for a brand new love of your life. In case you are searching for a spell that can help you get your ex back, or you need a spell to make your lover return, there are several love spell examples that you can try that will best suit your purpose.
use the pink chalk for drawing a big heart. Each evening, focus on the two candles while concentrating on your dream relationship. Move the two candles a bit closer together.
This should be done every evening until the two candles are already within the heart’s center. The number of days that it will take will depend on the spacing that you will use although this needs to last for a minimum of one week.
Once the two candles are already side by side inside the heart, draw another heart around the first one that ask Aphrodite or any of your chosen love goddesses to grant your request before finally lighting the two candles.
Light them every evening and allow them to burn until both candles are gone. Remain patient since this love spell might only work after some time.
Letter of Love Spell
While this one is slightly lacking when it comes to the traditional ingredients such as crystals and herbs, it still holds the same powerful symbolism. This particular spell needs to be performed during Friday night. The supplies you will need are:
1 red marker
1 blank paper sheet
1 envelope
Favorite red lipstick
It's Something He CRAVES... More than love, more than money, even more than sex....CLICK HERE Chapter 7:
Tools Used In Love Spells
Different kinds of love spells also need different materials for casting the spell. Listed below are some of the objects that are commonly used for casting love spells. Remember that the things you will need for performing a ritual will vary based on the kind of spell that needs to be cast. There is no need for you to prepare all these tools as this list can change depending on your needed love spell.
Aside from these materials, it is also important to be in the right state of mind, ambience and environment for the spell to really work.
The moon’s phase is also a vital factor that will determine whether the love spell will be a success or a failure.
The perfect time to cast love spells is at night, preferably between midnight and 1 in the morning.
A dark spot or dark room is also a crucial requirement when you perform love spells.
For example, in the story of Snow White, her stepmother, the Evil Queen, becomes a sorceress using the magic mirror that allows her to not just see all but also to transform into a hag to disguise herself as a beggar. While she succeeded in poisoning Snow White with the apple, the kiss of true love has successful broken the spell, giving Snow White a chance to recover and live happy ever after with her Prince Charming. There is also the curse cast by the evil Fairy Witch, putting Sleeping Beauty to her long time rest. The spell of death has been cast on the child right from her birth. But the Good Fairy was able to lessen the spell’s effect by intercepting it with another spell. This is why Sleeping Beauty has only been cured to sleeping for a long time until the spell is finally broken by the kiss of true love.
However, Prince Charming is not always playing the role of a hero in these folk tales because there are also times when he played the victim. There are many tales where witches have turned a handsome prince into a frog or other types of beast, doomed to scour the kingdom to find a maiden that will break the curse with true love’s kiss.
Folk tales from different parts of the world have their own exceptional versions of love spells and how these were used for changing the fate of two or more people. But at the end of the day, it goes without saying that more than the love spell, it is true love that has freed the souls of those characters who have been cursed by the witches and evil fairies..
It's Something He CRAVES... More than love, more than money, even more than sex....CLICK HERE Conclusion What The Critics And Proponents Have To Say
As far as the belief in the modern day love spells and magic is concerned, there are two opposing camps – the critics and the proponents. The critics never believe in hocus pocus and the practices of the contemporary witches and pagans. On the other hand, the witches and pagans readily accept magic in the same way that we openly accept the never ceasing increase in gas prices every month.
Spells not just for love but also for luck, success and many others that can be of great help are still being carried out by the witches, with most of them identifying themselves as white witches whose spells are completely harmless. The love spells are the most popular of all spells and these also happen to be the ones easier to cast. You can choose to do it on your own even though you are a beginner or you can also pay a professional that can do the spell casting for you. But do the spells for love really work or as these merely mumbo-jumbo as the critics claim? In case you are now searching for love and you need an extra assistance in this particular department, it will be best for you to learn what both the proponents and critics of love spells have to say before getting your candles and chalk.
The Critics: Love Spells Do Not Work
names, only give the details together with the possible likes and dislikes and pros and cons. It will help in narrowing down the spell’s focus, allowing the energy to look for that one person that will perfectly match the things that you are searching for.
If you happen to be skeptical about magic and you are searching for love and are willing to try it out, you have to remember some important things. First of all, never forget that love is something that comes naturally. All of us, at one point in our lives, will find our true love. However, before it happens, you need to learn loving yourself first because if you do not, this will create a negative energy that will disrupt whatever it is that you want to accomplish.
According to the proponents, love spells will only work for the ones who are really determined to find their true love. Getting results will never happen if you are simply messing around. However, when you are sincere and you really want it to happen while casting the spell, your wishes are likely to come true.
The last but not the least, you have to be prepared for love. It only goes to say that you cannot expect the spell to do all the work – you need to do your own assignment as well. Take care of yourself. Pamper yourself and make sure that you look and smell good all the time. Finding your soulmate requires you to do yourself a big favor by getting yourself together. This way, you are guaranteed that the love spell will work easier and more effectively.