22 minute read
by muthosh

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Network marketing is plainly defined as the movement of products or services from the manufacturer to the ultimate consumer through a network of independent distributors.
Whether they recognize it or not, most individuals are already involved in some sort of network marketing on a daily basis. For instance, if a new restaurant opens in your town and you try it and like it, you're sure to recommend it to your acquaintances.
Because of your endorsement, your acquaintances decide to visit the restaurant, which then benefits from your word-of-mouth testimonial. Your enthusiastic referral has resulted in an increase in business for the restaurant.
Likewise, when you see a great movie, you tell other people, who decide to see it because of your suggestion. In so many areas of our daily lives, we recommend products and services we like to other people.
In America alone, somebody new begins his or her own home-based network marketing business every eleven seconds. 55 percent of Americans have bought a network marketing product or service.
Establishing an ultra successful business goes beyond simply learning what to say and do. It calls for internalizing a number of critical foundational principles or differentiations.
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Like any other worthwhile training or personal development program, there's no arriving, only the continual process of learning, growing, and expanding in knowledge, wiseness, and effectiveness. This book is written to serve as a tool for both seasoned veterans and new, first-time distributors alike.
You’ve likely heard about blogging, zines and all the rest. This book is to give you some inside info you may not know.

The Diamond's Journey
Building The Unstoppable Mindset Towards Achieving Lasting Success In Network Marketing.
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Chapter 1:
Found your causes for connecting;
Produce a commanding vision
Vision is the power to hear music in the future. Belief is the power to dance to it today.
Many individuals who become involved in network marketing are at the start attracted for really particular and personal reasons. Naturally, among the most common reasons involves income—and all of the howling things that money provides. For other people, motivation might come from a wish to pursue a rewarding, fulfilling, and fun job. Other people might be attracted to the time and personal freedom that this business may offer.
Other people still might wish to become associated with a supportive team who contribute to the lives of other people with either extraordinary products or a possibly life-changing revenue opportunity. Let’s have a look at several of the different areas of motivation first as they apply to you and then as they relate to producing rich value for your prospects.
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Frequently, those first introduced to network marketing might know that they wish to earn a particular sum of money but won't have sufficient clarity regarding for what purpose they'll use the revenue.
It's crucial not only to know how much revenue you intend to generate but likewise why you want the revenue. Money solely is commonly not a sufficient motivator to encourage the kind of consistent and persistent daily action required to establish a network marketing dynasty.
Take a couple of moments now, identify what you’ll be accomplishing with regard to revenue, and identify your reasons for becoming involved in network marketing. Don't leave yourself be hindered by self-doubt, a lack of belief or clarity in how you'll accomplish your desired level of income.
Please answer the accompanying questions:
If you were to review this day 4 years from now, how much monthly revenue would your business have to generate for you to consider your involvement in network marketing among the best things you've ever done?
What are your top ten reasons for becoming involved in this business? 1. ___________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________ 5. ___________________________________________ 6. ___________________________________________
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A vision that inspires you to breakthrough achievement has to honor your most crucial values. These values make up the core of who we are.
Which are your most crucial values?
They need to be honored. If they are violated, you’ll likely become furious, withdrawn, and non-communicative. As you craft your vision, make certain you plan all areas of your life in choice.
Once we produce the vivid impression of the life we want, we may then deliberately reinforce these images into our consciousness by daily repeating. By reading our ideal vision daily (once on rising and once at bedtime is best); it finally becomes part of our consciousness. The more familiar it gets, the greater will be our belief in its ultimate realization. Shortly, what was once a foreign and hard concept to grasp will soon become an expectation of what our future will resemble.
The opposite effect holds true also. If we worry or envision a future that's worse than our present reality, this expectation will result in the production of self-sabotage. When we see ourselves failing, we produce the expectation of failure. Our brain says, “Okay, we’re going to bomb anyhow, so why ought we work so hard and do these inconvenient and uncomfortable actions (like prospect acquaintances, loved ones, and strangers) when our work is likely to be futile?” We justify actions that are inconsistent with success and then get to be right about our expectation of bombing after all!
If we see our future as approximately the same as our present situation in life, we'll produce just enough self-motivation to bring
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Chapter 2:
A Design
Produce a design that will support your imagery. If one advances in the direction of his aspirations, one will meet with success unforeseen in common hours. Now that you've a vision in place that inspires achievement, let’s consider what actions are essential to manifest this vision in the world.
Naturally, the very core of any business plan will demand 3 center behaviors:
1. Utilize your company’s products or services. Always pick out your own company’s products over those offered by all rivals, and purchase from your own business. Become acquainted with all your products’ applications and the distinguishing qualities that make them so special and worthy. Develop a bulletproof belief in the value of the revenue opportunity that your products make possible.
2. Advocate your products or services with other people everyplace and on a daily basis. Build an ever-growing list of retail buyers as you identify those who may benefit from your company’s products. As you set about your day, listen for chances to propose your products to those whom you hear might have a need for them.
In network marketing, retailing your products comprises one simple way of introducing other people to some of the advantages your company offers. Remember that your company’s most energizing
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Lay It Out
How may you expect other people to purchase your products or services if you're not a devoted and knowledgeable buyer? Replace any rivals’ products with your company’s offers. Develop as many product experiences as you are able to, as you describe your favorite products and what you like so much about them. Talk to other people in your company and success line to find out why each product is unequalled and special. Learn about all the aggressive uses for each and identify any particular groups or target markets that every product or service may appeal to. You’ll be targeting these groups specifically in your prospecting attempts and with your sales offerings.
As a network marketing pro, you’ll need to put into place a number of structures and necessities that will let you operate your business swimmingly and to make a professional impression on your buyers and business leads.
Those already in business for themselves will probably have a lot of these elements already in place. It's crucial that those merely starting a home business be cognizant of how critical these support components are. These include:
1. Get a great, inexpensive long distance telephone plan. If your company provides a plan, subscribe to it at once. If not, seek a plan that charges less than $.05 per minute. If you plan on talking long distance for more than ten hours monthly, an unlimited calling plan might be your best bet.
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6. In this advanced era, if your intentions are to establish a networkmarketing dynasty, a PC is a must. Utilize it to communicate with your buyers, leads, team members, and company via e-mail, write your letters, and organize your data. You’ll also have to send and receive faxes.
7. Professionals need business cards and labels to communicate the correct look and impression. If your company provides these items with their logo, order them there. If not, your local office supply store may produce some attractive cards and labels.
8. If your company provides an automatic shipping program, sign up for it to not only get your products on a regular monthly basis but to likewise set the right example for your team. They'll do as you do—not as you say. Auto-ship is likewise an excellent way to insure you’ll never miss a commission check as you forgot to order products that month.
9. If your company provides a duplicable site, set yours up. Your site may be a low cost way to introduce your leads and display your company’s offerings. It likewise sets another duplicable example for your success team.
10. For those cases when you’ll be retailing products or prospecting traditionally order your company’s catalogs, prospecting booklets, or audio or tapes. You’ll need to have packages pre-made and on hand at all times so you’ll never miss a great prospecting chance!
11. Learn all your company’s training materials. Study the value of the compensation plan so you may share its high points enthusiastically.
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Chapter 3:
Finding Your People
Who, Where, how, and how many? A prospect is simply a business partner you haven’t introduced to your opportunity yet.
Particular companies have product lines that lend themselves more easily to building with a product-first overture. This method commonly centers first on establishing an extensive retail buyer base. From among the 100s of satisfied buyers you develop, a number of business builders will
Come forth. The advantage to this plan of attack is that individuals leading with the product will commonly return a cash flow more quickly by producing a buyer base. The disadvantage is that this is commonly a much slower approach to establishing significant wealth than leading with the opportunity.
It's my experience that those who want to lead with the opportunity commonly build deeper, more dynamic organizations resulting in greater long-term residual revenue. In this plan of attack, retail buyers commonly come about from the pool of leads that are not interested in the business opportunity. While both approaches are made possible because of the excellent value of the products sold, I prefer to specifically target individuals interested in earning lifeimpacting revenue. These individuals are commonly more motivated to treat their network marketing business earnestly and more willing to quest after an aggressive action plan in search of other business builders.
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Also, please remember that your list is scarcely one source of prospect names.
Let’s start by defining what a leader is. Though you might hold a different definition, I define a leader as a business builder who conducts his or her business methodically and on a steady, ordered basis. A leader would follow company policies and operations, attend many conference calls and company events, and display behavior other people would wish to aspire to and duplicate.
Let’s assume that each of your leaders will grow other leaders themselves, who will likewise do likewise, and so on down the line. So if you were to grow four leaders, who developed four leaders, who developed four leaders, who developed four leaders, you’re doing pretty well.
If you’ve been building your network marketing business for awhile and have been tracking the number of demonstrations you’ve made and the numbers of leaders that have resulted from this many demonstrations, you’ll have a great idea where you stand. But, most individuals haven't taken the time to document these statistics. If that's your situation, I suggest you start to do so as soon as possible.
Let’s break this down a bit. Assume that you choose to commit to 5 quality conversations involving business presentations to your leads on a daily basis. Let’s in addition to assume that you'll make these 5 demonstrations Monday through Friday, averaging 5 demonstrations, five days per week.
As there are approximately four weeks monthly, this plan would result in 5 demonstrations made on twenty days monthly, totaling a
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Chapter 4:
Advertising may take many different forms ranging from print media (papers, magazines, e-zines, bulletins, flyers, billboards, posters, and mailers) to radio, TV, and naturally, the Net. Print ads may likewise vary from the inexpensive village weekly classified ad to the fourcolor full-page ad in a major national magazine or paper.
The best ads produce rich value-laden advantages for their readers. The more effective they are at specifically targeting their intended buyers or leads with those benefits most crucial to them, the more responses they'll attract and the more qualified those leads will be.
Both classified and display advertisements have proven effective at times in targeting prospective network marketers or selling products to interested end users.

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Numerous network marketing companies have pioneered really successful TV ads and infomercials. Due to the outrageous cost to coordinate, produce, and air a professional-looking ad or infocommercial, such projects are commonly reserved for network marketing companies themselves or large organizations with the support of their parent company. With television ads, it's critically important that a professional production company be utilized that's knowledgeable about this ad format.
Direct mail may be an effective means of introducing your benefitladen mailing piece to 100s of 1000s of likely buyers and leads. Network marketers have successfully mailed postcards, brochures, letters, flyers, sound and videotapes, CD and DVD ROMs, and selfmailers to their targeted audiences. Interchangeable to placing an ad in a print publication, direct mail success results from a sufficient number of replies.
Provide a discount coupon, particular incentive, or free item if the prospect or lead responds by a particular deadline. The effectiveness of your mailing will be in direct proportion to the value of the offer you produce and the timeliness of the advantages offered. Post a hard hitting advantage or direct challenge on the outside of the envelope or mailing piece to produce value and arouse curiosity that will result in your buyer reading the offer and then acting on it. Anticipate between a 1 percent and 3 percent reply.
Flyers may be attractively typeset, inexpensively printed on colorful paper, and distributed in an assortment of ways. These include placing them on auto windows, under apartment and office building doorways, on message boards, and on phone poles. Ad cards may be placed on pay phones, in bathroom stalls, and virtually any other
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Chapter 5:
Lists and Auto-responders
Nowadays, numerous lead generation companies provide lists of opportunity seekers or work-at-home prospects. These lists frequently come with name, mailing address, number, and e-mail address. A few likewise include a brief survey filled in by the prospect to describe his level of interest.
The caliber and cost of these lists may vary enormously. Often, the higher priced leads might be fresher, might be sold exclusively to one or two customers, and might contain a survey filled in describing the prospect’s interest. A few are likewise pre-qualified by phone to make certain that the prospect is, in fact, yet interested in evaluating a home-based business opportunity.
Beware that the caliber of a leads list isn't always proportionate to the cost. A lot of dishonest vendors resell the same useless lists multiple times to unsuspecting customers.

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These companies have produced assorted net business-building systems that perform the following functions:
Introduce leads to the network marketing idea with net movies, text, and audio programs. E-mail a series of messages that go out on a set schedule mechanically via auto-responder to opt-in prospects who have agreed to get offers regarding a home-based business opportunity.
Introduce leads to the network marketing company with which they're affiliated and its product line and revenue opportunity. Continue to drip on prospects by sending off as many as 100 separate e-mail messages inviting them to discover more and to try a sample product order. These systems may be really effective in sifting through lead lists to identify interested leads. In all systems, an e-mail message serves as an initial connection, activating interest and beginning the prospect’s educational process. They don't take the place of personal phone contact. They don't eliminate the need to build rapport and don't replace the partnership, relationship, and leadership components that are so vital in building a thriving network marketing dynasty.
If you can send e-mails, you are able to build an income simply by inviting people to visit your site. The site should explain precisely how anybody can build wealth simply by following the system.
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Chapter 6:
The Golden Rules
Remember, your elemental success depends not on how well you are able to make others do what you want them to do but on how effectively you are able to identify ways to contribute to their lives.

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you altogether sure that you'll be successful and that you know precisely how to support other people to be successful? If the answer to any of these questions isn't resoundingly affirmative, your candidate is likely sensing that something is missing for you also. You might be saying the correct words but your energy might give away your doubt.
The most beneficial way to handle any lacking belief is to get convinced of the value of every aspect affecting your offering. Get to know your product line inside and out. Learn and experience the reasons it's extraordinary and suitable of your highest recommendation.
Know that the income opportunity is entirely sound. Speak with other people who have accomplished different degrees of financial freedom, thanks to your opportunity. When you're so sure that you made the right choice, you'll convey that belief to other people through the energy you put forth.
How may you hope to comprehend what would be of interest to your leads if you have not taken the time to discover what matters most to them? Where is there pain in their lives? What’s missing in terms of cash, surety, fun, fulfillment, or freedom? How may your opportunity handle any missing element?
A great way to gain insight into what may matter most to your candidate is to ask, “If cash were no object, how would your life be different from what it is now? Would you still continue to work where you're working now? Would you retire early or go after a hobby or special interest? Would you purchase a new auto or home? By getting
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Chapter 7:
You’ve become expert at the art of enrollment. New team members are surfacing, regularly wishing to take you up on your offer to support their success. So let’s view what training structures you may put into place to facilitate their progress.
Initially, you might have lots of time available to train your fresh distributors to become acquainted with all the products. However, as your business grows and you have fresh partners surfacing who require your support on a steady basis, you’ll be well served to put a few structures into place to champion their success.
If your company provides these structures, commit to using as many of them as conceivable while stressing their importance to those who join your team. If your company doesn't, get with your success-line partners and assemble your own structure.
After all, it’s up to you to put into place whatsoever is needed to help the success of your team.
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A lot of network marketing companies corporately sponsor every day or each week opportunity and training calls. In those cases where there are no such company-supported calls, it would serve the organization’s building exploits to have top leaders arrange and host these conferences on a every week, if not more frequent, basis.
To conduct a potent opportunity call, the presenter may first share her personal story concerning when and how she was introduced to the company, products, and opportunity.
Where her life was before her liaison with her network marketing company may be contrasted with where she's now in terms of success, fulfillment, fun, and finances.
She may briefly talk about the vehicle to produce wealth, namely
(1) Network marketing, (2) The constancy and credibility of the company, (3) The unequalled qualities and value of the products, and (4) The stimulating nature of the income opportunity.
She may then invite some product testimonials and then request a few income testimonials.
Lastly, the call ought to end with a call to action, encouraging leads to get with the member who invited them to the call to further research the possibilities and have all their questions answered.
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Your organization will grow most quickly when you're able to capitalize on a scheme to funnel your prospects and distributors into local, regional, and national meetings. All company-approved meetings are advertised on all conference calls, in the monthly e-zine and bonus check flyers, on the corporate site, and in all other communications to the field.
Urge local weekly meetings in all areas where a leader may take responsibility for hosting them and developing their attendance numbers. These meetings might be low at first, consisting of a local business builder who steps into leadership to invite some guests or fresh distributors.
As the local group develops in number, every distributor takes responsibility for inviting at least one new individual to each weekly meeting. When the size of any specific weekly meeting reaches fifteen or more, the group is encouraged to form a 2nd local weekly gathering.
The weekly meetings give into the local monthly meetings. It's crucial not to convey the impression that the business isn't growing by holding ill attended meetings in a formal, big meeting facility. The monthly meetings may start off with a brief opportunity presentation to support any leads in attendance. The local monthly meetings serve to funnel individuals into bigger regional meetings.
These meetings commonly are conducted in a hotel function facility. It's valuable for a top distributor or established leader to close these events. The ability to come and listen to somebody who's living the dream, thanks to the excellent opportunity made possible by your
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Wrapping Up
One last point to remember here. Building to a network marketing diamond level shares nothing in common with the many shady get rich fast schemes that serve simply to tarnish the reputation of the worthy, licit companies and their long-lived income opportunities. Mastery in any profession doesn't come overnight or without a suitable appreciation for developing the numerous foundational principles that are essential to erect an organization characterized by sound business-building precepts and deep, lasting, committed, and trusting relationships. Success in network marketing will ensue from the process of simultaneously learning, doing, and teaching as you go.
There will never come a time when you have learned everything there's to know. There's no shortage of individuals out there waiting for you to open the golden door of opportunity for them, ready to fall in. For these reasons, I advise you not delay in getting moving on your path. Whether you're new to our great industry or if you've been involved for years, decide now to declare yourself a leader, and start to follow a duplicable system that will guarantee your success and the success of your partners and friends.
Commit to becoming a ceaseless student in the never-ending learning procedure of maximizing your personal effectiveness and power to impact the lives of other people. By all means, don't forget to have fun in the process as you share the possibly life-changing gift of network marketing with other people.
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