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Use Gmail for all Your Hot Trends Projects E-mail The first thing you want to do is set up your Google e-mail account on Gmail. That is Google's Free Web Based e-mail. From your Google account home page You may have to click on "My Account" in the upper right of the page), click on the Gmail link/icon in the Products section. Configure your e-mail account any way you want. It is VERY IMPORTANT to use this Gmail account for all the free services you will use for this system. Doing so will keep all your e-mail information apart from non Hot Trends related e-mail and you will be able to organize this e-mail account just for hot trends related communications. Organizing Your Trends System You are going to need to keep records of your Hot Trends Profits projects. When you are on your Google "My Account" page, you will see an icon in the Products section that says "Google Docs". Click on that icon. It will load the Google Docs home page. You will have the ability to use and save spread sheets and word processor documents for your system as you database information on your different hot trend products. If you understand Microsoft Excel, you can use the spread sheet documents to organize your project data. If not, you can use the word publisher document to paste text data information into in the most organized manner you are comfortable with. I won't be showing you how to set up your data documents. Those kinds of things are always a matter of personal preference. You will only have about 6 distinct data items you will want to have available to you at any given time, so I'm not talking about mountains of data here. Still you need to have the someplace where you can get to them right in your

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