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to find as you start showing up on other people’s home pages and followers lists.

Of course, another reason why more people will follow you is if you give great value with your tweets. Do you remember the importance of making sure that you don’t always promote your own interests? The more you can look after your followers, the more you will be rewarded as a result.


And that is the next point on our journey into understanding and benefiting from Twitter.



Twitter allows you to un-follow people as well as follow them. That means if you start following someone and then change your mind for some reason, you can choose not to follow them anymore.

But of course, this means that other people can un-follow you too! So how do you make sure that doesn’t happen?

Well, it’s all about giving people quality tweets and good advice. Think along the lines of developing your network and forming connections with people rather than simply trying to sell stuff to them. People can tell if your only reason for using Twitter is to promote your own business.

But that isn’t the only reason you could lose followers. The key to a good tweet is held in the phrase above – quality tweets and good advice. You don’t have to pack good advice into every single tweet, but they should all be of good quality. By all means say hi or good morning when you write your first tweet of the day, but make a point of making more of it than that. What else could you write about to enhance it?

Similarly unless you are using Twitter for non-business purposes, don’t start telling everyone what you are eating, or how much coffee you have just drunk. You need to ask yourself each time, BEFORE you publish your tweet, whether or not your followers are going to be interested enough to read it.

Some people might stop following you if you show no signs whatsoever of interacting with your followers. Now you don’t need to start talking to every single individual and messaging them every hour of the day –particularly if you have thousands of followers – but it IS good to interact wherever you have a reason to.

For example, if I see someone has posted a worthwhile link to a useful website, I will reply to them and thank them for it. It’s good to tell them

why you liked it as well. It can get a dialog going and it shows you are interested in what your followers have to say, and not just in what you are saying yourself.

But the main thing to remember above all else is not to offend people. Some people like to be controversial, but it is rarely a good idea to be offensive in any form if you want to create a loyal and interested following. One misplaced tweet could be all it takes to lose the followers you have worked so hard to build.

In short, if your tweets are always well thought out; if they are always of good quality; and if they always give good value and are worth reading, you shouldn’t get too many people un-following you at all.

Oh, and one other thing – make sure you shorten your URLs as well. There is nothing worse than treating people to a huge great long URL. And it may not even be seen properly anyway. Use TinyURL to shorten all your URLs so they take up less space. This is one of the most common ways to do so on Twitter.

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