1 minute read
by muthosh
Policy changes in health care systems to promote smoking cessation. Implementing programs that can be effective in reducing average cigarette consumption per person. California and Massachusetts increased cigarette excise taxes while having allotted a quota of revenue for tobacco control programs. Educational programs creating awareness for school-aged youth for preventing initiation and initiating cessation in quality health education curricula at the grade level. In depth knowledge about effective cessation methods and a staunch comprehension of the health effects of tobacco use. Aiding individuals to quit using tobacco thereby reducing chances of passive smokers to viscous smoke. Effective evaluation techniques to monitor program impact resulting in modification of older versions to create newer powerful editions of the implemented programs. Treating nicotine addiction to rehabilitate individuals giving their lives a new focus. School-based tobacco prevention programs identify the social influences that promote tobacco use among youth and teach skills to resist these influences. These programs have demonstrated consistent and significant reductions or delays in adolescent smoking.
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In the US, a downward trend has been shown by plunging lung and oral cancer deaths. This has set into motion a number of States to follow suit in implementing tobacco control plans with more vigor and zest. Unfortunately though showing progress, many objectives are far from their targets as 13 States have laws limiting smoking in public places and worksites but few bar it or limit it to private workplaces or restaurants. Though all 50 States and the District of Columbia have laws prohibiting the sale of tobacco to minors its implementation has been almost next to null.