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Recruiting Like A Pro Like any other industry, you will need to learn some skills in order to grow the business and achieve success. The more you learn about network marketing and all its elements the more likely you will build great residual income for you and your family. In order to make this work, you have to work past the three common elements: prospecting, presentation and duplication. But like many business owners, you may find yourself with a large number of recruits who are doing, well, nothing. Unfortunately for many reps, the quick solution to this problem is to hire more people, and this rarely solves the problem; so you may find yourself operating on that principle of “get them in the front door faster than they leave out the back”. In order to get anywhere, marketers need to acquire posture or confidence. Far too many sales agents find themselves rolling out the red carpet for their prospects and doing all sorts of favors. The problem with this strategy is it sends the wrong message because who really wants to work with a wimp? Everyone wants to work with a confident, inspiring character; someone who’s ready to go where no one has dared before. This does not mean faking people out; its more about creating an image that gets you a positive response from your prospects. If you want to be 34