Muze Magazine - KAVACHAM - കവചം - SNM College, Malyankara

Page 1

{io \m-cm-b-W awK-ew tIm-tf-Pv, am-ey-¦-c-bpsS Iemeb kvacWnIbpambn _Ôs¸« AhImi {]kvXmh\bpw aäp hnhc§fpw No^v FUnäÀ : Capt. {ioPn¯v amKkn³ AssUzkÀ : _n. _n³j ÌpUâv FUnäÀ : \ kanXn AwK§Ä : BtLmjv .]n ARvPp hn.Fkv AXp tiJÀ \µp sI.bp \b\ kPohv kRvPpem kn.Fkv tkXp ]mÀhXn cq]IÂ]\ / A¨Sn : ayqkv aoUnb / 9048 66 07 67 : jmtcm¬ Hm-^v-skäv {]n-tâ-gvkv {]kn²oIcW¯nsâ t]cv {]kn²oIcn¡p¶ hÀjw {]kn²oIcn¡p¶ Øew hnZymÀ°n {]Xn\n[n ]ucXzw apJy {]km[I³ ]ucXzw

: IhNw : 2020þ21 : am-ey-¦-c: \ : C´y³ : Capt. {ioPn¯v : C´y³

Rm³ apIfn \ÂInbncn¡p¶ hnhc§Ä Fsâ Adnhnepw hnizmk¯nepw icnbmsW¶p CXn\m {]kvXmhn¨p sImÅp¶p F¶v {]Xn\n[n H¸v


almIhn A¡n¯w ANypX³ \¼qXncn, Ihbn{Xnbpw ]cnØnXn {]hÀ¯Ibpamb kpKXIpamcn, ap³cm{ã]Xn {]W_v apJÀPn, A\izc KmbI³ Fkv. ]n. _mekp{_ÒWyw, ^pSvt_mÄ CXnlmkw adtUmW, ap³ temIk`mwKw Fw.]n. hotc{µIpamÀ, kn\na kwhn[mbI³ k¨n, aebmfw Ne¨n{X Xmc§fmb A\n s\Spa§mSv, iin IenwK, chn hÅt¯mÄ, A\n apcfn , lnµn Ne¨n{X Xmc§fmb CÀ^m³ Jm³, kpim´v knwKv cmPv-]pXv, Ejn I]qÀ, PmXnshdnb·mcmb \mept]cpsS {Iqcamb ]oU\¯n\ncbmbn sImÃs¸« l{Xmknse B ]s¯m¼XpImcn, KmÂh³ Xmgv-hcbn ssN\okv ssk\yhpambp>mb Gäpap«en sImÃs¸« tIW kt´mjv _m_p AS¡apÅ 20 [ocPhm·mÀ, temIsa¼mSpw tImhnUv almamcnbn A´cn¨hÀ, tImgnt¡mSv hnam\m]IS¯n acn¨ Ccp]tXmfw t]À, A{]Xo£nXambn A\hkc¯n D>mb tem¡v UuWnÂ, hml\§fnÃmsXbmbt¸mÄ almcm{ãbnse HudwK_mZnte¡v ImÂ\Sbmbn t]mIpw hgn Xoh>n ]mªp Ibdn acWs¸« Ip«nIÄ AS¡w 16 CXckwØm\ sXmgnemfnIÄ, \nkÀ¤, \nhmÀ, _ptdhn Npgen sImSp¦män acWs¸«hÀ, tIcf, BÊmw, sslZcm_mZv {]fb§fn A´cn¨hÀ.

ZnibnÃmsX ]mdnb PohnXbm{Xbn tNÀ¯p]nSn¨p kwc£Ww \ÂInbhÀ¡v... Hcp Xp>­p XpWn¡jvW¯n\v ]n¶n adªpt]mb B NncnIÄ¡v ... Ccp«psIm>­vapJ]San« e£y§Ä¡v \mepNphcpIÄ¡pÅn HXp§nt]mb \o>­ \nizmk§fn DuÀ¶ kz]v\§Ä¡v ...

IhNw... Cu t]cnt\mfw Xs¶ {]m[m\yapÅ hnjbw NÀ¨bv¡mbn sIm>phcpt¼mÄ GsXmcp Bsfbpw t]mse AÂ]w Bi¦ DÅnenÃmXnÃ. amkv-Iv F¶hm¡v C¶s¯ PohnX¯n hfsc kp]cnNnXamb H¶mbnamdn¡gnªp. ]-t£ A-Xn-sâ hn-im-eam-b AÀ-°-X-e§Ä IemebkvacWnIbnte¡v DÄsImÅn¡pt¼mÄ XoÀ¨bmbpw AXns\mcp ]pXnbam\w ssIhtc>Xp>v. AXpsIm>pXs¶ Ct¶mfw tI« apJmhcW§fpsSbpw IhN§fpsSbpw IYIÄam{XaÃmsX \ap¡v hyXykvXamsbmcp Nn´bnte¡v sasà \S¶pIbdmw.. IhNw Hcp sNdp¯p\n¸mWv. temIw I> henb almamcnbpsS Ime¯pw Ddh häm¯ kÀKmßIXbpsS \ne\n¸nsâ t]mcm«w IqSnbmWv. \ap¡v NpänepapÅ Iemeb§fnse \niÐam¡s¸« Iym¼ÊpIfpsS DbÀs¯gpt¶Â]mWv. F¦nepw Hcp hnimeamb Nn´mKXnbn IhNw ]ecq]¯n \½psS ap¶nep>v. \ÃXpw No¯Xpw AS¡w Xncn¨dnbm\mhm¯ hyànXz§fpsS s]mbvapJ§Ä t]mepw \ap¡nhnsS NÀ¨sNt¿>Xp>v. AXpsIm>pXs¶ Cu BhcW¯n\v ]e ASp¡pIÄ D>v. Hmtcm¶pw Hmtcm Xc¯n ]e Bg§fn \½psS PohnX¯nepw Nn´bnepw kz]v\§fnepw \ndªncp¸p>v. IhN¯nsâ BZys¯ sebÀ ip`m]vXn hnizmk¯ntâXmWv. C¶nsâ BhiyIXbn Hcp apJmhcWw XoÀ¨bmbpw \aps¡mcp kwc£W¯nsâ IhNamWv. Bg¯n ]cntim[n¡pt¼mÄ C¯cw kwc£W IhN§Ä Hmtcmtcm Ime§fnembn `qanbn \½sf kwc£n¨p t]m¶n«p>v. {io\mcmbW Kpcphpw A¿¦mfnbpw KmÔnPnbpw AS¡w At\Iw almcY·mÀ AhchcpsS Ime§fn kaqls¯ _m[n¨ CXnt\¡mÄ amcIamb PmXnþaXþhÀKobþA{Ia Nn´IfmIp¶ hym[nIfn \n¶pw kaqls¯bpw AXnse {]Xo£bä P\§sfbpw Im¯pc£n¨n«p>v. AXn\pa¸pdw a\pjy cminbpsS Xs¶ B[mcsa¶ "\ne\n¸v 'F¶ Nn´eqsSbpw \ap¡v It®mSnt¡>Xp>v. ]et¸mgpw hgnsXänt¸mb \maS§p¶ kaqls¯, ]pXpXeapdsb Ccp> Nn´IÄ _m[n¡m³ hnSmsX Im¯pc£n¨v shfn¨¯nte¡v \bn¡p¶XneqsSbmWv , IhNw BZy ImgvN¸mSpIÄ Ahkm\n¸n¡p¶Xv.

BZy sebdn Hcp]s£ FÃmhÀ¡pw icnsb¶p k½Xn¡mhp¶ Nn´IfneqsS IS¶p t]mIp¶ IhNw ASp¯ ASp¡n F{Xt¯mfw ]ptcmKan¨mepw amdm³ k½Xn¡m¯ C¶nsâ Ccp«nte¡mWv It®mSn¡p¶Xv. Fgp¯pIfneqsSbpw kn\naIfneqsSbpw ]e XhW ]dªXmsW¦nepw, C\nbpw {]kàn \ãs]«n«nÃm¯ kwc£Ww Hcp XShdbmhp¶; Ibv]pÅ kXy§fmWv Cu `mKw kwkmcn¡p¶Xv. ImWm³ Gähpw Ffp¸apÅ \½psS hoSp t]mepw AS§p¶ B XShdIÄ ]et¸mgpw Hcp \nizmk¯neqsS Xsâ {]Xntj[§Ä ]pd¯pImWn¡mdp>v. kv{Xo kaXzs¯ Ipdn¨v hmtXmcmsX kwkmcn¡pt¼mgpw \mw F{Xam{Xw ]pdInemWv C¶pw Nn´n¡p¶Xv F¶ kXy¯nte¡v Cu sebÀ \s½ Nn´n¸n¡p¶p. \mw Xs¶ ]et¸mgpw kz´w kz]v\§sf _ensImSpt¡>nhcp¶Xv IpSpw_w F¶ IhNs¯ Ipdnt¨mÀ¯pam{Xambncn¡pw . B Hcp Xncn¨dnhnemWv IhNw \mw kzbw Hcp¡nb Hcp XShdbmsW¶v a\knem¡n XpS§p¶Xv. skbv^v tkm¬ F¶v hnfn¡p¶ B \oÀIpanfbpsS AI¯pw \mw _Ô\ØcÃmsX asäm¶pasöv kaÀ°n¨psIm>mWv IhNwþc>mw sebÀ NÀ¨ Ahkm\n¸n¡p¶Xv . amk-vIv F¶v ]dbp¶Xv C¶v kwc£W apJmhcWw Bsb¦nepw Hcp c>psImÃw ap³]vhsc s]mbvapJ§sf BWv kqNn¸n¨ncp¶Xv. AXpsIm>pXs¶ IhN§sf Ipdns¨mcp kwhmZ¯n s]mbvapJ§sfbpw AXn\p ]pdIn hoWpt]mbhscbpw Ipdn¨v ]dbmsX t]mIm\mhnÃ. hÀ¯am\ImeL«¯nse am[ya kwk-vImcw F¶pw CXn\v \sÃmcp DZmlcWamWv. ]et¸mgpw \njv]£ apJw aqSn AWnª ChÀ AhcptSXmb AP>Isf \ap¡pÅnte¡v A\mbmkw IS¯nhnSp¶Xv B s]mbv-apJ¯nsâ kzoImcyXbnepw \njvIf¦XbnepamWv. am[ya§fpsS Imcy¯n am{XaÃ, a\pjy³ almamcnsb XSbm³ amk-vIv [cn¡p¶ Ime¯n\v ap³]v Xs¶ C¯cw ]mXnad¨ hyànXz§Ä \ap¡v Npäpw D>mbncp¶p. Ah Xncn¨dnbmsXbpw Ahcm _m[n¡s]«pw hoWpt]mbhcpsS

Nn´Isfbpw \mw NÀ¨sN¿p¶p. ]et¸mgpw hyÀ°amb kz]v\ §fn BIrãcmbn Cubmw]mä IWs¡ PohnXw HSp§pt¼mÄ \mw H¶pw t\Snbnsö t_m[¯n FÃmw hn«v t]mtI>n hcp¶hcpsS \nÊlmbXbnemWv aq¶mw `mKw Ahkm \n¡p¶Xv. Hcp Iemeb¯nsâ `mKsa¶ \nebn Cu almamcn Gähpw A[nIambn IhÀs¶Sp¯v PohnX¯nse Gähpw kphÀ® Imeamb Iymw] knse \nanj§sfbmWv. AXpsIm>v I¿n \n¶qÀ¶pt]mb B \à Imes¯ Ipdn¨v HmÀ¡msXbpw Hcp hn§temsS hcpwIme XeapdtbmSv ]dbmsXbpw CsXmcn¡epw ]qÀWamhnÃ. F{Xsbms¡ kmt¦XnIhnZy ]ptcmKan¨mepw imkv{Xw \½sf km¦Â]nIambn ASp¯ps>¶p tXm¶n¸n¨mepw AsXm¶pw \ãs]« B Iemeb kvacWIfpsS KÔ¯n\v ]Icamhnsöpw \½Ä AdnbWw. C\nsbmcp]t£ Hcpans¨mcp s_©nencp¶p kulrZw ]¦nSm\mhmsX Cu ImeL«w IS¶pt]mIptam F¶ tNmZyNnÓ¯n\v ap¶nemWv \mw IhNw F¶ kwhmZw ]qÀ¯nbm¡p¶Xv. Hcp]s£ CsXÃmw ]cnNnXaÃm¯ Hcp temI¯n kpJIcaÃm¯ Hcp PohnXcoXnbnte¡v CãanÃmsXbmsW¦nepw amtd>nh¶Xnsâ _lnÀkv^pcW§Ä BsW¶v Nn´n¡p¶hcp>mhmw. F¶ncp¶mepw Nn´n¡p¶ Hcp Xeapdbv¡v ap³]n R§Ä CsXÃmw NÀ¨¡v sh¡p¶p. apJmhcWanÃm¯ \à ]p©ncnIÄ F§pw \ndbp¶ \mfpIÄ C\nbpw Zqc¯söv kz]v\w I>psIm>v.....


\aps¡mcp bm{X t]mIm\nÃ.. Hcmtfbpw ImWm\nÃ... NncnIÄ \nd¨ lkvXZm\§fnÃ... \ndªpXpfp¼p¶ BlvfmZ¯nsâ BenwK\§tfm IqSnImgvNItfm CÃ... Cu \mepNphcpIÄ¡pÅn Rm³ am{Xta DÅq... temIw iq\yambn InS¡pt¼mÄ Fsâ Nn´IÄ ImSpIbdp¶p... Hcp]p©ncnt]mepw ]pd¯pImWm\mhm¯hn[w Rm\pw IhNnX\mbn kzbw XS¦en (?) ChnsSbn§s\.... F\n¡v Iq«ncn¡m³ H¸w cïphm¡v kwkmcn¡m³ C¶o apJmhcWw am{XtabpÅq... Fsâ Nn´Isf Cu apJmhcWt¯mSv IqSn Rm³ Agn¨phnSpIbmWv... C¶ntâXpw... Ignªpt]mbXpw... C\n hcm\ncn¡p¶ \mfpIfntebpw IhN§sf Ipdn¨v

Rm\pw Fsâbo apJmhcWhpw X-½n Hcp kw`mjW¯nteÀs¸SpIbmWv.... Hcp I¿Ie¯n \n§Ä¡pw ]¦ptNcmw....

{io\mcmbWKpcphnsâ A\p{Klm inÊpIfmÄ [\yamb \½psS Iemebw 2019 þ2020 hÀjs¯ {]hÀ¯\§Ä 2019 Pq¬ aq¶mw XobXn Bcw`n¨p. tImtfPnsâ A¡mZanI \nehmcw hyàam¡nb Xnf¡amÀ¶ HtcSv Bbncp¶p Cu A[yb\hÀjw Hmtcm Un¸mÀ«vsaâpIfpw ap³hÀj§sf At]£n¨v anI¨ hnPb iXam\w t\Sn. 2019þ20 A²yb\ hÀjs¯ A¡mZanIv {]hÀ¯\§Ä¡v tImtfPv IQAC t\XrXzw \ÂIn. FÃm skaÌdpIfp sSbpw dnkÄ«v A\ssekv, Un¸mÀ«v saâpIfpsSbpw aäp k¶² kwLS\ IfptSbpw {]hÀ¯\§Ä , FIv̳j³ t{]m{KmapIÄ F¶nh tamWnäÀ sN¿Â XpS§nbh IQAC bpsS \nb{´W¯n \S¶p. FwPn bqWnthgvknän ]co£bn c>v dm¦v tPXm¡sf kw`mh\ \ÂInb Hcp hÀjw IqSnbmbncp¶p Cu A-²yb\ ImeL«w ._ntImw OM & SPbnse {ipXn sI cmP\pw, Cw¥ojnse Bcy AtimI\pw Ggmw dm¦v IcØam¡n. amen\y \nÀamÀP\¯nsâ `mKambn IfÎÀ @ tImtfPv F¶ ]²Xnbpw \S¸m¡n. \½psS Iemeb¯nse 3 A²ym]IÀ¡pw c>v KthjW hnZymÀYnIÄ¡pw PH.D AhmÀUv sNbvX Hcp hÀjw IqSnbmbncp¶p Cu ImeL«w.



2019 þ2020 A-²yb\ hÀjs¯ tImtfPv bqWnb³ 2019 sk]väw_À 20\v aq¶mw hÀj _ncpZ hnZymÀYnbmb lcnemensâ t\XrXz¯n kXyhmNIw sNmÃn A[nImc¯ntedn. Cw¥ojv hn`mK¯nse {ioaXn. _n³jm _m_p, ^n-kn-¡Â F-Pyp-t¡-j³ hn-`m-K-¯n-se A-JnÂ.sP, sImtagvkv hn`mK¯n {ioaXn. XoÀ° tPmbv F¶nhÀ bqWnb³ D]tZãm¡fmbn NpaXetbäp. bqWnbsâ HutZymKnI DZvLmS\w 2019 Unkw_À 19\v {]apJ Ne¨n{X Xmcamb {io .\ocPv am[hv \nÀhln¨p.bqWnbsâ t\XrXz¯n ^nenw s^Ìv, tImtfPv tU, ItemÕhw F¶nh \S¯s¸«p FwPn bqWnthgvknän ItemÕh ¯n 24 t]mbnâv IcØam¡n Ncn{X hnPbw ssIhcn¨p. \mev {Kq¸v C\§fn ]s¦Sp¯v \½psS Iemeb¯n\v ,{Kq¸v Um³Ên\p H¶mw Øm\w e`n¨Xv Gsd {it²bambn. XncphmXncIfn, tIm¡fn F¶o C\§fn aq¶mwØm\hpw F«v hyànKX C\§fn A t{KUpw IcØam¡n Ncn{X¯nse Gähpw DbÀ¶ ItemÕh t]mbnâv BWv tImtfPv t\SnbXv. tImtfPnse hnhn[ hn`mK§fpsS DZvLmS\hpw A\p_Ô skan\mdpIfpw hnhn[ ]cn]mSnIfpw

kwLSn¸n¡s¸«p. ^nkn¡Â FPypt¡j³ hn`mK¯nse AJn sP bpsS t\XrXz¯n F³ kn kn bpw, ^nknI-vkv hn`mK¯nse Fkv kp\nÂIpamÀ, sIankv{Sn hn`mK¯nse {ioaXn civan F¶nhcpsS t\XrXz ¯n F³FkvFkpw, sI. BÀ. Pb {]kmZv, ^nknI-vkv hn`mK¯nse Fkv kp\nÂIpamÀ, KWnX hn`mK¯nse aRvPp F³ F¶nhcpsS t\XrXz¯n ]nSnFbpw anI¨ {]IS\w ImgvNsh¨p. tImtfPnsâ t\XrXz¯n hnZymÀ°nIfpsS ]¦mfn¯t¯msS {KmaoW hnIk\w e£yan«v Bcw`n¨ Z¯v {Kma ]²Xn Gsd {it²bambn. kvt]mÀSvkv hn`mK¯nse anI¨ t\«§fp>m¡m³ \ap¡v km[n¨p. bqWnthgvknän Xe¯n 2 CâÀ tImtfPv Nm¼y³jn¸v \mw t\Sn. am{Xaà bqWnthgvknän s¹-tb-gvkmbn 11 hnZymÀYnIsfbpw \mjW s¹-tb-gvkmbn A©p hnZymÀYnIsfbpw \½psS Iemeb¯n \n¶v sXcsªSp¯p. 2019-ÿ2020 hÀjs¯ tImtfPv 2020 amÀ¨v H¼Xmw XobXn \S¯nt¸m¶p. bqWnbsâ 2019 20 hÀjs¯ {]hÀ¯\§Ä tImtfPv tUtbmsS ]qÀ¯oIcn¡s¸«p. XpSÀ¶v tImhnUv aqew tImtfPv amÀ¨v 10\v AS¨p.

Fkv F³ Fw tImtfPv amÃy¦c 2019 þ2020 A²yb\ hÀjs¯ tImtfPv bqWnb³ 21þ9þ2019 Bw XobXn kXy{]XnÚ sN-bvXv NpaXetbäp.sNbÀam\mbn aq¶mw hÀj _ncpZ hnZymÀ°nbmb lcn emensâ t\XrXz¯nepÅ bqWnbsâ A²ym]I D]tZãm¡fmbn Cw¥ojv hn`mK¯nse {ioaXn. _n³j _m_p, ^n-kn-¡Â F-Pypt¡-j³ hn-`m-K-¯n-se A-JnÂ.sP, _ntImw hn`mK¯nse {ioaXn. XoÀ° tPmbv F¶nhcmbncp¶p. bqWnbsâ HutZymKnI DZvLmS\w 2020 P\phcn 18 {]apJ Ne¨n{XXmcamb {io \ocPv am[hv, tImtfPv HmUntämdnb¯n \nÀhln¨p. hnZymÀYnIfpsS Iem]cn]mSnIÄ NS§n\p amäpIq«n. 2019þ20 A-²yb\ hÀjs¯ HmWmtLmjw {]uVKw`ocambn \S¯n. hnZymÀ°nIÄ AWn\nc¶ hÀWi_famb tLmj bm{XtbmSv IqSn HmWmtLmj ]cn]mSn IÄ¡v XpS¡w Ipdn¨p. XpSÀ¶v tImtfPv HmUntämdnb¯n sN>tafhpw hnZymÀ°nIfpsS Iem]cn]mSnIfpw Act§dn. Un¸mÀ«vsaâpIfn cpNn sshhn[y§fpsS HmWkZytbmSpIqSn B hÀjs¯ HmWmtLmj ]cn]mSn IÄ¡v ]cn]qÀ®ambn hncmaan«p. P\phcn 6 \p tImtfPv bqWnbsâ t\XrXz¯n hnZymÀYnIÄ¡mbn ¹mkva sUmtWj³ t_m[h¡cW ¢mkv kwLSn¸n¨p. 2019þ20 hÀjs¯ kÀhIemime ItemÕh¯n\p apt¶mSnbmbn s^{_phcn 17 XobXn ItemÕhw kwLSn¸n¡pIbpw, aÕc§fn H¶mw Øm\w t\Snb hsc

kÀÆIemime ItemÕh¯n\v ] s¦Sp¸n¡pIbpw sNbvXp. XncphmXnc, H¸\, tIm¡fn, {Kq¸v Um³kv,sseäv ayqknIv,skan ¢mknIv kwKoXw, IhnXm ]mcmbWw,ImÀ«q¬ tIm¼äoj³ F¶nhbn hnZymÀYnIÄ ] s¦Sp¡pIbpw DbÀ¶ Øm\§Ä IcØam¡pIbpw sNbvXp. \mev {Kq¸v C\§fn ]s¦Sp¯v \½psS Iemebw {Kq¸v Um³kn H¶mw Øm\hpw XncphmXnc¡fn, tIm¡fn F¶n\§fn aq¶mw Øm\hpw IcØam¡n. ImÀ«q¬, t]m-kv-äÀ Un-ssk-\nMv, sseäv ayqknIv IhnXm ]mcmbWw F¶nhbn A t{KUpw kz´am¡n,Fkv F³ Fw tImtfPnsâ Ncn{X¯n Xs¶ Gähpw DbÀ¶ t]mbnâv IcØam¡n, hnZymÀYnIÄ tImtfPnsâ t]cv kÀhIemimem Xe¯n Hcn¡ÂIqSn DbÀ¯n¡m«n. 2019þ2020 A-²yb\ hÀjs¯ {]Wb Zn\ BtLmjt¯mS\p_Ôn¨v Øncw kwk-vImcnI thZn \nehn h¶p. At¶Znhkw iàamb hnZymÀ°n ]¦mfn¯t¯msS ]cn]mSnIÄ kwLSn¸n¨p . tImtfPv bqWnb³ {]kvXpX hÀjs¯ ^nenw s^Ình 2020 amÀ¨v 5, 6 XobXnIfn \S¯n. tImtfPv tU amÀ¨v H¼Xmw XobXn BtLmjn¨p. NS§n apgph³ A²ym]IþA\²ym]I hnZymÀYnIfpw k¶nlnXcmbncp¶p. XpSÀ¶v hnZymÀ°nIfpsS Iem]cn]mSn Ifpw \mS³]m«pw NS§n\v amäv hÀ[n¸n¨p. 2019þ2020 hÀjs¯ tImtfPv bqWnb³ tImtfPnse FÃm ]cn]mSnIÄ¡pw Np¡m³ ]nSn¡pIbpw, hnhn[ klmb§Ä \ÂIpIbpw sNbvXp. bqWnb³ `mchmlnIfmb hnZymÀYnIfpsSbpw A[ym]IcpsSbpw Hs¯mcpatbmsS DÅ {]hÀ¯\§Ä tImtfPv bqWnb³ {]hÀ¯\§Ä kpKaam¡n.


The National Cadet Corps (NCC) is not a Para-Military organization. It is a youth development movement. It has enormous potential for nation building. The NCC provides opportunities to the youth of the country for their all-round development with a sense of Duty and Discipline, Commitment, Dedication, and Moral Values so that they become able leaders and useful citizens. SNM College Maliankara is associated with 22 Kerala Bn. NCC, Eloor, we have strength of 113 cadets and an Associate NCC officer. Our unit conducted several programs and our cadets participated in various camp conducted by NCC Directorate. •

CSM Nandhith T S and Anaswara Prasad represented Ernakulam Group in Pre RDC conducted at Thiruvanthapuram.

CDT Safdhar Hashmi represented in NIC camp held at Kolamavu, Idukki.

CDT. Krishnadas K S, CDT. Aswin Kamal and CDT Gautam Krishna D. are participated in Army Attachment Camp held at Thiruvanathapuram.

L-CPL Ajith V S participated in NIC and Moulangar IGC camp held at Pazhanji, Trissur

Our 44 cadets were passed “B” Certificate Examination and 34 cadets were passed “C” Certificate examination conducted by NCC Directorate Kerala and Lakshadweep.




kmaq-lnI tkh-\-¯n-eqsS hyànXzhnI-k\w F¶ hmIys¯ ]qÀ®-ambn DÄs¡m>p-sIm>v {]hÀ¯n-¡p¶ \mjW kÀÆokv kvIow tImtf-Pnsâ Ncn-{X-¯n ad-¡m-\mhm¯ {]hÀ¯-\-§Ä A¶v hÀj-§-fmbn \nÀh-ln-¨p -t]m-cp-¶-Xv. alm-ßm-KmÔn kÀh-I-em-im-e-bpsS Iogn {]hÀ¯n-¡p¶ anI¨ F³. Fkv. Fkv. bqWn-äp-I-fn H¶mWv tImtf-Pn-tâ-Xv. 2019-þ20 A²y-b-\-hÀjs¯ t{]m{Kmw Hm^o-kÀam-cmbn kn. ]n. kp\nÂIp-amÀ, tUm. hn. kn. civan F¶n-hsc Xnc-sª-Sp-¯p. bqWnäv sk{I-«-dn-am-cmbn {ioPn-¯v, \b\ F¶n-h-scbpw Xnc-sª-Sp-¯p. c>v hÀj-§-fn-e-mbn sam¯w 200 thmfân-bÀamÀ bqWn-än {]hÀ¯n-¨p. DcpÄs]m-«-en \mi-\-jvS-§Ä kw`-hn¨ \ne-¼q-cn c>v Znhkw Iym¼v sNbvX thmfân-bÀamÀ hoSp-Ifpw ]cn-k-chpw hr¯n-bm-¡m³ klm-bn-¨p. AtXm-sSm¸w tImtfPv hnZymÀ°n -I-fn \n¶pw tiJ-cn¨ km[-\-km-a-{Kn-Ifpw hnX-cWw sNbvXp. F³. Fkv. Fknsâ 50-þmw hmÀjnIw hfsc hn]p-e-amb Iem]-cn-]m-Sn-I-tfmsS sk]väw-_À 24\v BtLm-jn-¨p. Z¯p-{Km-a -ambn Xnc-sª-Sp-¡-s¸« hmÀUnse FÂ. ]n. kvIqfpw ]cn-k-chpw hr¯n-bm-¡n-bmWv KmÔn-P-b´n BN-cn-¨-Xv. Xnc-sª-Sp-¡-s¸« c>mw hÀj, aq¶mw hÀj hnZymÀ°n -IÄ¡mbn AXn-c-¸n-Ån-bn-te¡v {]IrXn ]T-\-Iym¼v \S¯n. Fkv. F³. Fw. F³. Fkv. Fkv. bqWn-änsâ k]vXZn-\-Iym¼v Unkw-_À 20 apX 26 hsc Z¯v {Kma-¯nse Fkv. F³. Fw. ]»nIv kvIqfn h¨v \S-¶p. {Kma-¯nse hoSp-I-fn ]¨-¡-dn ss¯ hnX-cWw \S-¯p-Ibpw ImSp-I-bdn InS-¶n-cp¶ Øe -§Ä hr¯n-bm-¡p-Ibpw sNbvXp. AtXm-sSm¸w Iym¼-kn ASp-¡-f-t¯m-«hpw \nÀ½n-¨p. A²y-b-\-hÀjs¯ {]hÀ¯-\an-I-hns\ XpSÀ¶v bqWnäv sk{I-«dn \b\ kPo-hn\v anI¨ thmfân-bÀ¡pÅ alm-ßm-KmÔn kÀh-I-em-Im-e-bpsS ]pc-kvImcw e`n-¨p.


The activities of Physics department for the academic year 2019-2020 started with the inauguration of the Physics Association held at college seminar hall on 1st October 2019. The function was inaugurated by Dr. C.M. Sreejith, Principal, SNM college, Maliankara. On the occasion, Dr. Urmila. K.S, Assistant Professor/Convenor of Physics Association extended a welcome address and Sri. C.P. Sunil Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics delivered the presidential address. Sri. Krishnakumar.U.R, Assistant Professor in Department of Commerce extended felicitation address. Followed by the inaugural ceremony a talk on ‘Introduction to Quantum Mechanics’ was delivered by the chief guest of the function, Dr. K. Madhu, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, UC College, Aluva. Nearly 75 B.Sc students, 30 M.Sc students and 8 faculties of physics department participated in the programme. At the end of the talk, an interactive session was arranged for the students to clear their doubts related to the topic of discussion with the speaker.



Related to village adoption programme, Department of Physics has organized an awareness class on energy conservation for students as well as for the public on 16th December 2019. Class was taken by Mr. Biju. P, Assistant Engineer, KSEB, Moothakunnam. The topics discussed in the class was on how to conserve energy in an efficient way, safety measures that one should know while handling electricity, simple ways to reduce electricity bills and so on. Nearly 50 students and 10 faculties were benefited by the programme. On the event of solar eclipse on 18th December 2019, PG students conducted an awareness class to all students of the college on various facts related to solar eclipse like how it occurs, precautionary measures to be taken while watching solar eclipse. They have prepared power point presentations on the topic and made the session interactive. In addition, they have demonstrated still models of telescopes and explained their uses in detail which were very useful for students from all subjects. Nearly 40 students were benefitted by the programme.

As a part of village adoption activities, about 45 students including both UG and PG, conducted an energy conservation campaign on 23rd December 2019 at almost 200 houses of adopted village under the guidance of concerned faculties. They have prepared questionnaire to collect the details of energy consumption in these houses. The survey reports were then analyzed to find remedies to their problems. Celebrating the 50th anniversary of man’s expedition to the moon, an interdepartmental power point presentation was conducted by the department on the topic “The First Moon Landing” on 13th January 2020 at college seminar hall. Nearly 20 students from various departments participated in the competition. Faculties from various departments also took part in the event. Dr. P.G. Renjith, Assistant Professor, Department of Malayalam and Sanskrit and Smt. T.S. Reena. Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce were the invited judges. Cash prize and certificates were distributed to the winners.

In connection with energy conservation programme, the department took initiative in conducting an LED bulb making workshop in association with NSS unit of SNM college on 26th February 2020. The session was engaged by Mr. Sabir, Operator Engineer, KSEB Malappuram. The programme was meant to create awareness among public on how to reduce their electricity consumption by using LED bulbs, manufacture and repair of LED bulbs and so on. About 80 students, 15 faculties and 20 kudumbasree workers participated in the programme. All the participants were given hands on training on LED bulb making. The LED bulbs thus made were sold among staff and other local people. Related to science day celebrations, a power point competition on the topic “Science of Sound” was organized for B.Sc Physics students on 27th February 2020 at college seminar hall. Dr. T. R. Bindu, Assistant Professor, Deparment of Hindi, Smt. K. U. Anusree, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry and Smt. Manju N, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics were the invited judges of the competition. Kattiparambil Raghavan Vidyasagar endowment award was given to the first prize winner. Nearly 75 students and 8 faculties participated in the programme.


The Botany association activities for academic year 2019-2020 were held on 5th August 2019. It was conducted as two session. The morning session was orientation programme for our fresher students. Afternoon session was the inauguration of association activities. The scholarly gathering that marks the beginning of the activities of Botany Association ‘Lindernia’ 2019-20 was held on 5th August 2019. . Everybody was welcomed to the gathering by Dr. M. G. Sanilkumar, HoD, Department of Botany. Dr. C.N Sunil, Associate Professor (Retd.) and Research Guide, Research Department of Botany, SNM College Maliankara inaugurated the ceremony. Dr. C.M. Sreejit, our esteemed Principal presided over the function and delivered the presidential address. The inaugural function was followed by a highly informative talk on “Man and Nature” which encompassed the passion and over 30 years of forest expedition of Dr. C.N. Sunil . Felicitation was delivered by Smt. Minu M, HoD, Department of Zoology. All those present for the gathering was thanked by Ms. Lakshmi P., Convenor, Botany Association.

started at 10 am, inaugurated by Dr. C M Sreejit, Hon: Principal SNM College Maliankara. There were 38 student and 3 teachers from DD Sabha High School, Karimbadam, N. Paravur and St. Augustine High school Njarakkal, actively participated. The workshop carried out in three Technical sessions, includes

The orientation programme for UG and PG students of Botany was also held on the same day. A highly informative lecture on Life Science: The Treasure of Opportunities, by Dr. M. Anilkumar, Assistant Professor & Research Guide, UC College, Aluva was arranged for all the students of our department.

The second session handled by Research scholars Miss. Lidiya V S and Mrs. Priyanka M V. All the participants were visited the Algal Culture Lab of the department. Then gave an introductory talk on various algal culture techniques and its applications in our day to day life.

The research Department of Botany SNM College Maliankara organized a one day Seaweed Exhibition and Workshop on 09-10-2019. The programme

Session (iii) lead by Miss. Divya P V, Research scholar, she introduced the working and different aspects of Phase contrast microscope in algal studies. All




Introduction to the world of Algae


Preface of various algal culture techniques and its application


Familiarization of Phase contrast microscope and its application in algal studies


Seaweed Exhibition


Valedictory session

The first session lead by Dr. M G Sanilkumar, HoD & Research Guide of Dept. of Botany. He had given a detailed class on Micro and macroalgae, classification, habitat, and its application in our daily life. Then field visit was conducted and collected different types of microalgae from the College campus. The microscopic examination of collected samples was also done.

the students were excitedly observed the specimens collected from the field through the Phase contrast microscope. Fourth session included exhibition of 24 species of Seaweeds collected from Kerala Coast. The student’s doubts regarding the Seaweeds were clarified by Miss. Roshni T Ramanan, Research Scholar. The valedictory session includes Feedback from students and teachers and vote of thanks by Dr. E C Baiju Assistant Professor and Research Guide Dept. of Botany. The activities of Botany Department in connection with Village adoption was done on 26th December 2019. The main Objectives and plan of action was to identify areas with mangroves and spread awareness on the importance of mangrove vegetation. On second stage, planting of mangrove saplings was done as a perspective of conservation. A group of thirty students along with Head of department Dr. M. G. Sanilkumar, and Association Convenor Ms. Lakshmi P, and lab assistant Mr. Syam Kumar visited Sathar Island and nearby areas in ward 1 and 2 having mangrove vegetation to spread awareness about importance of mangroves and planting of mangrove saplings were also done. Continuous monitoring on planed areas will also be done.

The Physical Education Department of SNM College has produced sportsmen who adorned the name of the nation in many State, National, Inter Collegiate and inter University events. The College ranked 19th at the University sports performance among 225 colleges under M.G University. In this Academic year 2019-20 Our college has participated 10 teams in Mahatma Gandhi inter collegiate championships. From this we bagged two championships in ball badminton (men & women team), Runner up in softball (Men)., Second runner up in swimming (400 Mts Individual Medley and 200 Mts Back stroke), Fourth in Netball (Men & women) and Kho Kho Men.15 students were represented Mahatma Gandhi University in All India inter university Championships. Narendran C D of II B Com Computer Application bagged silver Medal in All India inter University Netball championship 2020. 5 students were represented Kerala and bagged medals in National Championships and 11 students were bagged medals in state championships. The Annual Sports Day of our college was held on 28th of February 2020. It was held in the playground of our College. Dr. Bhuvaneswari M G, Principal was the chief guest. The sports meet involved the enthusiastic participation of all the students including aided and self-financing courses. The students actively participated in both track and field events and Games.


As a part of Association inauguration the department of Zoology organized a seminar on “SCIENTIFIC APPROACH IN RESEARCH PROCESS”. On 14th January 2020 @10.00 am at Seminar Hall SNMC Maliankara. The topic was handled by Dr.Teji KT Assistant professor of Zoology Morning Star Home Science College Angamali. The Idea behind having such a seminar was to guide the zoology students regarding project presentations proposal wring, article writing as well as review writing method. Ms. Minu M delivered an introductory welcome speech as the head of the department and convenor of the programme. The programme was presided by Dr. CM Sreejit, Principal SNM College Maliankara. Felicitations were given by Ms. Sreeja PR Ho D of Malayalam. The association activities of the year 2019-20 was inaugurated byDr Teji KT. In her inaugural address she guided the participants regarding good proposal writing, how to present a project, how to write keywords and references in research articles with some examples. After this excellent speech, there was a doubt clearing session. Vote of thanks was given by Mr. Akhosh P, student convenor of the association activities. The department of Zoology organized a seminar on“The better me” as a part of induction programme to first year students on 22ndJuly 2019 @10.30 am at Seminar Hall SNMC Maliankara. The resource persons of the programme were Ms. Salini Shine (Clinical Psychologist Don Bosco



Hospital)&Mr. Shine.V. Shaji (Success coach, Counsellor & Executive trainer). The programme was conducted in two sessions. The Idea behind having such a seminar was to motivate the fresh zoology students of our department. Ms. Minu M delivered an introductory welcome speech as the head of the department and convenor of the programme. She welcomed the principal as well as Hon’ble guest & all the participants on behalf of the Department of Zoology. She explained the purpose behind the seminar. The programme was presided by Dr. CM Sreejit, Principal SNM College Maliankara. Felicitations were given by Dr. EC Baiju,Assistant Professor of Botany SNMC. The first session was a fun based stress -management session by Mr. Shine Shaji V. Professionally, Mr. Shine has played various roles as Success coach, Counsellor, Executive corporate trainer&life skills. Second session was handled by Dr. Saline Shine, Clinical Psychologist Don Bosco Hospital. She engaged the students in a refreshing and educative session. After this excellent speech, there was an experience sharing session.Our students participated well in that session Vote of thanks was given by Ms. Thejaswy R Varma, PG student Department of Zoology.

The department of English had Mrs. Bilsha B as our convenor programmes for the Academic year were discussed, planned, organized and effectively implemented by the English community of the campus. The teachers and students gracefully worked hand in hand and successfully completed each mission of the set agenda. It was an eventfull academic year. An orientation programme for the first year students was led by Prof. M. G. Sasidharan, (Retd. Professor of English, S. N. M. College, Maliankara). As part of the extension activities the students and teachers of the department continue to give communicative English lessons for the primary school students of various schools. Students of the department also offered basic English lessons for the kudumbasree members of Ward 1 or 2 of vadakkekara panchayath as part of the villege adoption imitative Dr. Seeja Vinod (Asst. Professor, S. N. M. T. C.) gave a talk on educational Psychology of the first year students of the department . The department organized an international webinar to beat pandemic scenario and gathered web to continue academic endeavours. The international webinar series on skills and skill development had four sessions was by four eminent resource persons. Introductory session was by Mr. Ajan K A. (Head of department of Mathematics, S. N. M. College, Maliankara) which was followed by the session titled “Leverage your career Competency by developing soft skills” by Dr. Swapnesh s. (Asst. Professor, R. I. T. Pampady). The club FM, Dubai Radio Jockey, R. J. Neena’s session of “Oratary and life skill” was highly appreciated. The concluding session of webinar was on content writing / creation titled “Art of content creation” by Miss. Neethu V. J. ( I. B. teacher, writer and news reader) . The international webinar had the participation of 146 students including participants for I. I. T., Bombay, I. I. S. C. Bangalure forien Universities. In short, the academic year are busy and active period, for the teachers and students alive.


Commerce department activities has started with the inaugural ceremony of Commerce Association by Sri. M V Jose, Principal Lakshmi College, N Paravur. He delivered a mind touching speech to the students as regards life success. In the after noon session our students participated in an inter class Product Launching competition for getting a live business experience to them. As a part of induction program, Dr. Vimala P, Retired Professor from St. Xaviers College Aluva has delivered a lecture on psychological balancing of students. She also suggests some study tips to our students as regards learning. All of our students were actively participated in this session. As a part of village adoption program, the Department of Commerce has conducted an awareness campaigning to the households living in Ward 1 & 2 of Vadakkekara Grama Panchayath. The campaigning was on the various Investment and Insurance schemes of Postal Department of India such as Sukanya Samridhi Account, Grameena Postal Life Insurance, Savings Bank Account, Current Account etc. Students which



are selected for this program were categorized in to four groups with one leader to serve the target audience escorted by two Faculty Members. The team covered 280 households in a day and they delivered a brochure of various schemes of Postal Department printed in Malayalam.

auditorium was divided into different sections for different stalls. Students of three batches took the charge in different stalls. The sale was open for the whole college. The finance section was dealt by a group of students, they could witness a live marketing experience.

The Department of Commerce in association with Geojit Financial Services Ltd.,Kaloor, conducted an awareness program on " How to trade in Stock Market. It was an interesting session to the students. Being Commerce students,they got effective advices on trading. A Live trading demo was also shown for the students.The session was conducted at the seminar hall at 2:30pm.The training was also followed by a Q&A session so that the students could clear their doubts regarding trading.

Department has conducted many career guidance classes for our students for the right selection of future courses. Some of the leading institutions conducted this career classes in regular intervals. Students also participated and bagged many prizes in different management fest conducted by various institutions. Some of our students actively participated in MG University Kalolsavam and Sports meet.

Commerce department has conducted a program called Spicy 2020 in association with Government VHSE Njarakkal. The program intended to enhance the marketing skills among the students. Home made food items prepared by the students of VHSE Njarakkal was exhibited in different stalls. College

Department has organised five days pleasure trip for our final year students. 46 Students and three teachers were actively participated in this trip. Thank you Dr. KRISHNAKUMAR U R HOD Commerce Department


A Poster making competition in the topic ‘Statistics in daily life” was organized on 4th July 2019 in connection with Birth Anniversary of Prof.P CMahalanobis. All the departments actively participated. The inauguration of Mathematics association was done, by Principal Dr. C M Sreejith on 17thJuly 2019 at 2pm in the seminar hall at SNM College Maliankara. Departmentorganized an orientation programme for first year UG and PG studentson 17th July 2019.Mr Rajeev S R, Head of operations, Rajagiri Centre of Skill Development,Rajagiri College of Social Science gave motivational talk with students. On 18th July 2019, a career orientation programme for UG and PG Mathematics students was organized. Dr. Bajeel from Mathlabdelivered future job opportunities and their eligibilities after BSC or MSc Mathematics and higher studies and chances. A talk on Human rights was organized the final year UG students on 20th September, 2019 at Seminar hall. Adv. N.S. Ajay, Taluk Legal Service Committee delivered the Talk . He discussed article 33, Fundamental rights and rights for children and women and on the misuse of mobile phones. The department conducted a presentation competition on “conservation issues of

Western Ghats – Gadgil committee Report &Kasthoorirangan Report and Mathematics in nature –Golden Ratio & Fibonacci Sequence” on 19 th October 2019. 4 groups of third year BSc Mathematics students participated in the presentations. Dr. M G Sanilkumar, dept. Of Botany, Sri. Ajeesh S, Dept. of English, and Smt. Ninu S Lal, Dept. of Mathematics were judged the competition. Conducted a door to door campaign to educate the residents of the adopted village on Central/State Government Social welfare programs, uses of RTI in daily life, importance of preserving the environment, as the part of village adoption activities during 20/12/201926/12/2019. 7 groups of 8 students and faculties participated in this campaign. Around 25 houses covered by each group. Department conducted a Career Guidance talk on “Study in Foreign Countries” for all final year UG students on 16th January 2020 .Smt. Fancy Manju, General Manager of Osaka Educare talked about the various educational institutions in foreign countries and procedures to get admission in those institutions. A seminar on “Mathematicians of Kerala” delivered by Prof. Dr. RamachandranP.T.,The Director, School of Mathematics and Computational Science, University of Calicut, was arranged on 3rd March 2020.


aebmf hn`mKw hnZymÀ°nIfpsSbpw A²ym]IcpsSbpw Iq«mbvabmb aebm×, 2019þ20 A²yb\hÀj¯n hnhn[ {]hÀ¯\§Ä \S¯n. 19þ06þ2019- hmb\mZn\mNcWw \S¯n. hnZymÀ°nIfpw A²ym]Icpw X§fpsS hmb\m\p`h§Ä ]¦ph¨p. hmb\]£mNcW¯nsâ `mKambn aebmf hn`mKw, ]qÀÆ hnZymÀ°n kwLS\bpambn tNÀ¶v 25þ06þ2019 sNmÆmgvN, _joÀt\mhepIfpsS BkzmZ\¡pdn¸v aÕcw, . 01þ07þ2019 Xn¦fmgvN, ]n.tIihtZhv A\pkvacWw ,5þ07þ2019 ,shÅnbmgvN _joÀ A\pkvacWw F¶nh \S¯n. _joÀt\mh BkzmZ\¡pdn¸v aÕc¯n hnPbnIÄ¡v k½m\§Ä \ÂIn.\nehnse hnZymÀ°nIsf IqSmsX ]qÀÆ hnZymÀ°nIÄ IqSn CXn ]s¦Sp¯p. 08þ07þ2019 Xn¦fmgvN aebmf hn`mKw H¶mw hÀj _ncpZ þ _ncpZm\´c hnZymÀ°nIÄ¡mbn `mj þ kmlnXy t{]cI ¢mÊv \S¯n. ImkÀtKmUv, sk³{S bqWnthgvknän A²ym]I \mb {io. lcnZmkv.sI.apJy {]`mjWw \S¯n. `mj, kmlnXyw F¶nhbpambn _Ôs¸« kwib ZpcoIcWw IqSn CXnsâ `mKambncp¶p. 26þ07þ2019 'ag aebmfw ' \S¯n. aebm× hÀjw tXmdpw \S¯n hcp¶



Cu ]cn]mSn {]n³kn¸mÄ tUm. kn.Fw.{ioPn¯v DZvLmS\w sNbvXp. hIp¸p ta[mhn {ioaXn. {ioP ]n.BÀ. A²y£X hln¨p. ag {]tabam¡nb Cu ]cn]mSnbn hnZymÀ°nIfpw A²ym]Icpw ]m«pIÄ IhnXIÄ, IYIÄ , sshÚm\nIþ sshImcnI A\p`h§Ä F¶nh ]¦p h¨p.

kwk-vIrX k-vIqfn h¨mWv ]cn]mSn kwLSn¸n¨Xv.k-vIqÄ {]n³kn¸mÄ {ioaXn Pb{io DZvLmS\w sNbvXp.Fkv.F³.hn. k-vIqfnse A\p{io, AanX F¶nhÀ H¶pw c>pw Øm\§fpw aq¯Ip¶w Fkv.F³.Fw k-vIqfnse Bcy\µ aq¶mw Øm\hpw t\Sn.

aebmfw AtkmÊntbj\mb aebm×bpsS {]hÀ¯t\mZvLmS\ hpw tImtfPnse apgph³ hnZymÀ°n IfpsS kmlntXym¶a\¯n\p th>nbpÅ kmlnXy thZn ¢_nsâ DZvLmS\hpw 01þ08þ2019 \v \S¯n. ]me, skâv tXmakv tImtfPnse A²ym]I\mb tUm.tXmakv k-vIdnbbmbncp¶p {]kvXpX IÀ½w \nÀÆln¨Xv.

5þ09þ2019 A²ym]IZn\mNcWw \S¯n. aebmf hn`mKw hnZymÀ°nIÄ FÃmhn`mK¯nse A²ym]IÀ¡mbn BiwkmImÀUpIfpw a[pc ]elmc§fpw hnXcWw sNbvXp.

16þ08þ2019 IÀ¡SIamkmNcWw \S¯n. cmambWw ASnØm\am¡n {]ivt\m¯cn aÕcw ,]mcmbW aÕcw F¶nh \S¯n.aebmf hn`mK¯nse hnZymÀ°nIÄ¡p {]tXyIambpw kmlnXythZn ¢ºpambn tNÀ¶v tImtfPnse apgph³ hnZymÀ°nIÄ¡pambn«mWv ta¸dª aÕc§Ä \S¯nbXv. 17þ08þ2019 aebm×, ]qÀÆ hnZymÀ°n Ifpambn tNÀ¶v, ]dhqÀ D]PnÃbnse k-vIqÄ hnZymÀ°nIÄ¡mbn IhnXmem]\ aÕcw \S¯n. t\mÀ¯v ]dhqÀ ,Fkv.F³ .hn .

6þ09þ2019 HmWmtLmjw \S¯n. tImtfPnse hnhn[ HmW aÕc §fn aebmf hn`mKw hnZymÀ°nIÄ ]s¦Sp¯p. ]q¡f aÕc¯n c>mw Øm\hpw hma\³ aÕc¯n H¶mw Øm\hpw t\Sn. aebmf hn`mKw 'HmWw sImÅ ' BtLmjambn \S¯n.HmWkZybpw D>mbncp¶p. 15þ10þ2019 aq¶mw hÀj _ncpZ hnZymÀ°nIÄ¡mbn ]cnØnXn ]T\bm{X \S¯n.awKfh\w, sIm¨n kn.Fw.F^v.BÀ.sF, t^mÀ«psIm¨n F¶nhS§fnte¡v \S¯nb bm{Xbv¡v hnPn.Fw.]n, tUm.kwKoX XncphÄ ,jn_n³ F¶o A²ym]IÀ t\XrXzw hln¨p. 01þ11þ2019 tIcf¸ndhn BtLmjn¨p.' Rm³ aebmfn, Fsâ `mj aebmfw' F¶v tcJs¸Sp¯nb _mUvPv

tImtfPn hnXcWw \S¯n.aebmf hn`mKw ko\nbÀ A²ym]nIbmb tUm.Sn.F¨v. PnX ,hIp¸pta[mhn {ioaXn. {ioP.]n.BÀ F¶nhÀ {]n³kn¸mfn\v _mUvPv \evIn sIm>mWv ]cn]mSnbpsS DZvLmS\w \S¯nbXv. 04þ11þ2019  Fw.F.100 % hnPbmtLmjw \S¯n.aebmf hn`mK¯n 2018þ2019 hÀj¯n Fw.F bv¡v 100 % hnPbw t\SnbXnsâ BtLmjambn«mWv ]cn]mSn kwLSn¸n¨Xv. 9þ11þ2019 aebmf hn`mKw ]qÀÆ hnZymÀ°n kwKaw \S¯n. BZy _ncpZ _m¨nse hnZymÀ°nIsf BZcn¨p. s{]m^. sI.F³.hnjvWp\¼qXncn DZvLmS\w \S¯n. ]qÀÆ A²ym]Icpw hnhn[ taJeIfn {]hÀ¯n¡p¶ ]qÀÆ hnZymÀ°nIfpw ]s¦Sp¯p. 21þ12þ2019 Z¯p{Kmaw ]²XnbpsS `mKambn 'sXänÃm¯ aebmfw: tX³ aebmfw' ¢mÊv \S¯n.tImtfPnsâ Z¯p {Kmaamb hSt¡¡c ]©mb¯v c>mw hmÀUnse ]¯mw ¢mÊphscbpÅ hnZymÀ°nIÄ¡mbn A£came, D¨mcWw,Nn XpS§nbh DÄs¸Sp¶ ¢mÊv \S¯n. A²ym]IcpsS t\XrXz¯n _ncpZm\´c _ncpZ hnZymÀ°nIfmWv Cu ¢mÊv \S¯nbXv.

06þ01þ2020 aebmf hn`mK¯nse AXnYn A²ym]nIbmb tUm.kwKoX Xncphfnsâ A]c§Ä, AScpIÄ F¶o {KÙ§Ä {]Imi\w \S¯n. Fkv. F³.Fw. tImtfPnse ap³ {]n³kn¸mÄ Bbncp¶ KoXme£van, aebmf hn`mKw ko\nbÀ A²ym]nIbmb tUm.Sn.F¨v. PnX F¶nhÀ {]Imi\ IÀ½w \nÀÆln¨p. hIp¸p ta[mhn {ioaXn {ioP ]n.BÀ, ImeSn kÀhIemime A²ym]nI tUm.sI BÀ kPnX F¶nhÀ {KÙ§Ä Gäphm§n. 23þ01þ2020 kmlnXythZn ¢ºnsâ IqSn t\XrXz¯n ssIsbgp¯p Zn\t¯mS\p_Ôn¨v ssIsbgp¯p aÕcw \S¯n.aebmf hn`mKw hnZymÀ°n km{µ.Pn._m_p, `uXnIhn`mKw hnZymÀ°n Zo].]n .In\n F¶nhÀ H¶pw c>pw Øm\§Ä t\Sn. 14þ02þ2020 kmlnXy thZn ¢ºnsâ IqSn t\XrXz¯n {]Wb Zn\t¯mS\p_ Ôn¨v IhnX cN\ aÕcw \S¯n. 20þ02þ2020 temI amXr`mjm Zn\ t¯mS\p_Ôn¨v kmlnXythZn ¢ºnsâbpw ,EBSB ¢ºnsâbpw IqSn t\XrXz¯n temI amXr`mjm Zn\mNcWt¯mS\p_Ôn¨v ]pkvXI {]ZÀi\hpw D]\ymk cN\m aÕchpw \S¯n.

27þ02þ2020 Z¯p{Kmaw ]²XnbpsS `mKambpÅ 'sXänÃm¯ aebmfw: tX³ aebmfw' ¢mÊv \S¯n. Z¯p {Kma¯nse Fkv.F³.Fw.FÂ.]n. k-vIqfnse aq¶v, \mev ¢mÊpIfnse hnZymÀ°nIÄ¡mbn `mjmht_m[ ¢mÊv \S¯n.`mjmIznkv, IhnXm ]mcmbW aÕcw F¶nhbpw CXnsâ `mKambncp¶p. _ncpZm\´c hnZymÀ°nIfmWv ¢mÊv ssIImcyw sNbvXXv. aebmf hn`mKw hÀjwtXmdpw ]pd¯nd¡n hcp¶ ssIsbgp¯p {KÙw, hnZymÀ°nIfpsS kÀ¤mßIXbpsS sXfnhmWv. Cu hÀjs¯ ssIsbgp¯p {KÙw 'Ien'bpsS {]Imi\w28þ02þ2020, shÅnbmgvN {]n³kn¸mÄ tUm. Fw.Pn.`pht\izcn \S¯n. aebmf hn`mKw tImtfPnse A²ym]IþA\²ym]IÀ¡p th>n \S¯p¶ _p[kwKaw, 03þ07þ2019, 24þ07 2019, 07þ08þ2019, 18þ09þ2019,6þ11þ2019, 19þ02þ2020,4þ03þ2020 F¶o Znhk§fn \S¯n. hnhn[ hnjb§sf ap³\nÀ¯nbpÅ aÕc§fpw kwhmZ§fpamWv _p[kwKa¯n \S¯nbXv.aebmf hn`mK¯nse FÃm A²ym]Icpw ta¸dª ]cn]mSnIÄ¡p th> \nÀt±i§fpw aäp klmb§fpw \ÂIn.


The Department of chemistry SNM College Maliankara organized an induction programme for first year BSc Chemistry students. The programme was inaugurated by Dr.C.M.Sreejit, Principal, SNM college Maliankara. The session started with a prayer by students, followed by the lighting of the lamp. The Session commenced with the welcome note by Dr.M.G.Bhuvaneswary, HoD Dept of chemistry. The interactive session began with the felicitation by Dr. U.R.Krishnakumar, Assistant Professor, Department of commerce. The Resource person Sri. M.V Jose Sir, Director, Lakshmi College N. Paravur, shared his memories and experiences to motivate the students. The Session was highly informative. The event concluded with vote of thanks by Dr. Resmi V.C, Programme Convenor, Department of chemistry. There was a positive feedback on induction programme from all the students. Chemistry association inauguration was



conducted on 6th August 2019. The resource person was Prof. V.K.Madhusudhanan, Nehru College, Pambadi. The session started with a prayer by student. It was followed by welcome address by Dr.Resmi.V.C. She briefed about the chemistry association and gave an outline of the futureplans activities of the CHEMIE LIFE CLUB. The presidential address was taken by Dr M:G ahuvaneswary,Head, Dept of Chemistry. The ceremony was inaugurated by Dr. VIN Madhusudhanan. He shared his memories about his service period and gave valuable information regarding the compositions of chemical substances that we consume in our daily life. He suggested that the club activities should be arranged beyond the college campus also. He suggested that the club activities should be arranged beyond the school campus also. And he gave an informative session from 10.30 am to 12.30 pm regarding the topic "Chemistry in

everyday life" followed by felicitation of Dr.Jitha T.H. former HOD Dept. of Malayalam. This auspicious occasion gets concluded by the vote of thanks expressed by the Association secretary Miss Sethulakshmi from lind year MSc Chemistry. Interdepartmental quiz competition "Ozone was organized by Dept of chemistry as a part of ozone day celebration. The programme was conducted on 23/09/2019 at 2 pm on seminar hall, SNM College Maliankara. Students lead the programme successfully with the support of teachers. The Quiz masters were Sreelakshmi A.R. (II nd MSc Chemistry) and Apsara V.H. (Ist MSc.Chemistry), Department of Physics secured first prize in the competition. Dept of chemistry organised a one-day workshop for the 12th grade students of Kottuvallikad Higher Secondary school. Many interesting experiments and classes were introduced before the students

in the lab. Also, they were given classes in Chemistry to enrich their knowledge about the subject. Students were all excited to see the various experiments. They appreciated the classes. They could also clear their doubts about the classes and experiments in the interactive session. Chemistry students prepared soaps and detergents in the laboratory under the guidance of teachers. It was a successful event and the products were all proved to be great in their quality and use. As a part of SNM college adopted village project our teachers and students visited the ward no. 2 of Vadakkekkkara Panchayath, and collected samples of drinking water from different sources. The aim was to check for their purity. Also the people of the ward was taught to identify the adulteration in the things that are a part of their daily lives. Many methods were introduced before them for the same. People were made to notice the miserable

condition of the sources from which they use to collect the drinking water before. the samples of water were collected from those sources to detect the presence of e-coli bacteria, pH value, hardness of water and the presence of poisonous substances. The team also introduced how to remove formalin and ammonia from fishes which indeed causes cancer in human bodies Department of chemistry conducted an exhibition and sale of useful products in daily life. The programme was inaugurated by, Seena K.P. Supt SNM college Maliankara. The session started with a prayer by students, followed by cutting the ribbon. The beautiful event began with the felicitation by Dr. Rekha Parthasarathy, Assistant Professor, Dept OF zoology. Students prepared chemical products like soaps, detergents, hand washes, dish washes, floor cleaners, tollet cleaners, paper bags, cloth bags etc each and every product was made

so carefully in the lab under 100% hygienic conditions which stands high in its quality. All teachers and non-teaching staffs bought the products made by students. They were all well accepted by everyone and were sold at reasonable prices. Students stared paper bag making in the classroom. First year BSc student Anuvindh and MSc student Athira trained them for making paper and cloth bags. Paper bags were all handmade. They followed very simple steps and therefore we could create a bulk of them. This was made in a view of vanishing plastic bags from campus and surroundings. With news of the novel corona virus (COVID -19) hitting the world we have thought of the idea of making alcohol-based sanitizers. As it is said that they would prevent the spread of the viruses. We were successful in making them. Also, we could make enough quantity of them in our lab and could supply it to the campus and surroundings.


Department of Economics conducted various programs as part of its economics association activities during the academic year 2019-20. It aims at the overall development and to foster relations between the members of the department. An orientation program has been organized for 1-year UG and PG students on 12th July 2019. Dr. K.S Krishnakumar, Associate Professor, SNM Training college, Moothakunnam was the resource person. The inaugural ceremony of the economics association was held on 7th August 2019 by Dr. Mary Matilda, the former Principal of Maharaja's College, Ernakulam. The inaugural ceremony was followed by a seminar by Dr. Mary Matilda on the topic "Contemporary Economics and Ethics" One of the prestigious programs taken up by the department of economics is the village adoption program. The staff and students of the Department of Economics took a survey on the socio-economic



conditions, of the women of adopted ward of Vadakkekara Panchayat. The survey was conducted on 21st December 2019. Three Ayalkoottams were selected namely Anugraha, Aiswarya and Bhagyalakshmi which consists of 47 houses. Around 30 students and 5 teachers participated in this survey. On 23rd December the staff and students distributed vegetable saplings to these houses. 25 saplings distributed to each house. Under the Patronage of the Department of Industries & Commerce, Government of Kerala, an entrepreneurial development club has been functioning under the department. The main objective of the club is to inculcate entrepreneurship skills among the students. The Entrepreneurship Development Club organized formal Inauguration of the Club and its activities for the academic year 2019-2020 on 25th September 2019. Smt. Nitha A U Assistant Professor is the program coordinator. College Principal Dr. C. M Sreejith

inaugurated the function. Taluk Industrial Development Officer Tarun Kumar V took the class based on innovative entrepreneurship. Department of Economics, SNM College Maliankara, organized Onam celebration on 6th September 2019 as part of celebrations of the college. Students participated in the Pookalam competition and Maveli -Vamanan competition respectively. They also lead a procession as part of the celebration inside the college premises. An interactive session "An Interaction with a successful entrepreneur" was organized for the students of the Entrepreneurship Development Club by the ED Club on 24.01.2020. Elza Mariya Sunny, founder Lizbeth Galleria was the resource person. She interacted with students and shared her own experience on the path to becoming a successful entrepreneur and also spoke about how an idea can be converted to reality. 58 students were participated in the session.



tIcfw I> Gähpw henb ]ptcm-K-a-\hm-Zn-bpw, \thm-°m\ \mb-I-\p-amWv {io\m-cm-bW Kpcp. ASn-apSn PmXn-aX hyh-Ø-bpsS hÅn-s¡-«n IpSp-§n -¡n-S-¶n-cp¶ P\-Xsb Xe-bp-bÀ¯n Nn´n-¡m\pw X§-fpsS Ah-Im-i-§Ä t\Sn-sb-Sp-¡m\pw ap¶n \n¶p \bn¨ a\p-jy³, AsX, hbÂhmcw ho«n P\n¨p hfÀ¶ ]¨-bmb a\p-jy³. {ioIr-jvW³, {io_p-²³, tbip{In-kvXp, apl-½Zp \_n, {ioi-¦-c³ XpS-§nb PK-ZvKp-cp-¡-·m-cpsS ]c-¼-c -bn h¶m-hnÀ`-hn¨v Hcp {]tXy-I-amb {io\m-cm-bW aXw Øm]n-¡msX aX -k-a-\zb aqÀ¯nbpw a\p-jy-kvt\-ln -bp-ambn hÀ¯n¨ hgn-Im-«n. {io\m-cm-b-W-Kpcp hN-\-§Ä GsXmcp Ime-L-«-¯nepw {]k-à-ap-Å-h-bm-Wv. AXn-te-ähpw {]k-àn-bpÅ hmNIw "Hcp PmXn, Hcp aXw Hcp ssZhw a\p-jy\v' F¶p-ÅXv Xs¶-bm-Wv. PmXn k¦-Â]s¯¡pdn¨v hfsc imkv{Xo-b-amb ImgvN-N-¸m-SmWv Kpcphn-\p->m-bn-cp-¶-Xv. P·w sIm>v PmXn \nÝ-bn-¡p¶ coXn At±lw AwKo-I-cn¨n-cp-¶n-Ã. GI-a-X-¯n hniz-kn-¨ncp-¶-h-\m-bn-cp¶p Kpcp-tZ-h³. a\p-jy -hÀ¤s¯ H¶mbn ImWm-\pw, FÃm-hÀ¡pw Xpey-h-Im-i-am-Wv, GsXmcp kaq-l-¯n-se-¶pw ]dªp ]Tn-¸n-¨, tIc-f-k-aqlw B-cm-[n-¡p¶ B al-Xvhy-àn-bpsS hN-\-§Ä¡v C¶s¯ kaqlw F{X-t¯mfw hne -I¸n-¡p-¶p-s>¶v Hcp ]T-\-hn-j-b-am-t¡->-Xp-X-s¶-bm-Wv. tIc-f-samcp {`m´m-e-b-amWv F¶v hnth-Im-\-µ³ ]d-ª-sX{X kXy-am-W -tÃ, ImcWw PmXnbpw aXhpw tNmZn-¡ -cpXv F¶v ]Tn-¸n¨ kaq-l-¯n Cu 2021þepw Hcp A]-cn-Nn-Xs\ I>m Ah-t\Xp aX-¯nÂs¸-«-h-\m-sW¶v Nn´n-¡p-¶-h-cmWv `qcn-`m-K-hpw,

t]cv h¨v PmXn Duln-s¨-Sp-¡p-¶-hcpw Npcp-¡-aà F¶-XmWv kXyw. CXn-sâ-sbms¡ ImcWw Fs´-¶mÂ, Hcp Ip«n kvIqfn tNcp¶ \mÄ apX tI«p hf-cp¶ hm¡mWv PmXn, aXw, PmXn-kÀ«n-^n-¡äv Fs¶m-s¡. Hcp-hsâ PmXn -a-X- thÀXn-cnhv AhnsS XpS-§p-¶p, hf-cp-¶p. PmXn Xncn-¨pÅ ]«n-I-s]-Sp-¯epw kvtImfÀjn¸v hnX-c-Whpw PmXn Ft´m henb kw`-h-am-sW¶ Nn´ Ip«n-I-fn D>m-¡n-tb-¡mw. kaq-l-¯nsâ asämcp tImWn t\m¡n-bmÂ, PmXn-a-X-hn-Nmcw ]mSnà F¶v ]d-ª Kpcp-hns\ Cug-hk-ap-Zmb ssZh-ambn Bcm-[n-¡p-¶Xp ImWmw. CXn¸cw hntcm-[m-`mkw asä-´m-W-tÃ. . CXv I>vsIm->mWv A¿³Imfn {io\m-cm-b-W-Kp-cp-hns\ a\p-jy-\mbn ImWWw F¶p ]d-ª-Xv. ]Xn-\m-bn-c-¯n ]cw sNdpXpw hep-Xp-amb ssZh-§-fpÅ ssZh -¯nsâ kz´w \m«n ssZh-¯nsâ t]cn kap-Zm-b-§Ä sI«n-¸-Sp-t¡ ->-Xpt>m? Cà F¶v _p²n-sIm>v Kpcp-tZ-hs\ Adnªv lrZbw sIm>v in-jy-s¸«v {]hÀ¯-\-¯n-eqsS kz´w ISa \nÀÆ-ln-¡p¶ bYmÀ° Kpcp -`à\dnbmw Kpcp F¶m {]Imiw ]c-¯p-¶-h³ F¶m-Wv. {io\m-cm-b-W -Kpcp sXfn-bn¨p h¨ shfn-¨-saÃmw C¶v At±-l-¯nsâ BZÀi-§Ä¡v t\sc-bà {]Im-in-¡p-¶Xv F¶ hkvXpX hnj-a-t¯m-Sp-IqSn am{Xta Kpcp-hns\ Adn-ª-hÀ¡v DÄs¡mÅm-\m-Iq.

thÀXn-cn¸n¡m\pw sIme-bv¡psIm-Sp-¡m\pw DX-Ip¶ H¶mbn tIc-f-¯nse PmXn-hy-hØ hfÀ¶n-cn -¡p-¶p. \thm-°m-\-h¡-cn-¡s¸«p F¶p ]d-bp¶ Cu \qäm->n t]mepw PmXn-hy-hØ AXnsâ aqÀ[-\y-¯n Xs¶ \ne-sIm-Åp-I-bm-Wv. \¼q-Xncn sI«nb ametb tZh\p NmÀ¯mhq F¶v hmin-¸n-Sn-¡p¶ t£{X-§fpw PmXn thÀXn-cn-hn\v B¡w Iq«p-¶p->v. Hcp `àsâ Ah-Im-i-amWv AhnsS ASn-¨-aÀ¯-s¸-Sp-¶-Xv. PmXn Xncn¨v hnhm-l-_yq-tdm-IÄ Xpd-¶Xv Cu Ime -L«¯nem-sW-¶Xv ]ptcm-K-a-\]m-X-bn \S-¡p¶ \mw Hcn-¡-se -¦nepw NÀ¨sNt¿->-XmWv. \nd-¯nsâ t]cnepw PmXn-bpsS t] cnepw F¶v thÀXn-cnhv CÃm-Xm-Ipt¶m At¶ \ap¡v ]ptcm-K-a-\-ap->mbn F¶v ]d-bm-\m-Iq. AÃmsX CSp¶ hkv{X-¯nepw D]-tbm-Kn-¡p¶ hml -\-¯nepw Ign-¡p¶ `£-W-¯nepw am{Xw amäw sIm>p-h¶v ]pcm-X\ Nn´m-K-Xn-bp-ambn \S-¶m A[x]Xn-¡p-Itb DÅq. . . .

ANJU V S Ist M.Sc Zoology

Kpcp-hnsâ BZÀi-§Ä kaq-l-¯n\v ap¶n a§msX \ne-\nÀ¯m³ Øm]n¨ {]Øm\w t]mepw P\-§sf thÀXn-cn-¡m³ Imc-W-ambn F¶Xv ]¨-bmb kXy-am-Wv. ]c-kv]cw kvt\ln-¡p-¶-hsc t]mepw


-\n-d-§sf tXSnbm Hm«hpw hÀjhpw inin-chpw F\n-¡m-bvþ NndIp hnSÀ¯p-¶n-Xn-t¸mÄ. ImWp¶ ImgvNbn Gsdbpw \oen-a-bm he-b-sa-§p-ta... amcp-X³ hoinbm tIfn-bp-b-cp-¶p. ie-`-ambv Zqc-§Ä Xm>n-tbsd F³ Nnd-Ip-IÄ Bgn-bn I>p- Rm³ Gsd \nd-§-fm at\m-l-cw. Rm³ F{X-bmbv Db-c-§Ä tXSnþ be-bp¶p `qhn-se-§p-ta. . . F¶nte \nd-§sf I>-Xnà ap³s]þ Anjali Sasi Ist M.Sc Zoology



§pta. . . ]oen-¨n-d-Ip-hn-SÀ¯n-bmSpw abn-en-t\-¡mÄ kuµ-cyw.

HSphn Rms\m¶p ]pd-¯n-d-§n ]n¶n \ns¶mcp hnfn amkvIv sh¨n-«p-t>m-sb¶v apdn¨p IS-¡m³ ]äm¯ hn[w Xnc-t¡-dnb tdmUv ImWm-\nà amÀ¡-änse ]Xnhv _l-f-§-fnÃ.. Hcp hÃm¯ iq\yX F\n¡v hoÀ¸p ap«p-¶p->m-bn-cp¶p asäm-cmsf ap«n-b-t¸mÄ t\m«p ssIam-dn-b-t¸mÄ ap¼n-Ãms¯mcpÄ`bw! B t\m«nsâ Xp¼¯p hnc-ensâ Bä¯p "AXv" Ccn-¸p>mbncpt¶m? IqsS-¡q-Sn-bn-«pt>m?

Riya Shibu IIIrd BA Economics

]e hÀ®-¯n-epÅ amkvIp-IÄ Iosg Hfn-¨n-cn¡pw apJ-§Ä ]cn-N-b-¡msc I>-t¸mÄ ]Xnhp Nncn ]mÊm¡n F´p Imcy-sa¶v ]n¶o-tSmÀ¯p, shdp-sX-sbmcp Nncn ]mgmbn sImª\w Im«n-bm Ct¸mÄ Bcp-a-dn-bn-Ã, Ipkr-Xn-tbmsS Rmt\mÀ¯p hoS-W-ª-t¸mÄ s]cp-¯m-izmkw!


2011  saUn¡Â {XnÃÀ kn\nabmb Contagion ]pd¯nd§nbt¸mÄ, BtKmf ]m³sUanIv cwKs¯ bmYmÀ°yambn Nn{XoIcn¨Xn\v CXv {]iwk ]nSn¨p]än. ASp¯ Ime¯v, sImtdmW sshdkv tcmKw 2019 (COVID 19) temIsa¼mSpw hym]n¨Xn\mÂ, kn\nabn ]pXnb Xm¸cy¯nsâ hÀ²\hv D>mbn. kn\nabn Nn{XoIcn¨ncn¡p¶ sshdkv COVID 19 (SARS-CoV-2) \v ImcWambXnt\¡mÄ ]eaS§v amcIamWv, am{Xaà CXv ImcWamIp¶ A]IShpw \½psS \nehnse ]m³sUan¡nsâ ^eambn \mw ImWm³ km[yXbpÅXnt\¡mÄ hfsc `bm\IamWv. . F¶ncp¶mepw, COVID 19 t]mse Hcp almamcnsb, Hcn¡epw A\p`hn¡m¯ B A\p`hs¯ hfsc\¶mbn Nn{XoIcn¨ Ìoh³ tkmUÀ_ÀKnsâ Ignhns\ A`n\µnt¡>Xp>v.



Contagion se km¦Â¸nI sshdknsâ t]cmWv MEV-1. COVID-19 t]mse, CXv Hcp ]pXnb

sshdkmWv, AXn\À°w CXv temI¯n aps¼mcn¡epw D>mbn«nÃ, AXn\m BÀ¡pw {]Xntcm[tijnbpw CÃ. SARS-CoV-2 F¶Xn\v kam\amb DÛhhpw CXn\p>v, XpS¡¯n ssN\bn {]Xy£s¸SpIbpw arK§fn \n¶v a\pjycnte¡v tcmK_m[bpÅ arK DÂ--]¶§Ä FI-vkvt]mjÀ sN¿p¶XneqsS k©cn¡pIbpw sN¿p¶p. F¶ncp¶mepw, AXnsâ acW\nc¡v SARS-CoV-2 t\¡mÄ 10 Cc«nbmWv. izk\hyhØbn am{Xambn ]cnanXs¸Sp¯nbncn¡p¶ COVID 19  \n¶v hyXykvXambn, Fw--C-hn þ1 izmktImis¯bpw Xet¨mdns\bpw B{Ian¡p¶p, CXv Npabv¡pw ]\n¡pw ]pdta XethZ\ bv¡pw ImcWamIp¶p. ssN\bpsS

sX¡³ Xoc¯v Fw--C-hn þ1 sâ BZys¯ a\pjy tIkv Atacn¡ bnte¡v sIm>phcp¶ FI-vknIyq«ohv s_¯v Fwtlm^mbn Kzns\¯v ]mÂt{Sm A`n\bn¡p¶p. XpSÀ¶v temIsa¼mSpw, aäv \nÊlmbcmb CcIÄ Fw--C-hn þ1 \v IogS§m³ XpS§p¶p, AXn e>\nse Hcp kv{Xo Xsâ Ipfnapdnbn acn¨ \nebn hogp¶p, ssN\bnÂ, temImtcmKy kwLS\ (U»ypF¨vH) F¸nsUantbmfPnÌv tUm. entbmt\md Hdâkv Fw--C-hn þ1 AXnsâ bYmÀ° DdhnS¯nte¡v XncnsI sIm>pt]mIm³ {ian¡p¶p. km³ {^m³knkvtImbnÂ, t»mKdpw KqUmtemN\ ssk²m´nI\pamb Ae³ {IwhoUv (PqUv tem) Hcp ]²Xn X¿mdm¡m\pw XpS§p¶p. tUm. Fdn³ antbgvkv (tIäv hn³sÉäv) s\ acW§sf¡pdn¨v At\zjn¡m³ an\tkm«bnte¡v Ab¡p¶p.

antbgvkv tcmKnIfn \n¶pw aäpw Umä FSp¯v CXnsâ ]IÀ¨ \nco£n¡p¶Xn\pw \nb{´n¡p¶ Xn\papÅ kahmIy§Ä D>m¡p¶p. Hcp tcmKw _m[n¨ hyàn icmicn F{Xt]sc tcmK_m[nX\m¡psa s¶ms¡ CXn \nÀhNn¡p¶p. XoÀ¯pw C¶s¯ tImhnUnt\mSv kmayamb, Hcmfn \n¶v c>v t]cn te¡v Ahcn \n¶v 4 t]cnte¡v \men \n¶v F«v, ]Xn\mdv, A§s\ ]SÀ¶v ]nSn¡p¶ coXnXs¶bmWv kn\nabnse tcmK¯n\pw DÅXv tcmKw _m[n¨ hyànIfpambn k¼À¡w ]peÀ¯m³ km[yX bpÅhsc F¸nsUantbmfPnÌpIÄ F§s\ Xncn¨dnbp¶p F¶Xns\ ¡pdn¨pÅ Hcp ImgvN¸mSv Cu kn\na \ÂIp¶p, Cu {]{Inb BWv tIm¬SmIväv t{SknMv . CXv \½Ä {]mcw`L«¯n hfsc ^e{]Zambn D]tbmKn¨ncp¶ coXnbpamWv. sshdkv Gähpw Ffp¸w _m[n¡m³ km[yXbpÅ ssN\bnse Hcp Imknt\mbnte¡v t_¯v t]mbncp¶p. F{X hyXykvX kµÀiIÀ Htc Nn¸pIÄ ssIImcyw sN¿p¶psh¶pw Htc tÉm«v sajo\pIÄ D]tbmKn¡p¶psh¶pw DÅ kpc£m Zriy§Ä AhtemI\w sN¿p¶p. Fw--C-hn þ1 Asæn tImhnUv þ19 t]mepÅ Hcp tcmKImcn ]Scp¶Xns\¡pdn¨v Cu cwKw ImgvN¡msc ]Tn¸n¡p¶p. Fw--C-hn þ1 sâ hym]\w bYmÀ° ] IÀ¨hym[nIÄ F§s\ ]ptcmKan¡p¶p F¶Xv C¶s¯ AhØ¡v kam\amWv . Häs¸« tIkpIÄ ¢ÌdpIfnte¡v hgnamdp¶p, AXv FIv-kv-t]mW³ jy coXnbn kvt^mS\mßIambn apgph³ hym]n¡p¶p. Contagion C¶s¯ bmYmÀYyt¯mSv ASp¯p\n¡p¶Xn F¸nsUan tbmfPn, shän\dn ]mt¯mfPn, aäv

A\p_Ô taJeIÄ F¶nhbn \n¶pÅ hnZKv[tcmSv ISs¸«ncn¡p¶p, AhÀ kn\nabpsS \nÀ½mW¯nsâ Hmtcm L«¯nepw imkv{Xob IrXyXbv¡mbn ]cntim[n¨p. imkv{XÚsc ImWn¡p¶Xn t]mepw icnbmb em_v D]IcW§Ä Ds>¶pw AhÀ icnbmb ]Z{]tbmKw D]tbmKn ¡psa¶pw AhÀ Dd¸phcp¯n. Fw--C-hn þ1 Pot\mw {IaoIcn¡p¶ c>v kn--Un--kn sshtdmfPnÌpIÄ (sP¶n^À FsË, sUsa{Sn amÀ«n³ F¶nhÀ) X½nepÅ sNdnb hniZmwi§Ä¡v t]mepw, hfsc

B[nImcnIambn Xs¶ \ap¡v tXm¶p¶Xn Cu \nÀamW anIhv {]-I-S-amWv. C¶s¯ tem¡vUu¬ kam\ amb \nba§fpw BfpIÄ AXns\ ewLn¡p¶Xpw t]msebpÅ kw`h§Ä \½sf Cu kn\nasb C¶s¯ kmlNcyt¯mSv D]an ¡m³ ImcWamIp¶p. Cu kn\na bpsS Ct¸mgs¯ P\{]oXn AXnsâ

cwK§Ä kaImenI A\p`hhpambn F{Xt¯mfw kmayapÅXmWv. \nehnse s]mXp hyhlmc¯n imcocnI AIew ]men¡Â, P\¡q«s¯ Hgnhmt¡>Xnsâ BhiyIX, ssIIgpIp¶Xnsâ {]m[m\yw, \½psS apJ¯v kv]Àin¡mXncn¡pI F¶nh DÄs¸Sp¶p. AXnÀ¯nIÄ ASbv¡Â, k-vIqfpIfpw _nkn\ÊpIfpw AS¨p]q«Â, kq¸ÀamÀ¡äpIfn ]cn{`m´n, hnP\amb s]mXp CS§Ä, Pnw t\jy§Ä Xm¡menI Bip]{Xn Ifmbn amdnbXpw ]cn{`m´n krãn¡msX tcmKw ]ScmXncn¡m³ t\Xm¡Ä ]camh[n {ian¡p¶Xpw \½psS C¶s¯ AhØbpambn kmayapÅXmWv. kzbw Häs¸Sensâ GIm´Xsb Contagion hfsc\¶mbn Nn{XoIcn¡p¶p. Ct¸mÄ sN¿p¶t]mse ho«pXS¦ens\ AXnPohn¡m³ ]mSps]Sp¶Xpw, am\knIambn XIcp¶Xpw Dähscbpw DSbhscbpw ImWm\mhmsX k¦Ss]Sp¶Xpw Hs¡ CXnsâ `mKamWv. F¶ncp¶mepw, Contagion ImWn¡p¶Xpw bYmÀ° temI¯v Ct¸mÄ kw`hn¡p¶ Imcy§fpw X½n Nne hyXymk§fpw \ap¡v ImWm³ Ignbpw. DZmlcW¯n\v hfsc sNdnsbmcp ImeamWv CXn ImWn¡p¶Xv. AXvt]mse hmI-vkn³ Npcp§nb Ime¯n\pÅn F¯n¡p¶Xpw aäpw Hcp kn\nasb¶ \nebn am{Xw ImWmhp¶XmWv . Hcp almamcnsb ap¶nÂI>hsc¶ \nebn \½Ä XoÀ¨bmbpw I>ncnt¡> Hcp kn\nabmWv Contagion. \nehnse kmlNcy§tfmSv hfsc tNÀ¶v \n¡p¶XmWv Cu kn\nasb \o>Ime¯n\v tijw ho>pw P\{]nbam¡nbXv.


ImXp-IÄ sIm«n-b-S-ªp-t]mbv i_vZ-tIm-em-l-e-§Ä s]cp-Ip¶p \nXyhpw I¬t]m-f-IÄ taÂt]m«v Nen-¡m-sX-bmbv s]mSn-]-S-e-§Ä s]m§n Ifn-bm-Sp¶p Npänepw Imep-I-f-\-¡p-hm³ t]mepw Ign-bm-sX-bmbv b{´-¯n³ iàn Db-cp¶p \nc-´cw Xe-t¨mÀ XIÀ¶p-t]mbv APoÀ®amw ¹mÌn-¡n³ Iq¼mcw Ime-\-¡m-sXm-¶p-a-dn-bmsX I¬t]m-f-I-fþ S¨p-d-§p-¶-Xmbv tXm¶oSpw [cn-{Xnsb Xmcm-«p-]m-Sn-bp-d-¡p¶ Infn-Ifpw hoin-s¡m-­>m-Sp¶ ac-¯n³ Ce-Ifpw A½-X³ ]¨-¸p-X-¸p-IÄ Icn-bp¶p FÃmw hngp-§p-hm³ Ign-bp¶ kqcysâ I®n-\m H¶p-a-dn-bmsX a¡Ä X³ sNbvXn-IÄ H¶n-s\m-¶mbv `mc-ambv C{X-ta ]m]n-I-sf-¦nepw a¡-fp-d-§p-t¼mÄ s]mSn-]-S-e-§Ä AW-bp-t¼mÄ ImXp-IÄ Xpd-bp-t¼mÄ I¬]o-en-IÄ Nen-¸n-¨½ DW-cp¶p Xmtem-en-¡p-hm³ I¬Nn-½msX a¡sf t\m¡p-hm-\-½þ IÂ]n¨ aq§-bp-WÀ¶p sasà h³Nn-d-Ip-IÄ hoin-bp-d-¡p-hm-\-½þ \ntbm-Kn¨ hÆm Nen¨p sasà Adn-bp¶p {]P-Ifmw hÆmepw aq§bpw ]mXn \á-bmbv tNmc-¡-®p-\o-scmþ en¨-\-§p-hm³ Ign-bm¯ kÀÆw-k-lbmw amXm-hns\


AkvX-an-¨p-t]mbv b{´-§Ä

Nen¡m-sX-bmbv N{I-§Ä Id-§m-sX-bmbv hÆm-en³ Hä-_p-²n-bnÂ



s]cp-Ip¶p hÆm-en³ akvXnjvIw A½-X³ t\mh-dn-bm¯ a¡sf XS-bp-hm³ c£-I-\m-hp-¶nXm {]P-IÄ-þB A½-X³ ]¨-¸p-X¸p Im¡p-hm³ i_vZ-§Ä AkvX-an-¨p-t]mbv b{´-§Ä Nen-¡m-sX-bmbv N{I-§Ä Id-§m-sX-bmbv hÆm-en³ Hä-_p-²n-bn angn-am{Xw Xpd-s¶mcp shÅ-naq-§-t]m amdn a¡Ä sXm«-Sp-s¯-¦nepw sXfn-bm-sX-bmbv ]c-kv]cw apJ-§Ä s]men-bp¶ Pohs\ c£n-¡p-hm³ Zn\-cm-hp-I-fp-d-§msX kl-Pcmw amem-J-amÀ s]mcn-bp¶ hb-dns\ Du«p-hm³ AI-se-bÃmsX Icp-X-en³ ssIIÄ I®n-eq-S-dn-bWw apJw-aq-Snb temIw \·-bn-eq-S-dn-bWw t\cmb kXyw hmÕ-ey-¯n-eq-S-dn-bWw ]pWy-amb amXrXzw `b-¯n³ XS-h-d-bn-emb a¡Ä DW-cp¶p ImXp-IÄ Nen-¡p¶p Imep-IÄ ]¨-¸p-X-¸-Wn-ª½ sXfn-¡p¶p I®p-IÄ a¡ÄX³ Xn·-IÄ \ne-¨-Xn- kzÑ-bmbv Nncn-¡p¶p s]ä-½.

Sunitha Sudhi Reprographic Center S. N. M. College Library

amXm-hn³ kvt\l-¯-W-en kt´m-jn¡pw ss]X-§sf \n§-fn Btcm-Kyhpw t{ibÊpw hfÀ¯nSq amXm-hn³ Imcp-Wy-¯m \nXyhpw Iptª \nsâ _p²nbpw Nn´-Ifpw hfÀ¯n hep-Xm¡mw amXm-hn³ \nÀt±-i-§Ä ]men¡pw ss]X-§Ä¡v Kpcp-hnt\w ssZh-§fpw hµn-¡m³ ]men-¨nSq \nXyhpw amXm-hns\ hW-§pw ss]X-§Ä¡v im´nbpw DbÀ¨bpw ssIhcpw \n§Äs¡¶pw Sandra M V IInd B.Sc Mathematics


]pXpX-e-apd Hcp \mSnsâ hnI-k-\ -¯n\v AXym-h-iy-amb LS-I-am-Wv. ]pXp-X-e-ap-d-bpsS kz`m-h-cq-]o-I-c-W -¯n hnZym-`ymk k{¼-Zm-b-¯n\v {][m\ ]¦v BWv DÅ-Xv. Iq«p-Ip-Spw_ hyh-Øn-Xn-b-\p-k-cn¨v sXm«n-en InS-¡p¶ Ipªp apX hnhm-l-{]m-b-sa-¯nb tN¨n-amcpw tN« -·mcpw DÄs¸-Sp-¶Xpw hr²-·m-cpsS t\Xr-\n-cbpw DÅ-Xn-\m Ip«n-IÄ CX-c-{]m-b-¡m-cp-ambn CS-s]-Sp-¶Xn\pw kvt\lw hm§nbpw sImSp¯pw _lp-am-\n-t¡->-hsc _lp-am-\n¨pw A\p-k-cn-t¡->-hsc A\p-k-cn¨pw Pohn-¡p-¶p. 3 hbÊp apX 6 hb-Êp-hsc Xncn-¨ -dn-hnsâ Ime-L-«-am-Wv. 3 h-b-Ên\p tijw \m«nse AwK³hmSn F¶ hnZym-e-b-¯n F¯n-t¨-cp¶ Ip«n ka-{]m-b-¡m-cp-ambn k¼À¡w ]peÀ¯p-¶p. A½-bn \n¶pw BZy -ambn aWn-¡q-dp-I-tfmfw thÀ ]n-cn-tb->n-h-cp¶ B Ipªp a\-Ênsâ hnjaw a\-Ên-em¡n So¨À Ip«n-Isf Xmtem-en-¡p-¶p. A½-sb -t¸mse aSn-bn-en-cp¯n sIm©n¨pw



Ic-bp-t¼mÄ FSp-¯p -sIm>p \S¶pw H¶p hoWm hmcnsb-Sp¯pw H¶p thZ-\n-¨m apdn-hn acp¶p ]pc-«nbpw ae-aq{XhnÊÀÖ\w sN¿p-t¼mÄ klm-bn¨pw A½-sb-t¸mse Ip«n -tbmSp s]cp-am-dp¶ So¨À BWv Ip«n¡v Bizm-k-ta-Ip-¶-Xv. AXn-eqsS ]pd-sa-bpÅ apXnÀ¶ kv{XoIsf A½ -bmbn ImWm³ Ip«n-IÄ ]Tn-¡p-¶p. A½-sb-¡p-dn-¨pÅ ]m«p-Ifpw A½sb A\p-k-cn-¡msX B]-¯p-I-fn sN¶p NmSp¶ Ipªn-t¡m-gn-bpsS IYbpw Ip«n-bn-te¡v ]I-cp-¶-Xn-\m thÀs]«n-cn-¡p¶ \nan-j-§-fnepw A½sb a\-Ên sIm>p \S-¡-W -sa¶ Nn´bpw A½sb A\p-k-cn¨v A½-bv¡p-th>n Pohn-¡-W-sa¶ Xncn -¨-dnhpw Ip-«n-I-fn apf-s]m-«p-¶p. IY-I-fn-eqsS AÑsâ kvt\lhpw k¼¯pw e`n-¡p-¶-Xn\v AÑsâ CjvS{]-Imcw Pohn--¡W-sa¶ t_m[w Ah-\ n DS-se-Sp-¡p-¶p. {]Ir-Xnbpambn

_Ô-s¸« ]m«p-I-fnepw IY-I-fnepw \n¶v {]IrXn \½psS kz¯m-sW¶pw {]Ir-Xnsb kwc-£n-t¡->-Xm-sW¶pw AsÃ-¦n {]IrXnZpc-´-§Ä kw`-hn -¡p-sa¶pw Ip«n a\-Ên-em¡n {]Ir-Xn -tbmSv CW-§n-t¨-cp-hm³ ]Tn-¡p-¶p. ]m{X-§-fn sIm>p hcp¶ Sn^n³ ]c-kv]cw ]¦p-sh-bv¡p-t¼mÄ Ah³ sIm>p-h-cp-¶Xv Iq«p-Imcpw Iq«p-ImÀ sIm>p-h-cp-¶Xv Ah\pw Ign-¡p-¶p. AXn-eqsS ]¦p-sh-¡-ensâ kpJw A\p-`-hn¨v hf-cp-¶p. hen-b-h-s\t¶m sNdn-b-h-s\t¶m A\y-Pm-Xn-sbt¶m thÀXn-cn-¡msX ]c-kv]cw kvt\ln¨pw sIm¨p-sIm¨p ]nW-¡-§-fn-eq-sSbpw ]c-kv]cw kwc-£n¨pw Ign-bp¶ Ip«n-I-fpsS a\-Ên \S-¡p-¶Xv hcpw Ime-¯n-te-¡pÅ ]n¨-sh-¸m-Wv. kaq-ls¯bpw IqsS-bp-Å-h-scbpw

kwc-£n-¡m\pw kvt\ln-¡m\pw Cu ]mT-§Ä D]-I-cn-¡p-¶p. GsX-¦nepw Hcp Ip«n thÀs]« kz`mhw ImWn-¡p -¶p-sh-¦n ]Xp-s¡-¸-Xps¡ \à s]cp-am-ä-¯n-te¡v sIm>p-h-¶v So¨À thÀXn-cn-hn-Ãm¯ hnP-b-¯n-te-s¡ -¯n-¡p-¶p. ]mT-]p-kvX-I-¯nse BZy-]mTw Pohn-X-¯n ad-¡m-¯-Xp -t]mse Pohn-X-¯nse BZy-]m-T-amb Cu hnZym-e-bhpw A´-co-£hpw Hcn-¡epw ad-¡m¯ A\p-`-h-am-Ip-¶p. CXn-\p-tijw A£-c-§-fpsS temI -t¯¡v IS-¡p¶ Ip«n-I-fn Cu BZy-]mTw amXm-]n-Xm-¡sf _lp-am\n-¡p-¶-Xn\pw A\p-k-cn-¡p-¶-Xn\pw apXnÀ¶-hsc A½-þ-A-ѳ kam-\ -ambn ImWm\pw ka-{]m-b-¡msc ktlm-Z-cn-þ-k-tlm-Zc Øm\¯v \nÀ¯m\pw {]Ir-Xnsb s\t©mSp tNÀ¡m\pw Bh-iy-am-Ip¶ ka-b-§ -fn icnbpw sXäpw Xncn-¨-dn-bm\pw \à kz`m-h-cq-]o-I-c-W-¯n\pw CS-h-cp -¯p¶ H¶mWv Cu hnZym-`ym-kw. Ipd¨p Ime-§-fmbn Cu hnZym-`ymk Ime-L«w ]pXp-X-e-ap-dbv¡v e`n-¡p -¶nà F¶Xv kXy-am-Wv. Play School Restrictions {]Imcw amXm-]n-Xm-¡Ä¡v a-XnÂs¡-«n-\-I¯v {]th-i-\\n-b-{´Ww DÅ-Xn-\m AXn\p ap¼v A½-bn \n¶pw AI¶p \n¡p-¶-Xn\v Ip«n-Isf ]cn-io-en-¸n -¡m³ th>n am{X-amb Øm]-\-ambn \m«n³]p-ds¯ AwK³hmSn Bbn-cn -¡p-¶p. ap¼v 25 \p apI-fn Ip«n-I-fp ->m-bn-cp¶ Cu hnZym-e-b-¯n hnc-en-se-®m-hp¶ Ip«n-IÄ Ib-dn -bn-d§n t]mIp-¶p. Ipd¨p Znh-k -§Ä am{Xw h¶p t]mIp¶ Ip«n-IÄ am{X-amWv Cu hnZym-e-b-¯n DÅXv. ChnsS Restrictions H¶pw CÃm-¯-Xn\m a¡Ä sIm>p-h-cp¶ Sn^n³ Ipªnsâ hb-än-te¡v t]mIp-¶-Xn\p-th>n IrXy-k-a-b¯v AwK³

hm-Sn-bn-te¡v F¯p¶ A½bpw ChnsS ]Xn-hm-Wv. GXp Ip«n-I-fp -ambn Iq«p-Iq-Sp-¶p, Xmgv¶ \ne-bn-ep -Å-htcm Xmgv¶ PmXn-bn-ep-Å-h-tcm, hÀ¤-hy-Xym-k-ap-Å-htcm F¶n-§s\ t]mIp¶p amXm-]n-Xm-¡-fpsS {]Xn-I-c-Ww. ChnsS Restrictions Csà -¦nepw amXm-]n-Xm-¡Ä Ah-cpsS Ip«n -I-fn Restrictions GÀs¸-Sp-¯p-¶p. Cu hnZym-e-b-¯n \n¶pw Play School F¶ temI-t¯¡v IS-¡p-t¼mÄ Ip«n a\p-jy-cp-ambn k¼À¡w ]peÀ¯m³ CjvS-s¸-SmsX Ifn-¸m-« -§-fp-ambn tNÀ¶p Pohn-¡p-¶-Xn\v ]cn-io-en-¡p-¶p. Cu Hä-s¸« PohnXw Ahsâ a\Êv Ah-\n-te¡v Xs¶ HXp-§p-¶p. ]n¶oSv A£-c-§-fpsS temI-t¯¡v IS-¡p¶ Ah-\n amXm-]n-Xm-¡fpw A²ym-]-Icpw A+ Grade F¶Xp am{X-amWv PohnXw F¶ t_m[w ]IÀ¶v Bscbpw adn -I-S¶v Pohn-¡-W-sa¶ hnZym-`ymkw BWv \ÂIp-¶-Xv. Cu hnZym-`ymk k{¼-Zmbw IqsS-bpÅ Ip«n-I-sf -t¸mepw i{Xp Bbn ImWm³ Ahs\ ]Tn-¸n-¡p-¶p. hfÀ¶p hcp¶ ]pXp-X-e-apd kz´w Xmev]-cy-§Ä¡p -th>n Pohn-¡p-¶, amXm]n-Xm-¡-sfbpw apXnÀ¶-h -scbpw `b-s¸-Sm-¯-þ-A-\pk-cn-¡m-¯-þ-D-]-{Z-hn-¡p¶ a\p-jy-\mbn amdp-¶p. ]pkvX-I-¯n am{Xw DS-¡n-¡n-S¶ I®p-IÄ Nne-t¸m-sg-¦nepw sX¶n -amdn Npän-te¡pw t\m¡p-¶Xv tImtf-Pn-te¡v IS-¶p-h-¶ -Xn\p tij-am-Wv. A£-c-§ -fn \n¶pw Nne \nan-j-§-fn Hfn-t¨m-Sp¶ Ip«n-IÄ ]n¶oSv tImtf-Pnse hnZym-e-b

-¯nse ambm-{]-]-©-¯n atZm-·¯-\mbn B\-µn-¡p-¶p. icnbpw sXäpw Xncn-¨-dn-bm-\m-ImsX a\Êpw ico-chpw ]e Zn¡n-te¡v k©cn -¡p-t¼mÄ amXm-]n-Xm-¡-sft¶m apXnÀ¶-h-sct¶m A²ym-]-I-sct¶m Ku\n-¡msX CXp-hsc In«m¯ kplr-Zv_-Ô-§-fn F´n-s\-¶n -ÃmsX kzbw Pohn-¡p-¶p. ]pXp-X-e-ap-d-bpsS kz`mhw CXn-te¡v \bn-¨Xv C¶s¯ hnZym-`ym-k-k-{¼-Zm -b-¯nse \mw {i²n-¡msX t]mIp¶ BZy-Ime hnZym-`ymkw Xs¶-bmWv F¶mWv CXn-eqsS hyà-am-Ip-¶-sX -¦nepw \mSn\v th> ]pXp-X-e-ap-dsb hmÀs¯-Sp-¡p-¶-Xn sXäp ]än-bXv BÀ¡v? BcmWv CXn\v D¯-c-hmZn? C¶s¯ hnZym-`ym-k-k-{¼-Zm-btam? amXm-]n-Xm-¡tfm? A²ym-]-Itcm? AtXm kaq-ltam? F¶ tNmZyw D¯-c-an-ÃmsX XpS-cp-¶p. Sunitha Sudhi Reprographic Center S. N. M. College Library


A½-X³ kvt\l-¯n³ hmÕ-ye-ta-dnSpw A½-X³ Icp-X-en kuJy-taIpw A½-X³ Nmc¯v h¶-W-ªm Bizm-k-ta-InSpw amXr hN-\-§Ä (2) XpS-¨p-amän \o Nne lrZ-b-¯p-Sn-¸p-Isf Zn\w-Zn\w ]pWÀ¶p ]pXp-ap-J-§sf kvt\lamw lkvX-Zm-\-ambn Nne-t¸mÄ sNdp-kv]Ài-ambn ]S-cpao Cu hgn-I-fn ssIamdn \o Nne ktµiw amdm-tcm-K-ambn... Nne-t¸mÄ ac-W-¯n-te-¡pÅ £W-ambn...

BßmÀ°-am-sbmcm amXr-a-\-Ên-¦Â tNÀ¶p ]pWÀ¶n-Sm³ sImXn-tbdpw amXr-a-Sn-¯-«n Xmcm«p ]mSp¶ s]m³ss]-X-emWv Rm³ F¶p-sa¶pw F{X hfÀ¶mepw A½-X³ Hma\þ ss]X-embn¯s¶ a¡Ä hmgpw hmÀ²-Iy-ta-dnSpw Ime¯v t]mepw aIsf HmÀ¯pÅ kvt\lw am{Xw

Aswani Ist B.Sc Zoology



A½ a\-Ênsâ kvt\lw am{Xw (2) Sandra M V IInd B.Sc Mathematics


Hcp \nim-i-e-`-am-bn-cp-¶-hÄ... ]qhp-IÄ tXmdpw tX³ \pI-cm\pw BIm-i-¯n Nnd-Ip-IÄ hnSÀ¯n ]mdn \S-¡m\pw B{K-l-ap-Å-hÄ. ]s£ AhÄ¡v AXn-\pÅ `mKyw A[n-I-Imew hn[n-¨n-«n-Ãm-bn-cp-¶p. AhÀ ]n¨n-No-´n, Ah-fpsS B Nnd-Ip-IÄ AhÀ ]ngp-sX-dn-ªp. Ah-fpsS icocw AhÀ Ip¯n t\mhn-¨p. Ah-fpsS Nnd-Ip-IÄ AhÀ¡v tamlw tXm¶n-¸n¡pw hn[w Xpd¶p ImWn-¨-Xn-\m-emWv AhÀ Ahsf B{I-an-¨-Xv. Ah-fpsS IqsS-bpÅ aäv ie-`-§fpw Ahsf XÅn-¡-f-ªp. Nnd-Ip-IÄ \jvS-s¸« AhÄ¡n\n tX³ \pI-cm³ km[n-¡n-Ã. Ah-fpsS ico-cs¯ apdn-hp-I-fn-eqsS ]gp¸v t\mhp-IÄ Ahsf Ae-«n-bn-Ã. Krishna B com Tax (Regular)



]t£ Ah-fpsS a\-Ên Gä apdn-hnse thZ\ t]dn AhÄ ac-W-a-S-ªp.

Sheethal Francis Ist BA English

Dwelling in 21st century, in the territory of demagogues and so called sophisticated nooms, yet the distressing and warmingly veinous crime. We witness draws a blend notion on the empowered dysfunctional society. We part of the term woman clearly depicts the strength it beers, also simpolysis the dgalitarian concept. The term obviously converse the equation men = women implies nor superior neither inferior. There is no illusion on patriarchal biasing that the troubled jender promotes flag. Beerers of patriarchy batons to family clan or kin or even acquaintances. The irony is that so are even oblivious to recognize exercising of patriarchy. There is no women in the whole planet, who longs tobe a man for once atleast ever hundered why so. The side reason for this wistful desire is the intolexable male domination over a female. Women are taught tobe demure. Are they tough tobe moulded. The phenomenon of modding commeres from the birth movement itself. An adult perspective is different from that of a child. A mother always herself for kids. In general no time slot is nlocated to chase self. Have you ever wondered why a women coered to learn defending lessons if there is no ambushes and assaults on them in still the lessons of virtues and reverence into their heads. A papranizer is better than women.


A½-amÀ kzmÀ°-em-`-¯n\p th>n kz´w Ipªp-§sf Ipcp-XnsIm-Sp-¡p¶ hmÀ¯-I-fpsS ]Ým-¯-e-¯n Fgp-Xn-bXv

amXr-Xzta \n³ \nÀ½--e-X-bn-s¶-§p-t]mbn X³ ss]X X³ I®o-cn tNmc-s]m-Sn-bp¶ lrZ-b-am-bn-cp-¶¶v C¶v \n³ ss]X-en³ tNmc-¸p-g-sbm-cp-¡p-¶Xpw \o eÖn-¡p¶p... \n³ I®p-\oÀ Ah-\mbv Hgp-Im³ amXr-lr-Z-b-¯n\pw ]cn-Wm-atam??? I®-S-¨n-cp-¶n-cn-¡Ww Ah³, Poh-s\-Sp-¡p¶ Ic-§Ä Bcp-tS-sX-¶-dn-bm-Xn-cn-¡m³ izmk-a-S-¡n-bn-cp-¶n-cn-¡Ww Ah³, {Iucy-amb A½-X³ KÔw Ah-\n-te-s¡-¯m-Xn-cn-¡m³ A½-sb¶pw \nÀ½-e-bm-bn-cn-¡s« Ah-sâ-bp-Ån Mubeena K S IInd BA English



Hmtcm Xh-Wbpw Hcp ap³I-cp-X-ep-I-fpan-Ãm-sX-bmWv At±lw Fs¶ kzoI-cn¡m-dpÅXv. AtX Ae-t¦m-e-amb apdn. AtX Ae-k-ambn Ip¯n-sh-¨n-«pÅ apSnbpw XmSn-bpw. BZy-sams¡ F\n-¡p-aXv Atcm-N-I-am-bn-cp-¶p. ]n¶oSv ]Xnsb Rm³ a\-Ên-em-¡n. CXmWv ]¨-bmb At±-lw. F\n¡p th>n-bn-cp-¶Xpw AXp-X-s¶-bm-bn-cp¶p. Hcp ]¨-bmb a\p-jy-s\. Ah-km-\-ambn Rm\n-hnsS h¶-t¸mÄ At±-l-¯n-s\mcp ]pXp-a-bp->m-bn-cp¶p. Ignª hc-hn\v Rm³ k½m-\n¨ hkv{X-§-f-Wn-ªmWv At±lw Fs¶ {]Xo-£n-¨n-cp-¶-Xv. AsX-\n¡v A{X ]nSn-¨n-Ã. A¶mWv Rm³ a\-Ên-em-¡nb-Xv. B ]gb apjnª \mä-an-sÃ-¦n At±-l-anÃsb¶v. F\n¡v At±-l¯nsâ Gsd {]nb-s¸-«Xv B apjnª

\mä-am-sW-¶v. Rm³ At¸mÄ Xs¶ At±-l-t¯mSv ]gb hkv{X-¯n-te¡v aS-§n-t¸m-Im³ Bh-iy-s¸-«p. ImcWw At±lw F\n¡v thsd-sbm-cm-fmbn A\p-`-h-s¸-«n-cp-¶p. AXv Fs¶ hÃmsX izmkw ap«n-¨p. F¶-t¯bpw t]mse Hc-]-cn-Nn-X-amb Nncn-tbmsS At±lw hmXn¡ {]Xy-£-\m-bncp-¶p. F¶-t¯bpw t]mse A¶pw F\n¡m Nncn-bpsS AÀ°w ]nSnIn-«n-bn-Ã. At±lw Fs¶ AI-t¯¡p £Wn-¨p. s]s«¶p Rm³ Hcp ho«p-Im-cn \n¶v hncp¶pImcn-te¡v Npcp-§n-b-Xmbn F\n-¡-\p-`-h-s¸-«p. bmsXmcp Imc-W-hp-an-ÃmsX FÃm amkhpw AhnsS kµÀin-¡p¶ F\n¡v Cu £Ww Hcp BÀ`m-S-am-bncp-¶p.


At±lw Fsâ kpJ-hn-h-c-§Ä Xnc-¡n. Ignª Hcp amk-ambn Rm³ Cusbmcp Znh-k-¯n\p th>n-bmWv Im¯n-cp-¶-Xv. Cu \nan-j¯n-em-sWsâ kpJhpw Zp:Jhpsa-Ãm-sa-s¶-\n¡v ]d-b-W-sa¶v tXm¶nt¸m-bn. At±lw Ft¶mSv Ahn-SsSbn-cn¡m³ Bh-iys¸-«p. Ct¸mÄ hcm-sa¶p ]dªv hoSnsâ ]pd-In-eqsS Fhn-tSbvt¡m t]mbn. Rm³ B sNdnb hoSv ho>pw ho>pw Npän-Im-Wm³ CjvS-s¸-«p. lmfn Xs¶bmbn Hcp sNdnb ]pkvXI sjÂ^p->v. AXn \ndsb ]pkvX-I-§-fm-Wv. AXn-\-Sp¯v IqsS t]mIp-t¼mÄ ]gb ]pkvX-I-§-fpsS Hcp aWw hcpw. F\n-¡Xv hfsc CjvS-am-Wv. At±-l-¯nsâ apdn¡pw CtX KÔ-am-Wv. apdn \ndsb ]pkvX-I-§-fmWv. Fsâ Ae-amc t]mse At±-l-¯nsâ

apdnbpw Hcp ]pcm-h-kvXp-tI-{µ-am-Wv. ]gb sSe-kvt¡m-¸v, shÅmcw IÃp-IÄ, At±lw hc¨ \á-kv{Xo-I-fpsS Xpfp-¼n\n¡p¶ amdn-S-¯m k¼-¶-amb Nn{X§Ä, Fgp-Xn-¸qÀ¯n-bm-¡n-bXpw ]qÀ¯nbm-¡m-¯-Xp-amb Ihn-X-Ifpw IY-Ifpw \ndª IS-em-Êp-I-j-W-§Ä, XoÀ¶ s]bnânwKv Ip¸n-IÄ A§s\ Ahsâ apdnbn \n¶pw _m¡-Wn-bn-te¡v Xpd-¡p¶ Hcp hmXn-ep->v. AhnsSsbmcp {]tXyI Ipfncm-Wv. F¶pw Ahn-Sps¯ taL-§Ä F¶pw s]¿m³ \n¡p-I-bm-Wv. ]pg-bn Ac-b-¶§Ä {IoUn-¡p-¶Xpw NnÃ-I-fn ]£n-IÄ Np_n-¡p-¶Xpw ChnsS \n¶m ImWm³ km[n-¡pw. F\n¡v Ah³ Ign-ªm ChnsS C-jvS-apÅXv Cu _m¡-Wn -¡m-gvN-bm-Wv. {]Wbw \n§sf Ip¶pw aebpw ImSpw taSpw ]pgbpw ISepw Xm>n Cu ac-ho-«n sIms>-¯n-¡p-¶p. AXn-i-b-Icw Xs¶ Chn-sS-\n¶pw Xm³ Cgªpw Chn-tS¡p Rm³ ]d-¶p-ambncp¶p h¶n-cp-¶Xv. F\n¡v a\-Ên Nncn h¶p hoSpw IpSpw-_-hp-a-dn-bmsX A\y ]pcp-js\ ImWm³ ]d¶p h¶-Xnsâ amlmßyw hnf-¼p-¶-hÄ. aXn. F\n¡v ChnsS Gsd CjvS-amWv. F\n-¡n-hnSw aXn-bm-bn-cp-¶p. ac-¸-e-I-IÄ sIm-­>p>m-¡nb Hcp sIm¨p hoSm-Wn-Xv. At±-l-s¯-t¸mse Hc-e-t¦m-e-amb hoSv. ChnsS At±-l-¯nsâ apdn-bnse P\m-e-bn-eqsS ]pd¯v Infn-IÄ¡v Acn-aWn hnX-dn-s¡m-Sp-¡p¶ At±-ls¯ Rm³ t\m¡n\n¶p. Fs´mcp kpµ-c-\m-W-t±lw!!! Idp-¯n-cp> ]pcnIw, ]oen-I-fm k¼-¶amb I®p-IÄ. \nc-sX-änb AXn-a-t\m-l-camb ]Ãp-IÄ, ssZhw At±-ls¯ Gsd {]nbt¯m-sS-bmWv krjvSn-¨-Xv. tijw krjvSmhv kv{XoI-fn \n¶pw At±-ls¯ ad¨p-sh-¨p. CXp-h-scbpw BÀ¡-dnbmw At±-l-¯nsâ Bcm-[-I-hrµ-§sf¸än. hf-sc-¡p-d¨p am{Xw kwkm-cn-¡p¶ Cu a²y-h-b-kvI\pw kv{XoIsf hi-¯m-¡m³ A[nIw {]bXv\w



Bh-iy-an-Ã. F\n¡v At±-l-¯nsâ Pohn-X-¯n-te¡v IS¶p h¶n-«pÅ kv{XoI-tfmSv Akqb tXm¶n. AhÀ F´v ssIhn-j-amWv {]tbm-Kn-¨Xv ??. Nn´-IÄ ImSp-I-b-dm³ XpS-§n-b-t¸m-tg¡pw At±lw Hcp ac-¸n-Sn-bpÅ sNdnb ¥mÊn F\n¡v Nmb-bp-ambn h¶p. FÃm Xh-W-t¯bpw t]mse NqSpÅ Nmb BZy-t¯-t¸mse thK-¯n IpSn¨v \m¡p s]mÅn-bpÅ `mhw At±-ls¯ ImWn-¡m³ Xmev]-cyan-Ãm-¯-Xp-sIm>v Rm³ B Nmb taita h¨v XWp-¡p-t¼mÄ IpSn-¡m³ Xocp-am-\n-¨p. R§Ä _m¡-Wn-bnte¡v t]mbn. AhnsS h¨v Rm³ At±-lt¯mSv Fsâ F®n-bm-sem-Sp§m¯ Imap-I-·m-sc-¸än kwkm-cn-¨p. tI« tijw BcmWv AXn Gähpw {]nb-s¸-«-sX¶v At±lw tNmZn-¨p. D¯-c-an-Ãm-¯-Xp-sIm>v Rm³ Zb\o-b-ambn H¶p Nncn-¨p. At±lw adps¯m¶p Nncn-¨p. At±-l-¯nsâ Cu Nncnbpw F\n¡v hfsc CjvS-am-bn. Hmtcm Xh-Wbpw hyXy-kvX-ambn«mWv At±lw Nncn-¡p-¶-Xv. Hcn-¡Â IqSn B Nncn ImWm³ Ipd¨p Imap-I-·m-cpsS IY sa\ªv ]d-ªmtem F¶p Rm³ Nn´n-¨p-t]m-bn. CXn-se-¦nepw shÅw tNÀ¡m-Xn-cn¡q F¶v Fsâ _p²n a\-Ên-t\mSv ]d-bp-¶Xv Rm³ {i²n-¨p. tijw Ah³ Fs¶ D¨-`-£-W-¯n\p £Wn-¨p. lmfnse sNdnb tai-bn AS¡n sh¨n-cp¶ ]pkvX-I-§Ä amän Ah-\-hnsS ]m{X-¯n `£Ww hnf-¼n. t]cp-t]m-ep-an-Sm¯ hn`-h-§fmWv F¶pw Ah-s\-\n¡v hnf-¼m-dv. Nne-t¸mÄ AXn apä¯p hncnªp \n¡p¶ ]qhnsâ Imb ImWmw. Nnet¸mÄ Ce-IÄ ImWmw. hoSn\p ]n¶nse sNdnb Im«nse hnj-¡mb Hgn¨v _m¡n-sb´pw Ah³ tai-bn hnf¼pw. Ah³ icn¡pw Hcp h\y-Po-hn-

bm-sW¶v F\n¡v tXm¶m-dp->v. a\p-jy·m-sc-s¡m>v s]mdp-Xn-ap«n Im«n-te¡v XncnsI t]mb h\y Pohn. C¶nXm B h\y-Po-hnsb Xnc¡n amkm-amkw Hcp s]®v ImSpw taSpw Xm>n ]d¶p hcp-¶p. Ah³ Fgp-Xnb B {]i-kvXamb ]pkvX-I-§-fpsS KwÔw iz-kn¨v A§s\ Im«n ]d-¶p-]-d¶v tijw Rm³ Fsâ apJ-sam¶p Igp-In. Fsâ I×jn I¬XS¯n ]SÀ¶p. cq]-

F\n¡pw tijn¡pw Ime-§-fn ]q¯p \n¡m-am-bn-cp-¶p.. . . F\n¡v At±lw Ipd¨p ]pkvX-I-§Ä X¶p. ASp¯ hc-hn aS¡n \ÂtI>-h. At±lw Rm\p-ambn ]pkvXI NÀ¨-IÄ \S-¯n. Cu hnjb¯n F\n¡v At±-l-¯n-s\m-¸w- Úm-\-anÃ-sb¶v Rm³ Xncn-¨-dn-ªp-sIm->n-cp¶p. kqcysâ ]Sn-ªm-«pÅ bm{Xk-am-]-\-¯n F¯p-¶Xv Rm³ I>p. BIm-i-¯n\p \nd-hy-Xymkw kw`-hn-¨p. F\n¡v t]mtI> ka-b-a-Sp-¯p. F\n¡v t]mh->. . . . F\n-¡n-hnSw aXn. Fs¶ Im¯n-cn-¡p¶ `À¯m-hn-t\mSpw IS-a-I-tfmSpw Bsc-¦nepw H¶p ]d-bq. Rm³ ChnsS bmsXmcp {]Xn-_-Ô-hpan-Ãm¯ Hcp _Ô-t¯mSp {]W-b¯n-em-sW¶v. Bcpw ]d-bn-Ã. Bcpw Adn-bp-¶p-an-Ã. Fsâ `À¯m-hnsâ `mcy-b-Ãm¯ Fs¶ Bcpw Adn-bp-¶n-Ã. IS-a-IÄ £bn-¡p¶ D¯-a-Ip-Spw-_n-\nA-Ãm¯ Fs¶ Bcpw Adn-bp-¶n-Ã. Rm³ At±-l-¯nsâ apJ-t¯¡p t\m¡n. bmsXmcp `mh-hy-Xym-k-hp-an-Ãsb¶v am{X-aà t]mIm³ ka-b-am-bntà F¶v adp-tNm-Zy-hpw.

hy-Xymkw kw`-hn-¨p. \à Ipfn-cmWv Cu shÅ-¯n-\v. Ah-t\mfw Ipfn-cpt>m Cu shÅ-¯n-\v ..? Fsâ kmcn-¯-e¸v sIm>v Rm³ apJw XpS-¨p. Rm\n-hnsS thcp-d¨ Hcp ac-am-bn-cp-s¶-¦n F¶p Nn´n-¨p-t]m-bn. ChnsS XW-teIn At±-ls¯ NnÃ-I-fm s]mXnªv

Rm³ ]pkvX-I-§Ä FSp¯v ]pd-t¯¡p \S-¶p. At±lw hmXn¡ep->v. Rms\m¶p Xncnªp t\m¡n. Fs¶ ]ncn-bp-¶-Xnsâ Hcp Xcn-¼p -t]mepw hnclw B I®p-I-fnen-Ã. Fsâ ASp¯ hc-hn-\m-bpÅ {]Xo-£bm-bn-cp¶p B I®p-I-fn \nd-sb. Rm³ At±-l-t¯mSv bm{X tNmZn-¨p. Xncn-ªp-t\m-¡msX apt¶m«p \S-¶p. Rm³ C\nbpw ChnsS hcpw. FÃm amk-§-fnepw apS-§msX h¶n-cn¡pw. At±lw F\n-¡mbn hmXn¡ tijn-¡p-sa-s¶-\n-¡-dn-bmw. Sethu Parvathy IInd BA Economics




C´y³ ]mÀesaânsâ ]Xnhp \S-]-Sn-{I-a-§ -sfÃmw Imän¸-d-¯n-s¡m>v ]mÊm-¡nb aq¶v ImÀjnI _nÃp-IÄ C´y-bn-se-¼mSpw henb {]Xn-tj-[-§Ä¡v Imc-W-am-bXv \mw I>p. ]n¶oSv {]Xn-]-£-¯n-sâbpw IÀj-I-cp-sSbpw {]Xn-tj[w hI-sh-¡msX cmjv{S-]-Xnbpw Cu _nÃp-IÄ¡v AwKo-Imcw \ÂIp-I-bp->m-bn. Cu _nÃp-IÄs¡-Xn-sc-bpÅ {]Xn-tj[ kqN-I-ambn Fkv. F. Un. t\Xmhv lÀÊn {aXvIuÀ _mZ tI{µ a{´n-k-`-bn \n¶v cmPn sh¨Xpw hmÀ¯ -bm-bn. _nÃp-IÄ IÀj-IÀs¡-Xn-cm-sW¶p ]©m-_nsâ ImÀjn-I-ta-J-esb XIÀ¡p-¶-Xm -sW¶pw Btcm-]n-¨m-bn-cp¶p cmPn. Fs´m-s¡-bmWv Cu _nÃp-I-sf¶pw Ch F´p -sIm>v C{X henb {]Xn-tj-[-¯n\p Imc-W-am -Ip-¶p-sh¶pw Adn-tb>Xv A\n-hm-cy-am-Wv. ImÀjnI _n 2020 1.

IÀjI (im-ào-I-c-Ww), kwc-£Ww, hne -Øn-cX ImÀjnI tkh-\-¡mÀ _n 2020


IÀj-I-cpsS Dev]m-Z-\, hym]m-c, hmWnPy (t{]m-Õm-l-\) _nÂ

3. Ah-iy-tk-h-\-\n-ba (t`-Z-K-Xn) _nÂ

1. IÀjI (im-ào-I-c-Ww), kwc-£Ww, hne-Øn-cX ImÀjnI tkh-\-¡mÀ _n 2020 IcmÀ Irjn, tIm¬{SmIvSv ^mÀanMv Irjnsb t{]mÕm-ln-¸n-¡p¶ Cu \nb-a-{]-Imcw IÀj -IÀ¡v A{K-_n-kn-\Êv Øm]-\-§Ä, sam¯ ¡-¨-h-S-¡mÀ, Ib-äp-a-Xn-¡mÀ, h³InS hym]m-cn-IÄ F¶n-h-cp-ambn ImÀjnI DÂ]-¶ -§Ä ap³Iq«n \nÝ-bn¨ Hcp hne-bn \nÝ-bn¨ ka-b¯v \ÂIm-sa¶v Icm-dn GÀs¸-Sm³ Ignbpw. Øm]-\-§Ä¡v ImÀjnI Dev]-¶-§ -fpsS KpW-ta· F{X D>m-IW-sa¶v IÀj-I -tcmSv ap³Iq«n Bh-iy-s¸-Sm\pw Icm-dn DÄs¸ -Sp-¯m\pw Ign-bpw. CXn-eqsS CS-\n-e-¡m-cpsS NqjWw Hgn-hm¡n IÀj-IÀ¡v t\cn«v hnev]\ \S-¯m\pw DbÀ¶

hcp-am\w t\Sm\pw km[n-¡p-sa-¶mWv {]Xo-£. B[p-\nI kmt¦-XnI hnZybpw IqSp-X \à D] -I-c-W-§fpw IÀj-IÀ¡v {]m]vX-am-Ipw. IÀj-I -cpsS ImÀjnI DXv]m-X\ sNehp Ipd-bpw. Bi-¦-IÄ aäp c>p _nÃp-Isf At]-£n¨v Cu _nÃns\ IÀj-IÀ A{X-I>v FXnÀ¡p-¶n-sÃ-¦nepw Nne Bi-¦-IÄ \ne-\n¡p-¶p->v. Cu _n tImÀ¸-td-äp-IÄ \nc-£-c-cmb IÀj-Isc Icm-dnse t{ImÊp-IÄ D]-tbm-Kn¨v NqjWw sN¿p-¶-Xn\v Imc-W-am-Iptam F¶ -XmWv IÀj-I-cpsS Bi-¦. AXp XoÀ¯pw \ymb-hp-am-Wv. Icm-dn GÀs¸-Sp¶ I£n-IÄ X½n XÀ¡w D>m-bm ap¸Xp Znh-k-¯n-\p-Ån ]cn-lmcw ImWm-\pÅ kwhn-[m\w GÀs¸-Sp -¯p-¶p-s>¶v tI{µ-kÀ¡mÀ ]d-bp-t¼mgpw Ahn-sSbpw tImÀ¸-td-äp-IÄ¡pw, h³InS I¨-h-S-¡mÀ¡pw taÂss¡ e`n-¡ptam F¶Xpw IcmÀ Irjn IÀj-I-cpsS hne-t]-im-\pÅ Ignhv Ipd-bv¡ptam F¶Xpw aäpÅ Bi-¦-IÄ.

2. IÀj-I-cpsS Dev]m-Z-\, hym]m-c, hmWnPy (t{]m-Õm-l-\) _n Cu _n {]Imcw IÀj-IÀ¡v cmPy¯v Fhn-sS bpw t]mbn X§-fpsS DÂ]-¶-§Ä hnev¡m-\pÅ kml-Ncyw IÀj-IÀ¡p->m-¡pw. kwØm-\-§Ä¡p Iogn-epÅ F. ]n. Fw. kn. (Agricultural Product Market Committee) bn cPn-ÌÀ sNbvX a>n (N-´-) IÄ¡v ]pd¯p t]mbn hn¡m\pw hm§m\pw IÀj-Isc t{]mÕm-ln-¸n-¡p-¶p. XS-Ê-§-fn-ÃmsX kwØm-\-¯n-\-I¯pw ]pd¯pw Fhn-sSbpw ImÀjnI Dev]-¶-§Ä hn¡m³ Ign-bp-¶p. Cu amÀ¡-änMv t{]mÕm-ln-¸n-¡p-¶p. amÀ¡-änw-Kv-þ-K-Xm-KX Nne-hp-IÄ Ipd¨v IÀj-IÀ¡v DbÀ¶ hne e`n-¡pw.


Bi-¦-IÄ 1985-þse A{Kn-IĨ-d amÀ¡-änMv \nb-a{]-Imcw C´y-bnse an¡ kwØm-\-§-fnepw F. ]n. Fw. kn. IcmÀ \ne-hn h¶p. tIc-f-¯n Cu kwhn-[m-\-an-Ã. F. ]n. Fw. kn. ¡mÀ¡v Iogn Hmtcm taJ-e-I-fnepw a>n-IÄ (amÀ¡-äp-IÄ) cq]o-I-cn-¨p. ImÀjnI DÂ]-¶ -§Ä IÀj-IÀ Cu N´-I-fn F¯n-¡p-Ibpw henb I¨-h-S-¡mÀ ChnsS \n¶pw Ah hm§p -Ibpw sNbvXp h¶p. Cu N´-I-fn-eqsS F. ]n. Fw. kn. ¡mÀ¡v Iogn hnev¡p-t¼mÄ am{Xta IÀj-IÀ¡v kÀ¡m-cn \n¶pw Xm§p-hn-e -t]m-epÅ B\p-Iq-ey-§Ä e`n-¡p-am-bn-cp-¶p -Åq. am{X-aà F. ]n. Fw. kn. Ifn-eqsS kÀ¡m-cn\v ImÀjnI Dev]-¶-§-fpsS hne Hcp ]cn[n hsc \nb-{´n-¡m\pw F{X-t¯mfw ImÀjnI CS-]m-Sp-IÄ \S-¡p¶p F¶ IrXy -amb IW¡p e`n-¡m\pw Ign-ªn-cp-¶p. F¶m IÀj-IÀ¡v Fhn-sSbpw t]mbn I¨-hSw sN¿m-sa¶ _n hcp-t¼mÄ F. ]n. Fw. kn. Ifp-sSbpw a>n-I-fp-sSbpw {]m[m\yw Ime-{I-taW Ipd-bp-sa¶pw IÀj-IÀ¡v kÀ¡m-cn \n¶pw e`n-¡p¶ B\pIq-ey-§Ä CÃm-Xm-Ip-Ibpw sN¿p-sa-¶Xv DbÀ¶p hcp¶ Bi-¦-bm-Wv. am{X-a-Ã, ImÀjn-I-ta-Je tImÀ¸-td-äp-I-fpsS \nb-{´-W-¯n-em-Ip-Ibpw sN¿mw. ImÀjnI taJ-e-bn kÀ¡m-cn\v D>m-Ip-¶Xv henb sNe-hm-Wv. Cu \nbaw hcp-¶-tXmsS tI{µ-kÀ¡mÀ ImÀjnI taJ-e-bn \n¶pw ]n³am-dp-sa¶v IÀj-Icpw {]Xn-]-£-]mÀ«n -Ifpw Btcm-]n-¡p-¶p. F. ]n. Fw. kn. Ifp-sSbpw a>n-I-fp-sSbpw {]m[m\yw Ipd-bp-¶Xv ]©m-_v, lcn-bm\ t]mepÅ ImÀjn-I- k-¼-Xvhy-h-Ø-I-fpsS hcp-am-\s¯ _m[n-¡pw. `qcn-`mKw IÀj-Icpw CS¯-c-¡mcpw sNdp-In-S -IÀj-I-cp-amWv. Zqsc Øe-§-fn sIm>pt]mbn ImÀjnI DÂ]-¶-§Ä hn¡m-\pÅ KX-m-KX sNehpw aäpw Hcn-¡epw AhÀ¡v Xm§m-\m-hn-Ã. Cu \nbaw sIm>v C´y-bnse



`qcn-`mKw IÀj-IÀ¡pw {]tbm-P-\-ap->m-In-sà -¶mWv hne-bn-cp-¯Â. a>n-I-fn cPn-ÌÀ sN¿msX Xs¶ tImÀ¸-td-äp-IÄ¡pw aäp henb I¨-h-S -¡mÀ¡pw IÀj-I-cn \n¶v t\cn«v km[-\ -§Ä hm§m³ Ign-bp-t¼mÄ \nIpXn AS-t¡->-Xn \n¶pw Hgn-hm-Ip-¶p. apgp-h³ I¨-h-Shpw a>n¡v ]pd¯p t]mbm AXns\ B{i-bn¨p Ign-bp-¶-h-cpsS D]-Po-h-\ -amÀ¤w AS-bp-¶p.

3. Ah-iy-tk-h\ \nba (t`-Z-K-Xn) _n 2020 Cu _nÃn-eqsS [m\y-§Ä, ]bÀ hÀ¤-§Ä, F®, F®-¡p-cp-¡Ä, khm-f, Dcp-f-¡n-g§v F¶n-hsb Ah-iy-km-[-\-§-fpsS ]«n-I-bn \n¶pw FSp¯p If-ªp. bp²w, £maw, {]Ir-Xn-Zp-c-´-§Ä t]mepÅ Akm-[m-cW kml-N-cy-§-fn am{Xta hne \nb-{´n-¡m³ kÀ¡mÀ CS-s]-Sp-I-bp-Åq. [m\y-§Ä, ]bÀ hÀ¤-§Ä, F®, F®-¡p-cp -¡Ä F¶n-§s\ s]s«¶v \in¨p t]mIm¯ ImÀjnI Dev]-¶-§-fpsS hne A¼Xp iX-am-\-¯n\p ap-I-fn DbÀ¶m am{Xta kÀ¡mÀ CS-s]-Sp. khm-f-bp-sSbpw Dcp-f-¡n-g-§n-sâbpw hne \qdp iX-am-\-¯n IqSp-X DbÀ¶m am{Xw kÀ¡mÀ CS-s]-Sq. Cu kml-N-cy-§-fn am{Xw kÀ¡mÀ Ahsb Ah-iy-km-[-\-§-fpsS ]«nI -bn DÄs¸-Sp¯n hne \nb-{´n-¡pw.

Bi-¦-IÄ kÀ¡mÀ CS-s]-Sp¶ hne ]cn[n hsc DbÀ¶ -Xm-b-Xn-\m hne \nb-{´-W-¯n-\pÅ km[yX hfsc hnc-f-am-Wv F¶-XmWv kXyw. km[m-c-W -¡m-cpsS Pohn-Xs¯ Cu hne-¡-bäw hfsc {]Xn-Iq-e-ambn _m[n¡pw tImÀ¸-td-äp-IÄ¡pw h³InS hym]m-cn-IÄ¡pw Cu `£y hkvXp-¡Ä kq£n¨p sh¡m-\pÅ kwhn-[m-\-ap-Å-Xn-\m CXv ]qgv¯n-sh-¡m\ pw hne-¡-b-ä-¯n\p Imc-W-am-Ipw. tImÀ¸ -td-äp-IÄ¡v AanX em`w D>m-Im³ klm -bIamhpw

D]-kw-lmcw IÀjI-cp-sSbpw {]Xn-]-£-]mÀ«n-I-fp-sSbpw {]Xn-tj-[-§fpw Bi-¦-Ifpw hI-sh-¡msX [rXn-bn Cu _nÃp-IÄ ]mÀe-saânepw ]n¶oSv cmjv{S-]-Xnbpw ]mÊm-¡n-bXv C´ysb¶ P\m-[n-]Xy cmPy-¯nsâ P\m-[n-]Xy aqey -§Äs¡-Xn-cm-Wv. tI{µ-kÀ¡mÀ Cu \nb-a -§Ä sIm>p hcp-¶Xv hyh-kmb taJ-esb kzImcyhXv¡-cn-¨-Xp-t]mse ImÀjnI taJ-e -sbbpw tImÀ¸-td-äp-IÄ¡v hn«p \ÂIm-\pÅ e£y-am-sW¶ Btcm-]-W-§-fn Ig-¼p-s>¶v GsXmcp ]uc\pw kwi-bn-¡p-¶p. Xm§phne, Irjn \miw D>m-Ip-t¼m-gpÅ [\-k-lm-b-§Ä XpS§n ImÀjnI taJ-ebv¡p th>n kÀ¡mÀ hf-sc-b-[nIw Nne-h-gn-¡p-¶p->v. Cu ImÀjnI _n {]m_-ey-¯n hcp-¶-Xn-eqsS ImÀjnI taJ-e-bn kÀ¡m-cnsâ CS-s]-S Ipd-bp -sa¶pw {ItaW kÀ¡mÀ ImÀjnI taJ-e-bn \n¶pw hnZ-Kv²À t]mepw kwi-bn-¡p-¶p. Irjn-sb-¶Xv kwØm-\-§-fpsS A[n-Imc ]cn-[n-bn hcp¶ hnj-b-am-sW-¶n-cns¡ C§-s\-sbmcp \nbaw sIm>p hcp-¶Xv kwØm-\-§-fpsS A[n-Im-c-§-fn-epÅ IS¶p Ib-ä-am-Wv. ]©m-_v, lcn-bm\ t]mepÅ kwØm-\-§Ä Ch-bvs¡-Xnsc Ct¸mgpw ià-ambn {]Xn-tj-[n-¡p-¶p. IÀj-I-t£-a-¯n-\p-th->n, ImÀjnI taJ-e bpsS ]ptcm-K-Xn¡p th>n F¶p ]d-bp-t¼mgpw Ch-bn \n¶v IÀj-IÀ¡pw ImÀjn-I-ta-J-e bv¡pw F{X-t¯mfw KpW-ap->m-Ip-sa¶v I>p Xs¶ Adn-b-Ww. Irjnbpw hnfhpw {]h-N-\m-XoX-am-sW-¶n-cns¡ IÀj-IÀ¡v IcmÀ ]men-¡m\m-hp-tam-sb-¶Xpw Hcp tNmZy-am-Wv. IÀjI Bß-l-Xy-Ifpw ImÀjnI {]Xn-k-Ôn-Ifpw ]Xn-hmb Cu cmPy¯v Cu \nbaw IÀj-Isc ho>pw Zmcn-{Zy-¯n-te¡v XÅn-hn-Sptam AtXm kÀ¡m-cnsâ Ah-Im-i-hmZ§Ä t\cm-Ip-tam.?



Just like burnt rottis are Put aside in the dining table, Some humans are set aside at times Because of their colour. Just like and colonies are Burnt to death a little fire, Some humans are burnt alive in sleep Because of their caste. Just like crime babies are Put to sleep with great effort, Some humans are put to sleep for ever Because of their voice.

Ce-IÄ t]mse-bmWv a\p-jy-P-·-§fpw...

Just like all people are Accustomed to forget sad facts, Some humans are always forgetting That blood is red for all.

Hcp \mfn-sehn-sStbm Xfn-cn-e-bm \m¼n-Sp-¶-hÀ... asämcp \mfn-se-§-s\tbm sR«äp a®n-e-en-bp-¶-hÀ... ]gp¯v ]mI-sa¯n P·w ]qÀ¯n-bm-¡p-¶-hÀ... ]mI-sa¯pw apt¼ sR«-äp-ho-gm³ hn[n-¡-s¸-«-hÀ... ]dn-s¨-Sp-¡-s¸-Sp-¶-hÀ... ]dn-s¨-dn-b-s¸-Sp-¶-hÀ... ]ngn-sª-Sp-¡-s¸-Sp-¶-hÀ.... ]n¨n-¨o-´s¸Sp-¶-hÀ... ]pgp-h-cn-¡-s¸-Sp-¶-hÀ... Nhn-«n-b-c-¡-s¸-Sp-¶-hÀ... A§-s\-sb{X-sb{X P·-§Ä...!

SUMISHA M S Ist M.Sc Zoology





hnZq-c-¯n \jvS-amb NneXv tXSn-bpÅ KXy-´-c-an-Ãm¯ Ae-¨n-en-s\m-Sp-hn A\nÀh-N-\o-b-amb iq\y-Xbn F¯n Rm³ s\Sp-hoÀ¸n-«p. t\Sn-b-sXm¶pw tamln¨ t]mse an¶p-¶n-sö A¼-c-¸n Rm³ Akz-Ø-\m-bn. A{]m-]vXy-am-b-Xn³ Ibv¸p-\oÀ IpSn¨v \n{Ztbm \jvS-am-bn. Ccp-«n Rm³ t\«-§sf X«n¨p t\m¡n hn{`m-´-\m-bn. t\Sn-b-sXm¶pw th>-h-b-söpw t\Sm-¯-h-sbm-s¡bpw th>n-bn-cp¶p F¶pw HmÀ¯p hn½n-jvS-s¸«v Rm³ Ah-km\ \mfnepw Pohn-¡m³ ad-¶p-t]m-bn. A§s\ buÆ-\-¯n\pw a²y-h-b-Ên\pw hmÀ²-Iy-¯n\pw HSp-hn ac-Whpw F\n¡v \jvS-am-bn. VAISHYAM MURALI IIIrdB.Com Tax(Regular)



Hcp-]mSp \mfs¯ B{K-l-am-bn-cp¶p Xsâ tIm¬Sm-Ivän-epÅ FÃm-hcpw Ipfp, aWm-en, lnam-eb A§s\ Xsâ kz]v\-Ø-e-§-fn-seÃmw t]mbn skÂ^n FSp¯v Ìmäkpw t]mÌpw Hs¡-bmbn Xsâ DÅnse Akq-bm-ep -hns\ {]tIm-]n-¸n-¡m³ XpS-§n-bn«v Ipd¨v \mfm-sb-¦nepw Hcp-]mSv Zqtc-¡-sà -¦nepw Du«n hsc t]mIm-\pÅ au\m-\paXn AÑsâ ssI¿n \n¶v In«n-bXv an\n-ªm-¶m-bn-cp-¶p. Häbv¡v t]mIm-\m-bn-cp¶p B{Klw. F¶m Xm³ ss_¡p-ambn ae-ap-I-fn-te¡v t\m¡n \n¡p¶ ImÀUnUv FSp-¡m³ Xsâ Iq«p-Im-cnse Gähpw anI¨ t^mt«m-{Km-^-dmb AJn-ens\ £Wn-¨-t¸mÄ Ah\v kt´m-jta D>m-bn-cp-¶p-Åq. A§s\ ss_t¡m -Sn-¨v sIm>n-cn¡pt¼mÄ h«w NmSnb tImgn \nÀ¯msX Iqhp-¶Xv t\cs¯ F®o-¡m³ h¨ Aem-d-am-bn-cp¶p F¶v Xncn-¨-dn-bm³ Ipd¨v ka-b-sa-Sp-¯p. Fgp-t¶äv {]`m-X-IÀ½-§-sfÃmw \nÀÆ-ln¨p F¶v hcp¯n ]pd-t¯-¡n -d-§n-b-t¸mÄ A½ ]Xnhp t]mse Nmb -bp-ambn Im¯v \n¡p-¶p->m-bn-cp-¶p. ka-b-Ipdhv aqew ths>¶v

Xe-b-\¡n ss_¡nsâ Xmt¡m-se-Sp -¡m³ tjmt¡-knsâ ASp-t¯¡v \o§n-b-t¸mÄ ]pd-In \n¶v A½ ]d-bp-¶p->m-bn-cp-¶p. "thK-¯n h>n-tbm-Sn-¨-Xnsâ tIskms¡ XoÀ¶-tX-bp-Åp.. . .

kq£n¨v t]mtW. . . .' A¸w Atcm-N-I-ambn tXm¶n-sb -¦nepw t]¸-dp-ambn ap¶n h¶p \n¶ AÑsâ cq]w DbÀ¶v h¶ tcmjw AS¡n hbv¡m³ iàn X¶p. ss_¡v ÌmÀ«v sNbvXv Pm¡äpw Iyma-dbp-a-S-§p¶ _mKv tXmfn-en-«-t¸mÄ "kÀ¡m-cp-t±ym-K-¯n\v t]mhp-I-bm -sW¶m `mhw' F¶ AÑsâ ]pÑw IeÀ¶ ]n³hn-fn-tbm-sS-bpÅ AaÀjw XoÀ¯Xv N{I¯n\-Sn-bn sRcn-ª -aÀ¶ a®n-t\m-Sm-bn-cp-¶p. t]mIp¶ hgn-b-{Xbpw Nn´ AJn sdUn-bm-bn -«p->m-bm aXn-bm-bn-cp-¶p. Ahsâ ss_¡n thWw Ahn-Sp¶v t]Im³. Un{Kn Ignªp Iq«p-ImÀs¡Ãmw h>n-bmbn F¶ ]cm-Xn¡pw hmin¡pw ap³]n AÑsâ ]gb ss_¡n\v ssatePv t]mcm F¶v X\n¡v ]t> tXm¶n XpS-§n-bn-cp-¶p. AJn-ensâ alm-a-\-kvI-Xbpw t^mt«m-{K-^n-bp-amWv


Ah-\n-te¡v Xsâ kulr-Z-h-ebw sNs¶ -¯n-¨Xv Ah-\-dn-bm-am-bn-cp-¶p. AJn-ensâ hosS-¯n-b-t¸mÄ Ahsâ AÑ\pw Xsâ AÑs\ t]mse Xs¶ amXr -`q-an-tbm-SpÅ {]Wbw ]¦p-h-¨n-cns¡ "KpUv tamÀWn§v' F¶ Nncn-bn-sem-Xp§n AJn-ensâ apdn-bn-te¡v IpXn-¨p. apdn-bnse Itk-c-bn XfÀ¶n-cn-¡p¶ Ahs\ I> -t¸mÄ "Iymad-bvs¡m¶pw kw`-hn-¨n-cn-¡tÃ' F¶mWv Ah³ {]mÀ°n-¨-Xv. "F´v ]än-sbSm' F¶ XnI¨pw kuay-amb tNmZy¯n\v cà-hÀ®-amÀ¶ \nd-I-®p -I-fmWv adp-]Sn Bbn e`n-¨-Xv. tNmZyw BhÀ¯n-¨-t¸mÄ Ah³ ]dªv XpS-§n. Ah³ AKm-[-am-sbmcp {]W-b-¯n-em-bn-cp -¶p. Hcp-]mSv \mfmb B _Ôs¯ Ahsâ Iq«p-Im-scÃmw t{]mÕm-ln-¸n-¨n-cp-¶p. Xte Znh-ks¯ kw`m-j-W-¯n-\n-S-bv¡p->mb

kuµ-cy-¸n-W-¡-¯n GsX-¦nepw Imc-W-¯m AhÄ Xs¶ hn«v t]mIptam F¶ `bw Ah³ Im¯p-kq-£n-¨n -cp-¶p. \o F§m\pw Fs¶ hn«v t]mbm \½Ä H¶n-¨pÅ t^mt«mkpw hoUn-tbmkpw \n\¡v CâÀs\-än ImtW ->n-hcpw Xam-i-bv¡mWv Ah³ ]d-ª-sX-¦nepw Ipd¨v ka-b-t¯¡v Ah-fpsS satkPv H¶pw h¶n-Ã. F¶m CXpw IqSn CâÀs\-än CSq F¶ Iym]vj-t\mSp IqSn AhÄ Ab¨ t^mt«m Ahs\ A¼-c-¸n-¨p. AhÄ Igp-¯n jmÄ Ipcp¡n \n¡p-¶-Xm-bn-cp¶p Nn{Xw. Ah-tfmSv Xm³ Xam-i-bv¡mWv ]d-ª-sX¶v ]dªv a\-Ên-em-¡m³ Ipsd ka-b-sa-Sp-¯p. HSp-hn AhÄ¡v a\-Ên-embn F¶ kam-[m-\-¯n Ah³ \n{Z-bn-em->p. C¶v Ahs\ DWÀ¯n-bXv Ah-fpsS Iq«p-Im-cn-bpsS t^m¬ tImfm-bn-cp-¶p. C¶se Ahfpw Ahs\ t] Sn-¸n-¡m³ th>n-bmWv Itk-c-bn Ibdn jmÄ Ipcp¡n t^mt«m FSp-¯-sX-¦nepw c>m-fp-tSbpw ]nW¡w amdn-b -Xn\v tij-amWv AhÄ Itk-c-bn \n¶n-d-§m³ t\m¡n -b-Xv. F¶m hn[n Ah-tfmSv Im«nb {Iqc-X-bn Itk-c-bn \n¶v Im sX¶n Ah-fpsS Pohs\ Ih-cp-I-bm-bn-cp-¶p.

"AhÄ t]msbSm' F¶v AJn ]d-ª-h-km-\n-¸n-¨-t¸mÄ AÂ]w A¼-c -¸p->m-¡n-sb-¦nepw Xm³ C{X \mÄ kz]v\w I> bm{X -bn \n¶v ]n·m-dm³ Xm³ X¿m-dm-bn-Ã. "]nt¶, AhÄ t]msW-¦n t]ms«Sm. AhÄ Cu temIs¯ Ah-km-\ s¯ s]s®m-¶p-a-ÃtÃm' AJn-ens\ ]nSn¨v hen¨v F§-s\tbm AhÀbm{X XpS-§n. bm{X-bn-ep-S\ofw AJn \ni-_vZ-\m-bn-cp-¶p. A§s\ Ah³ kz]v\w I> bm{X-bpsS e£y-Øm-\-s¯-¯n. t]c-dn-bm¯ Hcp Ip¶nsâ apI-fn-te¡v ss_t¡m-Sn¨v Ib-äp-t¼mÄ temIw Xs¶ Iog-S-¡nb-Xmbn Ah\v tXm¶n. Ip¶nsâ apI-fn-se-¯n-b-t¸mÄ Ah³ ]d-ªp. "AJnte, hmSm, \ap¡v Hcp skÂ^n-sb-Sp¡mw' Ah³ t\m¡n-sb-¦nepw Ip¶nsâ Aä-t¯¡v \o§n-\n-¶p. Im³UnUv In«m-\m-bn-cn¡pw Ah³ hnNm-cn-¨p. ssSaÀ skäv sN¿mw »À Bsb¶v ]dªv C\n AJn NmSn ISn¡->. t^mt«m FSp-¡m-\mbn Ah³ ¢n¡v sNbvXp. {Xo, Sp, h¬ . . . skÂ^n-bn Ah³ Hä-bv¡m-bn-cp-¶p. ANANTHITHA T A IInd B.A English



""AJnÂ. . . . .'' AXv A{]-Xo-£n-X-am-bn-cp-¶p.

C¶o Nh-dp-ho-¸-bn Rm\n-cn-¡-th, Hcn-¡eo ]co-£-W-im-esb XojvW-K-Ô-¯n \nd-¨Xpw shdpw HmÀ½-IÄ am{X-ambv Xm]-¯n-ep-cpIn Rm³ ]pXp-]n-dhn \ÂIn-sb-¶mepw shfp¯ tIm«n«-§n§p ]mbp¶ a\p-jy-b{´§Ä¡p Rm³ shdpw "sSÌv Syq_v' am{Xw. thZ\ hnP-b-¯n-\m ad-¨p-sIm->þ ht\m-sSm¯p \S¶p \o§n-sb-¶mepw s\¿msX t]mb _Ô-§fpw hÀ®-§fpw _m¡n-bm¡n C¶p Rm³ shdp-samcp NnÃp-I-jvW-am-bn. APSARA V H Ist M. Sc Chemistry


\qX-\-§-fmb ImgvN-¸m-Sp-Ifpw Bi-b -§fpw a\p-jy-a-\-Êp-I-fn ]IÀ¶psIm-Sp-¡p-I-bpw, Ah-cpsS Pohn-X-ssi-enI-fn \nÀ®m-bIamb Øm\w Dd-¸n-¡p -I-bpw, Nn´m-h-gn-Ifpw hyàn-Xzhpw A\p-Zn\w \ho-I-cn-¡p-Ibpw sN¿p-¶ -Xn am[y-a-§Ä Gsd kzm[o\w sNep -¯p-¶p. H¶mw kzmX{´y ka-c-N-cn-{X-¯n\p apt¼ C´y-bn cq]-s¸« am[y-a-kw-kv¡mcw A\o-Xnbpw A{I-ahpw Agn-a-Xnbpw Xpd¶p Im«p-I-bpw, am[ya [À½-sa¶ kmaq-lnI imkv{X-¯n-eqsS \oXn-t_m -[hpw ]uc-Xz-cq-]o-I-c-W-hpw, A\ymb iàn-I-fn \n¶pÅ tamN-\hpw e£y -an«p {]hÀ¯n-¨p. AXp-sIm>v Xs¶ P\m-[n-]-Xy-¯nsâ \memw XqWmbn ]n¡m-e¯v hmgv¯-s¸-Sp-Ibpw sNbvXp.



1847--  slÀa³ Kp>À«v Bcw-`n¨ "cmPy-k-am-Nm-c-¯n-eqsS' hfÀ¶ tIc-fob ]{X-kw-kv¡mcw cmP-`-c-W-s¯t¸mepw ]nSn-¨p-e¨ 'kztZ-im-`n-am\n' bneq-sSbpw tIk-cn-bpÄs¸-sS-bpÅ am[y-a-§-fn-eqsSbpw P\-§Ä¡v th­>n i_vZ-ap-bÀ¯n. almßmKmÔn Xsâ Bß-I-Y-bn ]cm-aÀin¨ ae-bm-fnbmb am[ya {]hÀ¯-I³ "_mcn-ÌÀ Pn. ]n. ]nÅ-'sb-t¸m-ep-Å-hcpw \mSp-I-S-¯-s¸« kztZ-im-`n-am\n cma-Ir-jvW-s\-t¸m-se-bpÅ {]hÀ¯-Icpw ae-bm-fn-bpsS AÀ¸-W-t_m-[hpw s]mcp-Xm-\p-d¨ a\Êpw Nq>n-¡m-«p¶ Hcp Ime-L-«-¯nsâ `mK-am-Wv. ]{X-am-[y-a-§-fn \n¶pw Zriy-am-[y-a-§-fn-te¡pw Hm¬sse³ am-[y-a-§-fn-te¡pw Nph-Spsh-bv¡p-t¼mÄ, Imew sNÃp-t´mdpw Imem-´-c -s¸«v PoÀ®amb Ah-Ø-bn-te¡v Iq¸p-Ip-¯p-I-bmWv am[y-a-[À½w.

"hkvXp-X-I-fp->m-bn-«Ã FÃmw hyJym-\-§-fmWv' F¶ s^U-dnIv \otj-bpsS hmIy-§Ä t]mse km[m-c-W-Xz-¯nse Akm-[m-c-W-Xzs¯ tamSn]n-Sn-¸n¨p Im«p¶ ]p¯³ kwkv¡m-c-¯n-te¡v am[y-a-§Ä hf-cp-I-bm-Wv. {]Nm-c-Whpw {]i-kvXnbpw am{Xw hmÀ¯-IÄ¡-Sn-Øm-\-am-Ip -t¼mÄ, ]qÀÆn-IÀ Ncn-{X-¯m-fp-I-fn tNÀ¯ph¨ am[y-a-[À½-¯nâ Bßmhv \jvS-am-Ip-¶p. "am[y-a-§Ä \nb-{´n-¡p-¶-hÀ¡v a\Êpw \nb-{´n-¡m-\mIpw' F¶v ]d-bp-¶-Xp-t]mse Adn-bp-¶Xv am{Xw hmÀ¯ -bm-sW¶v Nn´n-¡p¶ \mw tamSn-]n-Sn-¸n¨ Xe-s¡-«p-I-fn tcmjw sImÅp-Ibpw tdän-Mn -sâbpw kzmÀ°XmÂ]-cy-§-fp-tSbpw aqSp-]-S-¯n ]e-hn-j-b-§fpw And-bmsX t]mIp-Ibpw sN¿p -¶p. Hcp ]s£ AÔ-cmb Ifn-¸m-h-IÄ t]mse {]Xn-I-cn-¡m³ \s½ \nÀ_-Ôn-X-cm-¡p-¶p. {i²n-¡-s¸-Sp-¶Xpw NÀ¨ sN¿-s¸-Sp-¶-Xp-amb hnj-b-§sf DbÀ¯n-sb-Sp¯v HSp-hn \ndw a§p

-t¼mÄ ap³\n-c-bn \n¶v ]n³\nc-bn-te¡pw HSp-hn ]msS XpS¨p \o¡p-¶-Xp-amb ]p¯³ ]{X-kw-kv¡mcw C¶p I>p hcp-¶p. a\p-jysâ Nn´m-[m-c -Isft¸mepw amän-a-d-n-bv¡p¶ ]p¯³ am[y-a-[À½w a\p-jy-m h-Imi ewL-\-§fpsS Hcp apJw IqSn-bm-Wv. ae-bm-fn-bpsS t\cpw \m¡p-sa¶ kzbw Ah-tcm-[-\-hp -ambn apt¶-dp-Ibpw hmZhpw {]Xn-hm-Zhpw kz´-ambv \S¯n hn[n-I¸n-¡p-t¼mÄ P\m-[n-]-Xy-¯n\pw a\p-jym-h-Im -i-¯n\pw t\sc IS-¶p-I-b-dp-¶tXm-sSm¸w Xs¶ A_-² -[m-c-W-IÄ krjvSn-¡p-Ibpw sN¿p-¶p. tXm¶p-¶-sX´pw hmÀ¯-bm-sW¶ at\m-`mhw \ÂI-p¶ Hm¬sse³ am[y-a-§Ä, kwkv¡m-c-iq-\y-amb hmIy-{] -tbm-K-§Ä sIm>v \ofp¶ NÀ¨ -IÄ, Ch-sbÃmw hmÀ¯-sb¶v Xncn-¨-dn-bm-\m-Im¯ Ah-Ø -bmWv \ÂIp-¶-Xv. P\-{i-²-bv¡mbn ]c-kv]cw t]mc-Sn-¡p-t¼mgpw ]Whpw, aXhpw cmjv{So-bhpw NÀ¨-I-fm -¡p-hm³ am[y-a-§sf t{]cn-¸n-¡p-¶p. ]W-¯n-\mbn GXp hmÀ¯bpw \ÂIm³ X¿m -dm-Ip-¶-hÀ, IqSp-X- hmÀ¯sb hf-s¨m-Sn-¡p-¶-hÀ, \njv]-£ -sa¶ hmZ-¯n \n¶p-sIm>v ]£w tNÀ¶v em`w sIm¿p-¶-hÀ, F¶n-§s\ \ofp¶p \h-am-[y-ahn-ti-j-W-§Ä. P\m-[n-]-Xy -¯nsâ ImhÂkq-£n-¸p-ImÀ [mÀ½n-I-X-bp-sSbpw ImhÂ

kq-£n-¸p-Im-tc-tI->-Xp->v. cmjv{So-bhpw hyh-km-bn-Ifpw ka-Im-enI am[y-a-§sf kzm[o-\n¡p-t¼mÄ Iq«mbva-bn \n¶v a\p-jy³ hyàn-tI-{µo-Ir-X-amb Ah-Ø-bn-te¡v hgn-am-dp-¶p. hmIvNm-Xp-cyhpw hni-I-e\ ]mThhpw sIm>v ]c-¯p¶ sXä-n[m-cW `qcn-]£ A`n-{]m-b -ambn amdp-t¼mÄ C¶nsâ temI¯v bmYmÀ°y-§sf t_m[y-t¯m-sSbpw hnth-It¯m-sSbpw kao-]n-t¡->Xv \mw Xs¶-bm-Wv. \½-sf-sbÃmw \nb-{´n-¡m³ Bhp¶ Hcp h³am-[ya am^nb Xs¶-bmWv Npäp-sa¶ Xncn-¨-dn-hv D->m-tI->Xp-am-Wv. P\m-[n-]Xyw \·-bpsS B[n-]-Xyam-sW¶v am[y-a-§Ä Du«n-bp-d-¸n¡p¶ Zn\-ap->m-Iptam F¶Xv kwi-b-am-Wv. am[y-a-§Ä krjvSn¨ Npcp-§nb temI-¯n\-¸p-d-t¯¡v \ap-¡mbn \mw Xs¶ i_vZ-ap-bÀt¯->n-bn -cn-¡p-¶p. Hcn-¡Â P\-§-fpsS tZiob t_m[-ambpw i_vZ-ambpw \ne-\n-¶n-cp¶ am[y-a-temIw asämcp Xe-¯n-te¡v hgn-am-dp -t¼mÄ A[:]X-\-¯nsâ Cu Xe -¯n \n¶v Ah DbÀ¶p hcnI F¶Xv hfsc hnZq-c-am-Wv.

Xncn-¨-dn-tbWw ]eXpw... t_m[y-t¯m-sSbpw ... \njv]-£-am-bpw. APSARA V H Ist M.Sc Chemistry


ad¶pXpS-§n-sb¶p tXm¶n-bm aS-§n-h-t¶-¡Ww ]t£ \n§-fn\n Xncn-sI-sb-¯p-t¼mÄ \½psS _mey-¯nsâ Nmbw ]qinb ]Xnhp hcm-´-bn F¶-t¯bpw t]mse Is>¶p hcn-Ã. ]Xnhp sXän-s¨¶p \n§Ä ]cn-`hw ]d-bm³ hcp-t¼m-tg¡pw \nim-t_m-[-an-ÃmsX \nc-sXän h¶ A]-kvamc \pc-IÄ Fs¶ ]msS s]mXn-ªn-cn¡pw akvXn-jvI-¯nsâ AI-¯-f-§-fn ad-hnbpsS amdme sI«p-IÄ ]qÀ®-h-fÀ¨ {]m]n-¨n-cn¡pw \½psS {]nb-s¸« {`m´p-I-fpsS Xmt¡m¡q«w If-ªp-t]mb B CS-h-gn-I-fn ]q¡m-dn-söp \o ]d-ª-n-cp¶ ihw \mdp¶ Idp¯ ]q¡Ä Im¯n-cn-¸nsâ Ah-km\w PoÀ®n¨ hk´w hncn-bn-¨n-cn-¡pw \½-tfmÀ½-Ifpw t]dn-sb{X Zqc-amWv KXn-bn-ÃmsX Ahn-S-§-fn-se-§s\ Rm³ Aeªp \S-¶Xv! hnPm-Kncn Xpcp-¼n¨ Fsâ ]Sn-ªmtä apdn Akm-[m-c-Wamw hn[w \nÝ-e-amIpw ]qÀ¯n-bm-Im-\m-ImsX t]mb A£-c-§Ä Poh-I-W-¯n-\mbn



Im¯n-cp¶v izmkw ap«n acn¨pImWpw. Ddhp s]m«nb BÀ{Z-Xsb ]mtS ambv¨pIfªv Hcn-¡-se-¦nepw \n§-sfsâ ivaim-\-`q-ansb Xnc-ªn-d-§Ww XncnsI t]mIp-t¼mÄ Fsâ {]nb-s¸« \nim-K-Ôn-¸q-hp-IÄ X¶n«p t]mIp-I. . . . \nsâ HmÀ½-IÄ thcn-Sp-t¼m-sgm-s¡bpw \ndªp ]q¡p-¶h As¶mcp ]m«pw Hcp ]g-¦-Y-bp-sa-\n¡v Iq«p->m-hnà ]Xn-hp-cm-{Xn-I-fnse Zpcq-l-amb b£n-¡-Y-IÄ C\n-sb-\n¡v \n{Zm-`wKw hcp-¯n-Ã. . . . Fsâ a®-dbv¡p Npäpw \nim-]p-jv]-§Ä ]äpw tNÀ¶p hf-c-Ww. . . . cm{XnbpsS IrXyw aq¶mw bma-¯n Ah ]q¡-Ww. . . . \nKq-V-amb KÔw t]dWw {]`m-X-¯n F\n-¡-hsb aqSn-¸p-X-¨p-d-§Ww.. . . . Fsâ ivaim-\-`q-ansb F\n¡v \nim-K-Ôn-IÄ ]q¡p¶ Xmgvh-c-sb¶p hnfn-¡Ww ]s£ {]`m-X-¯n \nim-K-Ôn-IÄ ]q¡p-tam-sb¶v \n§-sf-t¶mSp tNmZn¡pw!

SANDRA G BABU Ist MA Malayalam

Fsâ HmÀ½-I-fn-eqsS C\nbpw Fs¶ {`an-¸n¨p IS-¶p-t]m-Im-Xn-cn-¡q. Fsâ kz]v\-§-fn h¶p CÃm¯ [À½-k-¦-S-¯n Fs¶ AI-s¸-Sp¯n Kan-¡m-Xn-cn-¡q. Fsâ Nn´-I-fn \nd-sªs¶ ]m-c-h-iy-bm-Im-Xn-cn-¡q. Fs´-¶m C\nbpw \n§-fpsS Pme-hnZy Fs¶ ]n³Xp-S-cp-I-bm-sW-¦n Rm³ Cu N§e¡®n-IÄ hen¨pw ISn¨pw s]m«n-¨v, \n§Ä¡v ]n¶mse ka-\ne sXän-b-Xpt]mse Aebpw CÃm¯ t{]a-_Ôw \n§-fp-ambn k¦-Â]n-s¨-Sp¯v AXn Pohn-¡pw. At¸mÄ IS-a-IÄ Fs¶ `b-s¸ -Sp-¯n-Ã. Fsâ _Ô-§Ä Fs¶ AI -s¸-Sp-¯n-Ã. Ah Ahbpw. Rm³ Ahsb `b-¡m¯ Rm\p-am-Ipw. Fsâ Imen-\v ASnbnse as®m-en-¨n Ah-km-\n-¡pw. tijn¡pw Poh³ ]Ip¯p \ÂIn-b-t¸mÄ Ipdªp t]mb-Xn-s\-s¨m-Ãn-bpÅ ]cm-Xn -IÄ¡v Rm³ sNhn-sIm-Sp-¡n-Ã. F\n¡v t\sc-sb-dn-bp¶ IÃp-IÄ, Fsâ Xe¡p apI-fn-eq-sSbpw Imen-\-Sn-bn-eq-sSbpw IS -¶p-t]m-Ipw. Rm³ kam-[m-\s¯ Imw£n -¡p-¶hfm-hpw. t{]a-¯m Zmln-¡p-¶-h -fm-Ipw. F¶nse amäw I>v, Npäpw DÅ-hÀ AÛp-X-s¸-Spw. Rm\pw amä-¯n\v hnt[-b -am-sW¶v Rm³ Ahsc HmÀ½-s¸-Sp-¯pw. AhÀ Fs¶ hniz-kn-¡n-Ã. Rm³ Ah-cp -ambn Fsâ amä-¯ns\¸än hmKzm-Z-§-fn GÀs¸-Sn-Ã. Rm³ AtX Ae-¨n XpS-cpw. Zmln-¡p-t¼mÄ, t{]aw IpSn-¡pw. hni-¡p-t¼mÄ, t{]aw `£n-¡pw. F\n -¡n\n £oW-an-Ã. F\n-¡n\n ac-W-an-Ã, _m¡n h¶ F¨nÂNp-hbv¡pw Poh-\n-Ã. Ah-Im-i-hm-Z-§-fm Af-¡-s¸« ico-c -a-Ã. Bßm-hn-Ã. Rm³ Rm\mbn Ae-bpw. kz]v-\-§-fn I>v tamln¨v IS-ensâ Xoc-¯n-eqsS Ah-s\m¸w Ae-bpw. Fs¶ At\z-jn¨v Bcpw ChnsS hcn-Ã. D¯-c-hm

-Zn-¯§-fpsS ]«n-Ibv¡pw _m[y-X-I-fpsS IS-em-kp-Xp->p-IÄ¡pw AhnsS {]th-i -\-an-Ã. AhnsS Rm\pw Ah\pw R§f pw am{XtabpÅq. R§Ä kz]v\-§sf¸än kwkm-cn¡pw Ah³ Fs¶ AXn-tam-ln -bmbn ap{Z-Ip-¯n-Ã. Xoc¯p aeÀ¶p InS¶v \£-{X-§Ä F®pw. F®w sXän-b-Xn\v Ah³ Fs¶ klm-bn-¡n-Ã. IS-en\pw Icbv¡pw IS-en\pw \jvS-amb {]W-b-s¯ -¸än kwkm-cn-¡pw. Rm³ Imc-W-an-ÃmsX Ae-ap-d-bn«v Ic-bpw. A«-l-kn¨p Nncn-¡pw. Ah³ Fs¶ {`m´n F¶p hnfn-¡n-Ã. R§Ä Xoc-¯n-eqsS Zn¡-dn-bmsX Ae-bpw. Ah³ Ft¶mSp e£y-Øm\w tNmZn-¡n-Ã. R§Ä aW¯-cn-IÄ¡p ta £oW -¯m Ipgªp hogpw. Ah³ Xm§n-Ã. R§Ä IS shÅw IpSn-¡pw. Ds¸¶p ]cm-Xn-s¸-Spw. tijw Xoc¯p InS¶v {IoUn-¡pw. AhnsS h¨v CÃm¯ KÀ`]m-{X-¯n Rm³ Ahsâ CÃm¯ _oPs¯ Øm]n-¡pw. tijw IS-ensâ Bg-¯n-te-¡n-d§n Bß-lXy sN¿pw. Asæn Cu \nan-j-s¯bpw Bsc-¦nepw \in-¸n-¡pw.

Sethu Parvathy IInd BA Economics


A½bpsS imk\bpw,AÑsâ Xm¡oXpw G«sâ I®pcp«epw HmÀ¡pt¼mÄ tXm¶pw "acn¨m aXnbmbncp¶p" ]co£bv¡p tXm¡pt¼mÄ, Bin¨Xv In«mXncn¡pt¼mÄ {]Wbw ImS¯amhpt¼mÄ, Zmlw AS§pt¼mÄ tXm¶pw "acn¨m aXnbmbncp¶p" Iã¸mSnsâ ImÀtaL§fnepÅhÀ AXnPoh\¯nsâ t]amcn s]¿n¡pt¼mÄ IpS ]nSn¨v \\hdnbmsX shdpsX I®ocp hmÀ¯hÀ¡p tXm¶pw "acn¨m aXnbmbncp¶p" ]t£ ;B tXm¶Â Nm]Ãy¯nsâ ]cymbsa¶v hc¨ XqenIbpsS ASbmf§sf shÃphnfn¨ s^an\nÌpIÄ¡v A]am\amWv B tXm¶Â ZpcqlXbpsS Ib¯n kwib¯nsâ hn¹hw krãn¨v N§m¯§fn ]m]ZrãvSn ]Xn¸n¡p¶p.



NndISn¨v ]d¡m³ ie`w ]yq¸ s]m«n¡p¶Xpt]msebà Pohsâ \oÀ¡panfIÄ kzbw \ne¯n«pSbv¡p¶Xv. A§s\bmbncps¶¦n ZpxJ¯nsâ \ngepIsf adbv¡m³ ]p©ncnbpsS apJw aqSnbWnªv \n¶AhÀ¡pw At¶ "acn¨m aXnbmbncp¶p". A\ykv]Ài\ta¡msX kwc£n¨ hmÂkÃy¯nsâ NqSpÅ ]yq¸, ]pgphmb \ns¶ ]q¼mäbm¡nbt¸mÄ NndISn¨pbcm³ {]m]vXbm¡nbt¸mÄ kt´mjn¨p ]t£; B NndIv \o kzbw Icn¨t¸mÄ B Nmc¯n amXrXz¯nsâbpw ]nXrXz¯nsâbpw Xos¸mcnbmbncp¶p. AXv Imänt\mSv a{´n¨ B tXm¶Â "acn¨m aXnbmbncp¶p" F¶Ã At¸mgpw Dcphn«Xv ssZh¯nsâ tImSXnbn B tXm¶Â hfÀ¨sb¯m¯ ]pgphnsâ a>¯c§Ä am{Xambncn¡tW F¶mWv...

HARIKRISHNAN IInd B.Sc Mathematics

Xebv¡p apI-fn kqcy³ I¯n-\n¡p -t¼mgpw Ahsâ I®p-I-fn Ccp«v Cc-¨v Cd-§p-¶p->m-bn-cp-¶p, ssI Rc-¼n-\p-Ån càw BÀ¯n-c-¼p¶ ss\ \Zn t]mse, ]nS-bv¡p¶ lrZ-b-an-Sn-¸n-\n-S-bn-eqsS Ah³ Ah-sâ -{]n-b-s¸-«-hsc Hcn-¡ÂIqSn HmÀs¯ -Sp-¯p. . . . acWw ssI¯p-¼n hnf-bm-Sp -t¼mÄ Hcp-hsâ a\-Ên tXm¶p¶ Nn´-IÄ CsXm-s¡-bm-Imw. FÃm-hcpw CXp-t]m-se-bà Nn´n-¡pI F¶Xv asämcp kXyw, ImcWw sN¦-S t]mse Nph¶ I®p-I-fnepw izmkw \ne¨ lrZ-b-¯n\pw Htc t\mhm-hn-Ã-tÃm. F¶n-cp-¶mepw Cusbmcp kml-N-cy -¯nte¡v F¯n-s¸-Sm-\pÅ Ah-cpsS am\-knI kwLÀjs¯ ]änbpw IpXn-¨pb-cp¶ Bß-lXym {]h-W-X-bvs¡m¸w \mw Nn´n¨v XpS-t§->n-bn-cn-¡p-¶p, C\n-sb-¦n -epw. IW-¡p-I-f-\p-k-cn¨v tIc-f-¯nse Bß-lXym \nc¡v tZiob icm-i-cn-tb-¡mÄ hfsc IqSp-X BsW-¶Xv \nÊm-ch¡-cn-t¡> H¶Ã. t\cn-tS->n-h-cp¶ tNmZy-§Ä¡pw, Ipä-s¸-Sp-¯-ep-IÄ¡pw, ]cn-lm-k-§Ä¡pw, hnj-a-§Ä¡pw ]ecpw X§-fpsS Poh³ Xs¶ \ÂIp-¶p, {]tXy-In¨v Ip«n-Ifpw bphm-¡fpw Hcp ]t£ Bß-l-Xy

bv¡pÅ ImcWw tI«m \nÊm-c-am-sW¶p tXm¶mw. F¶m B \nÊm-c-Imcyw t]mepw Ah\v ]cn-l-cn-¡m³ Ign-bp-¶n-sÃ-¦n AXv kaq-l-¯n-tâbpw IpSpw-_-¯n-tâbpw Ign-hp -tI-Smbn ImtW->n-h-cpw. DbÀ¶ hnZym-`ymkw t\Sp-t¼mgpw ]Iz-X-bn-Ãm-bva-bpw, hni-I-e-\ -ssh-`-h-an-Ãm-bva-bpw, IpSpw-_-km-l-N-cy§-fpw, hnÀNz temIhpw elcn D]-tbm-K-hp -saÃmw Bß-lXy F¶ aq¶-£-c-¯n-te¡v sIms>-¯n-¡p-¶p. imco-cn-Ihpw am\-kn-I -hp-amb \nc-h[n Ign-hpÅ DuÀÖ-kz-e-amb Ime-L-«-amWv s]mXpth bph-Xzw. Gähpw sa¨-s¸« Btcm-Ky-\n-e-bpÅ {]mb-¯n PohnXw Xs¶ Ah-km-\n-¸n-¡p-hm³ Xocp-am\n-¡p-¶Xv \nÊm-c-a-Ã. 2014þ \S¶ tIw{_nPv bqWn-th-gvkn-än-bpsS ]T-\-{]-Imcw tIcfw Hcp {]tXyI cmPy-am-bn-cp-s¶-¦n temI-¯n -te-ähpw IqSp-X Bß-lXy \S-¡p¶ cmPyw tIc-f-am-Ip-am-bn-cp-¶p. Hcp ]s£ kaq-l-¯nse Bß-lXym {]h-W-X-sb-¡p-dn¨v ({]-tXy-In¨v Ip«n-I-fn-se) km[m-c-W-¡mÀ hsc Nn´n¨v XpS-§n-bXv Cu sImtdmW Ime-¯m-Wv. Fs´-¶m Cu Hcp Ime-L-«-¯nse am{Xw Bß-l-Xy-I-W-¡p -IÄ sR«n-¡p-¶-Xm-Wv. dnt¸mÀ«v sN¿-s¸-Sp¶ IW-¡p-I-tf-¡mÄ ]e-a-S§p tIkp-IÄ


dnt¸mÀ«v sN¿-s¸-SmsX t]mbn-«p>v F¶Xpw \mw HmÀt¡->-Xp->v. Hä-s¸-S-epw, am\-kn-I, kmaq-ln-I, km¼-¯n-I, {]Wb XIÀ¨bp-saÃmw Bß-l-Xy-sb¶ ]cn-lm-c-¯n-te¡v a\p-jys\ sIms>-¯n-¡p-¶p. C¶v Bß-lXy Hcp s{S³Uv Bbn Ip«n-IÄ¡n-S-bn I>p-h-cp-¶p. {]tXy-In¨v 10þ16 hb-Êp-IÄ¡nSbn BtLmj-ambn Bkz-Zn¨v XoÀt¡> ssii-hhpw Ip«n-¡m-ehpw am\-knI ]ncn-ap-dp-¡-¯n F¯n-s¸-Sp-¶ -Xnsâ kml-Ncyw Hmtcm ]uc\pw ]T-\-hn-t[-b-am-t¡->-Xp->v. \½psS ap¶n Nncn¨p ckn¨v \S-¶-hÀ s]s«-s¶m-cp- \mÄ A{]-Xy-£-am-Ip-¶ -Xnsâ ImcWw \mw Xs¶ Xncn-¨-dn-tb->-Xp->v. asämcp hkvXpX Fs´-¶m tem¡vUu¬ am{X-aà \½psS Ip«n-I-tfbpw apXnÀ¶-h-scbpw am\-knI k½À± -¯n\pw Bß-l-Xy¡pw ImcWw F¶Xpw \mw a\-Ên-em-t¡->-Xp->v. C¶s¯ kml-Ncyw `qX-Im-e-¯n A\p-`-hn-¨Xv {]iv\-§-sfbpw hnj-a -§-tfbpw aäpw Magnify sN¿p-¶-Xm-Wv. C¶v k-aq-l-am-I-am\w kvs{SÊpw BwKvssk-änbpw _ntl-hn-b-d {]iv\-§fpw A\p-`-hn-¡p-¶-h-cm-Wv. CXn \ns¶Ãmw F§s\ c£ -s¸Smw F¶p Nn´n-¡p-¶-Xn\p ]Icw {]iv\-§-fn \n¶v/hnj-a-§-fn \n¶v F§s\ Hfn-t¨mSmw F¶ tNmZy -¯nsâ D¯-c-ambn ]eÀ¡pw In«p -¶Xv Bß-l-Xy-bm-Wv. \½Ä hfsc Developed & Advanced BWv F¶v ]d-bp-¶Xv Technically am{X-am-Wv. \½psS Nn´-IÄ Ct¸mgpw A{Xbpw Advanced Aà F¶v Xs¶ ]d-tb->-Xp->v. hnIm-c-§Ä¡n-¸pdw \n¶p-sIm>v \½psS Nn´-Isf hnth-I-t¯msS \nb-{´n-¡m³ t]mepw \½-fn ]eÀ¡pw Ct¸mgpw Ign-bm-dnà F¶-XmWv kXyw. \½psS Nne Perspectives amän-bm Xs¶ FÃm-bn-S¯pw CsÃ-¦nepw Nne-



bn-S-s¯-¦nepw \½Ä¡v kt´mjw Is>-¯m³ Ignbpw AXn\v Ign-bpI Xs¶- th-Ww. ]cnan-X-amb kml-N-cy -§Ä¡n-S-bnepw {]Xo-£-bpsS I\ Is>-¯m³ {ian-¡-Ww. AXn-\mbn sNdp¸w apXte Ip«n-Isf ]mI-s¸-Sp -¯-Ww. amÀ¡v Ipd-ª-Xnsâ t]cnÂ, Body Shame sâ t]cn FÃmw Ipä-s¸-Sp-¯p-¶Xv C\nbpw XpS-tc-> H¶-Ã. ]T-\-ssh-`-h-t¯m-sSm¸w am\-knI hfÀ¨ sa¨-s¸-Sp-¯p-¶ -Xnepw Hcp I®p-th-Ww. shdp-samcp Counseling Class sIm>v am{Xw Bß -lXym {]h-W-Xsb CÃmbva sN¿m -sa¶v Icp-Xp-¶Xv ip²-a->-¯-c-am-Wv. Xs¶ Xm³ Xs¶ Xncn-¨-dn-bp-I-bmWv th>-Xv. AXn-\mbn Hcmsf F§s\ ]cn-io-en-¸n¡mw F¶mWv Nn´n-t¡ ->-Xv. Bß-lXy Hcp ]cn-lm-c-aà F¶ t_m[hpw t_m[yhpw \mw D>m-¡n-sb-Sp-t¡->-Xp->v. Xsâ Ime³ Xm³ Xs¶ BIp-¶-Xn ]cw Hcp hntcm-[m-`mkw asä-´mWv AtÃ. . . . Nn´n-¡p-I, AXv Hcn-¡epw Hcp ssUsa³j-\n \n¶m-I-cp-Xv. ]e ssUsa³j-\n \n¶v Hcp Imcys¯ t\m¡n-¡m-Wm³ {ian-¡p-I. aäp-Å-hsc a\-Ên-em¡m\pw IqsS \n¡m\pw Ign-bp-I. CXp-sIm-s>ms¡ am{Xta Bß-l-Xym-{]-h-WX Ipd¨p sIm>p -h-cm³ km[n-¡q. kwKo-Xhpw bm{X-Ifpw Hcp ]cn[n hsc-sb-¦nepw \½psS am\-kn-I-kw-LÀjw Ipd -bv¡m³ km[n-¡p-¶p>v F¶Xpw asämcp hkvXp-X-bm-Wv. "Place your hand over your heart, can you feel it? That is called purpose. You're alive for a reason so don't ever give up"

ANJU V S Ist M.Sc Zoology

kulrZw AsXmcp el-cn-bmWv. Hcp sNdp ]p©n-cnbn XpS§n temI-hn-kva-b-§Ä ImWn-¡p¶ ambm -Pm-ew. Hcp \à kplr-¯nsâ I®nÂ, Nncn-bnÂ, hm¡p -I-fn FÃmw \nd-bp¶ Hcp A\p-`q-Xn-bp->v, aªps]-¿p¶ cm{Xn-tb-¡mÄ kpJw Xcp¶ A\p-`q-Xn. kvt\lhpw Icp-Xepw hnizm-khpw ]ns¶ asä-s´-Ãmtam sIm>v at\m-l-c-am-¡n-b, hm¡p-I-fm hÀ®n-¡m³ Ign-bm¯ hnIm-c-amWv kulr-Z-¯n-tâ-Xv. Pohn-X-¯nse Ah-km\ Iem-eb PohnXw sI«n ¸Sp-¡m-\mWv R§Ä 22 t]cpw Fkv. F³. Fw. sâ ]Sn-hm-Xn Xpd-s¶-¯n-b-Xv. Fkv. F³. Fw. sâ GXp tImWn t\m¡n-bmepw ImWm-hp-¶-Xp-t]mse kulr-Z-¯nsâ \njv]-£-amb ImgvN-IÄ Ist M. Sc. Zoology ¢mÊn-te¡v t\m¡n-bm ImWmw. Hcp-]t£ \msf \n§Ä¡v R§sf AhnsS ImWm-\m-In-Ã. F¶m-e-hn-Ss¯ Npa-cn\pw sUkvIn-\pw, NnÃp-Ip-¸n-I -fn kq£n¨p sh¨n-cn-¡p¶ kvs]kn-sa³kn\pw, Sn¸-än-\pw, sse{_-dn-bnse _p¡p-IÄ¡pw Imâo-\nse Iyma-dbv¡pw ]d-bm-\p->mIpw R§-sf-¸-än. A¶v R§Ä 22 t]cpw Hcp sNdp-]p-©n-cn-tbmsS ssIsIm-Sp -¯-t¸mÄ Xs¶ a\-Ên Dd-¸n-¨n-cp¶p Cu ]p©n-cn -¡p¶ Hmtcm apJhpw \msf apX R§-fpsS lrZ-b-an -Sn-¸m-Ip-sa-¶v. Fkv. F³. Fw. tImtf-Pnse 2019-þ2020 Ist M. Sc. Zoology _m¨v Cu hnI-kn-X-tem-I-¯n H¶pa-Ãm-bn-cn¡pw. F¶m \½Ä kqkn-b³kn¶v CXmWv FÃmw. C¶v CXmWv R§-fpsS temIw; ]¨-bmb Pohn-X-I-Y-IÄ ]dªv Ft¯m-f-Pn-bp-tSbpw ssat{Im-_-bm-f-Pn-bp-tSbpw hnc-kX amäp¶ kn_n anÊpw (I-Y-IÄ tI«p Nncn-¡Ww AXmWv sabv³) sIm¨p-§-tf. . . F¶ Hä hnfn-sIm>v R§sf Iogv s¸-Sp-¯nb {Kojva anÊpw, Ft¸mgpw sNdp-]p-©n-cn -tbmSp h¶v Xe-I-d-¡p¶ _tbm-sI-ankv{Sn kn¼n-fmbn FSp-¯p-t]m-Ip¶ kuay -an-Êpw, \¶mbn ]Tn-¡-Ww«m F¶v Ipeo-\-XtbmsS ]dªv R§sf ]Tn-¡m³ t{]cn-¸n-¡p¶ hnPn anÊpw Ah-cmWv R§-fpsS sIm¨p temI-¯nse ssZh-§Ä. C\n R§Ä kqkn-b³kv; BtLmjv ]n. F¶ ]n. Pn. Xe, Aà R§sS kz´w Im´-¸³, skân-b-Sn¨v R§sf hogv¯p-¶, Icp-Xepw kvt\lhpw sIm>v R§sf hoÀ¸p-ap-«n-¡p¶ \à AÊ kJmhv Fkv.



F³. Fw. sâ ]S-\m-b-I³. AhÀ ]Tn -¸n-bm-I-W-sa¶ taml-hp-ambn Chn-sS -sb-¯nb eoe-sb¶ ARvP-en. Pnjva anÊnsâ Z¯p-]p-{Xn, DuWnepw Dd-¡ -¯nepw GXn-\v, ¢mkv ssSanÂt¸mepw It\-Un-b³ PohnXw kz]v\w ImWp-¶ -hÄ, k©-cn-¡p¶ _yq«n-]mÀeÀ Bcy, kc-kp-hnsâ hne-Ip-dª tIma-Unbn hoWp-t]m-ImsX IrXy-ambn ¢mÊn {i²n-¨n-cn-¡p¶ t]mse A`n-\-bn-¡p¶ R§sS ap¯p aWn! slbÀI-f-dnMv BWv Ip«n-bpsS sabn³ tlm_n. sNÊv Nnd-bn \n¶v Ipäow ]dn¨p h¶ R§sS ARvPp, Nncn-sIm>v BÄ¡msc `oj-Wn -s¸-Sp-¯p-¶-hÄ, _p²n-bpsS AÔ -amb GIm-´-X-bn Ihn-X-IÄ¡pw Poh³ sImSp-¡p-¶ -hÄ, ]ns¶ R§sS Bjv\-¡p-«³, Fw. Pn. bqWn-th-gvknän tSm¸À, tImgn -t¡mSp \n¶v IÅ -h>n tIdn Fkv. F³. Fw.  F¯n-b-hÄ. km[m-cW Znh-k-§-fn Hcp XpÅn shÅw ImWmsX hcp¶ ChÄ kvs]jy sUbvkn I«-{^o-¡-¯n-bm-Ipw. Xp¼n-Isf Xsâ Poh-t\-¡m-tfsd {]W-bn-¡p¶ Hcp alm-\p>v ¢mknÂ, Xp¼n ca-W³ F¶ AXp i¦À kn., Xms\mcp {]Xn-`-bm-Iptam F¶ `b-¯m Ch³ Chsâ Ad-nhp -I-sfÃmw a\-Ên Ipgn-¨p-aqSn hmg \«n-cn-¡p-I-bm-Wv. ca-Ws\ hgn-sX-än -¡p-¶-Xn {][m\ ]¦p hln-¡p¶ al-Xn-bp>v; R§sS Aiz-Xn, Kp>

kckp F¶v R§Ä hnfn-¡pw, ]ymco. . . F¶v Dds¡ hnfn-¨m HmSn-sb-¯p -an-hÄ, kc-kq-sâ- ]m-«n-Ãm¯ ¢mkv sN>-bn-Ãm¯ ]qc-¸-d¼v t]mse-bm-Wv. alm-cm-Pm-knse hÀ®-]-In-«n \n¶v Fkv. F³. Fw. sâ Ipªp -tem-I-t¯¡v tNt¡-dnb {InÌn\ ({In-Ìn), \sÃmcp BÀ«n-Ìm-Wv. Ch-fnse Iem-Imcn DW-cp-¶Xv t_md -Sn-¡p¶ ¢mkv ]ocn-b-Up-I-fn-em-sW¶p am{Xw, AXv am{X-a-Ã, ChÄ Cw¥ojv ]m«v am{Xta tIÄ¡q. . . ¢mkn Ønc-ambn Ccn-¸n-S-ap-ÅXv tZhn-¡m-Wv, tZhnsb

t\m¡p-t¼mÄ im´-k-ap-{Z-amWv HmÀ½ hcn-I, ImcWw A{Xbv¡v im´-amWo tIm«bwImcn. tZhn C¶pw Npcp-f-gn -bm¯ clkyw t]mse \nKq-V-am-Wv. X«-¯n-\p-Ån tImgn-t¡m-Snsâ sam©v apgp-h\pw Hfn-¸n¨p h¡p¶ sam©¯n; agsb aW-¯-dn-bp-¶-hÄ, R§sS-sbms¡ Nd-]d kwkmcw tI¡pt¼m Ch-cn-sX´p tX§bm ]d-btW F¶v Btem-Nn-¨n-cn-¡p¶ hm\nb tamÄ. FÃm ¢mkn-ep-ap->mIpw Ønc-ambn sse{_-dn-bn t]mbn IdIvSv ssSan t\mSvkv IfIvSv sNbvXv FIvkmw ssSan FÃm-h-cn-te-¡p

-sa-¯n-¡p¶ \·-a-cw, AXmWv lrZy, R§sS Expression Queen. an>m-¸q¨ anjva, IeymWw Ign-¡-W-sa¶ taml -hp-ambn ]n. Pn. ¡v hcp-Ibpw ^Ìv Cb-dn Xs¶ AXv km[n-s¨-Sp-¡p -Ibpw sNbvX-hÄ, FIvkm-an-t\-¡mÄ hepXv Ieym-W-am-sW¶v ASn-bp-d¨v hniz-kn-¨-hÄ. Ignª 3 hÀjw Xan-gv \m-«p-Imsc shdp-¸n¨v C\n-bpÅ Imew tIc-fs¯ shdp-¸n-¡m³ th>n ]me-¡mSp \n¶pw F¯nb an\n, cmhnse am{Xw ]Tn-¡p-¶, F¶n«v FIvkm-an anI¨ amÀ¡v hm§p¶ ambm-Pm-e-¡m-cn. C\n-sbmcp ]«n kvt\ln-bp->v. ]«n im´, \of-ta-dnb apSnbpw Xma-c-bn-XÄ t]mes¯ I®p-Ifpw ImWp-t¼mÄ tXm¶pw Ch-fmWv tIc-fob h\nX F¶v. But AXv shdp-sX-bm-Wv, \nan-j-t\cw sIm>v `mh-§Ä amdn-a-d-bp¶ Ch-fmWv i¦p-hnsâ s]mt¶m-a-\-¸p{Xn F³. AizXn i¦À, hcp¶ hgn-bn ImWp¶ _kv Poh-\ -¡m-tcbpw Hmt«m-¡m-tcbpw \njv¡-f-¦ -amb kwkm-c-¯n-eqsS Iogvs¸-Sp-¯p-¶ -hÄ. R§sS \hy, Fhn-sS-¯n-cn -ªmepw Nd-]d Clicks FSp-¡p¶ Snapchat sNÃ-½, Hcp s]m«-¯n, AXn -ep-]cn Hcp kvt\tlm-]-Im-cn-bmb \njvI-f-¦. ¢mkn ChÄ {i²n-¨n -cn-¡p-¶Xv ImWp-t¼mÄ H¶p sImSp -¡m³ tXm¶pw. ]ns¶, ]q¨-¡-®pÅ ]qP, Bsfmcp t{Smf-¯n-bmWv, {]W-th-«s\ kZm-k-a-bhpw kz]v\w ImWp-¶-hÄ, \à AÊ Imap-In, NÀ½w I>m {]mbw tXm¶m-¯-hÄ.


CXp-hsc ]d-ª-Xn \ns¶Ãmw hyXy-kvX-amb Hcp Item D>v. \oXp, euam-tcy-Pnsâ A_m-kn-UÀ, So¨Àamsc hsc I¯n-h¨v sImÃp-¶ -hÄ, ¢mkn \oXp CÃm-Xn-cp-s¶-¦n -tem. . . . tem. . .tem. . . F¶ tNmZy-¯n\v adp-]-Sn-IÄ Gsd-bm-Wv, BZy-amcv sdt¡mÀUv Fgp-Xpw, BcmZyw tlmwhÀ¡v sN¿pw, anÊpamÀ hnfn -¡p-t¼mÄ Bcv Ìm^v dqan t]mIpw!




\n§-sfms¡ cmP-Ip-amcn F¶v tI«n -«tà DÅq. Zoozians  Hcp Hdn-Pn-\ cmP-Ip-amcn Xs¶ D>v, tXPzÊn hÀ½ F¶ R§sS tX¨p-tamÄ, jn_p a½otSw im´-¸tâw s]mt¶m-a\ ]p{Xn-bmbn Zoozians  Pohn-¡p-¶p, Km\-tIm-In-e-amb tX¨p-tam-fpsS sabn³ tlm_n ]m«pw ]mSn Infn-I -fpsS ]pdsI \S-¡-em-Wv. R§sS cmP-Ip-am-cnsb shdp-¸n-¡m³ th>n ¢mÊn hcp¶ Hcm-fmWv hoW, ]m«pw Um³kpw AXn-ep-]-cn-bmbn hmtXm-cmsX Fs´m-s¡tbm ]dªv hmbn-«-e-¡p¶ sXm«m-hm-Sn, Hcp apgp aSn-¨n. C\n ]d-bm-\p-ÅXv R§sS jn_p a½nsb ]än-bm-Wv, tImgn-t¡m -Snsâ X\Xp ssien-bp-ambn F¯n R§sf Iog-S-¡n-b-hÄ, _m¡v s_©nse Ønc-Ip-Sn-In-S-¸-h-Im-in, External Examiners sâ {]nb-s¸-«-hÄ jn_n-e, kptamsâ I¯n¡v ]e -t¸mgpw Cc-bm-Ip-¶-hÄ, Hä-t\m-«¯n Bcpw ]dbpw Ch-sfmcp \à Ip«n-bm-sW-¶v. Ct¸mÄ ]dª kptam Bcm-¶-dn-bt> Hcp ]¯p ] t¯-Im BIp-t¼mÄ antÊ. . . F¶p hnfn¨v With Hcp IqXd Nncn-bp-ambn hmXn¡ h¶p \n¡p¶ kpan-j-bm-W-Xv. Bfv t\cw sshIn -h-cp-¶Xv hoSv ASp-¯m-bXv sIm>m -Wvt«m. ChÄ IY-]-d-bm³ Xp-S-§n-bm -e-Xn\v Hcp Ah-km-\hpw D>m-hn-Ã. kptam-bpsS IqXd kwkm-chpw

jn_p-hnsâ ]p©n-cnbpw CÃm¯ _m¡v _©v ivaim-\-am-sW-¶mWv an\n ]d-bm-dv. C\n Ah-km-\-am-bn«v Hcmfpw IqSntb DÅq ¢mÊn AXv R§sS DÅn-tam-fm-Wv. Ch-fpsS GI i{Xp DÅn-bmWv (B DÅn IY -tIÄ¡m³ Hcp ]S Xs¶-bp->mIpw Ah-fpsS Npäpw), Ch-sfmcp ]mhw ]mhw IrjvW-`-à-bm-sW¶v ]dªp tIÄ¡p-¶p. CS-bv¡n-S¡v Nn´ -I-fpsS A\-´-X-bn-te¡v B>n-d -§p¶ ChÄ \½Ä ]d-bp¶ ]eXpw tIÄ¡m-dn-Ã. Um³kpw ]m«pw Iptd-Iptd IY-Ifpw Ipd-¨p-Ip-d¨v ]cn-`-h-§fpw ho>p -tamÀ½n-¡m³ sImtd skÂ^n-IÄ am{Xw h¨v Hcp hÀjw XoÀ¶p, AXnse Ah-km\ \mfp-IÄ sImtdm-Wbpw sIm>p-t]m-bn. ¢mÊv I«vsNbvXv ap\¼w _o¨n t]mb-Xpw, Hmtcm _À¯vtU¡pw im´-¸³ hm§p¶ tI¡nsâ cpNnbpw Imâo-\nse ]gw- s]m-cnbpw sse{_-dn-bn -en-cp-¶pÅ skmd ]d-¨n-epw, NneÀs¡ms¡ In«nb eohvse-ä-dn\p ]pd-Inse Ccp> ssII-fpw, HmUn-täm -dn-b-¯n \n¶v Um³kv Ifn-¨-Xpw, tkmbn HmÀKm-\n-k-¯ns\ ]nSn-¡m³ tImtf-Pn apgp-h³ Ae -ªXpw em_nse X«n-¡q-«Â ]cn-]m-Sn -Ifpw ¢mkv ssSanse kwkm-chpw ]¦p-h-¨p-I-gn-¡p¶ D¨-bq-Wnse kvt\l Dcp-f-Ifpw ]c-kv]cw hmcn -sb-dn-bp¶ hne-Ip-dª I« tem¡Â Nfn-I-fpw, anjva-bpsS Ieym-W-¯n\v hmcn-h-en¨v Xn¶ Nn¡-\pw, `qansb adn-¨n-Sp¶ XÅ-ep-I-fpw, apJy-a-{´n ¡pw Fw. FÂ. F.-bv¡pw {]n³kn-¸m -fn-\psaÃmw Fgp-Xp¶ ]cm-Xn-Ifpw Hs¡-bn¶v HmÀ½. . . . Cu HmÀ½-IÄ FÃmw Xs¶ C¶v ]d-bp-¶Xv Htc Hcp Imcy-amWv 200 cq]-sIm>v Af-¡m -hp¶ H¶Ã kulr-Zw.

XIÀ¨-bpsS i_vZ-§-fm-bn-cp¶p ChnsS IqSp-XÂ. Is>-¯-ep -I-tf-¡mÄ H¯p t\m¡-ep-Ifpw, \ne-\n¸n-\m-bpÅ sNdnb ASn-¨p-am-ä-ep-I-fpamWv A[n-Ihpw \S-¶n-«p-Å-Xv. hmjvt_m-«n-ep -Isf hm«À K®pI-fm¡n amänb t\c-§-fn X-«epw s]m«-epw hI-sh-bv¡msX t]mcm-Snb t]mcm-fn-I-fpsS temIw Hcp Xos¸-«n-I-¼n- \n¶v Hcp-]mSv t]À¡v shfn-¨-ta-Inb kulr-Z-¯nsâ Iq«w. Im¯n-cn-¸n-sâbpw kq£va-X-bp-sSbpw Hm«-¸m-¨n-en-sâbpw t\c¯n-s\m-Sp-hn In«p¶ BlvfmZw ss\an-jn-I-ambn amdp-t¼mÄ FÃmw Nne H¸n-¡-ep-I-fn-te¡v hgn-am-dpw. ]Tn¨ ]mT-§Ä t]¸-dnepw ]b-änb amÀ¤-§Ä sSÌv Syq_nepw \nd-bv¡p-t¼mÄ e£yw am{X-am-bn-cp¶p FÃm-¯n\pw B[m-cw. Nne XIÀ¨-bpsS i_vZ-§Ä Hs¯m-cp-a-bpsS henb Iq«m-bva-bn -te¡v \bn-¡p-sa¶pw IuXpIw \nd-bp¶ Ipd¨p NnÃp-Ip-¸n-IÄ C½nWn _ey Iem-Im-c³amsc hmÀs¯-Sp-¡p-sa¶pw ChnSw Xs¶ ]mT-§Ä. APSARA V H IInd M.Sc Chemistry


\ndw-a-§nb Nn{X-¯nÂ. . . . Gsd t\cw t\m¡n-\n-¶p. Ime-tam-tcm-¶mbn IS¶p t]mInepw C¶p-am.. . .\n-anjw Hfn-am-bm-bsX \n¸q. HmÀ½-I-fn Iq«mbn am{X-an-¶Xp amdn. . . I>p-ap-«nb \mfn-set¶m tNÀ¯pþ ]nSn-t¨mco Ic-§Ä hn«-Xn-Ã.

Hcp am{X-sb-¦n-ep-sa³ AØnXzw izkn-¡m³ Hcp am{X-sb-¦nepw kXyamw \ne-\n¸n ]pfIw sImÅm³. . . . . I]-Samw ssI¸p-\oÀ Bsªm¶p Xp¸n

BZy-ambv I> \mfn Fs¸m-tgm. . . ASp-s¯mco Iq«v. . . B HmÀ½-I-fn FÃmw H¶m-bv. . . Ahfpw F¶pw. Imew amdn-bXpw Cu \mÄh-sc. . . I>-sXÃmw shdpw ImgvN am{Xw.

]pcnIw Npfn-¡p-am-k-Xy-a-Wn-bm³. s]mbvap-J-an-ÃmsX BÀ¯p Nncn-¡m³ sh¼p-sa³ A´-cw-Ks¯ AI°t\ AI-t¯m-\m¡n Rm³. Imem-´-c-§Äs¡m-Sp-hn \ns¶ \obmbv HmÀ¯n-cn-¸n\ {X-ta kpIr-X-anà Cu De-InÂ.

Ipf-¡-c-bn IÃv]S-hp-I-fn h¶p-t]m-hp-am. . . sNdp-ao³ Iq«w Nne¸m ]eXpw ]mXn-h-gnsb Hä-¡m¡n t]mhpw t]mse. a\-kn-sem-cnSw sImSp¯p kq£n-¡p-am. . . Ah-sct§m t]mbv ad-ªn-cn-¡p-¶p. VRINDA P R Ist M.Sc Zoology



Rm\mbv P\n-¡m³. . . Rm\mbv acn-¡m³. . . C{X-ta ]Wn-s¸« {Inb-tb-Xp-an-ÃmsX ]mcnÂ. ANAGHA RATHEESH IInd B.A Economics

A£-c-]p-e-cn-X³ \nXy-\n-Z-\-¯n Kqcp-hns\ {]W-bn-¡pao Kpcp-Ip-eta kzkvXn \nsâ aSn-¯p-¼n \n¶pao Zmkn-bmbn Rm\nXm \n\-¡mbv Ipdn-¡p-s¶m-co-h-cn-IÄ


Im¯n-cn-¸n-\À°-hn-cm-a-ambv Ime-¯n-s\m-s¯mcp Nmcp-in-ev]-ambn {Kma-t`-Z-§Ä X³ \nXy-\n-Zm-\-¯n Kpcp-hns\ {]W-bn-¡pao Kpcp-Ip-eta kzkvXn t]amcn XoÀ¯ AXn-Po-h-\-§Äs¡m-Sp-hn \mw Xe-bp-bÀ¯n \n¡pao Kpcp-hnsâ a¡Ä Adn-bp-¶nXm R§Ä sImtdm-W-sb¶ alm-am-cnsb Xf-cn-Ã, XI-cn-Ã, AXn-Po-hn-¡pao hn]-¯ns\ kz]v\-h-k-´-§Ä IhÀs¶-Sp-¯-t¸mgpw {]Xo-£-X³ Znhy-\-£-{X-tim-`-bn Ic-fnse t\mhpw I®n-se-Xp-Ånbpw tNmÀ¶n-XtÃm sImgn-ªp-t]m-sbmcm bph-Xzhpw abn¸o-en-¯m-fp-I-fn Nmen-s¨-gp-Xnb F{Xtbm {]W-b-k-¦oÀ¯-\-§Ä F{Xtbm hk-´-§Ä X³ Imsem¨ ]Xn-s¨mco a®n³ KÔw hn¹-h-ho-cy-¯n DÄ \m¼p Ipdn-¡pao {]nb-k-Jm-¡sf Rmt\mÀ¡p¶p bi-kp-bÀ¯pao Xncp-ap-ä¯v Kpcp-hns\ {]W-bn-¡pao Kpcp-Ip-eta kzkvXn


sImtdm-Wbv¡p ap¼v ]>v ]s>mcp Fkv. F³. Fw. Ime-ap->m -bn-cp-¶p. tImtfPv Pohn-X-s¯-¡p-dn¨v Hcp ap³[m-c-W-bp-ÅXpw sh¨mWv Kpcp-hnsâ tImtf-Pn sN¶p Ib-dp-¶-Xv. \m«n³ ]p-ds¯ \·bn am{Xw I®p-I-fp-S-¡m-dpÅ Fs¶ kw_-Ôn -¨n-S-t¯mfw hen-sbmcp \K-c-¯nse GtXm henb kw`h Øew Bbn-cp¶p BZy \mfp-I-fn B tImtf-Pv. t]mcm-¯-Xn\v sN¶p Ib-dn-btXm Un{Kn-bn I> kpthm-fPn kpthm-f-Pn-b-söp a\-Ên-em¡n X¶ Fw. FÊn. kpthm-fPn ¢mÊnÂ, AhnsS ImWp-¶-h-scm¶pw Fs¶-t¸m-es¯ a\p-jy-cà F¶-S¡w tXm¶n. ]s£ B \mfp-I-fn-seÃmw tlmÌ-en-te¡v _Êv Ib-dp-t¼mÄ shÅ-s¡m-Sn-bnse Nph¶ \£{Xw F\n¡v Bizmkw ]IÀ¶p X¶n-cp-¶p. CXp henb kw`hw knän-sbm-¶-Ã, \nsâ \mSv Xs¶-bm-Wv. \nsâ kz´-¡mÀ Xs¶-bmWv Npänepw B sImSn ]d¶p sImt>-bn-cp-¶p. A¶v bp. Pn. ]Tn-¨p-sIm->n-cp¶ Zn tImtf-Pn \n¶v ASp¯v h¶v hÀ¯-am\w ]d-ª-t¸m-gmWv Fhn-Spt¶m Hcp DuÀÖw h¶p Ib-dn-b-Xv, Hä-bv¡m-b-Xnsâ t]Snsb Ifªv tImtf-Pns\ kvt\ln-¡m³ XpS-§n-b-Xnsâ BZy ]Sn Zn Bbn-cp¶p. ]ns¶ tlmÌ hmkw. ko\n-tb-gvknsâ dqan Bb-Xp-sIm>v tImtf-Pnsâ ]e-]e cq]-§Ä Hmtcm \mfpw tI«p sIm>n-cp-¶p, t]mkn-äohv F\ÀPn-bpsS \nd-Ip-S-am-bn-cp¶p dqanse jn_n³ amjv. dqanepw a\-Ênepw A§s\ Hmfw hcm³ XpS-§n-bn-cp-¶p. cmhnse tImtf-Pn F¯p-t¼mÄ Fs¶ t\m¡n-bn-cp-¶Xv ip{` -]-Xm-Ibpw _Êv tÌm-¸nse t\m«okv t_mÀUn\v Nph-Sp-am-Wv. Fkv. F^v. sF. t_mÀUnse A£-c-§fpw, AhnsS \n¡p¶ A\n-b-·m-scbpw A\n-b-¯n-am-scbpw t\m¡ns¡m->v Hä \S-¯-am-Wv, {^>v Im¼-kn \n¡m-s\ms¡ B{Klw D>m-bn-cp-¶p. Ahn-sSms¡ \n¡m-\pÅ A{X



B{K-l-ap-s>-¦nepw A{Xbpw ss[cy-apÅ Bcpw Iq«n-Ãm-bn-cp-¶p. A§s\ Hcp Znhkw F¶-s¯bpw t]mse ¢mkv Ignª DSs\ tlmÌ-en-te¡v _mKpw Xq¡n Cd -§p-¶-Xn-\nsSbmWv sF. Un. ImÀUv Igp-¯n-en« Hcp A\n-b-¯n¡p«n ASp-¯p-h¶v hÀ¯-am\w ]d-bp-¶-Xv, Fsâ {]nb-s¸« A\n-b¯n tkXp. BÄ F¡ -tWm-anIvkv Un¸mÀ«p-saân-emWv ]Tn-¡p-¶-Xv. F¶n«pw Fkv. F^v. sF bn-sems¡ {]hÀ¯n-¡p-¶Xp I>-t¸mÄ F¶nse kJm-hn\pw Hcp-t·-j-sams¡ tXm¶n. Fsâ _m¨nepw kJm-¡-fn BZyw ] cn-N-b-s¸-Sp-¶Xv AXp-ens\bmWv, A¶v A]vk-csb Hcp an¶mbw t]mse ]cn-N-b-s¸-Sp-¯n. ]Xps¡ Xs¶-bmWv Rm³ tImtf-Pns\ ASp-¯-Xv, Znh-k-§Ä t]mIp-t´mdpw ¢mÊn Xs¶ Ccp-¶n-cp¶v icn-¡pÅ Fs¶ F\n¡v \jvS-s¸-Spw-t]m-se-bm-bn-cp -¶p. CXn sshiymw, tkXp, lcn, k©p Hs¡ sh¡w Iym¼bn-\nMpw Ignªv ¢mÊn \n¶n-d§n t]mIp-t¼mÄ Bthiw ]c-tIm-Sn-bn F¯m-dp->m-bn-cp -¶p. a\Êp apgp-h³ Fkv. F^v. sF Iq«-¯n-te¡v Cd-§n-s¨-Ãm³ sh¼-em-bn-cp-s¶-¦nepw H¶pw an>msX Ip¶p-tI-dns¡m->n-cp-¶p. A§-s\-bn-cns¡ B Hcp Znhkw hs¶-¯n. kplr-¯p-¡tf: Hcp D¨ -t\-c-am-bn-cp-¶p. Imâo-\n \n¶v ^pUpw Ign¨v t\sc ¢mkn-te¡p t]mIm³ tImtf-Pnse hcm-´-bn F¯n-bn-cp-¶p. Fkv. F^v. sF bpsS Ft´m {]I-S-\-ap->v, hcWw F¶v ^Ìv Ctb-gvkn-t\m-sSms¡ ]d-bp-I-bm-bn-cp¶p. AhnsS lcnbpw hn. Fkv., Znepw A¶v t]scm¶pw Ad-nbn-Ã. GtXm aq¶v

Pq\n-tbgvkv Ahsc I>-t¸mÄ Bthiw Cc-«n-¨p, ]s£ ]pd¯p ImWn-¨n-Ã. . . . t]mIpw F¶v kzbw bmsXmcp Dd-¸p-an-Ãm-sX, F¶m F{Xbpw thKw Ah-sc-¡qsS IqSWw F¶ B{Klw AS-¡n¸n-Sn-¨p-sIm>v h-cmw F¶v ]d-ªp. . . . ]s£ ]n¶o-SpÅ hÀ¯-am-\-§-fn Rm³ kJm-hm -sW¶v ]nSn In«n-bXpw F¶m hm t]mcv F¶pw ]dªv Znepw sshjyhpw Fsâ Npa-en ]nSn¨p \S-¶Xpw FÃmw s]s«-¶m-bn-cp-¶p. AXm-bn-cp¶p B samsaâv, ]ns¶ At§m«v DÄh-en-b JZw lphm Bbn-cp¶p. tImtf-Pnsâ kv]µ\w Fsâ DÅnepw tIÄ¡m³ XpS-§n-bn-cp-¶p. ]ns¶-b-t§m«v R§sS Ime-am-bn -cp-¶p. tImtfPv Ce-£³, bqWn-b³ D-Zv-LmS\w,. Item-Õhw FÃm-¯n\pw HmSns¨-Ãm³ XpS-§n. ap³\n-c-bn-sems¡-bpÅ Pq\n-tbgvkn-t\m-Sm-bncp¶p IqSp-Xepw Iq«v, Item-Õ-h-¯n\v t]mbXv hen-sbmcp kplrt¯m atäm Iq«n\n-Ãm-sX-bm-Wv. tlmÌ-en-tebpw Fkv. F^v. sF bn-tebpw Pq\ntb-gvkns\ A{Xbpw Imcy-am-bn-cp -¶p., kz´w _m¨nse kJm-¡sf Iq«n\p In«n-¯p-S-§n-t¸mÄ ¢mkv Ignª DSs\ tlmÌ-en F¯n -s¡m->n-cp¶ Ip«n¡v sshIo«v A©c Ign-ªn«pw tlmÌ-en t]mIm³ aSn-Xp-S-§n. t\cs¯ tImtf-Pn t]mIm\pw sshIn Cd-§m\pw XpS-§n-b-t¸m-tg¡pw tImtfPv Fsâ Xd-hm«p kz¯mb ^oem-bn-cp-¶p. lcnsb sXdn hnfn-¨-Xpw, k©p -hnsâ ImXn tX³ ag-bmbv ]m«pw, Bjn-ensâ »Un\p th>n-bpÅ Hm«-hpw, ZnÃnsâ ]m«pw, sshjvW -hnsâ hÀ¯-am-\-hpw, \oc-Pnsâ


kvt\l-hpw, kmtâm ]nd-¶m-fn\p sImSp¯ ba->³ Kn^väpw, HmW-¯n\v tIdn-h-¶-h-cpsS sNhn-bn-eqsS s]m¶o¨ ]mdn-¨-Xpw, ]¸n-bpsS ap{Zm-hmIyw hnfn-Ifpw, A\-L-bpsS G«m hnfn-bpw, I½yq-Wn-k-s¯-¡p-dn-¨pÅ X¼n-bpsS hÀ¯ -am-\-§-fpw, Aa- A¡p-hnsâ Ihn-X-I-fpw, \ocPv hc-¨p-X¶ sNKp-th-cbpw Nn{X-§fpw Fs¶ kvt\l-t¯msS hnfn-¨n-cp¶ {ioPn¯v kmdpw, Xo{h-hm-Znsb t]mepÅ hn. Fkpw, ]ns¶ D]m-[n-I-sfm-¶p-an-ÃmsX F\n¡v kvt\ln¡m³ Ign-bp¶ Fsâ Iq«p-Im-cpw. . . ARvPen R§sf FÃm -h-scbpw aq¯-tN-¨nbpsS Øm\¯p \n¶v sIm>v \S¶-Xv, Ah-fpsS kvt\lw A{Xbpw \nÀ½-e-am-sW-s¶-\n¡v ]e-t¸mgpw tXm¶n-bn-«p->v. ]ns¶ Fsâ ARvPp... k¦-S-s¸ -Spt¼mÄ Xm§mbn \n¡m³ Ah-Äs¡mcp {]tXyI Ign-hp->v, Fsâ ]mhw ]mhw sN¼p, ]cn-N-b-s¸«p h¶t¸mÄ Htc thhvse§vXv tXm¶nb Fsâ s_Ìn, Rm³ Ctà IqsS F¶v ]d-bmsX ]d-bp¶ Fsâ Aiz-Xn. tlmÌ F¯n-bmepw F¸gpw dqwtaävknsâ dqan-se-¯m³ Hcp hy{K-X-bm-bn-cp-¶p. Dd-§m³ t\cw kz´w dqan sN¶v Ib-dp-t¼mÄ Hcp No¯ apJhpw ImWn-¡msX kvt\l t¯msS kzoI-cn¨ Fsâ dqwtaävknsâ kvt\lhpw InSn -tem InSn-e-am-bn-cp-¶p. I®-S¨v cm{Xn-bnse tlmÌ sSdÊv HmÀ¯m Ct¸mgpw sImXn-bm-Ipw. Ahn-Sn-cp¶v sskt¡msâ XÅv tIÄ¡m³, Ccp-«n ab-§p¶ Kpcp -hnsâ {Kmas¯ t\m¡n-bn-cn-¡m³. tImtf-Pn Fkv. F^v. sF. Km§pw R§fpw ]c-kv]cw PmS Cd¡n \S-¶-tXmÀ¡p-t¼mÄ Ct¸mÄ tImaUn Bbn tXm¶pw. AX-§-s\-bmWv Nne-sXms¡ Hmtcm Ime-¯nsâ tXm¶-ep-I-fm-Wv. . . . Fkv. F^v. sF.-bpsS Iq«-¯n \n¶v thÀs]«v ¢mÊn-te¡v tIdn sNÃp-t¼mÄ thtdtXm ¢mknse Ip«nsb t]mse-bmWv Ahn-sS-Ãmcpw Fs¶ t\m¡n-bn-cp-¶-Xv. CXm-bn-cp¶p asämcp tXm¶Â. ]t£ Cu tXm¶Â A¶pw C¶pw amäan-ÃmsX XpS-cp-¶p. Fsâ {]nb-s¸« jn_ne, \o CÃm-bn-cp-s¶¦n B ¢mÊn Rm³ \ne-\n¡n-Ãm-bn-cp-¶p. ho>pw ho>pw ]p\ÀP\n-¡m-\pÅ Xo£vW-amb tamlw a\-Ên _m¡n sh¡p¶ \ni-_vZ-amb ac-W-amWv Fkv. F³. Fw. hn«p-]n-cn-ªn-cn-¡Â F¶v A\p-`-hn-¨-dn-bm³ Izmdân³ \mfp-IÄ thWw. . . Ct¸mÄ H¶v Häbv¡v {^>v Iym¼-kn \n¡m³, ]n. Pn. t»m¡v, F¡-tWm-anIvkv Un¸mÀ«p-saâv, Hm^o-kv, Iymâo³, Cw¥ojv Un¸mÀ«p-saâv A§s\ FÃm-bnShpw . . . sse{_-dn-bn Hä¡v t]mbn Ccn-¡m-s\ms¡ tXm¶p-I-bmWv... Gähpw ZpjvI-c-ambn tXm¶n-bXv BZy \mfp-I-fm-Wv. Hcp hi¯v Fkv. F³. Fw. F¶ HmÀ½ am{Xw BIp-¶-Xnsâ



Nn´ adp-h-i¯v ¢mÊn Xs¶ IqS-p-X kabw Bbn t]mhp-¶-Xnsâ Zp:Jw, Fs¶-t¸m-se-F-Ãmcpw Xnc-¡p-I-fn-em -bn-cp-¶p. ]t£ F¶n«pw R§Ä IqSn Ccn-¡p-am-bn-cp-¶p. . . B Iq«-¯n Ccn-¡p-¶-Xm-bn-cp¶p Fsâ Gähpw {]nb-s¸« Imcyw. tImtfPv tU¡v ssIemkv hmbn-¨-t¸mÄ FÃmcpw apJw t\m¡msX Npäp-an-cp-¶p. sImtdmW t]Sn¨p _mKpw sI«n s]mXnªp sI«n hcp-t¼mÄ Kpcp-tZ-h³ Is®-Sp¯v Fs¶ t\m¡n, Fkv. F³. Fw. Imc\v Cu Nph¶ a®v A\y-ambn t]mhn-söv ]d-bmsX ]d-ªp. Hmtcm-cp-¯-cp-sSbpw Bßm-hnsâ Awiw k¶n-[n-bn hoWp InS-¸p->m-hpw. AGHOSH P Ist M.Sc Zoology

s]mSp-¶t\ \o A{]-Xo-£n-X-am-bn. F\n¡v Npäpw Ccp«p ]c-¶p. \nd-§Ä Fs¶ Dt¯-Pn-¸n-¡m-sX-bm-bn. Imsem-¨-IÄ F¶n BIw-£-bp->m-¡n-bn-Ã. F¶nse {]k-cn¸v \nt¶m-sSm¸w h¶n-cp-¶p. kt´m-jhpw F¶nse Rm\pw \nt¶m-sSm¸w F\n¡v \jvS-am-bn. A{]m-]y-amb Hcp kz]v\-ambn hcpw-Im-e-§-fnepw \osb-¶n Ah-ti-jn-¡-s«. Fsâ Xe-t¨m-dnse HmÀ½-bp-sS, Ah-km-\-\mUn s]m«p¶ hsc-bpw, F\n¡v \nsâ KÔw Xncn-¨-dn-bm³ km[n-¡-s«. Ah I>v AtX ]Xn-\m-dp-Im-c-\m-hs« Rm³. Fhn-sStbm \obpw \\-bp-¶p-s>¶ IpfnÀ½-bn Rms\-s´-¦nepw Bkz-Zn-¡-s«.


Fsâ A£-c-§-fn Hfnªpw adªpw sXfn-bp¶ \ns¶ I> F\n-¡n-\nbpw Imap-I³ Na-b-Ww. Fsâbpw \nsâbpw k¦Â]-sa-¦nepw ChnsS \n¶v ]em-b\w sN¿-s«. Rm³ sa\ª HmÀ½I-fn \½Ä F{X-tbm-h«w Chn-sS-\n¶pw adn-ªn-cn-¡p-¶p. AhnsS Hcp Ip¶n³ sNcp-hn \½Ä AtX sNdp-¸-ambn {]W-bn-¡p-¶p-sh¶ kwXr-]vXn-bn Rm³ Cu iq\y-X-bn XpS-c-s«.


Ae-k-tam-samcp ]pe-cn-bn-em-WmZyw B Inc-W-§-f-hsf kv]Àin-¨Xv B {]Im-i-¯n-e-hÄ tim`n¨p B Im´n-bn ]p©ncn hnSÀ¯n Fhn-sS-\n-¶mWm {]`-sb-¶-dn-bm³ sImXn-¨-hÄ sasà apJ-ap-bÀ¯n Ah³ BWXv, \ni-bv¡´yw hcp-¯p-¶-h³ aln-bn shfn¨w \nd-bv¡p-¶-h³. . . .A-¶p-hsc DWÀ¶n-«n-Ãm¯ hnIm-c-a-hÄ Adn-bp-I-bm-bn-cp¶p B IhnÄXSw XpSp-¯p. . .tem-I-a-dn-bm¯ {]W-bþ ahnsS DS-se-Sp-¡p-I-bm-bn-cp-¶p. ]n¶o-S-hÄ DWÀ¶-sXÃmw Ah\p th>n-bm-bn-cp-¶p. ZoÀL-amw-cm-hp-I-fn B ]pe-cn-¡m-bpÅ Im¯n-cn-¸m-bn-cp¶p \ni-_vZ-am-an-gn-IÄ Ahs\ am{Xw Xnc-ªp. . . {]W-b-a-dn-bn-¡m-\m-a\w XpS-¨n-cp-s¶¶n-cn-¡epw hnap-J-am-bm-hÄ angn-IÄ ]qIn \n¶p Hmtcm Zn\hpw hnS-hm-§-ep-I-fn B A´-cw-K-ap-cp-In-bn-cp¶p kÔybv¡v Xnc-ioe hog-thbn¶pa-h³ A\-´amw kmK-c-¯n-te¡v ad-bp-I-bmWv AN-©-e-am-an-gn-I-f-hs\ t\m¡n C§s\ a{´n-¨p. . . . \msf-sb-¶-sX-\n-¡pþ s>¦n \n\-¡mbv am{X-ap-Wcpw HSp-hn-e-´yhpw \nsâ Inc-W-§-fm-em-Ip-hm³ Ah-fm-{K-ln¨ lrZ-b-a-s¸m-tg¡pw asäm-cm-fn-\p-th>n XpSn-¨p-Xp-S-§n-bn-cp¶p F-¶n-cn-¡nepw hniz-a-dn-bm¯ Ah-fpsS {]Wbw Ah³ Adn-ªn-cp¶p B s\m¼-c-hp-ap-WÀ¶n-cp-¶p. . . . .




\µntb¡mÄ D]cn IhNw Hcp HmÀ½bmWv...HmÀ½s¸Sp¯emWv... HmÀ½bnset¶m ad¶ sI«Ime¯nsâ Xncn¨phchn temIw apgph³ Hcp almamcn¡v ap³]n achn¨p \n¶t¸mÄ, Hcp A£cIq«w Xp¶nt¨À¡p¶Xnsâ {]mtbmKnIXbpw AsX{Xt¯mfw ^e{]m]vXnbnse¯psa¶Xpw HmÀ¯pInS¶p D-¯-c-anÃmsX XoÀ¶pt]mb Zn\cm{X§Ä... AsX... IhNw Hcp Iq«mbvabpsS kpJapÅ HmÀabmWv.... H¶pw c>pambn h¶p\ndª hcnIÄ... H¶panÃmbvabnÂ\n¶v XmfpIÄ \nd¨ AÛpX§Ä .... \n§fmhcnIfneqsSbmWv IS¶p h¶Xv... \niÐam¡s¸« HcpIq«w sNdp¸¡mcpsS IogS§m¯ Bßhnizmk¯nsâ DbÀs¯gpt¶Â]mWv AXv ... {]XnkÔnbpsS Ime¯pw IqsS \n¶hÀ¡v... IhNw t]mse IhNs¯ Im¯ A²ym]IÀ¡v... HutZymKnI \S]SnIÄ thK¯nem¡n¯¶hÀ¡v... A£c¡q¼mcw sIm>v XmfpIÄ k¼¶am¡nbhÀ¡v... Nn{X§Ä sIm>v \ndw \ÂInbhÀ¡v... Bßhnizmkw \nd¨ satkPpIÄ¡v.. hgnbhkm\ns¨¶p tXm¶n¨t¸mÄ ss[cywX¶ t^m¬hnfnIÄ¡v... \n§fnsæn Rm\nsö AsX Xncn¨dnhn , Rm\nt¶mfw BÀÖn¨ Fsâ FÃm \·IfpsSbpw IS¸mSnsâbpw \ndthmsS



\o-cPv. kn.Fkv am-K-kn³ F-UnäÀ C\n \n§Ä¡v hnebncp¯m\pÅ kabamWv... AsX´pXs¶bmbmepw tIÄ¡m³ R§Ä B{Kln¡p¶p... \ÃXpw No¯bpamb FÃm A`n{]mb§sfbpw Xpd¶ a\tkmsS kzmKXw sN¿p¶p....

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