Nations 2012

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e Loved! This may sound

love God perfectly, 24 hours, 7 days

self Be-Loved! This is where you

strange, but what an invita-

a week! We love Him because He

find your favor in life from God! It

tion! You and I are to be

first loved us. 1 John 4:19 This is why

is called grace! It is unmerited, it is

loved by the Father in our daily lives.

God gave us His only begotten Son

unearned! When you are daily loved,

In fact, this really is the primary ob-

– the love display towards us – even

you take your place as the Beloved!

ligation of every believer!

while we were yet sinners! Romans 5:8

This is where you are accepted, for-

Sometimes I meet people who

Now, our task is to receive His

live continually frustrated with

love! This really shows our devotion

This is what our mission work

themselves, because they feel as

to Him – letting Him love us! And

at Mutual Faith is about – imparting

though they are not loving God per-

our love to Him is a reciprocal! It is

to people charisma!

fectly! They strive to do this loving

because He first loved us that we are

us in this journey! Participate with

God thing – with all their heart, all

able to love Him. So our love to-

us in this assignment! Let us tell

their soul, all their mind and all their

wards Him is not a work or effort to

people everywhere to Be-Loved!

strength! Mark 12:30 They try and then

feel approved, but rather a response

This is really true and trustwor-

they fail! And the result? Living life

because it is only possible to be ap-

thy for each of us! Because of Jesus

feeling condemned, like you just

proved in Christ, and every believer

and His wonderful finished work,

can’t become good enough to be ap-

is “in Christ.” When we receive

you can be assured that God loves

proved by God, and accepted by

Jesus and His work on the cross for

you completely, and we do too!


us into our life then we are giving a

However, this is why the

genuine love response to God’s love.

Gospel of Jesus Christ is such good

And that is true love because it is

news! This pattern of our own ef-

based on the unconditional love we

fort to love Him, is man made and

have received from Him!

has never been possible! No one can

Do yourself a favor! Let your-

given, favored and fruitful!

Romans 1:11-12

In Mutual Faith,

Keith Hershey


Nations is published by Mutual Faith Ministries Int’l., a non-profit missionary evangelistic organization. ©MFMI. All rights reserved. Nations magazine and logo are trademarks of Mutual Faith Ministries Int’l. in the U.S. and countries where it circulates and MFMI offices are established. Mutual Faith Ministries P. O. Box 951060, Mission Hills, CA 91395 Tel.: 1-800-367-8887 /



Photo: Abigail Hershey / born August 23, 2011

The Joy Of New Birth


light, and starting to know yourself

ood News! My daughter

Nicodemus had snuck out at

Abigail Hershey was born

night to see the great wonder-work-

into the world on August

ing rabbi that all of Jerusalem, in-

Just as being born naturally is a

23, 2011. Her name means “fathers

cluding his great Jewish ruling

passive process, whereby the baby

joy” and she has already been a ful-

council, the Sanhedrin, were talking

simply rests in the work and love of

fillment of that name in so many

about. When Jesus saw Nick, he

it’s mama, so too is being born

ways. Not just for her earthly father,

knew that it was not just night for

again! All that is required is that one

but for her heavenly Father who

him on the streets of Jerusalem but

rests in the work and loving arms of

“knit her together in her mothers

it was night for Nicodemus in his

your heavenly Father. The good

womb” and from whom she was

inner man. While Nick wanted to

news is that as believers we know

“fearfully and wonderfully made.”

impress Jesus by telling Him how

that we have the best parent in the

Psalm 139

Additionally Abigail is the

great he thought he was, Jesus did

Universe who is infinitely more lov-

first grandbaby for my parents Keith

not return the accolades, and cut

ing, caring, and involved than all the

and Heidi Hershey. She has been

right to the chase. He told Nick,

best mothers and fathers who have

their joy too!

“You must be born again.”

John 3:3

as a be-loved disciple.

ever lived.

Yet while she may be her “Fa-

Nick may have known a lot

Being “born again” is about

ther’s joy” when she was born ac-

about God, but he still didn’t know

having new life. It is about experi-

cording to the flesh, when she

God. He still was cowering in the

encing on the inside the joy, love,

begins to receive of that joy and love

darkness of his own religion and

and relationship with God that He

of her heavenly Father, that is when

needed to open himself up to the

has always wanted to have with us.

she becomes “born again” or “born

life, light, and love of God. Being

It’s about having the life of Christ

of the spirit” as Jesus put it. This

born again is really all about receiv-

Himself living His life of love and

brings me to the passage I want to

ing the love of the Father, seeing

faith through us so that we can say

your darkness swallowed up by His

with Paul, “the life that I now live I


John 3



live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me.” Galatians 2:20 Many people have turned being born again into a work. Something that one has to do, like loving God more or loving people more, rather than just the passive act of receiving the love of God, of being loved – being the be-loved. This is when one begins to see their inner man or their spirit being birthed into the glorious reality of who we are in Christ and the Father’s love for us. This is when one opens their eyes to the kingdom of light, and has stepped out of the darkness of their own religion. This is when they begin to see the kingdom of God John 3:3 which is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. This is when love for God and for people happens as a natural fruit of being engrafted into the love of God, and no longer becomes a work.

“Many people have turned being born again into a work” Maybe there is someone reading this and you are coming to Jesus in the darkness of your own religion. Jesus would say to you “be born again!” Receive of the love and life of the Father. Do not continue wandering around in spiritual darkness. Believe in the love of the Father who sent me so that you can receive of my life and not perish. For the Father sent me to rescue you and not condemn you. John 3:16-17 Do not believe that you have disqualified yourself from my love. Do not get caught up in looking to your own work and effort, but just rest in my work and my effort. That is what the Father would say to you. That is when life will begin to run well. When we simply allow ourselves to BE LOVED! That is when we truly begin to have new life surging through us, when we feel like new people, like we have been BORN AGAIN! “May the love of God, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all” 2 Cor 13:13 Josh Hershey is the assistant Pastor at Overcomers Church. He and his wife Kelsey, along with daughter Abigail reside in Southern California.

For podcast, articles and other resources by Josh Hershey, please visit PG 4 NATIONS MAGAZINE


Healing, restoration and changed children A 17-acre campus with three homes, a school and a cafeteria guesthouse. The LIFE HOMES have brought healing and restoration to many needy children.


uring the late 1980s, Keith

completed the following year.

leadership roles for the ministry

Hershey began to do a far-

Now the Life Homes campus

reaching evangelistic work

includes two different homes for the

Over the years more than 120

throughout Latin America. A team

children, a school building, short-

children have lived on the Life

and offices were established, strictly

term missions group quarters, and

Homes campus. Many have grown

for the purposes of evangelism and

the most recent building, a cafeteria

up into wonderfully mature men

leadership training, headed at the

and long-term missionary guest-

and women of God, who are now

time by Karen Wong Mayes. One


employed and contributing to their

of the missionary families that as-

The Life Homes rescue street



sisted extensively was David and

children and HIV babies.


The mission of the Life Homes

Becky Dvorak, who later would be-

presently have 33 kids living on the

has been to receive children that

come the team leaders in Guatemala

campus, which is ministered to by a

have no other options in life – aban-

in 1998. This is when the Life

dedicated team of national workers,

doned, no known family member,

Homes began to be developed. In

and paid staff of 14 people. Presently

abused and even HIV positive. We

1999 a 17-acre campus was pur-

three of our national leaders, Edy,

are there to love them completely,

chased and the first building was

Froilan and Javier are taking the

disciple them in Christ.

David & Becky Dvorak / Team Leaders NATIONS MAGAZINE PG 5


Rescuing women & children from bondage Making an impact on the Volta region has been rewarding and life changing


utual Faith has had a

ment in ministry has been the estab-

young ladies stay on our campus for

presence in Ghana for

lishment of the Restoration Center

6 – 9 months, and are trained in the

the last 18 years working

in the Volta District. This campus

Word of God as well as given a basic

with team leader Ben Nanortey and

has been built to rescue and restore

education reading, writing, and sim-

his wife Dorothy. Before their as-

women who have been bought and

ple mathematics. The ladies are also

signment in Ghana, Ben and

released from Trokosi slavery (a

trained in various trades, cooking,

Dorothy had previously been work-

hideous practice in parts of West

hairdressing, sewing, so they can es-

ing with Mutual Faith in Monrovia,

Africa where fetish priests take

tablish their lives once they graduate

Liberia, until they were forced to

young girls into slavery as a repay-

from the Restoration Center.

flee to their home country of Ghana

ment for the sins of their ancestors).

Currently, 12 girls are living on

We have seen the grace of God

the campus, going through the pro-

The main campus for Mutual

working so mightily as our teams

gram. Over 180 girls have gone

Faith is located in Tema, where

minister the love of God, to bring

through the program since it was es-

leadership conferences, evangelism

restoration and renewal from all

tablished in 2004. Additionally we

outreaches, and the local church all

sorts of bondage. God’s love for

have built a school on the campus to

play a vital part of the ministry.

people everywhere is greater than

educate many of the kids from the

However, the most recent develop-

anything and everything!

villages in the region.

due to the Liberian civil war.


Ben & Dorothy Nanortey / Team Leaders PG 6 NATIONS MAGAZINE


Establishing Churches Through The Mutual Faith Channel Church planting, evangelism and leadership training are the fruit of the ministry – of the Mutual Faith team and TV channel.


n the late 1980s a young Filipino

Faith Channel. The Mutual Faith

main thrusts of ministry is the es-

pastor, Johnny de Vila, connected

team is also planting churches in

tablishment of new churches. Four

with Mutual Faith after hearing

areas where people have come to the

new churches have been planted in

Lord via the television.

the last couple years by local men

of Keith Hershey’s newest book Breaking Your Barriers. Johnny had

In 2006 a Mission Center

and women who have come to know

an evident gifting and calling to

building was erected, and the TV

the Lord through the ministry of

reach his nation, so we joined our

studio’s were completed. This is

Mutual Faith and it’s television

faith together, and the Mutual Faith

when we started broadcasting 24/7

ministry. This includes the cities of

team was established in General

on the Mutual Faith Channel

Litan, Fatima, Greenville and Polo-

Santos City, Philippines.

throughout this region.


The main focus has been on

At present, there are six paid

God keeps doing wonderful

leadership training through the Life

staff persons administrating and


Leadership Institute, as well as

ministering on behalf of Mutual

Josephine de Vila and the Mutual

evangelism through the Mutual

Faith in this region. One of the

Faith team in the Philippines!




Johnny & Josephine DeVila / Team Leaders NATIONS MAGAZINE PG 7


Thriving Latin America Bible Institute Don Korach and the Costa Rica team establish Bible Institutes to equip a new generation of leaders and servants for local churches throughout Latin America.


onald Korach met Keith

Don Korach joined Mutual Faith

the Mutual Faith Conferences,

Hershey in Bible School in

and established the Bible School

where Keith Hershey and other

the early 1980s. In fact

training ministry throughout Latin

USA pastors participate to train and


equip leaders throughout the region.

they worked together on a job moving furniture at the City Of Faith in

Headquartered in San Jose,

Thousands of people have attended

Tulsa, Oklahoma. During those

Costa Rica, Don and his team ad-

these conferences and many people

early days together, they often talked

ministrate the Life Leadership In-

have been transformed by the love

about missions, and ways of reach-

stitute, with over 3500 active

of the Father!

ing people with God’s wonderful

students in seven Latin nations

Don and his wife Marjorie,

love and forgiveness.

(Costa Rica, Colombia, Nicaragua,

along with their two children,

Upon completion of his school-

Panama, Venezuela, Honduras and

Rachel and Donny, are blessing the

ing, Don moved immediately to

El Salvador). Additionally, Mutual


Latin America to begin his life and

Faith Costa Rica has also produced

America region.

ministry on the mission field. Over

Spanish TV programming, which

the years, Keith and Don would

has aired in various nations.

connect for ministry events. In 1993,

Every year Don Korach hosts



Thanks for helping us establish students in Latin America and give life away!

Don & Marjorie Korach / Team Leaders PG 8 NATIONS MAGAZINE



Evangelism outreach & leadership training Richard Johnson has been a part of a Mutual Faith African Team since the 1980s. Nigeria has been a rich land for preaching the Gospel and Leadership training.


ev. Richard Johnson, a

Nigeria where once again he was

Liberian citizen, started

connected with Keith Hershey.

At this time Mutual Faith

working with Mutual Faith

Over the next few years, Richard

Nigeria has a sta of 12 people who

as a team member in 1986. As a

launched a new Mutual Faith team

are coordinating ministry on the

very strong and motivating leader,

in Nigeria, West Africa.

Mission Center campus. The Mis-

these years blessed years.

Richard was instrumental in the

This ministry has always been

sion Center campus was purchased

growth and development of Mutual

focused on evangelism and leader-

in 2001, and hosts conferences and

Faith in the early years. During the

ship training. Many evangelistic

concerts as well as the on-going ac-

end of the Liberian civil war in

outreaches have been conducted and

tivities of the local church.

1990, the Mission Center of Mutual

hundreds of people have given their

Richard and his wife, Florence,

Faith-Liberia and its assets were

lives to Christ. Additionally, the

are special servants of the Lord, who

stolen and destroyed by rebel forces.


are used by God in a wonderful way

Richard fled as a refugee to




trained over 7000 students during

throughout this region.

Richard & Florence Johnson / Team Leaders NATIONS MAGAZINE PG 9



LEBANONst Life Center

The Midd le Ea

A JOYFUL SONG! Some of the children of our Spring of Life school singing of God’s love at our annual Kingdom Fiesta - Beirut, Lebanon


ince the horrific events of 9/11/01 Keith Hershey

Naaba district in Beirut, opened. This facility was acquired,

had an assignment in his heart for the precious peo-

by Mutual Faith Ministries, in July of 2009 and fully reno-

ple of the Middle East. While traveling throughout

vated during the following 8 months. In March, 2010, the

the region and meeting Christian leaders in various nations,

Life Center was dedicated to the Lord!

Keith’s heart was touched in a special way in Beirut, Lebanon,

This Middle East Life Center campus now houses on-

when he met Pastor Said (Si-eed) Deeb. Said, and his wife

going ministries for the region, all of which are coordinated

Cecile are very uniquely gifted people who have a great pas-

by Said Deeb and the Mutual Faith Lebanon team.

sion for the people in the Middle East. After a season of

Ministries at the Life Center include: Spring of Life

talking and praying together, Mutual Faith Lebanon was

school and mentoring program; free medical clinic four times

launched and registered as an official NGO in Lebanon.

a week; Arabic television broadcasting; and our annual con-

For several years MFMI hosted conferences and events in Beirut. Then an opportunity to purchase a large 40,000 square foot facility in the heart of Bourj-Hammoud, the

ference called Kingdom Fiesta! Continue to pray for Said and Cecile Deeb as they lead hundreds of people to Jesus.

THE FINAL PAYMENT OF $200,000 At the Middle East Life Center, hearts are being changed through the various programs and spiritual impartations. WE’RE INVITING OUR FRIENDS TO HELP US FINISH STRONG IN 2012. THANK YOU FOR HELPING GIVE LIFE AWAY!


he international headquarters of Mutual Faith Ministries is located in Mission Hills, CA. The two-story office building was purchased in August 1996 two years after the devastating Northridge earthquake. After extensive repairs and seismic retrofitting to the building, Mutual Faith acquired the property to house the administration and media production components of the ministry. The USA Mission Center hosts periodic events including Leadership Training, Ladies Teas and our annual Pastors’ Conference – all for the purpose of helping enlarge vision in the hearts of men and women for mission outreach around the world. The USA administrative team has served alongside Keith and Heidi Hershey and have been invaluable in their efforts to manage the entirety of the Mutual Faith Ministries assignments in the nations.


Faithfully serving the lord with excellence & gladnesss. Cheryl Benedick 1984 Does the bookkeeping and administration of the Mission Center

Tim Bergstrom 1985 Coordinates the distribution of media resources around the world.

Carlo Krouzian 1999 Oversees Int’l campus development as well as creating graphics, and new media management.

Justin Hershey 2008 Handles photography & videography as well as “short-term” missions group coordination.


People & Events

Top Left: Part of our Life Home Guatemala leadership team, Javier & Leticia Caballeros, plus pictures of our rescued street kids during a lunch outing on the grounds of the Life Homes.

Justin Hershey visiting our Ghana Mission Center with Pastor Ben Nanortey

Enjoying Lebanese food and fellowship in Beirut!

Boarding plane on way to next missions assignment in Panama.

Pastor Kelly Dupee, of Faith Community Church, with his team in Beirut, Lebanon.

at appy golfers” A group of “h t. en ev t iru lf4Be the annual Go

MFM Simo Lebanon n new da cele staff Ha b addi d tion rating t y & ! heir

end at the with special fri ala. Keith Hershey em at mpus in Gu LIFE HOMES ca

nda n & Bre Mar k o in Lebano g in k t a t t o h r it g Ke the as to Thom

Heidi H the W ershey min ord! isterin g

Some of the beautiful precious ones who are receiving God’s love in Ghana & Guatemala.

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