1 minute read
Approaching Potential Partners via Email
isn’t called ‘the information super highway’ for nothing. See what the
competition is offering and find a way to do it better.
See how they are marketing their products and find a way to market yours better. See what they are doing right... see what they are doing wrong and make use of that knowledge.
Approaching Potential Partners via Email
After you have identified your prospective joint venture partners, the next thing to do is to contact them. Many times only email contact information is given on the websites of your potential joint venture partners. Remembering that they most likely get hundreds of emails every day, you will need to construct your email message in a way that will get their attention and hold it.
This is not the place to take a shortcut. Have your prospective joint venture partners’ website open on your browser as you construct your email to them. Your email can start with something like; “Hello. This is your name with your company name. I am looking at your website right now and I am very impressed with what I see. Our businesses complement one another and I believe that my customers would be very interested in your product. Your customers would be interested in our product as well. Would you consider a joint venture