Vodič kroz stalni postav, 1-11 str. / Guide to the Permanent Exhibition, pages 1-11

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Vodič kroz stalni postav/ Guide to the Permanent Exhibition Naslovnica/ Title page: Prova leuta, rad brodograditelja Ljubomira Ante Fržopa/ The bow of a leut, work of Ljubomir Ante Fržop, shipbuilder Urednik/ Editor: Kate Šikić Čubrić Grafički urednik/ Graphic design by: Lovro Vudrag, bforme.hr Tekstovi/ Author: Kate Šikić Čubrić Odabir fotografija/ Photographs selected by: Mirela Bilić, Kate Šikić Čubrić, Lovro Vudrag Stručni suradnici/ Professional associates: Zdenko Bilić, Ljubomir Ante Fržop, Đenko Šandrić, Darko Škevin Crteži/ Illustrated by: Lovro Vudrag Nacrti/ Drawings by: Krešimir Bosna, Đenko Šandrić Lektura i korektura/ Proofreader: Andrea Jović Prijevod/ Translated by: Ana Sarjanović Oblikovanje/ Formatted by: Lovro Vudrag, bforme.hr Tisak/ Printed by: Stega Tisak Naklada/ Circulation: 500 primjeraka/copies Tiskanje vodiča ostvareno je sredstvima Ministarstva kulture Republike Hrvatske ISBN 978-953-48054-1-1. CIP zapis dostupan je u računalnom katalogu Nacionalne i sveučilišne knjižnice u Zagrebu pod brojem 001037992. Betina, 2019.

Uvod Muzej betinske drvene brodogradnje nastao je kao odgovor na dugogodišnje težnje stanovnika Betine da sačuvaju višestoljetna znanja o tradicijskoj drvenoj brodogradnji koja su uvelike obilježila i oblikovala identitet mjesta. Brodogradnja se u Betini u kontinuitetu razvija od sredine 18. stoljeća do današnjih dana. S godinama se povećavao broj brodograditelja, a lokalni su majstori postali nadaleko poznati po izvrsnom radu. Danas je Betina jedno od nekoliko preostalih središta drvene brodogradnje na Jadranu, s jednim većim brodogradilištem i više manjih obiteljskih brodogradilišta u kojima se grade kvalitetni drveni brodovi tradicijske gradnje. Muzej je otvoren 14. kolovoza 2015. godine, čemu je prethodio trogodišnji istraživački rad, prikupljanje eksponata i obnova zgrade. Uz stručni tim koji je provodio istraživanja, veliku ulogu u stvaranju stalnog postava imali su brodograditelji u ulozi savjetnika, jedriličari u tradicijskim brodovima, nekadašnji težaci, ribari, lokalni etnografi i ljubitelji baštine. Sve predmete koji su prikupljeni za budući muzej donirali su lokalni stanovnici. Prikupljen je bogat fundus predmeta iz polja brodogradnje, brodske opreme, poljoprivrede, ribarstva i svakodnevnog života. Uz brodograditeljska znanja, tehnike crtanja brodske forme i obrade drva, Muzej prenosi priču o važnoj ulozi drvenih brodova u životima mještana Betine i Murtera u prošlosti i sadašnjosti. Muzejski su vodiči brodograditelji koji kroz muzejske legende dijele svoja iskustva i znanja. Rekonstrukcije predmeta koji su nedostajali izrađene su prema naputcima umirovljenih brodograditelja koji su za svog radnog vijeka koristili te iste alate. Stalni postav unutar zgrade zapravo je uvod u betinsku drvenu brodogradnju čiji se proizvodi mogu stvarno doživjeti u muzeju na otvorenom. U vanjskom stalnom postavu u mjesnoj lučici u neposrednoj blizini zgrade Muzeja nalaze se 43 tradicijska drvena broda koji u svom prirodnom okruženju predstavljaju umijeće tradicijske brodogradnje u drvu. Muzej na otvorenom Muzeja betinske drvene brodogradnje svečano je otvoren 8. lipnja 2019. godine. Vrijednost je Muzeja u tome što je projekt nastao na inicijativu lokalne zajednice. Ista ta zajednica sudjelovala je u osmišljanju i gradnji muzeja, a od dana otvaranja do danas sudjeluje u svakodnevnom radu Muzeja svojim savjetima, prijedlozima, volonterizmom i svesrdnom podrškom. Zahvaljujem svim brodograditeljima, vlasnicima drvenih brodova, udrugama Betinska gajeta 1740 i Latinsko idro, KUD-u Zora, lokalnoj zajednici, suradnicima na postavu, Općini Tisno, Ministarstvima kulture, turizma i regionalnog razvoja, Muzeju Grada Šibenika te svim zaljubljenicima u drvene brodove, tradicijsku drvenu brodogradnju i kulturnu baštinu otoka Murtera. Kate Šikić Čubrić, ravnateljica Muzeja

Introduction Betina Museum of Wooden Shipbuilding was founded in response to long-standing aspirations of the inhabitants of Betina to preserve centuries of knowledge on traditional wooden shipbuilding, which greatly marked and shaped the town’s identity. Shipbuilding has been continuously evolving in Betina since the mid-18th century. The number of shipbuilders has increased over the years and the local local shipbuilders became widely known for their exceptional work. Today, Betina is one of the remaining centers of wooden shipbuilding on the Adriatic Sea, comprising of one large shipyard and several smaller family-owned shipyards where quality traditional wooden boats are constructed. After a three-year period of doing research, collecting exhibits and renovating the building, the Museum was opened on 14 August 2015. In addition to the team of experts who conducted the research, the permanent exhibition was created with the pivotal assistance by shipbuilders in an advisory capacity, sailors of traditional boats, former laborers, fishermen, local ethnographers and heritage aficionados. All items intended for the future museum were donated by local residents. Numerous items related to shipbuilding, marine equipment, agriculture, fisheries and everyday life were collected. Besides the history of shipbuilding knowledge, techniques of drawing boat lines and woodworking, the Museum also tells the story of the vital role of wooden boats in the lives of the inhabitants of Betina and Murter, both in the past and today. Shipbuilders share their experiences and knowledge in the museum texts, thus providing guidance through the exhibition. There were items that could not be found but, nevertheless, they were reconstructed under the direction of retired shipbuilders who had used those tools in their active years. The permanent exhibition inside the building is actually an introduction to the Betina wooden shipbuilding industry, whose products may be properly experienced at the open-air museum. The outer permanent exhibition in the town harbour near the Museum building holds 43 traditional wooden boats, representing the art of traditional wooden shipbuilding in their natural environment. The open-air museum of the Betina Museum of Wooden Shipbuilding was officially opened on 8 June 2019. The Museum is proud to state that it was a project developed at the initiative of the local community. The same community was involved in the design and construction of the museum, and from the opening to this day, they participate in the daily work of the Museum offering their advice, suggestions, help in the form of volunteerism as well as continuous wholehearted support. I would like to thank all the shipbuilders, owners of wooden boats, the Betina gajeta 1740 and Latinsko idro associations, KUD Zora, local community, associates of the exhibitions, Municipality of Tisno, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Tourism and Ministry of Regional Development, Šibenik City Museum as well as all the admirers of wooden boats, traditional wooden shipbuilding and cultural heritage of the island of Murter. Kate Šikić Čubrić, director of the Museum

Betinska brodogradnja Shipbuilding in Betina

Povijesni kontekst Stanovnici otoka Murtera su od početaka stvaranja naselja u 14. i 15. stoljeću bili težaci, zemljoradnici i stočari. Već u drugoj polovici 16. stoljeća zbog prirodnog prirasta ovaj je relativno mali otok postao prenapučen. Zbog prekomjerne eksploatacije poljoprivrednog zemljišta na matičnom otoku stanovnici su započeli obrađivati posjede na okolnim otocima, otočićima i kopnu, stoga su tijekom stoljeća postali vlasnici zemlje na širem području. Murtersko-betinski posjedi danas obuhvaćaju Kornatsko otočje, otoke tkonskog akvatorija, dio Modrava do Biograda, dio Makirine, Ivinja, Oštrice, Dubrave i Dazline, a sežu mjestimično duboko u kopno poviše Vranskog jezera do Stankovaca.

Historical context From the first settlements in the 14th and 15th century, the inhabitants of the island of Murter have been laborers, farmers and cattle breeders. By the second half of the 16th century, this relatively small island had already become overcrowded due to natural population growth. The overuse of agricultural land on the island forced the residents to start cultivating lands on nearby islands, islets and the mainland, so over the centuries they became owners of the lands all across the wider area. Today, the Murter-Betina estates include the Kornati islands, the islands of the Tkon archipelago, part of Modrave to Biograd, part of Makirina, Ivinj, Oštrica, Dubrava and Dazlina, while on the mainland they extend over the Vrana Lake all the way to Stankovci. 8


Brod - transportno sredstvo

Boat – means of transport

Usporedno s otkupom zemlje jačala je potreba za brodovima – gotovo je svaka obitelj bila ovisna o brodu. Osim za odlazak na posjede, brod se upotrebljavao za odlazak u gradove Šibenik i Zadar gdje su se obavljali administrativni poslovi, ali i prodavao urod ili kupovale potrepštine.

Buying land brought along a greater need for boats - almost every family depended on a boat. In addition to visiting estates, the boat was used to go to the cities of Šibenik and Zadar for administrative purposes, but also to sell produce or buy supplies.

Betinski težaci bili su poznati po svojim povrtlarskim proizvodima koje su prodavali na okolnim otocima i kopnu. Murterini i Betinjani, za razliku od uvriježenog poimanja otočana, nisu bili ni ribari ni pomorci, već poljoprivrednici i stočari, a samo su usput, na putu do svojih posjeda, ribarili. Brodom su prevozili obitelj, stoku, poljoprivredni alat, sadnice loze i masline, hranu i razne potrepštine, urod, travu, građevinski materijal te sve ono što im je bilo potrebno za život.


The laborers of Betina were known for produce from their gardens, which they sold on the nearby islands and the mainland. Unlike the conventional understanding of islanders, people from Murter and Betina were neither fishermen nor sailors, but farmers and cattle breeders, and only incidentally they fished on the way to their lands. In their boats they carried families, livestock, farming tools, vines and olives, food and various supplies, produce, grass, construction material and everything else they needed.


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