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10 Ways To Build Your Team & Find Prospects For a lot of first timers, their eventuality is as predictable as it is preventable. The prediction is that most of the recruits will drop out and find something or someone to blame for it. How many times do you hear people say “It took too much time”, or “No one really helped me”? It happens way too often and this needn’t be so. There’s a better way for you to build your empire as opposed to going onestep-forward, two-steps-back. Now, I am not saying that all you need to do is sponsor five or six individuals and teach them how to sponsor five or six more individuals- that’s a lousy plan. What I’m saying is, in order to gradually and consistently grow your business you have to get to a place where sponsoring becomes and on-going process like eating or sleeping; essentially a part of life. Growing the team Prospects who go on to build big businesses have one thing in commonthey are progressively educated on network marketing and as a result they become better leaders. A well-intended business idea and all the zeal in the world couldn’t compare to a proper instruction plan to help forge the recruits into leaders. Above-average success in network marketing requires among other things, belief in, 28