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How To Present And Sell Your Product When starting out in network marketing you may be told to fiercely pursue everyone you know, and that everyone wants the products you are selling. Your up-line might insist that you go after your family and friends and have them buy the product whether or not they think they need it. The problem with this strategy is that it’s entirely wrong and it’s one of the many reasons some people fail to make it in this business. When people get into network marketing with false expectations they soon realize they can’t meet their goals and when things don’t materialize, they blame it on the sponsors, the products, company and/or their bad contacts. Consider how mainstream business works; no one would ever attempt to force people into buying products they don’t understand or have any use for. Yet that’s what many people are trained to do. Think of it this way; anyone can get into network marketing and make money, but different companies and products are not suitable for everyone. These products are broken down into ‘niches’ and this helps determine which area you fit into. Let’s say for instance one company focuses on women’s bikinis; how much trouble do you think the mechanic next door would have selling the products?


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